How to turn on the proximity sensor in your smartphone. Calibrate the proximity sensor on Xiaomi. Proximity sensor in a smartphone how to set up

Often users mobile devices faced with the fact that during a call the screen lock does not work, preventing involuntary pressing on the display. The problem in this case lies in the proximity sensor. There are several reasons for the incorrect operation of this element of the smartphone. Now we will figure out how to enable / disable the proximity sensor on Android, or configure it if necessary.

In this case, we are talking about a small contactless device that recognizes the approach of an object to the smartphone. As a result correct operation With this function, the display of the gadget will turn off automatically when you bring the phone to your ear. This will prevent accidental clicking. touch buttons during a conversation (for example, with the ear, finger or cheek).

In addition, the proximity sensor on Android can significantly save battery power, because when the screen is on while talking with another subscriber, the battery power is intensively consumed.

Enable or disable the proximity sensor on Android

As a rule, the sensor on the device is active by default. If in your case this is not the case, or this function was somehow disabled by accident, then it will not be difficult to enable it. This is done as follows: go to " Settings", find the section" System Applications", select the item" Telephone»:

Then press " Incoming calls"and move the slider to the active position in the line" Proximity sensor” (on some gadgets you will need to check the box):

Depending on the smartphone model, the activation of the sensor will look a little different, for example, by opening the dialing field immediately, we call the call settings menu or by pressing the " Settings”, or by pressing and holding the hardware options button. And after that, as it was written above, in " Incoming calls» turn on the sensor:

If the question is about how to turn off the proximity sensor, then, accordingly, we go the same way and deactivate the function (uncheck).

How to set up (calibrate) the proximity sensor

This element is located at the top of the smartphone, usually to the left or right of the front camera lens:

On some models of Android devices, it can be seen with the naked eye, while on others it is quite difficult to detect. If, during a call, remove the phone from your ear, and then bring your finger closer to the front camera, then the display that goes out after that will tell you the location of the sensor.

It is quite possible that the reason for the incorrect operation of the sensor was an elementary ingress of dust on it. In this case, you can restore the normal operation of the function simply by cleaning the device - turn off the smartphone and blow it with compressed air. Then you need to restart your gadget and check if the sensor has recovered.

If this manipulation did not bring the desired result, then you can resort to sensor calibration, which is performed in several ways.

With the help of the system

We open " Settings", select the item" Special abilities” (on some devices “ Screen”), find the line “ Proximity Sensor Calibration»:

Then, we follow the system prompts step by step, let's see the video more clearly:

Through the engineering menu

By using engineering menu you can check the correct operation of the sensor, and, if necessary, calibrate it.

To do this, enter the following character set in the dialing field: *#*#3646633#*#* Now open the tab Hardware Testing»(equipment testing) and press the button « sensor”, choose “ Light/Proximity Sensor»(light/proximity sensor):

  • Choose " PS Data Collection» (acquisition of proximity sensor data);
  • In the next window select " Get One Data»;
  • After the appearance of the number 0 "Apply a palm to the proximity sensor on your smartphone and press again" Get One Data»;

If as a result we see a number 255 , then our sensor is functioning normally.

For settings:

Choose " PS Calibration", then " Calibration". After that, without closing the sensor, click on "Calculate min value". After the inscription " Calculate succeed"bring a sheet of paper to the sensor at a distance of 2-3 centimeters and click on" Calculate max value", after which we need to click" Do Calibration"and restart the smartphone:

Using third party software

If all previous ways did not help to normalize the operation of the sensor, then you can use the application "Proximity Sensor Reset" (for rooted devices).

Download and install the app from the Play Store. After starting, activate the big button " Calibrate Sensor". Now cover the proximity sensor with your hand and press " Next»:

Then you need to remove your hand and press again " Next", and then " Calibrate" And " Confirm". At the request of the system, we provide superuser rights (ROOT). After the performed actions, we are waiting for the completion of the reboot of the smartphone.

Now you know how to enable / disable / configure the proximity sensor on Android. However, if in your case the problem has not been resolved, then it is possible that you will need to calibrate the display or flash the smartphone. In addition, sometimes the sensor may not work correctly due to a hardware failure, then you cannot avoid contacting a service center for help.

In this article, I will tell you what the proximity sensor is in an Android phone, how it works, its features, and how to reset and calibrate. About everything in order.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 10/9/8/7: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Attention! You can ask your question to a specialist at the end of the article.

What is a proximity sensor in a phone?

The proximity sensor in a smartphone is a small part that reacts when the gadget approaches an object. With this sensor, while talking on the phone, the screen automatically turns off when the device is close to the ear.

This feature is very useful:

  • If the screen turns off during a conversation, this ensures that you do not accidentally press any button on the touch screen, for example, with your ear or cheek.
  • This sensor allows you to save phone battery. If the screen was on during a call, then the smartphone would be discharged very quickly, and this is inconvenient, especially for those who like to talk for hours.

The screenshot below shows where the proximity sensor is located on the Android device.

Often the motion sensor is located at the top of the phone - next to front camera. On some devices, the sensor window is clearly visible, while on others it is not visible to the naked eye.

To determine the location of this sensor on your phone, it is enough to move it away from your ear in the talk mode and close the area near the camera with your finger. When the screen goes blank, you have found a proximity sensor on the device.

Features of the proximity sensor

According to their technology, there are several types of sensors, the main ones are as follows:

  • Inductive.
  • Capacitive.

