We reduce the brightness of the computer screen in several simple ways. How to remove auto brightness on a laptop, problem solving Is it possible to lower the brightness on a computer

Probably each of you, dear admirers of portable electronics, has more than once encountered some kind of “energy” problem. A common difficulty among novice users is the question: “How to reduce the brightness on a laptop?” - mainly caused not so much by the desire to save the sometimes so lacking autonomous resources of electrical energy, but by visual discomfort in the process of using a laptop. After all, the environment around us is often far from ideal (the light is not bright enough or too blinding), and the quality of some multimedia products makes us either strain our eyesight or squint our eyes while watching them. You will learn from this article how to set up acceptable color rendering in a laptop and what you need to press for this.

If you had a hard time making out the introductory paragraph: a life-saving utility

Perhaps it is at this moment that you need an answer to the question: “How to increase the brightness on a laptop?” Well, it's time to be amazed at how easy it can be and how little it takes!

  • Download and install a small utility called “Adjust Laptop Brightness” on your laptop.
  • A sun icon will appear in the system tray.
  • Click on it and, moving the slider, adjust the acceptable brightness level.

The application works correctly on any portable device. Moreover, “Adjust Laptop Brightness” has such an important property as full compatibility: Mac, Windows and iOS operating systems “get along” well with this software.

But what about the built-in functionality of a laptop?

Various modifications of compact computers are equipped with special function keys, with the help of which the backlight of the laptop screen is controlled. If you don't know how to reduce the brightness on a laptop, carefully inspect the keyboard module of your device. Icons in the form of a crescent, a sun, or a graphic sign “Decrease/promote” are precisely those buttons that control the visual acceptability of the picture displayed on the laptop screen. As a rule, in laptops, in order to use the function key, you need to activate the duplicate “Fn” button. If this scenario for quick access to “light” settings does not work, you need to check whether your OS has the appropriate drivers...

Buttons, controls, color and light: how to organize comfortable control?

As you understand, there is no clear answer to the difficulty of many “how to reduce the brightness on a laptop.” However, the user always has the opportunity to go to the control panel and directly from the “Display” - “Properties” menu set the necessary visualization parameters. Of course, this method cannot be called convenient, especially since there are “cherished icons” on the keyboard. This means that, most likely, the operating system does not have the appropriate driver. To fix this problem, follow the steps described below.

After you update the hardware configuration, the OS will offer to install the drivers again - we agree and wait for the installation process to complete. This action will most likely help you fix the hitherto unresolved problem “How to adjust the brightness on a laptop.” If the result is negative, download and install the latest version of the video driver.

Energy “ambiguities”...

You should know that when the battery charge is low, the monitor backlight dims. Under the mentioned conditions, the laptop goes into energy saving mode. Connect the computer to the power supply, and perhaps the problem will be resolved. In any case, go to the “Power Options” menu and apply the settings you need.

Remember: the Maximum Performance scheme involved is the most resource-intensive. In other words, with such settings, your battery will rapidly begin to lose its energy potential. If at any certain moment you need to extend the “autonomous life” of your laptop, reduce it to a minimum. The program mentioned at the beginning of the article will help you!

Summing up

Well, now you know how to reduce the brightness on a laptop and how this action can have a beneficial effect on the overall process of energy saving. Of course, not all backlight control options were considered within the framework of this article. There are many other ways by which you can also restore comfortable control of the laptop backlight. However, we still touched on the main thing. Have a great mood and the most colorful sessions behind your laptop screen!

The computer display is one of the most basic devices that provides feedback when the user contacts an electronic computer, and one of the main organs on the human body responsible for this communication in a significant number of cases are the eyes, which bear most of the load when working on a PC.

Obviously, it is necessary to reduce the load on this sense organ as much as possible in order to maintain full health and performance for as long as possible. You can minimize the degree of eye fatigue by making special adjustments to the settings in Windows 7, and in particular, ensuring comfortable screen brightness on Windows 7. However, owners of computers on the mentioned OS often have difficulty adjusting this parameter.

Below are detailed guides with step-by-step descriptions of how you can set the optimal screen brightness on a computer running the Windows 7 operating system, using which even novice users can quickly configure and adjust the brightness based on their own preferences.

Setup procedure using built-in Windows 7 tools

To make adjustments using the default “Seven” means, you must perform the following sequential steps:

The process of adjusting the monitor backlight using software from a computer graphics accelerator

A convenient method for setting a favorable level of monitor brightness is the PC video accelerator driver. Below is an example of an adjustment technique using Nvidia software. The algorithm of sequential actions consists of the following steps:

Using a laptop keyboard

To quickly change the brightness level, you can use special keys, for example, on a Lenovo laptop on Windows 7, the “Fn” buttons and the “Down” and “Up” arrows are used for this purpose.

