Download the 360 ​​safety guard removal utility

360 Total Security is an antivirus utility that protects your computer from various types security threats. Such a tool is highly desirable in every system, especially those run by inexperienced users. Thanks to active protection, you can avoid almost any level of infection; in general, viruses penetrate only by ignoring warnings.

The utility also has a scanner to combat enemy code that has already penetrated the system, possibly before installing an antivirus. Plus, the tool is completely free. Why do questions arise about how to remove 360 ​​Total Security antivirus if it is good enough?

Reasons for deleting an antivirus

A standard occurrence when working with a PC is downloading software. It can be of quite high quality, which gets along well with the antivirus, or it can be for specific tasks or simply incorrect. This will lead to constant messages about the presence of a Trojan on the computer in the form of this program.

In fact, this is not a reason to remove the defender; you can simply whitelist the application, so the antivirus will not respond to its work. To do this, go to settings, then to the appropriate tab and specify the path to the executable file. If there are many such programs, then it makes sense to uninstall the program.

360 Total Security must be completely removed if you want to reinstall the antivirus or install another one. This action is mandatory, since having several such scanners is critical for the operation of the system. They will fight with each other and at the same time consume a huge amount of resources. Even residual traces of the previous antivirus can harm the proper operation of the successor.

Of course, an important reason is the availability of small PC resources. Thus, antivirus becomes not so much a necessity, but a luxury. Because of it, lags can occur even in very unpretentious applications.

Removing protection

Before answering the question of how to remove 360 ​​Total Security from your computer, you need to prepare the ground - remove the scanner’s protective modules. It is precisely because of the presence of such protections that such questions arise. In general, this is a standard measure that allows you to protect the antivirus itself from the influence of viruses, otherwise it would be vulnerable.

To complete the procedure you must:

  • Click on the three horizontal stripes symbolizing the menu;
  • Then, in the “General” section, uncheck the box next to “Enable active protection...”;

  • Likewise, deselect “Enable Self-Defense 360.”

After completing these steps, the antivirus can be removed using any usual method.

How to remove 360 ​​Total Security Windows 10, 8, 7?

There are many ways to uninstall a program, but we will highlight several main options: using uninstall, standard deletion and using applications.

To remove using the first method, just go to the directory with the antivirus and run the uninstall.exe file. This method was developed directly by the wizards who created the application and is quite easy to use.

The next option is standard deletion:

  • Click on Start and “Control Panel”;
  • Find the Programs and Features tile;
  • Select your antivirus and click "Uninstall".

Despite the difference in the removal procedure, the result is no different. Windows itself goes to the folder with the antivirus and launches the corresponding file, essentially the methods are identical.

Both options do not allow 360 Total Security to be completely removed from the computer, meaning traces of the application still remain on the system. Typically these include: broken registry settings, logs, personalization data and other user information. This data is scattered in different places on the system, making complete manual removal difficult. For this procedure it is better to use special programs, IObit Uninstaller performed well.

IObit Uninstaller has an advanced search for “tails”, that is, in addition to the usual removal, a trace scanner is launched and they are cleared. You should:

  • Download the application ;
  • In the first tab “All programs” select 360 Total Security;
  • Then click on the “Delete” button below;
  • You will be prompted to create a restore point, do as desired, then the deletion procedure will begin;
  • When finished, you should run the “Power Scan” and clear the traces.

This approach is more functional and allows you to prepare the ground for the further installation of other antiviruses. Also, if you used the first methods, you can simply clean up the traces using CCleaner or similar programs.

Uninstalling 360 Total Security via Safe Mode

The last method that will help you get rid of your antivirus without the need to remove protection from it is to remove it in safe mode. If you simply try to uninstall a program on Windows, you will be told that you do not have enough rights or that it is already in use.

Since in safe mode no secondary programs are loaded, but only the kernel, there will be no problem with uninstallation. You can:

  • Restart your PC;
  • When the BIOS starts, press F8;
  • Select “Safe Mode”, you can load network drivers;
  • After starting, remove the antivirus in any way, then boot in normal mode.

