Correct and effective treatment with an infrared lamp. Correct and effective treatment with an infrared lamp What are the benefits of an infrared lamp

Infrared heating is an excellent alternative to conventional electric heaters with heating elements and traditional batteries. It allows heating rooms for various purposes, delighting consumers with soft warmth and comfort. In the world of IR heaters, there is a rather unusual heating device - an infrared lamp that looks like an ordinary incandescent lamp.

Let's see how this device works, where it is used and what its features are.

Infrared lamp design

An infrared lamp is an autonomous heating device powered by an electrical network. It is a source of infrared radiation that reaches surrounding objects and heats them. The simplest light bulb is a glass bulb, inside of which there is a regular tungsten filament. The glass is most often painted brown-red, with a mirror coating visible from the inside. Such a light bulb is screwed into a very ordinary socket, suspended above a heated space or enclosed in some kind of housing.

There are also more compact infrared lamps for heating rooms - they are made in the form of thin glass tubes, into which a mixture of nitrogen and argon is pumped. It turns out a miniature light bulb that gives a decent flow of heat. It works using the same tungsten filament as in a regular light bulb used to illuminate rooms. An infrared lamp is a compact source of infrared radiation. Its power varies from 50 to 500 W, although more powerful samples are also available on sale (used in heaters). It is screwed into the simplest ceramic cartridge, although some models require cartridges of a different type. During operation, its body heats up to high temperatures, so the cartridge should not be made of plastic - otherwise it will simply melt.

You should not touch the IR lamps - you may get burned.

Infrared lamps are presented on the market in the following varieties:

  • Under no circumstances should you screw an IR lamp into a regular plastic socket - the high temperature will simply melt it.
  • With a mirror coating - they are distinguished by silver bulbs;
  • With blue mirror finish;
  • Without mirror coating.

The latest types of lamps superficially resemble ordinary incandescent light bulbs, but they are also a source of infrared radiation.

Powerful glowing heating elements in halogen infrared heaters are also lamps, only more efficient and designed for heating a large area.

Infrared lamps are equipped with a mirror coating for a dual purpose - to increase their efficiency and to direct the IR flow in a certain direction. If there is no reflective coating, then external reflective elements can play its role, as is implemented in halogen IR heaters. In addition, several IR lamps can be combined into one structure to obtain an IR illuminator.

Designations and main characteristics

The infrared heating lamp has the following characteristics:

  • Wavelength - according to this parameter, light bulbs are divided into short-wave, medium-wave and long-wave;
  • Type of socket (base) - for example, a traditional heater lamp of the usual type is equipped with an E27 socket;
  • Supply voltage - for almost all household infrared lamps it is 220 Volts;
  • Power – varies over a wide range.

A traditional IR heating lamp, made in the form of an ordinary light bulb with an E27 base, is endowed with a certain marking in the form of an abbreviation. For example, the abbreviation IKZ indicates that the light bulb is not painted in any colors and can be used not only for heating, but also for lighting. The designation IKZK indicates the presence of a red color, while the designation IKZS indicates a blue color.

As an example, consider the IKZK 250 W lamp - this is a product in the form of a traditional bulb, 250 W power, with a reflective coating and red color.

Operating principle of an infrared lamp

IR lamps heat the room much more efficiently and do not waste energy.

The operating principle used by infrared lamps was invented by nature itself. We are all very familiar with the most powerful source of infrared radiation – the Sun. Its rays reach the surface of the planet and the artificial structures located on it, warming them up. As a result, they begin to release heat into the air. That is, the Sun does not heat the air itself, which is generally a good heat insulator, but the elements of the landscape and buildings created by mankind.

Infrared lamps that heat a room work in a similar way. They are a source of infrared radiation that affects people, animals and surrounding things. Instantly and practically without loss, reaching any objects, IR rays are absorbed by them and converted into thermal energy. That is why, putting our hand under the IR lamp, we will feel the warmth spreading inside us.

Any lamp infrared heater works in a similar way:

  • Voltage is applied to its emitter;
  • The coil begins to warm up;
  • The resulting IR radiation is sent into the room.

The brighter the lamp glows, the more short-wave radiation it produces, and the further it spreads, allowing it to heat a larger area. Long-wave lamps are not so bright, the heat from them is softer and more gentle.

