How to change cache storage location in browsers? Configuring the Google Chrome cache using group policies Changing the Yandex browser Internet cache storage folder

One day, about a year ago, I got a computer that I could take with me to the sofa - a laptop, that is. The laptop was chosen purely for work; one of the requirements when choosing was good performance. The Intel Core i3 processor seemed sufficient in terms of performance.

But, at first, the fast laptop began to irritate me more and more with its slowness. It’s not that it was stupid, froze, or the like - no, it just worked evenly slowly. This was especially noticeable if you worked on a “full-size” computer with a fast hard drive, and then switched to a laptop. The reason for this was the laptop's slow hard drive. Moreover, this is not a problem specifically for my laptop, this is a problem for all laptops, because they have slow hard drives with a rotation speed of 5400 rpm.

One day this got to me and I decided to buy an SSD. And the fastest one was chosen. After analyzing the occupied space on the C: drive and finances, it was decided to take a 64 GB SSD. And considering that with a small volume, the speed of most solid-state drives drops proportionally with decreasing capacity, the range of selected models quickly narrowed. The choice fell on Samsung 830.

But how to insert an SSD into a laptop that does not have room for a second hard drive? I immediately rejected the option of completely replacing the HDD with an SSD. A quick google led to the fact that there are still ways to install an SSD instead of the now unnecessary DVD. I was not the first to ask such questions, and I quickly found that I needed some kind of adapter into which the hard drive fits and is inserted instead of the drive. The required adapter was found on The lot was called “Universal 9.5mm 2.5” SATA 2nd HDD Hard Driver Caddy For CD DVD Optical Bay.” It cost a little more than eight dollars.

After almost a month of waiting, the newly purchased SSD was inserted into the adapter, and the adapter was already in the laptop. Of course, the adapter cover is not exactly like the original drive, it turned out not completely invisible, but quite tolerable.
The newfangled Windows 8 was installed on the brand new hard drive, everything flew and I was just fabulously glad that my laptop had found almost a second life. My joy knew no bounds until I launched programs to monitor the remaining life of the SSD. In particular, the SSD Ready program predicted the rest of the life of my SSD in six months. This was somehow not at all pleasing. I started reading and thinking about why this is so.

It turned out that everything was simple - the main load on the hard drive was... Google Chrome! I would never have thought that a monster from a huge corporation would harm my hard drive so much.
Chrome is constantly writing something to the cache. Almost continuously. Here every 2 seconds
c:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache\
There is also a folder where the cache of the online video you are watching is written. This folder is called Media Cache
And they also write icons, history and all that. In the end, I came to the conclusion that the User Data folder is simply constantly changing, writing and reading files and killing my SSD.

A quick analysis of the Internet made it clear that this does not cause any inconvenience to Chrome engineers, since Chrome has practically no settings for this part. The settings can be forced by adding a parameter to the shortcut, and then you must launch Chrome through this shortcut, otherwise it will start without parameters. The fire fox has the same dances with a tambourine. But with Opera everything is simpler - I set it in the settings without cache, and that’s it.

It was decided to disable this damned Chrome cache so that it would not write anything to the disk at all. Add the parameter “--disk-cache-size=1 --media-cache-size=1” to the Google Chrome launch shortcut. And lo and behold! The cache is not written, and the browser... does not fly and works quite poorly. It’s especially noticeable when you open Chrome with 30 open tabs, when it loads everything again. Well, we didn’t get rid of the records completely either - something like icons and history was still written to the disk.

The second solution to the problem was to transfer the folder with the User Data chrome profile settings to the HDD. This, of course, would solve all the problems, but the question is why did I buy an SSD?

The next option, in my humble opinion, solved all my problems. I decided to use RAM Drive - i.e. keep everything in RAM, and only write to the hard drive when turned off. Considering that my laptop is either turned on or in standby mode, it will very rarely be written when turned off. Of the programs I liked, I chose Qsoft RAMDisk. Installed as a driver. In the properties I selected the disk size, file system, where to write when shutting down. I allocated 512 MB for the disk (I think a reasonable minimum of 128 MB).

It was possible to simply transfer the cache folder, or to add the Media Cache folder to it, but I decided to completely get rid of all kinds of entries and transfer the entire User Data folder.

