New Celeron and Sempron processors: fast and cheap. AMD Sempron Socket754 processors Amd athlon 64 sempron series

Athlon 64 X2 is outdated, both physically and mentally. Such devices
were presented back in 2006. These were the first multi-core solutions
AMD company. Assessing their importance today is not particularly difficult. Their release was the first evolutionary step of this manufacturer in the field of high-tech solutions. It was he who significantly influenced the development of the computer industry. Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with an 8-core CPU. This has already become the norm. But then such a decision produced a kind of revolution, the fruits of which we still enjoy to this day.


The first 2-core CPU in the home PC niche was the product of AMD's eternal competitor, Intel. It was a Pentium processor with the index XE 840. It was installed in which was the main one for this manufacturer at that time. The increase in the number of cores has caused the need to reduce this, resulting in decreased performance in single-threaded applications. A similar result was obtained by the product of its constant competitor - the AMD Athlon 64 X2 processor. But due to the fact that such solutions were initially oriented towards multi-threading, the effect was not as strong as that of the main competitor. With the emergence of software that is capable of fully loading two physical cores, the balance of power gradually changed. And such solutions gradually replaced CPUs with 1 core from use. Yes, similar devices are still sold now, but they are mostly used for office PCs, where work in the foreground comes to the fore. office applications and low cost of the finished system. And for gaming systems it is recommended to take 4, 6 or 8 cores. As a last resort, you can opt for 2 cores, but this will significantly affect the quality of the game not in better side. This arrangement was laid out more than 5 years ago, and one of its founders was the AMD Athlon 64 X2 processor.


Initially, such CPUs were installed in which was the most progressive from this manufacturer at that time. 4 processor models were immediately presented. The youngest of them was the AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200. The rest had a similar name, but differed in index. Modifications 4400, 4600 appeared, and the flagship of this line had the index 4800. Also, a mandatory attribute of the designations of these CPUs was “+”, which was added at the end of the name. The frequency of the base model was 2200 MHz. Also among the architectural features it is worth noting the cache, the size of which in the younger model was 1MB. Moreover, each of the cores accounted for only half of it. The remaining modifications could boast more high frequency and increased cache size.

Later decisions

A little later, more productive products appeared on the market. A logical development in this direction was the emergence of such CPUs for the AM2 platform. Their cache size was similar to that of their predecessor. But the frequencies increased significantly and amounted, for example, for the CPU of the AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000 model to 2700 MHz. Also another innovation was support for new memory, which was called DDR2. But, in principle, these processors, the period between the appearance of which is slightly less than 2 years, have a lot in common.


The AMD Athlon 64 X2 processor is one of the founders of the era parallel computing on one chip. If you look closely at it, you can easily find a lot in common with new AMD solutions. And this is not surprising, because they are built according to a similar architecture, which has undergone certain changes over the past 5 years, but also retained common features.

AMD is already quite for a long time divides its desktop processors into high-performance (for high-end systems) - the FX and X2 series, regular (middle-end) - Athlon 64, and budget (for systems entry level). The latter were called Sempron. Moreover, during the heyday of the SocketA platform, such a division also took place. True, then AMD had two lines - Athlon and Duron. It was the latest line that allowed users to get fairly high performance at a very affordable price (see review of Desktop Processors: Results of 2003).

When moving to 64-bit processors that were released for socket 754, there was no clear division between regular and budget processors. However, in AMD's policy one could notice signs of a gradual abandonment of the obsolete SocketA platform. And as soon as the production of Athlon64 Socket939 processors with a dual-channel memory controller was launched, AMD made it clear to users that SocketA was already dead and would not be supported in the future. And for budget systems All Socket754 processors will be designed. At the same time, the first processors under the Sempron brand appeared.

It is interesting to note that SocketA processors were (and are) also sold under the Sempron brand. Moreover, if we compare the performance of 64-bit processors with the speed best processors SocketA, the difference was quite impressive. Therefore, to create the junior models of the Sempron SocketA budget line, AMD engineers did not use traditional methods of creating cheap processors. We are talking about cutting down features and functionality, such as lowering the system bus frequency and reducing the size of the cache memory. As a result, the low-end Sempron SocketA processors were almost exact copies of the Athlon SocketA processors.

Currently, AMD also produces Sempron SocketA processors. In particular, the company's product range includes models 2500+ and 2400+, operating respectively at frequencies of 1.75 GHz and 1.667 GHz (system bus 166 MHz; L2 cache memory volume - 256 KB). In addition, AMD has another SocketA model - Sempron 3000+ with a clock frequency of 2.0 GHz and L2 capacity = 512 KB. It is clear that from the point of view of the average user, these processors do not represent any value. But on the other hand, AMD works with large system integrators who have long-term commitments to corporate clients. And in this area it is not so easy to upgrade the SocketA platform to Socket754 (due to the very large quantities installed systems).

