Hamachi encryption. How to use Hamachi for online games and more. Solving common problems

You don't need to have experience setting up a network to learn how to use Hamachi correctly. The program has a simple interface and a minimum of settings. In most cases there is no need to change them. All you need to know is how to connect to the network and how to create your own network.

But first you need to register (create a Logmein account). After the account has been created, launch Hamachi and enable it by clicking the special button.

Now let's try to connect to some network.

Step 1

Launch the program and click on the button Connect to existing network ».

* if you do not have this button on the main screen, go to “Network” in the top menu and select the connection command there.

Step 2

Enter the network ID you want to connect to and its password (if required).

This could be a network created by your friend or some gaming community. If you don't know which network to connect to, try connecting to networks with the following IDs:

  • PlayGround.ru Action
  • PlayGround.ru RPG
  • PlayGround.ru Strategy
  • PlayGround.ru Other

* do not enter a password, just click " Connect».

If there are free slots on these networks, you will be able to connect.

Now we will learn how to use Logmein Hamachi to create our own VLANs. It's very simple, follow the instructions.

Step 1

Launch Hamachi and click the “Create a new network” button.

* if you don’t have such a button, go to top menu"Network" and select the create network command there.

Step 2

Create a unique name (identifier) ​​for your network and a password (write this data down), then click on the button Create».

That's it, the network is created!

* A maximum of 5 people (including you) can be connected to your network. IN personal account On the Logmein website you can increase the maximum number of connected participants by changing your subscription.

Congratulations, now you know how to use Hamachi, share your network ID and password with your friends so they can connect to it.

Instructions and setup. Arcanum: a network game on the Internet.

Instructions for Hamachi: installation and configuration. Hamachi: how to use?

What is Hamachi?

(Hamachi) is a program that allows you to create a virtual local network via the Internet. In this case, you can use all (almost) LAN capabilities (Shared documents, games over the network [including with an “unofficial” CD-key or installed crack], etc.). Please note that the network speed will not exceed the speed of your Internet.

Download Hamachi

Hamachi: What is it for?

In order to highlight to you external IP address(if for some reason you don’t have one).

Let's take a closer look at the program Hamachi. I hope you have already downloaded it, installed it and launched it. (To view the screenshot, click on the preview, picture on the right.)

Hamachi: How to use?

First, let's decide who will connect to whom. Important: Hamachi program must be installed on both players. Any player can create a network by agreement (as he or she wants). For example, you decide to create a network, then:

Select the button create a network, select the item Create a new network.

Enter the name of the network (any name) and enter the password (more than three characters). Click the Create button (screenshot on the right).

The network will be created and its name will appear in the network window (picture on the left).

Nothing more is required from you, you just tell your opponent network name and password(which you came up with/incorporated into Hamachi).

The opponent enters this data and connects to your network. Its IP address and name will be shown below your network name (as a list).

The connection process was successful, now if you want to be a server (i.e. you create a game and an opponent connects to you), then he enters your “virtual” IP address in FIFA. There is probably no need to explain that your “virtual” IP address is displayed to your opponent as a connected user.

Accordingly, if an opponent tells you to connect to him and gives you his settings, then you must do the following:

Select the Create a network button, select the item Login to an existing network(picture on the left).

Enter the name of the network that your opponent will say, as well as the password. Click the Login button (picture on the right).

You appear in the Hamachi list as a connected user.

P.s. Any player can be a server! The main thing is that you know the IP address of Hamachi!

Hamachi setup has been successfully completed!

Enjoy the game!

To obtain the address and password of the Arcanum-Club subnet, you must register on the Forum and leave a request in the “Official” network of the Arcanum-Club. In the same Forum thread, you can ask questions about setting up and installing Hamachi, get acquainted with updates, additions and other information on the network game
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (however, “online battles” of various games take place on our network, not just Arcanum).

FAQ on setting up Hamachi for those who do not see the host and are invisible themselves

It is mandatory to read and follow (for it is in your own interests).

1. After installing and creating your own network, the first thing you need to do is disable the firewall or enable hamachi in it. You need to disable this crap through the “control panel/administration/services”, find the firewall there, open the properties and set “disabled” in the “startup type” menu.

2. Then open the “Network Connections” folder through the same control panel, and in it, through the “advanced” menu, select the “advanced settings” window. There will be a list of connections at the top left.

in this list you need to move it to the very top using the arrow button. 3. In the “Network Connections” folder, open properties hamachi connections

. In the “components used by this connection” list, select “TCP/IP Internet protocol” and click “Properties”. On the first tab, click the “Advanced” button, in the window that appears there is a list of “main gateways”, click on the “add” button under it and enter “”, uncheck “automatically assign a metric” and enter the metric “1500” (in the article on the official Hamachi forum it is written that it will work with automatic value, but I did this and everything works).

That's it, click ok, save the changes, reboot, check.

