How to find out about the write-off of the MTS subscription fee in your personal account. How to find out the last five actions on mts Write off money on mts

Modern mobile communication is provided on a paid basis, for each tariff plan and the service has a fixed price. There are situations when the amount from the balance is not spent according to plan, for unknown purposes. It will be unpleasant to hear a warning about the deplorable state of accounts. There can be quite a few reasons why money evaporates. In order not to get into such a situation, it is necessary to periodically check and find out why they withdraw money from MTS.

Personal account and application "My MTS"

If you have been using one package of services for more than a month and your balance has suddenly become zero, you should understand and look for the reason. The answer may be hidden in an additional paid option that was activated without your consent, or the user simply forgot that he had previously connected them.

A personal account has been implemented for all consumers of the company. Registration is required to access the service. To do this, you need to enter your phone number. After that, a notification will be sent to it, which contains a code combination of numbers. Type them in the initialization form, and you will find yourself in the main menu of your personal account. On this page you will see the current state of your balance. To check why money is being withdrawn from an MTS phone, follow the instructions:

Attention! The use of the service and inquiries about expenses are free of charge.

You can perform the same list of actions in the MTS mobile utility. First, install it on your device. You can find it in any official software store and software for a specific operating system. When you start, you only need to enter your number cell phone, further authorization will occur automatically. You can analyze the cost of all connected options and your expenses. To do this, click on the "account balance" icon, and then open the "Expense Control" tab. The display will show a chart showing all payments for the current month.

USSD command

To control expenses, there are the following combinations of USSD codes:

  1. *100# — standard code to check the status of the balance on the SIM card. After entering, you will receive a notification with the requested information.
  2. Service 111 is an excellent analogue of a personal account. Dial a simple sequence of characters *111# and you will find yourself in the settings menu. To see where the money is going, follow the recommendations that will appear on the display.
  3. Dial *152# and you will be in the expense control service. For detailing for a certain period, click on the corresponding button in the menu.
  4. *152*3# activates the "Balance under control" option, within which the user will receive daily notifications after each withdrawal Money from your mobile account. The application has a daily fee of 10 kopecks. /day. But you will always be aware of all transactions.
  5. *152*1# is a free feature that provides the subscriber with information about the last five balance changes over the past day. With its help, you will find out for what purposes your finances were spent.

Call to MTS operator

To find out why MTS is withdrawing money, simply contact the specialists at the short number 0890. After that, you will hear voice menu, the informant will offer you a series of specific actions. You can select them or wait for the operator's response and ask him where the funds went from your phone. It will provide you with all the information you need about the state of your balance, as well as all the latest payment transactions. The call to the MTS operator is free.

In MTS communication salons

MTS has a huge network of service salons throughout the country. If you decide to find out why the money was withdrawn from your personal account, visit one of these places, having previously looked at the location on the map. Ask the manager to find out and provide you with all detailed information about your last payments. Tell him a specific period or order the details of all transactions. To do this, you will need to provide your passport. A specialist will advise you on all available options, tariff plans and promotions. Help you solve the problem of large bills and provide a solution to save them.

Disabling unnecessary options

If you find that finances are draining from your balance, try turning off useless paid services and subscriptions. Specify in advance using the methods indicated earlier in the article which options you do not need. To deactivate, use one of the following methods:

The peculiarity of unnecessary options is that they can connect without the permission of the owner of the SIM card and withdraw money from your balance daily. Usually they can be recognized by SMS mailing in the form of advertisements.

Balance protection

The user can activate a number of services that will filter out useless applications and control all changes to the mobile account. Let's consider them in more detail:

Attention! The cost corresponds only to the Moscow region

Precautionary measures

In order not to get into an unpleasant situation and not lose your finances for incomprehensible services, observe the following precautions:

  1. Try not to make calls to unknown short and fixed numbers. In almost all cases, you will have to pay for them. After all, they are not included in the terms of package tariff plans.
  2. Do not enter your personal data and cell phone number on various sites on the Internet. Some resources can be used by scammers and hackers for their own purposes.
  3. There are often pranks and quizzes on TV. Do not try to send an SMS with a response or call the specified contact, you are more likely to lose than win.
  4. If your phone received a message about winning or winning a promotion, and you are asked to call back or transfer money. Do not open such letters. These are the methods used by scammers in search of easy money.
  5. Do not purchase equipment and a SIM card on the street from unlicensed sellers. After each replenishment, some of these funds can go into the pocket of criminals. Therefore, it is necessary to cooperate only with official distributors.
  6. When you activate a certain option or tariff plan, carefully study all the conditions under the asterisk. Usually, operators like to write hidden additions in small print at the end of the contract. A vivid example, the service is provided free of charge only for a certain period of use, in the future a fixed fee is assigned for it. Sign contracts only after full familiarization.

Finding out why money is being withdrawn from MTS is very simple. In order not to lose all your finances, just check the characteristics of your SIM card periodically.

You can often meet people who complain that money is missing from their phone account.

MTS clients are no exception. This write-off can occur for a variety of reasons. To be aware of all expenses on the balance sheet, you will need to know the methods of verification, account detailing.

And information on how to find out why MTS money was withdrawn is presented in the material.

  1. Initially, you just need to understand for yourself how much money should be in the account, and also be sure that the withdrawal of funds does not occur for the use of options or other services. In order to check the consumption, for example, use the help of the MTS operator. To call him, you need to call 0890. After connecting with the operator, he should explain the reason for the call, and he will help solve it, or rather provide information on the tariff and paid options. In addition, the worker help desk will be able to give any advice and can provide information on where the funds have gone lately.
  2. Also, subscribers can use the Internet to quickly obtain information. To do this, you need to use an assistant in online mode, you can find it in personal account on the company's website. True, to enter, you must register and receive a password to enter. To get a login and password, send a request * 111 * 25 # . MTS also has a number that customers can call and get login information. It's free and looks like 1115 . If you follow the instructions correctly, mobile device login information will be sent.
  3. You can view information about the services that are connected to the tariff and for which funds can be debited in your personal account. To do this, press the key with the assistant. Then go to the section with tariffs and options, and in it find the control point and go through it. A window with a list of those options that are active on the phone should appear on the monitor screen. In addition, subscribers may not even be aware of some, in connection with which they can be easily deactivated in the same section. This method can significantly reduce costs, and in the future, a similar method can control the balance.
  4. If the question arises where the money went, then you need to remember about possible active paid subscriptions that could have been issued a long time ago. It is possible that once registration was made on an Internet resource with a dubious reputation, where it was required to indicate mobile number. Sometimes similar methods scammers get access to someone else's balance, thus, the entire cash account on mobile phone may be removed. To identify such subscriptions, it is recommended to use your personal account again or dial an MTS operator, and then turn off dubious resources.
  5. Also, the company's subscribers can clarify who and for what withdraws funds from the balance directly in MTS branded stores. To do this, you should take your passport with you and ask the specialists to make the details and provide the necessary data.

Additional verification method

For comfortable use mobile services MTS has made the "Mobile Detailing" option. It allows subscribers to view data where funds from the account could go.

Using the service is very simple. To activate it, you need to dial the code * 152 # on your phone. After that, a menu will appear where you need to select the desired item for detailing, for example, paid and free actions.

This service from the company is really convenient, because you can always control the flow of money on the balance sheet. In addition, the company's subscribers can use another service, which allows them to stay up to date with money withdrawals. The service is called "Balance under control". The combination * 152 * 3 # is used to connect. The option is provided on a paid basis and is 10 kopecks per day. But for these pennies, the client will receive data on the cost of any conversation and on the general state of the account.

If you use the set * 152 * 1 #, then an SMS will be sent to the mobile device with data on the last 5 actions with the balance for the last couple of days. Thanks to this, you can find out when and for what money was withdrawn from the mobile phone balance.

Here, perhaps, are all the main methods of how you can find out where funds go from a mobile phone. It must be remembered that if it is not possible to find out the data on your own, then MTS employees who are in company stores or hotline operators will always help.

Almost everyone has faced a situation when it is necessary to make an important call, and a mechanical voice in the receiver indifferently reports a lack of funds. If you are sure that the account is not empty due to many hours of conversations, it is worthwhile to figure out why MTS subscribers can withdraw money. Let's talk about this in more detail.

How to find out why money was withdrawn from MTS

So, very often the subscriber account can be empty because some paid service was connected to the phone and the money could be debited without notice. Most entertainment services come with a subscription fee that will be charged weekly or even daily.

Mobile operators, and MTS is no exception, offer their additional services and entertainment quite intrusively. The process of activating such content is quite simple. Therefore, the subscriber may not immediately find out that he has a paid service connected. Why does unreasonable debiting of money occur? There are several options:

  1. Perhaps you are interested in any service, and you decided to try it out. It often happens that the operator provides new services in a test version, temporarily without a fee. It is very easy to forget about such subscriptions and not turn them off in a timely manner. But, unfortunately, even if the service is not used, the money will be withdrawn in due time upon connection of this service.
  2. A similar situation can occur when changing the tariff plan. After all, MTS has a range of tariffs that involve a monthly subscription fee. Do not immediately respond to SMS advertising a profitable offer. In order to avoid further troubles, it is necessary to carefully read the offer, find out if it provides for a service for which mandatory payments are required.

We often hear that MTS can withdraw money from a subscriber account without any reason. In practice, funds cannot be written off without justification. Probability of MTS billing error, completely automated system, tends to zero. And the operator simply does not have the opportunity to withdraw money arbitrarily. Therefore, if the client cannot understand why his subscriber account is empty, in the vast majority of cases it is the fault of the client himself, who is confused in the range of MTS offers.

How to get information about debiting money from an MTS account?

  1. Call a friend. The easiest option to find out what money is being debited for is to call the MTS subscriber service at 0890. An employee of the contact center is able to provide you with all the information on your account and fully advise on expenses. This information is confidential, it is provided exclusively to the owner of the number, in this regard, before starting a conversation, the subscriber must go through the identification procedure - give his passport data or a word code. If you want to see everything with your own eyes, then you should use another method.
  2. Personal Area. If you have Internet access, then accessing the MTS operator's website is not difficult at all. There you need to register and get a login and password for your "personal account", they are sent via SMS. A personal account will allow you to clearly understand which service is connected at the moment and its cost. It is worth analyzing your tariff plan and the list of connected services, which of them are necessary and which ones should be disabled to save money. The next thing to check is the availability of paid subscriptions. Morning horoscope, weather newsletter, beautiful melody instead of beeps - all this can significantly reduce your balance.
    Also, in your personal account, you can get a report on monthly expenses and details of calls. With a printer handy, you can print these files for clarity and see where the funds are going. This service does not require payment.
    If the write-off of funds was detected recently, you can use the service - see the last five actions. This can be done through the "personal account", as well as using the USSD command.
  3. Visit to the office. If you have a desire, then the first place to contact and get all this information is only during a personal conversation with an MTS employee. MTS offices or branded salons are located in almost every city.

Attention! When visiting an MTS service office or a company salon, an identification procedure is also carried out. Therefore, you must have documents confirming the identity of the subscriber with you.

How to disable unnecessary MTS options?

You can clarify information about the availability of paid services by dialing the subscriber service number - 0890. MTS has abolished the previously used options management service via USSD commands. Now this information can be clarified only with a call center specialist.

If, nevertheless, it turns out that you have an extra service for which a monthly (or daily) fee can be charged, you must immediately disable it. You can do this on the MTS website. Having passed authorization in the "personal account" you need to:

  • select "services"
  • check the options you don't need
  • with help certain commands, turn them off.

Note! When disabling certain services, you should be careful not to disable the service you really need at the same time.

USSD commands will help you disable unnecessary subscriptions. To do this, you need to dial the command on your phone - *152*2# . After that, you just need to follow the clarifying requests.

There is another way to disable unnecessary paid subscriptions is the USSD command *111*919# . This service is called “my subscriptions”.

