What is the key for auslogics driver updater program. Driver Updater activation key. Activation code and download

All of you know very well why you need this program.

Why do you need a Driver Updater?

Driver Updater is a product from Auslogics for solving driver problems. Over a period of time, you begin to notice that the computer starts to work differently from what it used to. Devices such as a printer, scanner, and other external devices may not work properly or not work at all.

This may be due to outdated or not found drivers in a particular device.

So what does Driver Updater offer? You can check your computer for outdated or missing drivers, generate a report and fix problems if any.

Why is a license key needed?

The program is paid and is quite expensive for the average Russian consumer. An annual license costs 995 rubles, and an unlimited license costs 1995 rubles. And this is with a discount of 40% (approximately).

List of license keys

  • B2925-600E7-24EAA-91494-E15A1
  • 129EC-05427-F4FA4-9E30A-915A4
  • 92919-0F9F7-B4FAF-93996-2B5AD
  • 52993-AC0B7-546AA-9DA17-045A0
  • F299C-08027-B48A4-957BD-BD5A8
  • 129AE-70267-044A3-9606F-6A5A0
  • 3294D-D1107-948AF-91593-BB5A6
  • A2965-59847-644A3-912D8-585AE
  • 59847-AJ343-295Ud-5812M-49T76
  • 949EV-35467-T4FA5-9E3RT-915AQ

What to do if the keys did not help

You can download Driver Updater with a built-in license. To do this, you need to download the following archive:

Installation instructions

Install the program (adusetup.exe), close it completely, and copy the “adu.exe” file from the “KEY” folder to the folder with installed program, and you must agree to a replacement.

Advanced Driver Updater 4.5 is a program designed to automatically update drivers in the operating Windows system.

Features and Interface

Scroll functionality The program boils down to three points:

  1. Scanning the OS for detection in it outdated versions drivers.
  2. Bringing drivers up to date.
  3. Create a backup already installed libraries, to recover in the event of a failure.
  4. Formation of the final report on the results of the update.

At your first request, ADU will make a list of drivers that need to be updated. It will present this list in a convenient form on a separate tab so that the user himself can decide whether to reinstall this or that driver or leave everything as it is (selective update option). The program has access to extensive collections of system software from all major hardware manufacturers.

Not only key devices are supported, such as video cards, sound and network adapters and storage devices. Fresh drivers are also being searched for more specific, including occasionally connected equipment: TV tuners, Blue-Ray drives, modems, routers, mobile phones and webcams and other gadgets.

ADU is safe to use because it saves copies of the current drivers before starting to uninstall them. The interface of the utility is accessible to everyone.

A window with several tabs opens in front of the user:

  1. "Status" contains information about the results of the previous scan.
  2. "Scanning Drivers" displays the search process and displays its results. Opposite each item in the resulting list there is an inscription, by clicking on which you can update the driver of this particular specific device.
  3. « Backup copy” and “Restore” are intended for performing the backup/restore operation.
  4. "Settings" contains several secondary parameters that are responsible for the operation of the program as a whole (for example, for autorun when Windows starts).

On our site you will find the most latest version programs of 2018 edition.

Advantages and disadvantages noted

We have already described some of the advantages of ADU - it is not overloaded with functionality (only what you need) and a friendly interface. Other advantages include a small, by today's standards, size of the distribution kit, high scanning performance and well-made Russification. We also point out the simplicity of the program installation procedure - it is carried out in a couple of mouse clicks. Among the shortcomings noticed - not the most high speed updates. The absence of a local database of drivers on the user's computer - an upgrade only via the Internet (however, this is the norm for software of this class).


Advanced Driver Updater can be recommended to a user inexperienced in the intricacies of working with the system with a normal throughput channel the Internet. With this tool, all problems with the update will be removed. Windows drivers arising unexpectedly and at the most inopportune time. An invaluable find for a gamer, stopped in their intentions by some not the most recent driver. We recommend downloading from our website.