Infrared radiation from lamps does not have any harmful effects on living organisms, including humans - naturally, when used wisely. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about your health. Moreover, some types of IR lamps are actively used for physiotherapeutic purposes to treat various diseases, which we will talk about later in our review.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's look at the good and bad of infrared lamps. Let's start with the positive features:

Among all types of space heating, infrared is the safest and most environmentally friendly.

  • Completely silent operation - unlike heat guns, IR radiation spreads without the help of fans and at the speed of light;
  • Maximum efficiency - like almost all electric heating devices, it approaches 100% (but does not reach this figure due to certain laws of physics);
  • The simplest installation is just to screw the infrared lamp into the socket and flip the switch;
  • The possibility of spot heating is important for animals kept in small cages and pens;
  • Extremely compact - a traditional 500 W infrared lamp takes up no more space than a regular incandescent light bulb;
  • Environmentally friendly - IR lamps do not burn oxygen and do not emit any gases into the air.

There are also some disadvantages:

  • High temperature of the flasks - you can get serious burns;
  • Discomfort when staying in the lamp area for a long time - this is most often caused by non-compliance with operating standards;
  • High electricity consumption is typical for any electric heating devices.

The disadvantages are not the worst, they can be ignored if you follow the operating rules.

Despite the shortcomings, infrared lamps continue to be a popular heating equipment - they are needed by agricultural workers, poultry and livestock breeders, and they also find their use in heating open areas.

Scope of application of infrared lamps

Let's see how and where infrared lamps are used. The scope of their application is wide - they are necessary in everyday life, in production, in medicine and in many other areas of human activity.

A halogen infrared lamp is an excellent basis for an outdoor heater. With low power and a short wavelength, it can heat a fairly large area. Heating devices using such IR lamps are often used near swimming pools, on verandas and terraces, as well as in the open areas of restaurants and cafes. The IR rays they emit instantly reach surrounding objects and people, delighting with warmth and comfort. Moreover, in outdoor conditions this is almost the only type of heating - ordinary convectors and heat guns are useless here.

An infrared lamp heater is useful for heating any residential and commercial premises. By installing it on the ceiling or wall, we will get an excellent source of heat - a short-wave or medium-wave lamp will quickly create an atmosphere comfortable for a person to stay. But such heaters are rarely used on an ongoing basis - most often they act as auxiliary equipment when the main heating does not work well enough.

For long-term heating of residential premises, it is recommended to use long-wave infrared heaters, and not of the lamp type.

Buying an infrared lamp for heating a greenhouse is a more than excellent solution. Although for this you can also use single lamps hanging on wires above the rising plants. In any case, IR lamps will create an optimal atmosphere in the greenhouse, because plants receive exactly the same rays from our Sun. Therefore, such heating will be a plus for the development of agricultural crops - evidence of this is the feedback from those who have been involved in seedlings and plant breeding for many years.

An infrared lamp is also useful for those who grow seedlings on a windowsill or on a table by the window. Young plants may lack light and warmth, and IR lamps can easily fill this deficiency. The main thing is not to overdo it with the power and duration of the backlight, otherwise the achieved results will be ruined.

The infrared lamp is well known to those who breed poultry - chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, quails, etc. Newly born chicks, placed in a separate cage, need warmth. A red lamp for heating chicks will allow the young to survive and not freeze - the birds happily huddle right under the infrared lamp, enjoying its warmth. Individual cages with animals are heated in a similar way - a heat lamp with temperature control can be useful here, which will optimize the conditions for housing the animals.

Similar infrared lamps are used in zoos and on farms, where newly born animals are separated from their mothers in separate cages and boxes. To keep them warm and comfortable, low-power IR bulbs are hung above them. To create more comfortable conditions, cages and boxes are covered with reflective materials.

Infrared lamps are used by residents of villages and rural settlements for winter heating of poultry houses - during periods of severe frosts, IR lamps will prevent poultry from freezing. The same measures apply to rabbits, nutrias and even domestic animals - these can be just born puppies and kittens that lack maternal warmth.

We somehow forgot about treatment with infrared lamps, hoping more and more for miracle (and often useless) pills. But previously they were used to eliminate pain symptoms, for pain in muscles and bones, and in the treatment of osteochondrosis. They also helped with acute respiratory infections, flu, throat diseases, high blood pressure and skin diseases. Blue infrared lamps relieved stress, strengthened the immune system, increased the body's endurance, and removed bruises.

