Wordpress theme installation manually. Installing a theme in WordPress. Why you shouldn’t contact designers

(Last update: 03.12.2018)

Hello! Today I'll show you how to easily install a WordPress template for your website or blog from the admin panel and through file manager hosting. After all, one of the main tasks when creating a project is to design it beautifully. NEW: Added video. You can now find thousands of free WordPress blog themes on the Internet. There are thousands of them on the official WordPress website alone, it’s amazing.

How to Install a WordPress Template

So, you won’t have any problems choosing a template. When you first install WordPress, by default, two official templates are installed, and if they don’t suit you, let’s change them to another one.

How to Find and Install a WordPress Blog Template

This can be done in three ways. The two simplest ones are installation from your admin panel. 1. In section Appearance, click on the "Themes" subsection:

Section Appearance

On the page that opens, click on the Install themes tab, find a theme based on certain features: color, columns, width, etc., tick them:

Search for a topic using key phrases

and click Find Topics. The search result will appear before your eyes - this is a set of templates for the selected keywords:

Search result for WordPress themes

2. The second way to change your blog template is to install from your hard drive. You have found and downloaded a theme to your computer and to install it you need to go to the Install Themes tab - "Download":

Topic archive in zip format, here you can download and install it

Select the theme file in zip format on your disk and click on the Install button. You also need to activate it later:

Folder with files and archive with theme

As you can see, there may be other files there: documentation; license and others, and the archive itself with the WP theme. This archive is what you need to upload to your hosting. You can even check by unpacking it and if there are files inside the folder - functions.php, header.php, index.php and so on, then everything is fine. Again this folder needs to be zipped for downloading. Please note that the theme may not be in the archive, but in a simple folder, then it needs to be archived in zip or rar. Here, this new archive can be safely downloaded from the admin panel of your site. I hope you now understand what to do in this case.

Installing a Wordpress template on hosting via File Manager

3. Go to your hosting control panel (in the example hosting) click on File Manager:

Upload the template to the themes folder

After that, you need to unpack the archive and after that, just go to the blog admin panel - Appearance - Themes. AND last step- activate the downloaded theme. All. Ready. Just remember to check your TAC templates for extraneous links.

How to install a theme/template on wordpress video tutorial

Good luck, dear colleagues. Until next time.

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Once you have installed WordPress and selected a suitable WordPress theme, the next series of work begins. This article will describe in clear language how to install the selected WordPress template step by step.

There are two ways to install a theme on WordPress: automatic and manual. In any case, whichever method you choose, you will not need any special technical skills. Below we will look at both methods, and for better clarity we will attach a series of screenshots.

Manual WordPress Theme Installation

Download the WordPress theme zip file and extract the contents. Read the included Readme.txt or Readme.html file (if available).

Using an FTP client on your computer, connect to the hosting site where you are going to install the theme. Go to the templates directory. By default, the template directory can be found in the wp-contentthemes section. Upload the new template directory from your local computer to your hosting. You can read the article "" to learn how to use FTP to move files.

Log into your WordPress admin panel, which is usually located at http://www.yourwebsite.com/wp-admin. Using the menu on the left, go to Appearance > - Templates. Select the theme you just downloaded and click "Activate"

Automatic installation of a WordPress theme via the WordPress admin panel

1. Log into your WordPress admin panel, which is usually located at yoursite/wp-admin. Using the menu on the left, go to Appearance > - Templates. Select the theme you just downloaded from your computer and click “Install Template”.

2. If you have not yet chosen a template, you can search for it in the WordPress database, which you can access through the admin panel. If you have already downloaded the template to your computer, click on the “Download” button - it is shown in the screenshot below.

3. Click on “Select File” and navigate to the location WordPress themes on your computer. As is clear from the picture, the selected template must be in zip format and not unzipped. If you have just downloaded a WordPress theme, you can find its file in your Downloads folder.

4. Once you find the WordPress template file, click on the file and highlight it. In the dialog window that opens, click on the “Open” button. This will close the dialog box and you can begin the download process by clicking Install. This process takes literally a few seconds.