If there are traces that bother you after uninstallation, then simply run the IObit Uninstaller cleaning program.

You can easily remove the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus using any of the methods, but we recommend using an additional program after the manual method to protect yourself from failures.

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360 Safety Guard is a fake antivirus program. Quite dangerous for a PC: it has a built-in Trojan virus. Finds and exploits OS vulnerabilities to expand its functional priorities and obtain user data. Distributed through social engineering as a “free computer security solution.” And also through a disguised installation (like worms and Trojans) - without the user’s consent.

The declared “capabilities” of 360 Safety Guard are nothing more than a fake (fiction). The purpose of this “digital product” is exclusively malicious activity and preventing the installation of trusted antiviruses. In particular, this applies to Kaspersky Internet Security (due to software incompatibility). Regardless of how the false antivirus got into the system, it is imperative to remove it.

Removal using the Remove Fake Antivirus utility

Remove Fake Antivirus does not provide your PC with basic protection against malware. His specialty is removing false antiviruses from your computer. Latest version utilities (1.99 - April 2014) has a fairly long track record of being fake software which she can delete. There are 90 titles in total.

1. Open the program’s website (page -

2. Under the list of detected false antiviruses, follow the link “CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD”.

3. Wait for the download to complete. Run the utility double click mice.

4. Click “YES” to the utility request “Start to remove virus?” (Start virus removal).

5. After scanning and removing 360 Safety Guard is completed, restart your PC.

6. Clean file directories and registry Windows program CCleaner.

7. Update the installed (main) antivirus database and scan all disk partitions for malware. Or install security software from another developer (the current antivirus may not be effective because it could not remove 360 ​​Safety Guard).

How to remove manually?

1. In the Start bar, type taskmgr and press ENTER.

2. In the manager window Windows tasks go to the "Processes" tab.

3. Find the file “safetyguard.exe” (or a variant with a similar name). Click on it right click. Select “Open storage location...” from the context menu.

4. Save the path to the fake virus folder in text file(you will need to return to this directory later).

Attention! Usually the virus is registered in Program Files, in the Safety Guard Software folder. And in “Common Programs” (with the same name).

5. Return to the task manager and right-click on safetyguard.exe again. And then select "End Process".

6. Restart your PC in safe mode (hold down the F8 key while rebooting).

7. Find the fake virus folder (follow the path saved in the file): and delete it, including all files located in it.

8. To remove 360 ​​Safety Guard elements remaining after deleting its main directory, go to the editor Windows registry(line “Start” → regedit).

9. Launch the “Find...” function (menu section “Edit”).

10.B search bar enter SafetyGuard. All found entries with the name of the virus must be deleted.

Attention! Quite often it is registered in the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\.

11. Restart Windows normally. Scan the disk for viruses using curing utilities (for example, Dr.WebCureIT!)

Use only trusted antivirus software. Download their installers only from the official websites of the developers.

Virus software developers are constantly inventing more and more sophisticated ways to infect users' computers for some kind of fraudulent transactions. One of these unusual methods is the use of so-called false antiviruses - programs that pretend to be antivirus programs, but in fact, on the contrary, are Trojans that infect the user’s computer. It is quite natural that it is not possible to remove such programs using standard means, so you have to think about how to get rid of them. One of the most common programs of this kind is 360 Safety Guard.

If you encounter problems caused by the installation of 360 Safety Guard, you should immediately think about how to remove it from your system. First, try using a specialized utility designed to remove such programs, but if it cannot help you, you will have to carry out the entire operation manually.

It is worth noting the fact that quite often during the process of reinstalling the Kaspersky anti-virus program, many users encounter this problem when an error appears stating that “ Incompatible antivirus 360SafetyGuard».

What it is?

360 Safety Guard itself, as mentioned above, is a false antivirus, which, in fact, is a standard virus or Trojan. It penetrates the computer in a fairly standard way - after the user goes to some dubious site in order to download free software, he can automatically install such a utility on his computer. Simply forgetting to uncheck a certain box during the installation process will automatically download third-party software onto your computer and infect it.