A feature of inductive sensors was the response only to metal objects, which is why they are not used in phone screens. Capacitive can detect almost all objects whose dielectric constant differs from air.

Here, together with the object, it forms a kind of spatial capacitor with a capacitance. The distance is determined through the change in capacitance.
In such sensors, the duration is short. The parameter depends on the zoom size. For touch screens smartphones do not need a long range - it needs to respond only during a conversation to the approach of the ear.

How do I turn on the proximity sensor on my phone?

In Android phones, the sensor is often turned on automatically. If initially it does not work for you or it was accidentally disabled, then you can enable it again:

  • We go to the "Challenges" of the gadget.
  • Go to the "Settings" of calls (long or regular press on the gadget functions button or on the touch screen the "Settings" button).
  • Click on the "Incoming Calls" section.
  • Move the switch or put a checkmark next to the "Proximity sensor" item.

Similarly, if necessary, you can turn off the sensor.

Advantages and disadvantages of recognition technology

The following advantages of the recognition sensor are distinguished:

  • High degree of sensitivity.
  • Enough large area detection.
  • Relative affordability in terms of cost, tk. sensors are produced from cheap components - films of oxides of tin, copper, printing ink, indium and an external wire sensor.
  • Design versatility.
  • Small size.
  • Possibility of functioning with different non-conductive coatings, for example, glasses of different thicknesses.
  • temperature stability.
  • High reliability and durability.

This method has certain disadvantages:

There may be some malfunctions in the functioning of the sensor. When the gadget is brought close to the ear, it may not work or turn on when there is an object far from the smartphone.

In this situation, you need to calibrate the proximity sensor. The safest and easiest way is to use free application"Proximity Sensor Reset", which is available in the Play Store.

After downloading and installing, you need to run the software and follow these steps:

  • Click on "Calibrate Sensor".
  • We close the sensor with our hand and select “Next” on the screen.
  • We remove the hand and click on "Next" again.
  • Now you should click on "Calibrate", then on "Confirm"
  • We give the program root rights (click "Allow").
  • We are waiting for the phone to reboot.
  • Check the functionality of the proximity sensor.

If these steps do not solve the problem, then you may need to calibrate the display or even flash the device. A hardware failure could also occur, i.e. you will need to replace the sensor itself in the gadget, which can be done by a specialist in a service center.

Modern smartphones use a huge number of sensors that are necessary for the correct operation of the device. One of them is called the proximity sensor. What is it for and how does it work? These questions are of interest to many users, now we will tell you everything.

Proximity sensor - part of the system that allows you to fix the presence of a foreign object within the visibility of the sensor, and which gives the necessary signal to the device. Didn't understand? Okay, let's make it easier. As a rule, at the top of the front panel of the smartphone there is a small window where the proximity sensor is located. It is small and hard to see with the naked eye. Here is where it is located in the Xiaomi smartphone:

As soon as you put the smartphone to your ear for a conversation, this sensor works and turns off the display. This is done so that the user cannot press the touch keys when talking to someone. Agree, the idea is simple and very cool. However, this functionality has another important advantage: as you know, the most important energy consumer of a modern smartphone is its screen. Turning off the display during a call can significantly save battery power.

Many smartphones are Android based allow you to turn off the proximity sensor if necessary - yes, sometimes such a need arises. We are talking about this, so we will quickly repeat. An example based on a Xiaomi smartphone.

Open the settings, go to the "System applications" section.

Here, tap on the line "Phone".

Find the "Proximity Sensor" item and turn the switch to the "Off" position. Or "On" - as needed.

It is a pity that such an opportunity is not available in all smartphones.

The proximity sensor or in English interpretation - Proximity Sensor - is responsible for a number of functions implemented in the HTC smartphone, and also affects the operation of some applications that use this sensor.

How can I tell if a sensor is not working or not functioning properly?

To do this, it is enough to observe when, in the mode of answering an incoming call, you put the phone to your ear - whether the screen goes out automatically or not. If not, then the proximity sensor is not working properly.

What to do in this case?

The causes of the problem may lie in incorrect work phone firmware (especially often this occurs when installing all kinds of unofficial (custom) firmware), but to fix it, it is not always necessary to update operating system Android. Often it is enough to calibrate only the Proximity Sensor itself. To do this, use the Sensor Box for Android application (to check the sensor), discussed earlier in the article, the backlight of the touch buttons does not work, as well as a special Proximity Recalibrator application (or its analogues) for its calibration.

How to test the proximity sensor

  1. We connect HTC smartphone to the Internet, go to Play market and download the Sensor Box for Android applications (how to install the application from the Play Market).
  2. We launch installed application and click on the button Proximity Sensor.
  3. We check the operation of the proximity sensor by removing and bringing the hand or any other opaque object closer to the phone display. If the sensor is working properly, then the distance to the palm will change on the screen. Usually this sensor has only two values: maximum (a few centimeters) and minimum (zero).

How to calibrate the proximity sensor

If the sensor is not working, you need to download and install an application to calibrate it, such as Proximity Recalibrator.

  1. Open the installed application.
  2. We follow the instructions on the screen (it can be in English, but the pictures that duplicate the description are usually intuitive). After each step, click Next(next).
  3. After completing the calibration, restart the smartphone.

*If the cause is not related to a physical malfunction of the proximity sensor, then after the above procedures, its operation, as a rule, is completely restored.