5. After successfully completing all the above steps, you will be notified that the new theme has been installed successfully, as you can see in the above screenshot. Click on “Preview” or “Activate” to preview or activate the template on your blog. Additionally, if you do not want to apply this theme now, simply click on “Return to Templates Page”. This will take you back to the templates page, and you can then choose any theme that was installed on your WordPress site.

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Hello, dear readers of my blog! Today you will learn how to install a template on WordPress, where to look for quality designs and how much you can save if you learn how to work with them.

Design is a significant part of any modern proposal. No one will spend a long time on the portal if they are not satisfied with the graphics. In future articles we will talk to you about trends, consider the main provisions, you will learn to satisfy the tastes of your target audience, subscribe to the newsletter. Now we will focus on choosing, installing and modifying WordPress templates.

Why you shouldn’t contact designers

This chapter is primarily intended for beginners. For large companies and people seriously involved in website development, I, of course, advise you to find a responsible employee who will conscientiously approach the matter and carry out unique orders.

If you are just starting your journey in this field, do not contact designers under any circumstances. There are several reasons for this:

  • They charge a lot of money.

It’s not good, of course, to try to take bread from colleagues in the field of activity, but I don’t want to deceive you. You can already find a lot of articles on the topic of how professional Oleg will do this job perfectly or what kind of return you will get by trusting the most wonderful Vadim in the world.

However, I am telling you about my experience. I'm not happy working with web designers. Sometimes I have to work with them, but it’s up to me... Maybe I was just unlucky, this happens. If you do decide to turn to a professional, I sincerely wish you good luck.

But, in any case, templates are much cheaper than freelance work, that’s a fact. And this is not their last advantage.

  • You pay for what you don't see.

Before you buy and install a theme, you choose it. You immediately understand what you need to change and draw conclusions.

When communicating with the performer, you draw a rough description in the air with your fingers. Perhaps he sees things a little differently. It is not a fact that you will like the final work. I wouldn’t want to harass a person by redoing it. Believe me, after 18 times and long weeks of waiting, you will no longer care. You will agree to any design, just not to continue to languish, dreaming of moving on to the next stage.

  • It is possible (and most likely) that you will be deceived.

If you want a simple design (as understood by the artist), then no one guarantees that he won’t find something suitable among the free themes and won’t work for five minutes on the adjustments that you could do yourself. Over time, you will understand exactly what he did and you will be very sad to find out how much money you wasted.

  • Deadlines.

Designers – creative people. They are often waiting for a muse or working on more profitable orders. At this time you are just sitting, instead of earning money.

One sad thing is the ubiquity of English, but this can be solved, in subsequent articles I will definitely write detailed instructions translation of templates into Russian.

Step by step installation guide

Now, let's talk about how to connect the template. Once you have chosen the theme you like, you need to download it from local computer, this is a small folder in the format .zip. Then you can proceed to installation.

There's nothing complicated about it. Today we will not discuss how to install a template via FTP, because... This will be understandable only to advanced users, and I assume that you are still a beginner.

Login to your WordPress admin panel. If you have not yet paid for hosting and domain or installed the engine, then my website has all the necessary materials that will help with solving these problems. Let me remind you that, most likely, your site now looks like this.

Let's go to the admin panel. To do this, we assign to your domain /wp-admin/. That is: https://yourdomain.ru/wp-admin. Next, enter the username and password for the administrator panel. I hope you saved them.

Now let's go to "Appearance - Themes".

Select “Add new” at the top of the panel or click on the corresponding icon in the panel under existing topics.

If you, like me, selected the button at the top, then this window appears in front of you. We need to “Load Theme”.

Select a file.

Find it on your computer and click “Open”.

We install.

Let's activate it.

You can go to the website and see what happened.

Now my site looks like this. It’s not that difficult to insert the pictures I need and add texts. But, let's talk about this later.

On the left side of the screen, in the toolbar appeared new button“Customize Theme.”

As you can see, working with such a menu is much easier and more convenient, because here you can find everything you need and correct it using buttons, not code.

You don't have to insert the template into the text. By the way, at this stage your site already looks something like this. Imagine how much you would spend on self-study and writing code?! And so, a couple of buttons and you're done.

