Trolling on VKontakte - the first few steps. Trolling on VKontakte The nature of the impact on virtual spaces

Viking Troll is a program for exchanging comments on the VKontakte social network. Using the Viking Troll program, you can comment on photos and posts on the VKontakte wall using other people's accounts. The program is based on the principle of exchange between users.

The principle of operation of the Viking Troll program is as follows: you load your accounts into the program, thereby allowing other users of the program to write comments from them in automatic mode. In the meantime, you get the opportunity to leave comments from the accounts of other people from the program's exchange database.

The Troll program interface offers us convenient navigation through the list of all added accounts and accounts available in the exchanger. You can in a few simple actions prepare the program for work, and use the built-in browser to monitor the progress of the program.

Main advantages

  • sales promotion;
  • manipulation of public opinion;
  • professional PR tool;
  • and much more...

Functionality and capabilities

  • accelerated start - many users are hesitant to leave a comment first. Don’t expect the conversation to start on its own, provoke communication yourself;
  • dissenting opinion - in discussions, comments from the page owner are helpful when asking for information or details. But when making a purchasing decision, users want to see reviews and know that the product has been tested by other people, learn about their experiences and thus protect themselves from being deceived;
  • collectivity – in any situation you can reinforce and express your point of view from several users at once. A properly structured dialogue between them will direct the discussion in the right direction and will look natural;
  • search – comments are indexed by search. Necessary information the user will be able to find not only by post, but also by comment.

Trolling in VK is now a widely popular entertainment among young people and others. Today it is so common that when observing interactions on social networks, it can be very difficult to tell who is a troll and who is simply actively defending their position.

In fact, trolling on VK or anywhere else is nothing more than sophistry that arose back in Ancient Greece. However, if the sophists of Ancient Greece, indeed, possessed the art of eloquence, arousing admiration, the modern “thrall” is sometimes not even able to compose a full sentence, so he uses ordinary copy-paste in an argument or simply slides into insults. What are they worth? words for trolling on VK And pictures for trolling on VK? Apparently, some trolls are so “smart” that they are not even able to figure out on their own “how to troll a person with clever words.”

Thick and thin trolling: words for trolling

Usually, heavy trolling is understood as rude insults to the interlocutor, blatant inversion of facts, forging someone else’s account, posting inappropriate offensive pictures and other nonsense that only interferes with communication.

Thick trolling on VK ends very quickly: an administrator or moderator comes and, seeing a littered thread, simply bans the inappropriate person. The rest of the users breathe a sigh of relief and continue to communicate further. Such “trolling” does not indicate anything other than the presence of low intelligence. It is precisely these types of Internet figures who search Google for words for trolling or ask how to troll a person with clever words, since they are not able to come up with something on their own.

The same thick trolling includes the so-called wiping, when a public or group is simply littered with copy-paste or pictures that do not carry any meaning. In these cases, a bot is usually used for trolling on VK.

More subtle trolling is the raising of a controversial topic in discussions on which all participants will definitely want to speak out. If we talk about SEO forums, a striking example of such a thread can be disputes like “Where is it better to promote – in Yandex or Google?”, “Is it relevant now”. The troll, pretending to be a noob, often simply asks the necessary question, after which the participants do everything for him. Such trolling is often even called nanotrolling, since the “green” simply gives the participants a topic for discussion, and then watches them swear and quarrel with each other.

Also interesting is the type of trolling, which is often called so thick that it is even thin. In public discussions on VK, on ​​a forum or LiveJournal, a certain sociable character appears, distinguished by radical views and an allegedly complete lack of understanding of the situation under discussion. Subsequently, he begins to actively defend his point of view and argue with everyone who disagrees with him. At the same time, he knows very well the rules accepted in the community and the point of view of the administration, so there is no reason for his ban visible reasons. Quickly gaining a reputation as a local “fool”, such a troll at the same time acquires supporters, of course, of a narrow mind.

Often this method is used for the so-called. A troll (or rather, even an experienced marketer) simply interests a large group of people in this way, after which he often lures them from someone else’s resource to his own. At first, his supporters and opponents simply visit his public page or blog with a half-empty forum attached to it, then they begin to mock and ridicule him and, in the end, some of his supporters remain on his new resource.

