How to use google chrome search engine. Google (search engine) Disadvantages of google chrome search engine

History of creation

The Google search engine was created as an educational project by Stanford University students Larry Page and Sergey Brin. In 1995, they worked on the BackRub search engine, and in 1998, based on it, they created the Google search engine.

Website indexing

Ranking algorithm

Keywords meta tag is not taken into account when ranking sites.


Google uses an algorithm to calculate the PageRank authority of a page. PageRank is one of the auxiliary factors in ranking sites in search results. PageRank is not the only but very important way to determine the position of a site in Google search results. Google uses the PageRank of the pages found for a given query to determine the order in which those pages appear to a visitor in search results.

Search terms

Query Syntax

The Google interface contains a rather sophisticated query language that allows you to limit your search to specific domains, languages, file types, etc. For example, searching for "intitle:Google" will return all Wikipedia articles in all languages ​​that contain the word Google.

Search in found

For some search results, Google provides a second search box that allows the user to find what they are looking for within a particular website. This idea came from the way users used search. According to software engineer Ben Lee and product manager Jack Menzel, network “teleporting” is exactly what helps Google users complete your search. Google has taken this concept a step further, and instead of just "teleporting", which means to search for the desired site, the user only needs to enter part of the name of the website into Google (it is not necessary to remember the entire address), users can enter keywords to search within the selected site. It turned out that it is often difficult for users to find what they are looking for inside a corporate site.

Although this search tool is new to users, it has caused controversy among some publishers and distributors. Google search results pages display pay per click advertisements from competing companies that base advertisements on brands. “While the service could help increase traffic, some users are 'failing' as Google uses brand awareness to sell advertisements usually to competing companies. To smooth out this conflict, Google has proposed disabling this feature for willing companies.


see also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

The default search for Google Chrome is, of course, Google search engine. Everything is clear: Google Chrome the developers decided to add their own "brainchild". How to change this search engine in the browser, change its geolocation, and how to use it unique opportunities, install additional search engines, read in detail in this article.

So how to set up search string: from simple to complex.

After installation, launch Chrome and see ...

Nothing more than a field for entering a query in the legendary Google. Below its logo is the name of the country corresponding to the geographic area of ​​the computer's IP address. If you use a proxy server, the state in which it is physically located (for example, Turkey) will appear on the picture, and in your native language. And if the IP is "open", your country will be displayed. That is, when the browser is launched, the user's geolocation is determined automatically.

Look at the panel. Everything suits me? Search engine, its location? No problem - feel free to enter any request in Russian in the field above visual bookmarks or in the address bar (the browser will quickly figure out that you are not typing a URL, but are looking for something). By the way, the service is free.

Change search engine location

For example, you are somewhere abroad or use a proxy, and Chrome regularly gives you the geographic zone to which the IP belongs, for example, England. And you are fundamentally interested in extradition in Russia or Ukraine. How to be? Create the appropriate settings:

1. Press the "Menu" button in the top bar on the right.

2. Select "Settings" from the list.

3. In the "Open at startup" section, enable the "Defined pages" button.

4. On the same page, click "Add".

  • - Russia;
  • - Ukraine;
  • - Kazakhstan.

6. Click the OK button.

7. Restart Chrome and you will see the search engine in the desired location.

Don't want Google, want something else

If you like Google Chrome in all its "guises", but you want a different search engine, you need to change certain options:

1. In the settings, in the "Search" section, click "Configure search engines".

2. In the block "Other search engines ..." enter the data of the search engine of interest (for example, Yandex). Click Done.

3. Restart.

4. Return to this panel. At the top of the window, hover over the search engine link. Click the "Set as default" button that appears.

Now, when entering a request, it will be automatically sent to the specified system -,, etc.

Note. You can quickly switch search engines in the Search drop-down menu.

I want to use several search engines at the same time

Well, this is also possible in Chrome. Follow instructions:

1. Log in to your browser settings.

2. Click the mouse to activate the setting "Defined pages ...". Follow the "Add" link.

3. Add all necessary systems (Mail, Yahoo!, etc.). Click OK.

4. They will automatically open.

Another option to run multiple search services is fixing tabs:

open the necessary resources;

click on each tab and context menu select the command " Fix ...";

They will also open immediately upon startup.

Advice! You can also use general search engines if you need alternative search results for a query of interest.

How to remove an unnecessary search engine?

In principle, this procedure is similar to closing a window in Windows:
1. To remove the link, open Pages on Startup.

2. Hover over the URL, click the cross icon.

Similarly, deletion occurs in the "Search Engines" panel.

How to change search settings?

Google has a lot of additional settings that speed up the search, increase its accuracy. Consider the basic solutions:

1. When typing a query, its options with additional words and phrases automatically appear at the bottom of the field. They refine the query and free the user from having to type it in full.