Programs such as 360 Safety Guard can simply prevent your computer from working normally (for example, as mentioned above, it prevents you from installing an antivirus), but in some cases they can cause serious harm. In particular, they can supposedly identify all sorts of threats in the operation of your system, but in fact these “threats” are completely fake, and the user can simply remove some important files from your computer yourself. In some cases, even system files, as a result of which the computer becomes completely inoperable.

It is worth noting the fact that even such popular utilities as CCleaner or ADWCleaner in such situations may turn out to be absolutely powerless, since they are not configured to counter fake antivirus programs, but there is always a suitable solution to such problems.

Remove Fake Antivirus

This program is a more modern development compared to the above utilities. This software is used precisely to rid your computer of any fake antiviruses, so its effectiveness is more than high.

The use of this program is relevant not only to remove 360 ​​Safety Guard, but also if you need to rid your computer of a number of other similar programs. It is worth noting that the official website of the program contains a detailed list of the names of such malicious programs, and therefore eliminating them is not difficult.

In principle, the program is extremely easy to install and configure, so even novice users can use it. However, if you don’t like this method or if you were unable to solve the problem while using the program, you will have to carry out all the procedures completely manually.

How to manually remove false antiviruses?

It is worth noting that antiviruses of this kind are often written entirely in Chinese, making their removal very difficult for those people who do not understand it. In other words, from a menu in Chinese it is difficult to select exactly those sections that are needed to delete this program from your computer.

In the vast majority of cases, the following series of actions help:

  1. Open the menu Start.
  2. Select an item Control Panel.
  3. Click on Programs and components.
  4. In the list of programs you should see some familiar name with a number 360 or incomprehensible Chinese characters.
  5. Once you have found the utility you need, click on Delete.
  6. In the new window, click the button Yes, it is worth noting the fact that you need to press not the brightly highlighted button, but the dim one, which is located on the side.
  7. After the removal procedure is completed, click on RestartNow.

If the entire procedure was done correctly, you will completely remove the program from your computer. Just in case, after such removal, run the CCleaner and Remove Fake Antivirus programs again, which will check the computer for remaining files and also clean the registry if necessary.

Solving the question of how to remove 360 ​​Safety Guard Antivirus is beyond the power of many users. The main problem that absolutely all users face is that the programs as such in the section installed applications There are no Windows systems. In addition, many simply do not understand that this software is precisely a virus, and not a means of protection against threats, although in the form of a name the applet is disguised as one. Unfortunately, many users do not take this into account, and then end up with a huge number of problems associated with errors and malfunctions operating system. It goes without saying that this cannot be done without exposure to the virus. But how to remove it?

In principle, it is quite simple to completely remove 360 ​​Safety Guard, but first you should consider the specifics of the virus itself. It is believed that this particular malicious program belongs to the type of “fake” (that is, fake or non-existent in nature) antiviruses that try to replace standard scanners, and in some cases even prevent the installation of antivirus packages on Windows systems, which has been repeatedly observed in relation to to Kaspersky Lab software products. As is already clear, when installing a false antivirus, having the status of a trusted application, ignored by the system Windows security at all levels, settles into the system so deeply that regular means removal unnecessary programs turn out to be powerless. Therefore, in the question of how to remove 360 ​​Safety Guard from a computer, you will have to rely solely on your own knowledge and skills. No other means work here.

The first step is to identify running process in the “Task Manager”, called by any 3-finger combination or the taskmgr line in the “Run” section. In the processes tab, you need to find the malicious service represented by the executable file cavwp.exe and terminate it. Note that the name of the applet itself may not be present, and the startup type may be system, local, or user priority.

Before terminating the virus, it is advisable to view the location where the main directory of the program and its accompanying files are located. If it is not hidden, this directory should be immediately deleted in Explorer. This should only be done in safe mode (F8 at system startup). Otherwise, a deletion error will be thrown. If, when trying to remove a component, a file access error appears, you need to use unlocking - the Unlocker line in the RMB menu (right mouse button) on the file (Windows 7 has this tool, but for later versions it will have to be installed additionally). Next, the question of how to remove 360 ​​Safety Guard completely is resolved by removing the residue. By the name of the applet you just need to search and fix all the problems associated with the ones found residual components in the system (it is advisable to look for residues on all disks and logical partitions).

