Our selection: the best calendar apps for Android. Synchronizing Yandex calendar and to-do list between your computer and other devices How to connect Yandex calendar to Android

Today's guide will focus on calendars. If you remember the Google Calendar online service, its main function is to plan tasks. In addition, the calendar allows you to synchronize events across devices, set reminders, share your schedule with other users, etc.

When selecting the appropriate applications, it was important that synchronization with Google Calendar was available. Among the main participants:

In addition, the review mentions other calendars for Android that you can also pay attention to:

Google Calendar is an official client for synchronization with the service of the same name. Almost all of its most important functions are available in the application. In some cases, the application is already installed by default on Android smartphones.

The Google application pleased us with its high-quality, updated design: pleasant colors, various covers for each month, etc. What is important is that the calendar has become more user-friendly in comparison with previous versions.

Google Calendar offers three display options: schedule, day, and 5 days. By scrolling the calendar vertically in schedule mode (analogous to a summary or agenda), you can familiarize yourself with the events. Summary allows you to quickly view current and past events. Days that do not have any events are not displayed in the schedule.

In 5-day mode, the days of the week are displayed, starting with the current one. This option is convenient for viewing all scheduled events for each day. The last mode - day mode - will be convenient when following a schedule in the most detailed view.

As for the monthly view with a grid of events, which is available in the online version, there is none. However, a combined mode is possible: by clicking on the month title in the top panel, a calendar is displayed where you can select a specific day, and a list of events can be viewed at the bottom of the window.

In the left sliding panel, calendars are available that are synchronized with Google Calendar online; you can include or exclude unnecessary ones from the list. Events for each calendar are displayed in a specific color, which allows you to separate events by type and better navigate your schedule. It's easy to add birthdays from Google contacts and public holidays to your calendar, and they will appear in the calendar along with other events.

When you create a new event, you can set a reminder, repeat, create a tag, and add a note—all functions similar to the online version of Google Calendar. You can “link” an event to a photo and Google Maps, indicating the meeting location. Calendar also synchronizes events from Gmail without any problems. When creating an event, you can send invitations to other users.

Notifications are available for reminders - both sound and in the system panel. You can add a small widget to your home screen with an agenda and upcoming events.

Summary. Google Calendar does not support third-party services and is simple in functionality in general. At the same time, it is convenient and familiar to use: you can quickly create events, reminders, there are three (in fact, four) display modes. The only missing point is the lack of todo lists, which are often useful for planning.

SolCalendar combines the functions of a calendar and planner. In addition to events, you can create todo lists and synchronize data not only with Google Calendar, but also tasks from Tasks.

By default, the calendar displays events for the selected month. An alternative mode is the agenda, in which events are displayed in one list. However, in this case it is impossible to scroll through events throughout the year by month, as in Google Calendar. SolCalendar allows you to scroll through the schedule up to a certain limit, after which you need to click on a button.

By going to the SolCalendar settings, it’s easy to connect a calendar account from Google, Yahoo, iCloud, Exchange, Daum or add a link for synchronization. After which, you can configure the visibility of certain calendars directly in the application.

When creating an event, standard data is specified - name, interval, event calendar, reminder, repeat, note. Additionally, the location of the event, a point on the map (the address is entered manually or added via Google Maps) and a contact for the invitation, selected from the account addresses, can be indicated. A special feature of SolCalendar is that it is possible to assign stickers that, in addition to the color of the calendar, highlight the event in the agenda or other modes.

An additional feature when planning a schedule is the creation of tasks. For a task, you can set the execution time, repetition interval, and, similar to events, assign a sticker. List management is simplified: there aren't even categories. Nevertheless, working with tasks is convenient: new entries are quickly created, and completion is marked with one touch. The only thing missing is support for a few familiar gestures (for example, crossing out an entry).

As for widget support, SolCalendar provides more choice than Google Calendar: the calendar itself, agenda, week, etc. Additionally, the widget displays weather information.

Summary. SolCalendar is useful for those users who use a Google, Yahoo, iCloud or Exchange account on a mobile device. The calendar functions are fully implemented here. In addition, there is a simple todo manager that will complement the events. However, the lack of categories makes managing large lists problematic. There are few viewing modes; SolCalendar is inferior to Google's online calendar.

DigiCal Calendar offers a wide choice - 6 display modes: day, week, week agenda (agenda), month, month (text) and agenda. It should be noted here that these modes differ from similar ones in other calendars. Specifically, the week display will show the entire 7-day schedule, and the month (text) displays a list of events as a summary.

In the schedule, events are displayed in the color set in Google Calendar. In addition, in the settings you can change the color of the calendars displayed in the schedule. The application can synchronize with the calendars of the online services Google Calendar, Outlook.com and Exchange; it is possible to add a local calendar.

The developers detailed the weather forecast, including information on temperature, precipitation, wind speed and pressure. It is displayed everywhere and in every viewing mode. In the paid version of DigiCal, a forecast 15 days in advance is possible.

There are a few notable things to note when creating an event. You can specify a point on the map via Google Maps, as well as set status and privacy. Otherwise, the settings are all traditional. According to the developers, DigiCal's calendar functions are complemented by integration with Google Now: for example, you can create a reminder to create a route. In fact, there is nothing significant in this function.

To remind you of events, you can set a sound or vibration alarm or a pop-up window. You can set multiple reminders for each event. To display the calendar on the home screen, DigiCal Calendar offers a set of widgets - a total of 20 variations, sizes from 5x4 to 1x1. You can configure the display as a list, grid, day, list of days, month and calendar by month. Lock screens are also available. Detailed weather forecast is available for all widgets.

In addition to the standard version, a version of DigiCal+ is available on the developer's page, which is slightly more functional than the free one. List of main differences:

  • no advertising
  • additional lock screens
  • selecting a calendar to display the widget
  • additional display settings (fonts, backgrounds, transparency, etc.) for widgets

Summary. To briefly describe DigiCal Calendar & Widgets, these are informative modes and customizable widgets. The user can change the appearance of the calendar, size, and display of information. In addition, DigiCal Calendar synchronizes with both online services (Google Calendar, Outlook.com and Exchange) and local calendars.

To synchronize data, aCalendar uses the standard Android calendar, and does not involve connecting other online services.

The calendar has 3 standard display modes: day, week and month. At the bottom of the window for the “Day” and “Week” modes, a monthly calendar is displayed.

The main convenience when working with calendars is the ability to scroll horizontally and vertically. Horizontal scrolling is used to switch between display modes, vertical scrolling is used to move to the next interval (month, week or day). The creation of events (long and simple tap), jump to the date and other aspects related to navigation are conveniently implemented.

ACalendar is characterized by the fact that up to 48 colors can be assigned to each calendar, and 12 colors for events. Color settings are relevant only for Android 4.1+ and Google calendars. In addition to events, the calendar can also show moon phases and birthdays. The list of birthdays is taken from the address book, the data can be edited independently.

When creating an event, you can flexibly set up repetitions (every two weeks or 3 days, by days, weeks and intervals) and reminders - one or several for one event. Sound can be configured for reminders in aCalendar; for some reason, the remaining options are only available in the paid version.

Full-screen calendar widgets come in two sizes - 1x1 and 4x4 (with navigation support).

aCalendar+, the paid version of the application, offers additional display modes, settings, tasks, color themes and other options.

Summary. aCalendar is a popular application with standard Google Calendar features, thoughtful navigation and convenient gestures. Three display modes and widgets are enough for information content, and at the same time, weather forecast and synchronization with third-party calendars in aCalendar would be appropriate.

Pivot table

Application SolCalendar aCalendar
DeveloperGoogle Inc.SolStudio at Daum KakaoDigibitesTapir Apps GmbH
Android versionDepends on device Depends on device 2.3.3+ 2.1+
Full version price for freefor free$4,82 $4,71
Russian localization + + + +
Display Modes schedule, day, 5 days, combined month, agenda day, week, week's agenda, month, month (text), agenda day, week, month
Birthdays+ + + +
Weather forecast+ +
Sync calendars Daum Calendar, iCloud, Yahoo! Calendar, Yahoo! Japan Calendar, etc. Google Calendar, Outlook.com, Exchange
Tasks+ + (aCalendar+)
Widgets+ + + +

Worthy of attention

A production calendar with working days and weekends in the Russian Federation provides information about weekends and shortened days during the selected year. In addition to the information part, there is a built-in working day calculator - it is convenient for calculating standard hours.

Essentially, “Your Calendar” has two display modes - monthly and annual calendar. When you select a day, upcoming events are displayed at the bottom. As for holiday dates, clicking on the corresponding item opens a Wikipedia page with information about the date.

In “Your Calendar” you can leave notes, for which, in turn, you can set reminders. It's easy to sync your contacts' birthdays from your address book and include them in your event list. There is no link to Google Calendar or synchronization with other online services.

In principle, “Your Calendar” is completely independent and easy to use without online integration. There is only one complaint - scanning the address book when moving to the next year takes a lot of time.

Month is a set of customizable calendar widgets for Android. Regarding the visual part, there are about 70 design themes to choose from to suit every taste; you can also purchase premium themes in the store.

In terms of functionality. First of all, Month requires synchronization with Google Calendar. In addition to this, you can add lunar phases and birthdays of contacts to the calendar. In the widget window you can also view the agenda or open a list of tasks. However, this will require an external application. Therefore, Month is recommended only for working in “reading mode” - namely, viewing events.

Agendary is a social calendar designed for scheduling meetings. Thanks to integration with Google, you can create events, send invitations, accept or decline requests. The Agendary toolkit also allows you to share calendars with other contacts.

All events are divided into several categories - Organized, Accepted, Declined, Maybe and Unreplied.

Agendary does not have calendar display modes other than a list. You can quickly jump to today, view Google Calendar events, and create a reminder, but you cannot edit or comment on entries. This can only be done with events created directly in Agendary. When creating a record, the location, start and end date, participants, and description of the event are indicated.

Overall, Agendary is a very simple scheduler in terms of functionality. It would benefit from integration with other services (Google Maps), the ability to edit events and alternative viewing modes (by day, week and month).

Sunrise Calendar does not contain any unique features. However, this application has taken root well among Android users, as evidenced by about 1 million downloads on Google Play. Sunrise replicates the functionality of Google Calendar, but the interface has been redesigned. Here you can quickly switch between events, dates, and go to the current day. When creating an event, you specify the location, contact (participant), reminder, and repeat of the event. You can also set up notifications directly for Sunrise.

As for online synchronization, Sunrise Calendar supports adding calendars from Google Calendar, Exchange and iCloud. In the settings or when you first launch the application, it is easy to connect accounts of popular social networks and services (Facebook, Twitter, Evernote, Github, etc.).

Our selection: the best calendar apps for Android

Do you urgently need to find out what day it is or just find out if you need to do something important and meaningful?! Then you should read today's review on the best calendar apps for Android.

So, today's review of the best calendar apps includes: Jorte, ACalendar - Android Calendar, CalenMob - Google Calendar, Business Calendar, UpTo - Calendar and Widget, Google Calendar, Sunrise Calendar And Cal:Any.do Calendar.


  • Category: Job
  • Developer: Jorte Inc.
  • Version: 1.7.23
  • Price: Free - Google Play

Jorte– an application that has quite interesting functionality, a simple design and cloud synchronization.

After you launch the program, on the main screen you will find a calendar, which, if desired, can be scrolled using swipes to the right and left, and the main menu will be located at the bottom of the display. If you click on the calendar, you will see an additional window that allows you to add a new event or create your own calendar, which will be available only to you.

In addition, the program has a calendar of national holidays: as soon as you launch the application, data will be synchronized, and all holidays will be displayed in the calendar (about 44). To view all available holidays, you need to click on the “National Holidays” button and indicate your nationality, after which you will have access to a list of all the holidays that are specific to you.

I would like to note a very interesting feature in the program - its own cloud storage, which is great for synchronizing data and calendars. Here you can specify the interval between synchronization or select the automatic synchronization mode, which occurs in automatic mode (Auto Sync).

A few words can be said about the application interface, which we can change and customize to suit our needs. That is, we will be able to change not only the color scheme, but also add background images, as well as change fonts and change them for a specific date, thereby marking an important day.

The application can be downloaded from Google Play absolutely free, but at the same time you will receive additional features in the program that you can use only after purchasing them.


  • User-friendly interface;
  • Many functions;
  • Convenient calendar display;
  • Cloud synchronization and much more.


  • Availability of paid functions;
  • The complexity and overall clutter of the program.

ACalendar - Android Calendar

  • Category: Job
  • Developer: Tapir Apps GmbH
  • Version: 1.0
  • Price: Free - Google Play
  • extended version 199.00 rub. - Google Play

ACalendar - Android Calendar– a calendar that has several significant advantages over the Jorte application. Firstly, it is made of much better quality, secondly, it is easier to use, and, thirdly, there is not so much unnecessary content.

In the main menu you will find a calendar that can be displayed in several views. The main one is the ability to display the calendar in the form of large tiles - 9 tiles, one of which is a mini-calendar. It looks very beautiful and practical. By swiping to the left or right, we get another type of display, where events are taken as a basis - that is, an hourly description of certain things that you must do during the current day.

In the application settings, you can change the theme, change the font, set reminders about any important dates, and much more. The program is distributed in two versions: the free version has less rich functionality, and if you purchase the full version of the application for 199.00 rubles, you will get more themes for design, holidays and many other functions.


  • Nice design;
  • Many useful functions;
  • Convenient access to daytime events;
  • Availability of an informative widget.


  • There were no visible disadvantages.

CalenMob - Google Calendar

  • Category: Business
  • Developer:Appxy
  • Version: 2.5
  • Price: Free - Google Play
  • extended version 199.99 rub. - Google Play

CalenMob - Google Calendar- is a very simple and quite functional calendar, which is very similar to the built-in Google Calendar. If you hold your finger on a tile for a long time, you can create a new event by specifying a time and selecting a notification.

In the application settings you can change the theme from light to dark and vice versa. If you were looking for an alternative to the standard calendar, then consider that you have already found it.

The application is distributed in two versions, one is naturally free, and for the second you will have to pay almost 200 rubles, although I didn’t really notice the differences between them.


  • Simplicity and convenience;
  • Seven display modes;
  • Real-time synchronization;
  • Work offline and much more.


  • Overpriced full version.

Business Calendar

  • Category: Business
  • Developer: Appgenix Software
  • Version:
  • Price: Free - Google Play
  • extended version 148.00 rub. - Google Play

Business Calendar- a calendar that rightfully lives up to its name: everything is very strict and without any designer tricks. On the main screen you will find the calendar itself, you can add reminders, as well as interesting features. At the top of the program you will find a special button that allows you to change the displayed appearance (text or rectangular marks of different colors). If you select a day on which a reminder is indicated, it will immediately appear in a small window that describes the selected date as informatively as possible.


  • Simple design;
  • No unnecessary functions;
  • Ease of use.


  • Advertising (free version).

UpTo - Calendar and Widget

  • Category: Job
  • Developer:UpTo
  • Version:
  • Price: Free - Google Play

UpTo - Calendar and Widget is probably one of the most stylish calendar applications that can be found on Google Play. But besides the interesting design, the program has several interesting features. For example, displaying the calendar in the form of a list that we can scroll up, thereby viewing days and possible reminders. If you love stylish apps, then this calendar will be a godsend for you. As a plus, there is a built-in widget.


  • Stylish design;
  • Unusual calendar display;
  • Set reminders.


  • Few functions;
  • There is no Russian language.

Google Calendar

  • Category: Job
  • Developer: Google Inc.
  • Version: Depends on device
  • Price: Free - Google Play

Google Calendar is an application that can be compared in functionality to UpTo, but it is impossible to say which calendar is better. If you prefer the way iOS apps are designed, then UpTo will probably be your preferred choice, but if Material Design bothers you, Google's calendar is the perfect solution.

As for the functions, everything is extremely simple and clear. A similar calendar to UpTo, designed as a scrollable list with reminders. At the bottom there is a button that allows you to create an event. The program is completely free and does not contain advertising, which is what you would expect from a good corporation.


  • Design in Material Design style;
  • Quick: creating, editing and managing events;
  • Simultaneous work with several calendars;
  • Sound and visual notifications.


  • There were no cons noted.

Sunrise Calendar

  • Category: Job
  • Developer: Sunrise Atelier, Inc
  • Version: 1.3.0
  • Price: For free - Google Play

Sunrise Calendar– a functional calendar that has a stylish interface and some interesting features. Of course, the functionality of the program is almost the same as in the above applications, but with its own “tricks” that the developers added. Firstly, there is a special arrow located in the lower corner, which indicates the current date - this was done to simplify working with the calendar, because sometimes you “lose” today’s day when scrolling through the calendar; secondly, if you click on this very arrow, you will instantly be transported to today, conveniently; Well, and thirdly, displaying the weather for the next couple of days.

The calendar can be downloaded from Google Play absolutely free of charge, and you will not receive an advertising banner or in-app purchases, for which many thanks to the developers.


  • Great design;
  • Ease of use;
  • Integration with social networks;
  • Weather for the coming days;
  • Widget and much more.


  • There were no cons noted.

Cal:Any.do Calendar

  • Category: Job
  • Developer: Any.do
  • Version: 1.1.5
  • Price: Free - Google Play

Cal:Any.do Calendar- probably one of the best calendars for Android devices, which combines its own style combined with Material Design. The application turned out to be many times more beautiful than the others presented in this review, but moreover, it is very smooth.

All dates in the application are presented in the form of separate pages that fill the entire screen. On the page you can create reminders, and if you already had reminders, but their time has expired, then you can visually notice the difference between those that will come soon. The animation of the background looks beautiful, which is filled with beautiful photographs, which can be viewed in full size simply by clicking on an empty space.

The application is distributed free of charge and has no advertising or additional purchases. Overall, this is a calendar that you must try.


  • Stylish interface;
  • Simplicity and ease of use;
  • Synchronization with third-party calendars;
  • Interactive notifications;
  • Quick creation and editing of events;
  • Beautiful widget and much more.


  • There were no cons noted.

Bottom line.

All applications presented in today's review have a place on your smartphone and are actively used. Yes, some calendars have interesting features, others have stylish designs, but they all do their job well. I liked the calendar the most Cal:Any.do Calendar.

The success of your day largely depends on the quality of its planning. Some people, in the old-fashioned way, prefer to make a list of upcoming tasks in a notebook, while others have long begun to take advantage of the fruits of technological progress. The most popular tool among representatives of the latter category, naturally, are calendar applications, but not every one of them deserves your attention. Today we will get acquainted with the most worthy.

Google Calendar

It is easy to guess that the developer of this application was Google. It is for this reason that its functionality, as well as its compatibility with the vast majority of modern devices, can be envied.

The main advantage of the brainchild of the search giant is the display of events for all accounts registered on your device. It is this function, by the way, that company employees actively use to plan their work process.

The ability to select different colors will help you avoid getting confused in the list of events, and you can notify your friends about each of them directly from the notification window. Really convenient.

Sunrise Calendar

It's incredibly easy to start using the cheerfully named Sunrise calendar. This is due to the ability to synchronize the list of all notifications with the Google calendar.

The first thing new app owners will notice is its design. After a few minutes of communication, the functionality will catch your eye. This, for example, is an unusual demonstration of the week’s events in 3D format, support for maps in events and the presence of a desktop version.

Of course, we can’t help but mention the wonderful widget on your desktop.

Sol Calendar

If you are tired of the usual strict look of most calendars, then Sol Calendar is created just for you. The most noticeable difference from competitors is the support for stickers that can quickly convey a brief summary of the event. Accordingly, the month view will be decorated with small attractive emoticons.

Sol Calendar also boasts 7 types of desktop widgets and the ability to show the weather forecast.

Cal: Any.do Calendar

Many fans of the Android operating system have probably heard about the developers of this application. The reason for this is obvious - the Any.do application, which we already reviewed.

The Any.do calendar turned out to be no less successful. Our foreign colleagues from phonearena noted the ease of creating a new event, synchronization with Google Calendar, Yahoo, Outlook, Exchange and even iCloud, as well as support for voice commands. Fans of social networks will certainly appreciate the ability to congratulate friends on Facebook directly from the application.

Which calendar do you prefer? Tell us about it below.

It was explained how to synchronize contacts, incl. using Yandex services. But in addition to working with contacts, it can be very useful to synchronize your calendar. Thanks to this, you can have your up-to-date schedule on all your devices and thanks to this you will not miss an important event or meeting. Now we will tell you how to synchronize Yandex calendar in such a way that you can work not only with calendar events, but also with your to-do list while on the go. On the Yandex website, this to-do list is available for editing in the mailbox, while the calendar is located on a separate page. However, both of these resources are stored in the same account and can be used on mobile devices when synchronized.

Technical tools for synchronizing your calendar and to-do list

Calendar entries and tasks are synchronized in the same way that contacts are synchronized. Newer data is stored on devices at the time of synchronization, and thus up-to-date information is maintained everywhere. If the CardDAV server is usually used for contacts, then for the calendar and to-do list there is its brother - the CalDAV server. As you might guess, the three letters Cal are short for the word Calendar. And such a server is publicly available on Yandex websites. And of course, if you want to use local synchronization, avoiding public servers, then the Baikal server mentioned in the previous article allows you to create CalDAV accounts and synchronize them over the network.

Calendar entries do not contain a wide variety of fields. Therefore, with them there is usually no such problem as with contacts - the problem of partial incompatibility on different systems. The only stumbling block is Android smartphones - they do not have tools for working with tasks as standard, and there is also no means for synchronization via DAV servers. Therefore, for Android you will need to install additional software.

Having an account on Yandex, you can use the online calendar and tasks using the following software:

On a Windows system, you can work in the emClient application, given that it synchronizes, among other things. and contacts. If you don’t need contact synchronization, then you can use a completely free one, which, thanks to the Lightning extension, allows you to work with a common calendar and tasks.

iOS devices by default can work with the CalDAV server, so they do not need to implement special calendar programs.

There are no completely free solutions for Android smartphones and tablets. The existing free app CalDAV-Sync Free does not sync your task list. For such synchronization, you will need to purchase an inexpensive paid version of this program and use it in conjunction with the free OpenTasks application from the same author. The second option is to use another paid app, DAVdroid, which syncs both your calendar with your to-do list and your contacts. But you will still have to work with the list of tasks in the OpenTasks program, since the standard Android calendar does not display a list of tasks. All of the above programs are available in the Play Market.

In any modern browser you can work with Yandex calendar directly through the web interface. Unlike the contact editor, the web version of the Yandex calendar has full functionality and is quite convenient to use.

Connecting a Yandex account on a computer

If you use the emClient mail application, then the procedure for setting up Yandex synchronization for this program is described in the previous article (link at the beginning of the article). If you want to use the Mozilla Thunderbird program, then to use the calendar synchronization feature you will need to select the main menu item “File / New / Calendar”.

The next step is to select the “Online” option.

We indicate the CalDAV server type and its URL – https://caldav.yandex.ru/

At the final stage you will need to specify a name.

As a result, the account will be ready for online update.

During the first communication session with the server, you will be asked for a login and password to log in.

As a result, all information received from the server will be displayed in the local calendar and task list. You can open them through the “Events and tasks” menu.

Setting up synchronization on smartphones and tablets

On iPhones and iPads, connecting a calendar account is similar to adding an account for contacts. This is done in the “Settings” / “Calendar” section. In the window that appears, select the option “Accounts” / “Add account” / “Other” / “CalDAV Account” /. You will need to provide your server login information.

On the Android system you need to use additional applications. If you synchronized Yandex contacts using the DAVdroid program, then through the same program you can synchronize your calendar and to-do list. It is enough to check both items in the CalDAV window in the account settings: “My events” and “Don’t forget”. After updating the data via the network, all events from the Yandex calendar will appear in the standard Android calendar.

But to access the to-do list, you will need to install the free OpenTasks application from the Play Market. This application was created by the author to work in conjunction with the inexpensive CalDAV Sync application. But it also works well in conjunction with the DAVdroid application.


Using free public Yandex servers, you can synchronize your calendar between your PC and other devices - smartphones, tablets, and other computers. You can also work with this information through the web interface - all changes made will be saved on devices by synchronizing your Yandex account. Thanks to this, you can significantly increase your level of personal organization. After all, now you don’t have to be at the computer to work with your tasks and schedule. And vice versa - it is not necessary to edit information on the small screen of a smartphone. It’s much easier and faster to do this on a computer – and it will update automatically on your smartphone.

Finding the right app to manage your various calendars and agendas can sometimes become an obstacle course. Most of us need flexible apps that can adapt to our schedules, not the other way around. The application should provide practical features and be intuitive, but finding such an application is not always easy. We present to you the 5 best calendar apps for Android, selected by us.

The apps below are the result of extensive testing and comparison. We evaluated a variety of calendar apps to create this list, and we've narrowed down the five that impressed us the most. Let's also say that the applications were tested on the Moto G4 smartphone, which has an interface very similar to stock Android, although, as far as we know, all the applications listed below can run on any interface.

aCalendar: simple and effective

aCalendar is a popular application created in Germany. It has received recognition from many users due to its simplicity, but what else makes it deserve a place on our list?

When you launch aCalendar for the first time, you will be presented with a short tutorial. Next, you will be redirected to the developer's website, where you can familiarize yourself with the basic functions of this application. It's very simple: a horizontal swipe will allow you to switch from one window (month, week, day) to another, while a vertical swipe will allow you to scroll through days, weeks or months.

From a design point of view, the calendar application for Android aCalendar looks quite moderate, we would even say classical. In the top left corner you'll find a time icon and the option to enable or disable additional calendars. At the top right you will also see: a “+” icon that allows you to add events, an icon to return to the current day, and various tools such as a search tool. Let's add that the application has a convenient widget that allows you to review the events of the current day and the next few days.


aCalendar can retrieve any information you have in your Google Account. If you have any scheduled events scheduled, this app will find and display them automatically.

You can also add birthdays and associate them with specific contacts, or manually create a more general event. Plus, you will be able to choose the date and start/end of the event, the location of the event, its description, etc. If necessary, features such as reminders and event repetitions will come to your aid so that you never have to be late for meetings.


The Android calendar app aCalendar is a simple and intuitive app that does everything you'd expect from a calendar app. According to the developer, this application has no unnecessary features. aCalendar can be downloaded for free, and there are no ads in it, which is good news. For those people who are interested, there is also a paid version to unlock the full potential of this application.

Version: 1.8.4
Size: 2.84 MB
Compatibility: Android 2.1 or higher.

DigiCal: classic with a twist

DigiCal is a very popular calendar app for Android. It's similar to aCalendar in some ways, but has some notable differences, including one feature that sets DigiCal apart from the others.


When you first launch DigiCal, the first thing you see on the display is a presentation summarizing the main functions of this application. The design is quite simple: black and blue text on a white background. The app's window is divided into two parts: the first part displays an overview of the month in a classic calendar format, and the second shows upcoming events in a more typical calendar app design.

At the top left of the display, you can access a menu that allows you to switch from one view to another. On the right there are buttons similar to those present in the aCalendar application: one of them returns to the current day, the second allows you to add events, the third is responsible for opening the menu.

Note that there are many widgets available in different sizes. The customization options are quite varied: you can choose the classic format for the calendar, or choose to display the entire month in a grid; You will also have other options available to you.


The app in question will need data from your Google Calendar to display the information. When creating new events, you can choose the color in which they will be displayed on the calendar, the start and end time of the event, frequency, repeat options, location of the event, and other options.

We also add that the number of options is very extensive. For example, you can set the default language and appearance, or choose a theme and primary color. Plus, configuration of events and notifications is available. If you wish, you can add a weather forecast for several days directly into the calendar view - this can be very convenient for those people who travel a lot. By the way, DigiCal has one particularly interesting feature: the ability to use your smartphone's GPS to tell you how far you are from where an event is about to happen.


The above application is quite simple and intuitive. The presence of two windows when using this application may displease some users, although the GPS functionality is certainly an interesting addition. There is also a paid version of DigiCal, although the free version does the job well and doesn't show pop-up ads.

Version: 1.7.4g
Size: 8.99 MB
Compatibility: Android 2.3.3 or higher.

Jorte Calendar: increased difficulty with potential

The calendar application for Android Jorte is also part of the series of the most popular calendar applications. Some users have called this app a bit buggy, although we haven't had any issues with it the entire time we've been using it.


From the moment you launch Jorte Calendar, you have the opportunity to choose certain settings. For example, you can choose the type of calendar to use, as well as holiday dates and time zones.

The interface of the Jorte calendar application is more extensive than that of other similar applications on our list, one might even say, a little more complicated. This app covers the entire display and has a menu bar at the bottom of the screen. Note that many of the icons in this menu are useful, although their selection is somewhat limited in the free version.

In the main part of the display you can see a calendar in a classic format, which can be navigated using a side swipe. Below it you will find your list of tasks and reminders. If you click on the first symbol – “Today” – a side menu will appear. The large number of options makes Jorte Calendar very confusing, although we quickly figured out what's what. Plus, this application contains various widgets.


As usual, you can sync Jorte with your Google account, but the difference in this case is that this application has its own service. You can also add new events according to the same criteria.

Setting up your calendar can be done without much difficulty. You can add new events using the “New” icon (using this icon, you can also create a task, for example), when adding an event, the configuration does not change: date, start/end of the event, color, location, notes, etc.

In our opinion, the prerogative of choosing a Jorte lies in its configuration. Some important settings are locked in the free version (including the ability to block apps and schedules). You can add various calendars, such as national holidays or weather calendars, to know the forecast for the day you view the calendar.


Jorte is a very good application that has several useful features. The only negative is the settings menu, which lacks intuitiveness. Plus, according to the words of Play Store users, there are some bugs in this application, although we have not encountered any.

Version: 1.8.39
Size: 12 MB
Compatibility: Android 4.0 or higher.

Business Calendar 2: the best functionality/intuitiveness ratio

For some people, Business Calendar was the best calendar app available, but times have changed. What makes the second part of this application deserve a place on our list?


When you launch this application, you have a choice between two types of designs: either you prefer classic colors or colors in lighter shades. We guess it doesn't really matter that much, but at least you have that choice.

The Business Calendar 2 interface is close to the classic formula, occupying the entire screen of the device. At the bottom of the application you will find a row of calendars, each colored in different colors. If you wish to remove one of them from your field of view, simply click on the colored tab. In our opinion, this feature can be useful if you use many calendars - otherwise you would have to use the menu to disable and re-enable one of them every two minutes. Above the calendar you can choose the number of days to be displayed on the main screen, which can also be quite practical.

In the top right corner you'll find the usual shortcuts: one that will take you back to the current day, a second that will allow you to create an event, and a third that will offer various options. At the top left you will find a menu icon in the form of three horizontal lines, with which you can access different views (year, month, week, day, calendar), tasks, options, birthdays and other elements.

In general, the calendar application for Android Business Calendar 2 is quite intuitive. If you want to access your calendar directly from your home screen, widgets are at your disposal.


Like the other apps on our list, Business Calendar 2 will display data pulled from your Google Calendar. In the future, you will be able to add events according to the standard scheme: date, start/end, location, description, reminder, frequency. That is, there is nothing special, although this application does its job well.

In addition, you will have access to various options: time, appearance, themes, reminders, language, etc. You can choose a theme for the application, configure notifications, vibration and other elements. If you're interested in access to weather forecasts, you won't be disappointed.


Business Calendar 2 is our favorite app on the list. Yes, it doesn't have the GPS capabilities of DigiCal, but for us it has the best combination of intuitiveness and functionality.

Version: 2.14.3
Size: 12.5 MB
Compatibility: Android 4.1 or higher.

Google Calendar

This calendar app for Android is undoubtedly the most popular in this category, and it’s clear why: Google itself had a hand in its creation. But is it better than other similar apps?


Google Calendar has a very simple interface in a vertical format: you will find all the events displayed in chronological order, one after the other, with small graphic inserts between the months. If you click on the month at the top of the screen, a fairly simple calendar will appear. The bottom half of the display will show an agenda window - meaning the main screen will be split in two, although you can customize everything to your liking.

Personally, we're not entirely sold on Google Calendar's minimalist look, but its simplicity is more than made up for in efficiency. In the top left corner of the display you'll find a menu icon that looks a bit like the one from DigiCal. With it, you can select the view according to your preference (scheduling, day, 3 days, week, month), perform a search, enable and disable reminders, anniversaries and holidays, as well as access options.


Would you be surprised if we told you that you can create events? To do this, you just need to click on the “+” icon in the bottom right corner of the screen, and you will have the opportunity to not only add events, but also set reminders and goals. Note that events are linked to your Gmail account and can be used for almost everything: reservations, appointments, etc. Reminders allow you to receive notifications so that you don't forget to do something, for example, go buy bread before the bakery closes. Goals mean what you want to achieve: it can be anything - running three times a week or playing an instrument.

If you use multiple calendars, then know that Google Calendar can easily accommodate different calendars. Another plus: the so-called artificial intelligence from Google for the entered text. For example, imagine that you have a tennis match next Saturday. You simply create an event and enter the letters "Te" and Google should suggest "tennis" as the first option.


For those people who often use Gmail to sync with their calendar, Google Calendar is almost certainly a great option. As for the appearance of this application, in our opinion it is a matter of personal taste, and only you can say whether you like it or not. If you are not a Google fan, then Google Calendar is not for you.

Version: 5.5.4–123319114
Size: 21.2 MB
Compatibility: Android 4.2 or higher

No matter which app you use, the main thing is that it suits your needs. We hope that the apps we reviewed will help you make the right choice.