Rules for the provision of postal services. On approval of the rules for the provision of postal services Rules for the provision of postal services year

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DECREE of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 09/26/2000 725 (as amended on 02/06/2004) ON APPROVAL OF THE RULES FOR THE PROVISION OF POSTAL SERVICES (2019) Relevant in 2018


dated 06.02.2004 N 51)

1. These Rules, developed on the basis of acts of the Universal Postal Union, federal laws “On Communications”, “On Postal Communications”, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, regulate relations between postal operators providing public postal services ( hereinafter referred to as postal services), and the users of these services (hereinafter referred to as users) and determine the procedure for the provision of postal services, the rights and obligations of postal operators and users.

2. These Rules apply the following basic concepts:

“subscription mail cabinet” - a special cabinet installed at postal facilities with lockable cells that are subscribed for a certain period by recipients to receive postal items;

“subscriber mail cabinet” - a special cabinet with lockable cells, installed in residential buildings, as well as at delivery areas, intended for recipients to receive postal items;

“addressee” - a citizen or organization to whom a postal item, postal order, telegraph or other message is addressed;

“parcel” - a postal item with printed publications, business papers and other items, the attachment, dimensions, weight and method of packaging of which are determined by these Rules;

“internal postal item, internal postal order” - postal item, postal order accepted for forwarding and delivery to the addressee on the territory of the Russian Federation;

"domestic express mail" - mail sent via the express mail system within the Russian Federation;

“delivery of postal items, postal orders” - a production operation consisting of the issuance of postal items, payment of postal orders personally to the addressee or his representative;

“state postal payment marks” - postage stamps and other marks applied to postal items and confirming payment for postal services;

“defective postal item” - a postal item whose weight does not correspond to the weight indicated on the postal item, or whose external signs suggest damage or damage to the attachment (damage to the shell, bandage, seal, tape, etc.);

“additional services” - services provided by postal operators for an additional fee: writing a written message and address on a postal item, postal order form; filling out notifications of delivery of postal items and postal orders; packaging of postal items; storage and home delivery of letters and parcels with declared value, postal orders, parcels, etc.;

"delivery of postal items, postal orders and notices" - a production operation consisting of the movement of postal items, postal orders, notices of registered postal items or postal orders from the postal facility of the destination to the cell of the subscription or subscriber mailbox, to the addressee's mailbox or at the address of his residence (location) for delivery;

“registered mail” - a postal item (letter, postcard, parcel post, secogram, small package and “M” bag), accepted without assessing the value of the attachment, with the issuance of a receipt to the sender and handed over to the addressee against signature;

“registered item” - a device (stamp) for applying imprints to documents and postal items indicating the name of the postal facility (mail car route), the date of receipt and delivery of the postal item and other information;

“nonresident postal item, nonresident postal order” - internal postal item, internal postal order accepted for forwarding and delivery to the addressee outside the territory of one city, regional center or urban settlement, and in rural areas - outside the territory served by one postal facility communications;

“category of postal item” - a set of characteristics that determine the procedure and conditions for acceptance, processing, transportation and delivery (delivery) of postal item (simple, registered, declared value, ordinary);

“control periods” - the time established for the transfer of postal items and postal orders from the postal facility of the place of their receipt to the postal facility of the place of their issuance, as well as for individual operations for their processing at postal facilities;

“marked envelope (marked card)” - a standard postal envelope (post card), issued by the federal executive body that manages activities in the field of postal services, with a typographic image on it of a postage stamp and the emblem of federal postal organizations;

“international postal services” - the exchange of postal items between postal organizations under the jurisdiction of different states;

“international postal item” is a postal item accepted for forwarding outside the Russian Federation, arriving on its territory from a foreign state or in transit;

“international express mail” - mail, acceptance, processing, forwarding and delivery of which is carried out in accordance with the acts of the Universal Postal Union using the express mail system “EMS”;

"international reply coupon" - a security issued by the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union, subject to exchange for state postage stamps;

“small package” - international registered mail with samples of goods, small items, the attachment, dimensions, weight and method of packaging of which are determined by these Rules;

"local postal item, local express mail item, local postal order" - internal postal item, internal express mail item, internal postal order accepted for forwarding and delivery to the addressee within one city, regional center or urban settlement, and in rural areas - within the territory served by one postal facility;

“place of international postal exchange” - a federal postal facility that processes international postal items received from foreign postal administrations accepted in the Russian Federation and sent by open transit, as well as sending them to their destination;

"bag "M" - an international postal item (special bag) containing printed publications (newspapers, periodicals, books, etc.) sent by one sender to the same addressee;

“unclaimed funds” - funds sent by postal order, which turned out to be impossible to pay to the addressee, and upon return to the return address, to the sender;

“unclaimed postal item” - a postal item that turned out to be impossible to deliver (hand over) to the addressee, and upon return to the return address - to the sender, or a postal item that was not delivered after it was opened and the address details of the addressee and sender were not identified;

“undelivered postal item” - a postal item that turned out to be impossible to deliver (hand over) to the addressee and, due to the lack of address data, be returned to the sender;

"denomination of a postage stamp" - the cost of postal services indicated on a postage stamp in Arabic numerals or Latin letters;

“processing of postal items, postal orders” - production operations that ensure the preparation of postal items and postal orders for forwarding to their destination and delivery;

“postal service facilities” - separate divisions of postal service organizations (post offices, railway post offices, mail transportation departments at railway stations and airports, postal service centers), as well as their structural divisions (postal exchange offices, postal offices, postal service points and others divisions);

“federal postal facilities” - separate divisions of federal postal organizations and their structural divisions;

“ordinary mail” - a parcel, a direct container, accepted without assessing the value of the attachment with the issuance of a receipt to the sender and handed over to the addressee against signature;

“postal operators” - postal organizations and individual entrepreneurs providing postal services;

“postal organizations” - legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal form, providing postal services as their main activity;

"federal postal organizations" - postal organizations that are state unitary enterprises and government institutions;

“sending e-mail” is a message received from the sender on paper or magnetic media, transmitted electronically over a distance determined by the structure and capabilities of technical and network means, and delivered to the addressee reproduced in physical or electronic form. The message in physical form is delivered to the addressee in sealed form as written correspondence;

“written correspondence” - simple and registered letters, postcards, secograms, parcels and small packages;

“letter” - a postal item with a written message and (or) documents, the dimensions, weight and method of packaging of which are determined by these Rules;

“parcel” - a postal item, the attachment, dimensions, weight and method of packaging of which are determined by these Rules;

“post card” - a postal item in the form of a written message on a special form that meets the requirements of regulatory documentation for standardization, approved by the federal executive body that manages activities in the field of postal services;

“postal communication” is a type of communication that is a single production and technological complex of technical and transport means that ensures the reception, processing, transportation, delivery (delivery) of postal items, as well as the implementation of postal transfers;

"airmail" - mail sent by air (along the entire route or in certain sections);

"postal item" - written correspondence, parcel, direct container;

“additional postage” - a simple postal item, the sending of which is not paid for by the sender or is not paid in full;

“postal item sent by cash on delivery” is a postal item with a declared value sent between federal postal facilities, upon submission of which the sender instructs the federal postal facility to collect the amount of money established by it from the addressee and send it to the sender’s address;

“mail item “By express” is an international postal item, delivery of which to the addressee is carried out from a federal postal facility by courier on an urgent basis;

“postal item with declared value” - a postal item (letter, parcel post, parcel, direct container), accepted with an assessment of the value of the attachment determined by the sender, issuing a receipt to the sender and handed over to the addressee against signature;

“postal item marked “Deliver in person” (in international postal exchange - “Deliver in your own hands”) - registered postal item (letter with declared value, registered letter, registered postal card with registered delivery receipts, addressed to citizens at home), when submitted, the sender instructs the postal operator to deliver it personally to the addressee;

“postal item with notification of receipt” (in international postal exchange - “Mailpiece with notification of receipt”) - a registered postal item, upon submission of which the sender instructs the postal operator to inform him or the person specified by him when and to whom the postal item was delivered;

“postal order with acknowledgment of delivery” is a postal order accepted by the federal postal service, upon submission of which the sender instructs to inform him or the person specified by him when and to whom the postal order was paid;

“postal subscription box” is a special locked box intended for recipients to receive postal items;

"postal address" - the location of the user indicating the postal code of the corresponding postal facility;

“postal code” is a conventional digital designation of a postal address assigned to a postal service facility;

“postal envelope” - packaging for sending attachments over the postal network, defined by these Rules, that meets the requirements of regulatory documentation for standardization, approved by the federal executive body that manages activities in the field of postal communications;

“postal package” - special polymer packaging for sending attachments over the postal network, defined by these Rules, that meets the requirements of regulatory documentation for standardization, approved by the federal executive body that manages activities in the field of postal services;

"postal route" - the route of postal transport between postal facilities;

“postal transfer” is a service provided by federal postal organizations for the reception, processing, transportation (transfer), delivery (delivery) of funds using postal and electrical communication networks;

"mail cabinet of a stronghold" - a special locked cabinet designed for temporary storage of postal items at delivery areas or for recipients to receive postal items;

"mailbox" - a special locked box designed for collecting simple letters and postcards;

“reception of postal item” - a production operation consisting of processing the postal item handed over by the sender;

“acceptance of postal order” - a production operation consisting of processing a postal order handed over by the sender;

“simple postal item” is a postal item accepted without issuing a receipt to the sender;

“direct container” - a postal item with goods and other material assets, sealed (sealed) by the sender in the prescribed manner and sent to the destination;

“registered postal item” - a postal item accepted with the issuance of a receipt to the sender and handed over to the addressee against signature;

"grouped items "Consignment" - several postal items sent by one sender outside the territory of the Russian Federation or arriving on its territory from a foreign state;

“secogram” - a postal item submitted in open form, with the attachment of written messages and publications written in a secographic method, cliches with secographic signs, sound recordings, typhlotechnical means intended exclusively for the blind;

"postal network" - a set of postal facilities and postal routes;

“term for the provision of postal services” - a set of deadlines and standards established for the performance of individual technological operations that make up any postal service;

“insurance bag” - a special bag with postal items with declared value, small packages, ordinary parcels, sealed (sealed) in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation of postal services, approved in the prescribed manner;

“communication secrecy” - the secrecy of correspondence, postal, telegraph and other messages transmitted by postal operators, not subject to disclosure without the consent of the user;

"tariff for postal services" - the established amount of payment for postal services;

“notice of delivery” - a form of the established form filled out by the sender when he delivers a registered postal item, postal order and returned by the postal facility to the sender or the person indicated by him with information about when and to whom the postal item was issued, the postal order was paid for;

“postal services” - activities related to the reception, processing, transportation, delivery (delivery) of postal items, as well as the implementation of postal transfers;

“universal postal services” - postal services to meet the needs of users in the exchange of written correspondence at affordable prices on the territory of the Russian Federation;

“franking machine” is a machine designed for applying state postal payment marks to written correspondence, confirming payment for postal services, the date of receipt of this correspondence and other information.

3. Postal operators carry out activities to provide postal services on the basis of licenses issued by the federal executive body that manages activities in the field of postal communications.

Postal operators have the exclusive right to use the word “Mail” and words derived from it (in Russian and Latin transliteration) in their names, independently determine the list of postal services provided by postal facilities, taking into account postal standards approved in the prescribed manner, and other types of activities provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Postal operators are obliged to:

a) ensure that written correspondence is sent to users within the specified time frame;

b) ensure the safety of postal items and funds received from users;

c) ensure the quality of postal services that meets the standards established by regulatory documents regulating the activities of postal services, the terms of the contract, as well as information provided by postal operators on the conditions for the provision of these services;

d) ensure the confidentiality of communications;

e) provide assistance to law enforcement agencies in carrying out operational investigative activities and procedural actions in cases and in accordance with the procedure established by law.

4. At the entrance to the postal service facility, a sign indicating its name, postal code and operating hours is placed and a mailbox is installed. Postal facilities located in cities that operate on a rotating schedule, with lunch breaks or days off, also post information about the location and operating hours of the nearest postal facilities that operate on a different schedule. The texts of signs and announcements are made in Russian, as well as in the state language of the republic that is part of the Russian Federation.

5. Inside postal facilities, in a visible and accessible place for users, there must be a mailbox designed for sending simple postcards and simple letters in postal envelopes (postal packages), a book of statements and proposals, as well as the necessary information material, in particular:

about the postal code and address of this postal facility;

about the services provided;

on the procedure for addressing and paying for postal transfers;

on the procedure for addressing, packaging and payment for postal items, their sizes and maximum weight;

on tariffs for postal services;

about items and substances prohibited for shipment;

on standards and delivery times for written correspondence;

about the location of the postal facility that accepts parcels whose weight exceeds 10 kilograms (heavy parcels);

on the storage periods for registered postal items and postal orders;

about the advantages in servicing certain categories of citizens;

on the name, address and telephone number of the higher postal organization;

on the number and date of issue of the license to provide postal services;

about the certificate number and its validity period, if the services are subject to certification;

on the possibility of familiarizing yourself with the Rules for the provision of postal services and other documents specified in the last paragraph of this paragraph;

on the responsibility of postal operators to users;

about user responsibility.

Rules for the provision of postal services, as well as information on deadlines for the passage of internal written correspondence, postal codes, Guidelines for the acceptance of international mail, a list of settlements in the Far North, Siberia and the Far East, with which there is no year-round land communication, must be located at the facilities postal service and issued for review to users at their request.

6. The operating hours of postal facilities are coordinated with local governments and should be convenient for users, taking into account postal technologies.

The deadlines for sending written correspondence are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The terms for the provision of other postal services are established by postal operators independently.

7. Federal postal organizations have the right to place mailboxes free of charge on the walls of residential and administrative buildings and in other places convenient for collecting simple letters and postcards.

8. On each mailbox there is a name indicating its affiliation with the postal service organization, the number assigned to the mailbox, the number of collections of correspondence, the time of the first and last collection.

On mailboxes in rural areas, in addition to the number and the listed data, the postal code of the corresponding postal service facility, the time of collection, as well as the day when collection is not carried out are indicated.

9. Each federal postal facility must have its own personal items, the list of which is established by the federal executive body that manages activities in the field of postal services. Transfer of registered items to other organizations is not permitted.

Postal operators that are not federal postal organizations use registered items that are different from the registered items of federal postal facilities. Samples of imprints of registered items must be agreed upon with the federal executive body that manages activities in the field of postal services.

Persons guilty of using obviously counterfeit cliches of franking machines and registered items are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

10. Postal items and postal transfers are divided into domestic and international.

11. Domestic mail and postal orders include the following types of mail:

c) parcels (simple, customized, with declared value);

e) parcels (ordinary, with declared value);

f) postal transfers (simple, expedited);

g) direct containers (ordinary, with declared value);

h) domestic express mail;

i) sending email.

12. Domestic mail and postal orders are divided into local and non-resident.

13. Postal items with declared value are accepted at postal facilities in open or closed form in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

14. Postal items with declared value can be sent cash on delivery. The amount of cash on delivery must not exceed the amount of the declared value of the postal item.

15. Postal transfers, depending on the method of sending, are divided into simple (sent using the postal network) and accelerated (sent using electrical communication networks - telegraph, electronic, etc.).

16. Registered mail (except for direct containers) and postal orders can be accepted for forwarding with acknowledgment of receipt.

With expedited return receipt (receipt notice sent using electrical communications networks), only expedited postal orders can be accepted.

17. Letters with declared value, registered letters and registered post cards with registered delivery receipts addressed to citizens at home may be accepted with the mark “Deliver in person”. Such mailings are delivered personally to the addressee against a signature on the notification form.

18. For individual senders and addressees, the following categories of postal items and postal orders are established:

a) government, which includes postal items sent by persons specified in paragraph 138 of these Rules;

b) military, which includes postal items and postal orders sent and received by military units and institutions, as well as their personnel;

c) official, which includes postal items of postal operators and simple postal orders of organizations (objects) of the federal postal service.

19. For domestic mail, the following dimensions and weight limits are established:

Type of departure Weight limit (kg) Packed size
1. Letter 0,5 110 x 220 mm; 114 x 162 mm; 162 x 229 mm; 229 x 324 mm; 250 x 353 mm
2. Postcard 105 x 148 mm
3. Parcel 2 maximum: 36 cm in one of three dimensions (length, width, thickness), the sum of the three dimensions should not exceed 70 cm.
including with the attachment of one book (stitched folder) 3 For parcels rolled into a tube - 70 cm in length and 15 cm in diameter. In some cases, parcels rolled into a tube can be accepted up to 150 cm in length, when the attachment cannot be folded (maps, diagrams, etc.); minimum: 105 x 148 mm, for rolled parcels - 10.5 cm in length and 5 cm in diameter
4. Secogram 7 maximum: sum of length, width and thickness - 90 cm, largest dimension - 60 cm. For rolls, sum of length and double diameter - no more than 104 cm, largest dimension - 90 cm; minimum: 105 x 148 mm.
5. Package 20 maximum: 50 x 50 x 40 cm. Separate parcels with objects up to 200 cm in length are accepted, provided that the perimeter of the largest cross-section does not exceed 150 cm; minimum (except for parcels with bees): 105 x 148 mm (with a minimum thickness of 50 mm). One side of a parcel with bees sent by air must be at least 30 cm
6. Express mail 31,5 any dimension should not exceed 150 cm. The sum of the length and perimeter of the largest cross section is no more than 300 cm
7. Straight container 500

2. Parcels, one of the sides of which exceeds the dimensions of 50 x 50 x 40 cm, are classified as large.

3. Parcels weighing over 10 kg are considered heavy. Reception and delivery of heavy parcels weighing up to 20 kg are carried out at postal facilities specially designated for this by postal organizations.

4. Parcels weighing up to 3 kg, the larger side of which does not exceed 36 cm, and the sum of three dimensions does not exceed 70 cm, are classified as small.

