Meaning of tags h1 h2 h3. We create the correct h1 and subheading structure. Levels of typographic hierarchy

How to use it correctly headers H1-H3 on-page from an SEO perspective? There are a number of rules regarding the hierarchy and content of headings H1-H6, the observance of which has a positive effect on the promotion of the site.

To predict how search engines will evaluate the use of headings on a page, you need to clearly understand what they serve. Users find it more convenient and easier to perceive well-structured content. The text should be divided into logical blocks and equipped with pictures, where necessary - lists and tables.

Headings are used for such blocks, which in turn consist of paragraphs. You need to try to ensure that each paragraph is a logically complete thought. Let's look at the diagram that best demonstrates the correct hierarchy of H1-H3 headings on a page:

The H1 tag should only be used once on a page. The remaining headings should reflect the logical hierarchy of the page. H2 headings will be H1 subheadings, and H3 headings will be H2 subheadings.

As for the H4-H6 headings, they can be used for blocks with non-core, additional information on the page. Or you may not use them at all. The content of lower-level headings clearly has a lesser effect on the relevance of the page in the eyes of search engines.

The following diagram demonstrates the violation of hierarchical nesting of headers:

In general, HTML documents should not only have a logically structured structure, but also have semantic markup. This means using tags for their intended purpose. You shouldn't use them to decorate the page. The logical structure and markup allow search engines to easily identify the semantic parts of the page, and it ranks better.

Tags H1-H6 from an SEO point of view

If HTML standards allow some liberties regarding the use of tags, then from an SEO point of view this is unacceptable. Tags H1-H6 should not contain other tags, such as B, Strong and others. Some time ago, a Panda filter was applied to my site, the main reason for which, in my opinion, was non-compliance with this rule.

From an SEO perspective, H1-H6 tags should not have CSS classes. Search engines perceive the class in H1-H6 tags as an attempt at manipulation. This means that you reduce the font size of headings and use them not for their intended purpose, but to increase the relevance of the page. The solution is this: use CSS, but without classes.

As for the universal id attribute, in HTML5 it is used as an anchor. If the identifier is the only one not only on the page, but on the entire site, then apparently the attitude towards it will be more loyal.

Links within headings are also not allowed. The HTML5 specification allows for the opposite situation: you can place an entire block in the A tag, consisting of any elements except the A tag itself: heading, paragraph, image, Span line elements. Perhaps in this case, this is also acceptable.

Keywords in tags H1-H6

Now about the presence of keywords in H1-H6 tags. Of course, they must be present in the headlines. A general rule must be followed for all keys on the page. The closer they are to its beginning, and to the beginning of the element containing them, the higher their weight will be.

Pay attention to the gradient background of the illustrations for this article - it reflects the importance of the keys on the page. Where the color is darker, the weight of the keys will be higher.

Let's look again at the document hierarchy. More important key phrases should be in H1, and less important ones should be arranged in descending order: in H2, H3. But what about the Title tag? It's best not to make the Title and H1 tags identical, but it's a good idea to have the main keyword phrase in both.

Some of the words from the Title that are not included in the H1 can be “split” into other headings. They may also repeat some words from the main key phrase. You will get “diluted” keys that will drive traffic for low-frequency queries. But do not overuse such repetitions, no more than 2-3 per page, otherwise you will run into sanctions for over-optimization.

Now about typical mistakes, and let's summarize. Do not list keys in headings separated by commas, use punctuation to a minimum. Don't focus on high-frequency keys alone. The best would be a short title that reflects a logically expressed idea.

Do not forget about the uniqueness of headings on the scale of your site, or better yet, the entire Web, although this is difficult to achieve. A mistake would be their excessive use, when under the heading there will be one “thin” paragraph, and then the heading will follow again.

How to optimize a page using header html first level H1? How long should it be and how many H1 tags can be used on the page? Examples of good and bad headlines. Read more about everything in this article.

H1 is the basic first level page heading. IN HTML markup There are only 6 headings showing the importance of the blocks underneath them. The most important heading is H1, the least important is H6.