Of course, for each individual laptop model, these button combinations may be individual, so it is recommended that you first check the instructions that came with the computer, which can also be downloaded from the equipment manufacturer’s website.

For our example, you need to do the following:

  1. If you want to reduce the power level of the display backlight, you should hold down “Fn” and click on the button with the arrow pointing “Down” several times;
  2. Using a similar technique, when you click on “Up”, the brightness will increase.

Using the capabilities of a desktop computer monitor

Most monitor manufacturers provide the ability to quickly adjust display backlight levels. For example, on “LG Flatron W1943SS” you need to perform the following steps:

Why do brightness settings fail?

This often happens due to incorrectly updated drivers or due to the lack of a video card software update.

To update the drivers you need to complete the following steps:

Sometimes difficulties are caused by a driver that does not match the system, and it is recommended to restore an earlier version of the software. In the “Device Manager” window, enter the driver properties and roll it back, as shown in the figure below.

Setting the optimal backlight level through programs

Today, a large number of applications have been developed specifically designed to adjust this screen parameter. The most popular utilities include the following:

The utility at the top of the list is capable of working with several profiles and provides quick and convenient switching between them.

Application number two allows you to adjust the display backlight via the tray icon. Additionally, the utility is equipped with functions to turn off the monitor and turn on the screen saver.

And the last program in the above list, but by no means the least in terms of the capabilities provided to the user, provides quick access to adjusting the levels of contrast, backlight and gamma, which makes working at the monitor optimal and significantly reduces eye strain.


Controlling the brightness level of the display is not particularly difficult with detailed instructions, even for beginners. It is recommended to use the tools built into the system to configure this parameter so as not to increase the load on the computer with additional utilities.

Sometimes high screen brightness is good. For example, if you like to play horror games, then a bright image will help you see inconspicuous objects in the dark and give you a gaming advantage. And if you are a designer or photographer, then the lack of brightness will prevent you from seeing the shades of colors and will reduce the quality of your work.

However, in most cases, too much brightness does not bring any benefit; on the contrary, it is harmful. It leads to poor vision and provokes dry eye syndrome (when not enough tears are produced to moisturize the eyes). Therefore, if you do not know how to reduce brightness, then the methods listed below will help you not only improve your computer literacy, but also maintain the health of your eyes. The methods are relevant for Windows OS.

For computer

If you are using a personal computer, then take a close look at the monitor. It should have a brightness control button. Typically this button is depicted as a shining sun logo. When you have found it, all you have to do is click on it and adjust the brightness using the “+” and “-” buttons. If this button is not there, then proceed directly to the following methods.

For laptop

There is no button on the laptop monitor. There are no buttons at all. But there is a useful “Fn” button on the keyboard, which is what you need. " Fn"(short for Function) – this is a modifier button that is needed to emulate missing function buttons. This button is sometimes found on personal computer keyboards, but much more often on laptop keyboards.

To reduce the screen brightness, press and hold the “Fn” button, and then, without releasing it, press the “down” key (not to be confused with the two on the numpad, which is also indicated by an arrow). Press down until the screen brightness is where you want it (without releasing the modifier key). If you overdid it and the screen became too dark, then you can increase the brightness in the same way, only instead of “down” press “up”.

Using “Fn” you can not only adjust the brightness, but also do many other useful things: adjust the volume, control the player, etc. In most cases, it is intuitively clear what button is responsible for what, since the logos of the functions they perform are depicted in the same color as the “Fn” button.

Method number 2. Change brightness using personalization

“Personalization” is a menu for changing images and sound. With its help, you can not only change the brightness, but also the theme (OS interface elements). But we'll focus on brightness.

Method No. 3. Adjusting the brightness level using the control panel

To implement the method, perform the following operations:

  1. Open the context menu "Start" by clicking the left mouse button on the corresponding icon in the lower left corner of the screen.

  2. Select "Control Panel" and open this menu.

  3. To make it easier to find the menu you need, change the viewing mode. There will be a corresponding View option in the upper right corner of the window. Hover your mouse over the value of this parameter and replace it with "Large Icons"(or "Small Icons", if it is more convenient for you).

  4. Select menu "Power supply" and confirm your choice with a left mouse click. Menu items in a given viewing mode are arranged in alphabetical order, so look for the power menu at the end.

  5. You've opened the menu and now your power plans are displayed. Find the plan that you already have set and click on "Setting up a power plan".

  6. Find the parameter "Adjust plan brightness" and move the slider until you select the brightness level you want. In this menu you can configure it for both battery and mains operation.