Today, treatment with infrared lamps is slowly being revived - people trust pills less and less, remembering the miraculous effects of physiotherapeutic procedures. Moreover, treatment with infrared rays specifically refers to physiotherapy. We also managed to forget that infrared lamps are very helpful in treating acne - this information is relevant for many people who experience problems with their skin.

Let's do this: You close your eyes (honestly!) and try to express your own opinion about what it is infrared radiation.



Here is the answer from most of my subjects:

“Well, these are special rays that we don’t feel, but they penetrate us.” “Microwave, for example...”


"Cosmic rays..."

Well, now let's turn to WIKIPEDIA:

Infrared radiation is electromagnetic radiation ranging from the red end of visible light (0.74 µm) to microwave radio emission (1-2 mm). The higher the temperature, the shorter the wavelength and the higher the radiation intensity.

Infrared radiation is VERY FEELABLE by our body as HEAT!!!

The most powerful infrared emitter is, of course, the Sun. About 50% of the sun's radiation lies in the infrared region.

Therefore, an infrared light lamp is a heat emitter that produces a lot of heat with a small amount of light.

Nothing super magical... it's HEAT

A medical infrared lamp is intended only for irradiating the human body, primarily at home.

The irradiated area of ​​the skin is intensively supplied with blood, and in the area of ​​elevated temperature the volume increases metabolism. This is precisely the main healing process, and this is precisely why an infrared medical lamp is purchased!

The spectrum of IR radiation of the human body is accepted in the range from 2.5 to 20-25 microns with γ max about 9.3-9.4 microns. Long-wave infrared radiation does not have an adverse effect on the body if its value does not exceed the value emitted by the person himself. It has been established that the closer it is to this spectrum, the higher the therapeutic effect from a source of infrared radiation. It is this effect that those who produce medical infrared lamps are trying to achieve.

All medical devices have their own standards and restrictions: this includes the time of use, the time schedule of use during the entire course of treatment, and the distance from the source of thermal radiation to the patient’s body - and many other subtleties of use. After purchasing a lamp, carefully read the instructions for the device and follow its recommendations.

You can obtain a sufficient amount of information on indications for use and contraindications even before purchasing a lamp by typing “infrared lamp instructions” into a search engine.

For example, under no circumstances should you use a heat emitter for purulent inflammations!

An infrared lamp is a physiotherapeutic device; the benefits of an infrared lamp reach high levels in the treatment of diseases that are cured by heating. The healing properties of an infrared lamp are that the vessels at the site of heating expand, blood flow improves, which allows you to quickly eliminate the source of inflammation in the body

Treatment with an infrared lamp is carried out as prescribed by a doctor, who must describe the treatment schedule in detail. As a rule, the duration of sessions increases day by day, and the number of treatment days itself increases from a week or more.

Infrared lamp for treatment

An infrared lamp is used to treat bruises - quickly relieves pain; joint inflammation; for osteochondrosis and radiculitis; for some skin diseases (but not in the inflammation stage); for diseases of the ear, nose, throat or bronchi.

The infrared lamp has contraindications, which are always written in the instructions and about which the doctor must warn. The main contraindications include acute inflammation of the body area and intolerance to heat treatment of the skin.

And lastly: do not confuse an infrared lamp with an infrared heater!

Firstly, you immediately see that the medical device has a smaller size, power and local heating area.

The heater tries to maximize the spatial impact and heating rate of this space.

  • short-wave: λ = from 0.74 to 2.5 µm (temperature of the heating element is more than 800°C), UFO, MoEl, etc.
  • medium wave: λ = from 2.5 to 50 microns (heating element temperature up to 600°C), “Frico” IR series, “Belomo”, etc.
  • long-wave: λ = from 50 to 2000 microns (temperature of the heating element is less than 300°C), “Bilyuks”, “TeploV”, etc.

Short-wave and medium-wave are used for outdoor heating or quick heating of a small area of ​​a large room. These heaters can simply burn the human body if it comes close to it, or cause heat stroke if exposed to heat for a long time.

