How to install 1C Enterprise server 8.3. Creating an infobase on a SQL server

Installation of the technology platform and application solution on local computer or laptop is simple and straightforward. To do this, you need to purchase a licensed version of one of the configurations, which includes installation disk With step by step masters installation of the platform and the user program itself.

Installing the technology platform and configuration on a local disk

Since not a single 1C application solution can work without its own engine - the platform - installation on a local computer is divided into two fundamental steps:

Step-by-step guide on how to install 1C, in more detail described in the documentation included with each licensed version standard or industry configuration. Following his instructions exactly will allow you to complete the installation yourself and without difficulty.

Installing 1C:Enterprise server on MSSQL

To understand what is described below, two concepts need to be clarified:

  • client - Personal Computer or software, a network unit that generates requests to the server in order to receive or process any data;
  • server – powerful computer with significant production capabilities or software that generates responses to customer requests.

Client-server architecture involves the interaction of a client application with an information database server through a special application - the 1C: Enterprise server.

Installing MSSQL on a server machine is described in many manuals with possible variability depending on the SQL version and the server version operating system. In general, you can install 1C on a server by following the step-by-step steps:

  1. On your existing distribution, you must run the setup.exe installation file (to continue, you will need the Microsoft.NET Framework and operating system Windows installer Installer):
  2. Several options available further development events: initial installation, modification already installed components, updating or searching for them. At this stage the program checks compliance minimum requirements MSSQL to operating system:
  3. You must enter the product key you received upon purchase licensed program. After carefully and thoughtfully reading the license agreement for English language You must indicate your consent by checking the box:

    The transition to the next step is carried out by clicking the Next button.

  4. When you click the Install button, you are offered many settings, the checkboxes of which can be checked as needed: you can select everything (Select All) or only the most necessary (DatabaseEngineServices, ClientToolsConnectivity, ManagementToolBasic with the inclusion of subordinate components):
  5. It is recommended to leave the settings in the subsequent steps as default; click the Next button:
  6. Directories are selected for storing user data (SQL 1C database), logs, temporary files and files Reserve copy information databases (backups).
  7. The next step adds the current user, who will have system administrator rights (the “Add Current User” button):
  8. The settings on subsequent pages remain default unless the situation requires otherwise. When you click the Install button, the installation process itself starts: the color line shows the dynamics of the procedure being performed. After the installation is successfully completed, a corresponding message will be displayed and all that remains is to close the installer by clicking the Close button.

If installing a server part with so many settings seems quite complicated, then you should contact or system administrator local network.

Installing the 1C:Enterprise technology platform on a server

Installing the platform configuration required for operation, in fact, is not much different from the usual one, with the only exception that at a certain step you need to select the installation of the components: “1C:Enterprise Server” and “1C:Enterprise Server Administration”:

On subsequent pages of the installer, you must select the default interface language, select an existing one, or create a new user for identification when starting the service. Connection security is guaranteed by entering a password and confirming it.

When you click on the “Install” button, the process of installing the 1C:Enterprise technology platform on the server will start:

In the future, you will be asked to install a protection driver if you purchase a delivery with a hardware key or activate software license. If the 1C:Enterprise 8 technology platform is successfully installed, a system message will be issued.

Creating an infobase on a SQL server

Creating a new one in the launch window information base is no different from creating a database on a local computer right up to the moment of choosing its location. For the server you need to select:

Next, you should fill in all the necessary fields for setting up the information base parameters: name of the database and its name in the server cluster, IP of the 1C:Enterprise server cluster and database server, type of database management system (DBMS), etc.:

Proceeding through the following steps with the default settings left, the final action will be to create a SQL infobase on the server.

Installing the client program

To enable users to work with the SQL information database, it is necessary to connect it correctly on client stations. The sequence of such connection:

If the settings for creating an infobase on the 1C:Enterprise server have been correctly specified and the 1C client configuration has been completed correctly, when you start the program from the client workstation, a connection to the server machine will be made.

MS installation theme SQL Server usually avoided. Indeed, it is difficult not to install this DBMS, even doing it for the first time, and it is equally difficult not to launch 1C:Enterprise Server in conjunction with it. However, there are a number of non-obvious subtleties that can significantly poison the life of an administrator, which we will talk about today.

MS SQL Server ranks first in the number of implementations in conjunction with 1C:Enterprise, this is largely due to the low barrier to entry; a person without experience is quite capable of mastering this combination, purely using the Next - Next - Finish method. And, what’s most interesting, all this will work. Let's say more, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the default SQL server settings are more than enough to ensure productive operation of the 1C: Enterprise server and touching them is not only unnecessary, but even harmful.

First of all, you should remember about the system base tempdb, which is actively used by 1C for storing temporary tables and intermediate results. Moreover, it is used immediately by all 1C databases running on the server. And since by default it is located in the SQL server installation folder, i.e. on system disk, then with increasing load it is tempdb becomes a bottleneck for the entire server. Very often this leads to situations: you bought a fast HDD / SSD, there are enough disk resources, but 1C is slow, which can cause serious difficulties for novice administrators.