Hints are selected with a mouse click. In Chrome, you can set a picture, a photo in the search as a query. Right-click on it on the page and select "Find image ..." from the list of commands.

4. Use search add-ons. The entire list of commands is displayed on the page -

They perform specialized searches for data according to specified conditions. For example, they find the request only in links, anchors, text, tab title, etc.

We wish you to quickly find all the necessary information using Chrome.

Google Chrome is one of the top three programs that people around the world use to comfortably travel on virtual network. This browser gained popularity due to high speed work, as well as ensuring security when working with the Internet. Google Chrome search system characterized by a user-friendly and intuitive interface.

Unlike other browsers, it open page singled out as independent software process, which is its main feature. This browser has an integrated task manager, which is as close as possible to Windows. It makes it possible to analyze running processes, manage and change them, if necessary, fully adjusting to memory limits and OS resources.

Google Chrome search engine the system is a high-speed browser that has a minimum number of plug-ins and extensions, which is felt while working with it. The Internet browser has a similar performance due to a concise interface with a clear architecture. With the DOM core available, the browser will open faster the web pages that you visit most often. The speed of script processing was also increased, this became possible when using the V8 JavaScript engine.

The developers have integrated the search form into address bar, which has become a hallmark of the browser. The choice of the desired search engine is made in the browser settings, which has led to a reduction in the size of the toolbar. Thus, it has become the most minimalistic among all browsers.

Key Features of Google Chrome Search Engine:

  • One line for everything - you can use the address bar when going to another site or to enter a search query.
  • Quick access to the most visited sites. When you open a new tab, you will see pictures of the sites you visit most often.
  • Shortcuts for web applications. You can access your favorite sites directly from shortcuts placed on your desktop without having to open your browser first.
  • Ensuring privacy - the history of browsing the Internet is not saved when using incognito mode.
  • Dynamic Tabs - Drag and drop tabs within the same window or between browser windows to arrange them in the order you want.
  • Failure control. All browser tabs are separate processes. Therefore, a failure in one of them will not affect the others.
  • Safe navigation. Google Chrome ru search engine warns its users about unsafe pages.
  • Instant bookmarks. By clicking on the "star" at the top left, you will save the site on which you are bookmarked and will be able to have quick access to it.
  • Import settings. After installing the program, you can easily import bookmarks and passwords from other browsers.
  • Downloading files. This browser has abandoned the annoying download manager.

Benefits of chrome search engine

  • High degree of security - achieved through the use of an innovative approach regarding the distribution of computer resources;
  • Fast speed of operation - it became possible when installing the program without loading the system extensions;
  • Integration with Google account;
  • Working with multiple languages;
  • Voice control function.

Disadvantages of google chrome search engine

  • Difficulties when deactivating a Google account;
  • Transfer of integrated data modules to company servers. Some users lean towards espionage;
  • It is not possible to view and save mht web archives in Google Chrome of the Russian search engine;
  • Insufficient print settings.

Free download Chrome search engine

In principle, any browser can be downloaded for free from official sites. In all other cases, when you are asked to pay a certain amount, you have fallen for scammers. Besides that free program, which the developers share, they will sell you for money, so also catch a bunch of viruses during installation. So I advise you to download the source file for installation exclusively from official sites for free.

Some may wonder, why would anyone waste time developing a good program and giving it away for free, do altruists still exist in the world. By no means! The fact is that browser developers themselves are interested in giving away their product for free and releasing updates and useful features as often as possible so that people install their browsers.

What for? Google chrom search engine is distributed by Google, and Yandex browser, of course, the Yandex search engine, which is the largest system in Runet, do not forget about Explorer, which works for the good. They also pay extra to distributors of their programs, where this or that system is already the default search, which allows them to earn a lot of money on advertising, collect information about your browsing on the Internet, your interests and hobbies.

Other developers, such as Firefox, Opera or Safari, lay agreements with search engines for fabulous sums for having one or another search engine in their browsers by default, as well as for information about user behavior on sites. This information helps search engines allocate positions in the SERPs, so as you can see, dear webmasters, our favorite browsers help us both rise in the search results and fall.

Google Chrome search engine can be downloaded from the official website or by logging into your Google Chrome search engine account.

Install Google Chrome search engine

The difference between the Internet installer that you download from the official site and the usual one is that it does not contain the browser itself. The online installer you downloaded will familiarize you with your settings and operating system, then when it is launched, it connects to the server, transferring data in order to receive installation files specifically for your computer, which will begin installing the program on the computer in automatic mode. Thus, if you try to run the Internet installer of the search engine gugol chrom on a computer without the Internet or on another computer or laptop, the installation will not take place. It follows that the installation can be performed only on the machine where the installer was downloaded and with active access to the Internet.

So, we launch the downloaded installer from the google chrome search engine, carefully answer all the OS questions, and wait until the installation process is completely completed.