We are far from studying these elements. And in general, it’s not a fact that you will ever start poking around in this terrifying code. It all depends on what decisions you make. Subscribe to the newsletter to simplify and speed up the work on creating your own website.

Video instructions: download and install the theme on WordPress

I took the free cooking theme from here .

We will talk in more detail about how to customize the template for yourself, install your own images and change something in future articles. I wouldn’t want to overload this publication; it’s already quite lengthy.

Now, you can tinker with the settings yourself. If something breaks, then deleting the theme and installing it again is not a problem. Now you know how to do this, go through all the steps discussed in this lesson again.

Decided it was time to update the design of your WordPress site, but have already forgotten how to do it? In this article, we will show you step by step how to install a new theme for WP. If you encounter an error during installation, we will probably have a solution for that too. Let's get started!

Find a suitable template for Wordpress, there are a lot of them on the Internet, you can also search on these portals atempl.com,.

Ways to upload a theme to a website

There are actually quite a lot of options here. But within the framework of this article it is worth considering two main ones.

  1. We go to the admin panel of the site, go to the menu Appearance > Themes, click “Add new”, “Upload” and select the archive with our template.
  2. FTP or hosting file manager - go to the directory with the site, go to / wpcontent/themes/ and upload the theme folder there.

The first method requires the least amount of time - it would seem that you selected an archive, clicked “Download”, “Activate” and enjoy life... but this does not always happen. Some hosting providers limit the maximum file upload size. And here you will have to try the second option - but with the right experience it will not be much more difficult. Let's consider both options in more detail.

First option: upload using WordPress

As already written, go to the control panel, go to the theme management menu, click “Add new”, “Upload” and select the archive with the theme downloaded from our website. After that, by clicking the install button, you will start the process of unpacking and installing the template.

And here it is worth considering some of the possible scenarios for the development of events.

Scenario #1

Extracting files...

Installing the theme...

The theme has been successfully installed.

So, the theme was successfully unpacked and installed. Then what are you waiting for? Press the button " Activate"and enjoy!

Scenario #2

But what to do if something like this appears?

Extracting files...

Installing the theme...

The archive could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.

Theme installation failed.

The reason for this may be that the archive you selected does not contain the theme’s installation folder at all, but a whole set of them - this is usually typical for themes with a separate mobile or PRO version.

There may also be documentation, licensing information, a changelog, a link to the developers’ site - but WordPress is not interested in this. What to do?

The answer is simple - you need to pull out the folder with the template itself (you can determine this by the presence of files like index.php, single.php, functions.php etc.) from the archive. What to do with it next is up to you. You can archive its contents in. zip(this is extremely important! WordPress does not work with RAR) or go straight to the second method.

Scenario #3

What if it’s like this?

The uploaded file size exceeds the upload_max_filesize value set in the php.ini file.

You have three options here.

The first is to find the file php.ini, which is located higher in the directory hierarchy than the folder with your site. But you may not have access there - hosting providers do not always allow their clients to edit this configuration file directly (this applies at least to shared hosting). Found it? You're in luck - download it, open it and search upload_max_filesize. Found it? After the equal sign, the maximum size of the uploaded file is indicated. Change it as you see fit, but remember that it is too great importance may create a security hole on your site. It is optimal for WordPress to leave it in the range of 10-40 MB. That is, do, for example, like this: upload_max_filesize = 35M. Save the file and upload it to the server with a replacement, then try installing the theme again.

The second is quite simple - in the PU hosting (not the site, attention!) there may be a setting maximum size downloaded files. Look for it there, you can even look at the provider's FAQ - they usually write about the availability of such an opportunity.

If this doesn't work, try writing a support ticket for your hosting. They will certainly be able to help. Or go to the second method to download the theme - it's right below this paragraph.

FTP or file manager

If nothing works (or you are not looking for easy ways), then let's move on to a method that is more reliable, but also less simple.

