Register for an office account. Word is free without registration. ONLYOFFICE - works with .DOCX, .XLSX and .PPTX formats

Word freejust like cheese only comes in a mousetrap. But there is an excellent free analogue that will allow you to open and edit documents created in word.

Free word

Word is included in the fiscal package Microsoft Office which is distributed on a paid basis, therefore download wordfor free will not work.

You should not use broken programs for several reasons: it may not be stable or correct work, no guarantees of absence malicious code(virus or trojan) and it is not legal. For these reasons, I advise you to avoid sites with calls for “ download wordfor free" or« download free word", and in some cases, pay money for downloading.

Free Word - OpenOffice

OpenOffice - free office suite similar in functionality to Microsoft Office. The package includes: text editor (freeword) , table editor (free excel), presentation preparation program, database management system, vector graphics editor, formula editor. All applications have a familiar, standard interface in Russian.

Editor text documents, like word has built-in dictionaries for checking spelling in Russian. In general, the functions of the programs are sufficient for processing documents, and working with them is similar to the programs included in the package from Microsoft. Installs on most popular Linux platforms, Microsoft Windows and Mac for free and without registration.

Plastic bag Microsoft applications Office is useful software with an adequate price. But why buy a license if you can use office programs for free? No copyright infringement: Microsoft developers themselves provide several ways to use the product for free.

Office Online

The easiest way to use Office applications for free is to open their online version by logging in with your account. Microsoft records. You can find a list of programs. If you don't have a Microsoft account, you can create one quickly and for free.

Online versions of programs are convenient because they can be used from any device with Internet access. However, they cannot be called a complete replacement for applications: capabilities cloud storage limited without paid subscription, and some functions are not available. But for solving simple problems such as writing a letter, coursework or creating a table in Excel, they can be used.

If you have Yandex mail, then get access to individual Office products Online is possible without a Microsoft account. For this it is enough:

  1. Go to Yandex, log in and open “Disk”.
  2. Click the “Create” button and select “ Text file" or "Table".

The text file is created in Word Online, the table is created in the familiar Excel interface. The document is saved on Yandex.Disk in the appropriate formats - *.docx and *.xlsx.

Office Mobile

Office applications are not pre-installed on computers, but some mobile devices come with mobile versions Office programs. These same mobile applications can be downloaded from Microsoft store and install on your PC or laptop.

  1. Launch the Microsoft App Store.
  2. Enter name office program with the addition of the word “Mobile” (for example, Word Mobile).
  3. Click "Get" and wait for the installation to complete.

However mobile versions also work with restrictions. Edit documents on computers, laptops and tablets with big screen is possible only after purchasing a paid subscription to Office 365. You can create documents for free only on phones and small tablets, subject to authorization with a Microsoft account. Without authorization, programs open documents in Read-Only mode.

Free Office for Education

Staff, teachers and students can use Office applications free as long as their school is registered with Office 365. Registration is carried out by an authorized employee, and students and teachers must provide a valid address to access products Email in the educational institution system.

Trial period or participation in testing

If office applications you need right now with maximum functionality, but there is no way to purchase them, install the trial version for 30 days. Available in test mode:

  1. Full versions of Office 2016 programs.
  2. Installation on 5 computers.
  3. Mobile versions for 5 phones and 5 tablets.
  4. 1 TB of OneDrive storage with access for 5 users.

After a month, the software will stop working, so you will have to decide whether to buy a subscription or use others by legal means free use of Office applications.

By the way, when is Microsoft preparing to release New Product, public testing is starting. You can also take part in it for free, you just need to submit an application.

Alternative software

Microsoft Office is not the only application package that can be used to create and edit documents. Free options include the following:

  • LibreOffice.
  • OpenOffice.
  • WPS Office.

These packages contain similar programs and are distributed free of charge. There are also free alternative web solutions - for example, Google app Docs.

Good day to everyone, my dear friends and guests of my blog. Today, if you don’t mind, we will continue to mess around with text Microsoft editor Word. Due to my line of work, I often have to deal with him, so I can’t ignore him.

And today we will work with tables. Yes. Without this, our business is simply nowhere. But many people don’t even know how this can be brought to life, much less in several ways. Therefore, I will tell you how to draw a table in Word, using several different options and methods. I will do this as usual in Office 2013, but if you have 2010, then this article will also be relevant. Ready? Then let's go!


Our first method will be the simplest and most classic, namely a regular table insertion. We don't need any supernatural abilities here. You just need to set the number of rows and columns.

Log in to Word and go to the “Insert” menu, then select “Table” and visually use the squares to select how your table will look in real time. If you are satisfied with everything, then simply click the left mouse button at the desired point. True, this line has a limited number of rows and columns. In this case, another option will help us.

To set a certain number of columns and rows, we need to enter the same section again, only this time select the “Insert table” item.

A new window will appear where you will be asked to select the required number of rows and columns.