By default, heading styles are different: H1 is the largest size, then in descending order, H6 is the smallest heading. The visual difference in display is made for users who visit web resources. For robots, syntax matters.

H1 Header Syntax

In the HTML code of a page, the H1 header is usually placed within the paired body tag as close to the top of the page as possible. It looks like this:

H1 - basic first level heading

An example of using the h1 tag on this page:

H1 is a paired tag. Text between the opening tag

and closing tag

and is the first level heading. Headers H2-H6 have similar syntax.

Important! Headings H1-H6 should have a hierarchical and semantic sequence. A third-level heading should not contain a block with a second-level heading, just as a fourth-level heading should not be inside a block with a second-level heading.

A simple example of a proper hierarchical heading structure:

Popular cat breeds in Russia and the USA

Cat breeds in Russia and the USA


Cat breeds in Russia

Text about cat breeds in Russia

Russian blue cat

Text about Russian blue cat

Siamese cat

Text about the Siamese cat

Cat breeds in the USA

Text about cat breeds in the USA

Maine Coon

Text about the Maine Coon breed

You can learn more about the hierarchy and structuring of a page using headers in the HTML5 specification.

What is the H1 Header for?

Headings in general are needed to properly structure a document. Compliance with the structure of a web page is necessary both for users who visually perceive information on the site, and for search engine robots. For the former, a clear page structure is the key to ease of perception of information; for the latter, headings and blocks under them are of semantic importance.

The page title, unlike the tag, is visible to all site users. H1 is a semantic summary of the content of the web page.

H1 Header Features

The first level heading is block element, which always starts with new line. It is bold by default and has its own distinctive features, which are not inherent in other lower-level headings.

What to write in H1?

As mentioned earlier, H1 is a first-level heading, both visually and semantically. The basic title should reflect the content of the entire page, not just parts of it. H1 should not duplicate the title tag, but just like title and description it should contain the main thing keyword pages. The H1 tag has a high probability of being included in the title of a dynamic snippet, so duplicating the H1 and title is a bad practice. In this way, you narrow the variability and relevance of your snippet for low-frequency queries.

The main requirement for H1 is relevance to the content of the page. In addition to having a keyword, the title should attract attention and be interesting to the user. An example of a correctly composed H1:

H1 Header Size and Length

Let's start with size. In many SEO blogs you can find information that the H1 header must be visually larger than other headers, otherwise search engines will consider this content as unoptimized content, and the site’s position may decrease in search results. Does this information have an objective basis? No. Neither in the HTML specification nor in reference information Search engines will not find data that reflects the importance of visual styles of headings.

Moreover, many novice optimizers mistakenly accept the text of the big size for a first-level title, although this is often not the case. Here's a great example:

For the request “Buy men’s jeans”, one of the leaders in E-commerce, the online store, is in the TOP 5 Yandex results (at the time of writing). The screenshot shows that the first level heading “Men’s Jeans” is much smaller in size than the descriptive block

, and other text elements placed on the page.

Visual display is a usability issue, semantics is a matter of search engine optimization. These two concepts should not be confused. For your specific project, it is worth following common sense, aesthetics of the resource and ease of presentation of information for users.

Length It is recommended to make H1 no more than 60 characters, since search engines take into account their limited number. If you can't fit within this limit without losing the meaning of the title, write a title longer than 60 characters. Ideally, you should stick to this figure, since H1, as mentioned earlier, can be used when creating a dynamic snippet. And the displayed length of the title (link) in the snippet is limited.

How many H1 headings can there be on a page?

If you find any inaccuracies or have any comments about the article, please write in the comments.

Reading time: 6 min

Good afternoon, dear visitors.

Today there will be an article on the topic of H1-H6 headers for the site.

Surely, everyone already knows what kind of headings these are, but I am sure that not everyone knows the subtle points in their use and does not realize that their use on resource pages serves only 2 purposes.

Goals and use cases

The main 2 purposes of headings in tags H1-H6 are the design and structuring of content on resource pages in order to make it more readable and easily consumed by site visitors. We should not pursue any other goals from these tags.

