How to find targeted traffic. Encyclopedia of Marketing. Visitors from social bookmarks

You will learn:

  • What is the purpose of attracting targeted traffic to the site?
  • In what ways can this be accomplished?
  • How to attract targeted traffic in B2B.
  • This makes it possible to attract targeted traffic from social networks.
  • What methods do scammers use to attract targeted traffic?

What does it mean to attract targeted traffic to a website?

Attracting targeted traffic to a website is the path to high earnings for the owner of a web resource. Traffic is a stream of unique visitors who visited your web resource within a certain period of time. It is important to understand: the greater the total number of visitors to your site per day, the greater your earnings. Attracting targeted traffic directly affects increasing profits. In this case, profit can be received both from sales of goods and services (direct benefit) and from advertising of other people's goods and services (indirect benefit).

The main task of specialists who attract targeted traffic is to increase traffic to your resource, because the success of website promotion on the Internet depends on this indicator.

Main traffic sources:

  • search engines;
  • social media;
  • forums, blogs and other Internet platforms;
  • direct visits to the resource (entering a URL, browser bookmarks).

The total traffic to a web resource represents total traffic, that is, attracted from all used and possible sources.

There is not only incoming traffic, but also outgoing traffic (for example, a resource visitor clicked on external link, located on the page of your site). They also distinguish between targeted and non-targeted traffic. If we talk about targeted traffic, then in this case the visitor comes to the resource with a specific goal, which your site will help him realize. Non-targeted traffic consists of those visitors who came to your web resource by accident, for example, via an external link from another source (by clicking on an advertisement). The main goal of the owner of any website comes down to attracting targeted traffic.

To organize the accounting of targeted and non-targeted traffic, you can install special counters. Here are the most popular statistics services today:

  • Yandex.Metrica;
  • Google Analytics;
  • LiveInternet.

So, targeted website traffic is the flow of visitors interested in goods, services and information posted on your resource. Such visitors perform some targeted actions (make a purchase, call the office, leave a request, and so on). Attracting targeted traffic is also called website promotion.

If the owner of the resource does not attract people to the site and does not ask the question of what kind of visitors these are and what they are interested in, then sooner or later, even with high indicators in statistics services, the overall result will be reduced to a minimum. It is important to understand that it is not enough to simply increase traffic: it is also necessary that this traffic help solve the problems facing the site owner. What is important is attracting targeted traffic, and to organize such attraction you must immediately look for an interested audience, and then the financial success of your Internet project is guaranteed.

Really working ways to attract targeted traffic on the Internet

  1. Blogs.

Information from blogs is indexed most quickly by search engines. In addition, popular blogs (both on paid and free hosting) gather an audience interested in your offer. To promote yourself on blogs, you can use not only your own platform for publishing interesting materials, but also other people’s resources. As part of this approach, partner bloggers simply post review posts with links to your site. Of course this method attracting targeted traffic is not free, but the costs in this case are much lower than when using other methods of website promotion.

Closely related to blogs is podcasting, which can also attract attention to a resource by quickly delivering a message to the target audience.

  1. Thematic forums.

Posting on a forum is not enough to attract people from there. It is necessary to establish good contact with forum visitors: share information useful to them and respond to messages from other forum users. You should not openly invite people to visit your site; this can lead to a negative reaction and cause you to be banned. However, if you communicate competently with forum users, you can earn their loyalty and arouse interest. This will ensure that you attract targeted traffic: new interested visitors will come from the forum to your web resource.

  1. Social media.

In modern society, almost everyone uses social networks, which is why traffic from Facebook, VKontakte and other social media is often greater than from regular search engines, and at the same time the audience is more targeted. There are several ways to promote your website through social networks. To attract targeted traffic you can, for example:

  • create and promote an account;
  • create a community and (or) group;
  • use targeted contextual advertising and so on.