It often happens that some driver from a certain hardware component of our computer simply cannot be found. It is not on the official website (or there is no official website itself), the tool for automatic installation drivers in Windows, and also do not cope with the task specialized programs. It is in such cases that Carambis Driver Updater comes to the rescue, which you can download for free at the very end of this page along with a license activation key for 2020. But before we do that, let's take a closer look at the program itself.

The list of features of the application that we are talking about today can be summarized as follows:

  • Automatic search and installation of missing or outdated drivers.
  • All software, available in the database, is checked for relevance, which excludes the installation of low-quality drivers.
  • The program database is constantly updated, as a result of which we receive only the latest software.
  • The app works great on any operating systems from Microsoft.
  • The program works according to a special algorithm, which, even at the time of installing the drivers, does not slow down the computer too much.
  • There is a help that makes it easy to deal with the toolkit of the utility.

Now that we have dealt with the capabilities of the program, let's look at another very important point, namely its strengths and weaknesses.

Speaking of positive and negative features Carambis Driver Updater, the following points can be highlighted.


  • The user interface is completely Russified.
  • The program is very easy to use and even a beginner can figure it out.
  • Pleased with excellent performance and minimum system requirements.
  • There are few settings here. There is only what you really need.
  • Our utility is not blocked by antivirus.


  • At the first start, we will definitely have to perform a manual scan.

As you can see, there are more advantages than disadvantages. Moreover, at the very bottom of this page you can download exactly the full licensed version a program that will not have any restrictions.

How to use

In order to start working with the Carambis Driver Updater application, do the following:

  1. Download and install our program using the button, which is located a little lower.
  2. We start scanning the computer. As a result of its course, all obsolete or missing drivers will be found and they will be automatically replaced.
  3. We just have to wait for the process to complete and restart the PC.


You can learn more about the use of this utility in this video.

Activation code and download

Using the button below, you can download the latest Russian version of the program for free, which will easily update the drivers on your PC or laptop.

Advanced Driver Updater- utility for automatic update versions of your computer drivers, as well as components system block and connected peripherals. Advanced Driver Updater looks for new driver versions in huge base all known manufacturers, downloads and installs in full automatic mode you just need to press one button. On our website you can download Advanced Driver Updater 2 free and without registration. We have Russian version Advanced Driver Updater with Key license activation included.

Program features:

Updates drivers: video cards, sound cards(and other audio devices), network cards(and network controller drivers), USB devices ( USB flash drives And hard disks), hard drives(as well as drivers for external hard drives and RAID controllers), motherboards, monitors, printers, scanners, for CD, DVD and Blu-ray drives, for TV tuners, keyboards, mice, SCSI devices, Bluetooth devices and controllers, modems, for mobile phones, WiFi devices, webcams, for digital cameras etc.

Archive password: website

Download Driver Updater 2016 + License Key - using downloader

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Aug 2019

Auslogics Driver Updater is indispensable assistant to keep your computer running at full speed. Of course, this program alone is not enough, but it can be used in combination with other applications. This tool created to update drivers, let me remind you that they need to be updated as new versions are released, since they almost always fix the bugs found. All in all timely update sometimes it allows you to greatly increase the speed of your computer, this is especially noticeable in games.

After installing and running the program, the user will be prompted to perform a system scan. This operation is necessary for the application to determine the devices of the computer, and installed versions drivers. As a rule, this action does not take much time, at the end you will have full list drivers, some of them will be marked as obsolete, which means that the program can update them. You will only have to confirm this action, after which the download and installation of new versions will occur. By the way, old versions of drivers can be archived, this may be necessary if a new version will not work stably, that is, you can quickly roll back to the previous one.

Important: the user, that is, you, does not need to enter the key, the Auslogics Driver Updater program is already licensed. Simply put, you just need to install it on your computer, after which you can get to work.

Size: 12.4 Mb
tablet: yes
Language: Russian / English
Platform: Windows all