In addition to simply using them as elements of content structuring and design, visitors often use these tags to give the necessary design to individual phrases or even entire sentences. This results in a situation where the H6 tag (for example) has a design of just bold font and instead of highlighting a line in the text with the tag , they wrap it in an H6 tag. This is fundamentally wrong.

Headings in these tags should only be used to break the text into logical parts. No highlighting of entire sentences or individual phrases.

In addition, headings H1-H6 have a hierarchy, which makes them different in design, at least in font size. Each lower level should be less noticeable than the one above it.

The image shows the correct design of headings in these tags, when the font size is descending from top level to the lowest. If you have a situation different from this, then you should turn to the design styles of your site and edit them properly.

But here is one thing - make sure that the lower-level headings (closer to H6) are similar to headings and do not merge with regular text. They should look like headings, not just bold font.

Based on this design, we can understand that headings must maintain their hierarchy when used as an element of text structuring. It cannot be that the first heading H1 comes first, and then immediately H5 or H6. After the first level, it is logical and correct to use only the title in the H2 tag. This is important, both from the point of view of the design of the material itself, and from the point of view of maintaining the correct structure.

Search engines are now paying attention to these tags. But not as SEO elements, but as structuring elements. Therefore, it will be strange if there is H1, and then immediately H6.

When using these tags, we make sure to maintain the structure. If we go down a level, then no jumping over the level. The structure should be as follows: H1-H2-H3-H4-H5-H6.

It is worth saying that using an H1 level heading in these cases will not be appropriate, since it should be used only once on the page and should contain the name of the material. Therefore, there is no need to use it in the text.

Now I will tell you the main points of using the H1 header, but before that I will give a couple of general tips that are valid for headings of all levels.

  • Do not end with a period;
  • We maintain a hierarchy when using;
  • There is no purpose to place keywords;
  • They occur even in very short articles, since any text can be divided into logical parts;
  • Writes in the title brief summary the subsequent text, and not something “if only it was.”

H1 Basics

The above rules are also relevant, but in addition to them there are mandatory ones for this particular heading level.

  • H1 is always once on each page;
  • We encourage the user to read the material, so it makes sense to use catchy words (for example, secrets, best tricks, and so on);
  • We make it different from the title tag, which displays the title of the page in search results and encourages a transition to the site page from the search. It should be slightly different, but it should definitely give an understanding that the context of the material on the page has not changed;
  • We use the keyword of the article, but in a diluted form, and not in an exact occurrence;
  • It is not recommended to use punctuation marks.

Use in practice

I wrote above that H1 is used only once on the page and it should be built automatically into the layout of the site template and will also be inserted automatically into the header. Check this moment. Analyze your article titles and make sure they are enclosed in an H1. If this is not the case, then edit your template.

A common situation is when instead of H1 there is H2. This is not a serious mistake, but it is better not to allow it.

If we are talking about using the remaining heading levels H2-H6, then they should already be used in manual mode.

Using some CMS to create a website, these headings are added to articles very simply. For example, in WordPress, in the formatting panel in the page editor, there is always a headings item where you can select the desired level, having previously selected the desired text that needs to be enclosed in the heading.

Same with every engine. If you use HTML layout site and you need to add tags manually, then there will be no difficulties. You just need to enclose the necessary parts of the text between the opening and closing tags at the required levels. See examples below.

2nd level header

3rd level header

4th level header

5th level heading
6th level header

As for the design styles for each level, it is worth adding rules for each level in the styles file.

H1 (styles here) h2 (styles here) h3 (styles here) h4 (styles here) h5 (styles here) h6 (styles here)

Notice that there are no dots or hash marks before the title level name in the styles. Inside the brackets we indicate the styles themselves: font type, size, color, background, and so on.

Header Design H1-H6

If you make your headers a unique, eye-catching design, your visitors will only thank you for it and the content design will be at the highest level. Nowadays, simple headlines with large font size and bold highlighting are becoming a thing of the past.

Simple, but at the same time, design of headings using various highlighting lines, underlining with a background, and so on are coming into fashion.

I once gave some examples of such designs. Even if you take my blog, the main heading in H1 is not just in a large font on a white background with the rest of the text. It is separated by a gray frame against the general background of the site, which makes it more noticeable and focuses attention on it.

I will give you 2 more examples of designed headings in H1.

As you can see, this is not just a bold font, but a beautiful background with a wavy bottom surface and an emphasized top surface.

You can also see the interesting design for yourself on this page.

As for headings H2-H6, you can not only design them with some kind of background, but also number them (if you use content at the beginning of the page) in the form of beautiful pictures. Again, these don't have to be simple numbers. Here good example such an idea.

When you know something that most people don’t know, much less do, you can move on and look at the main mistakes in using headings at all levels on your site.

Errors in use

You could have already figured out all the mistakes yourself by studying all the material above, but there are some nuances. I will list everything that may apply specifically to you and what needs to be corrected immediately.

  • More than one H1 per page. It is not right. Only once per document;
  • Using H1-H6 tags to design additional website elements. At the very beginning, I wrote that the purpose of these documents is the design and structuring of content. Therefore, they should only be used in content. Most website templates include these tags in the side columns to style their titles and so on. This is clearly expressed in WordPress templates, when the name of each widget in the sidebar is enclosed in H3 or other tags. If this situation exists, then replace the title tags in the service elements of the site with others, for example, with the “span” tag;
  • We specifically enter keywords. Previously, there was an opinion that by entering keywords directly into the headings of all levels, you could increase their density and the position of such a page would be higher. But now this is already “punishable by law” of search engines and sanctions are imposed for spam in headlines. Moreover, these tags are ranked according to other algorithms. Conclusion: there is no goal to enter keywords;
  • Frequent use of periods and punctuation marks. Dots in headings should not be used at all, as this is incorrect from the point of view of both copywriting and general rules text design. We also try to minimize the number of punctuation marks to increase the readability of headings. This also includes a large number of words - don’t make headlines too long;
  • The structure is not maintained in terms of hierarchy. Try to follow a logical chain in building the hierarchy of H2-H6 tags on each page;
  • Using H1-H6 tags to style other text elements rather than the title. This is what I talked about above, when the design styles of each tag are incorrectly configured and instead of the usual bold, you can use a heading of some level.
  • The title is not appropriate or does not convey the context of the text that follows it. To learn how to create logical headlines, pick up a couple of well-designed books that you find easy to read. Also focus on the structuring of content on the Wikipedia website;
  • Non-use of H1-H6 headings at all or absence on small texts. There is simply a complete absence and nothing to talk about, but the absence on small pages is a questionable point, since any text (even the minimum 1000 characters) has a logical structure. Transition from one topic to another. Why not break it down into logical parts with subheadings at different levels?

That's all, dear webmasters. The material about headlines on the site has come to an end. It came out rather drawn out. I repeated myself somewhere, but this is only to focus your attention on the key ideas of the article. I hope that this material was useful to you.

By the way, can you find a small flaw in my headers on the site? If yes, then write in the comments. This moment not very noticeable, but it is there.

See you in the next materials. There's more to come.

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev!

Absolutely everyone knows what a title is. This is a capacious, attractive title, which, despite all its brevity, contains the essence of an entire publication, article, etc. But the title on the site page is not exactly what we are used to seeing in newspapers, magazines or books. Why? Let's try to figure it out.

What is H1?

H1 is the main heading in the article, the first level heading. Each page on the Internet has its own structure. Headings H1-H6 allow you to properly structure materials, both for search engines and for users. H1 is the main heading, H2-H6 are secondary, nested subheadings. In the code, the headers look like this:

the title itself

, the number just indicates the header level.

Headings on the Internet serve not only to indicate the structure and essence of what is being described, but also to optimize the site. To bring your site to visible positions in the search results, write the correct headings, observing 2 simple conditions:

Condition 1. Keywords in headings

To do this, you must have developed a high-quality semantic core - treat it extremely responsibly and remember that you cannot insert the same key on all pages of the site. Relevance is everything: you need to meet the expectations of clients and search engines. In the headers of the main page you can take mid-frequency and high-frequency queries. And on product pages (product card), headings with low-frequency keys are quite acceptable. The key should lead to a specific position or unit, be precise, and not generalized.

