How to use the Google Plus social network. Social network Google Plus - registration, login. What are circles, ribbons, how to create a branded page Google 1 social network

You should definitely know what is Google Plus if you have already created social media accounts or are getting familiar with the world of blogging.

I know it's hard to learn something new. I know that Google+ is not an intuitive app. But it's worth at least trying.

Many have never tried Google +, but there are still people who do not use Twitter!

But sooner or later you have to start. After all, for many active users of the Internet, Google + is now the favorite “path” to social platforms.

This article will draw parallels between and Google +.

Google+ feed

Users who have ever visited Facebook will certainly see many similarities.

This is what the feed looks like:

On the top left side, you will see the Home button.

If you hover over it, access to the user profile opens.

There you can study new topics, follow events, upload photos, join communities (like Facebook Groups).

Also this tab is used to search for new people. There you can also find entertainment materials, games and applications, parties (identical as in) and pages.

If the search took the user too far, you can click this button again to return to the main screen.

Sometimes tabs move around depending on how often you use them. Google+ Pages works the same as Facebook pages. More on this later.

Description of menu options on the left


Circles is where you meet your friends.

Now you can create your own lists on Facebook too, but when you connect a new friend, he just goes to the big list.

This is an easy way to interact with different people, unite them by work, community or by those users who are currently online.

You can create as many circles as you like. People can be in one circle or in several at the same time.

This makes it easier for you to find the right person.

  1. If you click on the "Find people" button, the program will display a list of your preferred users.
  2. When you find someone you recognize, hover over their name. A menu will appear where you can choose where to add a particular person.
  3. The small number on your profile explains how many friends you have in total. It's perfectly acceptable to contact people you don't know yet.
  4. At the top of this page, you can click on the "You" button. Here is a list of people who have added you to their circles. Click on it.

Circles are "liquid"! It is perfectly acceptable to create new circles, they merge together and/or can be removed. Start with the following options:

  • People you know = add everyone you really know here
  • Family/friends = close people you know in real life
  • Bloggers = list of people you will connect in the blogging world
  • People I Can't Miss = After you've interacted with someone even a little bit, move them from familiar to one separate circle
  • Potential customers = people who might be interested in your services, your potential customers.

To arrange the circles, click on the person and then click on the circle with certain color and title.

A large circle with a plus sign makes it possible to create a new category.

If you click on a circle, you will see that you can edit its name, delete it, or share it.

When you do something on G+, you can specify the circle of people who will see your content.

You can choose a public category (meaning the whole world will see it) or choose the circle that interests you the most.

Or you can leave the event private so that no one but you can see it.


The profile works just like on Facebook. You have a cover photo, a profile photo, and then a bunch of tabs where you have your , videos , preferences, etc.

One nice feature is that your photos will be automatically linked to your Picasa account (if you have one).

In addition, if you have a YouTube account, it will also appear on your page. On the right side, you will see a list of all your friends, as well as people who have added you to their circles.

  • To edit your profile, go to the "About Me" tab.
  • You will see different categories. Each window has an "edit" button. This is where you add your profile information! This is one of the most important things you can do on Google+.
  • Make sure your slogan is something memorable. This is what people see when they hover over a person's name.
  • Write a biography, add hyperlinks there.

User activity

After editing your profile, it's time to post your first entry.

You can scroll through images (small arrows) just like you can on Facebook.

You can also tag people. Add names, circles or addresses Email to make this information available to other users.

Please note that if you tag someone in an update, their name will be tagged separately.

You can add tags. It is the user who decides which content should be shared, public, and which should be private.

There is also a checkbox on the page: Send via . This means that your post will be sent separately to certain users.

This option is similar to the one on Twitter that you can use in your status to help people find your post.

There are many circles, and it is hashtags that are used to find target audience and make new friends.

If you decide to create a community, share posts in it, and then add them to your profile. This way you can attract a lot more interested consumers.

Benefits of Google+

Many people still have not joined this platform.

Perhaps because they are so similar to Facebook?