5. Loading and unloading operations when receiving and issuing direct containers are carried out at postal facilities directly involved in the transportation of mail, by the forces and means of senders and addressees. Direct containers are accepted for shipment provided they are not overloaded along the way. These conditions must be reflected in the contract.

6. It is allowed to exceed the maximum weight of heavy parcels and direct containers, provided that the dimensions do not exceed 190 x 130 x 350 cm. The specified postal items are subject to the requirements of Note 5 of this paragraph.

20. International postal items include the following types of items:

a) letters (simple, registered, with declared value);

b) postcards (simple, registered);

c) parcels and bags “M” (plain, custom);

d) secograms (simple, custom);

f) parcels (ordinary, with declared value);

g) international express mail;

h) sending email;

i) grouped shipments "Consignment".

21. Customs control and customs clearance of international mail are carried out in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, the Customs Code of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the federal executive body for customs affairs in the manner established by the federal executive body for customs affairs in agreement with the federal body executive power that manages activities in the field of postal services.

22. Full processing of incoming, outgoing and international postal items sent in open transit, their control by the customs authorities of the Russian Federation, as well as dispatch to their destination are carried out at places of international postal exchange.

23. Postal items of diplomatic and consular missions of foreign states, international intergovernmental organizations and representative offices of foreign states at these organizations in the Russian Federation for shipment within the Russian Federation, as well as postal items addressed to these institutions are paid for and registered as internal, but are processed, forwarded and are delivered in the manner prescribed for international mail.

Simple letters weighing up to 20 grams and postal cards sent to employees of Russian institutions abroad (embassies, consulates, representative offices of international organizations, etc.) are paid for and processed as domestic mail, but are processed and sent in the manner prescribed for international mail. .

24. International postal items are accepted for forwarding to countries with which postal exchange is established.

Letters with declared value, small packages and parcels are accepted for shipment only to the countries listed in the Guidelines for the Acceptance of International Postal Items, which is compiled on the basis of information from the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union and is put into effect by order of the federal executive body that manages activities in the field postal service.

25. For outgoing international mail, the following dimensions and weight limits are established:

Type of departure Weight limit (kg) Packed size
1. Letter 2 maximum: 229 x 324 mm;
minimum: 110 x 220 mm or 114 x 162 mm
2. Postcard 105 x 148 mm
3. Parcel 5 maximum: the sum of length, width and thickness - no more than 90 cm; the largest dimension is 60 cm.
For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 17 cm; largest dimension - 10 cm
4. Secogram 7 maximum: the sum of length, width and thickness - no more than 90 cm; the largest dimension is 60 cm.
For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 104 cm; largest dimension - 90 cm; minimum: 105 x 148 mm.
For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 17 cm; largest dimension - 10 cm
5. Small package 2 - " -
6. Bag "M" 14,5
7. Package 20
The sum of the length and perimeter of the largest cross section is no more than 200 cm; minimum: 110 x 220 mm or 114 x 162 mm
8. Express mail 31,5 any measurement - no more than 150 cm.
The sum of the length and perimeter of the largest cross section is no more than 300 cm
9. Grouped shipments "Consignment" 31,5 any measurement - no more than 105 cm.
The sum of the length and perimeter of the largest cross section is no more than 200 cm.

When canceling postage stamps, the correct payment for postage is checked.

31. Sold state postage stamps will not be accepted back or exchanged. Postage stamps withdrawn from postal circulation, damaged (dirty, damaged, sealed, canceled in any way), as well as foreign postage stamps are not used to pay for sending domestic and international written correspondence.

32. International reply coupons issued by the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union are accepted as payment for international letter post. They are printed on paper with watermarks depicting the abbreviation “UPU” in large print and, as a rule, have on the front side an imprint of the calendar stamp of the foreign postal organization that sold the coupon.

International response coupons presented when submitting a postal item are exchanged for stamps in accordance with the payment rate for one simple international letter weighing up to 20 grams sent by air.

Persons guilty of manufacturing for marketing purposes or selling knowingly counterfeit international response coupons are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

33. Delivery of letters (parcels) with declared value and postal orders addressed to citizens at home is paid by either the sender or the addressee.

34. The issuance of permits for the use of franking machines on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out by the federal executive body that manages activities in the field of postal services. Requirements for franking machines approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation are agreed upon by the manufacturer and (or) his official representative with the specified federal executive authority.

Franking machines are registered in accordance with the established procedure in the organization (at the facility) of the federal postal service.

35. Written correspondence with imprints of franking machine clichés and other postal payment marks applied by printing is handed over by legal entities for sending to the federal postal facility that serves them.

The procedure for delivering the said written correspondence is established by the federal executive body that manages activities in the field of postal services.

36. Unpaid or incompletely paid letters, postcards and parcels placed in mailboxes are not sent to their intended destination, but are returned without cancellation of stamps to the senders for full payment.

In the absence of the sender's address, the specified unpaid or incompletely paid international mail items are transferred to the number of undelivered items, and domestic mail items are forwarded to their destination and issued to the addressee after receiving additional payment from him at the established rates. If the addressee refuses the additional payment, such mail items are transferred for temporary storage to the number of unclaimed items.

37. Letters and postcards placed in mailboxes with imprints of cliches of franking machines or special triangular (military) stamps are not sent to their destination, but are returned to the senders for delivery in the manner established by these Rules to the federal postal facility.

38. Subscription mailboxes may be installed at postal facilities for recipients to receive postal items (notices).

The use of one box of a subscription mailbox by several recipients, as well as its transfer for use to another person during the subscription period, is not allowed.

In the event of damage to a subscription mailbox or its lock due to the subscriber's fault, repairs and installation of a new lock (key replacement) are carried out by postal operators at the subscriber's expense.

39. Citizens and legal entities wishing to use the cells of a subscription mailbox for a set subscription fee submit an application and enter into an agreement with the postal operator.

Citizens must indicate in the application the name of the document being presented (one of the documents specified in paragraph 116 of these Rules) and its data (number, series, if a passport is presented, date of issue, by whom it was issued), as well as the address at which they are registered.

Legal entities must indicate in the application the details of the state registration certificate (name, series, number, date of registration and by whom issued), legal address, location, telephone (fax) number, bank details. When submitting an application, the original certificate of state registration or its notarized copy is presented.

40. If a subscriber refuses to use a box in a subscription mailbox, it can be provided for use by another subscriber no earlier than a month from the end date of the subscription period. Postal items and postal orders received after the end of the subscription period are sent to the new address specified in the application, or returned to the sender, and in the absence of the sender's address, they are transferred for temporary storage to the number of unclaimed postal items and postal orders.

41. Written messages, business papers, photographs, artistic postcards, diagrams and other similar paper products are sent in domestic ordinary and registered letters.

The court (judge), prosecutor, investigator, body of inquiry on cases in their proceedings send the relevant subpoenas and procedural acts in registered letters with registered receipt notifications. The notification form is attached to the side of the letter that does not indicate the address.

District (city) military registration and enlistment offices send notices and summonses in the same manner.

42. In internal letters with a declared value, items and documents are sent (securities, diplomas, passports, driver’s licenses, pension and court cases, government bonds, shares, lottery tickets, civil registration certificates, diplomas, photographs, art cards , manuscripts, state postage marks, etc.) that represent a certain value to the user.

43. Low-value printed publications (forms, brochures, posters, newspapers, magazines, books, etc.), business papers, manuscripts, photographs, albums, notebooks, medicinal herbs, seeds, etc. are sent in domestic simple and registered parcels.

In addition, you can send fiction, fine arts literature, books on interlibrary loan, tape recordings, forensic investigations and tests of correspondence students in registered parcels.

44. Objects, products and documents (cultural, household and industrial items, printed publications, fiction, literature on fine arts, business papers, sound recordings, medicines, non-perishable food products, etc.) are sent in internal parcels with a declared value. representing a certain value to the user.

45. In domestic parcels, items for cultural, household and industrial purposes, shelf-stable food products, printed publications, plants, bees, medicines, medical supplies, etc. are sent.

46. ​​Written messages, business papers, receipts of various kinds, invoices, invoices, photographs are sent in ordinary and registered international letters.

47. In international letters with declared value, copies of documents and certificates certified by notaries, and securities are sent.

48. Printed publications are sent in international parcels, including engravings, drawings, manuscripts, geographical maps, patterns, catalogues, prospectuses, various advertisements and notices, prints and reproductions made by various mechanical printing methods.

Design and technical documentation is accepted for shipment only from legal entities.

49. Written messages and publications with raised type for the blind, submitted openly, and cliches with secograph signs, as well as sound recordings and special paper intended for the blind, if they are sent by an organization for the blind or addressed to such an organization, are sent in secograms. In addition, in internal secograms sent by or addressed to an organization for the blind, typhotechnical aids for the blind may be sent. The requirements for secograms in terms of packaging and processing are the same as for parcels of the corresponding categories.

50. Small unbreakable items or single samples of goods are sent in small packages. The cost of the forwarded attachment should not exceed the amount of compensation for the loss of a small package established by the acts of the Universal Postal Union.

51. Items for cultural, household and other purposes that are not prohibited are sent in international parcels:

for import into the territory of the Russian Federation;

for export from the territory of the Russian Federation and for import into the state of destination.

International parcels with declared value are accepted for shipment to the countries specified in the Guidelines for the Acceptance of International Postal Items.

52. Citizens are allowed to send in international mail in the manner established by the federal executive body for customs affairs, items that are not intended for production or other commercial activities, are not prohibited for export from the Russian Federation, for which payment of customs duties and general the cost of which does not exceed the restrictions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

53. The following are prohibited for shipment in domestic mail:

a) firearms, signal, pneumatic, gas weapons, ammunition, edged weapons (including throwing weapons), electric shock devices and spark gaps, as well as main parts of firearms;

b) narcotic drugs, psychotropic, potent, radioactive, explosive, poisonous, caustic, flammable and other dangerous substances;

c) poisonous animals and plants;

d) banknotes of the Russian Federation and foreign currency (except for those sent by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and its institutions);

e) perishable food products;

f) items and substances that, by their nature or due to packaging, may pose a danger to postal workers, contaminate or spoil (damage) other postal items and postal equipment.

54. If, when accepting a postal item, postal workers suspect that it contains items prohibited for forwarding, the postal item is accepted open.

55. Federal postal organizations have the right to detain domestic mail, the contents of which are prohibited for forwarding, at the place of their discovery.

Temporary storage of such mail is carried out at the federal postal facility, ensuring accurate accounting and safety. The possibility of access to them by unauthorized persons is excluded.

The fact of detection in postal items of objects and substances specified in subparagraphs “a” and “b” of paragraph 53 of these Rules, and the detention of these postal items, organizations (facilities) of the federal postal service immediately notify the authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances substances, internal affairs bodies or the federal security service. Employees of these bodies, in the presence of the head (his deputy) of the organization (facility) of the federal postal service, seize prohibited items and substances with the drawing up of an act, one copy of which is sent to the sender.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.02.2004 N 51)

Poisonous animals and plants found in postal items are transferred according to the report, respectively, to the veterinary authorities and phytosanitary control authorities.

Detected banknotes of the Russian Federation are returned to the sender or sent to the addressee by postal order, and funds in the amount of the postage fee are collected from the detected amount. Foreign currency withdrawn from postal items is sent to the addressee or sender in a letter with declared value in the manner established by the federal executive body managing activities in the field of postal services. For forwarding, a fee is charged, calculated according to the established tariff.

Perishable food products, as well as items that, by their nature or due to packaging, may pose a danger to the life and health of postal workers or third parties, contaminate or spoil (damage) other postal items and postal equipment, are confiscated by postal operators and destroyed, if this danger cannot be eliminated in any other way. In this regard, an act is drawn up, one copy of which is sent to the sender.

Federal postal organizations (facilities) are notified in writing to the sender or addressee within 10 days of the seizure or destruction of items and substances prohibited for shipment, except in cases where upon detection of these items and substances by drug control authorities drugs and psychotropic substances, internal affairs bodies or the federal security service make a decision to conduct operational investigative activities.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.02.2004 N 51)

56. The list of prohibitions and restrictions on the transfer of items and substances in international postal items, the procedure for the removal from these postal items and the destruction of items and substances prohibited for transfer are established in accordance with the Customs Code of the Russian Federation.

Federal postal organizations (objects) immediately notify the customs authorities of the Russian Federation of the fact of detection of items and substances prohibited for shipment in international mail and the detention of such mail.

57. In international parcels, “M” bags, small packages, letters with declared value, parcels and grouped “Consignment” items, the sending of written messages is prohibited, with the exception of invoices and descriptions of the contents, as well as documents necessary for customs purposes. In addition, the sending of documents and securities is prohibited in international parcels, “M” bags, small packages, parcels and grouped “Consignment” items.

58. The packaging of postal items must correspond to the nature of the attachment, the conditions of shipment and the duration of the journey, exclude the possibility of damage to the attachment during processing and forwarding, access to it without breaking the shell, seals, seals, bands, tapes, etc., damage to other postal items and causing any harm to postal workers.

Postal envelopes, postal cards, postal bags, containers for packaging parcels and parcels must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation for standardization approved by the federal executive body that manages activities in the field of postal services.

59. Postal envelopes and postal bags are used to pack letters.

60. Postal envelopes, postal bags, cases, cardboard boxes, wooden (plywood) or metal boxes are used for packaging parcels. As materials for packing parcels, you can use strong paper, plastic film, light plain fabric and other types of certified packaging materials.

If several items are sent in parcels, then these items are tied with twine before being wrapped. Simple and custom-made parcels weighing more than 500 grams are also tied crosswise with twine on top of the shell. Postal bags used for packaging are not tied with twine.

The parcel insert can be rolled into a tube and additionally secured with paper or other tape; an attachment over 45 centimeters long is rolled onto a solid base.

61. Parcels must be packaged by senders in parcel boxes (cardboard, wood, plywood and polymer), in postal bags or in a soft shell (light plain fabric).

The package contents must not move inside the package.

62. Depending on the specifics of the package, senders must comply with the following conditions:

a) fragile and breakable items are packaged in solid containers and filled with sawdust or lined with shavings, cotton wool, etc.;

b) films, film strips and magnetic tapes are packaged in containers manufactured in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation;

c) seeds, seeds, nuts, dried fruits, flour and other bulk substances are packaged in thick fabric bags, oilcloth, films, strong paper bags and placed in boxes or cardboard boxes;

d) liquids and substances that easily turn into a liquid state (juices, syrups, fats, jam, honey, berries, etc.) are placed in closed containers that completely prevent leakage of the contents. These vessels are packed in wooden boxes and lined with shavings, foam rubber, and rags. Sending liquids and substances that easily turn into a liquid state in cellophane and plastic bags is not allowed;

e) seedlings are packed in baskets lined with fabric on top or boxes with holes for ventilation. A plastic film (oilcloth) is placed on the bottom of the basket (box);

f) coloring powders are packaged in bags made of plastic film, oilcloth or thick oiled paper, and then placed in plywood or cardboard boxes;

g) bees are placed in boxes or boxes equipped with special nets that exclude the possibility of bees flying out of the parcels;

h) parcels with furs and rodent skins that have not been factory processed, as well as with wool, bristles, hair, feathers and down, must be pre-packed in fabric (burlap, plastic film) and then in boxes (cardboard boxes);

i) radio tubes and precision instruments (measuring, etc.) are packed in solid containers with gaskets to prevent movement and damage to the contents during shipment. Such parcels can be packed in boxes made in the form of a lattice cage. A special fastening system is installed inside the lattice cage, which should firmly clamp the radio tube (device) and protect it from hitting the frame;

j) living plants (vines, seedlings, etc.), as well as large unbreakable objects that do not have sharp protrusions or burrs and, due to their size, cannot be packed in a parcel container of the established size (the weight does not exceed the permissible norm), accepted for shipment packed in burlap (fabric);

l) solid, unbreakable and uncontaminated items, as well as non-dismountable items (drawing boards, children's sleds, suitcases, cans, etc.), the dimensions and weight of which do not exceed established standards, with the exception of items with sharp protrusions, can be sent without packaging to boxes or fabric;

l) parcels with hard varieties of fresh vegetables and fruits are accepted in wooden (plywood) boxes, the end and side walls of which have ventilation holes or vertical gaps;

m) tires accepted from citizens or returned to them in exchange for defective ones, as well as sent by depots and parcel shops on orders from disabled people, are packaged in their pure form in bags (linen, hemp-jute, calico, tarpaulin, etc.).

63. On postal items, accompanying forms for parcels and direct containers, as well as on postal money order forms, the sender's and addressee's addresses are written by the sender. The address should not contain abbreviated names that are not related to the address of characters.

Address details are written in the following order:

name of the addressee (for citizens - last name, first name, patronymic);

street name, house number, apartment number;

name of the locality (city, town, etc.);

name of the area;

name of the republic, territory, region, autonomous okrug (region);

country name (for international postal items);

The addressee's address is written in the lower right part of the postal envelope, postal package, postcard or postal envelope, and the sender's address is written in the upper left corner.

When a legal entity sends a postal order, the name of the legal entity and its bank details are indicated in the sender's address on the form.

64. All address data on postal items, accompanying forms for parcels and direct containers, as well as on postal order forms are written legibly in ink or printed by typography, on a typewriter or using other printing equipment.

The addressee's postal code on letters and postcards with code stamps is written in stylized numbers in ink of any color, with the exception of red, yellow and green.

Address labels printed on a typewriter (in large print), or using other printing equipment, or handwritten, can be affixed to mail items. For labels, use white or light-colored paper.

65. Addresses on postal items and postal transfer forms sent within the territory of the Russian Federation are drawn up in Russian. Addresses on postal items and postal order forms sent within the territory of a republic within the Russian Federation may be issued in the state language of the corresponding republic, provided that the addresses are repeated in Russian.

