Companions in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. All companions in Star Wars: TOR Swtor companions of the Sith war

Every Star Wars hero needs a companion. Han had Chewie, Luke had R2-D2, and even Jabba had a monkey lizard named Salacious B. Crumb. These characters complement the player's strengths or weaknesses and are always ready to accompany you on your epic campaigns. Companions will make your trip more enjoyable, whether they are companions, friends, flirtatious companions or just fun guys.

As you travel through the universe of the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic, you will be joined by a variety of companions. Some will do it for the sake of adventure, some are driven by greed, and the motives of others will only be revealed to you after some time has passed. Companions in SWTOR range from clever droids to exotic alien creatures, from proud princess to lawless pirate - and each class in the game has a unique "set" of companions.

As you travel the galaxy together, your companions will make comments, give information about the places you're going to, and so on - from their own point of view. Companions can act like your conscience and try to influence your decisions. In turn, you too will influence and change them as the story progresses. Depending on your choice, some companions will become your close friends, others - lovers, and some may become enemies.

Already at the very beginning of your adventures you will meet your first companion. But as your skill grows, others will join you. As you travel together and try to get to know each other better, companions don't just become stronger - they draw you into their own storyline with quests and rewards. And you can improve their characteristics by purchasing a variety of equipment for them.

As your team grows and evolves, opportunities for new strategies and tactics will open up. For example, you find yourself in the "Crypt" on Belsavis: who will you send to cover the rear and provide support for the rest of the group? An experienced soldier who will divert attention from your squad to himself? An experienced field doctor who will help everyone stay alive? A loyal astromech whose computer skills could be the key to a successful mission? These are just a few of the choices you'll make as you journey through the Star Wars: The Old Republic galaxy together.

JEDI KNIGHT T7-O1, Kira Carsen (RM), Doc (RF), Sergeant Rusk, Lord Scourge
JEDI CONSULAR Qyzen Fess, Tharan Cedrax (RF), Zenith, Lieutenant Iresso (RF), Nadia Grell (RM)
SMUGGLER Corso Riggs (RF), Bowdaar, Risha (RM), Akaavi Spar (RM), Guss Tuno
TROOPER Aric Jorgan (RF), Elara Dorn (RM), Tanno Vik, Yuun, M1-4X
SITH WARRIOR Vette (RM), Malavai Quinn (RF), Jaesa Willsaam (RM), Lieutenant Pierce (RF), Broonmark
SITH INQUISITOR Khem Val, Andronikos Revel (RF), Ashara Zavros (RM), Talos Drellik, Xalek
IMPERIAL AGENT Kaliyo (RM), SCORPIO, Vector (RF), Doctor Lokin, Ensign Temple (RM)
BOUNTY HUNTER Mako (RM), Gault, Torian Cadera (RF), Blizz, Skadge

RF - romantic relationships with female characters are possible;
RM - romantic relationships with male characters are possible

In SWTOR, companions accompany your character throughout the gameplay. Your hero receives his first companion on the starting planet. Each class is endowed with five unique companions, as well as a special companion - a ship droid, which has no combat characteristics, but can be used in crafting.

Companions engage in conversation with you from time to time; each of them has its own combat specialization (medic, tank, damage dealer), each has bonuses to certain craft professions (Crew Skills). Your relationship with your companion is reflected on a character scale called “Affection”; changing this parameter depends on how much the companion liked your choice during the quest dialogue. By the way, not all companions in SWTOR like pathetic speeches and selflessness - some prefer complete selfishness, acquisitiveness and cruelty. Gifts that can be purchased from sellers on some planets (in particular, Nar Shaddaa) or obtained during some craft missions (Diplomacy, Treasure Hunting, Investigation and Underworld Trading) will help you change the level of your influence on your companion.

When companions want to chat with you, an icon will appear next to the companion icon indicating that your companion wants to talk to you privately. This usually means that in order to talk, you need to go to rest areas - the nearest cantina or your ship. Each interaction with a companion brings quite a lot of experience points and changes your reputation with him in one direction or another.

It is possible to have a romantic relationship with some companions.

Every Star Wars hero needs a companion. Han had Chewie, Luke had R2-D2, even Jabba had the ape-like cackling lizard Salacious B. Crumb. Such characters will complement the player's strengths or weaknesses and will accompany you on the grand journey that inevitably lies before you. They can be hostile, friendly, flirtatious, or just funny. Either way, companions will come in handy on your adventures.

In Star Wars: The Old Republic, you can join many companions. Some for the sake of adventure, others because of greed, and the motives of others will remain hidden for a long time. Companions range from sentient droids to strange aliens, from a noble princess to a thieving pirate. Each class will have a unique set of companions.

