How not to waste traffic on YouTube. YouTube traffic. Attract attention with little things

In this article I will describe my thoughts on driving traffic from Youtube. Youtube has changed a lot since the TRAFFIC 2.0 course was written. Now many people have started downloading ready-made videos and re-uploading them without worrying about the quality and alteration of the video. The number of such conversions reached such a level that Youtube began to take action, namely blocking accounts, permanently. Our algorithms also need to change. I understand that traffic from Youtube is a goldmine. The third most visited website in the world provides a huge number of visitors and customers. I must admit that Youtube is still very loyal to such traffic recipients =)

The scheme for receiving traffic from Youtube needs to be radically changed, otherwise all our accounts will be blocked.

The first step is to make the video unique. Your task is to either shoot your own videos or remake existing ones. Filming your own is not an easy task and is very labor-intensive. Remaking existing ones is not an easy task for beginners, for those who do not know how to add audio tracks, etc. All this needs to be sorted out.

When changing the soundtrack, for example in videos about games or entertainment, everything is simple, there is music playing, and you need to change the music, it’s much simpler. In videos where there is voice acting, it is impossible to change the voice to music. This is the difficulty.

Youtube gives a huge flow of traffic to my gaming sites, for example. Here's some simple arithmetic.

I have over 6000 videos uploaded. On average, these videos give me 2000 views per day. These views result in about 300 referrals to the site. How do you like this?

If I substitute a subscription form for my website, I will receive about 200 subscribers per day fully automatically and for free.

Is the game worth the candle? I think it's worth it. If you constantly increase this potential and record more and more new videos, then the number of transitions will only grow.

For example, yesterday I received a letter in the mail in which the author suggests that I bring him subscribers at 20 rubles per subscriber. Calculate how much Youtube alone can bring in, 200 subscribers per day at 20 rubles per subscriber is already 4,000 rubles per day. 4000 rubles x 30 days = 120,000 rubles from such a business Youtube can bring without your intervention. You did it once and only send traffic to advertisers.

So in the near future I will completely focus on modernizing traffic from Youtube.

I look forward to your thoughts on this matter.

Hello everyone, today I want to tell you about a way in which you can earn a lot of money, you may ask how this relates to the topic “How to get passive traffic from YouTube”? - and it’s simple, right now a lot of people on the Internet make money with the help of traffic, and there’s a lot of traffic on YouTube. You can transfer it to various affiliate programs and photo hosting sites, basically wherever you want and have a lot of passive income. Now, in more detail, imagine that you have a video and under it in the description there is a link to your affiliate program, and 2 people click on it per day - well, you tell me that these 2 people are very small for me, but now imagine , that you have 100 such videos, that’s another thing, the traffic will be worthwhile and considering the fact that it is also live, then this is generally super. So, let's begin!

Search for videos!

We need videos, it won’t be difficult to find them, you can take popular videos, like max +100500 and the like, you can also find a lot of thematic videos, let’s say you are driving traffic to an affiliate program that is related to diets, then we are looking for a video where diet appears and things like that!
There is very good program to search videos by keys and it’s called Tubenoia
Let's launch it:

Select search by keys "From keywords"

We enter the word by which we will search for the video, and the number. For example: diet

Next, select the entire list of parsed videos and click Export list:

Well, we have collected the videos we need, now we need to download them. A program for mass downloading videos from youtube can do this very well for us - FREE Youtube Download -
The program looks like this -

And so let's get started, first you need to go to the program options
There you will need to choose where the videos will be downloaded.

Next, we download links to the video from our file (File - Open list - Select the file with the video). It is advisable to download 50 videos at a time. Then, when we have added the links, click the insert button. And then we just download everything.

The program may fluctuate and stop, perhaps youtube will ban your ip, so change it when necessary.
So, we figured out how to find necessary videos, how to download them, now all that remains is to download. You are probably now wondering how to download so many videos, and also so that all the tags and descriptions are filled in, and everything is simple, for this we don’t even have to download anything.
First, go to the channel settings and open “Default Settings” and fill in all the necessary fields and click save.

And now all the videos that you add will be what you wrote.
Now we need to increase the limit on video duration; to do this we need to confirm our account. To do this, just go here
And so you've done all this and let's start uploading videos, to do this we just need to drag your videos from the folder into this form:

And so, now we have figured it out and learned how to download the videos we need in the required volume. Now let's come closer to how to implement our knowledge. In general, this traffic can be driven anywhere, I think you have all seen more than once ways to make money where you had to get traffic, the same pickcash.
But... I would try my luck with SMS subscriptions, here is an excellent affiliate program for this - you can choose the diet offer just like in the example, but I would advise buying and linking a domain to it, like this more people will follow.

Another very good way, these are paid archives, this is what you need, you download clips using the same principle, let’s say Oxxxymiron,” and upload them in the same way with tags and other things, and in the description write something like “Download the album Oxxxymiron - the Eternal Jew” or by songs, in general, whichever is more convenient. There are also a lot of affiliate programs with paid archives and it’s not difficult to understand them.

To summarize, I want to download that the method is very good and is suitable for those who like to do nothing and get money, because you don’t spend so much effort on it. If you approach the matter properly, you can have a good income and, most importantly, a passive one. You can also search for videos yourself and make cuts from different programs- this way the video gets to the top more often and there will be no problems with rights.

YouTube traffic is the amount of data that is sent over an Internet connection over a certain period of time. YouTube traffic can be incoming and outgoing, respectively, helping both in promoting the channel and promoting a brand or company.

To find out traffic sources YouTube channel, you should go to analytics, there you will see where the traffic to the YouTube video comes from. Analyze how much YouTube traffic comes from each video on the channel, which video is in the lead and gives more YouTube traffic.

In order to increase YouTube traffic to your Internet resource or direct traffic to a YouTube channel from foreign sites, read informative articles in the “YouTube Traffic” section.

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They immediately try to find ways to earn money so that while earning money, they themselves spend as little as possible on promotion and advertising.

And of course, first of all, everyone dreams of a hen that lays eggs made of pure gold, that is, free traffic on the Internet.

The search for free traffic is always relevant because the benefits are very great. And such traffic will always be in demand, since it allows you to make money on the Internet without any financial investment on your part.

YouTube as a source of free traffic.

With free traffic from YouTube, you can earn serious money, not pennies: high income is a reality!

Eat different ways, with the help of which you can arrange for yourself to receive free Internet traffic, and the most affordable of them is to use YouTube, the most popular video hosting site today.

Hundreds of millions of people visit YouTube every day, and therefore, if even the smallest part of them follows your link, this will already be a very attractive number of users worldwide network who visit your site or follow an affiliate or advertising link.

It all depends on how correctly you use this huge traffic.

Ways to get free traffic from YouTube.

Let's take a closer look at the three main options that allow you to get through YouTube free Internet traffic.

  • Option #1

This is the easiest way. Go to the YouTube website and go to the “Popular” section, and then look at the contents of the “Popular right now” section.

Then write comments under each video, describing your suggestions in them and leaving the link you need (not forgetting to shorten this link using special services designed specifically for this purpose).

The main thing is to do this very carefully so that your information does not look like spam or outright advertising.

The free traffic provided to you by the YouTube site will not be long in coming, and you will soon find that the number of visitors who will start clicking on the link you provided in the comments will increase significantly.

  • Option No. 2

There are many videos on YouTube with a very large number of views, that is, very popular, but there is a vacuum in their descriptions: there are no descriptions. The owner of the video just posted it on YouTube one day and it became popular.

It is possible that the owner of this video himself does not even suspect that he can make money with it.

Write to this owner your proposal containing a request to allow you to place your link in the description of his video. And of course, tell him that you are ready to share part of the profit with him, because if his video clip provides you with 20 thousand rubles a month, for example, then why not give part of this income (1-2 thousand rubles) to the owner of the video?

  • Option #3

This method is somewhat more complicated than the previous two described above, but it is the most reliable: you need to create your own channel and upload your own videos to YouTube.

At the same time, it is not necessary to become a video blogger, trying to constantly update your channel with fresh releases. You can simply make some video cuts using video files already available on YouTube.

The subject can be different: animals, jokes, nonsense, falls, accidents, etc.

Cuttings on various topics are always popular because it implies that the author has chosen the best.

So, now that you know three ways, three options by which you can get free Internet traffic using YouTube, try it right now, without delaying it for later, and add visitors to your site today.

I am still a supporter of search traffic, as the easiest and highest quality of all types of traffic. At the same time, it will provide you with income constantly, unlike other sources, since visitors will constantly come to your blog or website.

That's all! Earn money!

Everyone seems to be obsessed with video content these days. Creating interesting videos has never been more accessible - there are tons of resources and tips on how to do it right. We hear about Snapchat, Periscope, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter - social networks and applications that allow you to earn money through video. But he remains the most popular, the first and only.

In this article you will learn how to get traffic from YouTube and see how to convert it using special landing pages- YouTube landing pages. This trick has not yet reached Russia, so look and be inspired by 5 examples of Western marketers. Among which is Donald Trump's page.

YouTube, the great and the terrible

YouTube has accumulated more than 1 billion users - that's a third of the entire Internet world. Every day, viewers watch hundreds of millions of hours of video, with more than mobile device on average it takes 40 minutes.

Do you think the bulk of these videos are viral jokes or stunts of crazy drivers? But no. More and more people are watching videos from the series “How to make / earn / draw...”, in a word, step by step instructions. The number of YouTube searches starting with the word “How” is growing by 70% every year. Here is their gradation by degree of popularity (in descending order of effectiveness):

  1. Customer reviews.
  2. Product demonstration.
  3. Video lessons.
  4. Interviews with industry leaders.
  5. Analysis of projects and analysis of practical examples.
  6. Webinars in live and upon request (on-demand).
  7. Video blogs.
  8. Event videos.

What is a YouTube landing page?

Users get to it after clicking on the advertising link under the video. This is a separate page where the advantages of the product or service discussed in the video are described in detail. The goal is most often not direct sale, but, as usual in the lead generation scheme, downloading e-book, subscription to the newsletter, etc.

How to get traffic from YouTube

So, what exactly needs to be done to generate conversions to a YouTube landing page.

Description of the video

YouTube allows you to place descriptions below each video, and this is a great place to link to your landing page. This is what the manufacturer of special marketing software Marketo did:


They are accessible areas within a video that help drive traffic to your site. For example, CRM solution provider Salesforce advertises its training product Trailhead:

A new offering from YouTube similar to annotations is YouTube Cards. You create and embed small images into your video - an alternative to transparent clickable areas. Marketing company DigitalMarketer uses these in their videos:


The audience's attention is increasingly captured by Live videos (live or “live” broadcasts). Today this is 38% of all video advertising costs.

Display URLs

These links cannot be clicked; they appear in key points videos and remind users where to go to look for an offer. shows a link to their website at the bottom of a video about purchasing home insurance:

Targeting TV devices

If you want to attract a more solvent audience, targeting users who watch YouTube content using smart TV can help. digital television, game consoles and digital media players Chromecast and Apple TV. All these devices cost money.

The downside is that Google does not yet disclose statistics on TV devices in Google Analytics, and reports and the Google Ads interface show different impression statistics.

This type of targeting is suitable for the following campaigns:

  • Branded, aimed at increasing recognition;
  • Performance, primarily remarketing and interest groups;
  • Video campaigns;
  • Media banners, the purpose of which is to motivate people to find a product or information about a company from other devices.

How to create a YouTube landing page

In general, everything is the same as on a regular landing page:

1) Heading with USP. Show what the audience will receive if they take the target action. Focus not on the product itself, but on the benefits of using it.

2) A short video is welcome - how your product will change the life of your audience for the better.

3) Bullets (list of benefits).

4) Reviews. Include quotes full names, positions, company names. Personal information enhances trust.

5) A compelling call to action. Avoid the banal “Submit”, “Download” or “Start”. Drive action with something original. Ideally, use a first-person verb. Plus, to be convincing, refer to the benefits here too.

Example: If your news subscription promises expert advice, replace “Subscribe” with “Send me expert advice.”

6) Contacts. Office address, technical support or sales department phone number.

Five YouTube landing pages for inspiration


  • Minimal text - landing page is easy to view.
  • Company logos reflect which major brands Marketo cooperates with. This increases authority and trust in the eyes of clients.
  • A short lead form does not ask for a lot of personal information.
  • The form title “See how Marketo works” sounds like a call to action.

What to test:

  • A logo with a hyperlink that takes you away from the landing page.
  • There is no listing of benefits or explanation of why the user needs a demo version of the product.
  • The color of the CTA button does not attract attention.
  • Footer navigation links distract from the conversion action.


  • The title matches the message of the video that users came from. This confirms that they are in the right place.
  • Multiple calls to action provide an opportunity to convert potential customers at different points on the landing page.
  • The form has only one field.
  • The “Subscribe from Salesforce Account” option imports information from user profiles. Registration is just one click!
  • The word “Free” on the CTA gives you no choice but to accept the offer.
  • Company logos reflect which major brands use Quip.
  • Minimum content.
  • The text, divided into fragments, does not bore the reader.
  • Screenshots introduce the interface and functionality of Quip.
  • Video testimonial from an influential marketer with his name, position, company name.
  • A minimalistic footer does not detract from conversion.

What to test:

  • Clickable logos in the header and footer lead users away from the landing page.
  • boring background image distracts from CTA buttons.

Donald Trump campaign landing page

  • The color of the call button attracts attention.
  • The landing page talks about the benefits better than other sites that ask for financial help. Usually, if you donate money for something, you don't get anything in return. Here you can see what you need to do in the final hours before the election to ensure victory.
  • A relatively short video (52 seconds) with the campaign message will retain even a restless user.

What to test:


  • The WalkMe logo does not lead users away from the landing page.
  • The benefits of the proposal are in the bullet list.
  • The call to action button attracts attention.
  • The CTA text indicates the free nature of the offer (“Start with our free plan”).
  • The sticky header goes down when scrolling, just like a CTA button.
  • Company logos show which major brands WalkMe works with.

What to test:

Minimalistic text usually works well on a landing page, but here there is too little of it. You can add screenshots, reviews, and descriptions of the training.

Digital Marketer

What to test:

  • The feedback from the company owner is not encouraging. It is better to post a recommendation from a third party who followed the advice and achieved results.
  • Outgoing links in the footer, “About Us” and “Contacts” pages lead away from the landing page before the target action is completed.


Show benefits in the headline. Use minimal list text and clear calls to action to convince the user to accept your offer. Post social proof to instill trust. Such YouTube landing pages encourage users to take real action. And don’t clutter the page with unnecessary links - they lead away from the target action.