Long-wave heaters are used for heating apartments; they are safe for humans and even have a beneficial effect on the human body and animals. But the lack of focusing radiation on the affected organ does not allow them to be called “medical devices”; they remain heating devices with a large list of beneficial preventive effects on the human body.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


There are dozens of heating devices on sale today. Infrared heating lamps have recently gained considerable popularity. A device of this type is a compact source of infrared radiation, which is screwed into a simple ceramic cartridge - although there are models that require special cartridges. Currently, infrared heating has become an alternative to traditional batteries and conventional electric heaters with heating elements (heating element).

Let's see how this device works, where it is used and what its features are.

Infrared heating lamps are autonomous heating devices that are powered from the electrical network. They are a source of infrared radiation that reaches surrounding objects and heats them. The simplest version of the device is presented in the form of a simple glass flask, inside of which there is a tungsten filament. Glass is often painted brownish-red. A mirror coating is visible from the inside. Such a light bulb is screwed into a socket enclosed in some kind of housing or suspended above a heated space.

There are compact IR lamps for heating rooms, which are made in the form of thin glass tubes - a mixture of argon and nitrogen is pumped inside them. The result is a miniature light bulb with a decent amount of heat flow. It functions thanks to a tungsten filament, just like a regular light bulb, which is designed to illuminate rooms.

An infrared heating lamp is a compact source of infrared radiation with a power of 50 to 500 W, although more powerful devices that are used in heaters can be found on sale. During operation, the device body can heat up to high temperatures; for this reason, the device cartridge should not be made of plastic, otherwise it will soon melt. You should not touch infrared bulbs, because... there is a risk of getting burned.

Principle of operation

The operating principle used in IR lamps was invented by nature itself. Everyone is well aware that the most powerful source of infrared radiation is the Sun. Its rays reach the surface of the Earth and objects located on it, warming them up. As a result, they begin to release heat into the air. It turns out that it is not the air itself, which is a good heat insulator, that is heated by the sun's rays, but the elements of the landscape and buildings that were created by mankind.

Infrared lamps for the home work in a similar way. Infrared rays, instantly reaching any objects, are absorbed by them, after which they are converted into thermal energy. For this reason, placing your hand under a light source, you can feel the warmth spreading inside you. Devices of this type heat rooms more efficiently than many analogues and do not waste energy.

The brighter the device glows, the more short-wave radiation it produces, and the further its rays spread - thanks to this, large areas can be heated. Long-wavelength models are not as bright, but they emit more gentle and soft heat. Radiation from such lamps does not have a detrimental effect on living organisms, including humans, subject to reasonable use. Some types of devices are used for physical therapy purposes to treat various diseases.

Types of IR lamps

Modern manufacturers offer several types of IR lamps to choose from. There are four of them in total:

  • without mirror coating;
  • with mirror coating – distinguished by silver-colored bulbs;
  • with red mirror coating;
  • with blue mirror finish.

The first types of light bulbs are similar in appearance to ordinary incandescent lamps, but they also represent a source of infrared radiation. Powerful glowing heating elements (electric heating elements) that are equipped with halogen infrared heaters are also lamps, but they are more efficient and are designed for heating large areas.

Other types of light bulbs are equipped with a special mirror coating. Such a coating is necessary to increase the efficiency of devices and in order to direct the IR flux in a certain direction. In the absence of a reflective coating, external reflective elements can be used as it - this is implemented in halogen infrared heaters. Sometimes IR lamps are combined into one design to create a powerful IR illuminator.

In addition, a traditional IR lamp in the form of a regular light bulb with an E27 base has a certain marking in the form of an abbreviation. The designation “IKS” indicates that the product is not painted in any colors and can be used not only for heating rooms, but also for lighting. The abbreviation “IKZK” indicates the presence of a red color, and “IKZS” indicates that the product is blue. IR devices also differ from each other in several characteristics, which include:

  • Type of cartridge (base). Equipped with the traditional E27 size chuck.
  • Wavelength. Depending on this parameter, devices are long-wave, medium-wave and short-wave.
  • Power. Varies over a very wide range.
  • Supply voltage. For almost all household IR bulbs this figure is 220 Volts.