As you travel with you across the galaxy, your companions will comment on the current situation, reveal information about the plot and points of interest - all from their own unique point of view. Companions can serve as a voice of conscience for you and try to influence your decisions. Conversely, you will also influence them and change their development as you progress through the story. Depending on the decisions you make, some companions will become your best friends, others may become your lovers, and some may turn into your enemies.

You will be introduced to your first companion character at the beginning of your adventure. And as you become more experienced, others will join you. As you travel with companions, you will get to know them better. Not only will they become stronger, but they will also open up a unique series of quests and rewards for you. Moreover, you can improve your companions by equipping them with various things.

As your team develops and grows, new options, strategies and tactics will become available. When going to "The Tomb" on the planet Belsavis, who will you take to watch your back and help the rest of the group? A seasoned soldier who will distract the attention of enemies from the group? A gifted military medic, capable of maintaining the health of everyone around him? Or maybe the ever-loyal Astromech, whose computer skills may be the last hope for completing the mission? These are just some of the choices you'll make as you and your companions navigate the galaxy in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Companion System Overview

And changes in companions. And it became known that:

All companions can switch between three combat roles. The summoned companion's portrait displays his current role. The role can be changed at any time (except in battle). After changing the role, the companion's abilities will completely change to those corresponding to his new role.
- The characteristics of companions no longer depend on equipment, which now only affects their appearance. This change will also allow players to use unmodifiable items for companions without worrying about their effectiveness.
- All companions have basic characteristics that will increase as the player levels up. This means that no matter who you summon (or how long ago you summoned them), all companions will always fight at least at an adequate level.
- Slots have been removed from companions that do not change their appearance.
- Companions no longer have the “Affection” characteristic. Instead, they received “Influence.” Companion Affection that the player has already gained has been converted into Influence (at a 1:1 ratio).
- The developers of Star Wars: The Old Republic made the following changes to gift values:

  • The base value of each gift has been increased by 33%.
  • Blue (Prototype) gifts have their value increased by an additional 20%. Blue (Prototype) gifts are now twice as effective as green (Premium) gifts and half as effective as purple (Artifact) gifts.
  • Gifts of a certain rank now last longer before their value begins to decline, and once they begin to decrease, they will lose value more slowly.
Read more - As you increase your influence on your companion, your influence rank will increase. Each time a companion gains a new rank, they also receive a bonus to the Presence stat (which increases the companion's damage, health, and healing), as well as bonuses to task completion time and crit chance in team skills.
- Now each point of the Presence characteristic gives certain percentage bonuses, instead of a quantitative characteristic.
- All companions will lose their skill bonuses.
- A new interface window “Companions & Contacts” has appeared (the default button is “N”).
- One of your main tasks during the events of Knights of the Fallen Empire will be organizing an alliance. Most of the missions for the alliance are built around companions from the original stories and around what they have been doing for the past 5 years.
- It is in missions for the alliance that you develop your alliance and its power, attracting new forces or remarkable characters to your cause.
- Noteworthy NPCs you meet as the story progresses will be tracked in the "Companions & Contacts" window under the "Contacts" heading.
- Each contact's record will present a short biography and important interactions between you and that contact. You will also have an influence rank for each contact. If you help them, then your influence on them will increase, which in turn can open up additional rewards or story options.
- You can recruit many contacts into your alliance, and some may even become supporters. Supporters are contacts who can join you on your adventures (as companions).
- You can fast travel to any of your contacts using the "Travel to Contact" button.
- Periodically, contacts will inform you about special missions by sending you notifications. These notifications appear under the "Alerts" heading in the "Companions & Contacts" window. By clicking on the entry, you will receive message details and the option to accept the mission. If you decide to start a mission upon notification, then you will be teleported to the starting location for that mission.

Every SW hero needs a companion. Han had Chewy, Luke had R2-D2, even Jabba had the lizard monkey Tiny. These characters complement the player's strength and support him in the path he chooses. Companions - militant, friendly, talkative, will always accompany you on your adventure.

In SW:TOR, the variety of companion characters serves different purposes. Some will join you for the sake of adventure, others for profit, and the motivation of others may be unclear for the time being, and will only be revealed over time.

The companions are varied - intelligent droids, quirky aliens, revered princess, roguish pirate - each class has a specific set of companions. As you travel around the Galaxy, your companions will give you comments, plot information, interests - that is, everything. Companions can act as your conscience and try to influence your decisions. In turn, you will influence and change them as the story progresses. Some companions will become your close friends, others may become your lovers, and some may turn into your enemies. You will be introduced to your first companion at the very beginning of the adventure. As you progress through the storyline, your bond with your companion will grow. By traveling with companions, you get to know them better, they become more powerful, and can also help you on missions and bring you rewards. In addition, you can strengthen your companions by purchasing different equipment for them.

As your team grows and evolves, new features, strategies, and tactics will become available. When you lead a squad on Belsavis, who will watch your back and help the rest of the group? Will you bring a soldier with you who will distract the attention of enemies, or a medic who will heal your wounds, or bring an astro-mechanical droid whose computer skills will help the mission. These are just some of the examples that will be available in-game as you and your companions travel the galaxy in SW:TOR.