After manually removing the main content of the virus, you will have to clean the registry. You can enter the editor through the regedit command, which is written in the “Run” console. Most often, the virus creates its own local directories and keys in the Software directory, which is located in the HKLM branch. If there are sections or entries with something like Safety Guard in the name, they must be deleted immediately, followed by a reboot of the operating system.

But even when performing the steps described above to help solve the problem of how to remove 360 ​​Safety Guard, any user can make a mistake, for example, by missing some entry in the registry that, from his point of view, is not related to the threat.

In this case, you can use additional programs, which are able to clean the system from such a virus. Not to mention standard portable applications like Dr. Web CureiT! or KVRT, you can also use a fairly recent utility called Remove Fake Antivirus, which, as the name suggests, is focused exclusively on this type of threat.

As you might have guessed, the question of how to remove 360 ​​Safety Guard has a fairly simple and universal solution that is used for many other types of virus threats of a similar type. However, you can remove viruses manually only if specialized means of protection and system scanning did not give the desired result. At worst, you can simply try to restore the system from a point before the virus appeared, but you shouldn’t really hope for this, since the impact of the threat can also affect the backup copies being created. As for the outcome in terms of what exactly to use to eliminate and neutralize this threat, nothing will help except the use of the methods presented above. You don't even have to try. As is already clear, the solution here consists solely of manual removal. Programs for detecting such threats, apart from the utility described, have no effect. Even the notorious AdwCleaner scanner turns out to be powerless. Finally, please note that there is no virus in the list of programs and components, so use standard means systems or uninstallers are pointless.

But, unfortunately, in most cases this antivirus lags behind many paid similar programs, such as, and so on. And so you decide to buy paid antivirus, but to work new program was carried out without errors, you need to delete the old one. But how to completely remove 360 ​​total security from your computer– in this article you will learn 2 ways.

Preparations before uninstalling an antivirus

First of all, before deleting total security, you need to perform certain actions to prevent various errors from appearing, namely:

  1. Disable your antivirus after clearing temporary files, quarantine and plugins. To turn off the antivirus, click on the total security icon and in the menu that opens, click on the button "Protection". Next, open the settings and at the bottom of the page click on the line "Disable protection".
  2. Also do not forget to turn on the Internet and log out of all running programs and games.
  3. If you have already installed another antivirus, then you need to turn it off for a while.

Uninstalling Antivirus 360 via Control Panel

As a rule, most programs can be uninstalled through the Control Panel. To do this, click on Start and find the line "control Panel". To enter the corresponding program on Windows 8.1, you need to click on the purple icon "Computer Panels" and from there go to "control Panel". Next, open "Programs and Features" and in the list that opens, remove the antivirus. The whole process will take a few minutes, and the antivirus will be removed almost completely.

Removing antivirus via Uninstall

If it was not possible to remove the antivirus through the control panel, then this can be done directly. To do this, go to the 360 ​​folder, which is located in Program Files. Next go to "Total Security" and run the uninstaller Uninstall.exe. Having opened the file, the system will start the process of removing the antivirus from the computer; you only need to confirm the actions.

Removing remaining antivirus files

Even after complete removal, the antivirus will leave several files on your computer. To clear them, you can use the program CCleaner. For this download free version CCleaner and run it on the page "Cleaning" you need to check the boxes next to the required items and click on the button "Analysis". After analyzing all the folders, CCleaner will offer to delete unnecessary or residual files. We confirm the deletion, wait a little, restart the computer and evaluate the result.

Summing up

Now you know how to completely remove 360 ​​total security from your computer. Also be sure to check your browser for of this antivirus. You can check the presence of total security in the settings, item "Extensions". If you do not need this protection, then feel free to remove it, but try not to leave your browser without an antivirus. Good luck!

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