How to check if it is installed. How to find out which directx is installed. Does Windows update device drivers?

Today it is impossible to imagine a laptop or PC without an antivirus, because the “life” of the device depends on it. An ordinary home user can pump up viruses and infect his PC with a few clicks. And only not many of them, including eset nod 32, will best help in this situation. However, a user who is poorly versed in technology is unlikely to know how to find out which antivirus is installed on the computer. One of the methods described below will help you with this.

We use standard Windows tools

This option is incredibly simple, but at the same time effective. To find a security program on your computer, you need to:

1. Go to Start/Control Panel:

2. Make sure that next to the “View” item it says “ Small icons" If necessary, select the desired option.

3. Go to Help Center/Security.

4. Find the inscription “Virus protection”. Below it will be placed all the information we need: is the utility worth it? latest version, whether it requires updating and whether it is active now.


The second method is a little more complicated. We can help you find out which security utility is installed on your laptop or PC. special utility. You need to do the following:

1. Download the installer from any file hosting service or from official website developers.

2. Launch the utility for further work.

3. After starting the program, a window will appear. To display all found programs, click on the “ Update" And a list of available antiviruses will be displayed.

4. To get more detailed information, right-click on the desired utility and select “ Properties».

5. After which a window with the necessary information will be displayed.

So, in this way you can find out whether you have an antivirus, regardless of the type of OS you have: be it Windows 7, 8 or 10.

The process will not take much time, but will provide you with full information regarding computer security. Moreover, with the help this application You can also get information about existing anti-spyware, firewalls and other utilities that provide security.

As you know, no anti-virus utility can ensure 100% security of all your data, which is why it is so important to additionally scan your PC using.

Sometimes it is very useful to find out whether specific program on your computer or laptop. Of course, you can just try to run the program, but in this guide I will tell you how to check if the ubuntu package is installed using special tools, built into the system.

We will look at methods for both Ubuntu and other popular Linux distributions.

In Ubuntu, the dpkg utility is used to manage packages; with it, you can find out all the information about installed packages, including checking whether the Ubuntu package is installed. There is an option for this -s. For example, if you want to find out if the firefox package is installed, run:

As you can see, the browser is installed - installed - ok. Here you can also find out the version of the Ubuntu package. The same can be done using the dpkg-query command:

dpkg-query -l firefox

The dpkg utility can do much more. To view installed Ubuntu packages, run the command:

dpkg --get-selections

The list can be very long, depending on the number of packages installed on the system. Using wc we can count the total number of installed packages:

dpkg --get-selections | wc -l

You can also filter the newly obtained list using grep to see if the package or packages are installed. This may be useful if you don't know full name package. For example, we want to find out which packages from the gcc set are already installed:

dpkg --get-selections | grep gcc

You can also get all the files in a package using the -L option:

But we looked at this in more detail in another article. Now let's talk about how all of the above is done in an rpm-based distribution.

Check if the Linux package is installed

On operating systems based on the rpm package manager, you can also check whether a package is installed. The rpm utility is used for this. Just run the utility with the -q switch:

If you need more detailed information, you can add the -i option. Here you can find out the version of the linux package, as well as a lot of useful information:

rpm -qi chromium

You can list all installed packages using the -a option:

Then, just like in the previous example, you can filter everything using grep:

rpm -qa | grep gcc


That's all for now, now you know how to find out if it's installed linux package in ubuntu and other popular distributions. I hope my little instructions were useful to you.

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Hello friends. How to find out if Windows is licensed on your computer? The answer to this question is obvious to you if you bought a new PC, laptop or tablet with the Home edition activated at any reputable hardware store. Or if you purchased . But how can you check whether a license is real if it was purchased in an OEM, boxed version, or in the form of the same electronic key in some online store? Or if we purchased a computer device on the secondary market, and the buyer swore to us that he was selling it along with the most genuine Windows?Let's try to understand this issue and of course I will give you several examples from my practice when I was able to prove to my clients that the activated system installed on their computer was not licensed.

