The best extensions for Mozilla Firefox. Updating plugins in Firefox The most necessary add-ons for mozilla firefox

When faced with a problem, you begin to search for its solution, reading a lot of instructions and not even suspecting about the extensions that are created to solve these problems in seconds.


Lets you see web pages the way you want, without pop-up banners or flashing messages.

It has four dozen different filters that automatically recognize unnecessary, cluttering information and block it.

Please note: if the site you want to access is dangerous, the plugin will immediately block the domain to avoid further problems.

The add-on also includes the ability to create your own filters using built-in tools.

This allows the user to block pictures, videos, scripts and even styles that interfere, distract or simply don’t like.

All you have to do is save the created filter and it will be applied every time you access the Internet.

Improving their product, the developers have given the extension, starting with version 2.0, the ability to skip some advertising in support of those sites that do not abuse it and do not make it intrusive.

It will be understandable and useful for both experienced users and beginners.

All you need to do is add it to your browser, after which you can work as usual.

The only difference will be that when you go to a new web page on the network that contains it, it will be highlighted.

In this case, you just need to expand it and download the video you like in just a couple of clicks.

The add-on allows you to download from a lot of popular sites:

In addition, for greater convenience, it also provides different formats of the same video, allows you to download several files at once and convert them in the process.

The add-on is designed to be as easy to use as possible, but at the same time contains a lot of functions and capabilities.

The tool, developed back in 2006, but due to constant modifications and its purpose is still one of the most relevant when working on the Internet, is one of the best extensions created for data protection.

It blocks any Java applets and other elements of web pages that contain .

Please note: you always have the opportunity to create a white list and thereby exclude the sites selected by it from being blocked.

Once added to your , it will successfully protect against the most common attacks, such as:

  • CSRF attacks;
  • XSS attacks;
  • attacks on cross-zone DNS with spoofing.

NoScript will allow you to avoid vulnerabilities and close all possible options for intercepting user data, without weakening or slowing down the functionality of your computer.

It also features advanced DoNotTrack technology, aimed at eliminating even those vulnerabilities that are unknown.

A multifunctional translator that will always allow you to understand the content even of foreign sites that are completely designed in another language.

Based on three translators at once - Google, Microsoft Bing and Translator, it has 90 languages ​​at its disposal and is capable of working with text up to 10 thousand characters in size.

By the way, we have material on our website that describes in detail the pros and cons of all the main applications and services.

Its capabilities include both translating the entire web page and individual words, phrases and sentences present on it, which can simply be selected with the mouse.

ImTranslator has a history of all completed translations, which will not allow you to lose the necessary information.

Its functions also include:

  • language recognition;
  • voicing the results;
  • reverse translation.

The add-on has a number of hotkeys that can significantly speed up your work with text. It has an editor and a spelling corrector designed for 8 languages.

It also allows you to use it for data entry.

Designed for practicality and simplicity, it fully corresponds to this, and based on not one, but several dictionaries at once, it also embodies the reliability of translation.

Not the most technically complex, but very useful, and most importantly, often used, it is responsible for the creation and allows you to design comments for them in various styles.

In or via email, when questions arise or as a joke, we constantly take screenshots, save them as memories or exchange them, and with this add-on for Firefox it is much more convenient to do this.

Also allows you to capture any objects on the screen and gives you a choice of what to do:

  • print screenshot;
  • save in PDF format;
  • export the result to OneNote.

Please note: what distinguishes FireShot Pro from other add-ons is the ability to take a screenshot of all open tabs with just one click.

It also has an editor that allows you to scale the image, crop it and change its size in every possible way. It is he who is responsible for creating comments and has a large set of tools for this.

There are a lot of malicious sites on the Internet and this add-on was created to protect users from threats emanating from them.

Unlike other add-ons, it is not based on computer analysis of web pages, but on the opinions of real people.

Hundreds and thousands of people around the world work and make purchases online, and when they come across dubious sites, they usually leave reviews about them.

Using a well-thought-out algorithm, it analyzes the ratings left for certain web pages and emphasizes the reputation of each of them in its own way.

When the animated icon turns green, it means the site can be trusted and is secure.

The yellow color asks you to be more careful, because the page has not earned complete trust. Red indicates danger and advises leaving the site as quickly as possible.

