How to remove blank page in microsoft word. How to delete pages in Word. If the blank page is not removed

Good afternoon friends.

We continue our immersion in the topic of text documents, revealing all the functions and capabilities of the Word editor. If you missed the previous articles, you can find them on the blog at any time. We have already talked about how and numbering, how to make hyperlinks, footnotes, tables and insert formulas.

Today we will figure out how to delete a sheet in Word, consider special cases and ways to properly edit a document.

I use text editor 2019 release and I will show the actions on his example. Most of the functions have been preserved in all versions since 2007. Since 2010, the program interface has not changed much.

If you're using Word 2010 and later, you shouldn't have any trouble following my steps. In older versions, you can do everything the same, but you may have to look for the necessary functions in other sections of the menu.

If something does not work, write in the comments, I will help.

Deleting an arbitrary sheet

To remove any fragment of the document, you need to select it from beginning to end, holding down left button mouse, and press Delete on the keyboard.

The second option: select a part of the text and click on the right mouse button, in context menu click on "Cut".

If we have selected the content of one or more pages, then they will be completely deleted, and the rest of the text will be pulled up.

To quickly find the right place in the document, you can use the combination “Ctrl + G” on the keyboard.

In the window that appears, indicate the number of the unnecessary page and go straight to it. The navigation window can then be closed.

For example, I want to cut out the second sheet. I go to it, then select all the content and press Del on the keyboard.

How to remove blank first and last pages

Most often, blank spaces are formed at the beginning and end of the document due to extra paragraph marks. In the usual standard view, we do not see them, and this is not necessary to solve this small problem.

To remove a blank sheet at the beginning of the text, place the cursor on the very first line and press the Del button until the content is pulled up.

The second option: put the cursor in front of the first word and press Backspace until we move to the very beginning of the document.

You can remove empty spaces at the end of the text in the same way. I usually put the cursor after the last word and press the Del button as many times as needed to empty page disappeared.

The second option: go to the end of the file by pressing the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + End”, and then use Backspace.

If you still want to see the reason for the resulting void, click on the sign of unreadable characters in the menu in the “Home” tab, in the “Paragraph” section.

Now, on a blank page, you will most likely see characters like the example below, or dots and other characters.

To remove the sheet, select all these characters by holding down the left mouse button and press Del or Backspace.

How to remove blank sheet after table

If an article or report ends with a table that reaches the end of the page, the program will automatically create a blank sheet. By including unreadable characters, as shown above, we will see a paragraph mark, but you can’t just remove it like that.

There is a little trick here. Select this symbol, press the right mouse button and go to the font settings.

In the window that opens, mark the “hidden” item with a bird and confirm the changes. After that, we hide unreadable characters, and the blank page disappears.

Removing a blank in the middle of a document

Another common reason for whitespace in text is page and section breaks. They can be configured in different ways, and in some cases, after editing the text, a void is found right in the middle of the document.

To make troubleshooting easier, I usually ask the editor to show the navigation area.

In my example, you can clearly see that the third page is empty. Here we will take care of her. Go to its beginning and turn on the display of hidden characters, if you have not already done so. The section break looks like this.

Sometimes they are hard to see and you have to switch to draft mode.

The most obvious solution is to delete it with the already familiar Delete or Backspace buttons, but everything is not so simple. In this way, you can get rid of page breaks, usually this does not lead to any visible consequences.

But sections appear in the file for a reason, they often participate in the creation of a certain design. Separate parts of the text may have different margins, headers and footers, numbering format, font. By removing the separator, we can break this structure, so we need to be more delicate here.

Double-click the left mouse button on the inscription "Section break". A settings window appears in front of us. Go to the “Paper Source” tab and ask the program to start the next section on the current page. We save the changes.


We have analyzed all the main cases and ways to remove an extra page from a file. I hope everything worked out for you. If you still have difficulties, describe your situation in the comments, we will discuss.

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Today, no one is surprised by the work in text editors. But not everyone understands the intricacies of using editors. Consider several ways to delete a page in a text Microsoft Editor Word 2010. Sometimes there is a need to delete both a page that contains text and a blank page. After all, such pages can confuse everything in principle, and in particular when printing a document or when numbering. Therefore, the problem of deleting the page must be solved.

Removing a blank page

There are many ways to delete a blank page.

Which of their ways is the easiest?

The simplest is the backspace or delete keys. If it is necessary to delete the next page, then the cursor is placed at the end of the previous page and the delete key is pressed. And if the previous page is deleted, then you need to put the courses at the beginning of the next one, and press the backspace key.

Open the "Home" section, and click on the icon that is responsible for non-printable characters, or rather, for their display. This icon can be found after the "Paragraph" section. Click on the icon. Now the document has taken on a different look - it reflects all the icons that were not visible to the eye before. Among them there will be double spaces, symbols. If you wish, you can take advantage of the situation and remove them. Now you need to find the phrase "page break" in the document, which should be at the end of the text. It needs to be highlighted. And after selection, delete it with the Backspace key. The blank page is now removed from the document and will not interfere.