Second point. Comparison encoding tempdb must match the encoding of the comparison of information bases, otherwise this may in some cases lead to unexpected results, even serious errors in calculations.

At the same time, these difficulties are not at all difficult to avoid; you just need to spend a couple of extra minutes during installation or carefully review the settings of an already installed server.

Installing MS SQL Server to work with 1C:Enterprise

As we have already said, installing a SQL server is extremely simple, and we will not describe this process in detail, focusing only on the necessary settings. Let's start with the selection of components, since 1C does not use most of the SQL server mechanisms and if you are not going to use them for other purposes, then we leave only Database Engine,Client Facilities Communications And Controls(optional).

Management tools do not need to be installed on the server, but can be installed separately on workplace administrator and manage all available MS SQL servers from there.

You should also check the sorting parameters; if your regional settings are configured correctly, then most likely you won’t have to change anything there, but check this parameter preferably there should be Cyrillic_General_CI_AS.

IN Server configurations please indicate Mixed mode authentication and set the password to the SQL superuser - sa. Also indicate below the administrators of this SQL server instance; by default, there is already an account under which the installation was performed, but if you administer this copy other users must also, then it makes sense to indicate them right away.

Next bookmark - Data directories- requires the closest attention. Be sure to specify the storage location for user databases and database tempdb space on a performance array or a separate disk. Although the location of the database can be specified when creating it, the task correct settings by default saves you from unnecessary work, as well as from the situation when the database is created using 1C tools and ends up in the default directory, i.e. on the system disk. You can also immediately specify the directory for storing backups.

You can leave the remaining settings as default and complete the installation.

Setting up MS SQL Server to work with 1C:Enterprise

If you are dealing with an already installed SQL Server instance, make sure that the comparison encoding Cyrillic_General_CI_AS, otherwise the data should be downloaded using 1C tools, and the server should be reinstalled (or another instance should be installed if this one is used by other services).

To do this, open Management Studio, select the required SQL server instance and click on it right click mouse go to Properties.

Then go to the bookmark Memory and indicate the amount of RAM available to the SQL server, otherwise the SQL server will try to recycle all available memory. In a situation where the roles of the SQL server are combined with other roles, and in small and medium-sized implementations it is usually located on the same machine with the 1C server, you should subtract from the total amount of memory needed by the system and the 1C server, giving SQL what remains.

It is difficult to give unambiguous recommendations here; it all depends on the volume of data being processed; in practice, it makes sense to allocate half of the free memory to the SQL server, subsequently adjusting this value based on its actual load.

The next setting will be related to security. To connect 1C to the server, the account is most often used sa, which, to put it mildly, is unsafe, as it gives the person who enters under it full access to the SQL server. Considering that the administration of 1C databases is often carried out by third-party specialists, it makes sense to create a separate account for them.

To do this, open Security - Logins and create a new name (account), specify authentication SQL server and set a password.

Then go to the bookmark Server roles and allow dbcreator, processadmin And public.

Then use this account to connect to the SQL server from 1C.

Another setting applies to already created databases, open the properties of the desired database and go to the tab Files. Find the option Auto-grow/maximum size for the data file. By default, it is 1 MB, which is very non-optimal; when actively working with the database, the DBMS will only be concerned with increasing the file size; in addition, when several databases are actively working, this will lead to significant fragmentation of the data file. Therefore, based on the size of the database and work activity, set a higher value that will not lead to a constant increase in the database file.

Transferring the tempdb database

To conclude our article, let us again turn to the database tempdb, there are often situations when the file of this database needs to be moved to another location. For example, the server was installed with default settings and tempdb located on the system partition, or you purchased an SSD and want to transfer not only the databases there, but also tempdb(which is the correct solution). Also under heavy load tempdb It is recommended to put it on a separate disk.

To change the file location tempdb open Management Studio, select Create a request and in the window that opens, enter the following text, where E:\NEW_FOLDER- new location for the base:

Use master
alter database tempdb
modify file(
name = tempdev,
filename = N"E:\NEW_FOLDER\tempdb.mdf")

alter database tempdb
modify file(
name = templog,
filename = N"E:\NEW_FOLDER\templog.ldf")

Then click Execute, after executing the request, restart the SQL server, database and log files tempdb will be created in a new location, files in the old location must be deleted manually.

We will end here today, finally reminding you not to forget about maintaining the bases and backups.

Beta Menu

Setting up Server 1C:Enterprise 8.3 and PostgreSQL 9.4.2-1.1C. Full instructions

In this manual we will tell (and show) how to set up a connection 1C:Enterprise 8.3 And PostgreSQL 9.4.2 from the moment of installation of both services, right up to the creation of the information base. You can read about tuning this combination in.