In addition, the add-on independently blocks domains that pose an overt threat, prevents downloads from the Internet, and also warns against making purchases in online stores of a suspicious nature.

An unfortunate add-on created for Mozilla Firefox, solely so that you no longer have to constantly press the “Refresh” button.

If the site is not self-updating, and you expect changes from it, this add-on is for you.

ReloadEvery is relevant, because millions of people often follow sports competitions, changes on the stock exchange and other processes that can change in an instant.

It successfully refreshes the page you select after a given time interval. To enable it, you just need to click on its icon while on the desired site and set the required period.

There are standard intervals of 5-, 10-, 30-second, as well as 1-, 5-, 15-minute intervals.

Please note that its features allow you to create, customize and save your own intervals.

Among other things, the add-on includes the ability to update all open tabs after random periods of time, which are selected randomly.

A useful addition to the browser for those who regularly experience problems connecting to the Internet.

Scrapbook allows you to save web pages so that you can view them even when you are offline.

In other words, it creates entire databases of similar pages and has a number of features:

  • saves not only the text of the site, but also pictures, its design style and multimedia inserts, while respecting its structure;
  • saves several tabs at once;
  • has the ability to save those pages to which links located on the selected page lead;
  • provides the ability to create several databases at once.

Having improved the latest version, the developers have enabled it to search for the necessary information in the database by title and even by time.

In addition, for greater convenience, the user can leave comments on the saved pages.

There is also a block for notes and the ability to edit web pages: delete, add, change content on the pages.

The topic of confidentiality of personal data on the Internet is gaining momentum from year to year, accordingly, applications and plugins are regularly created to address this, one of the prominent representatives of which is Ghostery.

As an addition to the browser, it is focused on searching for beacons and various network bugs that are specifically placed on sites by their owners or advertisers in order to monitor traffic.

It recognizes the traces of more than five hundred companies and even such giants as and, along the way, providing all possible information about the way they collect data.

However, its main advantage lies in blocking embedded documents, various pictures and scripts, which pose a threat.

Please note: Ghostery never asks for registration or any personal information. Using the add-on is completely anonymous.

To develop and improve the plugin, they also added the GhostRank function, which allows those who care to add the bugs they find to the existing database.

Due to the constantly emerging restrictions and blocking of individual sites and even social networks, attempts to bypass the barriers put up by providers have become relevant.

One of the best options for those who use the Mozilla Firefox browser is FriGate, which solves all problems based on connecting to a proxy server.

It successfully manages to unblock web pages, spending a minimum of resources on it.

It is worth noting that FriGate can recognize which site is blocked and which is not, so when entering regular, quite accessible web pages, it is disabled.

The only drawback is the slightly slower work with blocked resources and, unfortunately, this cannot be corrected.

To make their product more open, the developers have made it available to users to choose the algorithms by which sites are accessed.

Depending on them, the speed of work may vary down or up.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Not long ago I wrote an article about a fairly popular one in the world and mentioned there that the highlight of this program is that it initially contained only a basic set of properties, and everything else was left to add-ons.

It’s clear that it’s not worth even dreaming of covering all the more or less worthwhile plugins for Firefox, however, I’ll try to focus on those that I use myself. First, I think I’ll review the add-ons that help webmasters and SEO specialists in their hard work, and then move on to commonly used extensions.

I also hope that you will mention your favorites in the comments, indicating their names and a brief description of their capabilities. I really hope to learn something useful for myself.

The best Mazila extensions for everyone

    This plugin has a number of features that can be useful not only for webmasters, but also for ordinary users. So, Neiron Search Tools is installed in the browser and allows you to:

    In general, the extension turned out to be quite interesting with a number of unique and popular functions.
  1. Fireshot is an add-on for Mazila that allows you to take screenshots. There are a lot of possibilities both for taking screenshots (it can easily take a picture not only of the visible area, but of the entire web page), and for their subsequent editing, adding graphic or text indicators and annotations. It seems to me that it can be very useful for webmasters, and ordinary Internet users too.
  2. .

Add-ons for Firefox to help webmasters

  1. is a plugin for Mozilla that needs no introduction. Using the link provided, you can find an article describing all its capabilities, which, believe me, are quite a few. Previously, this was generally the only convenient option for dissecting the code of your own or someone else’s website.