Place of residence: Nar Shaddaa
Family: sister, mother, father unknown
Known Buddies: Mocker, Spark, Plasma

Slave, treasure hunter, survivor.

Few people have managed to see the entire Galaxy like Witte, and few can control fate. Born a slave on Ryloth, Witt was separated from her family at an early age and sold into slavery. When the legendary pirate Nok Drayen destroyed the domain of her last master, Witte and the other slaves were given the opportunity to choose either freedom or to join the pirate Nok. And so Vette became a pirate, traveling the known worlds and exploring ways to infiltrate different places.

Several years later, Nok Dreyen mysteriously and unexpectedly released all his people in his service. She then flew to Nar Shaadda, a notorious moon of smugglers and pirates, where she met other young, idealistic Twilleks and used her criminal abilities to rob and maim those who exploited the cultural artifacts and people of Ryloth. The tireless Witt looks older than her years, but she is far from mature, she takes pleasure in stupid jokes and is always ready to laugh at people who imagine too much about themselves.


The agile and stubborn astromech droid, designated T7-O1, has never undergone a memory wipe since his activation more than two centuries ago. Thanks to this unusual circumstance, T7 has a vast knowledge base, including detailed records of each of his missions and the many friends and enemies he met along the way. Because his memory remains intact, T7 has developed an impartial personality, an independent character, and a unique perspective on what is happening in the galaxy. Unlike other droids, T7 does not view its organic owners as masters, but rather treats them more like partners. Over the centuries, he has readily teamed up with senators, spies, smugglers, and even Jedi.

T7 considers himself a protector of his more fragile organic allies, willingly putting himself in harm's way and playing the hero when others' lives are in danger. Although the T7 was originally designed for repair and piloting, it has accumulated many special modifications that expand its potential on the battlefield. This little droid is not just a mechanical assistant... he is a friend and ally to the end.


A mighty Wookiee warrior named Bowdaar fought to the death in every gladiatorial arena from Geonosis to Nar Shaddaa. For almost a century, spent in duels with countless opponents, Boudaar had never suffered defeat. In one-on-one battles, he defeated rancors, gundarks, Mandalorians and even Jedi. What's even more surprising is that he often fights without the use of weapons or armor. The more gullible dregs of society whisper that Boudaar is an immortal being who cannot be killed, but those who have met him and survived say that he is just the best of the best.

Although his numerous victories enriched or ruined many of the gamblers and crime bosses who bet on his fights, Boudaar never saw the money. As a child, he became a slave and began to fight in arenas against his will, serving one vicious master after another decade after decade. Boudaar has no family, no friends, no home - only the strength of a warrior and an unbending will to live.

Kaliyo Djannis

Residence: Rattatak (presumably)
Famous friends: Anspi "shel", Non Veyaiko, The Wheezer
Height: 1.5 m

The Correlian Security Forces report on Calio Giannis contains a blurry photo of the most wanted gangster affectionately embracing a small Rattataki woman. In one hand she held an assault rifle, raised in victory, and in the other she served a bottle of wine to her friend.

The photo was called "Kalio Giannis and Vanus Cruor - first meeting."

Due to conflicting information, Calio's history remains full of dark spots. For the past decade, she has worked as a mercenary and assassin for half a dozen crime syndicates, spent time in prison, and had close associations with anarchists. Whether she does this for some purpose or just for fun remains a mystery.

It's only when Calio doesn't have enough firepower that she turns on her charm - and the underworld finds him damn attractive. Abandoned people are considered manipulative, other colleagues love her even after breaking up. However, anyone working with or against her must be extremely careful - no one escapes Rattataki unscathed.

Tanno Vic

Residence: Balmorra (presumably)
Most powerful explosion: 29 kilotons
Race: Weequay

Tanno Vic, one of the most talented explosives experts to ever serve in the Republic military, is a charming, highly skilled and completely amoral fellow. Born on the lawless streets of Nar Shaddaa, Vik is accustomed to putting his own interests above others; recruitment into the army became for him just a convenient way to hide from the wrath of one of his criminal accomplices, whom he betrayed especially brazenly.

But once he got his hands on the most advanced weapons and explosives in the galaxy, he was captivated forever.

During his training, Vic impressed his teachers with his ability to detect structural weaknesses in everything from buildings to vehicles with incredible speed - he always placed explosives where they would do the most damage. He was even considered as a candidate to join the Special Forces unit, but his aggressive behavior and disregard for subordination did not give him this honor. Criminal charges were brought against him throughout his short service, until he was eventually convicted of running a racketeering operation during the defense of the Republic outpost on Thalaya. After his discharge, Vic turned to mercenary work and to this day still hones his skills in the deadliest areas of the galaxy.