Naturally, you need to set up a firewall. If it's weak, turn it off.

Setting up tunnels

Super moderator of the Arkankm-Club Forum is Saruman. Addition.

in the negative direction.

To fix these problems and improve the quality of the game, you need to do the following:

1. Open the Hamachi settings window by left-clicking on the gear button.

2. In the Window window, check the option Show “Advanced...” peer menu item.

4. Set the Encryption and Compression parameters to “off” and confirm all the settings by clicking “OK”.

5. Produce this setting for each peer (player) of the network.

Hamachi is a program that allows you to create your own secure network of different computers on the Internet as if these computers were connected to each other physical network. In addition, with using Hamachi you can create a LAN (local area network) on top, that is, separately from the Internet. Of course, this method greatly increases its reliability, and penetration of this network by outsiders becomes almost impossible. In this article we will tell you how to configure Hamachi in such a way that the network is as efficient as possible. We'll talk about how to set up Hamachi on Windows 7 and other operating systems, and we'll start by describing the installation of this program.

Hamachi installation

Everything is simple here. After you have downloaded installation file, run it on your computer (if you don’t trust the source you downloaded from too much, check for viruses first) and click “Next”. Now we need to agree to the terms of use of the program by checking the box in the right place, and click “Next” again. Then we will be asked to indicate the directory (folder) in which the system will install Hamachi - here you can also select options such as downloading the program along with loading Windows and adding a launch icon to the desktop.

Don't forget to check the box next to "Block vulnerable services...". Then we select the non-commercial use of the program “Non-commercial license” and click on the “Install” button. Next, the installer will perform all the necessary operations, after which you can begin setting up the application.

How to set up Hamachi on Windows 7

To do this, look at your desktop. See the icon bar below? We need the right corner of this panel. Find the network icon there (it looks like a computer monitor) and click on it right click mice. In the drop-down menu, select the bottom item (“Network and Sharing Center...”) by left-clicking on it. Now in the menu that appears, select “Advanced” and then “Advanced options”.

You will see a list of connections under "Connections". Move the connection labeled “Hamachi” to the very top of the list and configure the bottom menu for that connection under the “Hamachi Bindings” heading accordingly. In this menu, you need to check the box next to the “Internet Protocol Version 4” items and uncheck the “Internet Protocol Version 6” items. For correct operation Hamachi is very important.

Now find the item “Change adapter settings” on the left and click on it. Here you also need to uncheck the “6th protocol” and put it on “4th”. In addition, for protocol version 4, select “Properties” - the button is located just below on the right. In the IP address field you must enter the address exactly as specified in the main window Hamachi programs. Now click on the “Advanced” button (it’s at the bottom). You will see the Advanced TCP/IP Settings menu. On the “IP parameters” tab, in the “Interface metrics” item (it’s at the very bottom), set the value to 10. That’s all, now all that’s left is to restart the computer and you can operate the program, so to speak, in full mode.

How to properly configure Hamachi on Windows XP

Here the settings are similar to Windows 7, but somewhat simpler. Open the Control Panel from the Start menu (the round button in the lower left corner of the desktop) and click on “Network Connections”. Next, click on the “Advanced” tab and then “Advanced options”. Just as in the case of Windows 7, you need to put Hamachi at the top of the list, otherwise the program will have no effect. Now all that remains is to restart the computer and see if the settings are saved. If Windows firewall is blocking Hamachi on your computer, make an exception for the program by selecting Firewall in Control Panel or going to its settings from the blocking message dialog box. That's it: the program will start working.

Hamachi is an application designed to build a VPN connection and emulate local network. This utility allows you to link machines into a private virtualP2P network via internet connection.

Finds its application when physical creation is impossible local connection, for example, when you need to combine computers of one organization whose offices are located at different ends of the city. Another use case is remote work, when employees need to provide access to materials from their office colleagues.

Another important property is the provision staticIP addresses, which finds its application in the gaming field. This program allows you to expand game server on your home machine and thereby bypass the restriction of the provider issuing a dynamic IP.

Setting up a connection on Windows XP

Setting up the application on this OS is quite simple. The first step is to install the program itself, and then restart your computer. Then you should go to Control Panel and select the item there Network connections. In the pop-up window, select the connection we need - Hamachi, and then go to its properties.

By selecting TCP/IPv4, we will see a window in which we should specify gateway address–, and also set automatic metric assignment. At this point the matter can be considered completed:

Setting up a connection on Windows 7

In this OS, the process is not much different from the settings in Windows XP. All changes concern only the interface. So, first you need to go to: Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network connections. Having selected the Hamachi item, we still go to the settings window.

We check the absence of a checkmark on the TCP/IPv6 item and its presence on TCP/IPv4. Having entered TCP/IPv4, enter the IP address specified in the main window of the utility, and then go to the “ tab Additionally"The gateway address, as last time, we indicate, but here metric value set to 10. Everything is ready!

