The whole truth about mobile communications issue 4. The harm of mobile phones. Myths and reality. Living near base stations is dangerous

As a matter of fact, mobile communications and the unlimited megaphone tariff 500 appeared not so long ago, but this period managed to undergo such rapid development that one can only be amazed. But it’s true that only science fiction writers could previously describe such a situation as today, that everyone will have a small intercom with many different additional functions.
And now even the smallest kids can do an excellent job with the phone, which is like a toy for them, and even people of the most advanced age are not averse to chatting on their mobile phones.
We seem to know everything about mobile communications, but there are still interesting facts that not everyone knows and which many people generally don’t think about.

Some people are convinced that cellular and mobile communications are different things. In fact, this is not so. Cellular communication is one of the mobile communication options that is available within the coverage area of ​​the cellular network. Therefore, these concepts can be called synonyms. Every mobile operator has gold numbers. Such golden numbers in Kazan are prestigious and convenient. The service for such numbers is absolutely no different from regular ones; you can connect to any tariff.

Ever wondered where this character limit for SMS came from - only 160 characters? This limitation was invented by the inventor of SMS, Friedhelm Hilbrand. Sitting at his typewriter, he tried to figure out how many characters to limit a 128-bit message and came to the conclusion that a short note could fit on two lines, which is exactly 160 characters. Later it was supported by cellular operators, and the standard was adopted in 1986.

The world's first smartphone appeared 20 years after the appearance of the first mobile phone. This happened in 1993 and it was presented to the public at a conference in Florida. It weighed half a kilogram and in terms of functionality, of course, it was very ahead of the first phone.
By the way, an interesting fact about the power consumption of modern smartphones. It would seem that it only needs energy from recharging. However, when using a smartphone, the same energy is used as for base stations, servers, and Internet communications. It is estimated that the power consumption of a smartphone is higher than that of a refrigerator.

Mobile communications today are incredibly in demand, popular and widespread. I wonder if there are any places on the globe where there is no such connection. It turns out that they remained. There is no mobile connection on the Tuva Islands. Not long ago, this connection received official permission in North Korea. Previously, you could go to jail or even say goodbye to your life for using a mobile phone. Like this.


It is already difficult for us to imagine how for centuries people managed without such an ordinary thing as a cell phone. It’s so convenient to be in several places at the same time - that behind the “horror stories” about mobile phones, we are ready to see only someone’s way of making money on means of protection against electromagnetic fields (EMF). We, mobile and enlightened, have the right to choose. As well as the right to objective information about things that belong to us. The information is this: cellular communications have an impact on human health. And then just the facts, as agreed.

Research into the biological effects of the electromagnetic field in the USSR began in the 50s. The results of these studies made it possible for the first time in the world to develop hygienic standards for EMF. The maximum permissible levels (MALs) for the population established in these standards were several thousand times (!) lower than those subsequently introduced in the USA and European countries. Joint Soviet-American research from 1975 to 1985. confirmed the correctness of the concept of Soviet scientists. As a result, regulations in the United States were lowered.

Until 1997, no special studies of the biological effects of cell phone EMFs were carried out in Russia. The current GN 2.1.8./ “Temporary permissible levels (TPL) of exposure to electromagnetic radiation created by cellular radio communication systems” were developed only on the basis of general theoretical concepts, without conducting appropriate research work and even without analyzing the accumulated data foreign data at that time. Although, as is known, the specificity of the “cell phone-person” system is such that the person is in the near zone of the EMF. In such a situation, the interaction of EMF with the body occurs differently and special requirements are placed on measuring instruments.

In recent years, in connection with the widespread introduction of household electronic equipment (personal computers, radiotelephones, microwave ovens, etc.), in order to carry out preventive measures among the Russian population and develop protective equipment, research has been started using real conditions of contact of the population with these EMF sources. By 2000, WHO prepared the document “Electromagnetic fields and public health.

Precautionary policy." Precautionary policy is a risk management strategy that is applied in conditions of insufficient scientific knowledge of the problem and involves taking preventive measures to avoid possible harm, even if the likelihood of its occurrence is negligible. The current state of scientific knowledge about the problem does not allow us to predict all the consequences of EMF effects created by cellular communication elements. In this situation, according to WHO recommendations, it is advisable to adhere to a precautionary policy. A number of countries adhere to the precautionary concept regarding EMF of cell phones: Switzerland, Italy, Australia, Sweden, Israel, Great Britain, France, Hungary, etc.

In a cellular communication system, sources of EMF are handsets and base stations (BS). The principle of action of these EMF sources on humans is different. A distinctive feature of a cell phone as a source of EMF is its maximum proximity to the user’s head at a distance of 0-3 cm in uncontrolled conditions (i.e., the frequency and duration of exposure is controlled by the user himself). In this case, the brain, peripheral receptor zones of the vestibular and auditory analyzers, and the retina of the eye are exposed to EMF. People around the user are also exposed to cell phone EMFs.

The EMF of base stations is constantly generated and covers the entire coverage area of ​​cellular communications with an “electromagnetic blanket”. Base stations are located in places where people permanently reside, i.e. 24-hour chronic exposure of the population to low-intensity radiofrequency electromagnetic fields occurs, even if all sanitary rules and regulations were observed during their construction.

It has been established that the absorption of EMFs in body tissues is associated with the conversion of electromagnetic energy into thermal energy. But noticeable heating of tissue is possible only at sufficiently high EMF voltages - more than 10 mW/cm2. At a relatively low level of EMF, it is customary to talk about information impact. The concept of informational influence means the formation of a biological response due to the energy of the organism itself; external influence only gives an impetus for the development of the reaction.

Standards governing human exposure to radio frequencies emitted by mobile phones use a concept called SAR, a unit of measurement for the specific absorption of radiation by the human body. Based on scientific research, international organizations have prepared detailed recommendations regarding the maximum SAR value for mobile phones. SAR is measured in watts per kilogram (W/kg). For different countries, the maximum SAR value ranges from 1.6 to 2 W/kg. The SAR value is the maximum radiated power for which the phone is certified. In practice, the actual SAR level may be much lower because, once a connection is made, the mobile phone operates at the minimum power level required to obtain good call quality. SanPiN standards cannot be converted into SAR units by simple calculations. In order to determine the compliance of a new cell phone model with Russian standards, it is necessary to carry out laboratory measurements. Experts note that Russian requirements actually set more stringent limits on the power of cell phone transmitters than recommended by World Health Organization standards. However, according to WHO, such an increase in standards does not have any scientific basis.

The cellular communication system operates in the frequency range 450-1800 MHz using various types of modulation. The intensity of EMF radiation varies greatly depending on the phone model. The biological effect of EMF is formed depending on:
technical characteristics of the phone;
mode and duration of exposure (frequency and duration of telephone conversations);
the initial state of the target (age, gender, health status, individual sensitivity, etc.);
distribution of energy in biological tissues (type of tissue, depth of penetration, etc.).
Thus, the development of the body’s immediate reaction is influenced by a whole group of factors.

Research into the effects of EMF on brain function, memory, and attention is of increased interest; combined effect of EMF and various carcinogens (factors causing malignant degeneration of cells); influence of radiofrequency EMF on pacemakers.
To date, there is no reliable evidence that cell phones are responsible for causing cancer. But there is a direct relationship between the duration of conversations and the frequency of complaints of headaches, dizziness, nausea, neurological disorders, a feeling of warmth near the ear, and fatigue. A significant increase in reaction time (by 0.5-1 sec) and various sleep disturbances were detected. A direct effect on the sexual sphere of men and women has not yet been proven, but it is obvious that the above reactions have an indirect effect on the functioning of the whole organism. In addition, there is the problem of hypersensitivity to EMF. The levels of EMF that cause the body to react in hypersensitive people are significantly lower than those of normal people. Symptoms that most often occur in hypersensitive people: from the nervous system - fatigue, tension, sleep disturbance; skin manifestations (tingling, burning, rashes); aches and warmth in the body; burning in the eyes. And also, less general reactions that affect the ENT organs. The prevalence of hypersensitivity in the population is several people per million.
As part of the WHO precautionary strategy regarding cellular communications, the Russian Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection has developed a number of recommendations for the population. Among them: do not use cell phones for children and adolescents under 16 years of age, pregnant women, and persons suffering from neurological diseases. And also limit the duration of conversations to 3 minutes, maximize the period between two conversations (minimum 15 minutes), remove glasses with metal frames during a conversation, since the presence of such frames, which act as a secondary emitter, can lead to an increase in the intensity of the EMF incident on certain areas of the user's head, compared to the standard situation, and preferentially use cell phones with headsets and hands-free systems.

People who are permanently or temporarily located in areas adjacent to base stations should only not come close (0.5-1 m) to the BS transmitting antennas and not touch them with their hands. Carrying out other measures, such as installing a screening metal mesh on the windows, covering the premises with foil, etc., is unnecessary in this situation. But if the very sight of BS outside the window causes alarm, then you can always invite specialists who will measure the level of EMF in your apartment and give appropriate recommendations.

Maksimova O.A.
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences.
"Ecology of living space"

Do mobile communications facilities and equipment located on the roofs of our houses affect health? This is a question that city residents often ask when looking at the numerous base station antennas towering over the metropolis. In search of an answer, MegaFon experts dispelled the most common myths about cellular communications.

Myth No. 1. Base station radiation has a negative impact on health


The radiation power of the base station is only 20 W, while the same figure for a microwave oven is 750 W. All towers comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards, which are much higher in terms of requirements than, for example, in the USA or Scandinavian countries. It is important to know that the further away the communication object is, the more powerful the mobile phone radiation is to maintain the signal. Therefore, the construction of new base stations is much more useful than their absence.

In turn, the MegaFon company, in order to specifically enhance the quality of communication, offers premises owners to place a base station on their buildings on favorable terms. The lessor can be either an organization or an individual. The operator independently obtains all permits and interacts with supervisory authorities without involving the lessor.

Myth No. 2. 3G means slow mobile internet speeds


The emergence of this myth is associated with the introduction of new generation communications - 4G. However, the potential of the 3G network has not yet been exhausted. The maximum speeds of mobile 3G Internet in the MegaFon network, for example, in the Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions reach 20 Mbit/s, the average is 9-14 Mbit/s. This allows you to comfortably view news, send emails and watch movies online.

Users can improve Internet speed on their own; to do this, they need to: update the firmware, change the SIM card approximately every 2 years, install an antivirus, close applications and periodically reboot the phone.

Myth No. 4. Outside the city, mobile communications are unstable


It is important for the operator that the client stays connected not only at home, but also when traveling around his region and country. Work on the development of the network is ongoing, and the number of “blank spots” tends to zero. According to the latest research data from Roskomnadzor, MegaFon has the best coverage of Russian main roads among mobile operators.

The roads are well covered: Chelyabinsk - Yekaterinburg (99%), Chelyabinsk - Ufa (98%), Chelyabinsk - Troitsk (100%), Chelyabinsk - Kurgan (98%), Kurgan - Tyumen (97%), Kurgan - Omsk (97% ).

For ten whole years, prices for mobile Internet and communications in Russia, throughout the country, have been gradually falling. This was the case until approximately 2015, when, due to circumstances unknown to many, the cost of voice services and Internet traffic began to rise. At first it was difficult to notice, since the price tags jumped only 5-10%, but now it is clear that minutes, megabytes and SMS messages have risen significantly in price.

There is a simple explanation for all this - the dollar exchange rate. Although the mobile operators MTS, MegaFon, Beeline and Tele2 operate in Russia, the cost of their services directly depends on the exchange rate. If the ruble is cheap on the world market, then prices will rise. For example, if the dollar suddenly rises in price to 120 rubles, then prices from Russian operators at first will be at the same level, but then they will start shaking out additional money from subscribers.

The whole secret is that Russian cellular operators need an infrastructure that allows them to provide subscribers with access to the Internet, voice services and SMS messages. Since all the equipment for these purposes is not produced in Russia, it is purchased, in most cases, for dollars. Accordingly, if the dollar exchange rate rises, then the purchase cost of equipment for data centers, base stations, highways and other elements of the global network increases.

Russian operators are striving to introduce the latest developments, for example, MegaFon and MTS for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The most advanced equipment today, which is produced by Qualcomm, Nokia, Intel and other companies, costs a lot of money, and it is purchased for dollars, not Russian rubles.

Hence it turns out that mobile Internet and communications are becoming more expensive in Russia, since their prices almost directly depend on the dollar exchange rate. It is obvious that the operators MTS, MegaFon, Beeline and Tele2 cannot stop developing their coverage area and introducing new standards, since the latest technologies in smartphones, tablets and other devices require the most modern equipment.

So, for example, this summer in one of the cities of Russia, which subscribers of the MegaFon operator can already use. Ultimately, subscribers have to pay for all these things, and if tomorrow the dollar suddenly rises in price to 100 rubles, then prices for all services of cellular operators will soon begin to rise. This is the bitter truth about why mobile Internet and communications are becoming more expensive in Russia.

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The very first “mobile phones” appeared in Sweden 20 years ago and immediately began to rapidly conquer the world. Every year the number of their happy owners has increased, and today it is impossible to imagine our life without a mobile phone. We communicate with friends, coo with loved ones, solve family and business problems, and sometimes the minutes count into hours. For many remote areas, a mobile phone is the only and only option for communication with the outside world.
However, few people think about how safe it is to use this super device.
Of course, a mobile phone helps us in all everyday affairs, but, like many other achievements of progress, it has a second side to the coin - a negative one.
Swedish neurosurgeon Leif Salford said: “The fact that people voluntarily irradiate their brains with microwaves from mobile phones can be considered the largest biological experiment on humans.”

Research results

Since the development of the first telephone until today, scientists have continued to argue about the harmful effects of mobile communications on human health. Many researchers claim that intensive use of a mobile phone significantly increases the risk of brain tumors, increases the likelihood of developing eczema and asthma, and destroys blood cells. These statements are not unfounded, since behind each such statement there is an experiment conducted on animals and humans.

Scotsman William Stewart conducted experiments with earthworms and obtained amazing results. It turns out that the worm's protein structure changed under the radiation from a mobile phone. Living tissue was simply fried, like meat in a microwave.
Similar experiments and studies were carried out in Russia, in particular, at the Institute of Biophysics in Moscow. Experiments were carried out on frogs, which were irradiated with high-frequency electromagnetic waves for 5-10 minutes. Even at the lowest exposure, every second frog died, and the heart rate of others decreased.
In the summer of 2003, after conducting experiments on rats, Swedish scientists announced that radiation from mobile phones can lead to irreversible consequences in the brain. The animals were exposed to mobile phones for two hours during the day. After 50 days, the rats' brains were examined under a microscope and numerous lesions were found. Dead neurons and irreversible damage to blood vessels were identified. As the radiation increased, the harm was even more serious.

The scientists’ conclusions are pessimistic: “Most likely, mobile phones affect the human brain in the same way, since its structure is similar to the structure of the rat brain. And as confirmation of our assumptions, today’s youth, who abuse cell phone conversations, will in the future face such terrible diseases as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases already at the age of 30.”

Finnish scientists conducted experiments with mobile phones on a living human brain. Their experiments clearly showed that mobile radiation negatively affects blood vessels, causing many harmful substances that can cause irreversible changes to enter the brain.
Opinions and statistics

What do the officials of our country think about this? Gennady Onishchenko, head of Rospotrebnadzor of Russia, does not deny: “There is an alarm, and it is justified, since radiation from the use of mobile phones carries a certain degree of harmful effects.” Gennady Onishchenko confirmed that there is information about cancer occurring as a result of exposure to mobile radiation. However, he clarified that the degree of harm of a mobile phone depends on its frequency characteristics and noted that in Russia sanitary standards for mobile communications are much stricter than Western ones.
As an example, here are some interesting statistics.
Russian scientists report that all people react to mobile radiation differently. For example, 15% do not notice it at all, 70% turn on a defense mechanism that reduces negative consequences. The last 15% of users are very sensitive to mobile radiation. After just a short conversation, their fatigue increases sharply, sleep is disturbed, itching and burning on the skin, headaches, and sudden changes in pressure appear. Here it is, the payment for such a useful thing. And this is not counting the money paid for a newfangled toy.

And in conclusion, I will cite a simply shocking case that confirms the negative impact of the telephone on human health. It all happened in 2005 in the city of Sherman Oaks in California. A cell phone exploded in the pocket of a 10-year-old boy, almost causing him to burn alive. The boy received serious injuries, burns to his legs and groin area and was taken to the hospital, where he received first aid. And the reason was a gift from his own mother, a phone from the famous Motorola brand.

The market is developing so quickly that we cannot even afford to give up innovation, and cell phones have become firmly established in our lives. I even doubt that the real results of the research will be published or at least fully communicated to people, and I think that even with universal awareness, people will never give up their mobile phone. But even in this situation, we can offer some useful tips to minimize the harm from mobile communications.

Talk on your mobile phone for no more than 3 minutes per session, the interval between which should be at least 15 minutes.
- Try to use a headset.
- Try to isolate your mobile phone from your body and do not wear it instead of a pendant around your neck.
Scientific debates about the dangers of mobile communications may drag on for many years, and we will receive final results, as always, too late.