66. For international postal items, the address is written in Latin letters and Arabic numerals. It is allowed to write the address in the language of the destination country, provided that the name of the destination country is repeated in Russian.

67. Postal items and postal orders can be addressed on demand with the addressee's surname, name, patronymic or to a post office box with the addressee's surname, name, patronymic or the full name of the legal entity.

68. The sender may address a domestic postal item or postal order to two addressees living at the same address (with the exception of those addressed post restante or to a post office box). In such cases, the postal item or postal order is handed over to one of the addressees.

69. Depending on the type, category and category of domestic mail and postal orders, the sender makes the following marks on their address side (if they are absent):

a) on registered letters (post cards) - “Registered”;

b) on simple (registered) parcels - "Simple (registered) parcel", on parcels with a declared value - "Parcel with a declared value for ... rubles.", on parcels with a declared value with an inventory of the contents, in addition - " With inventory";

c) on simple (custom) secograms - “Simple (custom) secogram. Free”;

d) on letters with a declared value - “With a declared value for ... rubles.”, on letters with a declared value with an inventory of the contents, in addition - “With an inventory.”

If in letters with a declared value vouchers to health institutions, railway, air and other travel tickets, documents to educational institutions are sent, then an additional note is made: “With vouchers”, “With tickets” or “With documents”;

e) on postal items sent by cash on delivery - "With a declared value of... rubles. Cash on delivery... rubles. kopecks." This mark is also made on the accompanying forms for the parcels;

f) on postal items and forms of simple postal orders accepted with notification of delivery - “With simple (registered) notification.” This mark is also made on the accompanying forms for the parcels;

g) on ​​expedited postal transfer forms with acknowledgment of delivery - “With simple (registered, expedited) notification”;

h) on postal transfer forms with trade proceeds - “Revenue”;

i) on postal items and postal order forms with paid delivery - “With delivery”;

j) on postal items sent by express mail - “Express mail”;

k) on postal items accepted for delivery personally to the addressee - “Deliver in person. With registered notice”;

l) on postal items with fragile items, including precision instruments and radio tubes, as well as on accompanying forms for parcels with such an attachment - “Caution”;

m) on postal items addressed to competition commissions - “For competition”;

o) on parcels and accompanying forms:

weighing over 10 kilograms - “Heavy”;

with dimensions exceeding 50 x 50 x 40 centimeters - “Large”;

with declared value - “With declared value for... rub.”;

with declared value with an inventory of the investment, in addition - “With an inventory”;

with seedlings - “Seedling”;

with bees - "Caution. Bees. Do not keep in the sun. With a veterinary certificate";

with furs and rodent skins - "Furs. With veterinary certificate";

with wool, stubble, hair, feathers, down - “With a veterinary certificate”;

with fresh fruits and vegetables - “Fruits”, “Vegetables”, respectively;

o) on parcels, accompanying forms and on parcels sent by air - “Avia”. On parcels, accompanying forms and on parcels sent by ground transport in combination with air, it is indicated from which point they are sent: “Air from...”;

p) on government mail and on accompanying forms for parcels - “Governmental”;

c) on registered letters with summonses, notices and rulings - respectively, “Court summons. With registered notification”, “Summons. With registered notification”, “Determination of the time and place of consideration of the case by the arbitration court. With registered notification”, “Determination (decision , resolution) of the arbitration court. With registered notice."

70. Advertising may be placed on postal items. Permission to place advertising on postal items is issued by the federal executive body that manages activities in the field of postal services.

71. When detecting defective parcels, letters and parcels with declared value, small packages, postal workers draw up and sign a corresponding act. The postal item is not opened, is additionally packaged and, together with 2 copies of the act, is sent to the address indicated on the postal item. In case of detection of defective international postal items, the specified act is signed by employees of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation.

If damage to the shells of ordinary and registered mail is detected, postal workers take the necessary measures to eliminate the damage and make a note “Arrived in damaged form.” This mark is signed by the postal worker and certified by a calendar stamp.

72. Registered postal items, with the exception of postal items marked “For competition,” and postal orders are handed over to the operational cash desks of postal facilities only with the sender’s address indicated.

73. When delivering parcels and direct containers, the sender, with his signature on the accompanying forms, confirms the text “There are no attachments prohibited for shipment. I am familiar with the packaging requirements”, indicates the data of one of the documents listed in paragraph 116 of these Rules.

If the surname, first name, patronymic in the document presented by the sender does not match the data indicated on the parcel and the accompanying form, the parcel is accepted in an open form with a list of the contents compiled.

74. Air parcels with a declared value in excess of 10 times the legal minimum wage marked “Caution” can only be accepted for sending to points that do not have regular ground connections.

Parcels with bees are accepted subject to a veterinary certificate.

Parcels with hard varieties of fresh vegetables and fruits are accepted if there are direct flights of aircraft carrying mail to their destination, when sent by rail and road transport - provided that such parcels pass within no more than 7 days, and if this period is exceeded, they are subject to liability senders.

Acceptance of parcels with furs and rodent skins that have not been subjected to factory processing, as well as with wool, bristles, hair, feathers and down, is carried out in the presence of a veterinary certificate issued at the place of procurement of raw materials. When the sender simultaneously sends several such parcels to one address, it is allowed to present a general veterinary certificate indicating the quantity of furs being sent (rodent skins, etc.) and the number of places.

75. Acceptance of parcels and parcels for delivery by land transport to certain settlements of the Far North, Siberia and the Far East may be periodically limited due to the lack of year-round land transport. The list of these settlements is established by the federal executive body that manages activities in the field of postal services.

76. When accepting a registered postal item or postal order, the sender is given a receipt with an imprint of a cash register cliché or a receipt filled out manually. A calendar stamp is stamped on its reverse side. One receipt is issued for postal items and postal orders accepted according to the list.

77. The amount of declared value of internal letters, parcels, direct containers is not limited and is determined by the sender in full rubles based on the actual value of the investment. An attachment can be sent by parcel post, the declared value of which does not exceed 5 times the minimum wage established by law.

Parcels with a declared value exceeding 5 times the minimum wage established by law are accepted in packaging in accordance with paragraph 61 of these Rules. Parcels with a declared value of less than this amount may be accepted in paper packaging.

Parcels with bees, plants (except seedlings), fresh fruits and vegetables, radio tubes and precision instruments with glass or other easily damaged parts (except for household appliances and appliances) are accepted for shipment without declaring the value of the investment.

The declared value of international postal items is determined by the sender based on the actual value of the investment, but cannot exceed the maximum amount specified in the Guidelines for the Acceptance of International Postal Items. At the same time, the declared value of a letter with documents, notarized copies of documents and certificates and securities cannot exceed the possible costs of restoring these documents in case of loss.

78. Simple letters in postal envelopes measuring 114 x 162 and 110 x 220 millimeters and postcards are dropped into mailboxes installed on the streets.

Special mailboxes installed in the operating rooms of postal facilities can also accommodate simple letters and parcels in postal envelopes and postal bags measuring 162 x 229, 229 x 324 and 250 x 353 millimeters.

Simple parcels of other sizes are handed over to the operational cash desks of postal facilities.

Written messages placed in mailboxes without packaging, except postcards, are not subject to forwarding and are returned to the sender from the first stage of processing.

79. In areas where plant quarantine has been declared, parcels containing regulated products are accepted if there is a quarantine certificate.

80. Letters and parcels with declared value sent by citizens are accepted in open form with an inventory of all items sent (indicating their quantity and value).

Letters and parcels with declared value sent by legal entities can be accepted both open and closed under the seal of the sender.

81. For each parcel, the sender fills out an accompanying form. When submitting an open parcel with a declared value, the sender, in addition, draws up an inventory in the same order as when submitting open letters and parcels with a declared value.

82. International parcels and small packages sent by citizens are accepted subject to the postal worker checking the attachment.

83. For sending by postal order, the currency of the Russian Federation is accepted.

Acceptance of postal transfers by bank transfer is carried out only after receipt of the transferred funds and payment for their transfer to the transfer account of the federal postal service organization.

84. Reception and forwarding of government mail is carried out in the manner established by these Rules for the relevant types of mail, in the first place.

85. Acceptance of military mail and postal orders is carried out in the following order:

a) for military units and institutions with a destination and the number of the military unit - all types of postal items and postal orders are accepted;

b) for military units and institutions with a destination and the index "YYA" before the five-digit number of the military unit - only simple and registered letters, post cards, parcels, simple postal orders, letters and parcels with declared value are accepted. Parcels with declared value marked “Caution” will not be accepted;

c) for military units and institutions with the address "Field Post" - only simple and registered letters, post cards, letters with declared value, as well as simple postal orders are accepted. Simple and registered parcels, as well as parcels, are sent by legal entities to the commanders of the specified military units. Securities of the Russian Federation (government bonds, bank checks, lottery tickets, etc.) addressed to the specified military units are not accepted;

d) for military units and institutions with the address "Moscow-400" - only simple letters and simple post cards are accepted.

86. Registered military postal items and postal orders can be accepted with simple and registered delivery receipts.

Postal items are not sent cash on delivery to military units and institutions with the address "Field Post" or the index "YuYa".

87. Simple letters weighing up to 20 grams and postcards sent by personnel of military units undergoing conscription military service are handed over by a military postman to a federal postal facility with a special triangular stamp stamped on them, the sample of which has been agreed upon with the federal executive body, managing activities in the field of postal services.

Simple letters weighing up to 20 grams and postcards sent to military personnel serving under conscription are accepted for forwarding without payment by their senders.

88. Postal items of persons serving sentences in correctional labor institutions are delivered by persons authorized by these institutions to the appropriate federal postal facility.

89. Not accepted with paid delivery:

a) postal transfers in an amount exceeding 20 times the minimum wage established by law (except for transfers for the payment of pensions, benefits and compensation);

b) letters with a declared value in excess of 20 times the minimum wage established by law;

c) letters (parcels) with declared value addressed to legal entities;

d) parcels and direct containers;

e) postal items sent by cash on delivery;

f) postal items and postal orders addressed post restante, to military units and to a post office box.

90. Domestic registered postal items and postal orders in the amount of 10 pieces or more handed over by a citizen or legal entity are accepted for forwarding by a postal service facility, provided that the sender prepares a list in the established form. Expedited postal orders are accepted for shipment according to separate lists of the established form.

Express mail can be accepted for shipment without completing a list.

91. In the case of regular receipt and/or dispatch of 10 or more parcels (registered and declared value), parcels, direct containers at the same time, agreements may be concluded between postal operators and senders regulating the relevant relations between them.

The specified postal items are accepted in accordance with the schedule, which is an integral part of the contract.

The sender ensures, with his own resources and resources, the removal and delivery of such postal items to the postal facility carrying out the transportation of mail.

92. Registered international postal items, regardless of their quantity, are delivered by legal entities to federal postal facilities according to a list in the established form. Registered letters and parcels placed by legal entities in mailboxes are returned to the senders.

Citizens handing over 5 or more international registered letters, parcels, “M” bags, small packages, parcels at the same time are required to draw up a list in the prescribed form in 2 copies and certify it with a personal signature.

93. Legal entities send international parcels in a closed form (sealed or sealed with their own seal, as well as sealed or sealed by the customs authorities of the Russian Federation) according to lists of the established form with the attachment, in accordance with the Guidelines for the acceptance of international mail, of the required number of customs declarations and the accompanying form for each parcel.

94. The method of sending insured parcels and parcels is chosen by the sender. If there is no land connection with the settlements to which parcels and parcels are accepted, they are sent by air.

Insured parcels and parcels may be accepted for shipment by ground in combination with air.

95. Postal items and postal orders are delivered to your home or issued at postal facilities.

96. The following items addressed to citizens at their place of residence are subject to home delivery:

a) postal cards, ordinary and registered letters and parcels, notifications of delivery of postal items and postal orders;

b) postal orders, letters and parcels with declared value accepted with paid delivery;

c) notifications about registered postal items and postal orders;

d) express mail;

d) sending email.

97. Addressed to citizens at home, the following is placed in the cells of subscriber mail cabinets and in postal mailboxes:

a) simple letters;

b) simple postcards;

d) notifications of delivery of postal items and postal orders;

e) initial notifications about registered postal items and postal orders;

f) primary notifications about ordinary mail, the size of which does not allow them to be placed in the cells of subscriber mail cabinets and post office boxes.

98. In the event of a malfunction of the subscriber's mailbox or mailbox, which affects the safety of postal items, correspondence is not placed in them, and the addressee is notified of the impossibility of its delivery. In this case, the correspondence is issued to the addressee at the postal facility.

99. Simple postal items, notifications of delivery of postal items and postal orders, notices of registered postal items and postal orders addressed to a legal entity are issued either at postal facilities to persons authorized by this legal entity to receive mail, or delivered through the city official system mail, or are dropped by the postman into mailboxes of strongholds installed by a legal entity on the ground floor of the building in which it is located. The delivery procedure is determined on the basis of a letter from a legal entity or an agreement with a postal operator. The specified mail is delivered in the same order, addressed to citizens at their place of work (study), citizens living on the territory of organizations, in dormitories, boarding schools, orphanages, hotels, or located in health and medical institutions.

Delivery of postal items, notices of registered postal items and notifications of delivery of postal items and postal orders directly to the addressees is carried out by the forces and means of the administration of organizations, hostels, boarding schools, orphanages, hotels, health and medical institutions.

100. Registered letters, postal cards, parcels, notices of delivery of postal items and postal orders (except for letters and postal cards marked “Deliver in person”, “Summons. With registered notice”, “Summons. With registered notice”, " Determination of the time and place of consideration of the case by the arbitration court. With registered notice", "Definition (decision, decree) of the arbitration court. With registered notice", as well as international registered letters and parcels marked "Deliver into your own hands"), expedited notifications of delivery of expedited postal orders, express mail and e-mail items may be issued to adult family members without a power of attorney upon presentation of one of the documents specified in paragraph 116 of these Rules and documents confirming their relationship to the addressee, and upon written application of the addressee - to neighbors around the apartment (house) or drop into the cells of subscriber mail cabinets or mailboxes.

101. Registered letters and postcards with the mark “Deliver in person”, as well as international registered letters and parcels with the mark “Deliver in your own hands” are handed over personally to the addressee. If the addressee is absent, a notice is left in the subscriber's mailbox or in the post office box inviting the addressee to the postal facility to receive the postal item.

Registered letters with the marks “Court summons. With registered notice”, “Summons. With registered notice”, “Determination of the time and place of consideration of the case by the arbitration court. With registered notice” and “Determination (decision, resolution) of the arbitration court. With registered notice " are handed over personally to the addressee against receipt. In the absence of an addressee, such letters can be delivered to adult family members without a power of attorney upon presentation of one of the documents specified in paragraph 116 of these Rules and documents confirming their relationship to the addressee. In this case, the notification indicates the person to whom the registered letter with the appropriate marks was delivered.

In the absence of the addressee and adult members of his family, a notice inviting the addressee to the postal facility to receive mail is left in the subscriber's mailbox or post office box.

102. Delivery of postal items and postal orders to workers of fishing farms, geological parties (expeditions), workers of agricultural organizations located on farms, production sites and in brigades, shepherds and reindeer herders on distant pastures, workers of forest plots and timber industry enterprises, railway sidings, persons departing the sentence in correctional labor institutions, and for other recipients located outside populated areas, is carried out by the forces and means of the organizations in which the recipients work (are kept).

103. Installation, maintenance, repair and replacement of subscriber mailboxes are entrusted to the owners of residential buildings or housing maintenance organizations that ensure the safety of residential buildings and their proper use, and are carried out at the request of postal operators at the expense of these owners and organizations.

Users living in low-rise residential areas install mailboxes at their own expense.

104. Government mail is delivered first.

105. Postal orders addressed to legal entities are paid by transferring the appropriate funds to the accounts of these legal entities in credit institutions.

106. At postal facilities the following are issued:

a) postal orders for an amount exceeding 20 times the minimum wage established by law, as well as postal orders accepted without paid delivery;

b) letters with a declared value in an amount exceeding 20 times the minimum wage established by law, as well as letters (parcels) with a declared value accepted without paid delivery;

c) postal items sent by cash on delivery;

e) straight containers;

f) postal items and postal orders addressed to military units and correctional labor institutions;

g) international parcels, grouped “Consignment” items, “M” bags;

h) international letters with declared value and small packages (except for postal items marked “By courier”);

i) defective postal items;

j) postal items that were not possible to hand over upon delivery.

107. At the request of a citizen and if the postal operator has the capabilities specified in subparagraphs “a”, “b” and “d” of paragraph 106 of these Rules, postal items and postal orders can be delivered to home for an additional fee.

108. If addressees fail to appear for postal items and postal orders within 5 working days after delivery of primary notices, secondary notices are delivered to them and handed over against signature.

Secondary notifications about the receipt of expedited postal orders, parcels with fresh fruits (vegetables), letters marked “With vouchers”, “With tickets”, “With documents”, “Court summons. With registered notification”, “Summons. With registered notification” , "Determination of the time and place of consideration of the case by the arbitration court. With registered notice" and "Definition (decision, resolution) of the arbitration court. With registered notice" are delivered and handed over against signature 3 business days after delivery of the initial notices.

For storage of a registered postal item at a postal facility for more than one working day after delivery of the secondary notice (not counting the day of delivery), the addressee will be charged a fee in accordance with the established tariffs.

There is no charge for storing mail addressed post restante and to a post office box.

After the expiration of the storage period specified in paragraph 122 of these Rules, postal items not received by the addressees are returned at the sender’s expense to the return address, and if there is no address, they are transferred to temporary storage.

109. If the addressee refuses to receive incoming postal items or postal orders, he must make a note about this on the postal item or notice. If the addressee refuses to make such a note, it is made by a postal worker.

110. Postal orders, postal items with a declared value, as well as parcels, grouped “Consignment” items and direct containers without a declared value are issued personally to the addressees or their representatives who have a power of attorney for this.

111. Postal items and postal orders addressed to minors under the age of 14 or to persons duly declared incompetent are issued to parents (adoptive parents, guardians) without a power of attorney upon presentation of one of the documents specified in paragraph 116 of these Rules, and documents confirming their relationship to minors or incompetent persons (child's birth certificate, certificate issued by the relevant administrative body, or a copy of the decision of this administrative body to appoint this person as a guardian).

Postal items addressed to minors under the age of 14 who are (residing) in boarding schools, orphanages and other similar institutions are issued by proxy to persons authorized by these institutions.

112. When receiving a postal item with a declared value, a postal order, a parcel or a direct container without a declared value, or grouped “Consignment” items, the addressee indicates on the notice the details of the presented document.

The addressee is also obliged to indicate on the notice the address at which he is registered upon receipt of postal orders, specified postal items addressed post restante or to a post office box, if the registration address does not coincide with the address indicated on the postal item, as well as in the cases provided for in paragraph 99 of these Rules

113. Postal items with an inventory of the contents and defective registered postal items must be opened by a postal worker upon delivery to the addressee.

If, when checking the attachment, it turns out to be intact or corresponds to the inventory, then the postal item is issued to the addressee in the prescribed manner, and no report is drawn up.

If, upon opening a postal item, a shortage, replacement, complete or partial damage or damage to the attachment is discovered, then the postal worker draws up a report, which is signed by the head of the postal service facility, the postal worker and the addressee. One copy of the act, together with the mailing attachment, is sent to the addressee.

The addressee may refuse to open the mail, but he/she makes a corresponding mark on the notice, which is the basis for refusing to satisfy the claim for shortage, replacement, or complete or partial damage to the attachment.

114. Postal items sent by cash on delivery are issued to the addressee after he has paid the full amount of the cash on delivery and paid the fee for its forwarding by postal order. Before payment, the addressee has the right to receive information about the sender's address data. After the delivery of a postal item sent by cash on delivery to the addressee, the specified postal item is not accepted back, the amount of the cash on delivery and the fee for sending it by postal order are not returned.

Postal items sent by cash on delivery (cash on delivery) that are defective or with a description of their contents must be opened by a postal worker upon delivery to the addressee. In these cases, the cash on delivery amount is not collected until the postal item is opened.

If, when checking the investment, it turns out to be intact or corresponds to the inventory, the act is not drawn up. The addressee pays the cash on delivery amount and pays a fee for its forwarding by postal order, after which the postal item is issued in the prescribed manner.

If, when opening postal items, a shortage, replacement, or complete or partial damage to the attachment is discovered, then the postal worker draws up a report, which is signed by the head of the postal facility, the postal worker and the addressee. One copy of the act is handed over to the addressee. The postal item with one copy of the act is returned to the sender.

In relation to international postal items, one copy of the act is transferred (sent) to the customs authorities where customs clearance of these items was (should be) carried out.

115. International postal items for which customs duties have been assessed by the customs authority located at the place of international postal exchange are issued to the addressees at postal facilities only after payment of the accrued customs duties, payment of a fee for their forwarding by postal order and fees for submission for customs inspection.

International postal items are issued with the permission of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation.

116. Identification documents required to receive postal items and postal orders are:

a) passport (foreign passport) of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

b) military ID;

c) identification of a member of the Federation Council or a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

d) national passport or identity card with a “Visa” insert issued by the relevant authorities, or a certificate of registration at the place of residence or stay (for foreigners and stateless persons);

e) residence permit issued by internal affairs bodies to foreign citizens.

117. The addressee may authorize another person to receive postal items and postal orders by issuing a power of attorney to him in the prescribed manner.

118. When receiving a postal item or postal order, the authorized person presents a one-time power of attorney or a copy of the general power of attorney and one of the documents specified in paragraph 116 of these Rules.

Submitted one-time powers of attorney and copies of general powers of attorney remain at the postal facility.

119. Postal items addressed to members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation are issued personally to the addressees or their assistants upon presentation of the appropriate identification.

120. Legal entities to which registered postal items are delivered shall issue a power of attorney to receive these postal items in the name of the person authorized to receive mail. The power of attorney remains with the authorized person and must be presented to him each time he receives registered mail. A copy of the power of attorney remains at the postal facility.

Upon receipt of international postal items, customs clearance of which was carried out by customs authorities in the region of activity of which the addressees or senders are located, the authorized person presents a power of attorney, one of the documents specified in paragraph 116 of these Rules, and a customs declaration with marks from the customs authorities confirming the customs clearance. .

121. Simple and registered mail, notices of letters (parcels) with declared value, parcels and postal orders addressed to military units and institutions and their personnel are issued at postal facilities personally to the addressees, military postmen or other authorized persons.

122. Domestic and international postal items and postal orders, if it is impossible to deliver them to the user, are stored at the postal facility for 1 month, express mail items - 14 calendar days. The storage period may be extended in accordance with paragraph 130 of these Rules. Extension of the storage period for international postal items is carried out by the head of the postal facility on the basis of permission received by the addressee from the customs authorities.

123. Postal items or postal orders are returned to the return address:

a) at the request of the sender;

b) if the addressee refuses to receive a postal item or postal order;

c) in the absence of the addressee at the specified address;

d) in case of death of the addressee;

e) if the addressee subscribing to the subscription mailbox is not specified or is specified incorrectly;

f) if it is impossible to read the addressee’s address (washed out, torn off, etc.);

g) upon expiration of the established storage period;

h) under other circumstances that exclude the possibility of the postal operator fulfilling its obligations under the contract for the provision of postal services.

124. For returning or sending registered mail to a new address specified by the user, the user is charged a fee, the amount of which is determined according to the tariffs in force on the date of return (departure to the new address).

125. Registered letters not delivered to the addressees with the mark “Court summons. With registered notice”, “Summons. With registered notice”, “Determination of the time and place of consideration of the case by the arbitration court. With registered notice” and “Determination (decision, resolution) of the arbitration court ships. With registered notice" are returned to the return address after 7 days from the date of their receipt at the postal facility. There is no charge for returning these letters.

126. If the sender refuses to receive the returned postal item or returned funds, they are transferred to temporary storage as unclaimed.

Simple letters, postcards and parcels taken out of mailboxes without addresses or with incomplete, unclear, abbreviated addresses, postal items with missing (damaged) addresses that do not allow them to be sent to their destination or returned to the senders, as well as postage postal items not delivered to the addressees are transferred for temporary storage as unclaimed.

Unclaimed funds are transferred monthly for temporary storage to the federal postal organization determined by the federal executive body that manages activities in the field of postal services.

Funds during the established storage period, with the permission of the head of the federal postal organization, can be delivered to the addressee or sender based on their application.

127. Undelivered mail items are opened on the basis of a court decision in order to establish the addresses of users or other information necessary for delivery (handing over) to their addressee or return to the sender.

The postal operator is obliged, as soon as undelivered mail items are received for temporary storage, but at least once a quarter, to apply to the court to obtain permission to open mail items.

Consideration of materials on the opening of undelivered postal items is carried out within 5 days by the court at the location of the postal facility carrying out temporary storage of postal items.

The opening of undelivered mail is carried out by a commission appointed by the head (his deputy) of the postal service organization, with the involvement, if necessary, of representatives of internal affairs bodies or federal security service bodies. When opening undelivered mail, the necessary security measures must be observed.

If, as a result of a preliminary study, it is established that the attachments of undelivered mail contain objects or substances that, when opened, may pose a danger to the life and health of people, then the mail is confiscated and destroyed without opening. Postal items are destroyed in compliance with the necessary security measures.

Upon the opening, seizure or destruction without opening of an undelivered postal item, the specified commission draws up a report.

If, when opening an undelivered postal item, it was possible to establish the addresses of users, then it, together with one copy of the act, is packed in an insurance bag and sent to the addressee or returned to the sender.

For the return or forwarding of undelivered mail to the established address, the user is charged a fee, the amount of which is determined according to the tariffs in force on the date of return (forwarding to the established address).

If, when opening undelivered mailings, it was not possible to establish user addresses, then such mailings are transferred to the number of unclaimed mailings.

128. Temporary storage of unclaimed postal items and unclaimed funds is carried out by the postal operator for 6 months. The opening, seizure and destruction of unclaimed postal items are carried out in accordance with paragraph 127 of these Rules.

Unclaimed written messages are subject to seizure and destruction. Other attachments of unclaimed postal items become the property of the postal operator in the manner prescribed by Article 226 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

If the cost of enclosing an unclaimed postal item or the amount of unclaimed funds is less than 5 times the minimum wage, the enclosure of the postal item is transferred according to an act to the balance sheet of the postal operator, and the funds are transferred to the federal postal organization determined by the federal executive body, managing activities in the field of postal services. In other cases, similar actions with attachments of postal items and funds are carried out on the basis of a court decision on the claim of the postal operator.

129. Undelivered (undelivered and unclaimed) international postal items, upon expiration of their storage period, are sent to the places of international postal exchange from which they were received. Postal items returned due to the non-location or death of the addressee, refusal to receive, etc., are forwarded in the manner determined by the federal executive body that manages activities in the field of postal services and agreed upon with the federal executive body for customs affairs.

130. Before issuing a registered postal item or postal order to the addressee, the sender has the right at the place of receipt of the postal item or postal order for an additional fee:

a) order the return of his postal item or postal order;

b) order the issuance of a postal item or payment for a postal order to another person and to a different address, or its delivery to the same addressee, but to a different address;

c) extend the storage period of a postal item or postal order at the postal facility of destination to 2 months from the date of its receipt.

131. The sender of an international postal item has the right to make an order through any federal postal facility to return or change the address of the postal item sent by him.

The sender of an international parcel has the right to decide what to do if the parcel is not delivered to the addressee, which is noted on the front side of the accompanying form.

132. The sender has the right to receive back postal items or postal orders that have not yet been sent to their destination. In this case, the sender is refunded the fee collected from him, except for the postage paid by state stamps and the fee for additional services provided.

Postal transfers are returned to legal entities by transferring funds to their current accounts; the fee for sending these transfers is not refundable.

133. In the cases provided for in paragraphs 130-132 of these Rules, the sender must fill out a written application, which indicates: the type and category of postal item or postal order, the place and date of its receipt, number, name and addresses of the sender and addressee, and in the relevant cases in cases the amount of postal order, the amount of declared value, the amount of cash on delivery. In relation to international postal items, the postal facility immediately informs in writing about these cases the customs authority where the customs clearance of the specified postal items was carried out.

Along with the application, a receipt is presented, and if this concerns registered postal items or postal orders accepted for shipment in quantities of 10 pieces or more, then a list of these postal items or postal orders or a notarized copy of the receipt, and, if necessary, the list is also presented . When sending an application using electrical communication networks, the fact of presentation of documents is certified.

134. When submitting an application, the applicant presents one of the documents specified in paragraph 116 of these Rules, and a receipt for sending postal items or postal orders. In this case, the data of the presented document is recorded on the application.

135. The addressee is given the right to make a written order for an additional fee:

a) on storage at a postal facility of postal items and postal orders received in his name for 2 months from the date of their receipt;

b) on the dispatch or delivery to another address of postal items and postal orders received in his name;

c) on home delivery of postal items and postal orders received in his name on demand, if home delivery of such postal items and postal orders is provided for by these Rules.

136. When submitting an order, the applicant presents one of the documents specified in paragraph 116 of these Rules.

The orders of the addressees specified in subparagraphs “b” and “c” of paragraph 135 of these Rules are carried out by postal facilities within 3 months from the date of their submission.

The addressee has the right to refuse a postal item or postal order received at his address.

With regard to international postal items in these cases, the postal facility immediately informs in writing the customs authority where the customs clearance of the specified postal items was carried out.

137. Postal operators accept, process, forward and deliver without payment:

a) domestic service mail and simple postal orders;

b) domestic and international secograms sent by land transport;

c) other domestic mail, when provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

d) international postal items sent by postal administrations or their organizations.

138. The right to forward postal items classified as government mail is enjoyed by:

a) persons holding government positions in the Russian Federation provided for by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation

d) members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

139. Postal service organizations, at the request of citizens, are obliged to certify free of charge powers of attorney for their representatives to receive postal items addressed to them.

140. Postal operators providing postal services as their main activity have the right to refuse to provide services that are not included in the duly approved list of services they provide.

141. The head of the federal postal service organization, on the basis of a court decision, has the right to order the detention and opening of postal items if there are obvious signs of damage to the attachment (corresponding odor, smudges, etc.), as a result of which other postal items are contaminated or spoiled (damaged) postal equipment.

Postal items are opened by a commission appointed by the head (his deputy) of the federal postal service organization.

The damaged part of the attachment is removed from the postal item and destroyed. Based on the facts of opening a postal item, seizure and destruction of the damaged part of the attachment, the commission draws up a report, which is signed by the head of the federal postal service organization and members of the commission.

The remaining part of the investment, together with one copy of the act and packaging, is packed in an insurance bag and sent to the specified address.

If the entire contents of a postal item are damaged, it is destroyed, one copy of the act is sent to the sender, and the container remains in the federal postal service organization in case of departmental inspection and is stored for 6 months.

When opening international postal items, one copy of the act is sent to the customs authority where the customs clearance of these postal items was carried out.

142. Information about the address data of users, about postal items, postal transfers, telegraphic and other messages included in the scope of activity of postal operators, as well as these postal items themselves, transferred funds, telegraphic and other messages are secret communications and are issued only to senders (addressees) or their representatives.

All postal operators are required to maintain confidentiality of communications.

143. Inspection and opening of postal items, inspection of their attachments, as well as other restrictions on the secrecy of communications are allowed only on the basis of a court decision.

Customs control of international mail is carried out in accordance with the Customs Code of the Russian Federation.

144. In the case of operational investigative activities, the inspection and opening of postal items, inspection of their attachments and documentation of the postal operator are carried out by a representative of a law enforcement or judicial authority on the basis of a court decision in the presence of the head (his deputy) of the postal organization with the drawing up of an appropriate act. One copy of the act with the attachment of the court decision remains with the postal service organization.

145. When receiving applications for the search for postal items and postal orders, for which law enforcement authorities have decided to carry out operational search activities, postal operators can notify the sender or addressee about this only with the permission of these authorities.

146. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations for the provision of postal services, postal operators are liable to users. Postal operators are liable for loss, deterioration (damage), shortage of attachments, non-delivery or violation of deadlines for sending postal items, making postal transfers, and other violations of established requirements for the provision of postal services.

Losses caused during the provision of postal services are compensated by the postal operator in the following amounts:

a) in case of loss or deterioration (damage) of a postal item with a declared value - in the amount of the declared value and the amount of the postage fee, with the exception of the fee for the declared value;

b) in the event of loss or deterioration (damage) of part of the attachment of a postal item with a declared value when it is sent with an inventory of the attachment - in the amount of the declared value of the missing or damaged (damaged) part of the attachment, indicated by the sender in the inventory;

c) in the event of loss or damage (damage) of part of the attachment of a postal item with a declared value when sent without an inventory of the attachment - in the amount of part of the declared value of the postal item, determined in proportion to the ratio of the weight of the missing or damaged (damaged) part of the attachment to the weight of the sent attachment (without weight of the postal item shell);

d) in case of non-payment (non-execution) of a postal transfer - in the amount of the transfer amount and the amount of the postage fee;

e) in case of loss or damage (damage) to other registered postal items - 2 times the amount of the postage fee; in case of loss or damage (damage) of part of their investment - in the amount of the shipping fee.

147. In case of violation of the control deadlines for sending postal items and making postal transfers for personal, family, household and other needs not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities of citizens, postal operators pay a penalty in the amount of 3 percent of the postal service fee for forwarding for each day of delay, but not more than the amount paid for this service, and for violation of the control deadlines for sending mail by air, the difference between the fee for sending by air and land transport.

148. Compensation for damage caused during activities in the field of postal services is made voluntarily or by decision of a court or arbitration court in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

149. Postal operators are not liable if:

a) it will be proven that the loss, deterioration (damage), non-delivery of postal items or violation of the deadlines for their transfer occurred due to force majeure circumstances or the nature of the postal item’s attachment;

b) the postal item, accepted in a closed form, is issued against signature to the addressee in compliance with all the requirements established by these Rules: there is no external damage to its packaging, bandage, seals, the weight of the postal item corresponds to the weight determined upon its receipt;

c) the postal item or part of its contents, postal order is detained, confiscated or destroyed in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules;

d) violations are not related to the execution of the contract for the provision of postal services (inadequate quality, size, assortment, completeness of items sent, etc.).

150. In case of failure to fulfill or improper performance of obligations for the provision of postal services, the user has the right to submit a claim to the postal operator, including a claim for compensation for damage.

Claims in connection with non-delivery, late delivery, damage or loss of a postal item or non-payment of transferred funds are made within 6 months from the date of submission of the postal item or postal order.

A claim against the postal operator can be made by the user both at the place of receipt and at the destination of the postal item or postal order.

For international postal items, claims are accepted within the time limits provided for by the Universal Postal Convention.

For international express mail items, claims are accepted within the time limits provided for by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Claims must be submitted in writing and must be registered in accordance with the established procedure.

When filing a claim, the applicant must present one of the documents specified in paragraph 116 of these Rules. The claim shall indicate the details of the document presented. In the event that it is not the citizen himself who makes the claim, but his authorized representative, a one-time power of attorney or a copy of the general power of attorney is attached.

151. Claims, including demands for compensation for damage, in relation to domestic registered mail and postal orders are accepted upon presentation of receipts issued upon their acceptance (in the cases provided for by these Rules - copies of lists).

Claims for the search for international postal items are accepted and considered in the manner and within the time limits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

152. Claims regarding domestic ordinary postal items for late delivery (handing over) are accepted upon presentation of the envelope of the postal item with calendar stamps confirming the dates of their dispatch and receipt.