The IR lamp has several important advantages, thanks to which its popularity is growing from year to year. They are:

  1. Completely silent operation. Compared to heat guns, IR radiation spreads without any fans or other devices.
  2. Maximum efficiency (efficiency factor). Like most other electric heating devices, it approaches 100 percent - a figure it does not reach due to certain laws of physics.
  3. Spot heating capabilities. This is true for animals that are kept in pens or small cages. For example, “IKZK” is widely used in the field of livestock farming, where they are used to heat poultry houses, pigsties and other places where animals are kept.
  4. Compactness. A standard 500W IR lamp is comparable in size to a regular incandescent light bulb.
  5. Simplest installation. You need to screw the infrared bulb into the socket, and then flip the switch.
  6. Environmentally friendly. IR devices do not burn oxygen and do not release any gases into the environment.


A device of this type, such as an infrared lamp, is not without drawbacks. For this reason, be sure to take them into consideration before purchasing an infrared heating lamp. The disadvantages include:

  • High power consumption. This is typical for any heating devices that are powered from the mains.
  • The appearance of discomfort when staying in the light bulbs for a long time. In this case, non-compliance with certain operating standards often affects.
  • High flask temperature. There is a risk of serious burns.

Areas of application of infrared lamps

Despite its shortcomings, the infrared lamp continues to be in demand for heating various rooms. The scope of its application is wide - it is necessary not only in everyday life, but also in production, in the medical industry, etc. IR bulbs are especially often used by agricultural workers and people who specialize in raising livestock and poultry. They have also gained some popularity for heating open areas.

For heating animals

Devices with IR radiation are well suited for breeding livestock, so they are used in chicken coops, pigsties, cowsheds, stables, etc. Infrared radiation for heating chicks helps the young to survive and not freeze. Birds happily huddle right under the device, enjoying the heat generated by it. Animal cages are heated in the same way, where an IR heat lamp with temperature control can be useful.

Such devices are especially in demand in chicken coops. Their use helps to provide the birds with the necessary level of warmth and create a comfortable atmosphere even in extreme cold. They stop feeling discomfort from cool air and freezing. The immune system of birds becomes stronger, and the risk of illness among them sharply decreases - this is very important for laying hens, because a comfortable, stable temperature helps them lay eggs regularly.

The same devices are used in zoos, terrariums and on farms, where newly born animals are placed in separate boxes and cages. To make them comfortable and warm, low-power light bulbs are installed above them. In terrariums where snakes, turtles, reptiles and other amphibians live, a thermal point is created using an IR lamp. It is a place where reptiles come out to bask. Exposure to radiation for 3-5 minutes will warm up the animals, and the absence of bright light will have a positive effect on their nervous system and maintain their sleep patterns.

For space heating

An excellent basis for an outdoor heater is a halogen infrared lamp. With a short wavelength and low power, relatively large areas are heated with its help. Heating devices, supplemented with such light bulbs, are widely used on verandas, terraces, and near swimming pools. They are even used in open areas of cafes and restaurants. The IR rays they emit quickly reach people, delighting them with warmth and comfort.

In outdoor conditions, they are almost the only method of heating, because... ordinary convectors and heat guns will be useless. The IR lamp heater is perfect for heating commercial and residential premises. By installing such devices on a wall or ceiling, you will get a good source of heat. A short or medium wave light bulb will quickly create a comfortable atmosphere for people to stay. Heaters of this type are rarely used on an ongoing basis - they are often used as auxiliary equipment when the main heating is poor.

For sauna

Using IR lamps, the body warms up from the inside, because... infrared waves easily penetrate to a depth of about 4 cm, having a positive effect on the joints, skin, and internal organ system. The use of such heaters in saunas promotes weight loss. Excess fluids, along with waste and toxins, are actively eliminated along with sweat.

At the same time, blood flow improves and the body’s energy consumption increases, which provokes the burning of calories. With regular visits to infrared saunas, you can successfully combat various types of skin lesions, for example, dermatitis, eczema, etc. Staying in an infrared sauna makes the walls of blood vessels elastic, reducing the risk of developing heart disease and some other dangerous diseases.

For drying paint and working with plastic

Processing various materials and drying them using an IR lamp is a profitable and practical method that is used by both small workshops and large paint shops. Lamp drying can be used in a targeted manner: the heat from the device is directed to the area of ​​the item that needs to be dried, without heating its other zones. For example, when drying the hood, not the entire car heats up, but only the hood.

When working with plastic, radiation helps it straighten, soften, bend and mold. Additionally, they are involved in shrinking, stretching, and extruding objects from plastic, representing an effective tool. Such light bulbs are also used by printing houses, where they help remove excess moisture from paper - drying with heating occurs faster. The result is high-quality printing.

You can sometimes see infrared lamps on sale. They are used for home phototherapy.

Treatment is carried out with light rays that have a healing effect.

Infrared radiation affects the skin, helping to improve blood supply to this area. Metabolic processes accelerate in tissues, resulting in an improvement in general condition. Infrared lamp for home

At home, an infrared lamp is used for the complex treatment of many diseases.

For diseases of the ear, nose and throat

This method is most effective for diseases of the ears, nose, and throat (rhinitis, tonsillitis, otitis). However, in the presence of purulent inflammation, heat is contraindicated.

For muscle pain

Often, treatment with an infrared lamp reduces muscle pain. The rays warm up the painful area and help eliminate discomfort. Warm-up time may vary depending on the complexity of the case. The average duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. However, if you experience discomfort or severe redness of the skin, you should stop the heat exposure.

For joint pain

An infrared lamp is used to solve many health problems. With the help of infrared radiation, you can alleviate the condition of arthritis and other joint diseases. The warmth of an infrared lamp can relieve muscle spasms. It also improves blood flow and helps normalize blood circulation.

With high blood pressure

An infrared lamp helps people who are prone to frequent increases in blood pressure. Infrared rays reduce the risk of developing a hypertensive crisis and prevent the progression of the disease. They improve the condition of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Application of infrared lamps

Non-purulent inflammation of internal organs (kidneys, lungs)

Burns and frostbite

Long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis, sprains)




Pruritic dermatoses

Light applied to the skin relieves some forms of dermatitis, eczema, acne, psoriasis, and cellulite.


Using an infrared lamp you can get rid of many diseases. However, some conditions may contraindicate infrared light.

You cannot be treated with heat if you have cancer, purulent inflammation, or tuberculosis. It is not recommended to use an infrared lamp during pregnancy or with heart or lung failure. Treatment with an infrared lamp is contraindicated while taking cytostatics, hormones and immunomodulators.

An infrared lamp is a unique device that allows you to get rid of many diseases at home and improve the general condition of the patient.

Heat treatment is effective for a number of ailments. Thanks to compact modern devices, you no longer need to go to a clinic for physiotherapeutic procedures, but can do them yourself at home. One such device is an infrared lamp. Its action is aimed at relieving inflammation, pain, relaxation, and activating internal processes in tissues and organs.

This is ensured by the penetration of infrared rays deep into the epidermis, which allows not only to prevent necrosis from burns and other skin injuries, but also to warm up joints and muscles. Thanks to heat, blood vessels dilate, metabolic processes improve, and the body's defenses are strengthened.

Design of infrared lamps

In recent years, infrared radiation devices have been produced for heating rooms, but their main purpose remains the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Devices for home procedures are a compact, lightweight design consisting of a non-heating body and a non-slip, stable base. A glass bulb with a powerful diffuser, thanks to its optimal shape and size, allows you to irradiate a sufficient area and ensure deep penetration of the infrared rays into the tissue. Most models have a built-in digital timer, which is adjusted for a certain time during procedures, after which it automatically turns off. To direct the light flux to the desired area, just tilt the head of the device at the desired angle - depending on the model, there are up to 5 fixed positions or smooth adjustment of 0-50 degrees. The devices act precisely - due to a powerful beam of energy, regenerating, biostimulating, antispasmodic, detoxifying and other health-improving effects are achieved.

Therapeutic effects of IR lamp

Under the influence of thermal infrared radiation, physicochemical processes in the body are accelerated, resulting in versatile therapeutic effects. This allows the use of IR lamps for a wide range of diseases. Penetrating deep into tissues, heat rays help expand the lumen of blood vessels, enhance local blood microcirculation and produce bioactive substances. White blood cells and lymphocytes are delivered to the diseased area. All this contributes to:

  • acceleration of healing;
  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • preventing the proliferation of bacteria;
  • growth of healthy cells;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • normalization of pressure;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • removing toxins from tissues;
  • enhancing the synthesis of your own collagen;
  • improvement of psycho-emotional state;

The use of an infrared lamp will help reduce or completely eliminate painkillers. A good effect is achieved in combination with ointments, moderate physical activity, exercise therapy, swimming, massages and other health procedures.

