The disk is not cleaned with what to do. Not enough space on drive C? Let's remove all unnecessary. Other ways to free up space on the C drive

Lack of free space system drive fraught not only with the inability to install new programs. A full C drive also slows down the system. Almost every PC user knows this, so he tries not to clog the disk with the operating system. But even if you do not install anything extra on it, over time it still overflows. Why? The fact is that free disk space is occupied by temporary files that are no longer needed by the system. And so that the C drive does not get clogged, they need to be deleted regularly.

So how do you free up space on your system drive? There are many ways.

Windows 10 has a lot of system tools that allow you to clean up disk space from junk without using an outsider. software. To begin with, let's consider cleaning the computer from temporary files through the "Storage".

  1. Go to "Settings", which can be easily opened with the keyboard shortcut "Win + I".

  2. Go to "System" settings.

  3. Open the "Storage" section, here set the local drives on which the downloaded content will be saved. As you can see from the picture, given parameter can be successfully configured for different types files: documents, music, applications.

  4. Next, click on one of the disks. Since you need to clean drive C, select it.

  5. A special window will open with information about how much disk space and what is used. And, more importantly in this situation, with the ability to clean up disk space.

  6. If you scroll down the list to the very bottom, you can see the option to delete temporary files. It interests us first and foremost. Also, just below you can delete files from the download and trash folders.

On a note! Among other things, in this section you can see how much the file weighs, allowing you to restore old version OS. In most cases, it can also be removed as unnecessary.

Using the file compression feature in Windows 10

Another useful feature for cleaning up disk space that is built into Windows 10 is file compression. These are system files. This option will reduce the space occupied by operating system files. Thus, your Windows becomes "lighter". According to the developers, given function will not reduce system performance, but only if you have enough random access memory.

This feature will free up 1.5-2 gigabytes.

On a note! Also, do not forget that many additional ones are built into Windows 10, which are of no use to many users. And in this version of the operating system, it is possible to remove them.

Disk Cleanup

Before proceeding with the use of third-party software, it is recommended to go through the disk with the software that is installed with the system. The next program that we will look at is available on all versions of the operating system, and not just on Windows 10. It is called Disk Cleanup. This tool will remove from the disk those files that do not perform any useful functions.

  1. To find this tool, go to disk properties.

  2. Click the "Disk Cleanup" button.

  3. For some time, the system will collect information about files and find out what can be removed from it. After analysis, file classification will be suggested. Select the checkboxes for the groups you want to delete and click OK.

  4. In addition, you can try to delete system files by clicking on the appropriate button. Don't be afraid to delete only files that are useless. Another tab will open for you in the "Advanced" window. Go to it and click on cleanup.

Removing unnecessary programs

The note! Especially this method relevant for those who install games on a disk with an operating system.

It often happens that the user installs too many programs and does not use most of them. But they take up quite a lot of space. But you can always just delete them.

This can be done using a simple tool - "Uninstall a program". You can find it in the Control Panel. To find "Control Panel":

As you can see, a table opens in which you can see not only all the programs installed on your computer, but also how much space they take up. But these data are not always true. Very often, programs do not give the system accurate data about their size. So, it's better to uninstall all the programs that you don't need. Even if they don't weigh that much.

The note! After uninstalling programs, a lot of temporary files will remain. They also need to be removed.


There is such a great program to free up disk space like CCleaner. This is a fairly versatile program, since it can be used to both clear temporary files and delete unnecessary programs. You can download it from the official website for free. To achieve maximum results, use its different tools in the following sequence:

  1. To get started, go to the "Service" tab and uninstall unnecessary programs. In general, it doesn't make much difference whether you use CCleaner or the system's uninstall tool.

  2. Next, go to the "Cleanup" tab and delete temporary files, including those left after uninstalling unnecessary programs.

  3. Uninstalling programs creates a lot of errors in the registry. These errors slow down the operating system. Therefore, after cleaning, go to the "Registry" tab and correct the errors that have appeared.

This will save time. Although at the moment there are a lot of programs that perform the same functions, CCleaner has earned the reputation of the most convenient software for cleaning disk space.