153. If postal items and postal orders were delivered to a postal facility according to different receipts and lists, then claims for payment of compensation for lost postal items and postal orders, shortages or spoilage (damage) of the attachment are accepted separately for each receipt and list, for which they were handed over.

154. The claim indicates:

b) receipt number;

c) date and place of reception;

e) declared value;

f) address and full name of the addressee;

g) details of the presented identification document of the applicant.

In a claim for non-receipt of a parcel, direct container or parcel with a declared value, the type of packaging, a detailed list and the cost of the enclosure sent are additionally indicated.

155. In case of refusal to satisfy the claim or its partial satisfaction, the documents attached to the claim are returned to the applicant.

156. The postal operator is obliged to consider the claim and give a written response to the applicant within the following time limits:

a) for claims for postal items and postal orders sent (transferred) within one locality - within 5 days;

b) for claims for all other postal items and postal orders - within 2 months.

157. If the postal operator refuses to satisfy the claim, or if it agrees to partially satisfy the claim, or if the postal operator does not receive a response within the time period established for consideration of the claim, the user has the right to file a claim in court or arbitration court.

158. Payment of compensation for damage caused as a result of non-performance or improper performance of postal services for personal, family, household and other needs not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities of citizens is made by postal operators at the place of receipt or issuance of postal items or postal orders no later than 10 days from the date of recognition of the claim.

159. If a postal item is discovered after compensation has been paid to the applicant, the postal item is handed over to the addressee or returned to the sender. In this case, the amount of compensation for damage paid minus the amount of compensation for the delay in sending the postal item is recovered from the applicant (addressee or sender). If the applicant refuses to return the amount of compensation for damage, the postal item is transferred to temporary storage as unclaimed.

160. Issues of liability for loss or damage (damage) to international postal items are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

161. Postal operators are not responsible for customs declarations, in whatever form they were drawn up by the sender, and for decisions made by customs authorities when checking written correspondence items and parcels submitted for customs inspection.

162. Users bear, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, criminal, administrative and other liability for harm caused to other users or employees involved in processing postal items as a result of the inclusion in postal items of items and substances prohibited for shipment, or as a result of improper packaging of the sent attachment .

163. Officials and employees of postal service organizations who have committed violations of the provisions specified in paragraph 142 of these Rules are held accountable in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Since 2019, changes to the regulations “Rules for the provision of postal services”, which were approved by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications on the basis of Order No. 234, have come into force throughout our country. Until this time, the rules approved back in 2005 were in force, but they became invalid due to Government Decree “On approval of the rules for the provision of postal services” No. 45.

The innovation provides for the regulation of relations between the consumer and postal representatives when signing an agreement. The new rules made it possible to change and supplement the clauses on the rights and responsibilities of postal representatives and consumers. Moreover, amendments have been made to the procedure for accepting parcels, delivering letters and receiving cash on delivery transfers. The government also revised the clause on the acceptance and delivery of registered letters and the sending of electronic documents.

You can obtain more detailed information from qualified lawyers on our portal around the clock and free of charge.

The 2019 rules for the provision of postal services provide for innovations, namely the possibility of sending electronic documents and registered letters throughout Russia. This opportunity is relevant for all users who have registered on the government services website and authorized Russian Post to receive and deliver, in accordance with the signed agreement. The electronic form of documents goes through the stage of certification using an electronic digital signature, which comes in two types: simple and qualified (at the user’s choice). Documents are sent using a specialized system. Payment for use is charged according to tariffs.

In addition to the above, the order approving the rules for the provision of postal services specifies the categories and conditions of both standard services and postal exchange between countries.

Let's take a closer look at these categories:

  • a simple form of forwarding - accepting letters, receipts for payment of utility bills and other postal items where the user does not need to certify the documents with a signature;
  • registration parcels and documents with the declared price require the signature of the sender.

All registered shipments are made with return receipt requested. Thus, the consumer trusts the operator to notify the person indicated in the parcel about the possibility of receiving a regular parcel or cash on delivery.

Rules for sending valuable cargo

It is worth mentioning separately that the rules for the provision of postal services regulate parcels with a specified value from 2019 (including electronic ones) can be sent in two ways:

  • using cash on delivery, when the consumer instructs Russian Post to receive the cost indicated in the notice and send it to the address specified by the user;
  • with attached description.

The parameters and categories of ordered documents and cargo with an inventory can be determined by a representative of the Russian Post based on the rules and conditions of the organization. A sample inventory can be downloaded from our website.

Based on Order No. 234 of 2019 “On approval of the rules for the provision of postal services,” the following categories are classified as correspondence and cargo on the territory of Russia:

  • specialized open form (postcard);
  • letters, incl. in electronic form and on order;
  • parcels;
  • secograms (for visually impaired citizens);
  • shipments with a specified price;
  • containers.

Rules for the provision of services

The 2019 Rules govern the provision of services, which are as follows:

  • the employee independently determines the categories of shipments;
  • the operator does not have the right to refuse to send correspondence within the territory of Russia if it does not exceed the established rules, weight and dimensions;
  • payment is charged based on tariff rates that are in effect on the day of departure, unless other terms are provided for in the contract;
  • Secograms are sent across the territory of our country, as well as to other countries (by land transport) free of charge;
  • Sending documents in electronic format is paid according to the agreement.

The new Rules also regulate the responsibilities of Russian Post representatives. Below we will discuss the rules of delivery, issuance and ways to resolve conflict situations.

Delivery rules

Each organization specializing in cargo and correspondence delivery services, regardless of its legal form, is obliged to regulate the delivery time of items. Russian Post is no exception. Based on the resolution of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation of 2006 (still in force), the delivery period by ground service transport should not be more than 20 days. However, almost every citizen of our country knows that these deadlines are violated and most often this happens on the days before the holidays.

The deadline for sending items using the EMS courier service is specified in the internal rules of the organization. You can calculate the cost on the official website using a “calculator”. In addition to the delivery time, there is also a delivery period, which should not exceed 30 days (counting starts from the day it is received at the Russian Post office).

The shipment delivery process is as follows:

  • reception at the Russian Post office and registration;
  • sending a notice to the recipient;
  • after 30 days it is sent to the sender's address.

The notice in Form No. 22 must include information about the country, tracking number and name of the sender.

Rules for issuing parcels

The rules for issuing registered items or using cash on delivery are carried out according to the following principle:

  • the addressee fills out all the fields in the notice, indicating the details of the recipient’s identity document (most often a passport);
  • in the “Registered” field, data is indicated only if the registration address and residence address do not match;
  • issuance is carried out after providing the completed notice and identification document;
  • verification of the weight and integrity of the parcel is checked at the department at the time of delivery. Only after this is it necessary to indicate the date of receipt and sign.

Separately, it is necessary to describe the process of issuing and receiving a shipment with an inventory:

  • check the weight according to the data indicated on the notice;
  • inspect the parcel carefully. If a discrepancy is discovered, it is necessary to perform an autopsy, which is accompanied by drawing up a report;
  • check the originality of the packaging;
  • When opening, check the contents of the parcel with the attached inventory;
  • In case of violation of the address sticker or absence of a customs declaration (for international shipment), reports are also drawn up.

The process of issuing items by EMS requires the provision of a passport. You can receive the parcel by first agreeing with the courier on the place and time, or pick it up yourself at the courier service department. If during the issuance process defects or violations of the integrity of the packaging were discovered, compensation for the damage caused should be sought.

Ways to resolve conflict situations

The emergence of conflict situations in Russian Post offices is not news to anyone. However, not every citizen knows how to influence operators. Regardless of the reason for the conflict (when issuing parcels, sending a payment or letter), if you believe that the consumer’s rights have been violated, feel free to call management so that he can explain to the employee the rules for issuing and processing parcels.

It often happens that calling management does not produce the expected effect. In this case, you can call the toll-free hotline: 8-800-2005-888 or 8-800-2005-055 for EMC - this line was created to control the quality of service. Orally leave a statement about the incorrect form of communication or other reasons for the call, and provide the branch code. Next, you need to leave a record of the current situation in the complaint book.

Addresses, contact details, email and telephone numbers of departments that control the provision of postal services can be found in the attached file.

Based on the Rules, a response about the measures taken must arrive at the address you specified no later than 14 days. Otherwise, every citizen has the right to file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor.

Postal services are divided into:

a) universal postal services;

b) other services, including:

services for postal money transfers;

services for forwarding international mail;

EMS services.

7. A sign indicating the name of the postal operator, the name and operating mode of the facility, and its postal code is placed at the entrance to the postal service facility.

8. Inside the postal facility, in a place visible and accessible to users of postal services, there must be a book of statements and proposals and the necessary information material, including:

a) name of the postal operator and its location (legal address);

b) the address of the postal service facility and its postal code;

c) information about the place of reception and consideration of claims;

d) list of services provided, terms of their provision and tariffs for them;

e) the procedure for addressing and paying postal orders;

f) the procedure for addressing, packaging and payment for sending postal items, the sizes and weight limits established for them;

g) the period of storage in the postal facility of undelivered postal items and unpaid postal orders;

h) a list of items and substances prohibited for shipment;

j) a copy of the license for the provision of postal services;

k) these Rules;

l) information on the responsibility of postal operators and users of postal services;

m) other information related to the provision of postal services by the operator.

9. Inside the postal facility where universal postal services are provided, there is additionally a mailbox for collecting written correspondence and the following information is indicated:

a) on standards for the frequency of collection of written correspondence from mailboxes, its exchange, transportation and delivery;

b) on the control deadlines for sending written correspondence;

c) on the procedure for providing universal postal services.

10. The name of the postal operator, the number assigned to the mailbox, the days of the week and the time at which written correspondence is collected are indicated on the mailboxes.

11. Postal items and postal orders are divided into domestic (accepted for shipment within the territory of the Russian Federation) and international (accepted for shipment outside the Russian Federation, arriving on its territory from other states or transiting through the territory of the Russian Federation).

12. Depending on the processing method, postal items are divided into the following categories:

a) simple - accepted from the sender without issuing a receipt to him and delivered (handed over) to the addressee (his legal representative) without his receipt of receipt;

b) registered (registered, with declared value, ordinary) - accepted from the sender with the issuance of a receipt and handed over to the addressee (his legal representative) with his receipt of receipt.

Postal orders are accepted and paid in the manner prescribed for the acceptance and delivery of registered postal items.

Registered mail items can be sent with a description of the attachment, with a notification of delivery and with cash on delivery. The list of types and categories of postal items sent with an inventory of the contents, with a notification of delivery and with cash on delivery, is determined by postal operators.

13. Domestic mail includes the following types and categories of mail:

a) postcards (simple, registered);

b) letters (simple, registered, with declared value);

c) parcels (simple, customized, with declared value);

d) secograms (simple, custom);

e) parcels (ordinary, with declared value);

f) direct mail containers (ordinary, with declared value).

Postal operators, when providing postal services (except for universal postal services), have the right to establish other types and categories of internal postal items for forwarding through their postal network, as well as the maximum dimensions, weight and permissible attachment of these postal items.

14. Written correspondence sent during the provision of universal postal services must meet the following requirements for its maximum weight, permissible contents and maximum dimensions:

Type of postal item

Limit weight

Acceptable attachment

Limit dimensions


maximum: 120x235 mm;

minimum: 90x140 mm

written message


maximum - 2 kg, minimum - 100 g

low-value printed publications, manuscripts, photographs

minimum: 105x148 mm.


cliches with secography signs;

maximum: the sum of length, width and thickness - no more than 0.9 m; the largest dimension is 0.6 m.

For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 1.04 m; largest dimension - 0.9 m;

minimum: 105x148 mm.

For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 0.17 m; largest dimension - 0.1 m

A postal operator providing universal postal services does not have the right to refuse to accept internal written correspondence to a user of postal services if it meets the requirements established by this paragraph.

15. International mail sent within the framework of international postal exchange must meet the following requirements for its maximum weight, permissible contents and maximum dimensions:


Acceptable attachment

Limit dimensions

Postal card (simple, registered)

maximum: 120x235 mm;

minimum: 90x140 mm

Letter (simple, registered, with declared value)

written messages, business papers, receipts of various kinds, invoices, invoices, photographs; copies of documents and certificates certified by notaries; securities

maximum: 229x324 mm; minimum: 110x220 mm or 114x162 mm

Parcel post (simple, customized)

printed publications, manuscripts, photographs

maximum: the sum of length, width and thickness - no more than 0.9 m; the largest dimension is 0.6 m.

For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 1.04 m; largest dimension - 0.9 m;

minimum: 105x148 mm.

For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 0.17 m; largest dimension - 0.1 m

Secogram (simple, custom)

written messages and publications written in a secographic method;

cliches with secography signs;

sound recordings sent by an organization for the blind or addressed to such an organization, special paper, typhotechnical equipment

maximum: the sum of length, width and thickness - no more than 0.9 m; the largest dimension is 0.6 m.

For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 1.04 m; largest dimension - 0.9 m;

minimum: 105x148 mm.

For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 0.17 m; largest dimension - 0.1 m

Small package (simple, customized)

small unbreakable items or single samples of goods

Bag "M" (simple, custom)

printed publications sent by one sender to one addressee

Parcel (ordinary, with declared value)

items for cultural, household and other purposes

any measurement - no more than 1.05 m.

The sum of the length and perimeter of the largest cross section is no more than 2 m;

minimum: 110x220 mm or 114x162 mm

16. For certain groups of users, the following categories of postal items (postal orders) are established:

a) government, which includes postal items (postal orders) sent by persons, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. Their acceptance, forwarding and delivery are carried out as a matter of priority according to the established tariffs provided for the relevant types of postal items (postal orders);

b) service items, which include postal operators’ own mail sent via their postal networks without payment.

Postal operators have the right to establish other categories of postal items (postal orders) for certain groups of users of postal services.

II. Acceptance of postal items and postal orders

17. In domestic mail, attachments are sent that are not prohibited for sending within the Russian Federation. The list of items and substances prohibited for shipment in domestic mail is established by Article 22 of the Federal Law “On Postal Services”.

18. In international mail, attachments that are not prohibited are sent:

a) for import into the territory of the Russian Federation;

b) for export from the territory of the Russian Federation and for import into the state of destination.

Prohibitions and restrictions when sending goods in international mail are established by the customs legislation of the Russian Federation.

19. Postal orders are accepted for delivery in the currency of the Russian Federation.

20. Postal items are accepted in packaged form. The packaging of postal items must correspond to the nature of the attachment, the conditions of shipment, exclude the possibility of damage to the attachment during processing and forwarding, access to it without breaking the envelope, damage to other items and causing any harm to property and postal workers. Requirements for packaging of various types and categories of postal items, depending on the nature of their attachment, are established by postal operators.

21. Postal items are accepted open in the following cases:

a) when sending them with an inventory of the contents;

b) if there is an assumption that the postal item contains items or substances prohibited for shipment.

22. On postal items and postal money transfer forms, the sender indicates the exact addresses of the sender and addressee.

The addresses of the sender and addressee of postal items (postal orders) accepted for forwarding within the territory of the Russian Federation must be indicated in Russian. The addresses of the sender and addressee of postal items (postal orders) accepted for forwarding within the territories of the republics within the Russian Federation may be indicated in the state language of the corresponding republic, provided they are repeated in Russian.

For international mail, the address is written in Latin letters and Arabic numerals. It is allowed to write the address in the language of the destination country, provided that the name of the destination country is repeated in Russian.

The addressee's address is written in the lower right part of the postal item, and the sender's address in the upper left part. The address is written clearly and without corrections; it should not contain signs that are not related to the address and abbreviated names.

23. Address details on postal items and postal money transfer forms are written in the following order:

a) for a legal entity - full or short name, for a citizen - last name, first name, patronymic;

b) bank details (for postal transfers sent to a legal entity or accepted from a legal entity);

c) street name, house number, apartment number;

d) name of the locality (city, town, etc.);

e) name of the district;

f) name of the republic, territory, region, autonomous okrug (region);

g) name of the country (for international postal items);

h) postal code.

Postal items and postal orders can be addressed post restante (indicating on the postal item or postal money order form the name of the postal service facility, surname, first name, patronymic of the addressee) or to a post office box (indicating on the postal item or postal money order form name of the postal service facility, box number of the subscription mailbox, last name, first name, patronymic of the addressee or full name of the legal entity).

24. Payment for the provision of postal services is charged to the sender upon acceptance of postal items and postal orders in accordance with the tariffs in force on the date of acceptance, unless otherwise determined by the agreement between the postal operator and the user of postal services.

There is no charge for sending domestic and international secograms by ground transport.

25. To confirm payment for postal services for sending simple and registered written correspondence provided by federal postal organizations, state postal payment marks are used. The following are used as state postal payment marks:

a) postage stamps affixed to written correspondence or printed on postal envelopes and postcards;

b) imprints of state postal payment marks applied by franking machines;

c) other signs established by the Federal Communications Agency and applied in printing.

26. State postal payment marks are placed in the upper right corner of written correspondence. It is the responsibility of the sender to attach postage stamps to written correspondence in the amount of the cost of the postal service. It is prohibited to stick one postage stamp on another.

27. Sold state postage stamps are not subject to exchange or return. Postage stamps withdrawn from postal circulation, damaged (dirty, damaged, sealed, canceled in any way), as well as foreign postage stamps are not used to confirm payment for postal services.

28. To pay for services for sending international written correspondence that meets the requirements established by these Rules, international reply coupons issued by the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union may be presented.

International response coupons presented upon acceptance of the postal item are exchanged for postage stamps in accordance with the tariff for sending by air one simple international letter weighing up to 20 grams.

29. Postal items and postal orders are accepted at postal facilities. Simple written correspondence, with the exception of secograms, payment for postage services for which is confirmed by postage stamps, can be placed in mailboxes.

