How to make a bow in Minecraft, and what is it crafted from? How to make a bow and arrow in Minecraft Minecraft how to make a bow and arrow

Today we will tell you how to craft a bow in Minecraft. This type of weapon is incredibly effective in combat. However, its creation cannot be called particularly difficult. Unfortunately, the official version of the game does not yet allow you to enchant this item.

Working surface

First of all, to solve the question of how to craft a bow, you need to get a workbench. This item is made from boards. The latter, in turn, we get from wood. We will need 4 boards. We place them in the crafting window in the shape of a square and get a workbench. This is a very unusual item. It can be found on trees. It should also be noted that workbenches can be installed on the ground.


To solve the question of how to craft a bow, you need to collect the necessary materials. We need 3 sticks. They are made from two wooden boards. For the latter you need a tree. The bow crafting recipe also includes 3 strings. Let's go to the spider. After killing him, we get threads. From 0 to two units of the ingredient can be extracted from one enemy.

Most often you have to eliminate several spiders to achieve the desired result. In addition, the thread can be found in the mine after cutting the web. We install the sticks in the slots so that they form a triangle. We place the first element in the middle cell of the top row. We place the second stick on the edge on the middle line.

The third element is placed in the bottom row. This stick should be strictly under the first one. In this case, a distance of one cell is created between them. At the next stage we need to place the threads. They need to be installed vertically, this will allow the work to be completed at this stage. The threads, once placed on the work surface, should form a straight line.

When combined with the sticks, the final pattern created by the objects forms a triangle. All that remains is to start creating the item. We press the button that looks like an arrow and we get the finished weapon.


The answer to the question of how to craft a bow will be useless if you do not take care of creating arrows. Let's start working on the shells by collecting all the necessary materials. First of all, we need 1 stick. We make it from boards, which, in turn, are made from wood. Also, to create an arrow you will need 1 flint. It should be taken care of in advance.

Flint is obtained by collecting gravel. In this case, the probability of obtaining the desired material is 10%. The next element that you cannot do without when creating arrows is a feather. By eliminating the chicken, we will also find this ingredient. Go to the crafting window and place all the items in the correct sequence. As a result, they should form a straight line.

Place one stone in the middle cell of the top row. Place a stick in the center of the crafting window. Next, fill the middle cell of the bottom row by placing a feather there. Click on the craft button and get 4 arrows at once.

Knowing the answer to the question of how to craft a bow, you should also remember some additional information about this weapon in order to use it with maximum efficiency. In the game settings, if necessary, you can select the “peaceful” mode. It allows you to immediately become the owner of all the necessary resources.

The bow is an excellent weapon that effectively hits various types of monsters, but it is best to attack them when the beast is jumping. When creating the necessary weapons, the most difficult stage is the fight with the spiders. At this point, special care should be taken to avoid the death of the character.

The bow is not only a ranged weapon for our character, it is also used by skeletons. To fire a shot, first aim, then use the right mouse button. The strength is regulated by the time of pressing. The moment the button is released, a shot will occur.

In addition to the sword in Minecraft, you can fight the enemy with the help of another interesting weapon: the bow. After all, the sword will be effective only in close combat, and when the enemy flies and moves, it will be of little help. A bow can help in this case, as it can also deal damage to enemy mobs from long distances.

To shoot a bow, hold down the right mouse button. The arrow will fly further if you pull it longer, and accordingly, it will cause more damage to the enemy. To kill a mob, you need to shoot 3-4 times, but bosses die only after a couple of dozen shots. Bow durability was introduced in the game after version 1.0.0.

The bow is very useful in fighting flying mobs. To defeat the Endwalkers, a bow is completely useless, because these enemies can teleport. So don't use this weapon to fight them as you will only waste the durability of your bow and arrow.

Burning arrows in the game go out after a certain time. An eternal flame is formed using a bow with a fire enchantment. Such arrows burn until they disappear.

Read also:

How to make a bow in Minecraft video

Now we will learn how to make a bow in minecraft. It's quite simple: you need to have 3 sticks and 3 threads. Threads are webs that fall out of spiders.

To fight with a bow, you need to create arrows. Arrows do not have a durability indicator. They are obtained from a killed skeleton, but they may not drop out every time an enemy is destroyed. In order to make your own arrow, you will need flint. To do this, you must first dig into the gravel, and flint will fall out of it.

Craft arrows:

You can also make fire arrows, which do more damage and can set enemies on fire.

To get new properties, you can enchant a bow in Minecraft. This requires additional items. There is a level scale in the game and you can get stronger properties when enchanting with a higher level. You can gain a level by mining coal and destroying mobs. Another way is to craft flasks, put them in the furnace, and then break the flasks with the mouse button and collect the dropped experience. You will definitely need an enchanting table.

To do it, you need to do the following:

When the table is ready, we place bookshelves near it, otherwise nothing will work.

The enchantment table can enchant other items in addition to weapons. Now we'll tell you how to make an enchanted bow in minecraft. Take the bow in your hands and right-click on the table.

Green numbers indicate the level to which the item can be enchanted. The higher it is, the better the enchantment turns out.

In addition to the sword, the Minecraft game design includes another effective weapon - the bow. Any user knows that in Minecraft it is most advantageous to use a sword when fighting unfriendly mods at close range and it is almost impossible for it to reach flying enemies, and this weapon, through arrows, effectively deals damage at distant approaches to your virtual character and will be able to shoot a flying enemy .

Use in the crafting world

Using a bow in Minecraft is easy. To fire a shot, you must press and not release the RMB. This way you tighten the string. The stronger the tension of the core, the greater the penetrating effect of the arrow in Minecraft, the damage inflicted on enemies and the further it will fly. By pulling the vein to the limit, you will cause damage of 4.5 hearts, if by half, then 3, with a weak tension 1-2. Usually unfriendly mobs die in 3-4 shots. For the boss you need to spend up to 20 arrows.

After Minecraft version 1.0.0, the bow began to have durability (up to 385 uses).

It is effective against:

  • flying mobs,
  • Ghastov,
  • skeletons,
  • creepers,
  • spiders,
  • wither skeletons,
  • skeleton riders, that is, those mobs.

Users have noticed that a bow and arrow is good to use in Minecraft against mobs that use a ranged attack or are extremely dangerous at close range.

When shooting at long distances in minecraft, users need to take the elevation above the target to compensate for the force of gravity acting on the projectile. When shot through lava, the arrow lights up and when it hits a mob, it ignites it without causing any additional damage. After a while they will go out on their own. Arrows fired from a bow enchanted with fire will burn forever and cause additional fire damage to the enemy. The maximum flight range is up to 50 blocks. A bow enchanted to fire is used to activate TNT (explosive).

How to create a bow and arrow

To craft a bow you will need:

  • three wooden sticks,
  • three threads that can be found in the treasury, obtained as a drop from killing spiders and spun from sheep's wool.

You need to do this on a workbench like this:

To directly use this weapon, you need arrows (they do not have a strength limit), which can be obtained in two ways:

  1. drops after destroying skeletons,
  2. do it yourself.

In order to make an arrow you need:

  • flint (falls out when breaking cobblestones with a pickaxe),
  • wood stick,
  • feathers (fall out of chickens, you can also kill a chicken, then it appears as a drop).

To make a penetrating projectile on a workbench, you need to arrange the items like this:

Repairing and enchanting this weapon

In minecraft, gamers are given the opportunity to make enchantments. To do this, you need to reach the highest level and make an enchantment table.

Enchantments cast in:
- increased damage power,
- adding a shock wave,
- ignition of the arrow,
- infinity (one arrow is needed, then arrows are not wasted).

To repair, two damaged bows are placed on the anvil and at the end you get one repaired one.

Onions can be used as a crafting ingredient. It is used in the process of crafting a dispenser (red dust + 6 cobblestones + bow):

The dispenser is used as a trap weapon, which is activated by pressing the platinum (lever, button and circuit made of red stone). At the same time, he throws an object at the enemy.

Bow without arrows

Bow ID: 261.

NID: bow.

Bow - English name Luke in Minecraft.

Damage (Attack damage) - from 1 () to 10 ().

Durability - 385.

with arrows in Minecraft is a weapon whose purpose is to hit the enemy from a distance. It is advisable to use the bow against hostile mobs that pose a danger to the player nearby, or that themselves attack from afar. This definition includes ghasts, creepers, spiders, skeletons, wither skeletons and skeleton riders. Against Endwalkers, archery is a futile exercise due to the teleportation capabilities.

The player has two bows in his hands

How to make a bow in Minecraft?

Onions are good both in battle and in cabbage soup (pun intended).

In order to make a bow, you will need to get three threads and three sticks in Minecraft. The crafting recipe is obvious and can even be called intuitive.

There is another way to make a bow in Minecraft. If you have two damaged bows, then by placing them in the workbench, you will receive one. But at the same time, another 5 percent is added to the sum of the strength of two bows placed in the workbench. You need to know that any charm will be lost.

Is it possible to get a bow in another way without using a workbench? Yes, it's possible. In short:

  1. As a drop after defeating some mobs.
  2. Buying with emeralds.
  3. Fishing.

Onions in crafting recipes

The bow is tight, but the husband is not strong (proverb).

It’s strange or, on the contrary, logical, but onions are present in such a crafting recipe as creating a dispenser.


Onions can be used as fuel in a stove. Whether you need to use this or not, there is such an opportunity, for example:


Bow is a weapon in Minecraft

You can’t bend an onion the other way (proverb).

In order to shoot a bow, you must first pull the bowstring by holding down the right mouse button and then release it. The stronger the tension, the further the arrow flies and the greater the damage. This is what it looks like on the table:

Bow Attack Damage
Tension time Damage
0 - 0.2 s (small) 1 ()
0.3 - 0.9 s (average) 6 ()
1 + s (full) 9 ()
critical hit 10 ()

After version 1.0.0, the bow has durability. It may not be entirely correct to compare melee weapons to bows. But you can just look at some of their characteristics.

Weapon Damage
Weapon Strength Damage All damage
385 1 - 10
Golden sword 33 4 () 132
Wooden sword 60 4 () 240
Stone sword 132 5 () 660
an iron sword 251 6 () 1506
Diamond Sword 1562 7 () 10934

Bow and arrows can be enchanted.

Armed with bows are: the player and two armor stands.

Enchanted weapons in the game

From a bow - not us, from a squeak - not us, but to drink and dance - you can’t find anything against us (proverb).

Enchanted weapons in Minecraft should increase their effectiveness. What can you come up with with bows? Since version Minecraft 1.1, the following enchantments for bows have been added: “fire arrow”, “efficiency”, “strength” and “infinity” (names may vary slightly). In version 1.4.6, it became possible to enchant a bow to be “indestructible” on an anvil and with an enchanted book.

Enchant Weapon
Weapon Name What gives
With some degree of probability, the strength will not decrease.
Additional damage.
Dropping the target.
Burning Arrow
Sets fire to arrows.
Arrows are not wasted. But to shoot you need at least one arrow.
Uses experience to repair items in your hands or armor slots.

At the very beginning, it is more advisable to enchant the bow for “strength” and “durability”.

What types of arrows are there?

Who cares what, but the arrow cares about the bow (proverb).

Speaking about bows, we can’t help but say a few words about arrows. A separate material will be devoted to how to make them, their features and effectiveness. Here it is appropriate to present a table, the content of which speaks for itself and, in our opinion, is understandable.

All arrows in Minecraft
Name Effect Note
Spectral Arrow Other name: Spectral Arrow
Night Vision Arrow Night Vision (0:22)
Night Vision Arrow Night vision (1:00)
Invisibility Arrow Invisibility (0:22)
Invisibility Arrow Invisibility (1:00)
Jumping Arrow Bouncing (0:22)
Jumping Arrow Jumpiness (1:00)
Jumping Arrow Jumpiness II (011)
Fire resistance boom Fire resistance (0:22)
Fire resistance boom Fire resistance (1:00)
Swift Arrow Speed ​​(0:22)
Swift Arrow Speed ​​(1:00) Another name is Speed ​​Arrow. On use: +20% speed.
Swift Arrow Speed ​​II (0:11) Another name is Speed ​​Arrow. On use: +40% speed.
Slow Arrow Slowdown (0:11)
Slow Arrow Slowdown (0:30) On cast: –15% speed.
Poisoning (0:05)
Poison Arrow Poisoning (0:11)
Poison Arrow Poisoning II (0:02)
Regeneration Arrow Regeneration (0:05)
Regeneration Arrow Regeneration (0:11)
Regeneration Arrow Regeneration II (0:02)
Arrow of Power Power (0:22) On cast: +3 damage
Arrow of Power Strength (1:00) On cast: +3 damage
Arrow of Power Power II (0:11) On use: +6 damage
Arrow of Weakness Weakness (0:11) On cast: –4 damage
Arrow of Weakness Weakness (0:30) On cast: –4 damage
Arrow of Luck Luck (0:37) When used: +1 luck

When an arrow flies through lava, it becomes fiery and can set the enemy on fire. But such an arrow cannot set fire to blocks or burn objects, and will not cause additional damage. Although, at the same time, it activates THT. After some time it will go out. This differs from burning arrows fired from a bow with a fire enchantment, which will burn forever until they disappear.

In the Minecraft game, you can get a bow as follows:

1. In some cases, you can find bows dropped from skeletons.

2. You can also make onions yourself. In order to craft a bow in Minecraft, you will need: sticks (3 units), threads (3 units).

First you need to make sticks from boards. Threads are much more difficult to obtain: it requires spiders. You can get them in 2 ways. When the sun rises in Minecraft, collect threads from those spiders that died that night. Another way is to get out of your hiding place at night and kill the spider. This way you can get threads.

To make the bow, arrange your strings and sticks as follows:

For archery you will need arrows. They can also be obtained in several ways:

1. The first way is to take them from dead skeletons.

2. You can make the arrows yourself. You will need: sticks and coal.

These components can be obtained as follows: from coal ore using a pickaxe you will get coal, it can also be found in caves, in the mountains and underground.

To construct the arrows, arrange all the materials you have as follows:

Using a bow in Minecraft

In order to fire a shot from such a long-range weapon as a bow, you need to press RMB, which will then tighten the bowstring. Remember: the tighter it is, the further the arrow will fly and the more damage will be done to the enemy.

If you hit an enemy with a tightly drawn bowstring, he will lose 4.5 life; 3.5 life is removed if you pull the bowstring halfway. And the enemy will lose 1-2 lives from being hit by a weak bowstring.

The maximum length of a bow's damage is 50 blocks.