First you need to open the directory either through the hosting file manager or through an FTP client / wp-content/themes/ (the path is specified from the root folder of the site). Have you opened it? Well, now you need to unpack the archive with the theme into a folder with a name in Latin. Open the created folder and make sure that it already contains the files that we wrote about - index.php, or, for example, 404. php. Now upload the template folder to / themes/ . Open the site's user interface and work with the theme - check it through Theme Authenticity Checker, preview and navigate initial setup. After that, you can finally activate it and continue working with WordPress!

How to install a theme in WordPress. In today's article I will talk about installing a theme on your WordPress site. I recommend that you read the following article before starting.

If you have already read it, then you have everything " OK". Based on this, I can guess)). That you have already looked at the theme template for your project. Then let's proceed directly to the instructions themselves.

The content of the article:

How to install a theme in WordPress through the site admin panel

As always, log into the admin panel, then look for the tab on the left side of the working window "Appearance". Click on it and see the corresponding window with parameters:

This window is responsible for displaying installed themes in your WordPress installation. As you can see, after installing the engine. It already has several templates installed by default. Let's take a more specific look at this window:

  1. The Themes section is located under the Appearance tab. For example, if you go to another section of this tab. Then to return to the “Themes” window, you do not need to click on “Appearance”. Just click on “Themes” and a window will open.
  2. As you can see, three arrows point to three topics. These are the default themes.
  3. The theme search bar is only responsible for searching for already installed themes on your site. This is convenient when you have a huge number of templates. Although it is unlikely that anyone will install so much.
  4. The “Add New” button and window are responsible for going to the search window and installing new theme templates. Click this button to the next window.

Search and selection of theme templates for CMS WordPress in the admin panel

Let's look at it in more detail:

  1. As in the article, the “Load Theme” button is responsible for manual loading topic archive. To do this, the archive with the template must first be downloaded to your PC. Then you need to click on the button and go to the window for selecting the directory with the archive. Next, click the download button. The theme template will automatically download and install.
  2. The menu tabs of this window help the user in selecting the required theme template. Eg: Favorites - topics you prefer. Popular — Topics that are most frequently downloaded and Fresh new topics. And also l beloved— topics you viewed most often.
  3. “Features filter” is a very convenient thing; this filter helps to filter out unnecessary topics. Click on this tab! In the window that opens, check the boxes for the parameters that you need. Next, apply the parameters and the search will present you with relevant theme options. For example: if you need a template with (three columns, header settings), then simply check the appropriate boxes. And the search will show options that match your request.
  4. Theme template search bar. As with plugins, I recommend entering the theme name clearly. And of course match the language input. Otherwise, the search will not show you anything.
  5. This is an example of what the theme installed on your engine looks like in search.
  6. And this is what the theme template that I want to install on the site looks like. Click on the theme image to go to the details view window.

A window with a description of the installed theme for its activation

Let's go over it:

  1. "Description"— on the left side, there is a description with tags and other information. And on the right side, there is a visual representation of this theme template. You can click on the tabs in this window to view a display of all elements of the highlighted topic.
  2. Navigation arrows (forward and backward) - to view other options.
  3. “Install” button - if you like the theme, then don’t hesitate and click. After clicking you will see the following picture:

When the template installation is complete, you will be taken back to the installed themes and see the following window. It shows the active template and our installed theme. We will find out how to activate the theme further!)

Activating an installed theme in the site admin area

Your next action will be to click on established theme. The window shown above will open in front of you. Let's not hesitate and take a quick look at it:

  1. All the arrows that you see under this number are responsible for the details of the template. These include a description, tags for it, and a jump button to visually browse the topic.
  2. Well, this is just the “Activate” button. If you are sure that the topic really suits you. So feel free to press the button. Next you should see the following picture:

Congratulations on installing a new theme!!!


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in installing theme templates on the WordPress engine. The image above shows where you can click on the link and see what yours looks like new topic Online. Or click on the “Customize” button to go directly to the window with template parameters. In any case, I recommend looking around more carefully, and don’t rush with the settings. Look at how the theme looks on the site itself, maybe you won’t like it. I'm done for today! This is the third article today, my eyes are tired, my butt hurts, my fingers are like a rake))) Thank you for your attention! I hope that my articles are helpful and interesting to you. I wish you success in finding a cool design).

  • Read articles on this topic: