The error is err connection closed. Err connection closed what is this? My own admin...

It is the most popular browser, it is not without errors. At times, this leads to errors that you never want to deal with. Explore How to fix the Err_Connection_Reset error!

One of the most common errors is the Err_Connection_Reset error. To fix this error, you need to know why it appears.

What is err_connection_reset error in Chrome

The err_connection_reset error occurs when Chrome is unable to create a connection or is not very stable. Your computer can't process the connection, and that's when you see this terrible error message.

How to fix err_connection_reset error in Chrome

The first step is to test your internet connection by checking whether the modem is enabled or not for any reason on your computer.

Check if you can connect to other sites or if it is only one site. This site may have problems. If you use Wi-Fi, be aware that things like doors, walls, radio frequencies, etc. can interfere with the signal.

If you are using a VPN, this may be the reason that you are not having a stable connection. WITH using VPN(virtual private network) you may constantly experience ups and downs when connecting to the Internet.

To fix the error, you can try changing the server. Try a server that you think may not be used as often as the one you are currently using. For example, let's say you're using NordVPN. When you click on the dots (which will appear when you hover over the country name), you will see different servers with percentages. Choose one with a low level.

Destroy your computer's proxy

To get rid of the proxy, open the Run window by pressing the Win and R keys. Type inetcpl.cpl and press Enter. The Internet Properties window should appear. Go to the Connections tab and select LAN Settings.

Make sure that the "Use a proxy server for your local network" checkbox is not selected. Select the Automatically detect settings checkbox.

Check your antivirus settings

Antiviruses do this Good work that sometimes they can block sites that do not pose a threat. Try going into your antivirus settings so Chrome can be whitelisted.

If you don't have an antivirus and are using Windows Defender, you can add Chrome whitelist in Settings -> Updates & Security -> Windows Security" ->, Firewall and Network Security and clicking on the first option which says “Allow application through firewall”.

In the next window, make sure you see Chrome and that the box to the left of it is checked.

Disable AppEx Networks Accelerator

Don't let its name fool you, as AppEx Networks Accelerator can slow down your Internet connection. To disable this setting, go to Settings -> Network & Internet -> Ethernet -> Change adapter settings.

Use Chromes Cleanup Tool

You can also try the Chromes integrated cleaning tool to remove anything that might be causing the problem. Most quick way To access this function, type chrome://settings/cleanup. Click the blue Find button to get started.

Reset TCP/IP

Other Possible Solution This error is resetting the TCP/IP that your devices use to connect to the Internet.

To do this, you need to run Command Prompt as an administrator. You can do this by searching for Command Prompt and when it appears in the results, right-click it and select Run as administrator.

When the command prompt appears, enter the following commands:

netsh winsock reset netsh int ip reset ipconfig / release ipconfig / renew ipconfig / flushdns

Err_Connection_Reset — Conclusion

Unfortunately, this is an error that all Chrome users face, but with the above tips, you now know how to fix them. What do you think could be causing this error on your computer?

When you try to open any of the sites in the Google Chrome browser (less often in other browsers), you may encounter an error opening the required page of the site, and the message “ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED” appears. This error may have quite a variety of reasons, ranging from problems with the Internet provider to incorrect Internet connection settings on the user’s PC.

We are fixing this connection error with the site.

The essence and causes of dysfunction

The full text of this error reads “Error: connection refused", which translated means "Error: Connection refused". This error occurs in stationary and mobile browser Chrome (in the statistical majority of cases), as well as on alternative browsers(much less often).

The reasons for its occurrence may be the following:

  • There are problems with your Internet service provider (ISP);
  • There are problems with the operation of a particular site (or technical work is being carried out on it);
  • You are using a proxy (VPN) to access the site, but the specified proxy (VPN) is not working correctly;
  • Your computer is using incorrect Internet connection settings;
  • Access to the site is blocked by any malware;
  • Access to the required site is blocked by an antivirus or;
  • There are problems with the operation of your router (modem);
  • Access to the site is blocked by various extensions (add-ons) installed in your browser;
  • You are using outdated version browser.

How to get rid of ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED on your computer

To solve this problem, first of all, you need to make sure that you are using the latest version of your browser. And also that this problem does not come from your Internet provider (call your provider back and clarify this issue). If your browser itself latest version, and everything is fine with the provider, then I recommend doing the following:

  • Just restart your computer (gadget). If the error is of a stochastic nature, then after a reboot it will disappear;
  • Set the correct IP connection settings. Launch (or ), and enter the following commands one by one, remembering to press enter after each of them:

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /all
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
netsh int ip set dns
netsh winsock reset

After running these commands, restart your computer, this will usually fix the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error on your PC.

Change the DNS addresses used by your system to public ones from Google

  1. Click on the Start button, type ncpa.cpl in the search bar, and press enter.
  2. In the list of network connections that opens, find your Internet connection, hover the cursor over it, and click on the right mouse button.
  3. In the menu that opens, select “Properties”.
  4. In the window that opens network connections find the IPv4 protocol, select it, and click on “Properties”.
  5. At the bottom, select the option to use the following DNS server addresses, and enter the following public addresses from Google there:



Click on "Ok" and restart your computer.

Use public DNS settings from Google

Everyday surfing leaves its mark on the performance of any browser. The problem is not even the negligence of the developers, not at all. It’s just that the system is so cluttered, and it is affected by such external factors, individual for each machine, that you shouldn’t be surprised at the appearance of errors and crashes. Today we will talk about why it occurs ERR CONNECTION RESET error Google Chrome . Also, in the process of narration, we will consider the most effective ways solving the problem.

There are several options why Chrome reacts this way to seemingly simple user manipulations.

The above error occurs because some processes or applications interrupt or reset the browser. What and how is happening there, we just have to figure out. What to do in such a situation, you ask? It's simple. Below we provide a list of medications that will help solve the “issue”

For ease of understanding, we will divide the further narration into several logical blocks.

Often the ERR CONNECTION RESET error disappears after a simple page refresh or browser restart. If this is not our case, then we move on with the article.

Restarting your computer and router

The first step towards solving the problem will be to restart the machine and, naturally, the problem page. If the ill-fated system message does not go away, disconnect the router from power, wait 60 seconds and repeat the manipulations described above.

Clearing cache

Systematic use of Google's browser leads to the accumulation of temporary files, which over time clutter up the internal space, preventing the algorithms from functioning normally.

Therefore, it is useful to clear your browsing history and cache as follows:

Now all that remains is to restart the program and check the functionality of its internal algorithms.

Add Chrome to Windows Firewall Permissions

Often the problem with opening pages in Chrome arises due to the blocking of its activity by the built-in defender. To level out even this probability, a small step-by-step instruction is presented below:

If the manipulations do not bring results, then we move on.

And if you use an antivirus, then you should add Chrome to its exclusions.

Disabling antivirus

Developers of security applications often overdo the “toothiness” of their creations. Therefore, the built-in algorithms “cut out without trial” too many system and other processes. As a test, try disabling everything protective screens and check the functionality of the program. As a rule, this is done through the antivirus menu in the Windows tray.

If you use extensions to configure proxy servers to work in your browser, then there is a high probability of their destructive influence. Try disabling them and making a test transition to the page. If everything succeeds, then find a replacement for the disgraced plugin.

Let's sum it up

There are many reasons and factors that cause the “connection reset” error in Google Chrome. In this article, we looked at the maximum number of options for solving this problem. Try them all and one of them will bring positive results to the tray.

Today we are reviewing another error in Google Chrome, and to be more specific, the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error. This network error a fairly common occurrence for those who surf the net frequently, and by coming here you've definitely already encountered it.

The ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error can manifest itself for completely different reasons and, in most cases, it is quite difficult to determine. Many people believe that the problem lies in the Internet connection settings. One way or another, fixing it is possible and very simple. Follow the steps below and you will succeed.

Causes of the "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" error in Google Chrome

The main reason, as we already indicated above, may be a change in the Local Network settings. If you are using software with a proxy, it could change the Local Network settings, which leads to the error.

Due to the fact that visited sites in the browser are cached, you can go to the same site in seconds using the entered information. This can be compared to a bookmark. However, this information, i.e. cache can also cause a variety of problems.

Methods for solving the “ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED” error in Google Chrome

Method No. 1 Checking the Local Network settings

In most cases, the reason behind the already mentioned error may be Local Network settings that literally prevent connections from being made to certain pages on the network. To solve the problem with Local network, do the following:

  • Press the buttons simultaneously Win+R.
  • Copy the request to the empty line of the Run utility inetcpl.cpl and press Enter.
  • In the “Properties: Internet” window that opens, go to the “Connections” tab.
  • Click on the “Network Settings” button opposite the “Local Network Settings Settings” item.
  • In the window that appears, see if the “Use a proxy server for local connections (does not apply to dial-up or VPN connections)” option is checked. If so, remove it and then confirm the changes.
  • After the changes, restart your computer.

Once your PC is fully booted, try going to your browser and check for the “ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED” error in Google Chrome.

Method #2 Using public DNS servers

In this method, we will try to change your settings for obtaining DNS server addresses. Instead of automatic settings, you must set yourself public addresses for the DNS server, which are provided by Google themselves. To do this, do the following:

  • Press the key combination Win+R.
  • Enter the value in the blank line ncpa.cpl and press Enter.
  • Double click on your Internet connection.
  • Click on the "Properties" button.
  • Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click the Properties button.
  • Check the “Use the following DNS server addresses” option.
  • Expose for "Preferred DNS Server" and for "Alternate DNS Server".
  • Confirm the changes and restart your computer.

Check your browser for the "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" error in Google Chrome.

An incomprehensible, but humanly speaking, simply treacherous refusal of a browser to open an Internet page “overwritten” by the user’s unquenchable interest is a rather unpleasant event. And it’s not at all funny when a person suddenly loses the opportunity to communicate with friends through a certain social resource. However, from this article you will learn how to fix the network conflict “Error code err connection reset - connection reset.”

My own admin...

Let’s not bore you, dear reader, and let’s move straight to specific solutions. However, let's agree on one thing - you need to act consistently, so to speak, without jerks and omissions. Without any doubt, your problem will be resolved, and unhindered access to your favorite site will be restored, if you first carefully study the presented material and only then proceed practical implementation specific solution. Well, good luck to you, and let’s get started!

What to do if your browser blocks access to only a few sites

It is worth noting that this recommendation should not be used in situations where antivirus program“carefully” blocks entry to a specific site, the search reputation of which is very questionable, and access to the resource poses an actual (reasonable!) threat of infection to the user’s OS malicious code. Be wise and do not make unjustified mistakes!

So, if your browser has, as they say, “cut off your social oxygen” and you cannot access, for example, your VKontakte page because it doesn’t even load, do the following:

  • Go to the Start menu.
  • Click on the “This computer” section and you will find yourself in the service Windows window conductor.
  • Opening system disk(C:\) and follow the path: Windows -> System32 -> drivers -> etc.

  • In the last folder, you need to select the “Hosts” file and holding the cursor on it, using right button mouse, call the context menu.

  • Using the “Open with...” tab, select the standard Windows tool “Notepad”.
  • Further actions are very simple - find your “blocked” Internet resource (site address) and remove it from the list provided.
  • After closing the notepad, agree to save the changes made.

If you do not find the “hosts” file in the “etc” folder, then you should use the “Show hidden folders and files" (more detailed information you will find how to do this ).

In most cases, the editing process mentioned above hosts file, helps. Otherwise, we move on to the next scenario for restoring access to the “blocked” site.

Making changes to browser settings

Sometimes the problem “error code err connection reset - connection reset” is resolved by correcting some parameters of the Internet browser itself. Let's look at an example Google browser Chrome, what exactly needs to be done in such a situation.

  • Call the main menu of the program - click on the icon in the form of three horizontal lines, which is located in the upper right corner of the browser program.
  • Select the “Settings” item.
  • Scroll the active screen to the end and activate - “Show additional...”.
  • Now find the “Network” section and click on the “Change proxy server settings” button.

  • In the “Browser Options” window that opens, click on the “Network Settings” button.
  • Press the “OK” button twice, alternately.

Other network problems and how to fix them

A user's machine may have several options for connecting to the Internet. Meanwhile, this kind of network branching is often the reason for the “short-term” inability of the browser when trying to access the Internet. To fix this kind of network conflict, follow the instructions below.

  • Call the command console - press the hotkey combination “Win ​​+ R”.
  • Type - cmd.

  • IN command line write “IPConfig /ALL” and press “Enter”.

Windows OS, so to speak, will independently correct the connection error and access to the “unloadable” site will be open again.

In conclusion

Of course, not all solutions to the mentioned error fit into such a narrow framework of the presented article. And yet, we will mention one additional tool for restoring browser functionality. Of course, we are talking about a small, but quite useful program"Ccleaner". If you have not yet installed it on your PC, then hurry up to do so.

Since in the context of the topic raised, you need to subject the system partition of the OS to a thorough cleaning, as well as troubleshooting Windows registry(about the “healing” properties of “CCleaner”, read ). And don’t forget that sometimes standard anti-virus tools can block (which seemed suspicious to them) the loading script of certain Internet resources. That's all, value safety!