For any method chosen, it is necessary A complex approach and significant costs (especially labor). Today, the level of SMM is quite high, so it may be more profitable to order a promotion service through social networks from a specialized company, trusting competent SMM specialists.

  1. Email newsletters.

The traditional way of attracting targeted traffic is sending by email. However, before choosing a provider to organize such mailings, be sure to check how correctly the system works and whether legal requirements are met. Such mailing not only ensures the attraction of targeted traffic, but also provides you with a permanent audience that will visit your resource regularly. Target users who are truly interested in the information posted on it will go to your site.

  1. Videos/webinars.

Any form of video message in which you personally address your target audience (an interesting video on YouTube or a webinar) ensures good level attracting targeted traffic. Moreover: a well-edited and interesting video may well turn into a viral one and cause a constant increase in traffic.

  1. Press releases.

This is a traditional method of disseminating information, and it does not lose its relevance and effectiveness in modern world. Today there are a large number of resources where you can write about your website or offer. The more visitors your chosen resource has, the more effective it will be in attracting targeted traffic.

  1. Information support for conferences, seminars.

If you have a news website, you can try to become a partner of various thematic events: you publish news, and in exchange for this, a link to your resource appears on the official website of the event. In addition, you can be provided additional features: place your information on advertising stands, include it in email newsletters, and so on.

  1. Offline advertising.

A good way to attract targeted traffic is to post information about your resource at metro stations, on TV and radio. The cost of such advertising may be much lower than you thought.

  1. Publication of articles on thematic websites and mailing lists.

Try to find as many resources and subscriptions with similar topics as possible. Talk to the resource owner about posting your article. To get the green light, make your article useful and informative, without aggressive advertising. Tell us about yourself and your web resource in the author's block, which will be below the main material. In the same block you can indicate a link to your website, address Email for feedback and so on.

  1. Signature in the letter.

If you regularly communicate via email and correspond frequently, be sure to add a small ad block to your signature. Inform about the project, tell about promotions and current competitions, invite your interlocutor to go to your website.

  1. Viral content.

This method will allow you to attract targeted traffic for free. Users organize viral distribution voluntarily: they send messages to friends, post information on their website - in general, they distribute content on the World Wide Web in every possible way of their own free will. Video files, audio clips, presentations, interesting articles, images, advertising messages about a promotion or discount can become viral. In addition, you can use viral content from other authors with their permission.

  1. Your recommendations to friends and acquaintances.

This is a free way to attract targeted traffic, but, of course, you shouldn’t expect impressive dividends from it, because it’s unlikely that your friends will buy products from you regularly. But for first sales this option is quite suitable. Friends will also help form the core of regular and most devoted readers of your resource. So you shouldn’t neglect this method. Moreover, if in reality few people can boast of hundreds of friends, in the online world this is a common occurrence. You may well attract a large number of acquaintances to in social networks.

  1. Free message boards.

The World Wide Web is rich in popular services with free advertisements, where you can post information on a daily basis. Such resources are visited by a large number of people. All you need to do is create a personal profile and regularly add advertisements offering services or products from your own website. Try to design your posts brightly and efficiently: a successful design will help attract targeted traffic.

  1. Buying traffic.

Buying traffic involves a special advertising campaign, in which broadcasts take place on popular, well-promoted sites for a certain amount of money. This will ensure the systematic attraction of targeted traffic to your resource. There are several formats that can form the basis of such advertising campaign:

  • Banners– graphic blocks that are installed in separate places on the site. Banners are placed for money; you can buy space for them not only on promoted websites, but also on social networks.
  • contextual advertising– a text message that pops up in search engines and websites and corresponds to the subject of the user’s request. This method of attracting targeted traffic is quite expensive. To order advertising, you need to use the services of popular search engines, such as Yandex and Google.
  • Popup Ads looks like an ad that randomly appears in certain parts of the Internet page.
  • Teaser advertising– small graphic blocks that are filled with interactive content and are designed as brightly as possible. Most often, the image is accompanied by attractive text that makes the user want to click on this ad.

