What keyboard shortcut can you use to call the dispatcher in an emergency? Programmer Free programs for your computer, useful tips for Windows. How to open Task Manager

Task Manager is an important system tool with which users can monitor how running applications are performing: how much memory they consume, how much they load the processor, how often they access the network, etc.

With the release of new versions of Windows, the Task Manager tool acquires new functions and becomes even more useful, so knowing how to enable the task manager is necessary for all users who want to keep the system running.

Ways to launch the dispatcher

There are six main ways to launch the task manager, which work on all versions of Windows, from XP to Windows 10 (except Win+X, which only works on Windows 8 and 10).


To open the task manager, users usually press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Depending on the OS version, this combination works differently:

  • On Windows XP, the Task Manager window immediately appears.
  • On Windows 7 and later versions, the security screen first opens, where there is an option “Run Task Manager”.

If you do not want to go to the security screen, then use Ctrl+Shift+Esc instead of the usual key set. In this case, you will immediately see the Task Manager window with all the necessary tabs and tools.

Task bar

Another way to quickly access Task Manager features is to right-click on the taskbar and click “Launch Manager.”

Just a couple of clicks, and the “Processes” tab will appear on the screen, through which you can track which applications are using up memory and processor.

Run menu

If hotkeys and the taskbar are not suitable for you, use the Run function to launch the manager.

  1. Press Win+R or find the Run option in the Start menu.
  2. Enter the command "taskmgr".
  3. Press Enter or use the OK button.

After completing these simple steps, you will see a completely ready-to-use task manager window on the screen.

Without using a keyboard

You can enable the manager without a keyboard: the Task Manager launch file is located in the “system32” directory on the system partition of the disk:

  1. Open Computer (on Windows XP, My Computer).
  2. Go to the system partition where Windows files are stored.
  3. Open the "Windows" directory.
  4. Go to the "system32" folder.
  5. Find and run the Taskmgr.exe utility

Since you know where the taskmgr.exe executive file is located, you can use one more method - displaying a task manager shortcut on the desktop.

Desktop shortcut

Right-click on an empty space on the desktop, expand the “Create” section and select “Shortcut” (shown using Windows 7 as an example, but works on all modern versions of Microsoft OS, including XP).

In the window that appears, specify the location of the object and click “Next”.

Come up with a name for the shortcut or leave the standard name “taskmgr.exe” (if necessary, the name can then be changed). After clicking the “Finish” button, a shortcut will appear on the desktop; double-clicking on it will launch the dispatcher.

In Windows 8, there is one more additional method for calling the Task Manager system tool:

  1. Press the Win+X combination (or right-click on the Start screen icon).
  2. Select “Task Manager” from the menu that appears.

This method does not work on XP and Windows 7, but is preserved in Windows 10, so if you have a new system on your computer, you can use the described method without any problems.

Dispatcher disabled by administrator

We have figured out the launch methods, but there is another important question - how to enable the task manager if it is disabled by the administrator? The reason for the appearance of a notification about the impossibility of starting the dispatcher may be not only an administrator ban, but also the action of a virus. You can fix the problem using the command line:

  1. Launch Command Prompt with administrator privileges.
  2. Enter the command “REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d /0 /f” and press Enter.

If the command line doesn't work, you can paste the above command into a new text document created in Notepad, then save the resulting .bat file and run it as an administrator. If this method seems complicated, use the capabilities of the Registry Editor:

  1. Press Win+R and type “regedit” in the Run window.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\System. If there is no System section, you need to create it.
  3. Find (create) the DisableTaskMgr parameter and set the value to “0”.
  4. Close Registry Editor and restart your computer.

After completing these steps, Task Manager should launch in one of the six ways listed above. By the way, do not forget to check your system for viruses - if malware has blocked the work of Task Manager, then you must disinfect your computer.

Microsoft developers have provided many built-in utilities that help solve a variety of problems. One of the most useful and frequently used programs in the Windows operating system is the Task Manager. At times you cannot do without this utility. It provides the user with extensive capabilities for monitoring computer parameters and managing processes. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to open Task Manager in Windows. Let's figure it out. Go!

Most often, the help of the Task Manager is resorted to when an application or game on the computer freezes. How, then, to call the Manager window? There are several options for how this can be done.

How to start Task Manager in Windows

The first way is to use the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del. It is very good if the PC is frozen and you can’t control it with the mouse. After pressing the combination, a menu will open where you need to select the appropriate item.

The second method allows you to open the utility window directly. It also consists of using a key combination, only now it is Ctrl+Shift+Esc. In this case, you will not see the menu, but will go directly to the main Manager window.

The third option is to call up a special menu by simultaneously pressing the Win+X buttons. The same can be done by right-clicking on the “Start” button. Select the desired item from the list that appears. This method works not only with the Start button, but also with the taskbar. Just right-click on it to open a special menu.

The fourth option is to launch Task Manager through the Start menu. Once you open Start, go to the All Programs list. Then find the "System - Windows" folder. It is in this folder that the desired application is located.

The fifth option is to use the “Run” field. Press Win+R to open the desired window. Then enter taskmgr. You can also enter this name in the command line or PowerShell, and after pressing Enter, the Task Manager will launch.

Task Manager Features

Now let's talk a little about the utility itself and how to use it. After launch, a list of active processes will appear, next to which the status of each of them is displayed. Select the required process and click “End” to stop the execution of any program. In addition, you can give the process a higher priority. To do this, select the one you need, right-click on it and select “Priority”. Select the one you need in the pop-up list.

For more information, click More. After this, several tabs will appear in which you can view the main system parameters, for example, the load level of the central processor, RAM, network, see applications that are in startup, a list of active services and much more useful information about your computer.

Now you will always know how to access the Task Manager if necessary. As you can see, there are many ways to launch it, so use the one that is most convenient for you.

Write in the comments whether the article helped you understand it and ask if you have any questions on the topic.

In this article we will tell you how to open the task manager in different ways. There will also be an overview of the program itself, where we will analyze its functionality in detail by tabs. So let's get started.

How to open task manager

In order to enable an application on Windows XP, 7, 8 or 10, we can use many methods. We will consider them in order of simplicity. That is: first the simplest option will be described, then the more complex one, and so on.

Also at the end of the article there is a training video in which everything written in the article is shown by our author. We strongly recommend watching the video.

Button combinations

Let's start with the simplest thing - “hot keys”. In order to call the dispatcher, you can press several buttons at the same time, and the program will start immediately. This option allows you to perform various actions on a PC that does not even have a mouse or it is broken.

The easiest way to open the task manager is to use the Ctrl + Shift + Esc buttons. As soon as the combination is pressed, the utility will immediately open.

Let's consider another option.

If we hold down the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del, the system menu will launch, which works in any games and software. In the list you can select a number of functions, including calling the software we need.

There are also other possibilities:

  • block;
  • change user;
  • go out.

This combination of “hot buttons” makes it possible to terminate the program or game that caused the PC to freeze.

Via the taskbar

Another very simple option that allows you to enable the manager on Windows of any version is to right-click on an empty space on the taskbar. You simply click with the mouse (precisely the right key) on an empty space in the Windows panel and select the item marked with the number “2”.

As a result, the task manager can be called up and used its functionality.

Find it in Explorer

There is another more interesting, but time-consuming way to enable the manager on Windows XP, 7, 8 or 10. Let's look at how it works:

So, where is our application located, let's figure it out. Open Windows Explorer and go to the path “C:\Windows\System32”. Scroll through the list of files and run Taskmgr.exe. As a result, the task manager will start immediately.

This option has one serious advantage - thanks to the fact that we know where the executable file of our utility is located, we can create a shortcut that will launch it and place it in any convenient place.

Create a shortcut

Based on the method that we discussed above, you can do one more useful thing, namely, create a shortcut that will open the software.

This is done as follows:

  1. On an empty space on the desktop, right-click and select the “Create” menu, then click on “Shortcut”.
  1. In the window that appears, enter the path to the task manager executable file or click “Browse”.
  1. Find our program in the Windows folder and select the desired file. Then click on “OK”.
  1. Then click “Next”.
  1. The shortcut should be given some name. Enter the desired phrase and click the “Done” button.
  1. As a result, a nice shortcut that appears on your desktop can call up the necessary software at any time.