Delete page with text

Now we know how to delete a blank page. Let's move on to deleting the filled page - text, image, etc. No special knowledge in the field of information technology is required, in fact, how much time. So let's get started. You need to move the cursor to the place you want to delete. Click the "Main" section on the panel and go to the "find" subsection and click on it. We follow the arrow and we get to the "Go to" section. Here a window has opened where you need to specify the number of the page that requires deletion. and then click "Go". The selected text opens, and delete it. We close the window, and delete the text in the standard way - either delete or backspace. That's all, now you are familiar with the process of deleting pages in Word 2010.


Now you know what to delete a page in the editor Microsoft Word 2010 does not require special skills and abilities. The main thing is to follow the instructions, and then everything will happen automatically. Blank pages are removed very simply - for example, using the delete or backspace keys, as well as by displaying non-printable characters and deleting them. Pages with text are also deleted simply - the text is selected and the page is deleted. Everything is simple, fast and absolutely everyone can handle it.

How to delete a page in Word

When working with text in Word, page breaks and section breaks are often used. Subsequently, unnecessary paragraphs appear, which means extra empty sheets in the Word file. If after the option with the “Delete” or “Backspace” button the page is not deleted, then it is worth considering the option of deleting the page using the formatting sign. There are several options for deleting an extra page with content or a completely empty blank slate. The methods that will be described below work in almost all versions of Microsoft Word - 2007, 2010, as well as in 2013 and 2016.

extra paragraphs

You can delete a sheet by removing extra paragraphs. To understand if there are extra paragraphs in the document, you need to click on the "Show all characters" button in the main menu. To do this, open the "Home" menu, find and click on this symbol.

Unnecessary paragraphs cause blank pages to appear. When the entire text is followed by the symbol, then it is easy to see unnecessary paragraphs.

It is necessary to select and delete by clicking on the "Delete" button.

Page break

This method is somewhat similar to the method above. To see where a page or section break was made, enable the already familiar button. Scroll through the document and find the page you want to delete. Place the cursor before or after the page break, as shown in the screenshot below, and click on the "Delete" button. When setting the mouse pointer after the break, you must use the "Backspace" button.

Paragraph after table

For example, the article has a table, probably also at the end of the page. This is the reason for the appearance of a clean unnecessary sheet. Most often, MS Word automatically adds a paragraph after the table, which, unfortunately, cannot be deleted using the two methods listed above. In our case, the blank page was the last one, here's how you can solve the problem of deleting it.

Naturally, we need the help of the symbol, turn it on and return to an empty sheet.

This is what it will look like after turning on the display of all signs.

A symbol that is completely alone, and creates an extra page with its presence. You need to remove it in the next steps.

1) Select a character on an empty page and press the key combination "Ctrl + D";

2) In the "Font" window, check the box in front of the "Hidden" function;

4) Disable the symbol (when disabled, it does not glow yellow) or use the key combination "Ctrl + Shift + 8";

5) Blank sheet removed.

Section break correction

If you use "From Even Page" or "From Odd Page" section breaks, then a blank page will appear. Removing this sheet using the key combination "Cut" or "delete with the Del button" will not work. If a blank page appeared in the middle of the document, then when it is deleted, all text formatting will be violated. You can fix this problem, all you have to do is replace the "on current page" section break. Thus, all text formatting will be preserved without adding a blank sheet. In the following steps, you can replace the section break with "Current Page Break". For this you need:

The blank page will be removed without damaging the entire document.

If you have ever edited someone else's text documents, then you are most likely faced with various problems caused by incorrect work with text. One of similar problems are blank sheets that are not deleted in the usual way. It is this problem that we will discuss in this article. Here you will learn how to delete a blank sheet in Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016.

As a rule, removing an empty sheet is not difficult. Usually, this is enough to place the cursor at the end of the sheet and remove all line breaks, tabs and spaces. But, in some cases, this does not work, and despite all the attempts of the user, the empty sheet continues to hang in the middle of the document and cannot be deleted.

In most cases, the reason for this behavior is non-printable characters that are on a blank sheet and do not allow it to be deleted. In order to decide this problem you need to do several things: turn on the display of non-printable characters, remove all non-printable characters from the sheet, delete the empty sheet.

So, the first thing to do is to enable the display of non-printable characters. If you are using Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016, then for this you need to go to the "Home" tab and click on the button there, which is called "Display all symbols". In addition, you can activate this button using the key combination CTRL + SHIFT + 8.

If you are using Word 2003, then you need to find this button on the toolbar. It is usually next to the drop-down list that controls the scale of the document.