But in any case, the SocketA platform is already dead, and at present when we say Sempron we will mean Socket754 (and in the future Socket939). When forming the Sempron line, AMD engineers had to rack their brains. The fact is that the frequency ceiling of the 0.13 micron technical process is still limited by the 2.2 GHz bar, and the new 0.09 micron technical process does not provide a significant increase in operating frequencies. Of course, AMD submitted to the 2.8 GHz bar - this is the frequency at which the Athlon 64 FX-57 processors operate. But to produce mass-produced and cheap processors such as Sempron, it is necessary to have an order of magnitude better percentage of usable chips per wafer. Therefore, if you look at things realistically, then the frequency potential of the 0.09 micron technical process for Sempron production is around 2.4 GHz (although in the future, when changing cores and debugging the technical process, an increase to 2.6 GHz is possible).

Therefore, faced with a limitation in operating frequencies, AMD engineers were forced to solve two problems. Firstly, Sempron processors should not be inferior (or better yet, superior) in speed to Intel Celeron processors, and secondly, Sempron processors should not interfere with sales of AMD Athlon64 processors. While solving the first problem was not particularly difficult, solving the second problem arose. In my opinion, AMD marketers failed to come up with a way to divide the Socket754 Athlon64 and Socket754 Sempron processors into different market niches. As a result, they simply turned a blind eye to this problem, declaring that the entire Socket754 platform is intended for budget systems.

However, there are still a couple of differences between Athlon64 and Sempron. Firstly, Sempron processors do not support the execution of 64-bit instructions. But for most users this does not matter: the 64-bit Windows system is not yet fully debugged, and the number of optimized applications is small (I think most users are waiting for the release of a fundamentally new OS Windows Vista, which will take place in about a year). The second difference is more significant - the size of the second level cache in Sempron processors is reduced to 256 KB, and in some models - to 128 KB (this is quite significant compared to 1024512 KB for Athlon64 processors). At the same time, the performance ratings of Sempron processors were calculated with an eye to direct competitors (Intel Celeron). As a result, very funny situations arose more than once when in stores the Sempron 3100+ (S754) processor was more expensive than the Athlon64 2800+ (S754), and at the same time worked slower :).

If we talk about the size of the cache memory, then many users may be confused by the variety of combinations of clock frequency and cache memory size. In addition, overclockers have another problem when choosing a processor: for the same models, AMD, at different times, used different cores and steppings that have different overclocking potential. Bringing all the information about Sempron processors into one table is a rather difficult task: because some processors with the same performance rating had serious differences from each other (very often this applies to processors released for OEM). Therefore, we will limit ourselves to only listing the technical characteristics of the latest processors.

Name SocketTechnical Process Clock frequency L2 cache size
Socket 75490nm SOI 2000MHz 256Kb
Socket 75490nm SOI 2000MHz 128Kb
Socket 754130nm SOI 1800MHz 256Kb
Sempron 3000+ Socket 75490nm SOI 1800MHz 128Kb
Sempron 2800+ Socket 75490nm SOI 1600MHz 256Kb
Socket 75490nm SOI 1600MHz 128Kb
Sempron 2500+ Socket 75490nm SOI 1400MHz 256Kb

When looking at the table, it is not difficult to grasp the logic behind the formation of the performance rating. In particular, an increase in cache memory from 128Kb to 256Kb, with an equal clock frequency, leads to an increase in the rating by 200 points. And increasing the clock frequency by 200 MHz with the same L2 cache volume increases the rating by 400 points. True, the 3100+ processor, which differs from the 3000+ model in L2 capacity (256Kb versus 128Kb), falls out of this clear picture. But there is an explanation for this: AMD marketers estimate processors released at 0.09 microns to be somewhat “more expensive”. This is partially justified by the following. Although the change in technical process does not increase operating speed, processors released at 0.09 microns are slightly faster due to minor changes kernels. By the way, AMD quite often redesigns the core, and the main changes concern the built-in memory controller. Because no matter how good the Athlon64 is, there will always be an area where one or another characteristic of the processor can be improved, modified or corrected.

So, let's look at the processors that will take part in today's testing.

From left to right: Sempron 3100+, 3300+ and 3400+. In addition, our testing will involve one of the slowest and cheapest processors for Socket 754. This is Sempron 2600+, operating at 1.6 GHz and having 128 KB of L2 cache.

The processor is based on a 0.09 micron Palermo core with DH8-D0 stepping.

The next Sempron processor differs from all others in that it is manufactured using a 0.13 micron process technology.

It is based on the Paris stepping DH7-CG core.

If you don’t look at the markings, then visually all processors designed for Socket754 are completely identical, both on the front and back sides.

Try to guess what processor this is? Yes, I don’t remember myself :).

Just like the 2600+ model, it is based on the Palermo core and has an L2 cache of the same size. But the main difference between the 3300+ model and the 2600+, in addition to the clock frequency, is the new core stepping (DH8-E3). In addition to the next improvements to the memory controller, this stepping has expanded functionality. In particular, the processor supports the execution of SSE3 instructions.

And finally the Sempron 3400+ model. This processor operates at a clock frequency of 2.0 GHz, and the L2 cache size is 256 KB.

It is also based on the Palermo core, but the core stepping is the most recent - E6. Thanks to it, the processor, in addition to executing SSE3 instructions, is capable of executing 64-bit instructions (i.e. x86-64).