When placing keywords, do so carefully: do not overuse keywords or create spammy titles (for example, buy an apartment in Moscow, buy a refrigerator bag, buy a motorcycle in Krasnoyarsk, price, mine is yours, don’t understand, etc.). Keep the phrase beautiful and logical. In the great and mighty Russian language, words are conjugated and inflected, but robots now understand the meaning and understand the language no worse than you and me! And don’t be too frequent - spam is obvious to everyone, and Baden-Baden is just a stone’s throw away, and don’t forget about Panda from Google.

An example where the number of keys is off scale, overkill.

From the main heading it is clear what product we are talking about. Of course, you can’t do without a key in the first paragraph, but do it unobtrusively, and not so openly and aggressively.

Well, I hope that it will never occur to anyone to cram all the keywords intended for one page into the title. Nothing good will clearly come of it. =)

Remember that text is created not only for search engines, but also for people. And in general, robots like humane, simple and understandable texts. If in the title the keywords organically appear at the beginning of the sentence, it will work a little better. Those. from the point of view of optimizing the page for the keyword “Moscow hotels”, the heading “Moscow Hotels - official sites, reviews, photos” will work better than “Reviews, photos and official sites of Moscow hotels”.

Condition 2. Tags


When posting texts on the site, do not forget to place the tags correctly. Tags for text headings are defined by the following HTML code:


. According to our observations, two tags are quite enough -


. Nowadays people don’t read large texts, and even based on the logic of things, nesting so many headings is not necessary. An exception may be pages with a lot of videos, pictures, interactive elements, etc. But this is still the exception, not the rule.

Search engines also take into account the size and significance of tags


. When designing, you should pay attention so that the headings visually stand out from the general text.

Links in headings should not be used, especially in

: This will lead the person off the page to other material or, if you link to the same page, you will create a circular link that does no good.

It is acceptable to link from level headings

and lower, but also if it is justified and logical.

Search engine crawlers place a lot of importance on titles because they are used to indicate important information. This will make it easier for machines to read the text and understand its structure and logic; see what is most significant. Don't try to cheat and use tags


for all the text on the page, because it won’t do any good. Robots are not fools, and in general they are very vulnerable - they can take revenge for this by doing something unpleasant for your site. Therefore, think seven times in advance, the consequences are terrible. When writing headings in the text, adhere to the following rules:

    Let's put things in order. Tags


    arranged according to the principle of hierarchy: tag

    more important than the tag

    . In reality it looks like this:

    Search engines are perfectionists: they love the correct sequence, so that everything is in its place, on its shelves. Therefore, we follow the logic: the youngest son cannot be born before the eldest. This is not acceptable - here is an example with a broken hierarchy:

    In addition, the tag

    plays an important role in the formation of quick links in Yandex search results.

    If everything works out, the effect of such seemingly insignificant and easy work will not be long in coming.

    And if you have any difficulties, contact our specialists, we are ready to check whether the headings on your site are written correctly, write them correctly in case of errors and answer any questions. Drawing up headings for 1 page (+ selection of 3 relevant keys) - from 450 rubles.

Hello dear readers. Today I want to pay special attention to the topic of headings in the h1 h2 - h6 tags, because... In the near future I am planning (as promised) several practical articles on editing headings in templates. But before mastering anything in practice, I think you need to understand the theory, even if not to know it. Let's define the concepts from the very beginning, what a title is in HTML documents, a title on a website, a page.

You and I all know the Russian language, and as for the generally accepted concept title– there should be no questions. A title is a word or phrase that summarizes the entire meaning of some text or information that comes after it.

Just as any book begins with a title, so any document on the Internet has its own title.

But if, when opening a book, we understand that this phrase is a title because it has a larger or bolder font, then Internet pages have slightly different rules. On the Internet, the word title has several meanings and is used for different purposes. Therefore, you need to know and understand what kind of heading we are talking about and what exactly you need.

The first and most important thing we need to understand is that there are three different concepts of a header in an HTML document.