Sometimes, but still, a situation occurs when all of the above actions did not lead to the desired result and the money on the mobile account continues to hide. In this case, the only way out is a personal visit to the MTS service office. The office specialists will help analyze the expenses, and, if necessary, issue a written claim. Based on the results of the consideration of which, it is possible to return the money.

A guarantee that an unnecessary paid service has been disabled is the absence of unscheduled charges from your subscriber account. To control this, we recommend checking your mobile balance every day. If the money stopped going nowhere, you did everything right.

Ways to protect your mobile balance

In order to similar problems bypassed you, and the money on the balance sheet was saved, you should follow a few fairly simple rules:

  1. Do not call or send any USSD requests to short numbers at all. Because for this almost always, with rare exceptions, you have to pay. This method guarantees the safety of funds on your account of your phone.
  2. Don't list your phone number on sites you're not sure about. Most of these sites are created by scammers in order to withdraw money from gullible users. Take care of your funds!
  3. Many entertainment channels do not conduct due diligence regarding all kinds of quiz shows. Therefore, we advise you to participate in them, especially if the questions are suspiciously simple, and in order to receive a prize, you are asked to send an SMS to a short number. This service is a 100% scam.
  4. Another common method used by scammers is to send messages about a big win (a car or a large sum of money). You should be alerted by the offer to receive a prize, despite the fact that you did not participate in any draws or lotteries. "Free cheese", as you know, happens only in a mousetrap. In no case do not answer such SMS, so the attackers steal money from the account.
  5. The same technique is often used on the Internet. Beware of dubious sites, do not call the indicated numbers, despite the indication that the call is free, there is a risk that a tidy sum will be debited from the account. And by sending a message to a short number, you will most likely become the “happy owner” of an expensive and unnecessary subscription.
  6. Before connecting a paid service from MTS, carefully read the payment procedure and the terms of this subscription. All information is contained on the official website of MTS. Sometimes a paid service is connected automatically as part of some additional service.

Check your mobile phone balance regularly. If you are interested in any MTS service, carefully read the conditions, the cost of any number of which can be checked on the MTS website by filling out a special form. Also on the official website of the operator published recommendations on security measures, including financial ones. Only your attention and common sense can guarantee the absence of unreasonable write-offs.

By connecting to the MTS operator, you can be sure that you will receive not only mobile communication for every day, Internet access, watching TV shows and movies. Today the operator from Big Three provides innovative services that make everyday life much easier.

Search for information of interest, buy fashionable new clothes, pay for travel by transport, and at the same time control the expenses made - for these simple operations, a mobile device is simply required.

Check the last 5 paid actions of MTS

It is necessary to quickly find out the last 5 paid actions on MTS if a loss of funds from a telephone account is detected. The service offers an easy way that does not require the presence of the Internet or a visit to the office of the telecom operator.

The necessary information can be collected using a mobile phone. The information received about the details will facilitate the situation that has arisen, it will show a list of events made by phone over the past 2 days, and the resulting write-offs.

View list of events

The USSD command of an additional service from a mobile phone will help to deal with the leakage of funds.

To view you need:

  • dial a combination *152#call key on a mobile device;
  • wait until the USSD request is completed;
  • select the first item "Cost of the last 5 actions";
  • click the "Submit" button;
  • you will receive a notification “The application has been sent, please wait…”;
  • confirm it with the "OK" button.

After that, a report will come that shows a list of 5 paid transactions.

Here you can see data on completed conversations, sent messages, spent traffic, i.e. check all recent expenses from your phone. If during these two days there were no outgoing calls, no messages were sent - this will be shown on the screen. In this case, the verification of expenses will be delayed, it will be necessary to order the details of transactions for the month.

Additional command option

Another way to get information about debiting money is to use the direct command *152*1# call button. If, when using this combination, you select the second item "Infotainment subscriptions", a message will come up about the connected services.

With the help of the received SMS, you can find out which are easy to turn off if necessary.

The cost of obtaining information

The service for checking completed actions is not charged. The additional service is free of charge for subscribers of the operator, when roaming is connected, a convenient combination *152# is available all over the world.