Thus, AMD is transferring support for AMD64 technology to budget processors. It is worth noting that Intel was the first to release budget processors with x86-64 support (Celeron D model with EM64T technology), and AMD acted as a catching up party. In addition, the starting price of $150 for the Sempron3400+ model does not allow us to classify it as a budget processor (in my opinion, in this regard, the Athlon64 Socket754 is much more attractive).

Now let's list specifications Sempron 3400+ processor:

  • Processor core - Palermo
  • Cool"n"Quiet technology support
  • AMD64 technology support
  • NX-bit technology support
  • Stepping - E6
  • Technological process - 0.09 microns
  • Clock frequency 2.0 GHz (multiplier = 10)
  • HTT bus frequency = 200 MHz
  • Core area 84 sq. mm.
  • Number of transistors 63.5 million.
  • L1 cache size: 128 KB
  • L2 cache size: 256 KB
  • Standard voltage: 1.4V
  • Typical Heat Dissipation: ~62W
  • Maximum case temperature: 69C (note - the case, not the core itself)

The processor has a single-channel memory controller (like other Socket754 processors), and supports the following memory standards: DDR200, DDR266, DDR333 and DDR400.

It seems most likely that, following the 3400+ model, AMD company will release junior models of processors based on the Palermo core with E6 stepping. Thus, even owners of the most budget systems will be able to get x86-64 support.

In order for a user to be able to distinguish a processor with x86-64 support when purchasing a processor, it is necessary to know the marking features. In particular, processors based on the E6 stepping have the letters BX at the end of the marking. And, for example, processors based on the Palermo core stepping E3 have the last marking letters - B0.

To test Socket 754 processors, we chose the Epox EP-8NPA-SLI motherboard.

This motherboard was one of the first to offer the nForce 4 chipset for this socket.

Board: Epox EP-8NPA-SLI (nVidia nForce 4 SLI)
Memory: single channel DDR400 (PC3200)

When the Athlon 64 was announced, three versions of processors for Socket 754 were announced: the original Clawhammer core with 1 MB of L2 cache; the same core with the cache halved; as well as the Newcastle core with 512 KB L2 cache and a smaller die surface area. In early 2005, Sempron joined them with an L2 cache of only 256 KB.

All processors for Socket 754 work with a single-channel DDR400 memory interface, resulting in maximum speed transfer rate is 3 GB/s. At the same time, memory capacity greater than 1 GB is often problematic to install. The processors operate with a 200 MHz Hyper Transport channel, a maximum thermal dissipation of 89 W, and a clock frequency that varies from 1.8 GHz to 2.4 GHz. There are no plans to further increase the frequency for this socket. Available chipsets include nVidia nForce 3 150/250, VIA K8T800 and SIS's 755FX.

Socket 754 is equipped only with a single-channel memory interface. Therefore, problems arise when expanding memory.

Open AMD Athlon64 3400+ with core size 17.5 x 11.5 mm.

With the release of Athlon64 3700+, Socket 754 fell into oblivion after two years of existence.

Socket 754: AMD Athlon64, Sempron
Board: Asus K8N-E Deluxe (nForce 3 250 GB)
Memory: DDR400 (PC3200)

Question: What are the marking features of AMD processors?
Answer: The marking of AMD processors is called OPN (Ordering Part Number). At first glance, it is quite complex and looks more like some kind of cipher, although if you understand it, you can get quite detailed information about their main technical parameters:

  1. The first two letters indicate the processor type:
    • AX - Athlon XP (0.18 µm);
    • AD - Athlon 64, Athlon 64 FX, Athlon 64 X2;
    • SD - Sempron.
  2. The third letter indicates the TDP of the processor:
    • A - 89-125 W;
    • O - 65 W;
    • D - 35 W;
    • H - 45 W;
    • X - 125 W.
  3. For Sempron processors, the third letter has a slightly different meaning:
    • A - Desktop;
    • D - Energy Efficient.
  4. The next four numbers are the processor rating (the same one that is indicated in all price lists along with the processor type, for example, Athlon 64 4000+) or, in other words, the Model Number. It is a number that (from AMD's point of view) characterizes the performance of a given CPU in abstract units. Although there are some exceptions - in Athlon 64 FX processors, for example, instead of rating numbers, the letter index “FX (model index)” is indicated.
  5. The first letter of the three-letter index indicates the type of processor case:
    • A - Socket 754;
    • D - Socket 939;
    • C - Socket 940;
    • I - Socket AM2;
    • G - Socket F.
  6. The second letter of the three-letter index indicates the supply voltage of the processor core:
    • A - 1.35-1.4 V
    • C - 1.55 V;
    • E - 1.5 V;
    • I - 1.4 V;
    • K - 1.35 B;
    • M - 1.3 B;
    • Q - 1.2 V;
    • S - 1.15 V.
  7. The third letter of the three-letter index indicates the maximum temperature of the processor core:
    • A - 71°C;
    • K - 65°C;
    • M - 67°C;
    • O - 69°C;
    • P - 70°C;
    • X - 95° C.
  8. The next number indicates the size of the second level cache (total for dual-core processors):
    • 2 - 128 KB;
    • 3 - 256 KB;
    • 4 - 512 KB;
    • 5 - 1024 KB;
    • 6 - 2048 KB.
  9. The two-letter index indicates the type of processor core:
    • AX, AW - Newcastle;
    • AP, AR, AS, AT - Clawhammer;
    • AK - Sledge Hammer;
    • BI - Winchester;
    • BN - San Diego;
    • BP, BW - Venice;
    • BV - Manchester;
    • CD - Toledo;
    • CS, CU - Windsor F2;
    • CZ - Windsor F3;
    • CN, CW - Orleans, Manila;
    • DE - Lima;
    • DD, DL - Brisbane;
    • DH - Orleans F3
    • AX - Paris (for Sempron);
    • BI - Manchester (for Sempron);
    • BA, BO, AW, BX, BP, BW - Palermo (for Sempron).

For example, the AMD Sempron 3000+ processor (Manila core) is labeled as SDA3000IAA3CN. But nothing lasts forever in our world, and AMD is soon going to rename its processor lines, introducing a new, much more descriptive alphanumeric scheme. New system assumes, along with the traditional brand and class designation, also an alphanumeric model code

Brand Class Model
Phenom FX -
Phenom X4 GP-7xxx
Phenom X2 GS-6xxx
Athlon X2 BE-2xxx
Athlon X2 LS-2xxx
Sempron - LE-1xxx
  1. The first character in the processor model name determines its class:
    • G - High-end;
    • B - Mainstream;
    • L - Low-End.
  2. The second character determines the processor's power consumption:
    • P - more than 65 W;
    • S - 65 W;
    • E - less than 65 W (Energy Efficient class).
  3. The first digit indicates that the processor belongs to a specific family:
    • 1 - single-core Sempron;
    • 2 - dual-core Athlon;
    • 6 - dual-core Phenom X2;
    • 7 - quad-core Phenom X4.
  4. The second digit will indicate the performance level of a specific processor within the family.
  5. The last two digits will determine the processor modification.

Thus, the latest dual- and quad-core processors will be designated as AMD Phenom X2 GS-6xxx and Phenom X4 GP-7xxx. Economical mid-class dual-core processors are Athlon X2 BE-2xxx, and budget AMD Athlon and Sempron will be called Athlon X2 LS-2xxx and Sempron LE-1xxx. And the notorious number 64, indicating support for 64-bit architecture, will disappear from the name of the Athlon processor.

Question: How do Sempron processors differ from Athlon 64 processors?
Answer: Modern processors of the Sempron series, intended for the budget segment of the market, differ from full-fledged prototypes - Athlon 64 processors reduced to 128 (or, in selected models, up to 256 KB) second level cache volume. In addition, the HyperTransport bus in Sempron processors only operates at 800 MHz, while in the Athlon 64 its frequency can reach 1000 MHz; Less significant is the lack of support for Pacifica virtualization technology. Everything else, including a dual-channel memory controller, support for the 64-bit AMD64 architecture and the SSE3 instruction system, is available in full.

At the same time, we should not forget that such sophisticated Sempron processors are produced mainly in versions for Socket AM2 and Socket 939. Older Sempron models for Socket 754, for example, have only a single-channel memory controller.

Question: What are the features of the Socket AM2 processor socket?
Answer: Today in the desktop segment, AMD is experiencing an “orgy”, when you can find processors on sale in at least four (!) variants: Socket 754, Socket 939, Socket 940 and Socket AM2 (and this is not to mention the rare Socket A, which are still occasionally found on store shelves). True, AMD came to its senses in time and with the release of the Socket AM2 platform, it again returned to the path of unifying the processor socket for desktops, for which it has always been respected by upgrade lovers.

Socket AM2, which will replace Socket 754 and Socket 939, has 940 pins (like the server Socket 940, but they are not compatible!), and is used in mass-produced single- and dual-core Athlon 64 processors, prestigious Athlon 64 FX and budget Sempron. Socket AM2 processors work with DDR2 memory with frequencies from 533 to 800 MHz (PC4200, PC5300 or PC6400) in dual-channel mode; Registered and ECC memory are not supported. Otherwise, AMD processors for Socket AM2 are completely identical to processors for Socket 939, the production of which is currently discontinued.

Question: Is AMD's future platform for Socket AM2+ and Socket AM3 compatible with existing solutions?
Answer: In the near future we expect another transition to new type memory - DDR3 (see FAQ on DDR3. In accordance with AMD's plans, at the beginning of 2008 the modern Socket AM2 will be replaced first by Socket AM2+, and then by Socket AM3. The only serious difference between Socket AM2 and Socket AM2+ will be the introduction of support for the new high-speed HyperTransport 3.0 buses. Its use will significantly increase throughput processor-chipset (as well as processor-processor in the case of multiprocessor solutions). Socket AM3 processors will also gain support for new DDR3 memory. The characteristic features of the new platforms compared to the modern Socket AM2 are given in the table:

Connector Socket AM2 Socket AM2+ Socket AM3
Number of contacts 940 940 940
Memory support DDR2 DDR2 DDR2, DDR3
HyperTransport version 1.0 3.0 3.0
release date May 2006 3 sq. 2007 3 sq. 2008

In this regard, the question inevitably arises about the compatibility of promising AMD platforms with existing ones.