When the installation is completed, the Google Chrome search engine will start automatically and, first of all, will prompt you to sign in to your Google account. In principle, this step is optional and can be skipped by simply clicking on the appropriate button.

That's all, the installation is complete and you can start working with a browser that you will undoubtedly like.

Manage Search Engines in Chrome

The address bar of the Google browser uses Google search by default to display search results, although no one forbids using another search engine.

How to change search engine in Google Chrome

  1. Click the me button in the upper right corner of the browser (it is in the form of three parallel risks);
  2. Go to Settings;
  3. Find the "Search" section and click on the "Configure search engines" button;
  4. In the window that appears, you will see a list of available systems, in order to select a different PS than the one that is currently standing, you need to move the mouse arrow over it and click on the "Use by default" button.

It is possible that the proposed list does not contain the desired search engine, then you should add a search engine to chrome.

Add Search Engine to Chrome

You should follow the first three points described just above, and in the window that opens, pay attention to the Other search engines subsection, where you need to enter the necessary data.

If you are a novice webmaster or blogger and you are going to create your website and promote it in the search, then first of all, you need to know the basics of SEO. Namely, to know how search engines work.

Knowing the basics will help you promote your site and avoid annoying mistakes. This is the first step before you start diving into the world of SEO, that is, the world of search engine optimization.

Have you ever wondered how many times a day you use Yandex or Google or any other search engine to search the Internet?

Is it 5, 10 times or even more? The total number of search queries is huge. Did you know that Google alone handles over 2 trillion searches a year?

Search engines have become part of our daily lives. We use them to search teaching materials, for shopping on the Internet, for entertainment and recreation, and even for making money.

It is no exaggeration to say that we have reached the point where we are dependent on search engines for almost everything we do.

And the reason why this happens is very simple. We know that Yandex and Google search engines have answers to all our questions and requests.

And if earlier the search began with the phrase - “Say my mirror light”, now the search begins with the phrase “Hello Alice”, or with “OK Google”. Or simply by typing a search phrase in the browser in the search bar.

What happens when you enter a query and click the search button? How does the search engine's internal mechanism work and how does it decide what to show in search results and in what order?

How search engines work.

Search engines are complex computer programs.

Before they even let you enter a query and search the web, they need to do a lot of preparatory work so that when you click Search, you get a set of accurate and high-quality results that answer your question or query.

What does "preparatory work" include? Two main stages. The first stage is the process of discovering information, and the second stage is organizing the information so that it can be used later for search purposes.

These steps are widely known in the Web world as crawling (or crawling) and indexing.

Step 1: Scan.

Search engines have a number computer programs called search robots(or web spider, web crawler), which are responsible for finding information available on the Internet.

To simplify the complex process, you only need to know that the job of these robots is to crawl the Internet and find servers, also called web servers, that host websites.

The crawlers create a list of all web servers to crawl, determine the number of sites hosted on each server, and then get to work.

They visit every website and using various methods, trying to find out how many pages they have that host various content such as text, images, videos, or any other format (CSS, HTML, javascript, and so on).

Why care about the scanning process?

Your first task when optimizing a site for search engines is to ensure that search engines can access it correctly. Otherwise, if they can't "read" your site, then you shouldn't expect high search engine rankings.

Scanners have a lot of work to do, and you should try to make their job easier.

There are a few things you need to do in order for crawlers to be able to detect and access your website without any problems.

Use the Robots.txt file to specify which pages of your site should not be included in the search. Such pages include various service pages, such as the site control panel and a number of other pages that, for various reasons, should not be included in the search results.

Major search engines such as Yandex and Google have tools (also called webmaster tools) that you can use to provide them with additional information about your site (number of pages, structure, and so on.). Then search robots do not have to search for your site on their own.

Use to list all the important pages on your site. Then search robots will know on which pages to track changes, and which pages to ignore.

When visiting a site, in addition to counting the number of pages, they also follow any links (pointing to pages on your site or to external sites) and thus discover more and more pages.

The crawlers do this all the time and also keep track of changes made to the website so they know when new pages are added or removed, when links are updated, and the like.

Considering that there are more than a hundred billion individual pages on the Internet today, and millions more new pages are published every day, you can imagine how much work this is.

Step 2: Indexing

One scan is not enough to create a search engine.

The information collected by search robots must be organized, sorted and stored so that it can be processed by search engine algorithms before it is available to the end user.

This process is called indexing.

Search engines don't store all the information found on a page in their , but they do store things like: when it was created or updated, the title and description of the page, the content type, related keywords, incoming and outgoing links, and a host of other parameters that necessary for their algorithms.

Why care about the indexing process?

It's very simple, if your site's pages are not in the search engine index, then the pages will not show up in the SERPs.

It also means that the more pages you have in the search engine index, the more likely you are to appear in search results when someone types their query into the search bar.