Right click on the Start menu

You can also launch the task manager using the Start menu. However, you need to right-click on it or use the Win + X hotkey set. As a result, the remote control will immediately open.

There are a number of other useful functions in this menu. You can see each of them in the screenshot above.

How to launch Task Manager through Windows Search

Windows 10 has a great search tool that was not present in earlier versions of the operating system from Microsoft.

In order to launch the software we need or any other application through the search, simply click on the magnifying glass icon, enter the name of the object you are looking for and click on the desired element in the results.

  1. In the black window, enter the command “taskmgr.exe” and press Enter.

Ready. The manager will open immediately.

Program overview

Now that we've figured out how to launch the task manager, let's take a closer look at it. Let's say right away: when the system monitor is launched for the first time, you will see a very small square that has no functions at all.

To open full functionality, simply press the marked button.

Usually, when users see such a compact view of the utility, they think that the tabs are gone and start asking us why the task manager does not open completely.

The “Processes” tab displays a number of applications and system processes that can be organized by name, load on the CPU, RAM, Video card, etc. Using this tab, we can unload a “frozen” application or see what is “slowing down” the PC.

It contains graphs that show in real time the load on various computer hardware components.


All applications that put a strain on our PC resources are displayed here. Also, all indicators are divided into categories. The time during which this or that software loaded the system is also indicated.

The startup menu displays a list of software that starts with Windows in automatic mode. If there are too many components, the OS will also load slowly.

This section displays a list of all users who are currently using the PC.

The “Details” item, like the “Processes” section, contains all applications currently running. The difference between this menu is the ability to display the home directory of the running process. In the screenshot you see how using the context menu you can open the path to one of the processes.

Using this functionality, you can find the software that loads our PC and go to the directory with its executable file.

Well, the last tab displays running and idle services.

Attention: if the program does not start, system restore may help you. We have it shown on.

Main menu

There is also a main menu that allows you to launch Explorer through the manager or call any other application. In order to do this, simply click “File” - “Run new task” and select the desired software. For Windows Explorer, this is “explorer.exe”.

Answers on questions

Below we answer the most popular questions that users most often ask.

CPU usage drops when I turn on Task Manager. What's the matter?

The fact is that any application takes away some performance from the computer. Therefore, at the moment the software is launched, you see a wave of increased load on the graph. When the software starts, PC performance is restored.

How to open Control Panel through Task Manager

To do this, click the “File” menu – “Run a new task” and enter the “control” command. Finally, press Enter.

FIFA 2017 game does not start and just hangs

The fault is the hacked version that you downloaded and are trying to run.

How to find a virus in the task manager

It's very simple, it's done like this:

  1. We look at what process or program is loading our processor, video card or disk to the maximum value of the device resources in the “Details” tab.
  2. Right-click on the found object and select “Open file location.”
  3. We complete the process again through the context menu and delete the executable files from the folder that opens.

Video instruction


This concludes our instructions. We hope that the topic of how to launch the task manager in Windows has been fully covered for you. All that remains is to add - if you still have questions, ask them in the comments. We will definitely quickly respond to any visitor’s message, because our task is to help you.

5 / 5 ( 1 voice )

Task Manager (or Windows Task Manager) is a utility built into the Windows OS that displays a window with information about the resources consumed by the system and a list of currently running processes and tasks. Here you can also find out about the load on the central processor, RAM and the status of network connections. Most often, the task manager is launched to close an application if it does not want to close, or, in simple terms, is “frozen”. By going to the dispatcher panel, you can unload the program and end the process that is slowing down the entire operating system.

Traditional way to start Task Manager

  1. In order to launch Windows Task Manager in the seventh version of the operating system, you can use the key combination “Ctrl” + “Alt” + “Delete”.
  2. A panel will open asking you to “Lock your computer,” “Change your password,” or “Log out.” You need to select “Start Manager” (located at the very bottom of the list).
  3. Now all that remains is to confirm your choice by pressing the “Enter” key.
  4. There is an alternative keyboard shortcut to open Windows Task Manager - “Shift” + “Ctrl” + “Escape”.

The easiest way (without keyboard)

Hover your mouse over the taskbar, which in Windows 7 is usually located at the bottom of the desktop and right-click on the free space of the panel without icons and shortcuts (empty space). In the dialog box that opens, select “start dispatcher”.

Launching the dispatcher from the search bar

You need to open the “Start” quick access panel and enter “task manager” in the search bar. Next, when the search is completed, you just need to follow the link about “viewing running processes”.

Open from the command line

In order to open the task manager directly from the command line, you need to go to the “Start” quick access panel and select “Run” (or use the keyboard shortcut “R” + “Windows”). In the window that appears, you need to enter the following letter combination: “Taskmgr.exe” and confirm the selection by pressing the “Enter” key.

  • The Applications window displays all applications currently running on the computer. In order to close a program that does not want to close, you must end the process manually by clicking on “End task”.
  • In “Processes”, accordingly, you can familiarize yourself with all current processes. The list of them is much larger than the list of applications. You can optimize the operation of the operating system by calculating the most “gluttonous” process and ending it manually, or limit yourself to lowering the priority.
  • The “Services” window contains information with a list of Windows 7 OS services and a menu with which you can stop or start them.
  • The “Performance” section displays the current state of PC resources: CPU load, RAM load and the amount of unused memory. In “Seven”, unlike XP, the “Resource Monitoring” option has appeared, by clicking on which you can perform a detailed analysis of all the equipment on your computer.
  • The Network tab contains detailed information about the status of all network connections on this computer.
  • In "Users" you can find out how many users have access to this computer. By logging in as an administrator, you can connect, disconnect, or restrict access to any user.

What to do if the task manager does not start?

Some viruses and malware can damage, among other things, the task manager. And even if you installed good anti-virus software, carried out a thorough cleaning and removed all Trojans, worms and other pests, this does not at all guarantee the correct operation of the dispatcher.

If the AutoRun manager was damaged by a virus and stopped loading automatically along with the operating system, you can restore its operation by installing various utilities, such as RegtickPRO.

The task manager is an integral part of Windows of any version. This is a built-in shell program that gives us information about the use of computer resources and running programs and processes. But sometimes it happens that the task manager does not start or cannot perform the necessary actions due to virus infection.

There is one more nuance here. Such viruses block the launch of the registry editor in order to completely tie your hands. In this case you will see a message

There are several ways, but it is useless to do so, because... it sits in memory and after turning on the task manager, it will immediately turn it off again. But even after treating your computer for a virus, the task manager may still not work, and you need to do some things to enable it.

HELPFUL ADVICE: If there is a restore point before the virus attack, then it is better. You never know what else the virus has done.

RegtickPro and AVZ programs

I myself have been successfully using for many years a simple and free program that does not require installation and consists of a single RegtickPro file.

Download the program from me and run it from the archive.

In the program, go to the “System” menu, uncheck “Disable Task Manager” and click “OK”. That's it, the task manager should become available!

To unlock the registry editor, additionally uncheck “Disable MS Registry Tools”.

For the same purposes, but it is more heavyweight and complex than this (in Regtick a couple of clicks and the problem is solved). In the AVZ program, the following points are used for this: “11. Unlocking the task manager" and "17. Unlocking the registry editor."

Editing Group Policies

You must have administrator rights to perform these steps. Launch the Local Group Policy Editor:

“Start -> Run” or the “Win ​​+ R” button and enter in the field:


Let's go to “User Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> System –> Action options after pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL” and on the right side of the window, double-click on the “Delete Task Manager” option

In the window, select “Disable” or “Not configured” and click “OK”

After the actions taken and a reboot, the task manager should work.

To enable the registry editor, follow the path “User Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> System” and on the right go to “Deny access to registry editing tools.” We also set “Disable” or “Not configured”

Manually editing the registry

Registry editing must be available to unlock Task Manager. If the Registry Editor is not working, you first need to unlock it using one of the methods listed above.

So, let's go to the registry: via “Start -> Run” or “Win ​​+ R”, write in the field


and we follow the path:


And on the right we find the “DisableTaskMgr” parameter. It must either be deleted or assigned the value “0”.

If all else fails

The standard task manager can be used. They are built into the system, called by the same or other hot buttons and have richer functionality.

There are harvester programs that can treat Windows from many ailments. It also works to prevent similar troubles in the future, optimize computer performance and eliminate dozens of popular problems.