So, Socket AM2 and Socket AM2+ processors and motherboards will be fully compatible with each other. Of course, if you install a new CPU with HT 3.0 support in Socket AM2, it will communicate with the chipset at the speed of the old HT 1.0. Socket AM3 processors, thanks to their memory controller that works with both DDR2 and DDR3 memory, will be the most versatile and can be installed in Socket AM3, Socket AM2+ and Socket AM2 motherboards (providing the latter platform with a very decent service life). But they will not have backward compatibility - neither Socket AM2 nor Socket AM2+ processors can be installed in Socket AM3 boards.

Question: What is Cool"n"Quiet?
Answer: Energy-saving Cool"n"Quiet technology came to AMD desktop processors from the mobile sector and allows you to reduce heat generation and power consumption when they are not fully loaded. On this moment this technology is implemented in all processors of the AMD K8 family - Athlon 64, Athlon 64 X2, Athlon 64 FX, Sempron. Naturally, the motherboard must also support this technology (the corresponding item must be activated in the BIOS).

There is nothing radically new in Cool"n"Quiet technology. During operation, the operating system monitors the processor load, and if it is less than a certain threshold, the operating frequency and supply voltage of the processor are reduced. Reducing the operating frequency of the processor is carried out by reprogramming its registers (using special program- processor drivers). By lowering the frequency and voltage, the processor will consume much less power, heat up less and, if the cooler is equipped with a thermal control system, the system noise will decrease.

When the processor load increases, everything happens along the same chain (OC-driver-processor-cooler), but vice versa - the processor will return to the nominal frequency. There can be up to a hundred such switches between different modes per second; for user programs, all this happens completely unnoticed, and even if it affects the overall performance of the Cool"n"Quiet system, it is insignificant.

The user determines the degree of system response to changes in processor load by selecting one or another policy in the applet Windows Power Options- from the minimum level (switching to power saving mode only when idle) to severe energy saving (the processor will almost always be in a state of reduced power consumption).

Introduction64-bit systems with x86-64 architecture are gaining more and more popularity. Processors supporting the corresponding AMD64 and EM64T technologies are widespread on the market, the most popular user operating system Windows XP is officially available in a 64-bit version, and the number of software products using 64-bit modes is steadily growing. In fact, if you do not take into account the difficulties of the transition period (in particular, dampness of drivers, problems with some programs, etc.), for widespread migration to x86-64, only a small thing is missing: budget 64-bit systems. However, this problem is beginning to be resolved. Not long ago, Intel began offering LGA775 Celeron D processors with EM64T technology, and following Intel, AMD decided to take a similar step, releasing CPUs from the Sempron line with activated AMD64 technology.
Thus, owners of inexpensive platforms get a great chance to join 64-bit: now creating an x86-64 system does not require large financial expenditures. The cost of junior processor models with EM64T or AMD64 technologies has dropped to $60-$70.
Along with the launch of Sempron processors with AMD64 technology, AMD also introduced another, faster CPU model in this line. The new $134 processor received a rating of 3400+. This is exactly the processor that appeared in our laboratory. Since the main highlight of this CPU, which is based on the updated Palermo kernel revision E6, was compatibility with the x86-64 architecture, we decided to test this CPU in 64-bit mode, in operating system Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. That is, this article will be devoted to studying the operation of budget processors in a 64-bit environment.

More about AMD Sempron 3400+

Before testing the new product, a few words should be given to its characteristics and differences from its predecessors. The formal specification of this CPU is presented in the following table:

As we can see, in terms of their characteristics, Sempron processors continue to converge with the Athlon 64. In fact, at the moment, processors of the Athlon 64 line can only boast a more capacious second-level cache. Otherwise, budget CPUs from AMD have the same set of properties as their older counterparts. In particular, Sempron, built on the Palermo core revision E6, can boast not only support for the SSE3 instruction set, NX-bit, Cool"n"Quite technology, but also support for 64-bit AMD64 extensions. Moreover, this core can be used not only in the new Sempron 3400+ processor, but also in lower models of the budget line. However, speaking about the rapprochement between Sempron and Athlon 64, we should not forget that older models of Athlon 64 processors have higher clock speeds, a HyperTransport bus with a frequency of 1 GHz and a dual-channel memory controller.
The new Sempron 3400+ processor, like its predecessors, is intended for use in Socket 754 systems. Thus, AMD makes it clear that systems with a single-channel memory controller will continue to exist as budget solutions. Although AMD has been offering Socket 939 Sempron models to OEM partners for quite some time, they are not available on the retail market. This manufacturer's policy is understandable - Socket 754 motherboards are cheaper and therefore better suited as the basis of an inexpensive computer.
In terms of its formal characteristics, Sempron 3400+ differs from its younger brothers not so much. In fact, if you do not take into account the support for AMD64 extensions provided by the new core, which can also be used in cheaper CPU models, the Sempron 3400+, compared to the Sempron 3300+, only has an increased L2 cache memory of 256 KB. Otherwise, the characteristics of these CPUs are the same. This also applies to electrical and thermal specifications: the thermal package of the new product is limited to 62 W, ​​and the maximum current is 40.6 A.
The CPUZ diagnostic utility provides the following information about the Sempron 3400+:

As we can see in the screenshot, CPUZ absolutely correctly diagnoses support for AMD64 technology provided by the Palermo core of revision E6 and support for the SSE3 instruction set, which appeared a little earlier - in kernels of revision E3.
It should be noted that other Sempron models for Socket 754 systems with lower ratings can boast similar functionality. You can make sure that a particular Sempron processor is based on the E6 revision kernel with support for SSE3 and AMD64 by its markings. New budget 64-bit processors have markings ending with the letters "BX", such as the AMD Sempron 3400+ tested in this material:

Let us remind you that processors based on the Palermo core revision E3 without support for AMD64 technology are marked with the letters “BO” at the end. However, there are no Sempron 3400+ processors without support for 64-bit extensions; they all use only a new core. So this remark applies only to less high-speed models.


Sempron family processors are often purchased with the intention of further overclocking them and increasing their performance to the level of much more expensive CPUs. That is why we could not ignore the experiments on overclocking the Sempron 3400+ that came into our laboratory.
The Sempron 3400+ processor has a base clock speed of 2.0 GHz, and therefore its multiplier is 10x. Thanks to the support of Cool"n"Quiet technology, this multiplier can be reduced, but cannot be increased. However, such a high nominal multiplier should guarantee that overclocking this CPU will not be fraught with difficulties caused by insufficient overclocking potential motherboard. During the acceleration process, we will not have to storm ultra high frequencies clock generator of about 300 MHz. Considering the frequency potential of other AMD CPUs with revision E core, we can expect that the maximum overclocking frequency for Sempron 3400+ will be about 2.5-2.7 GHz. That is, our platform used for overclocking will require stable operation at frequencies of about 250-270 MHz. Separately, I would like to mention that achieving such clock frequencies in Socket 754 systems is possible even with the use of more than one memory module in the system. Frequencies close to 300 MHz are usually achieved only if a single DIMM module is used in the system.
When overclocking, we decided to use the repeatedly proven motherboard DFI LANPARTY UT nF3 250Gb, which has earned a reputation as one of the best platforms for Socket 754 processors. In general, the system we assembled for overclocking consisted of the following set of components:

Motherboard DFI LANPARTY UT nF3 250Gb (NVIDIA nForce3 250Gb);
Cooler AVC Z7U7414001;
Memory Corsair CMX512-3200XL (2 x 512MB, DDR400 SDRAM);
Graphics card PowerColor RADEON X800 XT (AGP 8x, 500MHz/500MHz);
HDD Western Digital Raptor WD740GD (SATA150).

For achievement best results during overclocking, the processor supply voltage was raised to 1.5V, which can be considered quite safe, since the standard supply voltage of the Sempron 3400+ is 1.4 V.
Some time ago we carried out experiments on overclocking Sempron 3100+ processor, built on the Palermo core revision E3. Then we managed to achieve very impressive results: during overclocking, the processor frequency was increased from the standard 1.8 GHz to 2.68 GHz. This time, the Sempron 3400+ processor, revision E6, unfortunately, could not reach the same frequency. The maximum that we managed to squeeze out of the experimental specimen was 2.6 GHz.

In this state, the system was able to operate without problems, performing the most difficult stability tests: S&M and Prime95.
I must say that this result is not bad at all. The processor clock speed increased by 30% during overclocking. At the same time, the clock generator frequency was 260 MHz, which allowed us to clock the memory at a frequency of 216.5 MHz when using a 5:4 divider.

To the credit of the Corsair CMX512-3200XL DIMMs used, they were able to operate at such a frequency with minimal timings of 2-2-2-5, which ultimately should provide some additional bonus in terms of the performance of the overclocked system. Especially if you take into account the love of the built-in K8 processor controller for low latency of the memory subsystem.
The result we achieved primarily indicates that the frequency potential of the new Palermo stepping E6 core, in which AMD64 technology is activated, does not differ so much from the potential of the E3 stepping cores. That is, overclockers who prefer budget processors for overclocking can, without making any sacrifices, become owners of 64-bit systems based on the new Sempron processors with activated AMD64 technology.