The note! Although CCleaner removes temporary files left over from operating system programs, it can bypass some applications. First of all, these are browsers, the cache of which sometimes reaches quite large sizes. It needs to be cleaned separately.

Manual removal

Temporary files can be deleted without using any programs. You can find them manually and delete the folders where they are stored. All these folders are located on the system drive and are called "Temp".

You can simply calculate them through the search. For this:

Important! Although these are system folders, you can simply delete them, as regular files. It doesn't even require administrator rights.

There are several simple tips, if followed, you can avoid clogging drive C.

  • games, movies and music should never be downloaded to drive C at all. Choose another local drive to store them;
  • initially set enough space for the system drive. If you don't score your HDD to the eyeballs, it is better to leave more space for the system;
  • install ;
  • keep under control installed programs. Figure out which ones you need and which you don't.

Make sure that the system disk on your computer is not clogged. But if this still happened, clean up the disk space in time.

Video - Clean up C drive from junk files in Windows 10 and 7

Computers - devices of fine technical and program organization. One of the conditions for their functioning at 100% of the available potential is, of course, cleanliness and order both inside and out system block, and directly in the hard disk partitions. If you do not systematically clean, freeing your PC from dust, dirt and "digital garbage", sooner or later trouble will happen to it. It will start to "slow down" and "fail" or even fail - it will stop starting.

This article will help you clean C drive from junk files manually and through special programs.

How to remove unnecessary files manually?

Empty your cart!

In Windows, all previously deleted folders and files are stored in a special directory called the Recycle Bin. It performs the same functions as a trash can in a house or apartment - all rubbish is thrown into it. You can restore deleted data from this software reservoir at any time.

However, if only everything superfluous is stored in the "Basket", it must be cleared. Since the recycled "digital garbage" continues to occupy the space of the system partition. Why waste it? Still, it’s better to spend free megabytes (or even gigabytes!) On useful program or a game. Agree.

To empty the Trash, do the following:

1. Right-click the Recycle Bin icon on your desktop.

2. In the contextual set of options, select "Empty Trash".

"Cleaning" in Windows directories

During the operation of the operating system, so-called temporary files accumulate in its folders. After a one-time Windows usage or some other program, they turn into "ballast".

To get rid of them:
1. Press the key combination - "Win" and "E".

2. Right-click on the "Disk C" icon.

3. In the system menu, click "Properties".

4. In the new window, on the "General" tab, click "Disk Cleanup".

5. Wait a moment. System Utility before deleting files from the disk, it is necessary to analyze the directories.

6. Check the boxes next to the items that you want to delete ("Magazine", "Thumbnails", etc.).

7. Click the "Clear ..." button.

Upon completion of the procedure, you can also remove the saved OS restore points and thereby further increase the free space of the system partition. It is done like this:

1. In the same window, go to the "Advanced" tab.

2. In the "System Restore ..." block, click "Clear".

3. Confirm the deletion of backup points: in the prompt message, click "Delete".

Attention! After running the command Windows utility deletes all existing restore points except the last one.

What is being done in the Temp folder?

The Temp folder also acts as a repository for temporary files. Many programs and the operating system itself place their elements in it in the process of performing various operations (unpacking archives, updating, installing, etc.).

In Temp, be sure to regularly “visit” and clean out all its contents. It can store not only temporary files, but also viruses. A huge number of digital "strains" after a successful attack on a PC are placed here.

To clear Temp:
1. Open a folder. It is located in the directory:

Drive C → Users → → AppData → Local

2. Press the combination "Ctrl + A" to select all files and folders.

3. Click the right mouse button. Select Delete.

Have you been on the Internet? Get out of the browser!

After visiting sites in the cache (special storage) and browser history, a fairly large amount of information, including confidential information, is stored. Naturally, it also reduces the precious free megabytes of the C drive.

Therefore, make it a rule to clear your browser after completing web surfing (working on the Internet). This procedure will not take much of your time - only 1-2 minutes, no more!

1. Almost in all popular browsers (Opera, Google Chrome, Firefox) cleaning is launched by a "hot" key combination - "Ctrl + Shift + Del". Click them at the same time while in a web browser window.

2. In the settings of the panel that opens, indicate that it is necessary to remove the data that has been saved for the entire period of using the browser. Also check the boxes next to the objects that need cleaning.

3. Click the Clear History button.

Get rid of unnecessary apps

Some users, especially beginners, experience "Plyushkin's disease" in the process of selecting and installing programs and games.

Everything that they come across on torrent trackers, software sites, and other Internet sources, as well as on disks and flash drives borrowed from friends and acquaintances, they install on a PC. And at the same time, they are guided by the same thought as the notorious literary hero: “I’ll take it, I’ll save it, someday it will come in handy.” As a result of this approach, computer clutter occurs almost exponentially.

To neutralize an unnecessary game, utility from Windows, follow this guide:

1. Click "Start" (first icon from the left at the bottom of the display).

2. In the pop-up panel, click "Control Panel".

3. In the "Programs" section, click "Uninstall ...".

4. Click once in the list with the left button on the program you want to get rid of.

5. Click at the top (above the list) the "Delete" option.

6. Follow the prompts of the opened uninstaller to neutralize the software from the computer disk.

Advice! Also, the uninstaller can be opened in another way: Start → All programs → the folder of the application to be deleted → the Uninstall file, or Uninstaller (or in Russian - Remove, Uninstall).

How to remove applications installed with the system?

Browser Internet Explorer, Notepad application, games (Klondike, Solitaire, etc.) and others integrated into Windows Applications uninstall as described above, as well as through special utilities it is forbidden. They can only be disabled - make sure that they are not displayed in the operating system.

1. Open: Start → Control Panel → Programs → Programs and Features.

2. In the window that opens, in the list on the left, click the last item - “Turn components on and off ...».

3. Uncheck the box next to the component you want to remove (for example, Games → Mahjong).

4. Click OK. Wait for the operation to complete.

Automatic deletion of unnecessary files


This category of software is designed to help you clean up your system partition in minutes. Using special algorithms, these utilities delicately remove all available "software obscenities" from the registry, OS directories, browsers and other applications.

Consider the most effective solutions.

Accurately detects and neutralizes temporary, unnecessary folders and files from the C drive (Temp folder, thumbnail cache, memory dumps, system log). Correctly clears directories of browsers (cache, cookies, browsing history, saved passwords and logins) and other trusted applications (WinRAR, Nero, Google bar, etc.). Puts things in order in the registry: checks its integrity, eliminates errors in the "branches".

One of the most powerful utilities for optimizing the OS and cleaning drive C. Cleans up system folders and fixes problems in the registry. Provides the user with the ability to comfortably manage startup, scheduled tasks and uninstall useless applications. Has special settings for selective cleaning.

The most convenient tool for global and selective cleaning of the system disk. Uses more than 90 algorithms for removing unnecessary objects. Qualitatively optimizes the registry, startup, General settings OS. Able to perform detailed monitoring of consumed system resources in real time. Very easy to manage.

To use nCleaner:
1. In the utility window, click the "Clean System" section.

2. To clean the directories of drive C in the "Clean system ..." block, click the "Clean Now" button.

To fix errors in the registry, click the same button, but in the "Registry clean ..." block.

3. When finished analyzing the selected objects, click "Remove".

What to do with unnecessary drivers?

Of course, delete. If a device is no longer on the PC, for example, a video card, hard drive, webcam, then, accordingly, its driver is not needed.

To solve this problem, it is best to use specialized utilities. For example, Driver Sweeper. This tiny program is indispensable when you need to find out which drivers are installed in the OS and remove unnecessary ones. She has additional useful features(registry cleaning, backup and etc.). Equipped with a multilingual interface.


These maintenance utilities perform the uninstallation of programs and games in a semi-automatic mode. They find and run the uninstaller for the specified application, and then, upon completion standard deletion, release the system partition from the remaining elements remote application.

Consider the most popular uninstaller utilities on the Web.

A worthy alternative to the system applet responsible for uninstalling software. Endowed with advanced features, carefully analyzes directories. Finds all remnants of programs in folders and registry. Equipped with an easy-to-use control panel.

Lightning-fast analysis of the disk and its cleaning from "digital garbage". Neutralizes objects from folders and the registry without disrupting the system and programs.

Solution from Chinese developers. Endowed with powerful algorithms for scanning system objects. It has the "Forced Scan" function.

How to delete undeletable files?

If you have not yet encountered a situation where an unnecessary file “does not want” to be deleted, then you will definitely encounter it in the future. This is because the object being deleted is in use by some application or driver.

Such problems are also resolved with the help of special utilities. Here is some of them:

Has a tiny size. Integrates into context menu OS. Tells the user which specific process is blocking the application. Correctly removes files in directories. Activated with just a few mouse clicks.

Able to eliminate a large number of file locks related to user rights, access and protection. Instantly terminates all blocking processes and safely sends the selected item to the trash.

It is endowed with protection against inept use: it does not delete files without which the system cannot work and in which confidential user data is stored. Effectively removes locks and deletes files of almost all categories.

Beware memory eaters!

Windows by default reserves system partition memory for its special files. They can have a fairly solid volume - 4.7, 10 GB and more. But if there is no need for these files, or rather, for the functions that they support, of course, it makes sense to remove them. Who needs another 5-10 gigabytes of free space on drive C?


The swap file is a kind of software reservoir for PC RAM. It temporarily stores data that is not able to accommodate RAM. But if you have a powerful computer with about 6-8 GB of RAM, then this file can be removed by disabling a special option.

1. Go to: Panel → Control Panel → System and Security → System.

2. Click "Additional options ...". In the properties panel, click "Options" in the "Performance" block.

3. Go to the "Advanced" subsection.

4. In the "Virtual memory" block, click "Change".

5. Uncheck the option "Automatically select ...".

6. Click the "No paging file" radio button, click "OK".

Advice! To reduce the size of pagefile.sys., click "Specify size" and enter the file size in megabytes in the fields "Initial ..." and "Minimum ...".


AT given file data is saved when the PC enters a special "Sleep Mode" - hibernation. If you do not use this option, do the following:

1. Open Start. In the search bar, type - cmd.

2. Launch the application that appears in the panel with administrator rights.

3. Enter the directive - powercfg.exe / hibernate off

4. Press "Enter".

Also, hibernation can be disabled through the "Run" panel (launched by the combination "Win + R"). Type in its line - powercfg -h off and click "OK".

Happy cleaning Windows!

The system area has an unpleasant feature to fill up without notifying the owner of the computer. Therefore, sooner or later, many users are wondering how to clean drive C from unnecessary windows files 7 manually.

Usually, there are no special problems with cleaning other partitions - the PC owner simply deletes unnecessary information. With "C" it's different. The system is filled not only from workload, but also from third-party garbage that remains from the OS.

It accumulates, taking up more and more free space, which negatively affects the performance and health of the PC.

The operating system contains the "Temp" folder. It contains all the temporary files of the computer. Those that are downloaded during updates, application installations, or necessary for temporary operation of any of the programs.

Over time, a huge amount of garbage accumulates in this folder. There is no other way to call them, since there is no practical use for these files, they only take up space in the system.

It is necessary to periodically clean the computer from everything superfluous. There are two cleaning methods. With the help of special applications and manually. And the second method is much more efficient.

How to clean C from unnecessary files windows 7 manually

Built into Windows 7 special program, called using the "Disk Properties" window.

Another launch method is to press the Win + R key combination, and then type the command " cleanmgr ».

Next, you need to click OK and select the target partition (In this case, C). As a result of scanning, a window will appear on the monitor, where the amount of memory to be freed is displayed and it is necessary to select the objects to be deleted.

Usually a large amount of memory is occupied by simple updates and browser information. Then you need to click OK to remove the garbage.

Some of the updates are stored in separate element- "". It, if not cleaned, can become filled with considerable weight.

Under no circumstances should you delete anything from this directory on your own. Another important point is that for the correct cleaning of this folder using the Windows Assistant, a certain update (KB2852386) must be installed on the computer, which increases the level of evaluation of the cleaned parts.

In the "Advanced Cleanup Tools" window, the removal of unused utilities and system backups begins. Then you need to click "Clear" in the "programs and components" menu, go to the installed section (to display only the most voluminous, you can click on the black triangle in the "Size" item).

If unfamiliar items are found, before removing them, you need to figure out if they are important. Many people uninstall all utilities they haven't used in a few months.

Delete unnecessary windows 7 files manually

The first step is to check the Desktop, which is also referred to as C. Many people save photos, books, etc. there. This is done to make it easier to find desired label. However, it is not recommended to save voluminous things on the desktop.

There should be only shortcuts, frequently used objects. The excess should be moved to section D. In the right scenario, the weight of the desktop will be minimal.

Then check the system partitions C (My documents, images, etc.). Even if the owner does not personally save data in these directories, they can be filled in by other utilities that store information in these folders by standard.

They take up space, especially if you often use video, graphic editor or play computer games. It is better to carefully study the contents of these sections, delete some of the data.

Another way to free up space is to transfer the contents to D. True, using the standard Copy-Paste operation may not work. The output is a change in the location of individual elements in the properties.

Freeing up space with third-party programs

There are many special applications for removing garbage from C. The most common free representatives are:

  • CCleaner;
  • WinDirStat;
  • Auslogics BootSpeed.

In addition, you should free C from unnecessary Internet files. You can do this with the help of additional assistants and using the browser. It provides the function of deleting cookies, browsing history and cache. When information is accumulated, section C is filled in.

For Opera users, it is important to clear temporary browser data. They can be located in several places: Temp, App data.

According to the standard, the status “hidden” is set on them. This tells the user that when they navigate to the location, they won't be able to find it. You can remove the status in "Folder Options"

In Windows, Opera temporary saves are located along the path: ...\Roaming\Opera or ...\Local\Opera.

Cleaning up files

Items with a special extension are called unnecessary:

  • .tmp;
  • .bak;
  • .temp;
  • .old etc.

They remain after changing documents and settings. These extensions can be located in the program itself or in the place where the change itself is located. It can be very difficult to find all this garbage. Revo Uninstaller can be used for this purpose.

Additional Methods

If nothing helps and you are still interested in the question of how to manually clean the windows 7 disk from unnecessary files, then disable hibernation in Windows Seven (if it is not used), and then delete hiberfill.sys.

It has a volume comparable to the built-in RAM (the more RAM installed, the more massive). The way out is to reassign disk sizes. By increasing the size of the C directory, you can solve the problem for a while.

In our age - the age of huge hard drives volume of 1-1.5-2 terabytes, despite the huge disk space, some problems remain the same. The space on the system disk was running out as before, and now little has changed.

There is a huge variety specialized programs, designed to help the user in this seemingly difficult task, but most of them are paid. In this article, we will consider methods for freeing up disk space manually and using free programs and utilities.

Next, I will tell you how urgently free up space on the system (and not only) disk in as soon as possible , but first you need to familiarize yourself with the basic methods of cleaning the disk WITH:(What is the C: drive?).

Where does the free space on the C: drive go?

In addition to the fact that disk space runs out due to the efforts of the user himself, who actively uses his data storage, and the efforts of various programs and the operating system itself.

In the first case, these are numerous films and music stored on the desktop (after all, we are talking about the system disk C:, and not about others, and by default, all the contents of the desktop are stored on the system drive). If you have multiple drives, whether physical or logical, then you can copy all of your desktop content to one of those drives, whichever has more space. If you only have a disk C:, unfortunately this is not available to you.

In the second case, these are temporary files of programs that create these same temporary files to store some data that is required during the program's operation until it is closed. In the process of closing the program, these same files should be deleted, but this is not always the case, and they tend to accumulate indefinitely. Temporary internet files if you use Internet browser Explorer, too, tend to be collected. Of course, to free up disk space, you can remove unused programs and games, but today we will consider how to do without victims, namely ...

How to free up space on the C: drive without deleting the programs available there?

To begin with, we will carry out a little preparation, which we will need to more successfully and efficiently get rid of temporary files. For the purity of the experiment, we will detect how much space was on the hard drive of the author of this article and will monitor these values ​​after each stage of cleaning the disk.

1. Go to the folder My computer and select the menu there Tools>Folder Options.

2. Go to the tab View and in the window Extra options select Show hidden files and folders. This is what we need in order to clear temporary files from our profile. By default, these things are hidden from users, but this state of affairs will not suit us. Click OK to save the settings. For Windows users Vista/7 - to get to this window, you need to go to Start>Control Panel, select in the column View small icons and double click on the icon Folders settings.

3. Now click Start, we find the Run command there (they are not displayed by default in Windows Vista / 7 - see) and type (or copy from here) the% USERPROFILE% command and press the button OK. In the window that opens, go to the folder Local Settings > Temp(Windows Vista/7/8 owners - you need to go to AppData > Local > Temp).

4. Click Ctrl+A and after that the key combination Shift+Delete(delete files bypassing the trash) and click Yes.

All these files can be safely deleted, because. since they got into this folder, they cannot represent any value. However, during the removal process, the following situation will necessarily arise:

Here we answer Yes for everyone

And then this:

Here we press OK, and then we press the key ctrl and left-click on the file with the name indicated on the message to deselect it. After that again Shift+Delete and drive on until everything that can be removed is removed.

Why did such a situation arise? The fact is that we are deleting files from the current profile, so there are files that are currently used by the operating system and programs. Naturally, Windows will not let you delete them, so as not to cause a system crash. Everything else must be removed.

This is what the folder looks like Temp after global cleanup:

How much disk space has been freed up WITH:

This computer undergoes such cleaning regularly, so in your case the result may be much more noticeable. The author once thus freed 20(!) Gigabytes disk space and that's just by deleting the contents of the Temp folder. True, it was someone else's computer.

Let's move on to the next step. I go to the folder My computer, disk WITH:, folder Windows and there is a folder in it Temp. If the following message occurs during this long path:

Feel free to choose Show contents of this folder and move on.

Actually this folder Temp left as part of the operating system only for compatibility with older programs, so it will most likely be almost empty. But the chicken bites grain by grain, so we will clean everything that is possible, and the result will be good. We do everything with this folder exactly the same as with the previous one of the same name. Namely Ctrl+A and Shift+Delete.

In this case, about three megabytes were freed, so it makes no sense to see how the disk space of the test disk has changed.

Clean up temporary internet files. This method works if you are using Internet Explorer. Although, in other browsers everything is deleted in much the same way. We go to Start>(Settings>)Control Panel and double click on the icon Internet Options.

We press the button Delete.

Check the boxes like this and click Delete. And than OK after the removal is complete. We look at how the indicators of free disk space have changed:

On this Internet computer Explorer is almost never used, so in your case the effect can be much more noticeable.

Now right click on basket and choose Empty trash. This is done just in case, you never know, something flew into the basket. You don't store in basket the most required files, true? Just like don't store food in the bin.

Next, we will use the program DupKiller- this program will help us get rid of duplicates. The program is absolutely free. You can download it either from our website (Download DupKiller), or latest version from the DupKiller manufacturer's website. There is a suspicion that in the near future it will become a full-fledged paid commercial product, but so far this has not happened (the program is in the process of beta) - use it!

Moving virtual memory from the system drive C: to another drive

This method is suitable for those who have on their computer in addition to the system disk C: there are others logical drives, eg, D:, E: etc. Naturally, we are talking exclusively about hard drives, both physical and logical. Card readers, DVD drives, flash drives and other benefits of civilization, of course, will not work. And the space on these disks should be at least 5-6GB.

For this, in any Windows versions you need to go to the Control Panel and open the properties of the System. This is done as follows:

Let's go to Start and choose Control Panel(a small clarification for the happy owners of computers running under Windows control 8 - to enter the control panel you need to place the mouse cursor in the upper or lower right corner of the screen, select Settings and Control Panel).

In the window that opens, select small icons or Large icons(1), depending on your visual acuity and double-click on the icon System(2).

In the window that opens, click Additional system settings.

In the window that appears, press the button Parameters.

Choose a tab Additionally and press the button Change.

In the next window, you will need to do exactly the following things:

Uncheck an item Automatically select paging file size(1), select disk C:(2), put a radio button No swap file(3) be sure to press the button Ask(4). At the same time, Windows will surely swear at our actions and say that this is not good. But we are not afraid of difficulties and continue our mournful work and transfer virtual memory to disk D:(or any other that you have - whichever place is bigger).

In principle, if you have 16 gigabytes of RAM or more, then you can skip the next item, click OK, agree with everything and restart the computer - this will also give a performance boost. If less than 8 GB, then it is better not to experiment and go to the next step.

Now we have to place the swap file on disk D: or any other of your choice. I have only C: and D: so let's look at this example. Allocate a disk D:(1), then choose System selectable size(2), press Ask(3) and button OK.

Now click everywhere OK and answer the question about restarting the computer Yes. If Windows for some reason does not ask you to restart your computer, you should still do this in order for the changes you have made to take effect.

Installing the DupKiller program

Select the installation language.

We accept the conditions License Agreement.

Nothing much can be changed here, so click Further.

Installation progress window.

Click Ready.

Now we need to go to Start>(All) Programs>DupKiller>DupKiller. Tip crashes on launch. If necessary, uncheck Show tips on startup. Click close.

This is what the main window of the program looks like. You just need to select a drive C:- I have no duplicates on it, so for greater clarity, I selected all the disks. There I definitely have duplicates, tk. especially important information I duplicate on different disks (I physically have 3 of them).

Menu files and folders - select All files.

Menu Exceptions. You can leave it as it is so that you understand how the program selects. After analyzing the selection results, it is possible to add exclusions and scan the disk again.

Menu Search settings- leave everything as it is.

Menu Other settings- leave everything as it is.

Menu Removal- you can leave everything as it is, you can choose Delete files immediately if you are not afraid to accidentally delete something important. For the first time, it is better to leave the option with basket.

We press the button Scan and waiting...

This is how much space is taken up by duplicates on all drives.

And now the routine begins - we put flags on files that we definitely do not need in the form of duplicates. Keep in mind that you only need to check the box for one copy of the duplicate, otherwise it is highly likely that both the original file and its duplicate will be deleted. There is no doubt that in this case even more space will be freed up (smile), but we agreed to do without victims.

I want to draw your attention to another point that will make your life much easier - if you see duplicate folders in the dupkiller list, then this routine can be simplified - go through the explorer to the desired folder and delete it manually. It will be much faster than putting down thousands of checkboxes.

Warning for Windows Vista/7/8 users:

In the process of running the DupKiller program, you can see the following picture:

Remember - files located on such paths are not duplicates. These are the so-called symbolic links, i.e. the file is physically located on the disk alone, and the link to it can lead from different places. Remember this! For simplicity, you can focus on this - if a folder appears in one of the three paths ProgramData- this suggests that everything else is links.

Well, the last stage in our epic - disk defragmentation. The defragmentation program optimizes the location of files on the disk (after our actions there is something to work on, take our word for it) and compresses files that have not been used for a long time, which also frees up additional disk space.

To run it, you need to right-click on the disk WITH:, go to the tab Service and press the button Run a defrag.

In the window that opens, click - defragmentation and we go to smoke, eat, for bread, etc., since this process is quite long. It is recommended to carry out once every 3-6 months, depending on how actively the computer is used.

In principle, during the defragmentation, you can even try to do something, however, the computer will work very, very slowly.

An emergency way to clean (free up space) drive C:

As I promised at the beginning of the article, I present a method for the emergency release of disk space from the category "when it's completely screwed up".

Can buy new hard disk (you can external) and dump some of the information on it, but there is not always time, opportunity, money for this, finally.

