Check the existence of a mobile phone number


Call the number you are interested in phone. If it is not registered in the system, for a long period of time your calls will be answered by an auto-informer informing you that it is impossible to make a call to this subscriber. Sometimes when making calls to inactive numbers, the answering machine tells you that the number is not registered in the system. This is quite convenient because you don’t have to wait for a long time.

Send an SMS message to the number you are interested in in order to find out whether it is registered to any subscriber on this moment. Not really either convenient way, since a person may simply not use a SIM card for a long time, however, the number has a certain period of inactivity, after which it is confiscated from the subscriber and added to the free database. For the greatest likelihood of receiving a report if a number is registered online, set the maximum waiting period in the settings of your phone before sending an SMS message. phone.

Use the online service Select the number verification option from the menu phone, enter it in the appropriate form according to the rules described below, then press the Enter key and read the search results. If the SIM card is registered, then information will appear on your screen about where it was registered to the subscriber and to which operator this number is assigned phone applies.

Helpful advice

Do not use mobile operator databases, it is illegal.

Punctuation is a branch of language that studies punctuation marks and their correct placement in written speech. Back in school, everyone was taught that you need to put a comma before negative conjunctions, and a colon after introductory and generalizing words. But still, sometimes everyone makes mistakes, and therefore good people have specially developed programs that will help you always be accurate in terms of punctuation.


The first of them is for checking the Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​- RUTA 5.0. The program not only checks punctuation, but also spelling, correct word hyphenation, and contains a huge dictionary of synonyms that you will definitely need. You can embed this program module into your browser and it will always check whether you express yourself correctly in your native written language.

The second method is SpelLink Multilingual Pro.

This program allows you to check the spelling and punctuation of sentences written in all major European languages. It also has a huge dictionary and is built into almost any program and browser that supports text input. This product speaks English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Portuguese, Ukrainian and other languages, taste and color.

With the help of these programs you can always correct your punctuation, grammatical, syntax and spelling errors.
But the program will not always be able to help you. Sometimes the correct placement of a comma can only be determined from the context, for example, everyone remembers the classic example - “execution cannot be pardoned.” Where should I put the comma here? You will find the answer to this question in your school textbook on the Russian language.

Video on the topic


  • comma checker

It's no secret that in modern society many people do not have competent writing skills. Along with spelling unstressed vowels at the root of a word, the most common mistake is spelling unpronounceable consonants. Is it possible to avoid these mistakes and how to do it?


Schoolchildren become familiar with unpronounceable consonants in elementary school, but unfortunately, they make mistakes on this topic for a long time. This happens because very often in Russian the spelling does not correspond to the pronunciation. So there are consonants that are not pronounced at all. How do you understand that a word contains an unpronounceable consonant and how to check it?

In order to check the spelling of an unpronounceable consonant, select a word with the same root or change it so that the consonant sound is heard clearly, i.e. would be in a strong position. This will happen if there is a vowel or sonorant sound after it. For example: local - small town.
The word “local” should be written T. You see that the consonant sound at the root of the word is not pronounced. It is clearly heard only in the test word when it is followed by a vowel sound.

But not suitable for all words this method checks. It is impossible, for example, to check the words “shine” or “splash” in this way. You may make a mistake because you will get the following result:
- to shine, but shine;

Splash, but splash.
In such cases, consult a spelling dictionary for help. Thus, the words “ladder” or “sun” cannot be checked by changing the form of the word; their spelling is checked in a dictionary or memorized.

Choose the right test words. Pay attention to their lexical meaning. So, for example, for the word “supervise” the test word will be “chefs”. But there is a word similar in sound - “to march”, in which there is no unpronounceable consonant. It, of course, has a completely different lexical meaning: to go, to walk. Consequently, the word “chefs” will in no case serve as a test for him.

You must remember that in order to easily learn to anticipate situations in which there may be unpronounceable consonants, you need to be able to find the root of the word.

To purchase real quality telephone, which was legally imported into Russia, it is necessary to pay attention to many factors. Fake phones They break down quite quickly, and can also cause not only inconvenience when using them, but also cause harm to health.


Pay attention to the presence of Russian letters on the phone keypad. All officially imported phones have a Russian layout, evenly applied to the surface of the keys. Keyboard stickers are also not allowed.

All branded phones have a fully Russified menu. There should not be any additional logos of global cellular operators on the body and packaging of the device.

It is mandatory to have high-quality branded instructions in Russian, along with documents in English.

Under back cover The phone may be affixed with the appropriate SSE and PCT (CCS) certification marks. This is not a mandatory parameter for all phones, but many global manufacturers still print them. The box must also contain a declaration of conformity technical means communications and a branded warranty card translated into Russian.

Nokia always indicates the country in which the device was assembled. If under the battery it says that the device is “Made by Nokia”, then it is definitely a fake.