Written correspondence placed in mailboxes without confirmation of full payment for the service is not sent to its destination and is returned without cancellation of stamps to the senders, and in the absence of the sender's address, it is transferred to the number of undelivered mail items. Written correspondence with imprints of franking machine clichés and other signs confirming payment for postal services is accepted at postal facilities determined by the postal operator.

30. International postal items are accepted and processed in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, acts of the Universal Postal Union and international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of international postal exchange.

Legal entities send international parcels in a closed form (sealed or sealed with their own seal, as well as sealed or sealed by the customs authorities of the Russian Federation) according to lists of the established form with the required number of customs declarations and an accompanying form attached to each parcel.

31. Postal items of diplomatic and consular missions of foreign states, international intergovernmental organizations and representative offices of foreign states at these organizations in the Russian Federation for shipment within the Russian Federation, as well as postal items sent to the address of these institutions, are paid for and registered as internal, but are processed , are sent and delivered in the manner prescribed for international mail.

32. Registered postal items and postal orders are accepted at postal facilities with the obligatory indication of the sender's address.

Upon acceptance of a registered postal item or postal order, the sender is issued a receipt. The receipt indicates the type and category of postal item (postal order), the name of the addressee (name of the legal entity), the name of the postal facility of destination, the number of the postal item (postal order).

III. Delivery (handing over) of postal items and payment of postal orders

33. Postal items (postal orders) are delivered (paid) in accordance with the addresses indicated on them or issued (paid) at postal facilities.

The procedure for the delivery of postal items (payment of postal orders) to the address of a legal entity is determined by an agreement between it and the postal operator.

The following are placed in the cells of subscriber mailboxes, postal subscription boxes, cells of subscription mailboxes, mailboxes of strongholds in accordance with the addresses indicated on them, unless otherwise determined by the agreement between the postal operator and the user of postal services:

a) simple postal items;

b) notifications about registered postal items and postal orders;

c) notices of ordinary postal items, the size of which does not allow them to be placed in the cells of mail cabinets;

d) simple notifications of delivery of postal items and payment of postal orders.

34. Delivery of ordinary postal items addressed on demand, registered postal items, as well as payment of postal orders to addressees (legal representatives) are carried out upon presentation of identification documents.

35. Postal items and postal orders, if it is impossible to deliver (pay) them to the addressees (their legal representatives), are stored in postal facilities for a month. The storage period for postal items and postal orders may be extended at the request of the sender or addressee (his legal representative).

If the addressee fails to appear for the postal item and postal order within 5 working days after delivery of the primary notice, a secondary notice is delivered to him and handed over against receipt.

The addressee (his legal representative), and in case of return, the sender may be charged a fee for storing a registered postal item for a period of more than one working day after delivery of the secondary notice with an invitation to the postal facility to receive the postal item (not counting the day delivery). The amount of storage fees is determined in accordance with the tariffs established by postal operators.

After the expiration of the established storage period, simple written correspondence not received by the addressees (their legal representatives) is transferred to the number of unclaimed mail items. Registered postal items and postal orders not received by the addressees (their legal representatives) are returned to the senders at their expense at the return address, unless otherwise provided by the agreement between the postal operator and the user. If the sender refuses to receive and pay for postage of the returned postal item or postal order, they are transferred for temporary storage to the number of unclaimed items.

36. The postal item or postal order is returned to the return address:

a) at the request of the sender;

b) if the addressee (his legal representative) refuses to receive it;

c) in the absence of the addressee at the specified address;

d) if it is impossible to read the addressee’s address;

e) under other circumstances that exclude the possibility of the postal operator fulfilling its obligations under the contract for the provision of postal services.

For the return of registered mail and postal orders to a new address, a fee is charged, the amount of which is determined in accordance with the tariffs in force on the date of return (shipment to the new address).

37. The postal operator issues international postal items to addressees (their legal representatives) in compliance with the requirements of the customs legislation of the Russian Federation.

International postal items, on the attachments of which customs duties have been assessed by the customs authority located at the place of international postal exchange, are issued to the addressees (their legal representatives) only after payment of the accrued customs duties in accordance with the customs legislation of the Russian Federation.

38. Simple mail items removed from mailboxes without addresses or with incomplete, unclear, abbreviated addresses, mail items with missing (damaged) addresses that do not allow them to be sent to their destination or returned to the senders, are transferred for temporary storage to the number of undistributed items.

39. Undelivered mail items are opened on the basis of a court decision in order to establish the addresses of users or other information necessary for delivery (handing over) to their addressee or return to the sender.

The postal operator is obliged, as soon as undelivered mail items are received for temporary storage, but at least once a quarter, to apply to the court to obtain permission to open mail items.

The opening of undelivered mail is carried out by a commission appointed in the manner established by the postal operator, with the involvement, if necessary, of representatives of law enforcement agencies.

If, as a result of a preliminary study, it is established that the attachments of undelivered postal items contain objects or substances that, when opened, may pose a danger to the life and health of people, then these postal items are seized and destroyed without opening. Postal items are destroyed in compliance with the necessary security measures.

Upon opening, seizure or destruction without opening an undelivered postal item, the commission draws up a report.

If, upon opening an undelivered postal item, it was possible to establish the addresses of users of postal services, then it, together with one copy of the act, is packaged and sent to the addressee or returned to the sender.

If the addresses of users of postal services are not identified, postal items are transferred to the number of unclaimed items.

40. Unclaimed postal orders are transferred monthly for temporary storage to the federal postal organization determined by the Federal Communications Agency.

41. Temporary storage of unclaimed postal items and unclaimed postal orders is carried out for 6 months. The opening, seizure and destruction of unclaimed postal items are carried out in accordance with paragraph 39 of these Rules.

Unclaimed written messages are subject to seizure and destruction. Other attachments of unclaimed postal items become the property of the postal operator in the manner prescribed by Article 226 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

If the cost of enclosing an unclaimed postal item or the amount of unclaimed funds is less than five times the minimum wage, the enclosure of the postal item is transferred according to an act to the balance sheet of the postal operator, and the funds are transferred to the federal postal organization determined by the Federal Communications Agency. In other cases, similar actions with attachments of postal items and funds are carried out on the basis of a court decision on the claim of the postal operator.

42. The procedure for registration and delivery of defective postal items is established by postal operators.

IV. Rights and obligations of users of postal services

43. Users of postal services are required to comply with the requirements established by these Rules.

44. Before issuing a registered postal item to the addressee (his legal representative) or paying out a postal order, the sender has the right, in the manner established by the operator, on the basis of his written application:

a) order the return of his postal item or postal order;

b) order the issuance of a postal item or payment of a postal order to another person and to a different address, or its delivery (payment) to the same addressee, but to a different address;

c) extend the storage period of a postal item or postal order;

d) decide what to do with the international parcel if it is not delivered to the addressee (his legal representative), making a note on the accompanying form.

The sender has the right to receive back registered postal items or postal orders that have not yet been sent to their destination. The procedure and conditions for the return of processing fees in this case are established by postal operators.

45. The addressee (his legal representative) has the right to refuse a postal item or postal order received at his address by making a note about this on the postal item or notice. If the addressee (his legal representative) refuses to make such a note, it is made by a postal worker.

46. ​​The addressee (his legal representative) has the right, for an additional fee, to make an order (in writing) for the dispatch or delivery to another address of postal items and postal orders received in his name.

V. Rights and obligations of postal operators

47. Postal operators are obliged to:

a) forward postal items and make postal transfers within the established time limits;

b) ensure the safety of postal items and postal orders received from users;

c) ensure the quality of postal services in accordance with regulations governing activities in the field of postal communications and the terms of the contract;

d) provide assistance to law enforcement agencies in carrying out operational investigative activities and procedural actions in cases and in accordance with the procedure established by law;

e) certify free of charge citizens’ powers of attorney for their representatives to receive postal items and postal orders addressed to them;

f) maintain confidentiality of communications.

48. Information about the address data of users of postal services, about postal items, postal transfers, telegraphic and other messages included in the scope of activity of postal operators, as well as these postal items themselves, transferred funds, telegraphic and other messages are secret communications and are issued only to senders (addressees) or their legal representatives.

49. Postal operators have the right to detain domestic mail, the contents of which are prohibited for forwarding, at the place of their discovery.

Postal operators are obliged to immediately notify the relevant authorities authorized to seize prohibited items and substances about the fact of detection of an attachment prohibited for forwarding in postal items and the detention of these mailings. Postal operators are obliged to immediately notify the customs authorities of the Russian Federation about this fact in relation to international mail.

Items that, by their nature or due to packaging, may pose a danger to human life and health, contaminate or spoil (damage) other postal items and property, are seized by postal operators and destroyed, if this danger cannot be eliminated in any other way, with the preparation of an appropriate act.

Postal operators are required to inform the sender or addressee within 10 days about the seizure or destruction of items and substances prohibited for shipment, except in cases where, upon discovery of these items and substances, law enforcement agencies decide to carry out operational search activities.

50. Postal operators provide postal services only if they have the appropriate license.

51. The postal operator has the right to refuse to provide postal services to users of postal services at a postal facility if such a service is not included in the list of postal services approved by the postal operator for this facility.

VI. Submission and consideration of claims

52. In case of failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations to provide postal services, the user of postal services has the right to file a claim with the postal operator, including a claim for compensation for damage.

Claims related to non-delivery, untimely delivery, damage or loss of domestic mail, non-payment or untimely payment of transferred funds are presented to both the postal operator who accepted the item and the postal operator at the destination of the mail, within 6 months from the date sending a postal item or making a postal transfer.

Claims for the search for international postal items are accepted and considered in the manner and within the time limits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

53. Claims must be submitted in writing. When filing a claim, the user (his legal representative) must present an identification document. If the claim is made not by the user himself, but by his authorized representative, a power of attorney issued in the name of this person is presented.

The claim is accompanied by a copy of the contract for the provision of postal services or another document certifying the fact of the conclusion of the contract (receipt, inventory of the attachment) and a certificate of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the postal operator of obligations under the contract for the provision of postal services (postal envelope, packaging of defective postal item etc.), and in the event of a claim for damages - information about the amount of damage caused.

Claims regarding untimely delivery (delivery) of domestic ordinary postal items are accepted upon presentation of the postal item or its shell with the dates of receipt and receipt of the postal item indicated on it by the postal operator.

a) for claims regarding postal items and postal orders sent (transferred) within one locality - within 5 days;

b) for claims regarding all other domestic mail and postal orders - within 2 months.

In case of refusal to satisfy the claim or its partial satisfaction, the documents attached to the claim are returned to the applicant.

If the postal operator refuses to satisfy the claim, if it agrees to satisfy the claim partially, or if the postal operator does not receive a response within the time period established for consideration of the claim, the user of postal services has the right to file a claim in court.

56. Payment of funds to compensate for damage caused as a result of non-performance or improper performance of postal services is made by postal operators no later than 10 days from the date of recognition of the claim.

If a postal item is discovered, after compensation has been paid to the applicant for its loss, the postal item is handed over to the addressee (his legal representative) or returned to the sender. In this case, the amount of compensation paid minus the amount of compensation for the delay in sending the postal item is recovered from the applicant (addressee or sender). If the applicant refuses to return the refund amount, the postal item is transferred to the number of undistributed items.

VII. Responsibility of postal operators and users of postal services

57. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations to provide postal services, postal operators are liable to users of postal services. Postal operators are responsible for loss, deterioration (damage), shortage of attachments, non-delivery or violation of deadlines for sending postal items and postal money transfers, and other violations of established requirements for the provision of postal services.

Losses caused during the provision of postal services are compensated by the postal operator in the following amounts:

a) in case of loss or deterioration (damage) of a postal item with a declared value - in the amount of the declared value and the amount of the postage fee, with the exception of the fee for the declared value;

b) in the event of loss or deterioration (damage) of part of the attachment of a postal item with a declared value when it is sent with an inventory of the attachment - in the amount of the declared value of the missing or damaged (damaged) part of the attachment, indicated by the sender in the inventory;

c) in the event of loss or deterioration (damage) of part of the attachment of a postal item with a declared value when sent without an inventory of the attachment - in the amount of part of the declared value of the postal item, determined in proportion to the ratio of the weight of the missing or damaged (damaged) part of the attachment to the weight of the sent attachment (without weight of the postal item shell);

d) in case of non-payment (non-execution) of a postal transfer - in the amount of the transfer amount and the amount of the postage fee;

e) in case of loss or damage (damage) of other registered postal items - in the amount of the postage fee, in the case of loss or damage (damage) of part of their contents - in the amount of the postage fee.

In case of violation of the deadlines for sending postal items and making postal money transfers for personal, family, household and other needs not related to the entrepreneurial activities of citizens, postal operators pay a penalty in the amount of 3 percent of the postal service fee for forwarding for each day of delay, but not more than the amount paid for such a service, and for violation of the control deadlines for sending mail by air - the difference between the fee for sending by air and land transport.

Compensation for damage caused during activities in the field of postal services is made voluntarily or by court decision in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

58. Postal operators are not responsible for:

a) loss, deterioration (damage), non-delivery of postal items or violation of deadlines for their transfer, if it is proven that such occurred due to force majeure circumstances;

b) damage to the attachment of a postal item accepted in a closed form and issued against receipt to the addressee (his legal representative) in compliance with the requirements established by these Rules, in the absence of external damage to its packaging and the weight of the postal item corresponds to the weight determined upon its acceptance;

c) delay, seizure or destruction of a postal item or part of its contents, delay or seizure of a postal order in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules;

d) violations not related to the execution of the contract for the provision of postal services;

59. Issues of liability for loss or damage (damage) to international postal items are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

60. Users of postal services are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for damage caused to other users or persons involved in the processing of postal items as a result of the inclusion in postal items of items and substances prohibited for shipment, or as a result of improper packaging of the sent attachment.

The Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, in connection with incoming requests from residents of the district capital and the village of Kharp, informs citizens about the following:

Since February 3, 2015, new “Rules for the provision of postal services” have been in force in our country. The new Rules for the provision of postal services were approved by Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated July 31, 2014 N 234.

The previously valid Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2005 N 221, were declared invalid by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 23, 2015 N 45.

We note that the new Rules regulate the relationship between users of postal services and public postal operators when concluding and executing an agreement for the provision of postal services, and also establish the rights and obligations of these operators and users. They determine the procedure for receiving, delivering (handing over) postal items and paying out postal orders.

The specifics of acceptance and delivery (delivery) of ordinary and registered mail sent in the form of an electronic document are also fixed.

The main innovation of the above Rules is the ability to send and receive simple and registered letters in electronic form. This is available to users of the Unified Government Services Portal. These letters are certified with an enhanced qualified or simple electronic signature of the sender and are sent using a special information system of the Russian Post. Those who have agreed to receive electronic registered mail at their address can use the new service. The fee for the delivery (handing over) of ordinary and registered electronic mail should not exceed the maximum level of tariffs established for universal postal services.

In addition, the Appendices of the Rules for the provision of postal services establish the parameters of written correspondence in the provision of universal postal services, as well as the parameters of international postal items sent as part of the international postal exchange.

Based on the set of characteristics that determine the procedure and conditions for acceptance, processing, transportation and delivery (delivery), postal items are divided into the following categories:

A) simple(including those sent in the form of an electronic document) - accepted from the sender without issuing a receipt to him and delivered (handed over) to the addressee (his authorized representative) without his receipt of receipt, and in the case of simple mail sent in the form of an electronic document, accepted and delivered in accordance with the procedure established by Chapter VI of these Rules;

b) registered(registered, including those sent in the form of an electronic document, ordinary, with a declared value (postal item accepted with an assessment of the value of the attachment determined by the sender) - accepted from the sender with the issuance of a receipt and handed over to the addressee (his authorized representative) with his receipt in receipt, and in the case of registered mail sent in the form of an electronic document, accepted and delivered in accordance with the procedure established by Chapter VI of these Rules.

Registered postal items (postal orders) can be sent with notification of delivery (in international postal exchange - with notification of receipt) (upon submission of which the sender instructs the postal operator to inform him or the person specified by him when and to whom the postal item was delivered (postal order paid ).

Postal items with declared value can be sent:

With cash on delivery (sent between federal postal facilities, upon submission of which the sender instructs the federal postal organization to receive the amount of money established by him from the addressee and send it to the address specified by the sender);

With a description of the attachment.

According to clause 11. Rules for the provision of postal services, the following types and categories of postal items are considered domestic mail:

a) postal items in the form of written messages on a special form, sent in open form (simple, registered) (hereinafter referred to as postal cards);

b) postal items with a written message, including in the form of an electronic document (simple, including sent in the form of an electronic document, registered, including sent in the form of an electronic document, with declared value) (hereinafter referred to as letters);

c) postal items with printed publications, manuscripts, business papers, photographs (ordinary, registered, with declared value) (hereinafter referred to as parcels);

d) postal items submitted in open form, with an attachment intended exclusively for the blind (simple, registered) (hereinafter referred to as secograms);

e) postal items with a commodity enclosure (ordinary, with declared value) (hereinafter referred to as parcels);

f) postal items with goods and other material assets sent to their destination (ordinary, with declared value) (hereinafter referred to as direct mail containers).

Postal operators, when providing postal services (except for universal postal services), have the right to establish other types and categories of domestic mail for transmission through their postal network.

A postal operator providing universal postal services does not have the right to refuse a user of postal services to accept internal written correspondence if it complies with the maximum weight, permissible attachment and size limits specified in Appendix No. 1 to these Rules.

Postal operators provide postal services only if they have the appropriate license issued in accordance with Federal Law No. 99-FZ of May 4, 2011 “On licensing of certain types of activities”

Based on clause 15 of the Rules for the provision of postal services - Postal operators have the right to establish categories of postal items (postal orders) depending on the category of senders, the reception, forwarding and delivery of which are carried out as a priority at the established tariffs provided for the corresponding types of postal items (postal orders).