Method number 4. Adjusting Brightness Using the Graphics Driver Control Panel

At the moment, there are two major manufacturers in the video card market: Nvidia and AMD. Together with these companies, they release applications for managing hardware. Using these applications, you can adjust many graphic settings, including screen brightness.

NVIDIA Control Panel

To change the brightness, follow these step-by-step instructions:

AMD Control Panel

If your video card is made by AMD, then to adjust the brightness do the following:

Method No. 5. Changing brightness using third-party programs

If for some strange reason you were unable to reduce the brightness level in any of the three above methods, then programs that include the functionality you need, in this case adjusting the brightness, will come to your aid.

The general interest of programmatically changing brightness parameters is that they do not depend on the system methods described above. That is, in combination with system settings, you can set a brightness value that will be greater than the maximum or less than the minimum. Let's look at some programs that allow this.


MyMonic is a program with which you can adjust the brightness of your monitor and video card. To implement this feature, do everything as described in the instructions:

Other programs

In addition to MyMonic, there are a huge number of other programs with which you can change the brightness settings of the monitor (however, MyMonic is the most convenient to use among all). The process of downloading and installing these programs, as well as their interface and functionality, is similar to that described above, therefore all this does not require separate instructions. Below is a list of programs that you should pay attention to.

  • DimScreen;
  • Monitor Plus;
  • Monitor Bright;
  • mControl;
  • Desktop Dimmer;
  • Display Tuner;
  • Sunset Screen.

Note! The app deserves special mention f.lux. Its essence is that it automatically changes the screen brightness depending on the time of day, selecting the most optimal parameters. If you care about your eyes, but don't know what level of brightness you need, then this program is created especially for you.

  1. You can download it on the official website https://justgetflux.com/, by clicking on the appropriate button.

  2. Select a location for , for example a folder "Downloads", press "Save".

  3. Go to folder "Downloads", double left click the mouse to launch the installation file.

  4. Click on the button "Accept".

  5. Once installed and launched, it will work automatically. The program will ask you to restart your computer, you can select "Restart Now" ("Reboot Now") or "Late" ("Later").


Now that you know many ways to adjust brightness, this process will not be difficult for you. If one of the methods does not help you, then move directly to the next one. If none of the methods was successful, although you read everything carefully and followed the instructions exactly, then the problem lies either in a malfunctioning operating system or in a monitor problem. In this case, we recommend contacting a service center for help.

Video - How to adjust screen brightness

Users of Windows 7/10 operating systems often need to adjust the screen brightness. This is a fairly simple procedure, but some owners of computers, laptops and tablets often have difficulty performing it. In this article we will look at all possible ways to adjust the brightness of the monitor, so that after familiarizing yourself with the material, even novice users can easily carry out this operation.

Adjusting screen brightness using standard Windows 7/10 tools

The simplest and most obvious path to brightness settings within the operating system itself is through the Windows Control Panel. We go into it using the Start menu, and then select the “Power Options” section (in the “Small Icons” or “Large Icons” display mode).

At the bottom we see the “Screen Brightness” slider, by moving which you can increase or decrease the backlight intensity of your monitor.

It is also possible to go directly to the settings of the selected power plan. Here, if you are using a laptop, you can separately adjust the brightness for battery and mains modes.

Owners of modern portable devices running Windows 10 should be aware of one more trick. Many new laptops are equipped with a light sensor that allows adaptive adjustment of screen brightness. That is, the “ten” automatically adjusts the backlight level depending on the amount of light hitting the sensor. It is clear that this function does not always work correctly, often setting an inappropriate brightness level. Therefore, the question quite reasonably arises of how to disable it. You can do this by clicking on the “Change advanced power settings” link in the settings of the current power plan.

In the window that opens, expand the “Display” tab and switch the “Enable adaptive brightness control” option to the “Off” position. Click the “Apply” button to save the settings.

Adjusting brightness using the video card driver

Another proven way to change the screen brightness is to adjust it using the video card driver. Let's look at this method using Nvidia drivers as an example. Right-click on the desktop and select “Nvidia Control Panel” from the context menu.

In the settings tree on the left, open the “Display” section and select the line “Adjust desktop color settings” from the drop-down list. In the right area, set the switch to the “Use NVIDIA settings” position and move the “Brightness” slider in one direction or another, thereby increasing or decreasing the backlight strength.

Adjusting the display brightness on a laptop

Laptop computers allow you to control many settings using keyboard buttons. Typically, a special “Fn” key is used for these purposes, working in combination with other keys. For example, adjusting the screen brightness on a Samsung RV515 laptop is done by pressing the following button combinations:

On different laptop models, the backlight intensity is adjusted using different key combinations. The combination of Fn and any of the function keys in the F1-F12 range is often used. You can learn more about ways to change the brightness of your laptop's display in its manual.