Why people engage in trolling and what feelings they experience can only be answered by the trolls themselves. Some of them like to feel like a kind of intellectual elite, completely changing the mood of the crowd with one message, others just want to amuse those around them, some pour out their anger and negative emotions on the Internet. Some, having heard people talking about trolling on VK, simply want to try to troll someone themselves and begin leaving provocative messages in public pages.

To summarize our comic article, we note that trolling is, of course, a much more interesting and useful hobby than stupidly sitting in front of the TV, but it is also much more stupid and destructive than communicating with normal people, reading books, playing sports and walking in the fresh air. air.

Don't get carried away 😉

From this article you will learn how to touch a person with words:

  • You're so clever? Or other?
  • Lovers are two people who love themselves with the help of each other, or of each other.
  • I have so much strength that I can bite through a crowbar and wash down nails with lava.
  • Take me! But not just like that, but as a wife.
  • You're so smart, but your skull doesn't hurt?
  • All the best things happen, but unexpectedly.
  • Tuborg - go have some dinner! And Klinskoe - go to the store.

You don't know how to touch someone with words? Very simply read this article.

How to troll a friend?

How to troll a friend?

Recently, the phenomenon of trolling has been actively gaining popularity on the Internet. This statement in virtual network provocative messages aimed at ridiculing a particular person and arousing negative emotions. Trolling can be just humorous and harmless. For example, you can come up with a joke for a friend and play it “hard” on him. How to tease a friend without humiliating or offending him? Let's consider several ways.

Trolling Basics

Write a few casual comments about clothing, manner of communication, or appearance person. You can get caught on any item of clothing. For example, if your friend dresses like a goth - in all black, wears sneakers or shoes with a huge platform, and has long hair, then you can hint that in this way he can easily be confused with a girl.

When you decide to tease a friend, do not forget that the most important goal is the manifestation of negative emotions in a person. What should you get as a result? The opponent feels awkward and confused. All this should not be caused by insults, but by your logical and witty mockery. This is the art of the “troll”.

How to troll a friend on VK

  • It’s not difficult to “pin” a person on VKontakte. You can start with his avatar. Notice what is most surprising about it and take action. In the same way you can get hooked on a nickname.
  • You can easily influence anyone in personal correspondence. How to start a conversation? Address your interlocutor with some not entirely decent request. When he refuses, write to him - “Well, okay, but it seemed to me that you wouldn’t refuse decent money" After this, the conversation will certainly begin, and you can actively ask your interlocutor provocative questions and make fun of him. To prevent the target of your trolling from abandoning the dialogue, you can tell him that you will post all the correspondence in some public place. After this, you are guaranteed a new round of further trolling!

Ways to troll a friend - looking for weak points

This trolling method is more complex than the previous one. He assumes that you will be able to find out from your interlocutor the real shortcomings that really concern him. Some suffer from excessive use of obscene words, others cannot write a single sentence without a spelling error, others are characterized by excessive greed, and so on. If a person lies about everything and even in small things, you can start asking him with sarcasm how and to whom exactly he is lying. How many times a day does he deceive people and what benefit does even the smallest lie bring to him? By starting a long dialogue, you can easily catch a liar in a lie, because those who regularly lie do not remember everything they said before. Watch such a person carefully, and then remind him of the original version that he voiced earlier.

How to troll a friend with words?

Our article presents less than 10 ways to tease a friend, but you can read other ideas on the same topic in the article How to tease a friend. You can also find a video on this page from which you can learn how to troll a friend.

Trolling as an art

Surely you have heard the word “trolling” more than once: this is the name of a special form of social provocation, usually used when communicating online or by phone. To understand what the phrase “trolling a person” means, you can try to find an analogy from everyday life.

At its core, provocations, deliberate incitement and deliberate misleading of an opponent are close to the phenomenon of trolling. Typically, trolling consists of all of the above in different combinations, and the process can be short-term or drag on for long hours or days.

What does it mean to troll a person?

The circumstances under which interlocutors begin to troll each other can be very different: a “troll” can hide under the guise of anonymity (and this often happens) or be openly personified - this is often done by people interested in openly shocking their interlocutors and striving for recognition, popularity and publicity.

The concept of “trolling” is rooted in the slang of participants in online forums and other virtual communities: in English language The word trolling means fishing with a lure, and in modern Russian it means provocative behavior on the Internet.

Another popular version explains the origin of the concept, linking it to Scandinavian mythology, which describes certain “trolls” - unpleasant, downright ugly creatures that constantly caused harm to others.

The Oxford Dictionary entry on trolling mentions both versions.

A striking example of trolling is a provocative phrase, as if accidentally released in a general chat, or a comment of the same kind under material published online. Most often, users troll each other on social networks, on news and thematic sites, conferences and forums: in this case, a person receives almost limitless opportunities for trolling, since there is no physical and visual contact to expose or control the “trolls.” You can create absolutely any virtual image and use it to its fullest.

How to properly troll people?

It’s not difficult to learn trolling, but not everyone can become a high-flying bird. The most common way to troll people is to present yourself as a typical user of the community in which you plan to launch your activities. Think about what problems should be shared, what topics to be interested in.

Once you get used to the role well, you will be able to carry out subversive activities in all directions: one phrase appropriately inserted into a discussion can produce a bomb effect and anger dozens of users.

Trolling can be “subtle” or “thick”, and of course, it is most interesting to troll a person subtly - in this case, he most likely will not immediately understand that he is being provoked. But the troll will also require more endurance and imagination. “Thick” provocations are recognized faster, and in communities with a high sensitivity to trolling, such statements can be immediately followed by a ban.

But even if you have learned how to delicately troll your virtual interlocutors, think three times before getting involved in this, of course, fascinating process. In general, trolling is assessed as a negative phenomenon, and very often the attitude towards a person who constantly provokes his interlocutors into aggression and bewilderment develops accordingly.

Want to learn how to do it right?

Then follow a few enough simple principles:

  • always prefer “thin” trolling to “thick” trolling; it is difficult to achieve the desired reaction with outright “attacks” and jokes - most likely, the interlocutor will immediately stop the dialogue, recognizing the troll from the first phrases;
  • think about the consequences of your actions: if you know that the person you are communicating with is in a state of deep depression or for some other reason is experiencing serious mental discomfort, you should not cause him additional trauma - it is better to choose another object;
  • since trolling is “a game of fake personality,” according to D. Donat (researcher of the phenomenon), the better your virtual image is developed, the easier it will be to troll your interlocutors;
  • the more often trolls appear in a community, the higher the sensitivity of other participants to provocations; accordingly, even harmless hints and phrases can cause a hyperreaction;
  • if you are a troll, this does not mean that you have a reinforced concrete nervous system; by provoking people (even very restrainedly), you need to understand that in response you may have to hear a lot of bad things;
  • in order not to be exposed immediately, switch your opponent’s attention to all sorts of unimportant details, then he will be forced to constantly prove, comprehend and challenge something, therefore, there will be almost no time and energy left for your exposure;
  • for effective trolling, you should learn to argue not unfoundedly, but reasonably - find sources that you can refer to, and criticize the sources that your interlocutor refers to;
  • nothing is more annoying than being accused of incompetence (people tend to believe that they are doing the right thing and wisely), and successful trolls use this technique at every opportunity;
  • demagoguery is also useful, especially if your arguments are presented cheerfully and calmly - learning this manner of presenting information is not difficult, and your opponent will certainly be enraged by your self-confidence;
  • find weak points in your interlocutor’s argumentation: if his comment contains up to 90% of irrefutable facts and only 10% of controversial information, focus on these 10% and escalate the atmosphere, ignoring the remaining 90%;
  • never stop arguing first, maintain the argument until your opponent’s patience is completely exhausted;
  • Do not stoop to rudeness; caustic irony combined with emphatically polite formulations works much more effectively.

Having learned to drive your interlocutors to white heat in a matter of seconds, do not use your secret weapon for any reason, and also do not descend into banal rudeness, even when your opponent shows obvious aggression.

What does it mean to troll? How to behave if someone tries to troll you

Trolling is one of the types of virtual communication in which one of the parties - the troll - unconsciously escalates the conflict or begins to deliberately, in an obvious or hidden form, belittle and bully the other participant in the communication, violating the ethics of behavior on the network. Trolling is expressed in the form of insulting, mocking and aggressive behavior. IN real life it is similar to energy vampirism. It is used by both anonymous participants and personalized users interested in shocking, publicity and recognition.

Emergence and study

The term appeared at the beginning of the 21st century. Back then no one knew what it meant to troll. People interested in this topic created network organizations and communities to exchange experiences, where the most effective ways inciting conflicts. Trolling was first mentioned in academic literature in 1996 by researcher Judith Donat, who cited several curious examples taken from Usenet conferences. Donat emphasized that in a “virtual society” this identification is ambiguous.

Origin of the term

What is the meaning of the word "troll"? This term is not related to the field of scientific discourse, and comes from the slang of users of virtual communities. “Fishing with lures” - this is the literal translation from English word"trolling" IN general view this phenomenon can be characterized as the process of posting provocative messages on communication resources on the network with the aim of creating a conflict situation by violating the ethical rules of Internet interaction. We hope you now understand what it means to troll people. Go ahead.

Troll - this is the designation given to a person engaged in trolling. Irina Ksenofontova (employee of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) believes that this term became popular because of its meaning in Scandinavian mythology. There, trolls, especially in children's fairy tales, are portrayed as ugly, unpleasant creatures created to do evil and cause harm. They are depicted very colorfully in cinema.

Trolling environment

We figured out what it means to troll on the Internet. Now let's talk about places where this can be done. These include social media, conferences, thematic forums, news sites, portals and chat rooms. The design features of these spaces allow the user to create a virtual alter ego, designed at his discretion. Almost every virtual community has special fields where participants can form their data by entering basic and additional (hobbies and interests) characteristics. This is a great opportunity to organize provocations by people who know what it means to troll a person. After all, this process is not controlled by anyone, and any participant in the virtual space can generate the desired image.

The nature of the impact on virtual spaces

The provocateur is pretending regular user sharing common problems and interests of a community or group. If conference participants are aware of what it means to troll, then they try to identify provocative publications, and if this is successful, they force the attacker to leave the group. The success of detection will depend on the skill of recognizing hints that determine the goals of the creator of the posts. Much also depends on the troll himself, or more precisely, on his level of professionalism. Skilled provocateurs can troll very for a long time without revealing your true face.

Trolls cause significant harm to communications: they spoil discussions, spread destructive ideas or harmful advice, and destroy the sense of trust that community members have in each other. In groups with a high level of falsification in space, which are especially sensitive to trolling, most questions that are naive in content are rejected and are not considered a provocation.


Trolling as a form of social aggression has characteristic features. The first is the possibility of its existence only in virtual communities. Although in real society there are people who know what it means to troll and do it with pleasure. The second is the rapid release of an avalanche-like aggression, instantly spreading to almost all users of the virtual community. And the third is the inability of the trolling victim to make visual or physical contact with the initiator of the conflict.

What to do if you are trolled?

In this case, you have two options. Either completely ignore the troll, or become one yourself and give a worthy rebuff. And to defeat him, you need to be smart, quick-witted and attentive. Develop these qualities in yourself.

Smartness. Don't confuse it with the mind. Intelligence is the ability to instantly respond to any changes in the external environment and adapt to them, if necessary. It is also the ability to use other people’s tactics and techniques, actively used by people who are aware of what it means to troll.

Attentiveness and good memory. You need to collect and carefully analyze everything that your opponent says about you. Also watch your phrases. After all, any of them can be used against you. Good memory needed to remember and quote your opponent's stupid statements.

Well, of course it won't hurt high speed print. The faster the typing speed in chat, the easier it is to troll someone with phrases about how they think too much. In general, be sure to master the skill of touch typing.

Once you have mastered all the above qualities, you will have a much deeper understanding of what it means to troll people, and you will be able to resist anyone trying to hook you.