After pressing this button in Word document all non-printable characters will be displayed. So now you can delete them and get rid of the empty sheet. Therefore, immediately go to an empty sheet and delete everything that is there. Usually on such blank sheets you can find non-printing characters that are responsible for tabs, line breaks, as well as page breaks and section breaks. All these non-printable characters must be removed. If you are unable to delete a page break or section break, then simply place the cursor in front of the break and press the DELETE key.

After deleting the blank sheet, section breaks can be repaired if needed. To do this, go to the "Page Layout" tab and use the "Breaks" button.

Having entered the life of a person just a few decades ago, the PC has become an important and integral part of it. The transition from paper to electronic media contributes to the automation of human activity. Having made a mistake in the text of the Microsoft Word editor, a person does not need to rewrite everything manually, spending a huge amount of his time on this. Thanks to the dynamically developing information technology a PC user can daily format, correct, delete data in the text. In just one day, a person whose work is directly related to the preparation of documents or writing various kinds of articles can “turn over” mountains of documents. As a result of painstaking work in the Microsoft Word text editor, each PC owner may have cases when the file big size there are blank pages that need to be removed later. More often, the opposite situation occurs when you need to add a page to a previously created document. In the article below, we will consider methods that help how to remove unnecessary pages and create new ones.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions when deleting sheets

It is quite simple to delete a sheet in the Microsoft Word text editor; the Backspace and Delete buttons located on the user's keyboard can help with this. To delete a blank page that is located immediately after the typed text, you can place the cursor at the end of the page on which there is data, then press the "Delete" button several times.

The principle of operation of the "Backspace" button is almost identical, the difference lies in the ability to delete not the sheet following the text, but the previous one (the blank page is located between the pages with information). To do this, the cursor must be placed at the beginning of the next sheet.

In addition to the keyboard buttons, a multifunctional text editor allows you to remove empty space using the built-in tools. Among other main menu commands, there is an icon that displays non-printable characters. To apply it in practice, you need to go to the "Home" category, which is the first in the menu list, then find the specific icon located in the "Paragraph" subcategory. You can see non-printable characters after clicking on a picture with an image similar to the Latin letter "Pi". You can also show hidden icons by pressing Ctrl+* at the same time. It will be possible to delete the sheet after the user can see the spaces and characters displayed on the screen that are not needed in the document.

In the case when there are too many blank pages and there is no time to perform a routine operation manually, non-printable characters will independently indicate the presence of unfilled space. A blank sheet will be labeled "Page Break". The user should click on this page, after which it will have a color highlight (according to default settings black is set as the base color). You can then click on the "Backspace" or "Delete" button according to personal preference. As a result, the blank page will disappear from the document.

How to delete a completed sheet

So, if everything has become very clear with the question that concerns the removal of exclusively empty pages that are not burdened with information, graphs or pictures, you will have to deal with a method that helps to remove a sheet filled with text. You should not assume that the user will have to do a lot of difficult actions, since the process will not be able to take a lot of labor.

The first thing to do is to place the cursor directly on the page, the information from which is no longer needed by the user. Then go to the first category “Home” in the main menu, select one of the subsections (“Find”), click on the arrow icon located nearby and open the “Go to” link. Through these actions, it becomes possible to go to the desired page, a small dialog box will appear on the screen, in which you should specify the number of the sheet to be deleted. As a result, the user does not need to manually select the text, since the program will do it for him.

After closing the dialog box, you only need to click on the "Delete" or "Backspace" button.

Adding a page in Microsoft Word text editor

Absolutely any modern user at least sometimes opens a text editor, which is why he must know how to add a page in Word. Before you get started, you need to make sure that the text file is not currently in "Web Document" mode. Undoubtedly, this way of displaying information shows the user more text at once, however, the owner of the file cannot see the pagination. In other words, when reading a document, there is no way to track the transition from one sheet to another. The icon that is responsible for switching modes is located at the bottom of the window, not far from the right edge.

You can create a new page at the same time as creating a text file. The "Create" command located in the main menu of the application contributes to the opening of a new document, which will have at least one blank sheet. Instead of the commands that are provided in the program, you can use the simultaneous pressing of the Ctrl + N keys.

The way in which you can create new page in an already existing file, is elementary simple. If the document contains text or pictures that do not completely fill the sheet, you should add a few empty lines to it (press the "Enter" button as many times as necessary). After the current sheet ends, a new blank page will begin, ready for subsequent filling. True, such manipulations are used only by those who are little aware of the work of a modern text editor.

More advanced users use the Page Break command to create a new page. This specific mark can be placed in absolutely any place, even in the middle of a block of information. To use this feature, you need to go to the "Insert" subsection. Typical actions are performed by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl + Enter buttons.


Thanks to simple actions, the user can get rid of extra empty pages located in text file, or, if necessary, insert several new sheets into the document. The command that helps to make a page break is especially useful in the work. Besides the fact that it will eliminate the need to waste time on pressing spaces, by means of a break, the text located behind the cursor will automatically be inserted into a new sheet.