How to decrypt a password under asterisks. Opening passwords under asterisks, reviewing programs. Password under asterisks in the Comodo Dragon browser

No matter how perfect human memory is, there are and will be errors that are expressed in one way or another in our lives and in the use of a computer in particular. You've probably had to puzzle over what kind of password is hidden behind the asterisks? As always, some light nonsense, but which safely flew out of my head! In such cases, having a string of asterisks and a program, we can see the hidden text...

Program Password Cracker shows password instead of asterisks

Thanks to the efforts of the developers, a utility was created that helps you see the text of the password instead of the notorious asterisks.

This program has a number positive aspects: small size of the utility, free distribution, no installation required and available in Russian! The program is easy to use and has an intuitive interface:

  • Field "Test" - checking the operation of the decryption algorithm
  • “Password” field – displays the found password
  • Help button - operating information
  • "About" button - product information
  • Functional button “Enable” - activating the utility
  • “Settings” button—change utility parameters

How can I see the password instead of asterisks?

There are no difficulties in application, a number simple actions will help you start using:

  1. After launching the utility, move the mouse cursor over the line of stars
  2. After which the decrypted text will appear in the corresponding field of the program, or directly in the window of the restored application
  3. Most likely, the utility will try to restore text in all elements of the application window, regardless of the presence of hidden text.
  4. To see the password hidden in the browser Internet Explorer, you should activate the password entry window, after which it will be displayed in the program.
  5. With approximately the same actions you can restore hidden password!

Instead of an afterword

It is worth noting for users who decide to try the utility on their computer, some antiviruses detect Password Cracker as malicious code. Therefore, it is possible that your antivirus may block access to the system DLL file, causing the program to become inoperable. Such problems with antivirus software arise due to possible threats of attackers using the utility to gain access.

Greetings, dear readers of the site! In today's lesson we will look at how to find out the password under asterisks in various situations and using several programs. This question may arise for absolutely every PC user. The simplest situation is when your username and password are saved in the browser, but you have forgotten it. The situations may be different, and we will not consider them today.

How to view a hidden password?

Google Chrome.

So, open the site we need and find a field with a login and password. Sometimes you need to click “Login” for the desired window to appear.

When we press the window in front of us right click mouse in an empty part of the screen and select “View element code”, as in the picture below:

Now at the bottom of the screen a special window opens in front of us. panel in which we will look for our password.

First, call up the search menu using Ctrl+F or press F12. In the menu, enter the word “password” on the keyboard. We look for the value next to the word “type”:

Now we look at our password, rewrite it, remember it and rejoice!

To see the password under the asterisks in Mozilla Firefox First you need to right-click and select “Examine Element”:

In other browsers, everything is done by analogy. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. I will be glad to answer them!

We use programs.

You do not have to use the programs described in this article, but, nevertheless, a proven one is better.

Asterisk Key (452 ​​KB)

So, when you download and install the program (this will not be difficult for you), run it and open it next to the browser, which will have a window with your login and password. Click “Recovery” and a password appears in front of you closer to the middle of the window.

Password Cracker (43 Kb)

Using the following program you can easily view the password for an Ftp connection in file managers, such as Total Commander.

Again, after installing the program, run it and open the Total Commander program next to Password Cracker and open the Ftp connection window. In the settings you can set the Russian language for your convenience.

I also heard about other programs of a similar nature: Multi Password Recovery, PassView, PWDShow and PasswordsPro. But, since I consider even the tested utilities not particularly necessary, I think this should be enough.

Browser settings.

This method, like the first one, is not complicated and does not require the installation of additional software.

It consists in the following. Go to your browser Google Chrome and open settings:

The next step is to click “Show advanced settings” at the very bottom of the page:

In the window that opens, select the site you need and click “Show” opposite it. This is how you will find out your password under the asterisks:

In the Mozilla Firefox browser, you need to click on the Firefox menu icon → Preferences → Preferences:

In the window that appears, in the “Protection” tab, click on the “Saved Passwords” item:

Then select the site you are interested in and click “Show passwords”:

This video will make you smile:

That's all for today! In this article, we looked in detail at how to find out the password under asterisks. We've gone through several methods, so now you just have to choose a method that's convenient for you.

If you have any questions or difficulties, I will be glad to answer your questions in the comments.

All the best to you and see you soon!

Today, the average computer user has to memorize almost a dozen of the most different passwords. This is usually associated with the Internet. When accessing through a browser with the remember option enabled, the password is saved, but is still displayed as dots or asterisks when logging in. But the user may forget it. Let's look at how to see the password in Odnoklassniki instead of dots or in any other popular service based on browser settings. After reading the proposed material, everyone will be able to view the desired combination in time and write it down so as not to forget or lose it in the future.

How to see the password instead of dots: Yandex and other browsers

In principle, for the most part, the task at hand comes down to ensuring that the password is displayed in a normal form in Internet browsers. And it doesn’t matter that the user is solving the problem of how to see the password instead of the “VKontakte” dots, on “Facebook” or some other site. It all comes down to the browser settings, because access to social networks and in general access to the Internet is carried out exclusively with their help.

First, let's look at the most effective way. The problem of how to see the password instead of dots is solved quite simply. When the authorization window appears, in which, as a rule, the password is indicated in the bottom line, you first need to right-click on it to call up the context menu and select from it the item to view the element code (in the Mozilla browser this is “Element Research”, in Internet Explorer - “ Examination").

In the editor window that appears, you need to scroll through the code and find the combination type=”password”. Double-click on the word “password” or select the editing command (Edit as HTML) from the right-click menu. Now, instead of the search word, “text” is entered into the line (within English quotes) and the F2 key is pressed to disable the editing mode. After the completed actions, the password will be displayed in its normal form in the authorization line.

How can I see the password instead of dots using browser settings?

As mentioned above, passwords are usually stored in the settings of the browsers themselves. Therefore, another simple technique for solving the problem of how to see the password instead of dots is to view these parameters.

In Google Chrome, you need to go to the settings menu to additional options, and in the passwords and forms section, select manage saved passwords. Opposite the site address and password with asterisks there is a “Show” button. By clicking on it, you will get the original view.

In the Mozilla Firefox browser, the question of how to see the password instead of dots is solved in a similar way. But for this purpose the protection section is used in the settings. After clicking on the saved passwords button in the new window, you should use the display button.

Viewing passwords using PasswordSpy

The operating principle of this utility is quite simple. Once launched, it scans all temporary browser files for saved passwords and produces a result indicating the name of the site or program to which it belongs.

True, the only drawback is that it only functions if temporary files were not cleared or deleted before it was launched. If the browser history, cache, cookies and temporary files have been deleted, you should not expect any results from the application.

Application for FTP clients

For FTP clients, a small utility called PwdCrack (full name Password Cracker) is suitable, which is absolutely free.

After starting the program, just press the power button and hover over the window in which the password is written in the form of asterisks. In this case, the password will appear in the form in which the user originally entered it.

Instead of a total

That, in fact, is all that can be said about how to view a password presented in the form of asterisks or dots. Of all that was presented above, the most simple method is to view the searched contents of the password in the browser settings, because not every user will view and edit HTML code, although, to be honest, there is nothing complicated in this option. The main thing is to find the right combination. And then, as they say, it’s a matter of technique. Well, you can find any number of programs for displaying passwords in normal form.

Without exception, all Internet browsers, for security reasons, visually hide passwords entered by the user in form fields under asterisks.

This is an additional guarantee that another person standing behind the user or next to him will not be able to see and subsequently use the password spied while entering for his own personal purposes.

Password managers built into browsers or browser add-ons such as LastPass Password Manager, Roboform help users generate and store in their databases difficult-to-remember and strong passwords to various sites, which then automatically insert them into form fields when authorizing on the sites.

You can easily see what letters, numbers and symbols your saved passwords consist of in the settings Firefox browsers(“Protection” - “Saved Passwords”), Chrome (“Show advanced settings” - “Manage saved passwords”), as well as in various specialized add-ons. To do this, you only need to know the master password.