Any document includes three main HTML tags:

Here you can find technical information about the document +
page title in tags
</b> Page title <b>

Here is the main content of the site, articles that have titles in the tags:

Title of the site or article

Article title

Subtitle of the article

Other blocks of information

Other blocks of information

Other blocks of information

So from the code above we see that HTML document has its own title , in which it is located Technical information, here are also meta tags, and one of the most important tags in SEO - , which contains <b>page title</b>. This is the title that every user sees in their browser tab. This header is not directly related to the headers that are in the body <body>document, but there is a close relationship between them.</p> <p>The second most important tag in SEO is the title tag. <h>.</p> <p>So, any search engine gives <a href="">great importance</a> this tag. As I gave an example with a book, it is he (together with the title) that communicates the topic of the page, what it is about, and summarizes the meaning of the article. It is this title that tells you what my article you are reading will be about. You and I see that such headlines are always different <a href="">appearance</a> from the main content of the page. For this purpose, special tags were invented, which are responsible for ensuring that the information in them is always highlighted.</p> <p>On the one hand, the tag seems to be one <h>, but on the other hand, there are six of them and they are all numbered in order of their significance, and what is very important is not just significance, but also hierarchy. It is from this moment that the most confusing and incomprehensible begins - how to determine significance, what is more significant and what is not?</p> <p>Let's just think logically. Here is our main page on the website. As a rule, the main page reflects the entire theme of the site as a whole. And ideally, the name of the site should also reflect the entire theme of the site. This means that the name of the site should be a title, and the most important title, i.e. in the tag:</p> <blockquote><p><h1>Name of the site</h1>.</p> </blockquote> <p>Further, not necessarily, but as a rule, on <a href="">home page</a> there must be some kind of appeal to the visitor, and in an ideal situation, this appeal should include a title, which in turn should contain the theme of the site (a keyword that reflects the theme of the site). So this title should be in the tag:</p> <blockquote><p><h2>The title of the article is an appeal to the visitor</h2>.</p> </blockquote> <p>Further, in this article-appeal it may (and I insist that <b>must</b>) be a subtitle that further reveals all aspects of the site’s subject matter. It also includes some keywords that may be or should be close to the name of the site or the title of the article. This subtitle should be in the tag:</p> <blockquote><p><h3>Subtitle of the article</h3>.</p> </blockquote> <p>Let's imagine such a page.</p> <p>This is how we distribute title tags. It is worth noting that if you use a banner image instead of a title, then you do not need to format it in the title tag.</p> <p>Two important questions remain:</p> <p>How to use other tags – 4, 5, 6</p> <p>And is it necessary/possible to use title tags in the menu/sidebar?</p> <p>The answer to the first question is that it is not necessary to use all title tags.</p> <p>There is no clear answer to the second question. But I have the opinion that if the sidebar has such an information block that contains information about the site, information that reflects the theme of the site, then it is necessary to design such blocks with title tags.</p> <p>For example, this could be a block: <i> </i>. The title of such a block contains a keyword that reflects the theme of the entire project. Therefore, such a block should be included in the title <h4>.</p> <p>Here the following question may arise: Why not put it in a higher-ranking tag? You can also try to get the answer in a logical way.</p> <p>As a rule (I emphasize, as a rule), a modern website layout has the following structure:</p> <p>Site title <br> ↓<br>Main page content <br> ↓<br>Sidebar <br> ↓<br>Page footer/footer</p> <p>Those. exactly in that order <a href="">search robot</a> sees all the information on the page.</p> <p><b>Second</b>, what we need to know is that all title tags have their own hierarchy (I wrote about this above), and it is not acceptable for a third-order tag to be higher than a second-order tag.</p> <p>It would seem that all questions have been answered, and the topic should be exhausted, but not everything is so simple. The point is that, as a rule, <a href="">internal pages</a> differ from the main one, at the same time, it is also important that they are also well optimized so that we receive traffic from them from search engines. Therefore, it is very advisable for them to use their own heading hierarchy.