The New Rules for the provision of postal services determine that fees for the provision of postal services are charged to the sender when accepting postal items and postal orders in accordance with the tariffs in force on the date of acceptance, unless otherwise specified in the agreement between the postal operator and the user of postal services. There is no charge for sending domestic and international secograms by ground transport.



On approval of the Rules for the provision of postal services

Document with changes made:
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 03.29.2018, N 0001201803290011);
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 03.20.2019, N 0001201903200033);
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 06/10/2019, N 0001201906100045).

In accordance with Article 4 of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 176-FZ “On Postal Services” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 29, Art. 3697; 2003, N 28, Art. 2895; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; 2007, N 27, Art. 3213; 2008, N 29, Art. 3418; N 30, Art. 3616; 2009, N 26, Art. 3122; 2011, N 50, Art. 7351) and subclause 5.2 .25_1 Regulations on the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 2, 2008 N 418 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 23, Art. 2708; N 42, Art. 4825; N 46, Art. .5337; 2009, N 3, art. 378; N 6, art. 738; N 33, art. 4088; 2010, N 13, art. 1502; N 26, art. 3350; N 30, art. 4099; N 31 , Art. 4251; 2011, N 2, Art. 338; N 3, Art. 542; N 6, Art. 888; N 14, Art. 1935; N 21, Art. 2965; N 44, Art. 6272; N 49, Art. 7283; 2012, N 20, Art. 2540; N 37, Art. 5001; N 39, Art. 5270; N 46, Art. 6347; 2013, N 13, Art. 1568, Art. 1569; N 33, Art. 4386; N 45, Art. 5822; 2014, N 30, Art. 4305; N 31, Art. 4414),

I order:

1. Approve the attached Rules for the provision of postal services.
* The appendix to this order is posted on the Rossiyskaya Gazeta website -

2. Establish that this order comes into force from the date of entry into force of the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on the invalidation of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2005 N 221 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of postal services” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005 , N 17, art. 1556).

3. Send this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Acting Minister

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
December 26, 2014,
registration N 35442

Rules for the provision of postal services

I. General provisions

1. These Rules regulate the relationship between users of postal services and public postal operators when concluding and executing an agreement for the provision of postal services, and also establish the rights and obligations of these operators and users.

2. Postal operators provide postal services to users on a contractual basis.

3. Postal services are divided into:

a) universal postal services;

b) other services, including:

services for postal money transfers;

services for forwarding international mail;

services for the reception, processing, transportation and delivery (delivery) of postal items sent on time, in the manner and with the logo, determined by the acts of the Universal Postal Union, which are carried out by a postal operator duly authorized to provide these services (hereinafter referred to as EMS services (Express Mail Service).
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 15, 2014 N 16-r “On approval of the General Regulations of the Universal Postal Union, the Universal Postal Convention, the Final Protocol of the Universal Postal Convention, the Agreement on Postal Payment Services” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, N 3, Art. 303).

4. The exchange of international postal items is carried out at federal postal facilities that process international postal items received from foreign postal administrations, accepted in the Russian Federation and their dispatch to their destination, as well as those sent in open transit (hereinafter referred to as places of international postal exchange).

5. A sign indicating the name of the postal operator, the name and operating mode of the facility, its postal index.
by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

6. Inside the postal facility, in a place visible and accessible to users of postal services, there must be a book of statements and proposals and the necessary information material, including:

a) the name of the postal operator and its location;

b) the address of the postal service facility and its postal code;

c) information about the place of reception and consideration of claims;

d) list of services provided, terms of their provision and tariffs for them;

e) the procedure for addressing and paying postal orders;

f) the procedure for addressing, packaging and payment for sending postal items, the sizes and weight limits established for them;

g) the storage period for undelivered postal items and unpaid postal orders;

h) a list of items and substances prohibited for shipment;

j) a copy of the license for the provision of postal services;

k) these Rules;

l) information on the responsibility of postal operators and users of postal services;

m) other information related to the provision of postal services by the operator.

7. Inside the postal facility where universal postal services are provided, there is additionally a mailbox for collecting written correspondence and the following information is indicated:

a) on standards for the frequency of collection of written correspondence from mailboxes, its exchange, transportation and delivery;

b) on the control deadlines for sending written correspondence;

c) on the procedure for providing universal postal services.

8. The name of the postal operator, the number assigned to the mailbox, the days of the week and the time at which written correspondence is collected are indicated on the mailboxes.

9. Postal items and postal orders are divided into domestic (accepted for shipment within the territory of the Russian Federation) and international (accepted for shipment outside the Russian Federation, arriving on its territory from other states or transiting through the territory of the Russian Federation).

10. Based on the set of characteristics that determine the procedure and conditions for acceptance, processing, transportation and delivery (delivery), postal items are divided into the following categories:

a) simple (including those sent in the form of an electronic document) - accepted from the sender without issuing a receipt to him and delivered (handed over) to the addressee (his authorized representative) without confirmation of receipt, and in the case of simple postal items sent in the form of an electronic document, accepted and delivered in accordance with the procedure established by Chapter VI of these Rules;
by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

b) registered (registered, including sent in the form of an electronic document, ordinary, with a declared value (postal item accepted with an assessment of the value of the attachment determined by the sender) - accepted from the sender with the issuance of a receipt and handed over to the addressee (his authorized representative) with confirmation of delivery, and in the case of registered mail sent in the form of an electronic document, accepted and delivered in accordance with the procedure established by Chapter VI of these Rules.
by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

Registered postal items (postal orders) can be sent with notification of delivery (in international postal exchange - with notification of receipt) (upon submission of which the sender instructs the postal operator to inform him or the person specified by him when and to whom the postal item was delivered (postal order paid ).

Postal items with declared value can be sent:

- with cash on delivery (when submitted, the sender instructs the postal operator to receive the amount of money established by him from the addressee and transfer it to the sender or the person indicated by him);
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

- with a description of the attachment.

The list of types and categories of postal items sent with an inventory of the contents, with a notification of delivery and with cash on delivery, is determined by postal operators.

Cash on delivery by postal order is carried out by the federal postal service organization.
by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61)

11. Domestic mail includes the following types and categories of mail:

a) postal items in the form of written messages on a special form, sent in open form (simple, registered) (hereinafter referred to as postal cards);

b) postal items with a written message, including in the form of an electronic document (simple, including sent in the form of an electronic document, registered, including sent in the form of an electronic document, with declared value) (hereinafter referred to as letters);

c) postal items with printed publications, manuscripts, business papers, photographs (ordinary, registered, with declared value) (hereinafter referred to as parcels);

d) postal items submitted in open form, with an attachment intended exclusively for the blind (simple, registered) (hereinafter referred to as secograms);

e) postal items with a commodity enclosure (ordinary, with declared value) (hereinafter referred to as parcels);

f) postal items with goods and other material assets sent to their destination (ordinary, with declared value) (hereinafter referred to as direct mail containers).

12. Postal operators, when providing postal services (except for universal postal services), have the right to establish other types and categories of domestic mail for transmission through their postal network.

13. Written correspondence, with the exception of ordinary and registered mail sent in the form of an electronic document, sent during the provision of universal postal services, must comply with the maximum weight, permissible attachment and size limits specified in Appendix No. 1 to these Rules.

A postal operator providing universal postal services does not have the right to refuse a user of postal services to accept internal written correspondence if it complies with the maximum weight, permissible attachment and size limits specified in Appendix No. 1 to these Rules.

Postal operators provide postal services only if they have the appropriate license issued in accordance with Federal Law No. 99-FZ of May 4, 2011 “On licensing of certain types of activities” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 19, Art. 2716; N 30, art. 4590; N 43, art. 5971; N 48, art. 6728; 2012, N 26, art. 3446; N 31, art. 4322; 2013, N 9, art. 874; N 27 , Art. 3477; 2014, N 30, Art. 4256).

14. International mail sent within the framework of international postal exchange must comply with the maximum weight, permissible contents and maximum dimensions specified in Appendix No. 2 to these Rules.

Types and categories of international postal items not specified in Appendix No. 2 to these Rules may be sent on the basis of agreements between federal postal organizations and postal organizations under the jurisdiction of other states, concluded in accordance with the acts of the Universal Postal Union.
(The paragraph was additionally included from April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61)

15. Postal operators have the right to establish categories of postal items (postal orders) depending on the category of senders, the reception, forwarding and delivery of which are carried out as a priority at the established tariffs provided for the corresponding types of postal items (postal orders).

Features of delivery (delivery), storage of mail items of the "judicial" category (mail items of federal courts, constitutional (statutory) courts and justices of the peace of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, containing attachments in the form of court notices (court summonses), copies of judicial acts (including rulings) , decisions, court orders), court cases (materials), executive documents), as well as the “administrative” category (mails sent during proceedings on cases of administrative offenses by bodies and officials authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses in accordance with the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses and the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses adopted in accordance with it, containing attachments in the form of notices (summons), copies of acts (including determinations, decisions, resolutions in cases of administrative offenses), cases (materials) on administrative offenses, executive documents) are established by these rules.
(The paragraph was additionally included from April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61 by order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2018 N 619.

II. Acceptance of postal items and postal orders

16. In domestic mail, attachments are sent that are not prohibited for sending within the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 176-FZ “On Postal Services” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 29, Art. 3697; 2003, N 28, art. 2895; 2004, N 35, art. 3607; 2007, N 27, art. 3213; 2008, N 29, art. 3418; N 30, art. 3616; 2009, N 26, Art. 3122; 2011, N 50, Art. 7351).

17. In international mail, attachments that are not prohibited are sent:

a) for import into the territory of the Russian Federation;

b) for export from the territory of the Russian Federation and for import into the state of destination.

Prohibitions and restrictions when sending goods in international mail are established by the customs legislation of the Russian Federation.

18. Postal orders are accepted for delivery in the currency of the Russian Federation.

19. Postal items are accepted in packaged form. The packaging of postal items must correspond to the nature of the attachment, the conditions of shipment, exclude the possibility of damage to the attachment during processing and forwarding, access to it without breaking the envelope, damage to other items and causing any harm to property and postal workers.

The packaging of various types and categories of postal items, depending on the nature of their attachment, is determined by postal operators.

20. Postal items are accepted open in the following cases:

a) when sending them with an inventory of the contents;

b) if an employee of the postal operator suspects that the postal item contains items or substances prohibited for shipment.
(Subclause as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

21. The postal address includes a description of the location of the user of postal services with the obligatory indication of the postal code and (or) designation using symbols of the address of the user of postal services in the information system of the federal postal organization.

The postal address of the user of postal services in the information system of the federal postal organization is assigned to the user automatically upon confirmation of his consent to receive registered mail sent in the form of an electronic document in accordance with paragraph 57 of these Rules.

On postal items and postal money transfer forms, the sender indicates the exact addresses of the sender and addressee, and may also indicate the telephone number of the sender and (or) addressee.
(Subclause as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

It is allowed to indicate the postal address under the envelope of ordinary or registered mail sent in envelopes with a transparent address window, if this is provided for in the contract for the provision of postal services.
(The paragraph was additionally included from April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61)
From April 9, 2018, paragraphs four to six of the previous edition are considered, respectively, paragraphs five to seven of this edition.

The addresses of the sender and addressee of postal items (postal orders) accepted for forwarding within the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of ordinary and registered postal items sent in the form of an electronic document, must be indicated in Russian. The addresses of the sender and addressee of postal items (postal orders) accepted for forwarding within the territories of the republics within the Russian Federation may be indicated in the state language of the corresponding republic, provided they are repeated in Russian.

For international mail, the address is written in Latin letters and Arabic numerals. It is allowed to write the address in the language of the destination country, provided that the name of the destination country is repeated in Russian.

The addressee's address is written in the lower right part of the postal item, and the sender's address in the upper left part. The address is written clearly and without corrections; it should not contain signs that are not related to the address and abbreviated names.

22. Address details on postal items and postal money transfer forms are written in the following order:

a) for a legal entity - full or abbreviated name (if available), for a citizen - last name, first name, patronymic (the latter if available);

b) bank details (for postal transfers sent to a legal entity or accepted from a legal entity);

c) street name, house number, apartment number;

d) name of the locality (city, town, etc.);

e) name of the district;

f) name of the republic, territory, region, autonomous okrug (region);

g) name of the country (for international postal items);

h) postal code.

Postal orders and postal items, with the exception of ordinary and registered postal items sent in the form of an electronic document, can be addressed post restante (indicating on the postal item or postal money order form the name of the postal service facility, surname, first name, patronymic of the addressee) or to a post office box (indicating on the postal item or postal money transfer form the name of the postal service facility, the box number of the subscription mailbox, the surname, first name, patronymic of the addressee or the full name of the legal entity).

23. Payment for the provision of postal services is charged to the sender upon acceptance of postal items and postal orders in accordance with the tariffs in force on the date of acceptance, unless otherwise determined by the agreement between the postal operator and the user of postal services.

There is no charge for sending domestic and international secograms by ground transport.

The procedure for payment for postal services for the delivery (delivery) of ordinary and registered postal items sent in the form of an electronic document is determined by an agreement between the postal operator and the user of postal services.

The fee for the provision of postal services for the delivery (delivery) of ordinary and registered postal items sent in the form of an electronic document must not exceed the maximum level of tariffs established for universal postal services.

Standards, deadlines and tariffs for the provision of postal services that are not related to universal postal services are established by postal operators.

24. To confirm payment for postal services for sending simple and registered written correspondence provided by federal postal organizations, state postal payment marks are used. The following are used as state postal payment marks:

a) postage stamps affixed to written correspondence or printed on postal envelopes and postcards;

b) imprints of state postal payment marks applied by franking machines;

c) signs in the information system of the federal postal organization confirming payment for postal services for sending ordinary and registered mail in the form of an electronic document;
(Subclause as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.
The footnote has been excluded since April 9, 2018 - order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61..

d) other postal payment marks applied to postal items.
(Subclause as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.
(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 29, Art. 3697; 2003, No. 28, Art. 2895; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; 2007, No. 27, Art. 3213; 2008, No. 29, Art. 3418 ; N 30, Art. 3616; 2009, N 26, Art. 3122; 2011, N 50, Art. 7351).
(Footnote additionally included from April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61)

25. State postal payment marks are placed in the upper right corner of written correspondence. The sender is obliged to apply state postage marks on the forwarded written correspondence in the amount of the fee for the provided postal services, unless otherwise established by an agreement between the federal postal organization and the sender. Applying one state postal payment mark to another is prohibited.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

26. Sold state postage stamps are not subject to exchange or return. Postage stamps withdrawn from postal circulation, damaged (dirty, damaged, sealed, canceled in any way), as well as foreign postage stamps are not used to confirm payment for postal services.

27. To pay for services for sending international letter correspondence that meets the requirements established by these Rules, international reply coupons (printed on paper with watermarks depicting the abbreviation “UPU”) issued by the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union in accordance with acts of the Universal Postal Union.

International response coupons presented upon acceptance of the postal item are exchanged for postage stamps in accordance with the tariff for sending by air one simple international letter weighing up to 20 grams.

28. Postal items, with the exception of ordinary and registered mail sent in the form of an electronic document, and postal orders are accepted at postal facilities, including automated postal points. Simple written correspondence, with the exception of secograms and simple postal items sent in the form of an electronic document, payment for postage services for which is confirmed by postage stamps, can be placed in mailboxes.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

Written correspondence placed in mailboxes and postal items submitted through automated postal service points without confirmation of full payment for the service are not sent to their destination and are returned to the senders without canceling state postage stamps, and in the absence of the sender's address, they are transferred to the number of undelivered postal items. Written correspondence with imprints of franking machine clichés and other signs confirming payment for postal services is accepted at postal facilities determined by the postal operator.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

29. International postal items are accepted and processed in accordance with the acts of the Universal Postal Union, international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of international postal exchange and the requirements of these Rules.

30. Postal items of diplomatic and consular missions of foreign states, international intergovernmental organizations and representative offices of foreign states at these organizations in the Russian Federation for shipment within the Russian Federation, as well as postal items sent to the address of these institutions, are paid for and registered as internal, but are processed , are sent and delivered in the manner prescribed for international mail.

31. Registered postal items, with the exception of registered postal items sent in the form of an electronic document, and postal orders are accepted at postal facilities, and at the sender’s choice may be accepted in another way, if such a possibility is provided for by the postal operator in accordance with the agreement on the provision of postal services.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

Upon acceptance of a registered postal item or postal order, the sender is issued a receipt. The receipt indicates the type and category of postal item (postal order), the name of the addressee (name of the legal entity), the name of the postal facility of destination, the number of the postal item (postal order).

III. Delivery (handing over) of postal items and payment of postal orders

32. Postal items (postal orders) are delivered (paid) in accordance with the addresses indicated on them or issued (paid) at postal facilities, as well as in other ways determined by the postal operator.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

The procedure for the delivery of postal items (payment of postal orders) to the address of a legal entity is determined by an agreement between it and the postal operator.

The following are placed in the cells of subscriber mailboxes, postal subscription boxes, cells of subscription mailboxes, mailboxes of strongholds in accordance with the addresses indicated on them, unless otherwise determined by the agreement between the postal operator and the user of postal services:

a) simple postal items;

b) notifications about registered postal items and postal orders;

c) notices of ordinary postal items, the size of which does not allow them to be placed in the cells of mail cabinets;

d) simple notifications of delivery of postal items and payment of postal orders.

The user of postal services has the right to refuse to send notices to his address provided for in subparagraphs "b" and "c" of this paragraph, replacing them with another method of notification, if the postal operator provides such an opportunity, through the actions of the user of postal services , allowing one to reliably establish his expression of will and choose a different method of notification. Notification is carried out no later than the next working day after the day of receipt of the postal item at the postal facility of destination.
(The paragraph was additionally included from April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61)

33. Delivery of ordinary postal items addressed on demand, registered postal items, as well as payment of postal orders to addressees (authorized representatives) are carried out upon presentation of an identification document or using another method determined by the postal operator that ensures reliable identification of information about the user of the services postal communications, including those based on codes, passwords using information and communication technologies, electronic storage media, as well as other technical devices.