A fairly convenient way to create a sign is to draw it. That is, here you yourself choose initially what it will look like for you. In order to bring this to life, we need in the same item “Insert” - “Table”, and then click on “Draw table”. Your cursor should change to a pencil.

We will use this pencil to draw our sign. To do this, press left button mouse from one edge and lead it to the other lower edge, after which we release our rodent.

Now start drawing vertical lines from where you would like them to go. This will be the division between our columns.

And to top it off, in the same way, start drawing horizontal lines from beginning to end so that we have a full-fledged table. By the way, we can draw some lines not from beginning to end, but from any other place, for example, from the second line. If something happens, we can always finish drawing what we are missing.

other methods

I will briefly cover two other methods, namely inserting an excel table and express tables. If we use an Excel table, then naturally it will be loaded. This thing is convenient because you can enjoy all the benefits of excel in Word document, for example sum cells.

Quick Tables Made Simple ready-made templates, which will help make your sign more interesting in terms of design. For example, using them you can create a calendar in one click. But these functions are usually used less often.

Other functions

If you select a table or part of it, you will have a new temporary menu in the ribbon, which will be called “Working with tables”. This menu will in turn include two tabs: Layout and Design.

In the "Constructor" we can fill our entire structure or individual cells with any color, in addition, you can choose one of the templates, which slightly changes appearance your table. Well, at the same time you can change the color and thickness of the borders.

But I would like to dwell on “Maket” in a little more detail. Here we have abundance various functions, which will be useful to us. For example, if you select “Eraser”, then thanks to it you can erase any line inside the table, an entire cell, etc. Sometimes this thing is simply necessary. I use it myself often.

In addition, you can add new rows or columns anywhere, even in the middle. To do this, you need to select one of the options: insert top, bottom, right, left. Although, for good measure, inserting another line can be easier. To do this, just place the cursor at the end of the line after which you want to create a new one.

Another great feature is Sort. For example, you can easily sort the values ​​in any column. Let me, just for fun, write the numbers out of order in the first column and we will have 5, 2, 16, 1, 2, 13. Now I will select this column and click on the “Sort (A-Z)” button.

After this, a new window will appear where you need to select a specific column by which to sort, as well as a characteristic (number, date, text). But if you select a specific column, then all values ​​will be entered automatically. Well, then we press OK and now everything will be in order.

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Creating tables is very convenient way presentation of information. In it you can structure all the data in such a way that another person, looking at it, can easily perceive the information. If you are a schoolchild, student, accountant, secretary, or office worker who regularly submits reports, then knowledge is in question, how to make a table in Word, You will definitely need them.

This article was written using the example of creating tables in Word 2010, but you can create a table in Word 2007 in exactly the same way.

To begin, go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Tables” menu, click on the “Table” button of the same name. A drop-down list will open containing various ways creating tables in Word. Let's look at them all in order.

The fastest and most visual way is “Insert Table”. Move your mouse over the squares; the size of the table being created will be displayed at the top. To add it to the document, click on the lower right square. The width of the entire sheet will be created new table, with the selected number of rows and columns.

The second method is “Insert Table”. To do this, select the appropriate item from the list and click on it with the mouse. A window will appear in which you need to specify the number of rows and columns for the table being created. Use a marker to mark the width for the columns:

– constant – the width of the columns will not change;
– by content – ​​will depend on the printed text;
– along the width of the window – the table will correspond to the area that is allocated for text on the sheet.

The third method is “Draw a table” in Word. When you click on the corresponding item, the “Pencil” tool appears. If you move it outside the table, you can draw a rectangle - this can be the borders of the main table, or one cell. If you move it in a table, a line is drawn - this way you can divide the drawn rectangle into rows and columns.

The fourth method is to convert text into a table. If you have text that needs to be presented in table form, then this is not difficult to do. First, let's format it as needed.

So that Word understands when you need to create a new column, divide the text using the “Tab” button on the keyboard; there are arrows drawn on it in different directions. To create new line, put “Enter” at the end of the previous paragraph. To skip the required number of columns, place the corresponding number of “Tabs” in a row. For a more visual representation, it is better to include non-printable characters. Instead of "Tab" you can use ";", "%" or another sign.

Now select the edited text and select “Convert to Table” from the menu.

A window will appear. At the bottom, put the separator you used: “Tab”, “;”, “%”. Word itself will determine how many columns there will be in your table. You can set the desired column width.

My table looks like this. All empty cells were preserved in it, and a new row was created correctly.

The fifth way is " Excel table" Click the corresponding item in the menu.

An area for working with tables will appear, just like in Excel. The rows and columns will be numbered accordingly. It will be possible to insert formulas, diagrams, etc.

Click behind this area on the document sheet, and only the table will remain.

The sixth method is to add an “Express Table”. These are a kind of ready-made templates. You can insert the one you like. Then simply change the data.

As you can see, there are various ways to create a table in Word. Choose the right one and the job will be done!

Read other articles on the topic “Working with tables in Word”:
How to delete a table in MS Word
How to delete a row, column or cell in a table in MS Word
How to merge or split tables in MS Word