The procedure and stages of technological connection to electrical networks. Technological connection through Moesk Moesk application for technological connection

Having extensive experience as a contractor of PJSC MOESK (formerly OJSC MOESK) and knowing all the bureaucratic procedures inherent in the system of the former Mosenergo, we know how to solve any of your problems in the field of electricity supply.

We offer the following consulting services in the field of electrical energy:

  • comprehensive customer support in the process of connecting electricity (submitting an application for technological connection to electrical networks, receipt of the Agreement and Technical Conditions (TS), fulfillment of the requirements of the TS, delivery of the TS, receipt of acts, conclusion of an agreement with Mosenergosbyt);
  • adjustment of technical conditions(selection of optimal connection points, change in reliability category, change in power, etc.);
  • adjustment of the technological connection agreement(reduced cost, reduced time);
  • control and minimization of deadlines implementation of technological connection activities carried out by MOESK;
  • delivery of electrical installations inspectors of MOESK (ISS, Energouchet), OEK, Rostekhnadzor;
  • energy lawyer(settlement of any issues with inspectors of MOESK, OEK, Rostekhnadzor, etc.);
  • obtaining an admission certificate electrical installations into operation in Rostekhnadzor (required for electrical installations of the 2nd reliability category from 150 kW);
  • and many other services, allowing you to save your money.


Comprehensive service for connecting the client to electrical networks: from collecting documents and submitting an application for connection to supplying voltage and concluding an energy supply agreement.


Connection to the electrical networks of PJSC "MOESK" is a complex process consisting of many stages:
1. Collection of documents and submission of an application for technological connection of new capacities (or to increase existing capacity).
2. Receipt of the draft technical specifications (technical conditions) and offer of an agreement for technological connection to the networks of PJSC "MOESK". THIS IS THE FIRST IMPORTANT POINT! It is necessary to monitor the specifications and assess the possibility of their adjustment (changes in technical conditions regarding connection points, reliability categories, etc.).
3. Monitoring the correct application of the tariff (fee for technological connection) IS THE SECOND IMPORTANT POINT. The cost of the technical connection agreement and, accordingly, your costs directly depend on the correct application of the tariff.
4. Signing of the TP agreement.
5. Electrical installation design.
6. Coordination of the electrical installation project in the DER MKS, in EnergoUchet, in RosTechNadzor.
7. Execution of specifications (installation of electrical installations in accordance with technical conditions and design). 8. Handover of the electrical installation to the commission of PJSC “MOESK” - inspectors of RER MKS/Energouchet (and/or “MosEnergoSbyt”).
9. Signing an act on the fulfillment of technical conditions, an act on the implementation of technical connection and ARBPiEO (delimitation act).
10. Handing over the electrical installation to the inspector of RosTechNadzor (for subscribers connected to the second category of power supply reliability, this is necessary).
11. Obtaining a Certificate of Approval of the electrical installation for operation (Rostechnadzor).
12. Actual voltage supply.
13. Conclusion of an energy supply agreement (MosEnergoSbyt).

The Elektroset group of companies is ready to offer the implementation of any of these stages or COMPLETION OF THE ENTIRE COMPLEX “TURNKEY”.


Obtaining an admission certificate from Rostechnadzor is necessary to supply voltage to the electrical installations of subscribers connected under the second category of power supply reliability.


Subscribers connected to electrical networks in the second reliability category, if the power of their electrical installation is 150 kW or higher, must provide the network organization with an Electrical Installation Approval Certificate for Operation, obtained from RosTechNadzor, to supply voltage. To receive such a certificate, the subscriber must:
1. Coordinate with Rostechnadzor the internal power supply project.
2. Provide your person in charge of electrical facilities and his deputy, who have an electrical safety clearance group of at least 4.
3. Present the fully assembled electrical installation (from the point of connection to the terminal devices) for inspection by the inspector.
4. Provide a technical report on laboratory tests of electrical equipment included in the electrical installation.
Only a very good specialist can hand over an electrical installation to Rostechnadzor without any comments. Even if at first glance the electrical installation complies with all PUE standards, the Rostechnadzor inspector will definitely find violations that will allow him not to issue an admission certificate immediately, but to insist on a repeat visit. All repeat visits by the Rostechnadzor inspector are paid.

The Elektroset group of companies is ready to offer its services for handing over electrical installations to Rostechnadzor inspectors and handing over your electrical installation in one inspector visit, reducing your time and financial costs.


An agreement with a sales organization (in Moscow this is PJSC Mosenergosbyt) must be concluded no later than 60 days from the moment the meters are sealed and the electrical installation is turned on, otherwise the subscriber faces a fine for non-contractual/unaccounted use of electricity). We'll collect everything Required documents and we will conclude an energy supply agreement with Mosenergosbyt PJSC on your behalf.





Consultation (in person in our office or by phone)

For any questions related to power supply

For free

On-site consultation at the Customer's site

Inspection of the customer’s facility for a more complete assessment of the situation and consultation. The cost of travel in Moscow is indicated

Technological connection

Collecting documents, submitting an application, obtaining technical specifications and a technical connection agreement, obtaining ARBPiEO acts, a technical connection act, a metering device approval act

For free*

Minimizing the Client's expenses for technological connection

Obtaining optimal specifications and technical connection agreements with a minimum tariff

Negotiable, 50% of the Client's savings

Redistribution, re-registration, confirmation of capacity

Submitting an application, obtaining technical specifications and ARBPiEO

To connect any object to electrical networks, it is important to follow all the rules of this process and submit the necessary documentation. Technological connection to electrical networks requires compliance with a number of conditions stipulated by MOESK.

Joining procedure

MOESK technological connection involves the following steps:

  • filing a special application;
  • coordination with the company of all the nuances of completing tasks;
  • performing the connection;
  • payment for work performed.

It is important to strictly follow the rules for technological connection to electrical networks to avoid further mistakes.

The procedure for connecting and restoring electrical capacities

MOESK official website for technological connection recommends writing a special application, to which attach the necessary documentation. It is important to indicate information about the customer in the application.

  1. Full name of the organization. Individuals need to write their full name and passport details, and their address.
  2. Maximum power of energy receiving devices. You will also need to indicate the claimed category of these devices.
  3. Type of load that involves indicating the customer’s activities.
  4. Clear deadlines for the design of the building and the date of its commissioning.
  5. The calculation procedure and prescribed payment terms for the work performed.
  6. Indication of the guaranteeing supplier with whom the applicant enters into a cooperation agreement.
  7. Technological connection involves indicating the method of obtaining documentation.

After this, you will need the necessary applications, among which you need to attach the following.

  1. Layout of electrical energy receiving devices. This plan will require precise geographic details of the site.
  2. All documentation that states the ownership of a given plot of land or construction site on which equipment for connecting the facility to electrical communications will be located. If the customer has an equity type of participation in the rights to this object, he will need to attach written consent from the other owners of this object to connect it to the electrical grid.
  3. Consent of the organization that manages the apartment building if it has the appropriate rights. If the necessary authorities are not available, the consent of the general meeting of apartment owners will be required to connect non-residential premises with lines from the input equipment.
  4. If an application for technological connection to electrical networks is submitted by the customer through his representative, a power of attorney or other document is required that will confirm that this person has the necessary authority.
  5. Registration card of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, which will be returned to the applicant.

Help with technical connection

This issue requires knowledge of all the intricacies of this process, therefore not every customer will be able to deal with it independently. In order not to waste a lot of time and effort on mastering all the nuances, you can entrust these tasks to professionals. The company will help with the technical connection of a specific facility to electrical communications. In addition, we offer services for . The cost of this service is low, so the client does not require large financial expenses. The customer will receive an excellent result in compliance with all the requirements and rules of this process, saving his time and not wasting it on mastering the intricacies of this process.

1. Submitting an application for technological connection to electrical networks to the electrical grid organization.

We submit and track the application to the network organization:

application forms for JSC UEC and PJSC MOESK Format
JSC OEK up to 150 kW inclusive docx download
JSC UEC for temporary technological connection docx download
JSC UEC for re-registration of capacity docx download
JSC UEC redistribution of electrical power docx download
JSC UEC over 150 kW docx download
JSC UEC individual up to 15 kW inclusive docx download
PJSC MOESK up to 150 kW inclusive doc download
PJSC MOESK for temporary technological connection doc download
PJSC MOESK for connection of power receiving devices doc download
PJSC MOESK individual up to 15 kW doc download
PJSC MOESK individual to receive redistributed power doc download
  • for technological connection (“new” technological connection to electrical networks)
  • to increase the existing electrical capacity of the facility
  • redistribution or re-registration of electrical power
  • temporary technological connection

Documents attached to the application:

  • location plan of energy receiving devices;
  • single-line diagram of the applicant’s electrical networks (if necessary, depending on the voltage level);
  • power of attorney or other documents confirming the authority of the representative.
  • title documents
  • documents for property or rent (from 1 year)

When deciding which power grid organization to submit an application for technological connection to, you should pay attention to the distance from the boundaries of the applicant’s site to the nearby power grid facilities of the network organization.

2. Concluding an agreement for technological connection and obtaining technical conditions

Within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application, the Grid Organization sends the applicant for signing a completed and signed draft agreement in 2 copies and technical conditions as an integral annex to the agreement.

The applicant signs both copies of the draft agreement within 30 days from the date of receipt of the draft agreement signed by the network organization and sends 1 copy to the network organization with documents confirming the authority of the person who signed such an agreement.

In case of disagreement with the draft agreement presented by the network organization and (or) its non-compliance with the Technological Connection Rules, the applicant has the right to send to the network organization a reasoned refusal to sign the draft agreement with a proposal to change the submitted draft agreement and a requirement to bring it into compliance with the Technological Connection Rules.

3. Design

The design process includes:

  • calculation of possible loads on the electrical network;
  • power supply system route and its design;
  • protective switching equipment;
  • final stage: approval of the project or single-line diagram.

4. Compliance with Technical Conditions

The technical specifications contain a list of activities that must be performed both on the part of the network organization and on the part of the customer.

The fulfillment of technical conditions is carried out jointly by the network company and the applicant. The technical specifications contain columns for “responsibilities of the applicant” and “responsibilities of the network company.” In particular cases, the implementation of specifications is almost entirely carried out by one of the parties, which is prescribed in the technical specifications.

5. Electrical installation work

We offer comprehensive services for the installation of electrical networks and energy equipment.

All types of electrical installation:

  • construction, repair and replacement of power equipment
  • CL laying - 0.4 kV
  • installation of metering units at the boundary of the balance sheet section;
  • installation work of internal power supply using modern technologies;
  • commissioning works.

6. Obtaining certificates of admission

If all work is carried out in accordance with the technical specifications, you must receive:

  • Act on the implementation of technological connection;

  • The act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and the Act of operational responsibility;

  • technical report from the electrical measuring laboratory (if necessary);
  • Certificate of approval of the electrical installation for operation (if necessary);
  • Certificate of approval of electrical energy metering devices (sealing of electrical energy metering unit(s).

7. Conclusion of an energy supply agreement with an energy sales company

The final stage of connecting to electrical networks, after going through all the stages and receiving all the necessary documentation by turning on the switching device by the power grid company, the actual supply of electricity to the consumer's electrical installation is carried out.

Documents provided for concluding an energy supply agreement:

  • Application for concluding an energy supply agreement
  • Certificate of state registration of a legal entity/individual entrepreneur.
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authority at the location in the territory Russian Federation.
  • A document confirming the authority of the applicant (applicant's representative) to conclude the Agreement (power of attorney/extract from the protocol (decision, order)/copy of passport (for an individual entrepreneur)).
  • Documents confirming the right of ownership or other legal basis for ownership of energy receiving devices (certificate of state registration of the right to an object, lease agreement, court decision, etc.) or documents confirming the right of ownership and (or) use of a land plot.
  • Act on technological connection and/or act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership of electric networks.
  • Certificate of admission of the metering device into operation or another document on the admission to operation of the metering device (if the applicant has a metering device).
  • Act of approval of technological and/or emergency armor (if the applicant has it).

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 10, 2014 No. 95, changes were made to the regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure for the sale of electrical energy in retail markets. According to these changes, it is allowed to conclude energy supply agreements (purchase and sale (supply) of electrical energy (power)) in relation to consumer facilities (power receiving devices) even before the completion of the procedure for their technological connection to the networks of the network organization. However, energy supply will begin only after the signing of the act of technological connection.

Step 1. Find out which network organization the object that needs to be connected to the power grid belongs to.

Step 2. Submit an application for concluding an agreement for technological connection to electrical networks.

Step 3. Conclude a connection agreement and carry out the work prescribed by the technical conditions.

Step 4. Draw up and sign an act on the implementation of technological connection. The supply of voltage will begin after concluding a power supply agreement with the sales organization (PJSC Mosenergosbyt).

2. Which network organization should I connect to?

The capital construction project must be connected to the nearest network organization. Find a network organization whose power grid facilities are located at the shortest distance from The shortest distance from the borders of the applicant’s site to the electrical grid facilities of the network organization means the minimum distance measured in a straight line from the border of the site (location of connected power receiving devices) of the applicant to the nearest electrical network facility (power line support, cable line, switchgear, substation) having the voltage class specified in the application.

">site boundaries, and contact there to receive technical conditions and a draft connection agreement.

You can find the electric grid company closest to you using the reference resource of the Moscow Department of Housing and Communal Services.

If you cannot find the information yourself, you can send a request to the local government authority in whose territory the electrical grid facilities of interest are located. In the request, indicate the location of the objects whose ownership you want to determine. The local government body is obliged to provide information within 15 days.

3. What documents are needed to conclude a technological connection agreement?

To conclude an agreement for technological connection, you need to prepare a package of documents, including:

  • identification document of the applicant;
  • a layout plan for power receiving devices (EPDs) that need to be connected to the electrical networks of the network organization;
  • a single-line diagram of the applicant’s electrical networks, the rated voltage class of which is 35 kV and above, indicating the possibility of redundancy from its own power supply sources (including redundancy for its own needs) and the possibility of switching loads (generation) through the applicant’s internal networks;
  • list and power of energy receiving devices that can be connected to emergency and operational automation devices;
  • a copy of the document confirming the ownership or other basis provided by law for the object in which the technological connection will be carried out (capital construction object, land plot, non-residential premises in an apartment building);
  • a power of attorney or other documents confirming the authority of the applicant’s representative submitting and receiving documents, if the application will be submitted by a representative of the applicant;
  • if the technological connection will be carried out in the non-residential premises of an apartment building - a copy of the document confirming the consent of the organization managing the apartment building, or the consent of the general meeting of owners of the residential premises of the apartment building to organize the connection;
  • a draft energy supply agreement (purchase and sale (supply) of electrical energy (power)) signed by the applicant or a protocol of disagreements to the draft agreement - provided at the request of the applicant if he intends to conclude an energy supply agreement (purchase and sale (supply) of electrical energy (power) with a guaranteeing supplier);
  • if energy receiving devices are located within the boundaries of the gardening or vegetable farming territory, - a certificate of the number of land plots located within the boundaries of the gardening or vegetable farming territory;
  • The document is needed if the maximum power of the connected electrical energy production facility is more than 5 MW.">power distribution diagram or The document is needed if the maximum power of power receiving devices is more than 50 MW.">external power supply diagram*.

The scheme developed by the applicant must be agreed upon with the network organization and the subject of operational dispatch control in the electric power industry in accordance with the rules for the development and approval of such schemes and guidelines for designing the development of power systems, approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

4. How to apply for technological connection?

With the collected documents, contact the network company servicing the territory where the connection object is located.

How to submit an application to JSC UEC:

  • in person at the customer service center;
  • on the portal of technological connections of UEC JSC;
  • send by mail (enclosing all necessary documents) to the address: 115035, Moscow, Raushskaya embankment, building 8.

How to submit an application to PJSC "MOESK":

  • in person at one of the company’s client offices;
  • to the website by filling out the required fields of the single application form. With help, you can also apply for contracts for connection to cold water supply and (or) sewerage systems, heat supply systems and gas distribution networks. available in the service catalogue;
  • online on the MOESK website;
  • send by mail (enclosing all necessary documents) to the address: 115114, Moscow, 2nd Paveletsky proezd, building 3, building 2.

5. How to conclude an accession agreement?