How we tested

The AMD Sempron 3400+ processor that appeared in our laboratory created a very serious intrigue. Even taking into account the fact that we regularly study the performance of processors in this class, the new product from AMD raised two previously unexplored questions before us. Firstly, until now we have not had the opportunity to test budget processors when running in 64-bit mode. Secondly, no less interesting will be the study of the performance of 64-bit lower processors. price category during acceleration. In this material we tried to answer both of these questions. This is why all tests in this review were performed in the operating room. Windows system XP Professional x64 Edition, which, undoubtedly, will find increasing use in the very near future.
The main competitor of the Sempron 3400+ in this testing was the Intel Celeron D 351 processor. This is a senior processor in the budget line from Intel, which, moreover, supports 64-bit EM64T extensions. The clock speed of this processor is 3.2 GHz, it uses a 533 MHz system bus and has a 256 KB L2 cache. The cost of such a processor is only slightly lower than the price of the AMD Sempron 3400+, so a comparison of older models in the budget lines of AMD and Intel is quite correct.
To ensure that the results of the Sempron 3400+ overclocked to 2.6 GHz did not look too lonely, we also tested the Celeron D 351 at its maximum achievable (in our case) overclocking. In our test system, using air cooling and increasing the supply voltage of this CPU to 1.5 V, we were able to increase its frequency to 4 GHz, that is, by 25% relative to the nominal. At the same time, the processor system bus frequency increased from 533 to 667 MHz.
Also, for a relative assessment of the performance of the AMD Sempron 3400+ in normal mode and when overclocked, the tests included Athlon 64 3000+ processors designed for Socket 754 (with a single-channel memory controller) and for Socket 939 (with a dual-channel memory controller), as well as the processor Athlon 64 3800+.

Thus, the test systems we used in this review, used the following components:


AMD Athlon 64 3800+ (Socket 939, 2.4 GHz, 512KB L2, Venice);
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (Socket 939, 1.8 GHz, 512KB L2, Venice);
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (Socket 754, 2.0 GHz, 512KB L2, NewCastle);
Sempron 3400+ (Socket 754, 2.0 GHz, 256KB L2, Palermo revision E6);
Intel Celeron D 351 (LGA775, 3.2 GHz, 256KB L2, FSB=533MHz, Prescott-256);


ASUS P5LD2 Deluxe (LGA775, i945P);
DFI DFI NF4 Ultra-D (Socket 939, NVIDIA nForce4 Ultra);
DFI LANPARTY UT nF3 250Gb (Socket 754, NVIDIA nForce3 250Gb).


Corsair CMX512-3200XL, 2 x 512MB, DDR400 SDRAM, 2-2-2-5;
Corsair CM2X512A-5400UL, 2 x 512MB, DDR2-533 SDRAM, 3-2-2-8.

Graphic cards:

PowerColor RADEON X800 XT (PCI-E x16).
PowerColor RADEON X800 XT (AGP 8x).

Disk subsystem: Maxtor MaXLine III 250GB (SATA150).

We consider it our duty to remind you once again that all tests in this review were performed in the new 64-bit operating system Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.

At the same time, we tried, where possible, to use native 64-bit benchmarks. Therefore, below each time we will separately specify which processor mode each of the test applications we selected used.


Testing begins with the results of processor tests in tests from FutureMark.

Based on PCMark05 Overall Performance Index new processor Sempron 3400+ has performance comparable to the speed of Athlon 64 3000+ processors for Socket 754 and Socket 939 platforms. However, it is inferior to the competing Celeron D 351.
Overclocking the Sempron 3400+ allows you to increase the performance of this CPU by about 15%, resulting in its speed being greater than that of the very expensive Athlon 64 3800+ processor. But the Celeron D 351 overclocked to 4 GHz is not inferior to the overclocked Sempron 3400+.

The CPU benchmark of the same test is more loyal to the NetBurst architecture. As a result, the Celeron D 351 at the standard frequency outperforms even the overclocked Sempron 3400+. As for the result of the Sempron 3400+ in nominal mode, oddly enough, this processor is ahead of both versions of the Athlon 64 3000+. The unusual thing about this situation is that the Athlon 64 3000+ processor for Socket 754 systems has the same frequency of 2 GHz as the Sempron 3400+, but at the same time has a larger L2 cache of 512 KB. The solution to this effect is quite simple: all Athlon 64 processors for Socket 754 are based on the old 130 nm NewCastle core, revision CG. Sempron 3400+ is based on a newer 90 nm Palermo core, revision E6, which has a number of advantages over NewCastle. Thus, the Palermo core has an optimized integrated memory controller and supports the SSE3 instruction set. These factors determine the victory of the Sempron 3400+ over the Athlon 64 3000+.

The results shown by processors in the memory subsystem benchmark are logical. Processors of the K8 family with a dual-channel memory controller outperform their counterparts with a single-channel controller, while the Celeron D shows good results only when overclocking the system bus.

The CPU test from the popular 3DMark05 benchmark puts the Sempron 3400+ processor in higher positions than the Celeron D 351 both in normal mode and when overclocked. This fact is another confirmation of the high efficiency of the K8 architecture in gaming applications. By the way, please note that in this benchmark the Sempron 3400+ is ahead of the Athlon 64 3400+ for Socket 754. No matter what AMD says about the insignificance of the differences in its cores, in practice we quite often see the clear superiority of Palermo over NewCastle despite the larger volume cache memory of the latter.
A similar picture is observed in some other tests.

In computing tasks, which include the popular SuperPi benchmark, the Sempron 3400+ performs very well. In particular, when overclocked to 2.6 GHz, this processor, thanks to its high clock speed, outperforms even the Athlon 64 3800+. At the same time, the results of the budget Intel processor cannot be called anything but modest.

Approximately the same picture can be observed in the ScieneMark 2.0 test, which solves molecular dynamics problems using the capabilities of the 64-bit x86-64 architecture. At the same time, we note that the Sempron 3400+ in this test outperforms both modifications of the Athlon 64 3000+ for Socket 754 and Socket 939 systems, and when overclocked to 2.6 GHz, it is significantly ahead of the Athlon 64 3800+ processor.

But in another test of the same benchmark, the picture changes to the opposite: the processor with NetBurst architecture Celeron D 351 shows itself on the strong side, which in the overclocked state outperforms all its competitors.
Let's now turn our attention to the performance of the new budget processor from AMD in real gaming applications.

First of all, for testing we chose the recently released 64-bit version popular game Far Cry. Sempron 3400+ showed very good results in this game. For example, this CPU outperforms the overclocked Celeron D 351 even when operating at the standard frequency, at which its performance is close to the speed of Athlon 64 3000+ processors. Overclocked to 2.6 GHz, the Sempron 3400+ is slightly behind the Athlon 64 3800+, which has a 200 MHz lower frequency, but twice the L2 cache and a dual-channel memory controller.

The situation in Doom 3, which is a 32-bit gaming application, is almost completely identical. Celeron D again turns out to be a clear outsider. However, I would like to especially note one detail. In Doom 3, the size of the L2 cache has a significant impact on performance. This is why we see a visible lag between the overclocked Sempron 3400+ and the Athlon 64 3800+.

Another game allows us to make sure that the Celeron D as the basis of an inexpensive gaming platform against the background of Socket 754 Sempron processors has no chance. In this case, the Sempron 3400+ outperforms the Celeron D 351 by 38% in normal mode and by 45% when overclocked.
Let's now take a look at the performance of the budget new product from AMD when encoding audio and video. To test the encoding speed of mp3 files, we used the 64-bit version of the LAME codec, although it still has an experimental status.

Despite the fact that the NetBurst architecture usually shows its strengths when encoding media data, in this case the Sempron 3400+ is confidently ahead of its competitor, the Celeron D 351. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the LAME codec significantly slows down its operation on Intel processors when using its 64-bit version.

A similar picture can be observed when encoding video with the 32-bit DivX 6.0 codec, which received significant optimizations for the K8 architecture compared to its predecessor. In addition, processors of the Celeron D family do not support Hyper-Threading technology, which has a very positive effect on the speed of processors with NetBurst architecture in applications that support multi-threading.
It should also be noted that when encoding media data, the main influence on performance is the processor clock speed, and not the cache size or the performance of the memory subsystem. Therefore, in the last two tests, the Sempron 3400+ processor, when overclocked to 2.6 GHz, comes out on top.

All the above words can be extended to data compression tasks. To test CPU performance when archiving and unarchiving information, we used the 7-zip archiver, which has now been released in a 64-bit version.
We decided to evaluate processor performance in professional applications and in final rendering using the CINEBENCH 2003 test, which also exists in a native 64-bit version.

In the final rendering, the Sempron 3400+ is not only faster than the Athlon 64 3000+ running on Socket 939, running at 1.8 GHz, but also slightly ahead of the Socket 754 version of the Athlon 64 3000+. The Celeron D 351 looks completely unconvincing in the final rendering. Even its overclocking to 4 GHz does not allow this CPU to get ahead of the Sempron 3400+ operating in normal mode.

When working in OpenGL, the results are quite different depending on the nature of the load.


The AMD Sempron 3400+ processor reviewed in this review today can be classified as a budget CPU with some stretch. Firstly, this is due to its relatively high price for a cheap solution, which is $134. Secondly, this processor has quite “non-budget” performance and can compete on equal terms with low-end processors from the mainstream sector. As tests have shown, the price of Sempron 3400+ is quite consistent with its performance: the speed of this CPU is close to the speed of Athlon 64 3000+ processors for Socket 754 and Socket 939 systems.
The same can be said about the set of properties inherent in the Sempron 3400+. It differs from its older brothers in the Athlon 64 family only by its L2 cache reduced to 256 KB. All other properties and technologies implemented in the Athlon 64 family CPU are present in the new Sempron 3400+. It’s especially nice to see AMD64 technology supported in the line of cheap CPUs.
Comparing the Sempron 3400+ with Intel's competing offering, the Celeron 351, shows that AMD's budget CPUs have better performance in most applications. This advantage is especially evident in modern games, where the Sempron 3400+ outperforms its competitor by almost one and a half times. Thus, we can say that in its price category the Sempron 3400+ can be considered the best choice.
In addition, this processor has good overclocking potential. In our case, we were able to increase its clock frequency to 2.6 GHz. In this condition, the Sempron 3400+ is only slightly inferior to the Athlon 64 3800+, which currently costs $329.
Considering the new processor supports the SSE3 instruction set and 64-bit extensions, only one thing can upset its potential owners. Namely, its implementation in the Socket 754 version. The Socket 939 platform seems to be a more promising solution today, since it allows for more opportunities for further upgrades. However, the development of the Socket 939 platform is also coming to an end; next year, AMD’s flagship solutions will be processors with the new Socket M2 processor socket.