The practitioner tells

How retargeting attracts targeted traffic to your website

Roman Kumar Vias,

Marketing Director at

Retargeting allows you to focus on those who have already visited the site before. If a client visited your website but did not take any actions (did not look at prices, did not select services, etc.), then they are “caught up” with the help of banners and text ads. However, to understand where exactly this user left your site, you need to place a special code on the web resource.

This code can be obtained from the social network Facebook. To do this, go to the “Your Advertising” tab, select “Audience” and click on the “Create Audience” button. Then copy the code and paste it onto a website page to record and collect information, and it will start working when the user performs an action.

For example, when a visitor visits home page company website, the code assigns cookies. If a visitor leaves the resource for another site, it recognizes cookies and displays thematic banners. At the same time, such advertising has its own peculiarity - it does not irritate the user, because it is not an annoying offer, but just a friendly reminder.

In our case, customers left for different reasons and at different stages of the funnel. We have developed a flexible system for their return.

Selecting a service. At this stage, there are three options for the reasons why the client left the resource, and our actions in accordance with these reasons:

  • if the visitor could not find necessary information, we try to attract him with the help of banners demonstrating the advantages of our service, as well as with the help of useful articles about home cleaning;
  • if a visitor suddenly doubts the safety of our services and the integrity of our staff, then we explain to him the complexity of the step-by-step selection process for our employees, thanks to which we eliminate about 97% of applicants;
  • showing funny pictures to clients (picture 1), which are personalized (thanks to this they evoke a lot of positive emotions and are well remembered). Our target audience is largely young people who love humor and get into a friendly mood with it.

Determining the price. If the client leaves the site at this stage, it means that he did not like the service or the price for it. Such visitors can stay on our website thanks to discount banners. The product margin determines the final discount amount. In some cases we provide a 10% discount, and sometimes - 30% at once (Figure 2).

Thanks to retargeting, you can not just show single messages to the user, but tell related stories. It becomes possible to link advertising messages together, showing them sequentially one after another. For example, 10 days after the client’s first visit, you can demonstrate discounts, after 15 days - a list of services and the benefits of the service, after 20 days - make a special offer.

For example, as part of one promotion, we placed a banner with countdown time, which informed the client “Hurry to take advantage of the discount within 15 minutes.” This formulation pushed our visitors to action on a subconscious level. This allowed us to increase the conversion of clicks into orders by 40% (Figure 3).

As a result, we were able to return 15% of potential clients to the site and turn 8% of them into real ones.

The practitioner tells

An example of attracting targeted traffic using pedicabs

Sergey Lapin,

first Deputy general director SPSR Express

If a company needs new clients in as soon as possible, then guerrilla marketing may be the right solution. A creative campaign will definitely be remembered, and the viral effect will speed up the spread of information about the brand among consumers. Also, a guerrilla action allows you to save your advertising budget. That is why we decided to conduct an unusual advertising campaign.

In the winter of 2015, we began cooperation with the online hypermarket of Chinese products AliExpress. We were engaged in delivering goods to customers. Six months later, we studied the partner’s delivery data and noticed that its audience in Russia were residents of the regions. Already in September 2015, the share of sales of this hypermarket in the Moscow market was 30–40% of sales in the regions. We concluded that the most solvent clients are located in Moscow. Representatives of this audience are mainly young people who follow fashion trends and are ready to order modern products from China.

This currently famous hypermarket was faced with the task of arousing interest among young residents of the capital. Previously, such promotions had not been carried out, since the company had not been operating on the Russian market for very long at that time. We decided to organize the attraction of targeted traffic to the store through guerrilla marketing, since interesting promotions not particularly expensive from a financial point of view and at the same time guaranteed to attract the attention of visitors.

We focused exclusively on young people. The benefit of our action was an unusual channel for conveying information and the ability to make a kind joke about the difficulties of translating product descriptions from Chinese into Russian.