Indications and rules for using IR lamps

Like all devices used for treatment, infrared lamps have their contraindications, so it is important to consult a doctor. The main problems for which the use of IR lamps is prescribed are as follows:

  1. Diseases, damage to joints and muscles, accompanied by pain and inflammation. Thanks to the thermal effect, blood flow increases, tissues receive oxygen and nutrients, muscles relax, cramps are prevented, and pain goes away. Warming up of the muscles is carried out for 15-20 minutes and depends on the severity of the pain. In case of arthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases, due to thermal radiation stimulating blood flow, leukocytes are supplied to the affected area, toxins are eliminated, and inflammation is reduced. For joint pain, the procedure is carried out for 20-30 minutes. Radiculitis and myalgia cause no less suffering; in these cases, warm up for 15 minutes. During the session, the lamp is placed at a distance of 20-25 cm from the affected area.
  2. Diseases of the respiratory and ENT organs. The effectiveness of infrared radiation has been proven for coughs, runny nose, laryngitis, otitis media, tonsillitis and other ailments caused by a virus or cold. To avoid getting burned, delicate areas of the body can be covered with a thin cotton cloth and heated at a distance of at least 30 cm and no longer than 15 minutes. Detailed information about the duration of the procedure is written in the instructions included with the specific lamp model. When warming up the nose, the eyes must be protected with a bandage and the duration of the first session is no more than 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time.
  3. Diseases, skin damage. Irritation, dermatitis, acne, ulcers, frostbite, burns, eczema, psoriasis - this is not the entire list of problems for which it is recommended to use an IR lamp. It improves the condition of the skin after cosmetic procedures and accelerates wound healing in the postoperative period, but consultation with your doctor is required. Exposure to skin should not exceed 10 minutes. In combination with massage and other methods, it is used to combat cellulite; for each area, the procedure takes no more than 15 minutes.
  4. Cardiovascular diseases. The benefits of the IR device have been proven for hypertension, ischemia and vascular atherosclerosis. The thermal effect helps normalize blood pressure and stop the progression of the disease. Clinical studies have shown that a course of 7-10 sessions significantly improves health. Breaks between courses are 5-7 days. When warming the chest, the rays should not be directed to the heart area and the sensitive inner part of the arm should be covered. Duration no more than 15 minutes.
  5. Inflammation of internal organs. Infrared radiation is able to penetrate deeply, affecting the source of inflammation, so the device is used to treat diseases of the lungs, kidneys, genitourinary system and other internal organs. But use is permissible only for subacute and non-purulent inflammations.

In addition to the main indications, using an IR lamp can strengthen the body, relieve tension, improve the condition of neuroses, chronic fatigue syndrome and symptoms of menopause.


In addition to the positive therapeutic effects, there are a number of cases when the use of IR emitters can harm the body. The main ones:

  • Chronic diseases that are in the acute stage;
  • Tumor neoplasms, oncology;
  • Purulent inflammation of internal organs;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Tuberculosis in the active stage;
  • Tendency to bleed;
  • Heart, kidney, pulmonary failure;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Taking certain medications, including immunomodulators, hormones, cytostatics, etc.

If individual intolerance occurs or discomfort appears during warming, immediately interrupt the procedure and consult a doctor.

In some cases, the first use of an infrared lamp causes a slight increase in pain or a short-term worsening of the condition. This reaction of the body to infrared radiation is normal, since it has an effect on blood vessels and blood flow. Usually within a maximum of 4 hours everything returns to normal. Treatment takes place in courses of 10-15 procedures each, duration 10-30 minutes, depending on the problem. The lamp is placed at a distance of 20-30 cm from the area that needs to be affected. All these figures are general recommendations, since each case is individual, and the duration of heating and distance depend on the age and sensitivity of the skin. When the procedure is performed on a child, the distance should be 30 cm to avoid burns, just as when treating diseases and skin injuries.

Infrared lamps for medicinal purposes are presented in a wide range in the “Your Health” chain of stores in Kyiv and Kharkov; you can order the product on the company’s website, delivery throughout Ukraine within 3 days.