    Now the situation has changed significantly and in almost all popular browsers you will find a tool similar to Firebug, and this tool will already be built into the program from the very beginning. However, it was Firebug that became the starting point for such abundance:

    1. In Opera, you need to select “Inspect Element” from the context menu of the web page element you are interested in.
    2. Just select “View element code” from the context menu
    3. B - “Check object”
    4. And in Firefox itself from Mazila you can use not Firebug, but select “Examine element” from the context menu

    But still, this plugin is superior in capabilities to its built-in analogues. It itself can serve as a home for other extensions. For example, the YSlow loading speed meter or the same Google Assistant for site acceleration, which lives inside this particular add-on for Mozilla. In general, I advise you to try it or at least skim through the article that I cited at the beginning.

    — this plugin does not have as many clones as the one described above (in Safari, however, there are tools for developers that implement something similar), but sometimes it is simply irreplaceable.

    It will be especially useful for beginner webmasters, for whom it is not yet commonplace. Follow the link below to find a detailed article describing all the features of this wonderful add-on.

  2. - serves not for benefit or convenience, but for increasing such an indicator of your site as . This indicator indirectly reflects the site, which means it can be indirectly useful to you. If you work with your resource through Mozilla Firefox, then do not install this plugin in it - as a result, the Alexa numbers for your resource will decrease slightly (which is good).
  3. - follow the link below to find an article describing the capabilities of this powerful add-on for Firefox. It will be useful primarily to those who deal with foreign ( who buys links, for example, in, or posts articles in). Using it, you can quite easily and clearly see all the ins and outs of the site, which can become a donor for your backlink.

  4. SeoQuake is a real alternative to the SEO plugin for Mozilla described just above. It can also display many different parameters of the open page on the fly using the toolbar located at the top, but also in search results can add information lines for each site:

    It has a lot of settings that are hidden in the context menu of the icon located in the upper right corner of the browser window.

    BBCodeXtra - when you write a message on a forum, quite often there is a need to insert BB codes (or format the text in some other way). Entering tags or BB codes every time is tiring, and a visual editor will not always be available. This is where a Mozilla Firefox plugin called BBCodeXtra comes in handy.

    Place the cursor in the desired text field of the desired Html form and select insert BB codes or tags from the context menu:


    Rainbow Color Tools is a small but useful add-on for Mazila that allows you to capture color from the screen with just one click. When making layouts, the need for selection often arises, and sometimes the easiest way to do this is by capturing it from the screen (the eyedropper tool). There are a great many programs for these purposes, but a browser plugin looks like a more attractive solution.

    Once installed, you will find a rainbow icon in the top right area of ​​the window. By left-clicking on it, you can get the color code for any part of the screen by simply moving the mouse over it and left-clicking on the shade of interest. Its code will be copied to the clipboard, which is very convenient.

    The arrow located to the right of the icon will allow you to view all previously captured colors using this add-on, as well as open the palette and see the main color scheme of the site opened in the browser.

  5. Flagfox - in the address bar shows the flag of the country where the server of the site opened in Firefox is located (read about that). By left-clicking on the flag, you can find out the exact location of the server, and by right-clicking, you can see a context menu with many options, including.

Themes and wallpapers for Mozilla

Let's start with Wallpaper for Mazila. In fact, wallpapers are a simplified version of full-fledged themes (when installed, only the background fill with color or toolbar image changes) and in order to understand how well a particular wallpaper suits your browser, you just need to move the mouse to the thumbnail you like, and you will see how this disgrace will look on your pet:

If you are satisfied with the preliminary testing of the wallpaper, then to install it you need to click on the version of the simplified theme you like and in the window that opens click on the “Add to Firefox” button:

Now regarding themes for Mazila Firefox. They differ from wallpapers in that they have more weight and change not only the appearance of the toolbar, but also the design of the browser control buttons, and also make changes to a number of other little things. You won’t be able to try out full-fledged themes without installation, so go directly to downloading it and click on the “Add to Firefox” button.

Wait until the theme is fully loaded (sometimes they are quite heavy), confirm your desire to see this masterpiece in Mozilla, after which a prompt to restart the browser will appear in the top area. Do this and see what changes the new theme has made (crawl through all the nooks and crannies).

If the downloaded and installed theme does not delight you, then no one is stopping you from continuing your search and trying on. However, there are situations when you need to return to a previously established topic, but you no longer remember what it was called. In this case, you will need to go to the following path “Add-ons” - “Appearance” tab:

Your current theme will appear first (its name is written brightly) and the “Delete” button will be placed next to it. You can use it, but if you still need this theme, you can simply click on the “Enable” button next to any of the ones you previously installed in Mozilla Firefox. The default theme is called Default and, unlike others, it will not be possible to delete it.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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In this review, you can see the top 15 plugins for .

The main function of the plugin is to expand the capabilities of the program.

But remember that before downloading, you need to make sure that the program can attach plugins.

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Speed ​​Dial is an express panel. By installing it, you get quick access to all frequently visited websites. This model is created in three-dimensional form, but does not slow down the browser.

Bookmarks on the computer control panel are presented in a very convenient form - in the form of dils (tiles with a signature and a picture).

When installing a new standard demo, you can use as a picture not only screenshots and captions offered by the program, but also your own.

Of course, you yourself can control the number and size of dils. But, in addition to the control panel, this plugin has many software designers.

You can download this plugin via FireFox without any difficulty.


ADblock Plus

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This program is time-tested, so downloading it will give you 100% results. Now I will tell you how to install on FireFox.

  1. In the upper right corner you will see an icon with three stripes, you need to click on it and select the option "Addition" .

  1. Then click the item at the end of the text "View more add-ons" .
  2. Next, when you get into a huge store, you will need to enter: "ADblock Plus" and you will be shown the results of the topic you specified.
  3. After this you need to click: "Add to FireFox" at the desired offer.
  4. The download will begin. We wait until the browser completes it, and then click in this window "Add" and the browser installs the add-on.

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Despite the fact that many online sites are now being modernized, sometimes it is very difficult to access them due to the format.

This is where this program will help you.

Downloading it for FireFox will not cause you any trouble.

By downloading this program, you can quickly access the site you want.


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Some sites are very inconvenient to keep track of updates. This is where the Update Scanner plugin comes in handy.

A simple (regular) download of this program will allow you to accurately track updates to sites that interest you.

After installing the plugin, an icon will appear in the upper right corner. Open the page you want to monitor and click the Page Monitor icon. In the menu that opens, click the cell "Track."

After this, the page is monitored. Then select the parameters "Settings" . Place a check in the checkbox and select the Advanced Settings chapter.

A window will appear at the bottom right of the screen containing a list of pages that have changed. Subsequently, changes will be highlighted in green font.



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No script supports FireFox version 3.0 and higher. Many sites force you to leave your data, enter passwords, bank cards, etc. This is why we need this plugin.

It allows you to limit the set of information about us, as well as eliminate some attacks. This is very important, because many pirate sites take advantage of this, which subsequently brings disastrous results.

This program can also solve problems with advertising.

Installing this plugin is very easy. Its installation consists of two steps.

Step 1: after visiting the site, click "Add to Firefox" .

Step 2: After loading is complete, press the key "Install Now" . To check the site, left-click on the corresponding icon


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Sometimes, while typing various texts, we do not notice some minor ones. And this is not playing a funny joke on us.

But now we have an interesting program URL Fixer plus Ru and UA, it allows us to avoid these errors.

Very often we press an adjacent key or type in a different language. But that's all in the past.

This plugin is very easy to download. Therefore, if you don’t want to make mistakes on little things, install and work for your own pleasure.


LastPass Password Manager

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Have you ever encountered such a problem as a forgotten password? We are currently registering with, emails and we are always afraid to forget their password.

But Password Manager will remember all your passwords. You won’t have to suffer for a long time, remembering all the passwords and e-mail.

They will all be together on one convenient page.


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One of the most popular resources for watching films and TV series, tracking the lives of your favorite video bloggers are websites and RuTube.

And when you are about to leave somewhere or fly away, you encounter the problem of downloading movies on the road.

But, thanks to the Video DownloadHelper plugin for FireFox, you can download your favorite videos in one click.

To tell the truth, this program is paid, but I am sure that it is worth it.

After all, in addition to YouTube e and Rutube, this application allows you to support various video formats, which is a huge plus.


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Everyone probably has a favorite site that they want to return to again and again. Now I will tell you how to install and use this program, which allows you to remember previous sessions.

Step 1: First you need to type in a search engine "Session Manager download for FireFox" and follow this link.

Step 2: then click on the window "Download extension" .

As already mentioned, this program performs two main functions:

  • Saving open tabs
  • Opening saved tabs

Now let's look at each function in detail.

  • Click the icon we installed.
  • Then you need to give a name to the file to distinguish it from others and save it by clicking the cell "Save" .

Currently the biggest problem is garbage.

Unfortunately, it is also on the computer, but we are not going to put up with it. And Clear Console as well.

This is a plugin for FireFox that fights cache on your computers. Downloading this plugin is very simple.

You need to go to the site, download, see the icon that should appear in the top bar of your device. And you can use it.

Using this plugin is very easy.

You just need to click and “voila, the result is obvious.”


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The provider and system administrators are sometimes the biggest problem for logging into the site, since the resource is blocked.

This plugin allows you to unblock a site by connecting to , but this must be done carefully.

Acting according to a special algorithm. And one more plus.

FireGate connects only to blocked sites.

How to download for FireFox?

  • The browser will begin downloading. You will need to wait and then click "Install" .
  • To complete the download, you must restart the browser, agreeing to the installation conditions.
  • The plugin is installed. The icon that will appear on the top panel will tell you about this.

How to use ?

  • In order to get started you will need to click on the icon. You will have a panel.
  • In order to get started, you need to first click on "The site is not on the list" , and then “Add site to list” .
  • The site will be added to the list.
  • Then you need to click the second line, to which will be added.
  • You will then see the sites you have added to the list. You will have to select the one you need.
  • Then you will get another frame with options. There will be a point “Enable turbo compression” .

Now let's return to the main settings. I'll tell you about the parameters.

If you do not need for any action, you just need to click "Turn off friGate" . And the program will be disabled.

Fast Dial

Read also:

This plugin serves as your backbone. This is a special folder that stores your permanent pages. To avoid searching and typing this a hundred times, download the Fast Dial auxiliary program.

Today I will tell you how to install and how to use this program.

How to download this plugin?

You can immediately go to this site by typing: “Download Fast Dial for FireFox new version” . And go to this resource. Start downloading through the store.

To download this program, you need to click on the sign in the upper right corner (in the form of three stripes on top of each other). A window will be displayed, there you should select the tab.

A line will appear in the upper right corner. In this line you must enter the name of the program: "Fast Dial" . And then click on the E key nter on your keyboard.

The first application will be the one you need. Next to the name and picture there will be a word "Install" . Don't be afraid, press it. This will download the plugin for Fire Fox.

To run the program, you will need to reboot. Click on a cell "Restart Now" .

The program has been downloaded!

How to use Fast Dial?

Every time you create a tab in the browser, a window will pop up. Your task is to fill it with tabs.


Many of us have children. Of course, we are very worried about them. Now the child is about to go to school, and already knows his way around the Internet quite well.

How to protect your little miracle from sites it doesn’t need? This is where the BlockSite plugin comes in handy. . It's very easy to download. Now I will explain to you how.

  1. You enter the name with the word download as usual: "BlockSite for FireFox download" . And go to the first site.
  2. Then in the upper right corner you click the icon (three lines).
  3. Select an item "Addition" .
  4. Enter the name of the plugin into the search bar: "BlockSite" .
  5. You need to press a key "Install" and reload the browser by clicking on the button "Reboot Now" .
  6. After rebooting, a window will appear on the screen. You must click on the green bar: "Agree and continue" .

How to use the extension

  • Click the browser menu button in the right area of ​​the window. Click the button in the window that appears.

  • On the left side of the screen, click "Extension" , and then click on the settings item.

Developer. Having visited this page, you can, of course, pay attention to the section “ the most popular add-ons for Mozilla, but we dare to warn you - firstly, the description of all add-ons is in English (so the information may not be entirely clear), and secondly, not everything that is popular is really needed. So, let's get to the point.

1.Speed ​​Dial

Speed ​​Dial will greatly simplify working with the browser at the start. This component will be immediately recognized by those who cheated on Opera with the “Fire Fox”. The main task of Speed ​​Dial is to remember sites specified by the user and display them as thumbnails on the start page - the so-called “quick access tabs”. Thus, you can open your most favorite and visited sites at any time with just one click. You can configure these tabs using the Speed ​​Dial button, which will appear on the toolbar at the top of the window. A new site can be added using the command: “Install in Speed ​​Dial”.