Note that I mentioned the word "appear in search results" which means any position. But the very appearance in the search does not mean that the pages of the site will be displayed on the top lines in Yandex and Google.

In order for a site to appear in the top 5 positions in the SERPs, you must optimize your site for search engines using a process called search engine optimization or SEO.

How to find out how many pages of your site are included in the Yandex and Google index?

There are two ways to do this.

Open Google and use the site statement, then type a colon ":" followed by your Domain name. This way you will find out how many and which pages are in the search engine index.

This is what it looks like on Google:

And like this in Yandex:

Add the site to , wait a few days for the search engine to process your site, after which you can see the Coverage report and, in particular, the Indexed Pages Details.

In Yandex Webmaster, you can also view which pages are in the Yandex search engine index.

Step 3: Ranking

Third and last step in this process is that search engines decide which pages to show in the SERPs and in what order when the user enters their search query.

This is achieved through the use of search ranking algorithms. Simply put, this is the algorithm by which search engine programs work. The algorithm determines which pages respond to the user's request and in what order to display them.

How do search engine algorithms work?

Over the years, search engine ranking algorithms have evolved a lot and become really complex.

At the very beginning, it was matching headings to a search query. Then we began to analyze the text. The text in which the frequency of words associated with search query, went to the top of the issue.

All this led to the fact that webmasters began to saturate pages with such search phrases and, due to this, went to the top of the results. The problem was that such texts were not of high quality in terms of ordinary user. Often, such texts were impossible to read.

Therefore, search engines have come a long way of evolution, as a result of which hundreds of different site parameters are now taken into account.

To make it easier to understand, here is a simplified process of how search engine ranking factors work:

Stage 1: Analysis of the user request

The first step for search engines is to understand what information the user is looking for. To do this, they analyze the user query (search terms), breaking it down into a number of meaningful keywords.

A keyword is a word that has a specific meaning and purpose.

For example, when you type "How to make a chocolate cake", search engines know from the words "how to" that you are looking for instructions on how to make a chocolate cake, and so the returned results will contain cooking sites with recipes.

If you search for "Buy refurbished..." they know from the words "buy and refurbished" that you are looking to buy something and the results returned will include e-commerce websites and online stores.

Machine learning helped them link related keywords together. For example, they know that the meaning of this query "how to fix a phone" is the same as "how to fix a phone".

They are also smart enough to understand misspellings, plurals, singulars, declensions, and generally extract the meaning of a query from natural language (written or spoken in the case of voice searches).

Also, if the visitor makes a mistake with the keyboard layout, the search engine will also understand him and give a normal output.

2nd stage: Finding suitable pages

The second step is to examine the pages in the index and decide which pages can give the best answer to a given query.

This is a very important step in the whole process for both search engines and website owners.

Search engines should return best results maximum fast way to keep their users happy, and site owners want their sites to rank first in search engines and collect more traffic.

This is also the stage where good SEO practices can influence the decision made by the algorithms.

To give you an idea of ​​how ranking works, here are the most important factors:

  • Title and content relevance- how relevant is the title and content of the page with the user's request.
  • Content type- if the user requests a picture, then the results will contain images, not text.
  • Content quality— content should be written correctly, it should be useful and informative.
  • Site quality– Search engines will not show in the top results sites that do not meet their quality standards.
  • Publication date. For queries related to news, search engines will show the most recent entries, so the date of publication is also taken into account. But even for non-news queries, the date can matter.
  • Page popularity. It has nothing to do with how much traffic a website has, but rather with how other sites perceive that particular page. A page that has a lot of incoming links (backlinks) from other sites is considered more popular than other pages with no links and therefore has a better chance of ranking at the top of the SERPs.
  • Page language- if the request is made in Russian, then in the search results there will be mainly pages in Russian, and not in some other language.
  • Web page speed Sites that load quickly (approximately 2-3 seconds) have a slight advantage over sites that load slowly.
  • Device type- Users searching on mobile devices, provided mobile pages, be it Google's AMP pages or .
  • Location e - Users searching for results in their area, i.e. "Italian restaurant in Moscow", will be shown results related to their location.

All this is just the tip of the iceberg. As I mentioned earlier, search engines use over a hundred different factors to ensure that their users are happy with the results they get.

Why care about how search engine ranking algorithms work?

In order to receive traffic from search engines, your site must appear in the top positions on the first page of results.

It is statistically proven that most users choose one of the top 5 results (both desktop and mobile).

Traffic is just one of the benefits of SEO. As soon as your site starts to take first place, it will be easier from then on. Many people will already link to your site themselves, the site will be visited more often by search robots and new pages will be driven to the top of the results faster. Well, this will again increase traffic, and plus, increase the cost of direct advertising on the site.

Thus, knowing how search engines work can help you customize your site and increase its rankings and traffic.