At the same time, it is absolutely possible to highlight the advantages that are unique to this platform:

  • Full integration with YouTube and Picasa video hosting.
  • Display photos are much prettier and look wonderful on Pinterest.
  • Regular engagement on G+ helps Google rank certain sites and pages.
  • Hangouts (which is simply not possible on Facebook).
  • An open platform, there are fewer rules and restrictions.
  • Allows people to more easily classify friends.
  • While Facebook is for connecting with friends, Twitter is for short messages to the people you care about, Google+ combines the best of both worlds.
  • A feature can be considered events, party mode, and other options that are not available in other integral platforms.
  • Once you get used to navigation, when you hover over the menu options, you'll realize that G+ is easier to use than Facebook.
  • No one pays you to promote posts!
  • If you host your blog on Blogspot, you have even more options for integration. Go to the "Control Panel" and press the G + button to see the functions available to you!
  • Each post has its own web page, which means it's easier to share them over the Internet.
  • The ripple effect shows you how far your posts have climbed the popularity ladder and who else is climbing with you.
  • Send photos instantly to your smartphone directly from Google.
  • You can use to communicate. Exchange instant messaging, VoIP calls, video calls, conference/video. All this becomes available. On the PC version, you can also open documents for sharing (using google drive). Users can change and edit documents in real time, add their own edits and annotations. In the same way, technical support becomes available.

Often users who are just starting their acquaintance with this wonderful platform ask questions:

This will help you share relevant information with the right people.

You can also organize your own "feed".

You can set it up so that you only see fresh news from certain circles. It's like a "feature list" on Twitter.

Can I add people to the circle so that they follow my page?

There are no pages like Facebook. If a person follows your profile, this means that your posts on the page will appear in their news feed.

You can add people to your circle, but after that, you will see their posts in your news feed.

I don't understand why a notification window is needed.

The notification window allows you to quickly interact on G+.

It takes a little getting used to, but new message notifications can't be ignored. When you see a notification, click the arrow to the right of it.

When you do this, you'll see posts and comments that you can reply to right there, without having to scroll through your feed.

Imagine if every time you get a notification on Facebook, you would reply directly from the notification window without having to go to the post? It's possible on Google+.

How can I turn off all notifications in my inbox?

Click on your profile in the top right corner and then select " Account". Click on G+ on the left. All email notification options are there.

I forgot to put a lot in the news feed. How to fix it?

For example, click on "Magnifier" on the left.

You will see posts from selected people and their pages, which are pulled up automatically.

There is a sliding scale in the upper right corner.

You can navigate to view different types posts. You can also edit your news feed there.

How to easily upload photos to a custom page?

If you have or with a camera, download the official G+ app and use the instant upload feature.

Every time you take a photo, it will be automatically uploaded to your G+ photo albums.

All current photos can be shared (or not) by clicking “Settings public access". It's a red button at the top of the page.

Many people actively use Google+ for business.

Of course, the potential of Google+ is obvious. It is a large network of 540 million monthly active users and many success stories.

2020-03-13 6

I must say that today people's communication with each other is taking on new and new forms, and not without the help of modern IT technologies, ranging from regular email to direct video calls!

This state of affairs somewhere facilitated, and somewhere even made possible direct communication between people. This is especially true for those who are far from each other.

So Google decided to give the world a fundamentally new social network! Everything is different here, although the feeling of something familiar is present. However, you still have never seen anything like this before!

That is why I advise you to go through this guide to using the social network Google Plus. Here you will learn about the main interface of the program and will be able to understand this amazing, bright, colorful and fascinating world of Google+.

Let's start in order!

All about Google Plus+

Main interface

home working panel positioned vertically on the left side of the screen. It contains 8 main buttons for use:

  1. « Ribbon» - here you can read or view information posted by people who are added to your circles (see below). And you can also publish something for public viewing.
  2. « Profile”- this is an important option in which you can leave information about yourself, upload your avatar and view all the posts you have ever published.
  3. « Review» - here you can view the most popular videos, news and statements of the network.
  4. « Video Meetings”is a great opportunity to see your family, friends and relatives. With this option, you can gather all your friends for communication without leaving your home by creating a video meeting with several people at once, or join an already created meeting.
  5. « Photo” – this button speaks for itself. Here you can create your own albums, upload interesting photos, as well as post photos in the "Photo with me" column, where you can mark your person.
  6. « Circles” - this button is one of the most visible differences between Google+ and other social networks. With the help of circles, you can divide people into groups. Initially, there are four of them: "Family", "Friends", "Acquaintances" and "Subscriptions". If necessary, you can create new circles (see below). This separation allows you to control the availability of the information you have on the page. For example, what the “Family” circle of people will see will not be seen by the “Friends” circle. With the help of circles, you can add new people of interest to you. Read more about how to use circles below.
  7. « Games"- the name speaks for itself. This column contains a large number of flash games for every taste. In order to start playing one of them, just click on its icon. And you will find yourself in an amazing virtual world!
  8. « More”- when you hover over this button, a small tab “+ Pages” pops up on the right. When you click on this tab, a window will appear in front of you, displaying all the pages that you have been granted access to, or that you have created yourself. Pages can be in five categories: Business or Place, Product or Brand, Company or Organization, Arts, Entertainment or Sports, and Other. In the community, you can also use hangouts, create circles, and post events and news that interest you.

Main page

If you click on the “Google+” icon in the upper left corner, then the main page of the network with your account will be displayed on your screen. At the very top is the search bar, with which you can find the news, communities, videos or people you are interested in on Google+.

Under search string there are four tabs: "Feed", "Friends", "Family", "More". When you click on the "Feed" tab, you will see all the news, events and publications from the pages to which you have a subscription and to which you have access. The rest of the tabs are circles. When you click on one of these tabs, you will see the publications of people belonging to a particular circle.

To the right of the tabs is a gear icon. If you click on it, a dialog box with four columns will pop up: “Settings”, “Help”, “Leave feedback”, “ Short review» .

The "Settings" column allows you to manage your page on Google+. When you click on "Settings", you will see notification settings, basic privacy and photo settings. On the left side of the screen there will be six sections: Account Settings, Privacy, Google+, Products, Language, Data Export. When you click on the "Settings" button, you automatically get to the "Google +" section, where an almost completely intuitive interface is made, and in those places where questions may arise, there is a "More details" link, when you click on it, you get to clear instructions that allow you to perform the action you want.

"Account settings" . There is nothing complicated here either. In this section, you can change your password, change your email address, turn on or turn off the "+1" feature (which allows Google+ to find content and ads from other websites that suit you based on your profile data, while leaving your the right to privacy), connect to Google+ accounts from other servers (Facebook, Yahoo, Flicker, etc.), delete your profile and all information about it, as well as delete your entire account. You can also set up 2-Step Verification here. This feature will help you improve the access security of your page.

In order to do this, you need to click opposite the "Two-step authentication" on the link "Change". Before you will be a window that will show the preliminary steps for authentication. Next, you need to click on the "Continue" button on the right side of the screen. The next window will ask you to enter a number mobile phone to which the code will be sent. Enter and click "Send code", after receiving the code by SMS, drive it into the field that appears and click "Next". After that, it will be written that everything went well.

On unreliable computers this procedure you will need to conduct it every time, and on reliable ones only once every 30 days, while if your number changes or another one appears, you can always change (or add) it in your profile by this algorithm: Account Settings/Security/2-Step Verification/Change/Phone/Change (to change); Account Settings/Security/2-Step Verification/Edit/Additional phone number/Add phone number(for adding).

"Privacy". Here you can set information access to your page, privacy (which of your friends can be seen by other users), change photo access settings, visit Personal Area(in which you can make a large number of profile settings), read the privacy policy of the system. In this section, everything is built on intuition, so it makes no sense to thoroughly analyze each aspect. The only thing is that you should talk a little more about setting up circles. When you click on the "Circle Settings" link, you will be taken to the sixth button of the "Main Interface" (see section I. Main Interface). All your social circles will be presented to you. If you want to expand any social circle, then simply drag the desired contact into it.