In this case, the postal operator records:

a) details of the identity document of the addressee or his authorized representative (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), document number, information about the date of issue of the document and the issuing authority);

b) details of a power of attorney or other document confirming the authority of the representative (if an authorized representative is acting on behalf of the addressee).

The specified data can be recorded, including by entering it by the postal operator into the standard forms (forms) of documents established by it, the nature of the information in which provides for the inclusion of personal data of the addressee or his authorized representative used for the provision of postal services and the processing of personal data .

The fact of delivery of registered postal items (payment of postal orders) is confirmed by the signature of the addressee (his authorized representative) or another method determined by the postal operator that provides reliable confirmation of the fact of delivery of the postal item (payment of postal orders).
(Clause as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

34. Written correspondence and postal orders, if it is impossible to deliver (pay) them to the addressees (their authorized representatives), are stored in the postal facilities of the destination for 30 days, other postal items - for 15 days, unless a longer storage period is provided for in the agreement on provision of postal services. Postal items of the "judicial" and "administrative" categories, if it is impossible to deliver them to the addressees (their authorized representatives), are stored in the postal facilities of the destination for 7 days.
by order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2018 N 619.

When calculating the storage period for postal items of the "judicial" and "administrative" categories, the day of receipt and return of the postal item, as well as non-working holidays established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, are not taken into account.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on March 31, 2019 by order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2018 N 619.

The storage period for postal items (postal orders) is calculated from the next working day after the postal item (postal order) arrives at the postal facility of destination.

The storage period for postal items and postal orders may be extended in accordance with the agreement on the provision of postal services. The addressee (his authorized representative) may extend the storage period for postal items (with the exception of postal items of the "judicial" and "administrative" categories) and postal transfers if such a possibility is provided for in accordance with the contract for the provision of postal services.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on March 31, 2019 by order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2018 N 619.

After the expiration of the established storage period, simple written correspondence not received by the addressees (their authorized representatives) is transferred to the number of unclaimed mail items. Registered postal items and postal orders not received by the addressees (their authorized representatives) are returned to the senders at their expense at the return address, unless otherwise provided by the agreement between the postal operator and the user. Upon expiration of the established storage period or if the sender refuses to receive and pay for postage of the returned postal item or postal order, they are transferred to temporary storage among the unclaimed.

An agreement on the provision of postal services may provide for the sender’s refusal to return undelivered postal items after the expiration of the established storage period. If the sender refuses to return undelivered postal items after the expiration of the established storage period, the procedure for the postal operator's actions in relation to such postal items is established by the contract for the provision of postal services.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

35. The postal item or postal order is returned to the return address:

a) at the request of the sender;

b) if the addressee (his authorized representative) refuses to receive it;

c) in the absence of the addressee at the specified address;

d) if it is impossible to read the addressee’s address;

e) under circumstances that exclude the possibility of the postal operator fulfilling its obligations under the contract for the provision of postal services, including the absence of the addressee's address indicated on the item.

For forwarding to a new address and returning postal items to a new address, a fee is charged, the amount of which is determined in accordance with the agreement between the postal operator and the user of postal services.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

There is no charge for forwarding to a new address and returning postal orders to a new address, unless otherwise provided by the agreement between the postal operator and the user of postal services.
(The paragraph was additionally included from April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61)

Postal items of the "judicial" and "administrative" categories are not forwarded to the new address. There is no charge for returning judicial mail to the return address.
(The paragraph was additionally included on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated February 13, 2018 N 61; as amended, put into effect on March 31, 2019 by order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2018 N 619.

36. The postal operator issues international postal items to addressees (their authorized representatives) in compliance with the requirements of the customs legislation of the Russian Federation.

International postal items, on the attachments of which customs duties have been assessed by the customs authority located at the place of international postal exchange, are issued to the addressees (their authorized representatives) only after payment of the accrued customs duties in accordance with the customs legislation of the Russian Federation.

37. Simple mail items taken out of mailboxes without addresses or with incomplete, unclear, abbreviated addresses, mail items with missing (damaged) addresses that do not allow them to be sent to their destination or returned to the senders, are transferred for temporary storage to the number of undistributed items.

38. Undelivered mail items are opened on the basis of a court decision in order to establish the addresses of users or other information necessary for delivery (handing over) to their addressee or return to the sender.

The postal operator is obliged, as soon as undelivered mail items are received for temporary storage, but at least once a quarter, to apply to the court to obtain permission to open mail items.

The opening of undelivered postal items is carried out by a commission appointed in the manner established by the postal operator.

If there are signs that a postal item contains items or substances prohibited for shipment, which, when opened, may pose a danger to the life and health of people, such postal items are seized and destroyed without opening, in compliance with the necessary security measures.

Upon opening, seizure or destruction without opening an undelivered postal item, the commission draws up a report.

If, upon opening an undelivered postal item, it was possible to establish the addresses of users of postal services, then it, together with one copy of the act, is packaged and sent to the addressee or returned to the sender.

If the addresses of users of postal services are not identified, postal items are transferred to the number of unclaimed items.

39. Temporary storage of unclaimed postal items and unclaimed postal orders is carried out for 6 months.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

40. The opening, seizure and destruction of unclaimed postal items are carried out in accordance with paragraph 38 of these Rules.

Unclaimed written messages are subject to seizure and destruction. Other attachments of unclaimed postal items and unclaimed postal orders become the property of the postal operator in the manner prescribed by Article 226 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

41. The procedure for registration and delivery of defective postal items (postal items whose weight does not correspond to the weight indicated on it, or whose external signs suggest a shortage, damage or deterioration of the attachment (damage to the shell, bandage, seal, tape) is established by postal operators .
(Clause as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

IV. Rights and obligations of users of postal services

42. The user of postal services is obliged to pay for the services provided to him.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

43. Before issuing a registered postal item to the addressee (his authorized representative) or paying out a postal order, the sender has the right, in the manner established by the operator, on the basis of his written application:

a) order the return of his postal item or postal order;

b) order the issuance of a postal item or payment of a postal order to another person and to a different address, or its delivery (payment) to the same addressee, but to a different address;

c) extend the storage period of a postal item or postal order;

d) order the implementation of actions provided for by the acts of the Universal Postal Union in the event of non-delivery of an international parcel to the addressee (his authorized representative), making a note on the accompanying form to it.

The sender has the right to receive back registered postal items or postal orders that have not yet been sent to their destination. The conditions for the refund of postal processing fees in this case are established by postal operators.

44. The addressee (his authorized representative) has the right to refuse a postal item or postal order received at his address by making a note about this on the postal item or notice. If the addressee (his authorized representative) refuses to make such a note, it is made by a postal worker.

45. The addressee (his authorized representative) has the right, for an additional fee, to make an order (in writing) for the dispatch or delivery to another address of postal items received in his name (except for postal items of the “judicial” and “administrative” category) and postal translations.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated February 13, 2018 N 61; as amended, put into effect on March 31, 2019 by order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2018 year N 619.

V. Rights and obligations of postal operators

46. ​​Postal operators are obliged to:

a) forward postal items and make postal transfers within the established time limits;

b) ensure the safety of postal items and postal orders received from users;

c) ensure the quality of postal services in accordance with regulatory legal acts regulating activities in the field of postal services and the terms of the contract;

d) provide, in cases and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, assistance to authorized state bodies carrying out operational investigative activities or ensuring the security of the Russian Federation during operational investigative activities and investigative actions;

e) maintain confidentiality of communications.

47. Information about the address data of users of postal services, about postal items, postal transfers, telegraphic and other messages included in the scope of activity of postal operators, as well as these postal items themselves, transferred funds, telegraphic and other messages are secret communications and are issued only to senders (addressees) or their authorized representatives.

48. Postal operators have the right to detain domestic mail, the contents of which are prohibited for forwarding, at the place of their discovery. Postal operators are obliged to immediately notify the relevant authorities authorized to seize prohibited items and substances about the fact of detection of an attachment prohibited for forwarding in postal items and the detention of these mailings.

The federal postal service organization has the right to detain international mail, the contents of which are prohibited for forwarding, at the place of their discovery. The federal postal service organization is obliged to immediately notify the customs authorities of the Russian Federation about the fact of detection of an attachment prohibited for forwarding in such postal items and the detention of these postal items.

The federal postal service organization has the right to detain domestic and international postal items accepted in the Russian Federation for forwarding abroad at the place of their discovery if an employee of the federal postal service organization suspects that counterfeit or withdrawn from postal circulation on date was used to confirm payment for postal services. acceptance of postal items state postage signs. In this case, the postal security departments of the federal postal service organization carry out an inspection within no more than 7 days from the date of detention of the postal item. The results of the inspection are documented in a document. If, based on the results of the inspection, the fact of the use of counterfeit government postal payment marks is confirmed, the federal postal service organization sends a corresponding appeal to law enforcement agencies.

In these cases, the period for sending postal items is suspended for the duration of the relevant events.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

49. Items that, by their nature or due to packaging, may pose a danger to the life and health of people, contaminate or spoil (damage) other postal items and property, are seized by postal operators and destroyed if this danger cannot be eliminated in any other way, with drawing up the relevant act.

Postal operators are required to inform the sender or addressee within 10 days about the seizure or destruction of items and substances prohibited for shipment, except in cases where, upon discovery of these items and substances, law enforcement agencies decide to carry out operational search activities.

50. The postal operator has the right to refuse to provide postal services to users of postal services at a postal facility if such a service is not included in the list of postal services approved by the postal operator for this facility.

The postal operator has the right to create postal facilities to serve certain categories of users of postal services (legal entities or individuals).
(The paragraph was additionally included from April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61)

VI. Peculiarities of reception and delivery (delivery) of ordinary and registered mail sent in the form of an electronic document

51. The sending by the sender of ordinary and registered mail sent in the form of an electronic document is carried out using the information system of the federal postal organization.

52. The information system of the organization of federal postal services is designed to provide users of postal services with the opportunity to send and receive ordinary and registered mail in the form of an electronic document, with confirmation of the receipt and delivery (delivery) of such items.

53. The sending of ordinary and registered mail sent in the form of an electronic document can be carried out by senders who have been registered in the federal state information system "Unified System of Identification and Authentication in the infrastructure that ensures information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form" (hereinafter referred to as the unified identification and authentication system).

54. Simple and registered mail sent in the form of an electronic document using the information system of the federal postal organization must be signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature or a simple electronic signature obtained in accordance with (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 5, Art. .377; N 45, Art. 5807; N 50, Art. 6601) and forwarded in compliance with information security measures.

Regular and registered postal items sent in the form of an electronic document must contain the following information: identifier of the postal item, address information of the sender and addressee, information about the time and date of receipt of the postal item.
(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 29, Art. 3697; 2003, No. 28, Art. 2895; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; 2007, No. 27, Art. 3213; 2008, No. 29, Art. 3418 ; N 30, Art. 3616; 2009, N 26, Art. 3122; 2011, N 50, Art. 7351).

55. Acceptance of ordinary and registered mail sent in the form of an electronic document is carried out by registering them in the information system of the federal postal organization.

56. The federal postal organization sends a notification to the sender in the form of an electronic document about the acceptance of ordinary and registered mail sent in the form of an electronic document.

57. Delivery (delivery) to the postal address of the user of postal services indicated in the information system of the federal postal organization of ordinary and registered mail sent electronically is carried out subject to:

a) the user of postal services undergoes the registration and authorization procedure in the unified identification and authentication system;

b) confirmation by the user of postal services in the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)" or in the information system of the federal postal organization of consent to receive registered mail sent in the form of an electronic document to the postal address of the user of postal services communications specified in the information system of the federal postal organization.

58. The consent specified in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 57 of this chapter is drawn up in the form of an electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature or a simple electronic signature of the user of postal services, received in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2013 N 33 "On using a simple electronic signature when providing state and municipal services" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 5, Art. 377; No. 45, Art. 5807; No. 50, Art. 6601).

59. If the user of postal services fails to comply with the conditions provided for in paragraphs 57 and 58 of this chapter, the federal postal organization carries out printing on paper of ordinary and registered postal items sent in the form of an electronic document, as well as their delivery (handing over) in the manner specified. established by Chapter III of these Rules.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

60. A registered postal item sent in the form of an electronic document is considered delivered to the addressee if:

a) the federal postal organization has received a notification in the information system that the addressee has read the registered mail;

b) the federal postal service organization has confirmed the fact of delivery of registered mail in accordance with paragraph 33 of these Rules.
(Subclause as amended, put into effect on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61.

61. The federal postal organization, in the cases specified in paragraph 60 of this chapter, sends to the sender’s postal address specified in the information system of the federal postal organization a notification of delivery of registered mail, signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the federal postal organization.

62. Verification of the authenticity of a simple electronic signature used to sign a simple or registered postal item in the form of an electronic document, as well as the consent of the user of postal services to receive registered postal items sent in the form of an electronic document, is carried out by the organization of the federal postal service using the appropriate service of the unified system identification and authentication.

VII. Procedure for filing and registering claims

(The chapter was additionally included on April 9, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated February 13, 2018 N 61)

63. Claims related to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations for the provision of postal services may be filed by the sender, the addressee (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) or the authorized representative of the applicant.

When filing a claim, the applicant (his authorized representative) must present an identification document. If a representative of the applicant makes a claim, a power of attorney issued in the name of this person or a document confirming the powers of the legal representative of the applicant is also presented. The details of the identity document of the applicant's representative and the power of attorney or document confirming the powers of the applicant's legal representative are recorded by the postal operator.

The claim may be submitted to the postal facility at the place of receipt of the postal item or to the postal facility at the destination of the postal item. A claim against a federal postal organization may also be made using the information system of the federal postal organization in accordance with Chapter VI of these Rules. Filing a claim against the federal postal organization using the information system of the federal postal organization in accordance with Chapter VI of these Rules is carried out directly by the applicant.

64. A claim for violation of the deadline for sending a postal item or making a postal transfer must contain:

b) the number of the registered postal item (postal order) or the shell of a simple postal item or a simple postal card containing marks of the postal operator with the dates of receipt and delivery of the postal item;

c) details of the addresses of the sender and addressee of the postal item (postal order) in accordance with paragraph 22 of these Rules.

65. Claims not related to violation of the deadline for sending a postal item or making a postal transfer must contain:

a) details of the identity document of the applicant, as well as details of the identity document of the applicant’s representative (if the claim is signed by the applicant’s representative);

c) number of the registered postal item (postal order);

d) date and place of receipt of the postal item (postal order);

e) the amount of declared value (if any) of the postal item or the amount of the postal order;

f) a list of attachments in the postal item;

g) the amount of cash on delivery (if any) of the postal item;

h) details of the addresses of the sender and addressee of the postal item (postal order) in accordance with paragraph 22 of these Rules;

i) type of packaging of the postal item (if any);

j) the reason for filing the claim.

Claims that contain obscene or offensive language, threats to the life, health and property of employees of the postal operator, as well as members of their families, will not be accepted or registered.

When a claim is registered by the postal operator, it is assigned an identification number.

66. Claims related to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations for the provision of postal services are considered by the postal operator in the manner and within the time limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Appendix No. 1. Parameters of written correspondence when providing universal postal services

Appendix No. 1

Type of postal item

Limit weight

Acceptable attachment

Limit dimensions

1. Postcard

120x235 mm;
90x140 mm

Written message

229x324 mm;
110x220 mm or 114x162 mm

3. Parcel

Maximum - 5 kg; minimum - 100 g

Low-value printed publications, manuscripts, photographs


largest dimension - 0.9 m;
105 x 148 mm.
For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 0.17 m;
largest dimension - 0.1 m

(Clause as amended, put into effect on June 21, 2019 by order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2019 N 106.

4. Secogram

the sum of length, width and thickness - no more than 0.9 m;
the largest dimension is 0.6 m. For rolls, the sum of the length and double diameter is no more than 1.04 m;
largest dimension - 0.9 m;
minimum: 105x148 mm. For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 0.17 m; largest dimension - 0.1 m

Appendix No. 2. Parameters of international postal items sent within the framework of international postal exchange

Appendix No. 2
to the Rules for the provision of postal services

Limit weight

Acceptable attachment

Limit dimensions

1. Postal card (simple, registered)

Maximum: 120x235 mm; minimum: 90x140 mm

2. Letter (simple, registered, with declared value)

Written messages, business papers, receipts of various kinds, invoices, invoices, photographs; copies of documents and certificates certified by notaries; securities

Maximum: 229x324 mm; minimum: 110x220 mm or 114x162 mm

3. Parcel (simple, custom)

Printed publications, manuscripts, business papers, photographs

the sum of length, width and thickness - no more than 0.9 m;
the largest dimension is 0.6 m. For rolls, the sum of the length and double diameter is no more than 1.04 m;
largest dimension - 0.9 m;
105x148 mm. For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 0.17 m; largest dimension - 0.1 m

4. Secogram (simple, custom)

Written messages and publications written in a secographic method; cliches with secography signs; sound recordings sent by an organization for the blind or addressed to such an organization, special paper, typhotechnical equipment

the sum of length, width and thickness - no more than 0.9 m;
the largest dimension is 0.6 m. For rolls, the sum of the length and double diameter is no more than 1.04 m;
largest dimension - 0.9 m;
105x148 mm. For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 0.17 m;
largest dimension - 0.1 m

5. Small package (simple, customized)

Product samples or small items

6. Bag "M"

Printed publications sent by one sender to one addressee

7. Parcel (ordinary, with declared value)

Items for cultural, household and other purposes

Any measurement - no more than 1.05 m. The sum of the length and perimeter of the largest cross section - no more than 2 m;
110x220 mm or 114x162 mm

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