We looked for an idea using the brainstorming method. Marketing department employees gathered and began to discuss which advertising channel would be able to attract potential customers and would not be very expensive. For example, placing billboards in the center of the capital would not bring us closer to the goal, since consumers rarely look at billboards. Therefore, we decided to place the advertisement on special posters that were mounted on tricycles - pedicabs. For a month, our promoters rode these bicycles around Moscow.

The choice of this channel was due to two reasons:

  • Pedicabs evoke associations with China for everyone, and since we were advertising a Chinese store, such a semantic connection bore fruit;
  • thanks to the fact that pedicabs moved throughout the city, we were able to cover a very big number representatives of the target audience and thereby ensured the attraction of targeted traffic to the store.

Since our target audience for the advertising campaign was precisely young people, we decided to use self-irony as the main advertising tool. That is why the non-standard “highlight” of the action was the incorrect translation of product names from Chinese into Russian.

Due to incorrect translation through online services, product descriptions in Russian are reflected incorrectly, causing very serious errors (picture 1). For example, instead of “dual-core phone” - “a phone with two cores down the drain.” This became the subject of jokes among users, and there was a lot of resonance. We were not at a loss and used this factor, making it the basis of our advertising campaign. For this purpose, double-sided banners were made with funny and even ridiculous translations of product names from the online store (Figure 2). Each banner had a QR code that anyone could scan using a smartphone. This allowed people to immediately go to the AliExpress website and place an order for the product whose advertisement was scanned.

The action involved 11 pedicabs that traveled around Moscow during September 2015. We set three main tasks for our promoters. Pedicab drivers must:

  • distribute promotional materials with information about our company and Chinese partner;
  • drive around areas where young people gather (Center, Vorobyovy Gory, Gorky Park), from 11:00 to 20:00;
  • stop periodically to allow passers-by to photograph posters, QR codes and pedicabs.

During the promotion, more than 60 thousand people contacted our promoters with additional questions about the Chinese hypermarket and express delivery options. We reached 3 million people. During September and October, more than 50 materials about our action were published in the media. Random passers-by stopped to take photographs of the rickshaws, shared posts on social networks, and told their family and friends about the Chinese store and our campaign. The frequency of brand mentions on the Internet has increased significantly. We also succeeded in attracting targeted traffic to our resource – + 23%. AliExpress website data was comparable to this figure. These are users who navigated to an online resource using QR codes. The budget for the campaign was 1 million rubles, but all expenses were recouped in three months.

Attracting targeted traffic to b2b

  • "Iconic" domain names (corporate, “product” and directly indicating the scope of your activity).
  • Industry websites, trading systems (b2b sites) and specialized websites. The most popular b2b platform is b2b-center. Allows you to carry out 43 types of trading procedures - both for the purchase and sale of goods and services. The customer and supplier in this system interact as part of the trading procedure. That is, the customer announces the start of trading, then the participants automatic mode receive an invitation to these auctions. At the same time, the supplier has the opportunity to independently find tenders of interest to him in the “Trading Platform” section, using a search by the name of the customer company, tender number or classifier of purchased products, and submit an application for participation in suitable procedures. The supplier can also announce its own tenders for the sale of its products.
  • Various ratings and catalogues. To get acquainted with all the diversity, you need to thoroughly explore the Internet. There are many rating sites, for example, b2b-expert.
  • Websites of thematic communities, Internet forums, conferences. Working here, you can receive not just pleasure from pleasant communication, but also direct financial benefit. However, no self-promotion is allowed here. Otherwise, you will simply ruin your reputation.
  • Non-core sites that your the target audience. Go to blogs that have already written about other b2b products.
  • Mobile advertising. Mainly works according to the CPA model. This is a payment model for online advertising in which only certain user actions on the advertiser’s website are paid. You need to register as an advertiser, determine the advertising budget, the type of target action (for which you will be charged) and the cost of this action. The most popular networks today: Begun, Wapstart, Exelo, Everad, Admitad.
  • Content marketing. An important component of this type of marketing is search traffic and its attraction. You can adapt the main page of a website only for a certain (limited) number of search queries, but competent content marketing (with an emphasis on SEO) can ensure that you attract targeted traffic for other key queries. To do this, you just need to select the necessary keywords and generate content around them.
  • Cross promotion. Select companies with a similar target audience, but who are not your direct competitors. Here are some more useful ideas:

Exchange blog posts with partners (guest posts);

Place each other's banners on your resources;

Conduct joint webinars;

  • Podcasts. In modern society, time has long become the most important value. Many web resource owners simply don’t have the time to write an article or make a video to attract targeted traffic. Podcasts (audio recordings) can help make your life easier. Just cut them up and post them on your website (РodFM, Рodster).

Methods that promise to easily attract targeted traffic, but in fact turn out to be a waste of money and time

It is not always the case that managers independently ensure the attraction of targeted traffic to the company’s website. Quite often you have to hire outside specialists. How to find a reliable contractor so as not to harm your wallet and website?

To choose the best option for attracting targeted traffic to your web resource, you need to know the options for “black” and “gray” schemes for increasing visitors and understand all the consequences of the frequent arrival of “left” users to your resource.

What could be the problem? For example, you ordered to attract targeted traffic to your website and are ready to pay a commission to partners for this, and they take and “dilute the traffic”, taking your money without providing real buyers.

Arbitration schemes are divided into legal and illegal. The basis for this division is the source of attracting targeted traffic.

Legal (white) traffic- these are all types of traffic that are not prohibited by the community and the state (this does not always coincide).

Simply put, when similar methods attracting targeted traffic, real visitors come to your website, which you were counting on. They are interested in the site’s content and make real purchases, which means they generate reliable statistics and bring you profit.

Illegal (black) traffic- these are methods in which users (and sometimes just bots) come to sites who are obviously not interested in a target action that is useful to you. In other words, you pay for them, but they don't pay off. At the same time, there are various movements on the site, but there is no conversion.

Arbitrageurs make quite a good profit from using cheap illegal traffic. It’s just presented under the guise of a stream of “hot” target clients who should be interested in the offer and whom you are waiting for on your website.

Here are the main schemes that are common among dishonest arbitrageurs:

Every visitor who wants to earn at least a little money is invited to switch to a certain web resource (possibly yours), for an action on this resource (registering in the game, creating an application, liking, and so on) you can receive the promised couple of kopecks.

The result is an imitation of activity on the site, but the owner does not win anything, since it is impossible to monetize such a visitor in the future.

To avoid such an unpleasant situation, regularly communicate with webmasters and advertisers, and monitor suspicious statistics. If in Yandex.Metrica you see a large number of refusals when switching from certain resources, this is the first sign of fraud.

Be sure to track user returns. If visitors from some resource constantly register, but never return to your site, then this is a fraudulent scheme of pseudo-professionals.

2. Fake call center.

In this case, to implement the scheme, a huge number of virtual numbers and SIM cards through which order applications are confirmed. It seems to you that targeted traffic is being attracted to your website and conversion into sales is taking place, but in fact, characters confirming the purchase do not exist at all. In addition, you waste time and money on sending the order, but it is returned back because the specified addressee simply does not exist.

To avoid such deception, use a delay in payments (hold). The fact is that in “black” call centers the numbers are most often active only for 15-30 minutes. Of course, immediately giving feedback to the client and calling back instantly is good form for a store site. However, this is exactly what scammers are counting on. Therefore, if you are in doubt, you should make a follow-up call after a few hours or days. If you still fall for scammers, the number will no longer be available.

In the case of sending physical goods, make payment of commissions only after receiving payment from the client.

3. Cheat using iframe.

This method is considered relatively new and interrupts webmasters' cookies. In this case, cookies are assigned to all site visitors without exception, and the conversion becomes 1:10000.

To do this, use the following HTML code: