Cable or digital television, which is better? Which is better to connect to television: review, description, features and reviews. Connection price

Nowadays, in the era of the ubiquitous Internet, it is no longer so important for us to have a television receiver at home to watch television. On the other hand, not everyone, and especially older people, are confident that the Internet and its capabilities will finally take over everyday life. Some people are simply used to enjoying television in the traditional way.

One of the best options that we can choose to watch TV at home is cable TV(KTV).

The offer of cable TV operators is very useful because, together with Internet and telephony services, they create attractive “packages” of channels. Are you wondering whether you should use a CATV network operator? Below you will find information about what cable television is, how it functions and what advantages it has.

What is cable television

Cable television is a broadcasting method in which signals are transmitted over a wire route using coaxial or optical cable. It allows you to transmit several multimedia data (signals) over one cable at once. various types, for example, TV channels (audio and video), radio channels (audio), broadband Internet access or landline telephony services.

In the simplest solution, such a system boils down to installing an antenna post, from which, after appropriate amplification, several dozen TV channels are transmitted to subscribers via cable.

All subscribers of the same network receive cable TV using the same signal. However, cable companies offer a choice of program packages at different prices. Technically this is possible through the use of various types of band filters. Therefore, if the subscriber paid only for the opportunity to receive basic programs, then an approximate diagram may look like this: the box in the house receives the “full” signal sent by the CATV provider. In the box where it is located, a low-pass filter is installed, which passes only a low-frequency signal to the subscriber, which allows you to watch only channels broadcast at these frequencies.

The services of cable operators may vary in additions. As a rule, customers who receive something useful on top of the subscription fee are more willing to for a long time remain subscribers of a specific provider. Among such additions it is worth highlighting online TV, a set-top box with a recorder, Multiroom and VOD (video on demand).

What are the main pros and cons of cable television?

Compared to analog television, satellite platforms, IPTV operators and other media service providers, cable television has an undeniable advantage - during thunderstorms, strong winds and other adverse weather conditions, its signal will remain uninterrupted. But when deciding to purchase a dish or use a digital platform, you should not exclude the possibility of damage to the antenna, since it is located outside and exposed to atmospheric conditions, as well as damage to the decoding set-top box.

An undoubted advantage is that to watch CTV there is no need to buy any additional devices, we only pay for the service. Another plus is the fact that the local cable provider includes regional television in its offer, which it will not show you.

CTV will not be a good option for demanding people who strive for choice in everything. The number of channels, one way or another, is limited, while everything in the house must be prepared for laying the cable: holes are drilled in the walls, subscriber boxes, boxes, etc. are installed.

Television today is more than just watching TV shows. Interactivity, offline viewing, video on demand, intertwining content with the Internet - these are the technological challenges that every service provider faces today. Cable operators are expanding the range of their services more and more, trying to satisfy the needs of their most demanding customers. But it is worth noting that cable television is profit-oriented, so free use his services must be forgotten.

Possibility of connecting cable TV

Choosing cable TV for your home means concluding an agreement and connecting the receiver to the cable of any cable company that provides its services in your area of ​​residence.

Service offerings prepared by telecommunications networks typically include comprehensive service packages, including:

  • TV;
  • Internet access;
  • landline phone.

Anyone who does not want to use a television package with the Internet or telephony can sign a contract only for the supply of television services. Operators offer packages with different price ranges so that everyone can choose something suitable for their financial capabilities. The more expensive the package, the more channels are available, but this is not the only choice. Subscribers can also choose theme packages that will prioritize channels that best suit their interests to their receivers. The offers prepared by the operators also include channels in HD quality, which are characterized by high quality sound and image, and which will certainly please fans high resolution and clear sound.


If you don’t yet have satellite or digital TV at home and you are faced with a choice, then perhaps it’s time to make a decision. Although, of course, if possible, then simply install both.

What is better digital TV or satellite

What is better digital TV or satellite? First you need to know that both satellite and digital TV are based on a digital signal, and the difference is that in the first case the reception digital signal is carried out directly from the satellite, and in the second it comes from the relay center. Cable networks also uses a digital signal.

Satellite TV allows you to watch thousands of TV channels, while the quality and stability of the signal does not depend on your location. The TV signal is transmitted to a satellite, which relays it to end consumers in any part of the country or the globe. Satellites (there are several of them) “hang” in a certain position above the earth, which ensures constant coverage of a certain area with a high-quality signal.

Among the undoubted advantages of satellite television are: excellent video and sound quality, free from interference, and allows you to receive a signal far from large cities and communications. Significant disadvantages of satellite TV are the high cost and difficulty of installing and configuring the dish yourself.

Digital television can be said to use the old terrestrial analogue broadcasting network, but in the new DVB-T2 standard with SDTV quality with completely different equipment. Let me remind you that at the beginning of the introduction of digital TV it was planned to broadcast in the DVB-T standard and only then it was decided to introduce the DVB-T2 standard, since it has better characteristics.

Among the advantages of digital broadcasting are: excellent quality, the presence of stereo sound, the ability to broadcast several digital channels. And most importantly, to switch to “digital” it is enough to purchase an inexpensive digital or TV with support this standard, since the antenna generally does not need to be changed.

While in Russia there is a broadcast containing 10 television channels, but already in 2014 the broadcasting of ““ will begin, which will double the number of channels, which will be good competition for satellite.

The number of satellite channels we watch is 6 - 7, so the huge number of channels that satellite TV offers is simply not needed, it would be better if there were 20, but our favorites should be among them. So if digital TV offers such an opportunity, then there will be no price for it.

The general disadvantages of digital TV and satellite include:

  1. Dependence on weather conditions;
  2. And the worst thing is that the formula works: 1 receiver - 1 TV (that is, the second TV will show the same as the first).

The table shows the pros and cons of these methods of receiving television, and also adds analogue and cable TV for comparison, so I hope you can also see which television is better, digital or satellite.

pros Minuses
Analog Wide availability and distribution, free broadcasting, no need to change anything. Outdated technologies, low image quality, low noise immunity, limited number of channels.
Digital High quality image and sound, high noise immunity, possibility of placement large quantity channels on the same frequency, additional services, low price of equipment. Inability to receive outside the range of transmitters, pixelation of the picture as the signal quality deteriorates.
Cable Improved image and sound quality compared to an analog signal, increased noise immunity, a large number of channels, additional services. Dependency on the operator, inaccessibility to remote urban areas and in rural areas, installation price.
Satellite Excellent picture and sound quality, a huge number of channels from all over the world, additional services. The need to call installation specialists, the high cost of equipment, the high price of paid channels, image disintegration does not matter in bad weather conditions.


Which TV is better, digital or satellite, is up to you to decide. Here a lot depends on the region where you live and the area and your preferences.

There is no point in changing satellite TV to digital (if you have it), at least for 2-3 years until multiplexes 2 and 3 are put into operation. If you are still on analog, then such a transition to “digital” will give you a significant improvement.

Reviews for digital TV are not so clear and there are many both positive and negative. This is due primarily to the delay in the promised launch of packages of the first and especially the second multiplexes, as well as the quality of the offered set-top boxes in stores () and their technical support manufacturers (firmware). I dare to suggest that over time there will be fewer and fewer such complaints.

1 Comment on Analog, digital, cable, satellite? 11 Comments on Analog, digital, cable, satellite?

  1. Stanislav
  2. Karina
  3. Victor
  4. Yuri

What's happened digital television and why is it a modern television broadcasting format? It's all about reliable signal transmission from the source to the end viewer. Due to the encryption of the signal, its quality is not lost, so only digital TV is capable of transmitting an HD signal.

Main types of digital television

  • Essential. The signal is received by the TV antenna and decoded using digital set-top box(tuner or receiver). The main advantage is the availability of free channels, so this type Digital TV is the least expensive.
  • Cable. The signal is transmitted by wire and, unlike terrestrial TV, is available only in areas covered by cable television operators. There are no free channels. In addition to the digital set-top box, you may need equipment to read the access card.
  • Satellite. The most expensive type of digital TV. To view channels, you need a receiving parabolic antenna (satellite dish), a digital receiver and, as a rule, an access card. The main advantage is the ability to receive a large number of international channels in any area, even where there is no reliable terrestrial TV signal. Significant inconveniences include the need to constantly reconfigure the digital receiver due to changes in channel frequencies.
  • IPTV (Internet TV). Provides a virtually unlimited selection of high definition channels. A prerequisite for comfortable viewing without freezes and interruptions is the presence of high-speed Internet.

Questions often arise regarding the differences between certain broadcast formats. Let's look at the most common of them.

What is the difference between digital television and cable television?

This is an incorrect question, because... signal type and transmission method cannot be compared. Digital television transmits the signal in a special form, while cable television transmits the signal via cable (hence the name). Therefore, it is impossible to say whether cable or digital television is better.

Digital TV can only be compared with analogue, and cable TV can only be compared with broadcasting that uses other signal transmission methods.

What is the difference between digital television and satellite television?

The question is incorrect in meaning. Satellite television it is called so only because of the way the signal is transmitted. It can be compared with cable or IPTV, but not with digital. Therefore, discussing which is better, satellite or digital television, is like comparing sweets and greens.

Do you know how modern cable television differs from the old, analog, “from the 90s”? Is it really possible to transmit hundreds of channels via cable? How does the signal get to your apartment? “City News” and cable TV operator “Interra” answer these and other questions. They also tell you why cable TV in Revda can (and should) be cheap.

Alexey Tikhonov, network installer, cable technician. He has been working at Interra since 2009. Photo // Ksenia Kakshina,

What exactly is “digital cable television”?

Cable TV became ubiquitous in the 90s. Operators worked on networks built on coaxial copper cable, which ran sequentially from house to house. Accordingly, the signal went in analog mode, from house to house, without encryption. And through the copper endings it got to the subscribers’ TVs. All this had a bad effect on quality, which extremely irritated subscribers.

Modern cable television is built on digital transmission data. Yes, just like any digital TV. The signal is delivered to homes using digital encryption. Each house is equipped with equipment that decrypts the signal and delivers it to subscribers’ apartments.

To put it very simply, digital cable TV is one in which both sound and picture are encrypted in binary code. This allows you to maintain the quality in its original form. It does not change during encryption and decryption.

Does it happen that cable TV stops working?

You will not be able to watch cable TV in only two cases: if the electricity at home is turned off and your TV stops working. Or - if you owe subscription fee. All. Other causes, such as wind or rain, do not affect the equipment. And the picture quality too.

Probably you can’t transmit many channels?

Can. Digitally encrypted cable TV can have an infinite number of channels. Many are attracted by the promise of transmitting, for example, 1000 channels. But let's be honest: how many of these thousands will you watch? As practice shows, most people constantly watch three to five channels that interest them. Thus, cable TV from Interra has 120 channels. Agree, this is more than enough.

How can I choose the channels I need?

Focusing on the interests of your family, of course. Have children? We need cartoons. Elderly? TV programs about health, series. Men? Sports, fishing, hunting. The right operator has a call center (you've probably received a call at least once asking how often you watch TV and what exactly). Based on subscriber requests, they compile a list of channels. With TV series and films, for example, or educational ones. But you, of course, get the entire available list - and decide for yourself what you will watch.

I live in a remote area of ​​Revda. Can I connect this TV?

Well, of course. Operators work throughout the city, including Kirzavod, new buildings and even concrete products. Some areas in the old part are also covered, check with call centers.

All clear. How to connect cable TV?

All you have to do is call and let us know what you want, that’s all. Or leave a request on the website. So, free phone Interra call center (and technical support center) - 8-800-77-000-10. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year round. Then specialists come to you and connect the cable. From call to connection - two days.

Well, it will probably take a long time to drill?

No, they will not do. In Revda, every house has a lot of wires from different operators. No qualified specialist will install an additional television cable into your apartment if you already have one. It will simply connect the operator cable to your wires in the apartment. And that's it, 120 channels are available for viewing. You don't even need to configure anything.

Wait, how, completely?

At all. This is normal practice for a digital operator: minimum costs are required from the subscriber. Pay for services by bank card on your operator’s website or in his office.

All clear. How much does it cost?

If you evaluate costs, a fair price is 100 rubles per month. This is exactly how much 120 cable TV channels from Interra cost. And if the operator supplies you not only with TV service, but also with Internet service, it will be even cheaper. Yes, in excellent quality. No interruptions. And two days after your application.

Paid publication.

There is perhaps no more strategically important location for an operator than the central headend (CHS). This is the core of the entire infrastructure that provides subscribers with Internet services, analogue and digital TV, telephony and other services. Here's how it happens (see diagram below).

The CGS is connected by fiber-optic communication lines to several local headends, which serve through their own optical nodes local networks. Each such station serves up to several thousand subscribers. The principle of constructing such a network is that the broadest and longest highways are built on fiber-optic cables, and in homes - on coaxial and copper cables. Hybrid optical-coaxial networks make it possible to deliver television programs in the meter (MV) and decimeter (UHF) ranges (in the 47...862 MHz band), and radio broadcast programs (in the 76...108 MHz band) to subscribers. In addition, other services are provided - paid analogue and digital television, video surveillance. The network can be denser with high-speed Internet data signals and telephony. Total digital streams can reach speeds from ten to hundreds of Gbit/s, which guarantees the transmission of digital television and radio programs in the highest quality.

The editor-in-chief of the Internet project “Be Mobile” managed to get into the sensitive facility of the telecom operator “” in Chelyabinsk and see with his own eyes how it works and works.

The choice of provider is not accidental. In the early 2000s, when the construction of telecommunications networks began in cities with a population of over a million, many providers believed that high speeds- up to 100 Mbit/s - will not be in demand and have relied on ADSL technology, which provides speeds of a maximum of 24 Mbit/s. An exception to this trend was, which began to deploy in neighboring Perm one of the country’s first networks using fiber-to-the-home technology. The professional community subjected the project to severe criticism, and just a few years later “optics” became a recognized standard in the industry.

Chelyabinsk Central City Hospital is located in the central part of the city. It was launched in 2006, when entered the market of the Southern Urals and began building its own optical network. In addition to the CGS, there are a couple of reserve stations, geographically remote from the main one. They are needed in case of unforeseen situations in which the work of the CGS will be impossible. But more on that below.

On one of the last floors of the high-rise I am met by Egor Romanov, director of technical services of the branch in Chelyabinsk and Yuri Sitnikov, head of the head station department and information technologies. They will serve as tour guides. Let's go inside!

Access to the equipment room is via combination lock. Attention is immediately drawn to the numerous cabinets with equipment. According to my calculations, there are about 15 of them. Some are completely filled with equipment, some are half empty. Equipment in cabinets: receivers, modulators, etc.

Electricity is supplied from two independent power sources. If one is disabled, the other works. Both are disabled - batteries are being used. If the batteries are discharged, the stationary generator is switched on.

The battery packs are installed in a separate room. In the event of a power outage, they will ensure uninterrupted operation of the station in offline mode. At the current level of consumption, the batteries will last more than 8 hours.

For the correct functioning of the equipment, round-the-clock air conditioning is necessary. Several air conditioners operate at the CGS. If they are turned off, the hardware room will function for at least 24 hours, which will not affect the quality of services in any way. It is worth noting that external air conditioning units are located on different sides of the building (mainly eastern and southern). This is done in order to use one group of air conditioners during the day and evening, and another at night and in the morning.

The control room has a fire alarm, a fire extinguishing system, heat sensors, a central video surveillance system and... a tambourine with the launch dates of networks in different cities. Here he is in the photo.

Our CGS provides communication between stations in 3 cities: Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk and Kurgan. If one of them fails, the Chelyabinsk Central Civil Service is ready to take on the burden of servicing all subscribers. The total installed network capacity in 3 cities is 600 thousand households, says Egor Romanov. - Chelyabinsk is one of the central nodes in the network, which extends from Eastern Siberia to the southern and northwestern cities of Russia. The CGS has a direct optical connection with other headend stations of the company. The closest of them are in Ufa and Tyumen.

The network provides so-called N+1 reservation. The communication lines are built according to a ring topology, that is, the CGS spreads out in rings throughout all areas of the city to ensure the possibility of redundant inclusion of mini-head stations. Mini-head stations, of which there are several per district, are switched on by two “arms”. The stations have rechargeable batteries and the ability to connect an external generator if necessary. This is important as power outages occur in the city. It turns out that the network does not depend on optical cable breaks and power outages.

If any breakdown occurs on the equipment in the network, a signal about this is automatically sent to the unified monitoring center located in Perm, as well as to authorized employees of the Chelyabinsk branch, including the team responsible for this section of the network. In 99% of cases, when a client whose Internet is not working calls technical support, the provider’s technical specialists already solve their problem. The department that services the CGS has a team of nine people. operates in 56 cities, and in each of them the company built its own network from scratch. All of them have now been brought to the same standards. According to them throughput within the network core is 10 Gbit/s, to the building - 1 Gbit/s, at the subscriber access level - up to 100 Mbit/s. The company has also adopted a unified PTS (technical service indicator) - the maximum time a subscriber has no services. With a standard of 15 minutes, the actual figure is less. For example, in Chelyabinsk it is 10 minutes. networks were designed and built “with a reserve”, which, even after years, allows the company to meet the ever-growing needs of users. For example, over the past three years, the volume of traffic consumed by one subscriber has doubled, to 90 GB per month. According to the service, the average Internet access speed for the provider's users is about 35 Mbit/s, which is 1.5 times higher than the all-Russian indicators (22 Mbit/s in Russia).

Access speed is largely a matter of network connectivity, explains Yuri Sitnikov.- We are developing it through our own backbone network and peering. We have direct connections with all major federal and local operators. But do not forget that the speed of the Internet connection depends not only on the provider, but also on many factors. Among them: the workload of the server on which the site you need is hosted, working background programs, correct installation Wi-Fi router and others.

According to Egor Romanov, the company is considering a decision to find a new site for the CGS:

The move can be carried out in short time and without loss of service for the subscriber. Thanks to the reservation scheme used, the move will not affect the quality of services in any way. It is important for us to choose a convenient site based on internal requirements for safety, energy supply, air conditioning, etc.

After a tour of the control room, we go up to the roof of the high-rise, where antennas are installed that receive a TV signal from a satellite. On the roof we are greeted by 8 Supral dishes receiving signals from satellites. Each dish is about two meters in diameter, so it receives a signal in any weather. In addition to satellite, reception is carried out from local studios using the proflex system, and some channels are received via IP. The received signal - both analog and digital - is then transmitted to the network.

Currently, broadcasts 67 analogue TV channels and 159 digital ones, including 50 in HD quality. As a reserve, in case there is no signal, over-the-air television antennas are installed on the roof.

Here you can also see a webcam, the signal from which is broadcast to the information channel when the weather forecast is shown. Now it’s time to remember that before our excursion, 25 cm of snow fell overnight.

This is how the excursion to the head station “” turned out. I hope it was useful and that you have at least a little better understanding of what is behind the Internet and cable TV that many of us use every day.