But, there is another way to view the password hidden by the Internet browser with asterisks on the user authorization pages in any services. I will tell you about this method in today’s instructions using an example. Mozilla browsers Firefox and Google Chrome when filling out authorization fields in Gmail and


In Mozilla Firefox.

Right-click (call up the context menu) in the password field and click on “”.

In the Inspector window that opens, look for the code for its input field and click on the type="password" parameter.

We change the parameter to type="text" and see that the password under the asterisks is no longer hidden.

By right-clicking in the field with the hidden password, call up the context menu and click on “View element code”.

We also look for the type = “password” parameter, change it to the type = “text” parameter, which will display the password hidden under the asterisks.

After the web page is reloaded, your password will again be the original one, hidden from prying eyes view ***********. Finally, a little advice!

If you entrust the storage of your logins and passwords to an Internet browser, for the purpose of subsequent quick authorization on sites, I strongly recommend setting up additional protection with a master password, since without it, anyone who has access to the computer and “stars” will be able to see your saved secret data They won't help you anymore :). Personally, I don’t worry about my passwords because I use an excellent browser add-on - !

Passwords have long been considered one of the most reliable means of protection and control. With the advent of the Internet in our lives, absolutely nothing has changed, rather, on the contrary - these secret combinations are now even more important than ever. On the one hand, it’s convenient to keep your data password-protected, but on the other hand, you have to keep not always obvious combinations in your head, and their number can be in the dozens. Therefore, there is absolutely nothing strange that passwords are forgotten.

Browser developers took care of the user so that he would find himself in such awkward situations as rarely as possible, and provided the ability to save the password in the browser. But, for the sake of confidentiality, appearance They are encrypted with dots or asterisks, but sometimes you still need to see the meaning. That is why today we will talk about how to see the password instead of dots.

Let's say the input line is in the browser, and our secret combination is stored in it. There are many examples of this. For example, the question often arises: how to see the password in Odnoklassniki instead of dots? Regular user Such a problem is perplexing, because it would seem that nothing is simpler, but it cannot be solved. However, everything is quite simple, and this does not require complex knowledge and skills at all - anyone can do it.

Regardless of which browser you prefer to use, the scheme is the same everywhere. For this:

  1. Let's move on to the form that contains our secret code encrypted with asterisks;
  2. Right-click on this field and select:
    • For Google Chrome – “View element code”;
    • For Mozilla – “Examine element”;
    • For Internet Explorer – “Check element”;
  3. Next, a panel with the HTML code of the page will appear at the bottom of our browser window, and the line we need will be highlighted in blue;
  4. Then right-click on it and select “Edit as HTML” in the menu that appears;
  5. A text field will open in which we will need to find the structure type=”password” and replace “password” with “text” so that it turns out type=”text”;
  6. After finishing editing, press F2 - the editing mode will turn off and you will be able to see the hidden password.

Completely without any third-party programs or special knowledge, we answered the question of how to see the password in the browser instead of dots.

Saved Account Manager

All popular browsers record user data with which he logs in to various services. Through this function you can also find out a forgotten combination.
For example, in Google Chrome, to do this, you need to go to “Settings”, then scroll down the page and click “Show advanced settings”, and then select “Manage saved passwords”. An additional window will open in which you can select which service you need to find out the password for.

A similar feature is provided in Mozilla Firefox. You need to go to “Settings”, “Protection” tab and click on the “Saved Passwords” button. An additional window will appear in which you can view the combinations you are interested in.

Universal utility

Everything is clear with the browser. But how can you see the password in instead of dots? third party programs on the computer? Perfect for this special utility called PWDCrack. It is absolutely free and distributed by the developer.
The principle of its operation is outrageously simple - click on the “Enable” button, hover over the password field, and it will be displayed in the PWDCrack program. The software does NOT steal passwords and has been tested by millions of users.

What about smartphones?

If you need to know how to see a password instead of dots on iOS, then we have to disappoint you - this function is not directly provided to the user. The most real and in a simple way, as in the case of a computer, there will be a first - through source. Unfortunately, built-in browsers do not allow you to view it, so for iOS for these purposes it is recommended to download the Source Browser application from the AppStore, and for Android - the VT View Source browser.

That's all. We will be happy to answer any questions in the comments!