Sometimes abroad, the calculation for the services provided is not done in real time, so the response message about the money spent will not have up-to-date information on the requested date.

Get information about expenses for today

Every day, the operator's divisions work on the implementation and launch of innovative projects, taking care of customers. All MTS subscribers, regardless of the place where they are located, can use communication services without extra costs.

An additional financial control command has appeared in the service of the Big Three operator. You can get information about the write-offs of the current day directly to your phone for free. To do this, call 0890 and ask for a statement of expenses to be sent to your number, then you will receive an SMS with a history of spent funds.

You can quickly find out information about expenses for today in MTS at any time. The add-on service offers an easy way that does not require an internet connection. The necessary information can be obtained using a mobile phone. The information received will show a list of events made by phone during the past hours of the current day and the resulting write-offs.

How to view the list of events?

The team of additional service from a mobile phone will help to deal with the leakage of funds. This is done simply.

  • dial the combination *152# call key;
  • wait until the request is completed;
  • select the item "Expenses for today";
  • click the "Submit" button;
  • when you receive a notification that the application has been sent, confirm the waiting with the "OK" button;
  • get a report that shows a list grouped by views.

What will the submitted report show?

The received notification will show the cost of calls, messages and spent Internet, the report will include the fee for connected services if the charges have passed at this time.

Cost information is collected and grouped according to services:

  • calls to each number are summarized in a separate line, the total duration of calls and one amount are shown;
  • SMS are also grouped by numbers;
  • Internet traffic is grouped by network type, the number of Mb and the price are shown;
  • information and entertainment services are displayed without a write-off time.

Application features

The message with expenses for today is formed from the actions that have passed since the beginning of the current day until the time of the request. Therefore, it is more rational to check money at the end of the day, when conversations are over, SMS are sent, movies are watched.

The service for monitoring completed actions is not charged. The additional service works free of charge for MTS customers throughout the operator's coverage area, the USS combination *152# is available worldwide.

During your stay abroad, the calculation of the services rendered may be delayed, and therefore the information on the funds spent may not be up to date.

To get data on recent paid activities, you need to:

  • Dial USSD request *152# and call button. Then, in the window that opens, click on the first section - COST OF THE LAST FIVE ACTIONS.
  • After this request, you will almost immediately receive a notification from the subscriber service (111).
  • It details the last 5 transactions you paid for in the last 48 hours.

In the absence of outgoing calls, messages, traffic usage and other actions for which funds are debited from the account, an empty notification will be received. It means that you did not make any paid transactions.

To view your expenses, you need to dial the USSD request *152*1#. This will give you access to information about the set of additional paid options and subscriptions on your tariff plan. This USSD query shows only 5 recent paid subscriptions or services.

If you need to request information for an extended period of time (1.3 or 6 months), request a printout of the details of the actions taken at the MTS representative office. It is provided both free of charge and for a fee. It all depends on the length of the time period.

MTS service "5 recent actions” has another name - “Expenses for today”. It involves sending a request by the subscriber and receiving information:

  • recipients of outgoing calls of the subscriber;
  • what time the outgoing calls were made;
  • the cost of the last operations of the owner of the number.

The details will indicate operations: in addition to outgoing calls, paid SMS and MMS messages, roaming calls that involve debiting funds.

With the help of the service, you can easily find out where the funds from your account were spent or what operations were performed on the phone without your knowledge. The notification received is an extract, like a drill down.

The service can be used an unlimited number of times, and it does not affect your tariff. Regardless of the number, all requested mini-statements will be free for the MTS subscriber.

However, if you are a supporter of mobile communication and the list of daily calls is long, the notification will not show you all the requested information. It will only show the last 5 calls. Therefore, it is impossible to know about every amount spent on mobile communications.

How to find out the last 5 paid MTS actions in roaming

When a subscriber is in roaming, he may be unpleasantly surprised to be charged. This happens if his tariff plan does not include roaming options. If they are available, communication abroad is cheaper, and if not, you will pay extra for all incoming calls.

To check the last 5 actions on MTS in roaming, press the combination *152*1#.