2. Adblock Plus

The purpose of the add-on is to block annoying advertising in the form of pop-up windows like “You are the 999th visitor, click and get a prize” and messages like “Violetta wants to add you as a friend.” All these “appendix nuisances” on websites using Java and Flash technologies can be easily recognized and limited by Adblock Plus. Its ease of use and super-efficiency have made it one of the most popular plugins and is included in the list of “Best Add-ons for Mozilla Firefox”.


ProxMate is a very useful extension for Firefox users who are interested in foreign TV series, music videos, TV shows, and sports broadcasts. Despite the fact that the Internet without borders has been promoted recently, you could often observe a situation where, for example, a video on YouTube “Not available in your region.” To avoid such unpleasant situations, we recommend downloading and installing this add-on. It works like a proxy server and can replace your IP address and hide your true location. At the same time, the work of the plugin will not affect the speed of the Internet connection.


Without this add-on, active Internet surfers will have a hard time. If you don’t want to constantly feel like bait for distributors of advertising, malware and broken links, be sure to install Interсlue. The development will inform you about unreliable sites even before you visit them. When you hover over a link, you will see an information box with information about potential phishing, spyware, erroneous links, etc.

5. Update Scanner

If you constantly visit the same web resources and follow all the updates, be sure to get such a thing as Update Scanner. This plugin will monitor any changes occurring on user-specified pages completely free of charge. The information will be displayed in a pop-up window in the lower right corner. In this case, the changes will be highlighted in yellow, so you don’t have to look for what’s new on the site.

6. URL Fixer plus RU and UA

There is no point in talking too much about this plugin. All it does is correct common typing errors in the address bar. But this is quite enough to download it. After all, it often happens that you press the next key or type in the wrong language. URL Fixer not only corrects the address in which you missed the next letter, but also translates URLs that were accidentally typed in the Russian or Ukrainian layout. For example, typing in the line: “пшшпдуусьгф”, you will get what you really wanted:

7. LastPass Password Manager

Are you afraid of forgetting your email or social network password? With the LastPass Password Manager add-on, you'll get rid of this phobia in no time! The plugin remembers all authorization codes and will help you manage all the passwords you use while surfing the Internet. LastPass Password Manager will automatically fill out all forms, and it also supports importing saved data from other password managers such as PasswordSafe, Roboform, Keepass.

8.Video DownloadHelper

This extension will not only simplify the process of downloading files, but will also be able to “rip out” videos from popular hosting sites Youtube and Rutube. Yes, yes, you can save clips and films from YouTube with just a couple of clicks. Another hidden feature of Video DownloadHelper is video conversion. But to activate it, the developers offer to fork out a little.

9.IE Tab

Despite the rapid development of web technologies and the adaptation of Internet resources to the maximum number of users, there are still sites or their individual components that can only be displayed by the Internet Explorer browser. So, in order not to launch two web browsers at the same time, you can solve the problem by installing the IE Tab plugin. After this, there will be no difficulties opening pages designed for Internet Explorer.

Plugins for Firefox, as technically defined by the browser's developers, are software modules designed to process content on websites. Namely: video, audio, online games, graphics and much more. These include, for example, Adobe Flash, Java, QuickTime. These plugins are developed and distributed by third-party companies, which means they can be downloaded for Firefox and on other websites (not only on Mozilla’s websites).

In case you have a question about where container plugins are stored in Firefox, go to your web browser settings: Tools → Add-ons → Plugins. In this panel you can enable or disable the operation of modules, and make their necessary settings.

But despite the clear technical definition of the term “plugins,” many users by the term “plugins for Mozilla Firefox” mean add-ons or add-ons - special programs that expand the functionality of the browser. It is about them that will be discussed later in the article. And we will use the term “plugin” in the sense of a “popular definition” (that is, meaning “add-on”), and not a technical one.

So, in connection with the “new amendment”, by the way, historically formed on the basis of user requests on the Internet, let’s now figure out what an “addon” is.