Setting the brightness on the monitor itself

In most cases, modern monitors have their own buttons on the body for controlling settings for color, contrast, brightness and other parameters. As an example, consider the LG IPS236 monitor. It has several touch buttons on the control panel, press any one and get to the “Monitor Setup” menu.

Select the first item “Menu” and see the scales for adjusting brightness, contrast and clarity. Using the arrows, move to the desired line and set the optimal value.

The issue is resolved in a similar way with other monitor models, only the configuration and location of the button panel differ.

In principle, many screen settings, including brightness, can be adjusted in the monitor itself. And here it will no longer matter what operating system is installed on the computer. Instructions for manually setting parameters are included with the monitor upon purchase; it can also be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website in electronic form.


That's all we wanted to tell you about methods for adjusting screen brightness on a desktop computer and laptop. We hope that after reading this material you will no longer have questions about how to increase or decrease the brightness of any type of display with just a few simple steps.

Many users, either due to duty or for personal reasons, have to spend quite a lot of time at the computer. And not the least role in the comfort of work is played by the brightness and contrast of the image on the monitor or laptop screen. Oversaturation or poor lighting can cause your eyes to become tired. Let's see how to make the necessary settings using a few simple tools.

How to change brightness on Windows 7 (or any other system) on a desktop computer

First, let's look at the moment the system starts. The user usually associates the normal mode of image perception with when the welcome screen appears on the monitor. Just by its appearance you can judge how comfortable it is perceived by the eyes. Both brightness and contrast immediately attract attention. Changing one of the parameters on desktop computers can be done quite simply.

It's no secret that in desktop PCs or workstations the system unit and monitor (or several) are used separately. Their design is such that there are one or two buttons directly on the front panel: increasing or decreasing brightness.

In addition, if, so to speak, in a question related to how to change the brightness of the screen or the contrast of what is displayed on the monitor, we dig a little deeper, it is worth noting that any monitor has its own menu, called up by a special button, in which there are advanced settings, including the mode of shifting the image, stretching or narrowing it, etc. As you can see, personalization is quite simple.

How to adjust screen brightness on a laptop

With laptops the situation is even simpler. Since the screen is an integral part of the entire design, there are no special buttons on it, as is provided for free-standing monitors. Nevertheless, the question of how to change brightness on Windows 7 or any other system (there is no fundamental difference) is solved using special keyboard shortcuts.

As a rule, changing the brightness parameter is done using the Fn button in combination with either function keys, which have up and down arrows and an image in the form of a sun. For example, on Fujitsu laptops these are the F7 (increase brightness) and F6 (decrease) keys, on others - F2 and F1, etc.

In some models, such settings can be made using the same pressed buttons using additionally standard right/left arrow buttons (sometimes up/down).

on any Windows system

Another simple method to solve the issue of how to change the brightness on Windows 7 is to right-click on an empty area of ​​the Desktop and select screen settings (personalization) from the context menu.

After entering the section, all available parameters will be displayed, which can be easily changed at your discretion.

Setting parameters in the power plan

These were, so to speak, the simplest methods. Now let's see how to adjust the screen brightness on Windows 7 using the system's own tools. To do this, you need to use the power section, which is accessed from the standard one. Here you need to select the option to change settings, after which two main plans will be shown (balanced and economy mode).

If for some reason the user is not satisfied with them, they can simply be changed. To do this, use the item for changing additional settings, where the adaptive mode is turned on. You can also change the brightness in the “Screen” section, where the settings are presented in the category of parameters for turning off the display.

Using a video card management program

How to change brightness on Windows 7 in another way? You can use special utilities for managing NVIDIA and AMD graphics adapters, which are initially installed on the system.

After calling the control program either from the system tray, if it is active, or from the same Control Panel, you need to find the display settings section in it, and then go to the Desktop color adjustment item (for NVIDIA, for example). It is here that you can change the brightness, contrast, gamma, image saturation, and much more.

The simplest comfort test

So, the screen parameters are set. Now you need to check how comfortable the perception will be. To do this, open a blank Word document. If you feel uncomfortable when looking at it, the screen settings should be changed. You can simply take a blank sheet of A4 paper and compare it with the white field of the document. If there is no difference when looking at both the sheet and the screen, then everything is in order. Finally, do not forget that when working at a computer or laptop for a long time, no matter how optimal the settings are, it is recommended to take a break of about a quarter of an hour every 45 minutes to relieve fatigue, including from the eyes.

As for the settings, the methods are quite varied, and which one to use is up to you. However, if we are talking only about brightness, the best option would be the and buttons. But if you need to make fine adjustments, it is better to use software from both the operating system itself and the programs included in the control software of graphic cards, especially since this is what they are designed for and calculated.