Being in roaming causes a long delay in SMS notifications. This caused the irrelevance of the information received, since before receiving it you could have made other paid operations. Keep this in mind when requesting details.

You can go the other way by becoming a user of the MTS personal account. It is easy to work in it and does not cost the subscriber a penny. Action algorithm:

  1. Go to the MTS website and log in to your Personal Account. In a special window, enter the phone number.
  2. To create a password, click GET PASSWORD VIA SMS. Enter the code from the picture and click GET PASSWORD.
  3. You will see a message that the password has been sent to your phone. Enter it after the phone number and find yourself on the start page.
  4. In your personal account, click on the ACCOUNT pointer. You will be able to view the statement of paid transactions.

Alternative ways to check write-offs on MTS

If for some reason it is impossible to send a request about the account status, you can get this information by calling the Call Center at 0890. Wait for the operator's response and ask for a statement of the last 5 paid transactions on your number. At your request, the specialist will send an SMS with detailed information on the account.

You can also come to the nearest branch of the MTS company and contact the employees with the same request. You will be offered an alternative: receive an SMS detailing 5 recently completed paid transactions or a printout of the same information.

Detailing over a long period

For each subscriber cellular communication it is important to target and competently spend money in the account. Indeed, in the absence of control, you can get into an unpleasant situation when there is not enough money to make an important call. Sometimes long-forgotten subscriptions continue to absorb several rubles daily, and the result is an impressive figure. Therefore, it can be a good habit to get a detailed MTS report, which reflects the balance over a long period of time.

A monthly account statement is provided to the owner of the number from the beginning of the month until the date of ordering the document. It contains data on the replenishment of the account, the cost of each call, multimedia messages and SMS, the use of Internet traffic with the date, time and price of each operation. Such a report can be received 1 time per day.

4 ways to request information on a subscriber account

1 - Users can follow these steps to find out the history of paid transactions:

  • dial a combination of characters *152*2#;
  • press the call button;
  • view information about all your subscriptions and expenses for them in the window that opens.

If your interests have changed and you change your mind about leaving a subscription or you got it in an unknown way, you can simply disable it by clicking the UNsubscribe button.

2 - On your own personal page by registering on the main MTS website - After entering your personal account, you need to click on the section MY ACCOUNT and CONTROL EXPENSES.

This data is provided to the subscriber free of charge. Through your IP mobile subscriber accesses information about his account and subscriptions.

This method should be used if you need to find out the details of paid services and debiting money for six months. Information comes at the request of the subscriber to email or on the screen in your account.

3 - Using mobile application"My MTS". The company has released an easy-to-use application with the same clear name especially for “their own”. It works on Android platform, Windows and iPhone and allows the user to find out online how much money and minutes are left, whether the possibilities of the Internet have been exhausted.

With such mobile support, it is really possible to receive an extract on paid transactions to your e-mail upon request. You can instantly activate the service in it, including roaming before the trip, or refuse it. It will not cause difficulties and finding out the details about your tariff, choosing the most profitable possible.

All operations in the My MTS application do not require any costs.

The advantages of using it are speed and ease. When you run it on your mobile phone, account data instantly appears. You can enter the application with a password or set up a fingerprint reader.

All data on your account is available without additional requests. At startup, you can find out information about the account, bonuses, remaining minutes, Internet traffic, SMS.

Here you can quickly replenish your account and manage paid services, as well as contact support.

The application "My MTS" can be downloaded for free in the Apple Store ( iPhone owners), Google Play(Android mobile) or Windows Store.

Starting its installation, select a resource suitable for the type of your gadget and write "My MTS" in the request. When it starts, the number will be determined immediately, and there is no need for a password.

4 - With the assistance of the employees of the communication salon. By presenting your passport and writing an application, you can for 70 rubles. order a printout of account information.

You can also arrange for this document to be delivered to your home by courier or government postal service. Of course this convenient way not free.

It is very easy, using the combination *152*3#, to become the owner paid service"Balance under control". The subscriber who connected it receives from MTS comprehensive information about his balance. Price - 0.1 p. in a day.