How to find out if Windows is licensed on your computer

Friends, I strongly recommend that you first read it. This is a complex and tortuous topic, Microsoft has created a lot of jungle in it, but we still tried to present it as simply and clearly as possible. Thus, deception may lie not only in the authenticity of the OS keys, but also in the type of licenses (in particular, free trial ones) to which these keys provide access. So it is necessary to have at least a basic understanding of the types of Windows licenses.

Non-activated, pirated and licensed Windows

OS from Microsoft in the context of its activation can be divided into three types:

  • Not activated;
  • Activated pirate;
  • Activated license.

Unactivated Windows- This is an OS limited by certain capabilities. In Win7, this is a black desktop and psychologically pressing notifications that we have become a victim of software fraud. In Win8.1, this is the inability to choose a color for the start screen and the activation window that appears every 4 hours. In Win10, this is to block all personalization settings. A universal way for all versions to find out whether the system is activated or not is the control panel. Press Win+Pause on the keyboard and look at the “Windows Activation” column. If there is activation, we will see it.

If there is no activation, then this.

Or this, if Win7 is used within a monthly trial period.

An activated system will be listed as such regardless of the activation method - pirated or legal.

Activated pirated Windows externally and functionally no different from a legally activated system. Unless, of course, we are talking about a system installed from a clean distribution and a separate activation stage using, for example, a KMS activator.

If a third-party build of Windows is initially supplied activated, its functionality may be interfered with - something is cut out, something is disabled, something (including malicious) is additionally installed. About all the pros and cons of pirated assemblies. Disadvantages of pirated activation:

It may fly off periodically;

Activator files and processes are blocked by antiviruses;

Its detection by the competent authorities will result in prosecution - civil, administrative or even criminal. As well as, we read the practice of courts on the website of judicial decisions of the Russian Federation. We go to the website http://judicial decisions.rf. And in the “Document text” field we enter a key query, for example, “Windows KMS”.

  • Note: I especially recommend reading the judicial practice in cases of copyright infringement of developers in your spare time to all those “smart guys” who, in the comments of the site, insult those who have chosen the path of using paid licensed software.

Activated licensed Windows is a legitimate way to use it that will allow us to sleep peacefully at night. And not to be afraid of any inspections by the competent authorities if we use the system for our individual entrepreneurs or head any structural unit of the company.

So, genuine and pirated Windows are indistinguishable in appearance and functionality. How to understand which one we are dealing with?

Windows Authenticity Stickers

You can find out whether Windows is licensed or not by looking at the authenticity stickers on the computer device. What are these stickers? This:

Certificate of Authenticity (COA) - a sticker on the PC case, on the bottom of the laptop or inside its battery compartment, and also inside the latter on Surface tablets;

The GML sticker is a hologram sticker with changing colors depending on the viewing angle, introduced in September 2017, the sticking locations are the same as for COA.

If license key purchased separately from the device, by purchasing a boxed Windows versions– installation DVDs or flash drives, authenticity stickers must be on their packaging, respectively. For boxed versions, the same types of stickers are used,

as for device cases - certificate of authenticity (COA) and holograms.

How to find out if Windows is licensed using the command line

If the seller of a used computer swears that he is selling it with licensed Windows, if a new device is bought from a store with a reputation hitherto unknown to us, the authenticity of the OS can be verified by asking to enter something into the command line. We run it as administrator. And enter:

slmgr –ato

If the activation is pirated, we will see something like this message in the script window that appears.

Or something like this message.

But if the system is genuine, we will see in the script the inscription “Activation completed successfully.”

In addition to the direct activation message in the script window, it is also important to pay attention to the edition of Windows. If the title of the edition contains the addition “Eval”, for example, “EnterpriseSEval”, alas, such authenticity of activation is of little use.

How to find out if Windows is licensed using the task scheduler or how pirated activators work

It should be noted that the latest operating systems from Microsoft (Windows 8.1, 10) have a fairly strong mechanism for protecting against activation by pirated means and on this moment There are only a few activators capable of activating the above-mentioned OS, the most famous is KMSAuto Net. But it works very simply and can be easily detected in the system. KMSAuto Net creates a folder at the address: C:\ProgramData\KMSAutoS and places its files in it.

To constantly reactivate the OS, he is also forced to create his own task in the scheduler.

One time, a friend brought me a laptop with installed and activated Windows 10

and asked if the system was licensed. I stupidly opened the command line and entered the command already familiar to you: slmgr –ato, the result was very eloquent.

Then I opened the planner and showed my friend the task I had createdKMSAuto Net. The questions disappeared by themselves.

How to check Windows 7 for authenticity

If you are faced with the task of determining the authenticity of Windows 7, then first of all look at the sticker with the license key on the PC case or on the bottom of the laptop; if there is none, then the task becomes many times more complicated, since this OS has a weak mechanism for protecting against activation by pirated tools . If you ask this question on the official Microsoft website, you will be advised to install update KB971033, created specifically for OS authentication, but for example, this update is installed on this PC,

and the system was activated by a pirate activator and I will prove this to you a little later.

You may also be advised to enter command line: slmgr.vbs /dli , but the message "License status: licensed" does not prove anything.

Also at the office. The Microsoft website will advise you to download the tool MGADiag.exe

providing detailed information about the authenticity of Windows, but often it will also not be able to distinguish a pirated OS from a licensed one, as in our case. The utility produces the result "V alidation status - Genuine" or "Verification status - Genuine".

In the "Licensing" window you can see the partial product key - 7TP9F and "License Status: Licensed".

But the key YKHFT-KW986-GK4PY-FDWYH-7TP9F can be on Win 7 installed on Acer laptops, but not on Win 7 installed on a regular desktop computer,

I always come across him on pirate sevens. This key installs a pirated program Windows activation 7 Loader by DaZ Activator or Windows7 ULoader

A real license key will not be “Googled” at all, since information about it should not be on the Internet.

Trial Windows

Trial Windows - editions of Win10 Enterprise and offered on the Microsoft Evaluation Center website, which can be tested for free for 90 days - are completely legal systems. You can also add trial Win8.1 Enterprise to them; it is no longer available for download on the Evaluation Center website, but it can be found on the network, in particular. And, of course, the activation verification team will show that everything is fine with them. But this order will be temporary.

Evaluation builds are activated for 90 days with a temporary Evalution license activation key. If such an assembly will be installed on computers system administrators company, you don’t have to be afraid of any inspections by the competent authorities. Everything is legal here. It is also completely legal, since there is no direct prohibition, after 90 days you can cancel the Evalution license and use the system for another 90 days. And then another 90 days (activation is reset only three times). Well, then you can reinstall the system. Trial Evalution editions are the optimal solution for those who still reinstall the OS at least once a year. It is illegal if we are not an IT employee of the company and will use such an Evaluation assembly for commerce or for leisure activities. But this solution is definitely better than pirated activation – both in terms of technical aspects and in terms of legal liability.

So, there is nothing wrong with trial Evalution editions if they are not trying to sell them to us as a full-fledged system with a perpetual license. In addition to the method shown in the previous paragraph of the article, you can also identify the Evalution edition by the watermark in the lower right corner of the screen with an inscription in the form of a countdown to the end of the 90-day period. But such inscriptions are very easily removed by software like . We can make sure that we are dealing with an Evalution license and see the number of days remaining until the end of the 90-day period using the same command line. We run it as administrator. Enter:


And look at the information.

Documents on Windows

What documents confirm the authenticity of a Windows product key? Evidence of legal use of the OS is:

An email from the seller of the electronic key - Microsoft itself or an online store. This letter specifically states the key. The system should be activated by him;

Sales receipts, invoices, acceptance certificates and similar documents from OEM suppliers for OEM devices. Without these documents there will be a violation of order Microsoft licensing regarding failure to comply with the terms of use of the OEM license.

So, friends, buying OEM computers written off and stolen by company employees, as well as purchasing cheap OEM keys on eBay, is not The best decision. It is undoubtedly better than KMS activators and Evalution builds of Windows, but it is not a panacea for problems with inspection bodies.

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Some applications that the user wants to install on a computer require prior installation of the Microsoft platform. NET Framework. In addition to the presence of this platform, sometimes software developers put forward a number of additional requirements. In particular, it specifies which specific version of the NET Framework should be installed.

There are several common ways

Of course, in order to quickly answer such a question, you need to have some understanding of a computer. Beginner users immediately come to a dead end when such a problem arises. However, it is best to find information on how to find out NET version Framework, use it and immediately solve problems that arise.

There are several options for finding out which version of the NET Framework is installed on your computer. Several methods are easily accomplished through the capabilities provided by the operating system.

Detection using Windows features

On the computer desktop there is a shortcut “My Computer”, clicking on which will open a new window, it will list all the disks into which the hard drive is divided.

You should open the disk on which the operating system is installed. In most cases, this space is drive C. The user should go to the “Windows” folder, carefully look through all the subfolders in it until he finds the “Microsoft.NET” subfolder. And, having already opened this subfolder, it will be easy to find all versions of the installed Framework.

Folders with installed versions

Also, wanting to know alternative ways to check the NET Framework version, the user can launch Registry Editor. To do this, it is important to initially perform several sequential actions. In particular, you should first click the “Start” button, then it is important to find the “Run” line in it, clicking on which opens a new small window, in which you should enter the “redegit” command. If for some reason the “Run” line cannot be identified, you can enter this command in the command line, which can be launched if you click “All Programs” and then go to the “Standard” subfolder.

In the registry that opens, you need to expand several branches. Initially, you should find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then find the “SOFTWARE” subfolder, and then another “Microsoft”. This is where information about NET.Framework will be located in the NDP branch.

Data registered in the system

By clicking on this thread, subfolders with the specified versions will be opened for viewing. However, if you want to get more information, you should click on the folder for each version. Information about this version will appear on the right side of the window. In particular, if the “Install” parameter is set to one, this indicates that the platform is indeed installed. Opposite the “Version” parameter you can see the full version number of the installed version.

When looking through the registry, it is important to be extremely careful and not take any additional actions, since you can inadvertently make changes that could result in a serious malfunction of your computer.

Second way to determine

There is another one alternative way How to check which NET Framework is installed on your computer. However, it is subject to the installation of additional software.

Checking with utilities

Software developers for computer equipment, identifying any difficulties that inexperienced PC users have to face, they develop new programs and utilities that make it possible to solve all problems quite simply.

Such utilities are good because the risk of careless damage to the operating system is minimized. After startup, the system itself carries out a series of sequential operations, after which it produces the finished result. Such utilities include “NetVersionCheck”.

You can also get other useful information

Such a utility, of course, should be found on the Internet, download the download file, install it on your PC, and then run the VersionCheck.exe file. After this, the user can only wait patiently, although he does not have to wait long, since the utility quickly reads all important information and gives the finished result.

Alternative option for third-party utilities

It is also just as easy to obtain data about the installed NET.Framework platform using the ASoft.NET Version Detector program. You also just need to launch it, wait a short amount of time, and then familiarize yourself with the ready-made information. By the way, the user must understand that more than one version of the Microsoft .NET Framework can be installed on a computer.

So, having familiarized yourself with several ways to check whether the NET Framework is installed, and if the answer is yes, then which version accompanies the platform, it will be much easier for the user to solve many problems that arise when installing certain software.

Many users, when installing software, need to know what drivers are already installed for this or other applications. This is required in order not to put old firewood instead of new ones. How to find out which directx is installed can be read in this article.

There are two ways to find out which version of DirectX drivers you have installed, each of which is simple and convenient in its own way.

The first way to find out which directx is installed

Windows contains a tool with which you can diagnose the system for the presence installed components DirectX and find out what version they have. To use this utility, you must do the following:

The second way to find out which directx is installed

There are a lot of programs on the Internet that can diagnose your computer, show the layout of components, and analyze software installed on your PC. In particular, to check the directx version, there is a program that applies to free of charge– PC-Wizard. Download and install the program, and after launching and collecting information, select “Configuration”, and then DirectX and you will see the version installed driver. Let's look at an example from another computer.