The stages we have to go through:

  1. Installation Servers 1C:Enterprise(64-bit) for Windows
  2. Installation PostgreSQL 9.4.2-1.1C
  3. Creation of an Information Database.

More details under the cut!

Stage 0. Input data.

Server name - 1CServer
Name account servers - Administrator
Account password - 123456Ab

1C account name on the server - USR1CV8
1C account password on the server - 123456Cd

PostgreSQL account name on the server - postgres
The password for the PostgreSQL account on the server is 123456Ef

PostgreSQL superuser name - postgres
PostgreSQL superuser password - 1234

Test Database Name − testdb

Stage 1. Installation Servers 1C:Enterprise(64-bit) for Windows

Stage 2. Install PostgreSQL and pgAdmin.

Stage 3. Creation of a 1C information base.

  1. Before performing the following operations, disable IPv6 on your network interface: Network and Sharing Center shared access > LAN connection > Properties> Uncheck Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6).
  2. We launch the client 1C:Enterprise and add a new database.
  3. Creating a new infobase > Creating an infobase without configuration (for example, you can have any configuration) > On the 1C:Enterprise server >
  4. We fill in all the fields in accordance with our example (Stage 0):
    Server cluster 1C:Enterprise: 1CServer
    Name of the infobase in the cluster: testbd
    Secure connection: Turned off
    DBMS type: PostgreSQL
    Database server: 1CServer
    Database name: testbd
    Database user: postgres
    User password: 1234
  5. Further, further. We launch the created database in enterprise mode - everything works!

We remind you once again that PostgreSQL can be overclocked quite well. Details in.
And don't forget about 1C!
If there are any problems with the database, perhaps this will help you.
1C databases are possible!

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Detailed instructions for installing the 1C platform on a server (server part of the 1C platform aka 1C server).

Installation of 1C server

Welcome window for installing the 1C server, click “Next”.

After this, a page for selecting installation parameters for the 1C server will appear. You need to select the 1C:Enterprise Server item.

If you plan to use a thin client, then when installing the 1C server you need to BEFORE installing 1C a web server was installed (IIS / Apache) and then when installing the 1C server, additionally check the “Web server extension modules” checkbox.

On this 1C server installation tab, you need to select (do not touch the already selected) main language.

Server 1C can be installed as a “program” and as a “service”.

In the first case, when loading the 1C server, a window with the program will pop up, in the second, the service runs in the background. It’s better to install it as a service.

You also need to clarify under which user the 1C server (service or program) will be launched. You can select an existing one or create a “standard 1C user”. It’s better to create a user and set a password for it.

Click Install 1C server.

The actual installation of the 1C server.

The last stage of installing the 1C server is installing the security driver for the user key. It needs to be installed on any machine, and not just on the one where the key was inserted.

If this is a reinstallation of the 1C platform, then this step can be skipped. If you are installing some kind of “unusual” 1C, then at this point follow the installation instructions for its features.

You can download a newer key driver from its manufacturer’s website:

1C license manager

If you install 1C on a machine into which a user key is inserted, which will be used by many users on the network, then you additionally need to install a license manager.

The license manager is supplied with the 1C distribution, but it can also be downloaded from its manufacturer’s website.

This article contains information about the 1C installation procedure in the client-server version.

Installation of the 1C platform is described in our other article - “1C Administration”, in the “1C Installation” section. Installing on a server is almost exactly the same as installing on a local computer, with only one difference. In the server version, when selecting components to install, you must select “1C:Enterprise Server” and “1C:Enterprise Server Administration”.

Install 1C on client computers from which connections to the server will be made.

Installation on client computers is no different from the method described earlier in the article “1C Administration”.

Create an infobase in SQL.

Creating an information base in SQL is also very similar to creating a database in the file version. The difference is that at the stage of selecting the information base location type, you must select “On the 1C:Enterprise server”.

In the “Server cluster” item, specify the name (or better yet, the IP address) of the server on which you installed SQL.

In the “Infobase name” section, specify any name you want to give to the database.

DBMS type – SQL.

The database user and his password are the same superuser mentioned above during the installation of MS SQL.

Leave the date offset as default.

It is necessary to check the “Create a database if it does not exist” option and click “Next”.

Now the database has been successfully created on the SQL server and added to the list of available databases. Below in the picture you can see the result of the work done.

It is worth noting that the created database is still empty. This is a framework, a place allocated in SQL for your information base. In order to load your database into this framework, you need to use the Upload/Load information base tools. The Upload/Download procedure is also described in our other article “1C Administration”.

In order to bring the system to an ideal state in the future, it will be necessary to configure a “maintenance plan” for the created database. A maintenance plan is a set of procedures that SQL will perform regularly on a given schedule. For example, it will regularly make backups and delete temporary files. Working with SQL is beyond the scope of this article and will be described in one of the following.