</p> <p>From my picture in the example, if the site has separate articles about <i>Promotion in search engines</i> And <i>Promotion in <a href="">in social networks</a> </i>, then, for the internal structure of the headers should be like this:</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Those. the title of the site is not as important as the title of the article (maybe my example is not the most obvious, because the word “promotion” is present everywhere). This arrangement of headings significantly improves the ranking of pages in <a href="">search engines</a>, thereby increasing user conversions from them.</p> <p>I wrote above that this is <b>preferably</b>, but don’t beat your head against the wall if it’s impossible to do. Everyone’s platforms, templates and knowledge are different, and if it doesn’t work out, then it’s better to concentrate on something else, direct your actions to improve what you can do better. After all, successful promotion in search engines depends on a combination of a number of factors. The more we pay attention to internal optimization, the less we need external optimization. If internal optimization has already exhausted itself, then you need to switch to external optimization.</p> <p>This article is aimed primarily at understanding the topic and theory. In the age of CMS, making headers correctly is not difficult, but unfortunately, for this you need to have more in-depth knowledge of website building and programming. And if for the vast majority of my readers this article is more for informational purposes, then for those who will someday order the creation of websites in Cheboksary or in any other city in the world, draw up technical specifications for a layout designer, programmer, or create their own website, they will be able to either explain or apply this knowledge in practice.</p><p>For example, I have been planning to experiment with the template for a long time and do it exactly as I described in the article, because I think this is the best option. But I’m not yet so strong in XML (for Blogger) and PHP (for WordPress) to immediately figure out how to <a href="">different pages</a> make different headings. But after this article, I will have more incentive to put my ideas into practice, and I will definitely tell you how I did it. Naturally, I will not only tell you, but also share.</p><p><b>Articles about that are ready.</b></p> <p>If I haven’t answered any questions fully enough, ask in the comments and I’ll add them. I am writing these words because... I feel like there’s still something left unsaid in my head, but I just can’t remember what. So ask.</p> <p>Have you ever thought about starting a group blog or at least finding a second author for your blog? If such thoughts come to you, then you should pay attention to the article Disadvantages of several blog authors. There, on the blog, you can find an article about the advantages.</p> <p>I wish you good luck in developing your blogs.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </article> <div id="rulus31"></div> <ol class="rul32"> <li> <div id="rulus32"></div><a style="text-align: right;" id="contact-mail4" href="#" target="_blank"></a></li> <li> <div id="rulus33"></div><a style="text-align: right;" id="contact-mail5" href="#" target="_blank"></a></li> </ol> <script async src="/css/9.js"></script> <div id="text-6"> <div class="textwidget"></div> </div> <script> (function($) { $(document).ready(function() {}); })(jQuery); </script> </main> <aside class="sidebar sidebar_midle"> <div class="section section_widget widget_execphp" id="execphp-3"> </div> <div class="section section_widget toc_widget" id="toc-widget-7"> <div class="title">Popular</div> <ul class="toc_widget_list no_bullets"> <li><a href="">Firmware for smartphone Huawei G610-U20 Huawei g610 u20 firmware flashtool</a></li> <li><a href="">The radio does not read the flash drive (note to motorists) Dvd does not see the movie on the flash drive</a></li> <li><a href="">Recovering data after formatting mac os</a></li> <li><a href="">Conducting questionnaires and surveys The registration form is lost, what should I do?</a></li> <li><a href="">Hover or open 2 clicks</a></li> <li><a href="">Optimizing the operation of an SSD disk under Windows SSD disk 10</a></li> <li><a href="">Problem when scanning to Canon MF4410 MFP</a></li> <li><a href="">Principles of frequency response correction</a></li> <li><a href="">Perhaps the most inexpensive mobile phone on Android Cheap smartphone tele2</a></li> <li><a href="">Making the life of a photographer easier</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="section section_widget widget_execphp" id="execphp-18"> </div> <div class="section section_widget widget_execphp" id="execphp-7"> <div class="execphpwidget"> </div> </div> </aside> <script async src="/css/all-p.js"></script> </div> <footer class="footer"><img class="footer-logo" src="/logo/logo.png" alt="All about Windows. 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