Also with circles, you can perform several manipulations.

When you click on the "Change Circle" button, a window pops up in which there will be two lines: the upper (narrower) one for entering the name, the lower one for the description of the circle. Delete the previous information and drive in a new one, click "Save". Everything, the circle is changed.

When you click the "Delete circle" button, a window pops up in which a number of warnings are written about the consequences of deleting the circle, including the loss of communication with circle members.

You can also create a new circle. To do this, you need to click on the circle circled by a dotted line or drag the contact you need into it. In both cases, you will need to click on the inscription "Create a circle", located in the center of the circle. After that, a window will pop up for you in which you will have to enter the name of the circle, if you want to make a description of it, you will need to click on the sentence under the name line "Click to add a description". Next, you must select the circle members. This can be done by searching in the right part of the "Search in Circle" window, or through the "+ Add" button located in the left corner of the window. After all this, click "Create Circle".

These are not tricky manipulations with circles.

"Products" . This section shows which Google systems you use, as well as services from other users with similar preferences.

"Language" . This section allows you to change or add the language of Google products.

"Data Export". Here you can download photos, videos, profile data, circles, contacts, posts from Google+ to your PC.

Also in the gear sign there are columns "Help", in which you can find all the information you need, "Send feedback" and "Brief review" (here it talks about new products in Google+).

Same on home page in the upper right corner there are three buttons: "Start a video meeting", "Account name" (for changing the state), "Chat with a user".

When you click the "Start a video meeting" button, a separate window will pop up in front of you. In order for you to be able to communicate through Google+, you will be asked to install a special plugin. Click to install. Installation takes no more than three minutes. Further in the center at the bottom is your webcam image. Above the image will be the inscription "Add more people." Click on this button and select the interlocutors, then click "Start". You can also create a public meeting that anyone can join. To do this, click the green "Join" button.

When you click on "Account Name", a dialog box will pop up, where with one click you can select your status: "On the spot", "Do not disturb", "Invisible". Also, using this button, you can exit the chat by clicking on the line of the same name.

The "Chat with user" button allows you to invite the person you need to chat. You just need to click on the inscription, drive in the contact address, press "Enter" and click on the inscription to send an invitation.

These were the most basic tools to use Google system Plus. This is quite enough to start an exciting journey through the endless expanses of the new social network. There are many additional features, tricks and subtleties. But it would take a whole book to describe them all! And it would hardly be interesting to find out everything at once, without even having time to go to the social network.

So, the rest, you have to figure it out yourself. It will not be difficult, because the developers of Google+ made sure that everything was crystal clear on their social network.

Google cherished the dream of entering the social networking scene back in 2003 and even planned to buy another social network - Friendstar but was refused. Then the search giant began its own development, which resulted in the project Orkut. However, he did not gain much popularity. It is believed to be due to the inconvenient interface.

Google took into account their mistakes, and after a series of intermediate projects, the world saw Google+. It happened in 2011. The Google Circles project, which already existed at that time, became an integral part of the new social network.

There are currently about 250 million Google users+ around the world. But this figure may not reflect the number of active users, since many only have a Google account, but sometimes they are not even aware of the existence of the Google+ social network.

Initially, only persons over the age of 18 were allowed to register. This threshold has now been lowered. up to 13. Google+ was conceived primarily as a tool for business and adult communication, but it seems that the company is ready to reconsider its policy in this direction lately.

Google+ does not welcome fake accounts, so in case of suspicion, such an account can be blocked. When registering, it is recommended to enter genuine personal data. The same goes for the profile photo.

It is also proposed to fill in the column "Occupation". Unlike other social networks, the data here has great importance: it is on their basis that the personal environment of other users will be formed in the future. If the column is left empty, the circle of possible acquaintances will be extensive, but this can just bring inconvenience: many profiles cannot be viewed.

Each new user can be added to your list of friends, after which information on his actions in Google+ will be available. A new friend can be tagged as:

  • Friends;
  • family;
  • familiar;
  • subscriptions.

That is, to distribute them according to the "circles" of acquaintances. Depending on this, one or another information in the news will be available to them. For example, just "acquaintances" will not see what is available to users from the "friends" or "family" circle. At the same time, users themselves cannot find out which circle they are in.

Key features of Google+

Compared to many others, Google+ does not have such extensive features. But for some users, what is available will be enough.

Group video calling is also available with up to 10 people simultaneously.

Google+ has integration with email services from Yahoo, hot mail And gmail. All of them are not very popular in Russia, but when registering Gmail box issued automatically.

You can make an entry in a special text field - and it will be immediately available to other subscribers. You can upload your own photos, videos, create events and make marks on the map.

The ability to create meetings and events was originally supposed to be one of the main functions: after all, Google+ was intended exclusively for business people. But a similar metamorphosis has already been observed with such a social network as. From a highly specialized, designed exclusively for students, it has turned into a national Russian network for absolutely the entire population.

Recently, there has been an opportunity to play games. All that is required is to give permission to the game to access the account.

A unique feature can be considered the "Google+ Authorization Verification" feature. To do this, you will need to link your site to your account. In the future, a Google search will return not only a link to the article, but also a profile photo, the author's name in the snippet.

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For this, there are the necessary components: the ability to add friends, send messages, join and create groups, organize circles, topics and hangouts of interest. Eat mobile version service.

The flow of information that people share most often on Google+ influences search results on Google+. search engine, and tips are personalized and may be different for each person.

What is Google plus and why SEO specialists need it

Google plus is a social network with all the necessary features and an active monthly audience of 130 million people. This is not only a place of communication, but also a powerful tool for promoting web resources and interacting with a large audience. A huge role in this is played by the ability to integrate with other company services into a single information environment. This makes the network a universal tool for website promotion specialists.

Of particular interest are +Pages that allow you to promote your own brand or company through other applications and Google services. In particular, it can be used to:

  • Create posts and collections.
  • Subscribe to the pages of other users.
  • Join communities and create them yourself.

Posting links on a social network has a positive effect on the position of the link in the search results. The blog has the ability to make changes to the published post at any time, add new ones keywords. Taken together, Google Plus features are a powerful tool for influencing the ranking of a link on a search results page.

How to use Google Plus

After registering on Google+, you can find and add friends, organize circles of interest: family, colleagues, acquaintances, friends, etc. The interface on the social network is simple. All the necessary sections are on the left side: feed, communities, people, recommendations and profile.

The feed shows posts shared by other people. To view them, you need to subscribe to communities, or create your own group and publish content. Also, the tape displays records selected for a person by the service itself, in accordance with his interests. The ribbon gives you the opportunity to be active. Here you can leave comments on posts, add +1 marks, share posts.

In the same menu on the left as the ribbon, there are other sections. By joining collections and communities, information is formed that will be displayed in the future. Many of them maintain active pages - you can also subscribe to their profiles and see their publications.

The uniqueness of this social network is that when publishing entries in collections and communities, they: firstly, are displayed in the profile, and secondly, they appear in the Google search results, despite privacy settings and access restrictions.

Advantages and disadvantages of Google Plus

On Google Plus, you can create a personal account or a business page. They differ from each other in functionality and purpose. In the first case, a page is created for communicating with other people, publishing posts and other activities, in the second case, a company account is registered to promote the brand.

Among the negative qualities can be noted:

  1. Insufficient number of post filter elements.
  2. The identity of the Facebook homepage.
  3. Lack of a sequence of answers (discussion threads) in the comments.
  4. The "Photos" section includes photos of other users who are in circles.
  5. Poor quality video playback in the player.

Network advantages:

  1. Unlimited time to edit posts.
  2. Ability to edit photos.
  3. Convenient menu interface and feed for displaying publications.
  4. The ability to create and conduct video conferences for several people.
  5. The service can be used as a tool for website promotion.

One of the main advantages of Google Plus is the My Circles section. It's comfortable system function, which allows you to sort contacts by interests, create thematic groups and add friends there. Here you can form an unlimited number of circles, including your friends in them and sharing posts or collections with them.

How to effectively promote projects on Google+

For many website promotion specialists, Google Plus is one of the main tools, despite the fact that, compared to other social networks such as Facebook or VKontakte, it does not seem to be a necessary condition for promotion, and its audience is limited and inactive.

In fact, the benefits derived from it go beyond social communications. If you create a page "" to maintain and promote it in accordance with all SMM rules, you can attract new customers from the search results generated by the Google system in response to queries. In addition, a number of other tasks can be solved.

  1. Building social connections. Google+ is a social network where you can have an active policy: add influential friends, comment on posts, etc.
    Publication of interesting material. This will help drive traffic. It's important to add author's markup to unique posts and distribute it.
  2. Linking content to a profile. On a site page that describes an activity or contains personal information, you can add a link to your Google+ profile. Thanks to this, the search engine automatically links the content to the social network page.

These are just some of the tools that can promote your own resource on the Internet.

Greetings! Today I will tell you amazing news: it became known about the launch of the Google Plus social network from the world search leader. So far, it is at the testing stage and mass access to it is limited, but I was lucky to get an invite (invitation) and open access.

I saw with my own eyes what a new social network is like and I am sharing my first impressions with you! By the way, there will be a small bonus in the article, so read carefully.

It is noteworthy that I have not seen any mention of such an event before, did Google manage to keep this serious development a secret? What is the future of the social network and will it be able to overcome its main competitors after overcoming difficulties?

The Google+1 button and its impact on search results

Probably, the Google +1 button, which appeared relatively recently, has tight integration with the social network. What is it intended for, can it affect the promotion of the site, and if so, how?

The Google Webmaster Center has an additional section - +1 Metrics, consisting of such reports as the impact on search results, activity and audience. This allows you to track button clicks and referrals in search results (see image on the left).

Thus, there is real confirmation of the effect of the +1 button on search results, which means there is another legal way site promotion in Google. Sites tagged by friends will rank better in personal search results.

To place a button on the site, you need to get its code by clicking on the link to Google page webmastertools.

On the settings page, you can choose the language and size of the button, and in the advanced settings there are several more options available, for example, whether to display a counter next to the button or not:

For example, in order to add a standard button with a counter to the site, you need to insert the first code fragment in the section or just before the closing tag :

<script src= ""> (lang: "ru" )script >

And the last piece of code needs to be inserted in the place where the Google+1 button should be displayed:

<g:plusone >g:plusone >

Now the previously promised bonus! If you care about , you will be disappointed. After inserting the last piece of code, the page will not pass the test. But don't despair, there is a solution to this problem! Replace the last snippet with the following code:

class="g-plusone" > div >

And the button will no longer cause errors. That's the whole secret 😉

Features of the social network Google +

On the Google+ social network, you can upload photos, exchange messages, upload videos, and most importantly for webmasters, share. This is a great place to post announcements of records, discuss them. Great website promotion tool!

The main page of the profile contains a news feed. When publishing news, you can configure which of the social circles will see the announcement - this is very convenient and allows you to split the target audience into separate streams.

There are many more interesting features, which I myself have not yet fully studied, but I am sure that Google+ will firmly enter our lives and push out such giants as Facebook and other social networks.

Closing Google+ for regular users

In December 2018, the decision to close the Google+ social network for individual users was announced. This is due to the low popularity of the service and the inappropriateness of its maintenance.

As of February 4, 2019, Google+ will no longer be able to create profiles, pages, communities, or events. And from April 2, the usual Google Accounts+ and all created pages will stop working, all content will be deleted. Access will only be corporate users G Suite package - the service is paid.