Addons (referred to by many network users as “plugins”) are specialized extensions that add new functions to the web browser menu or expanding existing ones (downloading videos, music from social networks, taking screenshots, storing passwords, etc.). They cannot work separately from the browser; they are activated only when connected to it. With the help of add-ons, the user can optimally adapt the web browser to his needs - domestic and professional tasks.

Let's learn how to work with addons.

Search and installation

The addons section is located in the FF settings: Tools → Add-ons → Extensions. Open this panel in your browser.

1. To get information about the best plugins you need, click on the “Learn more about add-ons” link (displayed if there are no extensions installed in the panel yet).

If you know the specific name of the add-on that you want to connect to Firefox, type it into the “Search” field and click on the “magnifying glass” icon.

Attention! When choosing an extension (before enabling it), be sure to pay attention to its relevance: when the latest version was released, whether the addon is compatible with the current version of Firefox.

The output of the add-on request will be displayed in a new tab. To install the addon, you will then need to go to its download page (click on the name).

Note. To search and install plugins, you can immediately go to the developer’s website (, bypassing the browser settings.

2. To start the installation: on the plugin page, click the “Add” button.

3. Wait until the installer downloads.

4. In the panel with the request, click “Add” again.

Upon completion of the installation, as a rule, the welcome page and settings of the installed add-on opens, and its icon is displayed in the right part of the top panel of FF.


Operations on connected addons in Mozilla Firefox are performed in the Tools - Add-ons - Extensions section.

In the addon column, select and activate the required command:

“Delete” - remove the plugin from Mozilla Firefox;

Attention! Before removing plugins from Firefox, analyze their functional significance and whether you really don't need them. After complete uninstallation, they are no longer displayed in the panel.

“Disable” - temporarily disable (pressing the button again will activate the extension again);

“Settings” - go to the settings panel.

A selection of useful addons

Below are the best Firefox plugins from the "essential tools" category. They will help you establish a comfortable and safe Internet experience. This selection is a kind of conditional minimum for a quick start, but it should be taken as advice, a guideline for choice. You can take it as a basis, use it only partially, or completely abandon it in favor of other solutions (addons).

Powerful filter for advertising banners and pop-ups on websites. Reduces the loading time of pages, reduces the risk of infecting your computer with viruses via the Internet, and ensures viewing of content in a “pure” form (only useful information!). This includes preventing the loading of advertisements on social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Youtube, etc.). Can remove (if the special option is enabled) counters, metrics, and social network sharing buttons on loading sites. Blocks phishing links and prevents downloading of malware.

Adguard is equipped with a flexible system of filtering settings: creating a white list (exceptions), creating your own blocking rules (selected page elements), managing filters (subscriptions).

Displays the security rating of sites - the level of trust in them. Using special beacons - rings - marks each link in search results, in emails, in text on websites. By the color of the “ring” you can determine the security level of the site: “green” - a trusted resource, “red” - dangerous, it is better to avoid it; but there are also intermediate statuses (you can find out more about the rating system on the website or in the add-on settings panel).

Provides a browser network connection through a secure VPN server. Hides the true IP address and technical data of the user’s computer. And thus prevents network attacks and ensures anonymity while working on the Internet. In addition, it allows you to bypass blocking of the provider and web resources by IP address.

Equipped with a convenient configuration panel for quickly disabling/enabling and changing the VPN server (location).

A worthy replacement for the built-in express panel. The addon installs a customizable 3D panel with visual bookmarks in empty tabs. It provides many settings for appearance and functionality (type of blocks, background, site previews). There is also an option for synchronizing saved links and transferring them to another device. Speed ​​Dial provides quick access to your favorite network resources. And most importantly, in its panel all URLs are visible, in the form of graphical thumbnails of sites.

Virtual translator, supports many languages. Processes text directly on web pages: in chats, posts, documents. It has the simplest system of settings: in a couple of clicks you can change the translation direction, listen to the pronunciation of a word (if it is in the service database), and get acquainted with its meaning. It can translate either a single selected fragment or the entire page.

The translation performed by Google Translate is machine-based and does not always accurately convey the meaning. However, it allows you to overcome the language barrier when viewing foreign web resources that do not have a Russian-language location.

Choose browser add-ons based on your needs. However, do not forget to put on “network armor” on your favorite Firefox - anti-banner, proxy, WOT trust ratings - in order to avoid unpleasant surprises in the future when visiting websites.