Again, it was possible to specify --user-data-dir=“path to ram disk” in the shortcut parameters to redirect the profile storage, it could be registered in the registry, but if launched without a shortcut or updated, all this would not work. I started thinking about how to do it so that I could redirect it without changing anything. And then I remembered about symbolic links!

The Link Shell Extension utility was downloaded, with the help of which I actually created a “shortcut” in place of the User Data folder, a link that led to my RAM disk. Those. There was nothing on the disk, so when we went into the User Data folder we were immediately redirected to the ram disk. Moreover, what is the advantage of such a solution - neither the system nor Chrome saw any catch.

Chrome started working even faster than it did on the SSD. Very fast. Now I’ll probably even recommend to everyone to at least put the chrome cache on a small RAM disk. Personally, it’s a mystery to me why engineers don’t pay attention to the problem that chrome writes a lot and often. Reliability of information is good, but not at the cost of killing the hard drive!

As a result of the manipulations done, my chrome flies around and writes all its nasty things to the RAM. The SSD is happy and enjoys a long remaining life.

Every modern web browser actively uses information caching technology in its work. The cache performs many useful functions, without which modern Internet capabilities would not exist. It allows you to watch movies and listen to music online, run browser games, and also significantly saves users’ Internet traffic. This article describes in detail how you can increase or decrease the cache in the Yandex browser, as well as why this may be required.

A cache is a special folder on your hard drive in which all information from the network is saved. Copies of viewed web pages, video and audio files, data from browser games, images - all this is saved to your personal computer. You may have noticed a gray bar in the progress bar of the video player on Youtube that runs ahead of playback. This is the caching process.

Such a move allows, firstly, to implement the idea of ​​​​viewing online. The film is downloaded to the computer and played at the same time, and then deleted. Secondly, it saves users time and network traffic while surfing the web.

For example, you visited the main page of the site. From there they moved on to some article. And then they wanted to return to the main page to select another article. Since it is loaded into the cache, the Yandex browser does not have to contact the server again to download it.

Browser cache memory is strictly limited in size. Otherwise, thousands of pages and watched videos would simply clutter up the entire hard drive. When the cache is full, the oldest data is deleted from it, and new information is written in its place.

Users can increase the maximum cache size to accommodate more data, or reduce it if they are running low on free space on their computer. If you do not have unlimited Internet and you pay for traffic, it is recommended to increase the cache. This will allow you to significantly reduce the cost of connecting to the network.

How to increase the maximum cache size

Unfortunately, the developers from Yandex did not provide the ability to increase or decrease the size of the cache directory using standard browser tools. Users cannot change this setting in their browser settings.

However, there is an alternative, non-obvious way to perform this operation - changing the properties of the shortcut. Most likely, such restrictions and difficulties were introduced to prevent inexperienced users from accidentally changing something and filling up their entire hard drive with cached information. A cache that is too small is also bad, since you will not be able to watch a movie online that does not fit entirely into memory.

Changing the properties of a shortcut is not difficult - just follow the step-by-step instructions provided:

Thus, you have changed the local storage size in your Yandex browser.

Changing the folder location

Solid state drives are becoming increasingly popular among ordinary users. Today it is considered a very convenient solution to use a small SSD for the needs of the operating system and a capacious HDD for programs and information storage. This approach allows you to increase the speed of your computer many times over.

But when installing Yandex, you cannot choose the location of the cache folder. You cannot change it in the browser itself. But it takes up a lot of space and undergoes many rewrite cycles, which negatively affects the durability of expensive SSDs.

By editing the icon configuration, users have the opportunity to move Cache to another drive so as not to clutter the system one. Open the properties menu as described in the instructions provided above. As in the previous case, you need to change the value of the “Object” parameter.

When you enter the game, the browser constantly loads textures and other game information. After saving the textures to the browser cache, over time the constant downloads will stop, and the browser will then use the downloaded textures by accessing the computer's memory, rather than sending texture download requests to the game server. To ensure that the browser cache does not automatically erase information from its memory, but saves it on the hard drive of your PC, you must specify the cache size in the browser settings to be at least 512 MB, and also disable all kinds of items with the property “clearing the cache when closing the browser window.”