Setting up a connection on Windows 8/10

The actions are almost completely identical. Go to the address Control Panel - View network connections . Having selected Hamachi, go to the settings window. Unlike Windows 7, you do not need to specify an IP address. But, you need to delete the current gateway, and metric value set to 10:

Setting up the program

So, after the appropriate changes have been made to the OS, it is necessary to configure the application for further operation. This is quite simple to do and will take no more than ten minutes.

First you need create a network, which will be the “home” for the machines connecting to it. To do this, you need to go to the Network – Create menu in the main application window new network. In the window that appears, you need enter ID, or, more simply put, her name, as well as her password. After which this data is issued to other users who, by going to the Network menu - Connect to an existing network, will be able to join you.

When going to the menu System - parameters, the user will see the application settings window. In the window " Status"we can see our own data - identifier, name, as well as the attached account, which will allow you to manage networks and participants through a web interface.

Window " Safety» allows you to see the RSA keys of current users. What is it for? The RSA key is stored on each client’s computer and serves as a kind of “identity certificate”, which prevents attackers from impersonating a member of the network. If necessary, you can set lock checkbox new network members.

The third tab is “ Options» will allow you to configure the type of encryption, traffic compression, and program updates. Paragraph " Additional settings» allows you to more flexibly customize the operation of the program. So, " Interface settings» allow you to make working with the program more convenient. “Connecting to a server” will allow you to specify the address of the Hamachi server, and if traffic redirection is required, then specify the address and password of the proxy server.

« Peer connections" is the most important type of settings. Here you can set the type of authentication, encryption and traffic compression, as well as local TCP and UDP addresses, if required.

Other tabs will allow you to configure the internal chat, appearance program, path to configuration and log files.

Hamachi is an excellent tool for creating virtual networks. Quite often it is used by gamers who want to create a separate server for playing with friends. Even beginners can understand this software, but this will require a little effort. As part of this article, we would like to talk about working in Hamachi by presenting supporting guides.

First of all, new Hamachi users are faced with the registration procedure. Almost always it happens without problems, and even a novice user can figure out how to fill out personal information. However, sometimes unexpected problems arise during authorization. You can find out all the information about registration and solving difficulties in our other article by clicking on the link below.

Setting up for online play

After successfully logging into your profile, you still cannot so easily join the necessary network, because the program itself and operating system still not configured correctly. On Windows, you will need to change the adapter settings via "Network Control Center and shared access» , and in Hamachi encryption and proxy servers are set. All this has already been described in detail by another of our authors in the material below.


After successful launch and login to your own profile, you can connect to an existing network. To do this, click on "Connect to an existing network", enter "Identifier"(network name) and password (if it doesn’t exist, leave the field blank). Often large gaming communities have their own networks, and ordinary players also share networks in communities or on forums, inviting people to play this or that game.

In the game you just need to find the online game item ( "Multiplayer", "Online", "Connect to IP" and so on) and simply indicate your IP, displayed at the top of the program. Each game has its own characteristics, but in general the connection process is identical. If you are immediately kicked off the server, it means either it is full, or the program is blocked by your firewall, antivirus, or firewall. Launch the software you are using and add Hamachi to the exceptions.

Creating your own network

One of the main tasks of Hamachi is local network emulation, which makes it possible not only to directly exchange data, but also to join one local server in any game. A client network is created in literally a couple of clicks; the user only needs to provide a name and set a password. Afterwards, all the information received is transferred to other users and they connect to the created server. The owner has everything the necessary parameters— changing the configuration and managing connected computers.

Creating a computer game server

As mentioned earlier, many owners of the software in question use it as local server for playing with friends. Then, in addition to your own network, you will need to create the server itself, taking into account the features of the required game. Before starting, the corresponding package with server files must be downloaded, where further changes configuration file. We suggest familiarizing yourself with this procedure using Counter-Strike as an example in the article below.

Increasing available network slots

Unfortunately, Hamachi has a limit on the number of available slots on the network. IN free version You can connect only five people at a time, but when purchasing a certain version of the subscription, their number changes to 32 or 256. Of course, not everyone needs such an expansion, so the developers give the right to choose - use the software for free, but with five slots, or purchase additional seats in the desired quantity.

Uninstalling a program

Sometimes there is no longer any need to use the application in question, so many people decide to completely remove Hamachi from their computer. This is done according to the same principle as with the other software, but with its own characteristics, because this software adds keys to the registry and installs the driver. All this will also need to be cleaned in order to completely get rid of traces in the system.

Solving common problems

During operation, users may encounter various kinds of troubles. There are a number of problems that appear more often than others, and each of them has its own solution. Please refer to the materials below for a list of errors. Perhaps one of the instructions here will be useful in your situation.

Above we described in detail the use of Hamachi. All that remains is to carry out all the specified steps yourself to consolidate your knowledge about this software.