In a “white” mobile phone, WAP profiles use the settings of only Russian operators. The presence of profiles for Vodafone or Orange should alert you. Often phones don't come with Internet presets, and this shouldn't be a concern.

The IMEI indicated under the phone battery must match the value indicated when dialing the combination of numbers “*#06#”.


If the phone looks no different from the original model, but it simply was not certified for Russia, there is nothing wrong with that. Such a phone works no worse than a legal device, but it does not have the possibility of free service in authorized service centers, and its equipment may differ from the original one.

Internetwork screen, or firewall, is designed to control the operation of programs on the network and protect operating system and user data from external attacks. There are many programs with similar functions, and they are not always effective. To check the quality of your network screen

If the connection cannot be established and the gateway program screen and issued a request for permission of this connection, then the firewall is working. Allow us to make a one-time connection. For a more complex firewall check, rename the 2ip Firewall Tester utility launch file to the name of a program whose Internet access is known to be allowed. For example, Internet Explorer. To do this, name the utility iexplore.exe, run it again and click on the Test button. If the connection is established, then your internetwork screen has a rather low level of protection.

If the connection is not established, then your gateway program screen and performs its functions with five points. You can surf the Internet with peace of mind because your Personal Computer reliably protected from various threats. Typically something like this software has flexible settings in the system.

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It’s not always possible to remember right away new number your phone when purchasing a new SIM card. If you need to, for example, top up your account or indicate your number somewhere, difficulties may arise. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to check the number mobile phone.

General instructions for determining your number

There are several ways to check a phone number.

  • If you have a second SIM card in your phone and you know its number, then you can simply call it and see your phone number displayed on the screen.
  • If your personal account balance is negative and you cannot make a call, you should use the “Beacon” service. To do this, using the USSD command, you need to send a service message to your acquaintance or friend asking him to call you back. So, you can ask your friend to dictate your cell phone number to you.

Number identification on Megafon

If you are the owner of a Megafon SIM card, then find out how to check the Megafon phone number. The operator offers the easiest solution to this problem.

To do this, you need to dial a combination of the following numbers and symbols on your mobile phone: *111#, then press the call button. After this, you will be able to get to the menu for managing services, as well as obtaining various information.

Here you will need to select an item called “Remember tariff/number”, after which an SMS message will be sent to your phone, which will indicate your phone number, as well as the established tariff. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this service provided by the mobile operator free of charge.

Determining the number on MTS

If you are the owner of a SIM card from the MTS operator, then you should find out how to check the MTS phone number. This company has special service. By calling here, you can find out your mobile phone number. To do this, you need to enter the following combination of numbers: 0887, after which an SMS message will be sent to your phone indicating your phone number. In addition, in the memory of new SIM cards of this mobile operator The most important parameters are also recorded, including your phone number. To find it you need to open it notebook devices and look at the top of the list. If your number is not displayed here, but you need to go to the settings menu and enable the display of contacts that are recorded on your SIM card.

Number identification for Android

All modern smartphones with Android OS installed on board give their owners the opportunity to find out their SIM card number without any unnecessary gestures at all. In order to see the phone number of the card installed in your smartphone, just go to the “Menu”, open the “Settings” item and select the very last section in the list – “About phone”. Various helpful information, such as IMEY code and SIM card number!

Your question:

How to find out if a mobile phone number is registered online?

Master's answer:

You can find out whether the mobile phone number you are interested in is registered on the network by contacting the appropriate help desk However, this is a rather complicated procedure. Here you can use the simplest methods.

You can dial a phone number periodically over a period of time to check if it is registered on the network. If you hear an answer from the autoinformer informing you that it is impossible to make a call, continue to call on other days, it is quite possible that the phone is simply turned off. If you immediately hear that phone number is not registered on the network, most likely it is. Also remember that you need to call from several numbers, as yours could be blacklisted.

Please note that when making calls to the numbers of some operators, when you turn on the phone, you may receive an SMS notification about the subscriber’s registration on the network; this service is mainly available in cases where you send a call to MTS customers.

Send a short message to the subscriber you are interested in text message by specifying the maximum waiting period in the settings. Please make sure you receive a delivery notification when you receive it. This is quite convenient, however, there are also difficulties here: the period of inactivity of the SIM card is much longer than the waiting period, so the message will need to be sent again after the last one. The period of inactivity of a SIM card ranges from 3 months to six months, depending on the operator, after which the number becomes available for purchase by other subscribers.

Use the online resource Here you can find out in which region the subscriber's number is registered and other information about it. If the number is free, the information field will not be filled in completely. If you need to get more full information and preferably, quickly contact the operator’s service offices, explaining the reasons and finding out what is necessary to find out the status of the subscriber’s number.