How to increase your browser cache

I. Changing the cache size in FireFox

1. Menu “Tools” → “Settings”:
2. Menu “Advanced” → “Network” → “Offline storage”

II. Changing the cache size in Internet Explorer

1. Menu “Tools” → “Internet Options”
2. In the “Browsing history” section, the “Options” button
3. “Used disk space” value

III. Changing cache size in Opera

1. Menu “Tools” → “Settings”
2. “Advanced” tab → “History” section → “Memory cache” and “Disk cache” values
IV. Changing cache size in Google Chrome

The Google Chrome browser does not have an option to change the cache size. To do this, you need to use the special command --disk-cache-dir.

1. Create a folder in which the increased cache of the Google Chrome browser will be located. For example, C:\\Google Chrome\\Cache.
2. Right-click the Google Chrome shortcut and select Properties.
3. In the “Object” field, add the above command with the new value of the cache size in bytes. You should end up with a string like
"C:\\Documents and Settings\\<Ваше имя пользователя>\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe" --disk-cache-dir=" D:\\Google Chrome\\Cache " --disk-cache-size= 1000000000.
4. Click OK.

After updating the game, you may need to clear the cache.

Due to numerous requests to tell me how to clear the cache, I decided to create a topic so that there would be somewhere to look.

Actually, let's start with the CACHE itself. A cache is a computer memory that stores information that the system can access faster than the computer's RAM. In our case, the cache stores various small swap files for Fragoria, which are sometimes downloaded in a “faulty” state and need to be deleted so that they do not interfere with the operation of the client/browser.

Now let's move on to how to clear this cache.

The easiest and fastest way to clear the cache is the clear function in the browser you use, here are some examples:

1) Mozilla Firefox

in the menu bar, select “tools” -> settings, go to the next tab (see screenshot) and perform three clicks, marked on the screenshot

2) Opera

in the menu bar we also select tools – settings – additional – history – (Disk cache) – clear

You can also check the “clear at login” checkbox and your cache will be cleared every time you start Opera.

3) Internet Explorer

To clear the Internet Explorer memory cache, in the “Tools” menu, select “Internet Options”
In the window that opens, click “delete”

4) Google Chrome

1 click on the “Settings and management” icon, select “Clear browsing data”
2 In the “Clear browsing data” dialog box that opens, check the “Clear cache” checkbox. Click the "Clear browsing data" button

1 2

Here are 4 main browsers, if you have any other one, write the name, I will add instructions.

All modern browsers, while displaying web pages, temporarily store a static part of the content in a cache on the computer's hard drive.

Today we will talk about the features of setting up disk Google Chrome browser cache, first of all about him moving to another drive.

Let me remind you that some time ago we already did this with Google Chrome on the Linux operating system. Now let's do the same thing, but in Windows.

Purpose of the browser cache

In Wikipedia you can find the following definition of cache: “A fast-access intermediate buffer containing information that is most likely to be requested. Accessing data in the cache is faster than fetching the original data from slower memory or a remote source...”

Technologically, the cache is organized differently in browsers, but its essence does not change. The main tasks of the browser's disk cache are to save Internet traffic and speed up the loading and display of web pages when they are visited again.

The key phrase here is “revisiting.” Obviously, when loading the first page of a website for the first time, no savings or acceleration will be achieved.

The second page of the same site will be displayed faster due to the fact that the CSS, Javascript, and external design elements already saved at that moment will be taken from the local disk and, thus, fewer requests will be made to the web server.

How the contents of the browser's disk cache are managed

As noted above, files cached on disk will not remain there forever.

Which files should be cached and how long their local copies will be considered relevant are controlled directly by the web server using HTTP headers Cache-Control And Expires.

A properly configured web server adds such a header to all its responses and thus indicates to the browser whether to save the requested file in local storage and, if so, how long it can be used.


Cache-Control: max-age=3600

This header instructs the browser to cache the request result for 1 hour.

Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache

And this will prohibit file caching altogether.



In addition to executing web server directives, browsers somehow control the size of the cache. I don’t know exactly how things are in other browsers, but according to my observations, Google Chrome keeps the maximum cache size at about 250 MB. This means that when such a volume is reached, the old contents of the storage begin to be replaced by new ones, and this happens regardless of its relevance.

When does it make sense to move the browser cache to another drive?

It’s easier to immediately determine in which case there is no need to reconfigure anything.

If you do not have the slowest computer in the world with a regular mechanical hard drive, then you can safely leave the cache settings alone. According to my observations, transferring Google Chrome cache files to RAM (to a RAM disk) does not lead to any noticeable acceleration of the browser.

Along the way, the same can be said about the much-loved operation of clearing the browser cache. In my opinion, such cleaning should be done in one single case - before creating a backup copy of the system disk. In this case, the resulting backup file will be a little smaller - at the limit of the same 250 MB. And so, during normal work on the computer, the space freed up on the disk as a result of cleaning will be again occupied by browser cache files very quickly. Depending on the intensity of your Internet surfing, this may only take a couple of tens of minutes.

The situation changes if the computer's operating system is located on a solid-state drive. In this case, transferring the browser cache to another disk or to RAM in order to minimize write operations on the SSD and thereby extend its service life can be considered truly advisable.

Known methods for transferring and setting up Google Chrome cache

In the settings of the Google Chrome browser, accessible to the user through the web interface, the ability to change disk cache parameters is not provided. The only thing you can do is clean it. However, there are implicit methods for managing the browser cache.

Chrome app launch flags

When it comes to changing the Chrome disk cache location, Google consultants usually recommend following chrome.exe add flag --user-data-dir in field « An object» and specify a new storage directory.

For example, it might look like this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --user-data-dir=Z:\
If you need to set the maximum cache size, then you need to add one more flag: --disk-cache-size and specify the desired value in bytes behind it.

Without any doubt, this method of configuration has every right to exist, but it still does not seem very convenient. Not only do you need to find all the Google Chrome launch shortcuts on your computer and add launch flags to them, you also need to remember about web applications based on it, such as, for example, GMail.

Symbolic links

Quite often, users transfer the Chrome browser cache using symbolic links.

Previously, we examined in some detail the use of symbolic links in Windows, for example, in a series devoted to transferring the operating system to a small SSD.

In order to apply this method, you need to know the default location of the Google Chrome disk cache:

  • Windows XP:

C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache

C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Media Cache

  • Windows 8 or 7 or Vista

C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\ Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache

C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\ Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Media Cache

You need to transfer the specified folders to the media selected for this purpose while the browser is not running and create links to them in the original location. You can do this using the command mklink. For example, when moving cache files to a folder on the Z:\ drive, the command might look like this:
mklink /D "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache" "Z:\ChromeCache\Cache"
It is very convenient to create symbolic links in the popular FAR file manager using “Alt+F6”. You can download and install it for free from the official website of the program.

If the transfer is carried out to a mechanical HDD in order to free up space on the system disk, then you can transfer the entire user profile, that is, the entire folder ...\Default.

But if you intend to use a RAM disk in RAM as the target, then it is better to limit yourself to the two specified folders. User profile files in directory Default occupy about 200 MB despite the fact that the volume of traffic with them is very insignificant.

For some time I used this method of transferring the Chrome browser cache, but abandoned it after an unexpected problem arose with installing the extension I needed. I don’t know why it refused to work with the usual symbolic links, but this fact happened.

Google Chrome Group Policy Templates

There is a more interesting, simpler and completely hassle-free way to fine-tune the Google Chrome browser using group policy templates.

Group Policy templates are primarily intended for system administrators who need to manage Chrome rules on corporate networks. However, no one is stopping us from successfully using them to configure this browser on a local personal computer.

The first step is to obtain the appropriate group policy templates and add them to the operating system.

Download the archive with group policy templates for Google Chrome from here. Archive file “ policy_templates” is about 7.5 MB in size.

After unpacking the archive, in the appropriate folders you can find group policy files for Windows OS in the formats A.D.M. And ADMX.

Without going into details, we can say that the format A.D.M. used in operating system versions prior to Windows Vista / Windows Server 2008.

ADMX, used in modern versions of the OS, allows, first of all, to save space on the SYSVOL system disks of domain controllers, which is necessary for storing assigned group policy objects.

Copy the administrative template files to the directory C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions.

File chrome.admx you need to copy it to the root of this folder. In addition, for localization, in this case - Russification, in the folder C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\ru-RU need to put the file chrome.adml from archive folder …\policy_templates\windows\admx\en.

After this, you can immediately begin changing the default settings of Google Chrome.

Launch a command prompt with administrator rights and type
The Local Group Policy Editor opens:

Group policies are divided into those that are executed when the operating system starts and those that are applied when the user logs into the session. Accordingly, the first ones are in the “ Computer configuration”, second in “ User Configuration”.

In our case, in which section to set the rules we need does not matter. Considering the fact that launching the browser before the user logs into the session is most likely an unlikely event, let’s make the settings in the “ User Configuration”.

Opening “User Configuration” -> “Administrative Templates” -> “Google” -> “Google Chrome” and find on the right side of the Local Group Policy Editor window “ Setting the cache directory on disk”.

We specify the desired location of the disk cache of the Chrome browser (in the example, this is the root of the Z: drive), enable and save this rule.

Now you can immediately check the result. Restart the browser. If your browser's advanced settings allow “ Do not disable services running in the background when closing the browser”, then do not forget to perform an additional exit through the Chrome tray icon.

After launching Google Chrome, the folders “ Cache" And " Media Cache” (the latter may not appear immediately - it depends on the type of content of the site you are viewing). Actually, that's all.

Additionally, if necessary, you can set the maximum permissible in the same way disk cache size and separately media cache size. Values ​​must be specified in bytes. So, if you want to limit the cache to, for example, exactly 150 MB, then in bytes it will be 157286400.

Some thoughts on moving the browser cache into RAM

As we noted above, first of all, it makes sense to remove the browser cache from the solid-state drive.

If the computer has more than one hard drive and one of them is a traditional mechanical one, then the solution can be very simple. But if there is only one disk in the computer and it is an SSD, then you will have to think about organizing a virtual disk in RAM.

Finding suitable software for organizing a RAM disk to transfer the browser cache to it is not difficult. Moreover, the choice is not so great.

For example, we can safely recommend “RAMDisk” from Dataram. The version called “RAMDisk Software”, which has a maximum virtual disk size limit of up to 4 GB, is distributed free of charge. This volume is more than enough to solve our problem.

Some time ago, I successfully used this software to organize an ultra-fast drive with data recorded with NTFS compression.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of Windows programs for organizing drives in the computer's RAM, unlike Linux, are not able to dynamically change the size of a virtual disk.

For our task today, this is not so scary. It is enough to set the maximum size of the disk cache and cache for media data using group policies and create a RAMDisk 10-15% larger than their total value.

If you do not make such a reserve, then when you approach the limit value of the allocated volume, the operating system will begin to very annoyingly report that the disk is running out of space.

But, since you have already made a fast disk in RAM, you will probably want to transfer temporary system files to it. And this is where the trouble begins with a fixed size of a small RAM disk.

The fact is that Windows temporary files usually take up very little space, but from time to time programs, for example during automatic updates, can try to write very significant amounts of information to TEMP or TMP. This is what NVIDIA does, in particular, when updating its software - the package is downloaded to TMP, which is about 300 MB.

For a long time I could not understand why the program for working with photographs “ViewNX 2” from Nikon somehow hangs very badly during group operations. In the end it turned out that, again, due to lack of space on the media for temporary files.

You can try to deal with these troubles yourself by downloading update packages or setting alternative paths for temporary directories in program settings (if provided, of course). But it is obvious that the problem can be radically solved by significantly increasing the size of the virtual media - up to 1 GB or more.

This is only permissible to do when the computer has a certain “reserve” of RAM. Otherwise, it is better to avoid transferring temporary files to the RAM disk altogether.

However, there is an excellent solution to the problem - “ Primo Ramdisk” (VSuite Ramdisk II) from company ROMEX Software. Unfortunately there is no free version, only a 30-day trial period. For the “Primo Ramdisk Standard Edition” license for two computers, the developers are asking $29.95. It might be worth it.

This software can create dynamic virtual RAM disks in Windows. The maximum volume of a disk is set when it is created, but in reality it uses exactly as much RAM as is needed to place files on it at a given time. As soon as some information is deleted from the virtual RAM disk, the RAM is immediately (in fact, after 30 seconds) returned to the operating system.

In order to further minimize the use of RAM, you can enable ntfs compression of the virtual RAM disk.

A detailed description of the advantages and disadvantages of this program is not the topic of today’s article. It is possible that we will return to it later. The main thing that fundamentally distinguishes it from other similar programs is the creation of dynamic RAM disks and the ability to work with 32-bit operating systems. The latter can be a very good alternative, which does not always lead to the desired result.

Among the shortcomings, one can note one, but a very significant one. If you associate the created dynamic disk with an image file to load/save its contents, then such a RAM disk immediately ceases to be dynamic. At least I couldn't achieve anything else.

This means that in order for the RAM disk to remain truly dynamic, and this is what you really want, you need to forget about saving its contents when you turn off and restart the computer. In any case, by the means provided for in the program.

In general, no one bothers you to write a simple script to synchronize the contents of a virtual disk with a certain folder on a physical disk when starting and shutting down the computer, as was described in the article linked at the beginning of this publication, in relation to Linux.

Now let’s ask ourselves such a seditious question. Is it really that important to save the contents of the browser cache when you turn off/restart your computer?

As we have already discussed above, the speed of loading and displaying web resources visited for the first time is not affected in any way by the browser cache; when viewing several pages of one site, everything will be fine, but will you have time to return to a previously visited site before the cache of its pages will become irrelevant or will not be simply supplanted by another newer one - a big question.

There are at least two more arguments in favor of a non-persistent RAM disk for the browser cache and temporary system files.

How often do you turn off and restart your computer?

If you have a laptop, then most likely this happens quite rarely. As a rule, the usual state of an idle laptop connected to the network is sleep; if powered by a battery, then hibernate.

With a desktop computer, everything is not so simple; most likely, the frequency of shutdowns is determined by the presence or absence of an uninterruptible power supply.

However, if in the “Power Options” settings “Enable fast startup (recommended)” is set, which is essentially a truncated version of Hibernate, then the contents of the virtual disk created using Primo Ramdisk, will be saved even when you turn off the computer.


The method of setting up the Google Chrome browser cache using group policies is very simple and most effective.

When transferring the browser cache to the computer's RAM, you can use any software designed for organizing virtual RAM disks.

The most efficient software in terms of RAM usage is “ Primo Ramdisk” (VSuite Ramdisk II) companies ROMEX Software, which allows the use of dynamic RAM disks.


Right-click on the “My Computer” icon on your desktop and select “Properties.” Go to the “Advanced” tab and click on the button to change system performance parameters. On the “Advanced” tab, enable the “Optimize the operation of services in the background” and “Optimize the operation of the system cache” items. After applying the settings, the capabilities of the system cache will be increased, this will help reduce memory load and speed up the launch and operation of some applications.

Change the paging file value on the same “Advanced” tab in “Performance Options”. This is the current size of the system cache, which stores information about the operation of applications. By default, the system automatically specifies the appropriate paging file value, but if your computer has weak RAM, you can double this parameter. If you have a large amount of RAM, the paging file can be completely disabled. This will speed up system applications.

Increase the cache in your Internet browser, which stores information about previously loaded pages and other elements, which leads to faster opening of them later. For example, in Internet Explorer you need to go to Internet Options, then to Browsing History and click Options. Set the appropriate cache size in the Temporary Files and Logs Options window. In the Firefox browser, select the “Advanced” tab, then “Network”. Select "Disable automatic cache management" and set the options as desired. In Opera, cache settings are edited in the History window on the Advanced tab in the browser settings.


Sometimes the browser cache becomes full of unnecessary information, causing the application to slow down. Clear the data before closing the program by clicking the appropriate button in the cache settings.


  • how to increase cache memory in browser

Increasing the browser cache allows you to achieve faster page opening speeds, which can partially solve the problem of a slow Internet connection. But only some browsers allow you to control the cache size.


To increase the cache in Mozilla Firefox, open the Firefox menu and select Settings. Open the "Advanced" section and go to the "Network" tab. Here, check the “Disable automatic cache management” checkbox and specify the desired size manually.

Web browsers store files from the pages you view in their cache memory on your hard drive. If you visit the same page again, the data will be loaded not from the Internet, but from the cache, which will save both page loading time and traffic. You can change the settings for saving files in the cache at your discretion. Including expanding the size of the cache folder.


Internet Explorer

Launch Internet Explorer on your computer. Click on the button with a drawn gear located at the top of the program window on the right, the “Service” menu section will open. In the window that appears, click on the “Internet Options” line.

Select the “General” tab in the window that opens. In the “Browsing History” section of the tab, click on the “Options” button. Enter the desired value in the field provided for this in the “Used disk space” line. If you want, designate your own folder for saving files - to do this, use the “Move” button.

Click on the OK button to save the settings and you can continue browsing the Internet using Internet Explorer.

Launch the Mozilla Firefox browser on your computer. Click on the orange button labeled Firefox in the upper left corner of the program window, and in the menu that opens, select the “Settings” section.

In the settings window that appears, open the “Advanced” section, and in it, open the “Network” tab. Check the box “Disable automatic cache management” and set your settings for using disk space to save files.

Click OK to save your changes and you can continue browsing the Internet using Mozilla Firefox.

Launch the Opera browser on your computer. Click on the button with the big red letter “O” in the upper left corner of the program window. In the menu that appears, select “Settings” - “General settings”. You can also open the settings window using the key combination Ctrl+F12.

Open the “Advanced” tab in the browser settings window that appears. Select the “History” section from the list in the left area of ​​the window. Set the desired value in the drop-down list in the “Disk cache” line. If you wish, you can also adjust other available file saving options.

Click OK to save the settings and you can continue browsing the Internet using Opera.

Video on the topic

Buffering (from English buffer) is the organization of data exchange, in particular input/output of information in computers and other computing devices. This implies the use of temporary storage of clipboard data. When entering data, some processes/devices write data to the buffer, while others read it. When outputting, everything is the other way around, respectively. The issue of increasing buffering directly comes down to increasing the buffer size.


The clipboard is a place in the RAM (random access memory) of the computer where data is copied for temporary storage, for example, when working in the Explorer application or a text editor. The buffer can be increased by expanding the paging file or by installing programs that expand the buffer's capabilities.

Increase the swap file. To do this, right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut on the desktop or in the “Start” menu. Select "Properties" from the drop-down menu. Next, go to the tab called “Advanced”, left-click on the “Performance Options” tab and click on “Change” in the “Virtual Memory” tab.

Select the desired local disk from the list, enter the required values ​​in megabytes in the “Original size” and “Maximum size” fields, click on “Install”. Then restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

Use special programs to expand the capabilities of the buffer. For example, you can download from the Internet and install M8 Free Clipboard. This program allows you to store various types of data on the clipboard. Its interface is a table that includes 25 cells.

Once you have installed the application, launch it. Now, when copying data to the clipboard, a beep will sound. Inserting data from the buffer occurs by selecting a cell and the “Insert” command. It is also possible to set an association for each cell with a selected letter of the Latin alphabet. The link to download the M8 Free Clipboard program from the official website is in the “Additional Sources” section at the end of the article.

You can install another program. It's called Clipboard Recorder. Download link in the “Additional Sources” section. When running, it will be located in the system tray and will remember all cut or copied text fragments.

When the browser cache is small, information is deleted from it very quickly. As a result, pages take longer to load. However, you can fix this by going to your browser settings.

Internet Explorer

To increase the cache in Internet Explorer, you need to open the browser menu, which is represented by a gear icon in the upper right corner and go to the “Internet Options” tab. It has a “General” section, in which you need to find the “Browsing History” tab and click on the “Options” button. Then in the window opposite the inscription “Used disk space”, set the required value in megabytes and click the “OK” button.

Mozilla Firefox

To increase the cache in Mozilla Firefox, you should go to the browser menu and select tabs in the following sequence: “Settings” - “Advanced” - “Network”. Then you need to find the item “Disable automatic cache management” and check the box next to it. After which you can set the desired size in megabytes, which will subsequently be used for the cache.

You can increase the cache in Opera by opening the tabs in the following order: “Menu” - “Settings” - “General settings” - “Advanced”. Then select “History” in the left side menu. Then, in the “Disk Cache” section, you can select the optimal cache size from the drop-down list.

Google Chrome and Yandex

There is no need to increase the cache size in the Google Chrome and Yandex browser yourself, since such a function is not listed in its settings. However, you shouldn’t get upset and change them to others, since the caches of these browsers are dynamic, that is, they expand as needed. For this reason, users do not have to worry about traffic, and if the Internet speed has recently decreased significantly, it is recommended that they contact their provider with this issue.

If you still need to increase the cache in Google Chrome or Yandex, then you should select the “Properties” item, go to the “Shortcut” tab, then to the “Object” field, where after the word browser.exe you need to put a space and insert the following content into this line : -disk-cache-dir=”C:\YandexCache” -disk-cache-size=1073741824. For Google Chrome, the inscription will be like this: -disk-cache-dir=”c:\chromeсache” -disk-cache-size=1073741824. Then you need to click the “OK” button. Thus, it will be possible to increase the cache size to 1GB.