How to send mms from android tele2 in detail. How to set up SMS and MMS on Tele2: detailed instructions. Entering parameters manually

Gradually, classic MMS messages are fading into the background. They are being replaced by more advanced and also free messengers such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber and others. Nevertheless, subscribers continue to use multimedia messages. Let's look at how.

Conditions for successful setup

In order to sending MMS was successful, it is important to meet some conditions:

  • The number's balance must be positive and sufficient to send at least one MMS.
  • The number must not be blocked in any way.

If these simple conditions are met, then you can safely begin setting up the reception and sending of MMS.

Request for automatic configuration

At a time when there were no modern instant messengers, and the only ICQ on the phone at that time worked with varying success, subscribers quite often used MMS to exchange pictures, melodies, congratulations, and so on. IN contact center the operator received a lot of requests related to MMS. Automatic settings have been developed specifically to minimize these requests.

  1. Tele2, like all other providers, made sure that the settings were sent to the subscriber immediately automatically as soon as he inserted a SIM card into his phone. For most modern models No settings are needed at all. The device receives them from the network and saves them in its profiles. For devices previous generations they may come in the form of a profile file. All you need to do is save them and reboot your device. Configure, and thus in the specified way it's completely free.
  2. If the configuration did not arrive in automatic mode, you can request the settings yourself in several ways:

Some telephone sets do not want to accept the configuration in automatic mode. This is especially true for gadgets that came to us from China. In this case, it would be useful to know the parameters for manual adjustment of MMS.

Changing settings manually

Settings in manual mode Absolutely identical for all telephones:

All other parameters can be left blank. This is more than enough for MMS to work on your phone. After you have entered all this data, you need to make your profile active. For the changes to take effect, you must restart the device.


Most modern telephone models operate on Android platform, including the popular Samsung. All these models pull settings from the network automatically. If this does not happen, then setting up MMS on Tele2 for Android is very easy: go to the data transfer settings and turn on mobile data. Next, you need to click “More” and find the APN - create a new access point. Configuration data can be useful for this.

You don't need to fill out anything else.


Let's now figure out how to set up MMS on iPhone. In principle, all models are identical in settings: 4/4S, 5/5S, 6/6S.

The first condition is that cellular data must be active in the network settings. If they are enabled, but sending does not occur, you need to fix it.

Next, go to “Cellular Communications” - “Cellular Data Network” - profiles for the Internet and MMS will open here. As a rule, the profile itself will already be filled out. For example, data on the previous operator may remain here. In this case you need to fix:


As you know, some equipment manufacturers are based on Windows OS. For example, you can set up MMS on a Nokia phone if you know some subtleties. In addition to the parameters that we considered for Android, here you also need to set “IPv4” in the network type, and put a negative (NO) in the “Authentication” line. That's all that distinguishes Windows from other platforms.

In your personal account

Settings for MMS can be found in your personal account. To do this, go to the site from any computer personal account. In the “Tariffs and Services” section there is a “Phone Settings” item. If you go here, you can select your phone by name and send yourself the parameters, which you can then only save. This is very convenient if you continue to use gadgets that in 5 years you can see in mobile communication museums.


An operator expert answers the most popular questions about multimedia messages:

— I set up MMS, but instead of pictures I receive SMS with links...

To register correctly on the MMS portal, you must send anyMMS to a Tele2 subscriber. After this, messages will arrive correctly.

— How much does MMS cost in "Tele 2"?

The cost of the message depends on tariff plan. Average price – 5 rubles.

— Where can I send mms?

Sending messages is possible to any Russian number. You can also send to numbers near and far abroad, but delivery is not guaranteed.

— My phone stopped receiving MMS messages, but the settings did not change.

You need to check if there is free memory on your smartphone. If the memory is full, messages will be rejected.

Why does my phone send SMS as MMS?

This situation can occur when you write a very long SMS message. In this situation, the smartphone recognizes long text as an MMS and sends it. This mode can be turned off in the device settings.

Subscribers mobile operator Tele2 have the ability to exchange multimedia messages, provided that the service for sending and receiving MMS is activated on their number. To activate this function, you must enter the appropriate settings for MMS messages from the telecom operator Tele2 into your mobile device.

Multimedia messages

The MMS service allows subscribers to send and receive messages containing attachments in the form of photographs, audio recordings and videos. As a rule, modern smartphones and phones are designed in such a way that they are able to automatically compress the size of transferred files and successfully send multimedia messages, despite some restrictions on their sizes provided by the network.

To successfully send and receive MMS messages, it is necessary that the sending and receiving device have the desired function and was configured in accordance with the parameters set by the telecom operator Tele2.

Some models of smartphones and tablet PCs are capable of making the necessary parameters and settings on one's own in automatic mode. All you have to do is insert a SIM card from the Tele2 operator, and after a while you will receive SMS messages with all the necessary settings and instructions. All you need to do is agree to accept them.

However, if you are unlucky and your device could not do this without your participation, do not be discouraged. Just help him by specifying the necessary options manually.

Regardless of how your device was configured - manually or automatically, the new settings for sending MMS messages will take effect only after the device is rebooted.

Request for automatic settings

If, after turning on the Tele2 SIM card, your device does not receive SMS messages with automatic settings for your phone model, you can always request them. You can do this in one of the following ways:

  • Make a call to short number 679 .
  • Order settings in your personal account.

After your application has been processed, you will receive an SMS message with the necessary phone settings. Agree to accept them, and then reboot your device.

Entering parameters manually

Those who, for some reason, were unable to set the settings automatically will have to enter the parameters manually. All operations, regardless of device and operating system installed in it are made in the section "Settings".

The standard parameters for activating the option to receive and send MMS messages from the Tele2 operator are as follows:

  • In the line you write the name of the profile - Tele2 MMS;
  • select the channel for data transmission – GPRS;
  • address home page write it like this - https://site/;
  • The access point line looks like this -;
  • port number: 8080 (or 9201 for WAP 1.x phones);
  • Enter the numbers in the IP address line: 12.40.65.

Lines that require a password and username should be left blank.

These are the standard parameters for MMS messages. However, when setting up a specific device, the user may have questions. This happens because mobile devices are based on various operating systems, and when entering parameters you should take into account some nuances.


In devices running on Android, in order to register a new access point, you should go to: Phone menu - Settings - More - Access points (APN). Then call up the additional menu and enable the option to create a new access point. In the window that opens, enter the standard parameters in the appropriate lines.


For devices with the iOS operating system, go to: Menu – Settings – Cellular – Cellular data network. Next, fill out just three lines to configure the MMS:

  • APN:;
  • in the MMSC field put: https://site/;
  • In the MMS proxy line you write: 12.40.65:8080.

Leave all other lines blank.


The peculiarity of setting up devices running on Windows is that, among other parameters, you will need to set IPv4 in the “Network type” line, and “None” in the “Authentication type” line.

Find out more detailed information You can configure a specific version of any operating system on the official website of the mobile operator Tele2.

Please note that after setting the MMS parameters, you must send a multimedia message to any Tele2 subscriber.

This is done so that the communication system “sees” that your device has access to this function. Otherwise, you will not be able to receive MMS messages sent to you, but will only see a link leading to the MMS gallery page and a password to view it.

If it happens that you followed all the recommendations and entered all the necessary data, but the MMS service still remains unavailable, do not despair. First, check again, perhaps you made a mistake somewhere when entering the settings. Fix it and don't forget reboot the device.

But even if this does not help, remember that you can always turn to Tele2 specialists for help at the nearest office or communication store, where you will definitely receive qualified assistance on any issue that interests you regarding communications and services provided by Tele2.

MMS will not be sent without correctly configured settings. They are usually installed automatically. But if difficulties arise, then manual input of parameters is also possible.

Most often, MMS are sent to Tele2 without any problems without additional changes. But when the model mobile device is not popular and, as a result, is not included in the operator’s service database; you will have to enter the characteristics yourself.

The service allows you to send media to other subscribers - videos, photos, melodies. But without preliminary adjustment, the content will not be transmitted. It is also worth considering that difficulties do not always arise with the sender. The recipient's phone may simply not read this type of message. And only a person will see:

  • text, if it was also sent;
  • a link where you can view the content from a smartphone or tablet.

Automatic MMS settings

Typically, mobile data acquisition occurs with minimal subscriber participation. There are two options for connecting MMS to Tele2.

  1. Operators assign the function to SIM cards in advance automatic search all necessary parameters. If the SIM is inserted into the phone, a request is sent to the server, and the data arrives in no more than a couple of minutes. The applicant only needs to confirm, and then the service is instantly activated.
  2. In the event of a failure during adjustment, a canceled message or a message not received, the parameters are received via the service number help desk 679. If the model is recognized by the system, the application will be notified that the application has been accepted. Soon you will receive a message on your phone asking you to confirm the settings. The installation will be completed after turning off and on the device.

Manual MMS settings

When the Tele2 operator’s service did not help in any way, you will have to connect everything manually. This is easy to do: step by step, the subscriber simply enters required parameters in specially designated fields. The algorithm differs slightly depending on the smartphone operating system.


On most models today the OS version is between 4.x and 8.x. For them, setting up MMS Tele2 on Android is possible through the “Access Points” section in the settings.

Only the required items are filled in, and it makes sense to simply skip the rest:

NameTele2 MMS
APN typemms

Once the characteristics are saved, media files should begin to be sent. By the way, for older versions of Android the settings look exactly the same.


In the MMS section iPhone settings data is entered in the same way:

On Tele2, MMS settings on iPhone are even simpler. Having entered several correct parameters, pictures, videos or music usually begin to be sent to the subscriber without problems.

Correcting data for the operation of the MMS sending system consists of only a few steps. It takes them a few minutes, both with automatic and manual setup.

Although MMS has long lost its relevance, Apple user iPhone may still need to send or receive a multimedia message. But before you can send or receive MMS, your Apple smartphone must be configured correctly.

As a rule, at the first turning on iPhone with an operator SIM card, the smartphone automatically receives all the necessary data and settings so that you can immediately start using communication services without unnecessary settings.

But, of course, there are situations when the settings could not be configured successfully, as a result of which you cannot use a service such as receiving or sending MMS messages.

To get to the MMS settings, open the application on your device "Settings" and go to section "Cellular data network" . In the window that opens, you can find the section "MMS" .

If you see that the columns are absolutely not filled in, then you will have to take the settings into your own hands. Below we will look at data for four popular operators in Russia.

Setting up MMS for mobile operator Megafon

2. Username – Megafon MMS

4. MMSC – http://mmsc:8002

5. MMS proxy –

Setting up MMS for the mobile operator MTS

1. APN –

2. Username – mts

3. Password – mts

4. MMSC – http://mmsc

5. MMS proxy –

6. Max. message size – 512000

7. MMS UAProf URL – leave field blank

Setting up MMS cellular

1. APN –

2. Username – beeline

3. Password – beeline

4. MMSC – http://mms

5. MMS proxy –

6. Max. message size – leave the field empty

7. MMS UAProf URL – leave field blank

Setting up MMS for mobile operator Tele2

1. APN –

2. Username – Tele2 MMS

3. Password – leave the field blank

4. MMSC – mmsс

5. MMS proxy –

6. Max. message size – leave the field empty

7. MMS UAProf URL – leave field blank

After entering the necessary parameters in accordance with your operator, close the settings window. They should take effect immediately, so you can use MMS now.

Along with other Russian operators, Tele2 is included in the list of the main representatives of the industry cellular communication. It offers its subscribers approximately similar services, which means that the questions that arise from the corporation’s clients are almost the same.

And today we will talk about the “painful thing”, about incorrect operation messaging services (text and multimedia), and we’ll figure out how to set up SMS and MMS messages on Tele2.

How to set up SMS on Tele2 phone

We begin our consideration of this very sensitive topic with text messages, which, quite obviously, today are in much greater demand than sending multimedia messages.

If you suddenly encounter a problem sending a message, the first thing you need to do is check that the recipient's number is entered correctly. Very often it is in this aspect that the problem lies, or rather, it simply does not exist.

Is the number listed correct? So we need to “dig” further. In this case, most likely the problem lies in incorrect configuration of the SMS center, through which all outgoing messages are sent from the phone. Accordingly, in order for the service to work in its normal format, it must be configured manually. Fortunately, this is not difficult to do. And below we suggest you understand how to configure the option on the most popular platforms today:

  • Users of devices running Android operating systems can configure the SMS center number by sequentially performing the following actions:
  1. Enter the combination on the on-screen keyboard *#*#4636#*#* ;
  2. Go to the "Phone Information" section.
  3. Open the "SMSC" option.
  4. Enter the Tele2 SMS message center number in the appropriate field: +79043490000 .
  5. Update the entered settings.
  • Users of Apple equipment, or rather iPhone, can enter the correct message center number even faster; they will only need to enter a USSD request in the phone format **5005*7672*+79043490000# , then press the call button;
  • Microsoft device users Windows control Phone must perform the following steps for the device to work correctly with SMS:
  1. Go to the main menu of the gadget.
  2. Go to the settings section.
  3. Open the Applications subdirectory.
  4. Tap on the “Messages” item.
  5. Open the SMS Center Number option.
  6. Indicate the same number +79043490000, and then save the configurations made.

After completing all these steps, you need to reboot your device.

How to automatically set up MMS messages on Tele2

Let’s move on to the less popular types of messages today – multimedia. They can be configured automatically.

To automatically configure MMS, Tele2 subscribers should simply make a free voice call to the number 679 . The settings will be sent to your phone, and after receiving you will simply need to confirm their installation into the device system.

If suddenly automatic setting will not help solve the problem, you must manually enter all the necessary parameters in the gadget you are using. Performed this procedure for each device differently, although the same parameters are entered.

How to set up MMS Tele2 on Android manually

Users of Android devices can independently enter all the necessary correct operation their device settings if you follow the following menu items of the gadget you are using. To get to the menu you are looking for, follow these steps:

  1. Open your smartphone's settings.
  2. Navigate to the section called "More".
  3. Tap on " Mobile network" and go to "Data transfer".
  4. Next, click on “Access points” and create a new point.

After completing the steps described, you will find yourself in the required menu. You should provide the correct information there:

  • In principle, you can specify any parameter as the name of the settings, but it is recommended to enter “Tele2 MMS”;
  • The home page is the parameter;
  • The field in which the proxy server address is filled in must be set to enabled;
  • The Internet Protocol (IP) address is , and just below enter the port number - 8080 ;
  • The connection type for correct operation of MMS messages is GPRS;
  • The address is entered as the APN point;
  • The fields for entering the user name and password should not be touched; they must be left empty.

After saving the settings, the device should be rebooted.

How to set up Tele2 MMS on iPhone

Users of Apple devices can configure the correct operation of multimedia messages even faster and easier. They only need to enter the APN access point, as well as the MMSC and MMS proxy parameters we have already specified above. They should be entered in the iPhone’s “Cellular Data” menu, located in the “Network” tab of the device’s main settings.

Video instructions for setting up Tele2 MMS on iPhone

Apple iPhone does not require a reboot after entering new settings for MMS to work correctly.