In this case comes to the rescue Disk compression. If you go into My computer, right click on the drive WITH:(and for anyone, except for a flash drive and a floppy drive) and choose Properties then you will see a checkbox Shrink disk to save space. After setting it and clicking on the OK button or Apply a window will appear:

Here you have to choose To C:\ and to all subfolders and files and press OK. The procedure will take from 10 minutes to half an hour and will free up a certain amount of disk space.

As a flip side of the coin, in this case, you will notice that the speed of the computer has decreased. This is because on a compressed disk, the operating system, when opening a file, must unpack it, after which it must perform certain actions. This very "unpacking" takes processor performance and machine time. Therefore, even if you had to compress the system disk, try to find an opportunity to uncompress it back as soon as possible in order to return the computer to its previous performance.

Owners of computers with Windows Vista/7/8.

The location of data in the folders of computer user profiles with installed operating systems Windows Vista/7/8 are different from those in Windows XP. Here we briefly review the main differences:

Folder Documents and Settings now called a folder Users;
- Folder local settings is now in the folder AppData and called Local- there you can find a thick folder Temp and clear.

I also recommend using a program called CCleaner. The program is good, the only thing it does not know how to do is to clean the profiles of other users on the computer. Those. it will delete all temporary files accumulated in the folders of the active profile, and all the rest, either manually or under each one, go in and run CCleaner.

Every PC user at least once faced with the problem of lack of disk space. When such a situation occurs, a person begins to frantically remember what information he will no longer need and what can be deleted in order to make the next update or install necessary program. The famous tweakers and cleaners may be able to help you, but they often do not work very well.

In this article, you will learn in Windows 7 (64-bit).

Removing junk with Disk Cleanup

How to completely clean drive C (Windows 7) so as not to disrupt the disk" is one of the most safe programs among all the tools that help get rid of computer junk. It can be used to clean the hard drive, but it is almost impossible to delete something important, as a warning signal will be received. Other utilities offer a quick cleanup, but no security guarantees.

To understand how to clean the C drive (Windows 7) from unnecessary files thanks to the Disk Cleanup function, you need to understand what this function is for. It reduces the number of files that long time have not been used but are on the hard drive. Such measures lead to an increase in the efficiency of the computer. All temporary and unused system files will be deleted and the Recycle Bin emptied.

You need to start work by starting the program. To do this, go to "Start", select "All Programs", go to "Accessories", "System Tools", and then click "Disk Cleanup". In the "Disk Cleanup Options" window that opens, select what you want to do: clean up personal files or all files that are on the device. If you are prompted for a password, you must enter it.

In the window you need to go to "Select disk" and determine which disk will be cleaned. After that, click "OK" and set marks next to the selected files. This action must be approached responsibly so as not to delete important files. After that, you must confirm the cleaning.

The "Advanced" tab includes two more methods that allow you to free up space on your hard drive. But it is available only when the option to delete files of all users of the device is checked.

The next step leading to the knowledge of how to clear the C drive (Windows 7) is to open the "Programs and Features" item, which is located in the control panel. It can delete everything that is not used. In the "Size" column, you can see how much disk space each program takes up.

Thanks to "System Restore" you can return using restore points to an earlier state in order to return system files. If the functioning of the computer is at the proper level, the previous points of return can be deleted, this will save disk space.

Removing "garbage" manually

To know how to properly clear the C drive (Windows 7) from unnecessary files manually, you need to have information about where the temporary folders are located. They can be found at the following addresses: "%windir%\Temp" or "%ProgramData%\TEMP". For everyone using the device, this is "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp".

Files in these folders can be deleted without any problems. If you try to delete an important and desired program, Windows won't let you do that.

Windows Search Services and file reduction

Disk C cleanup (Windows 7) can be done using Windows Search Services, it caches all information about files on hard drives and transfers it to the database, which is located in the folder "% ProgramData% \ Microsoft \ Search \ Data \ Applications \ Windows \" and is called "Windows.edb".

The thing is that if the amount of data on the hard drives increases, then the database file also increases. It can be several GB. Those users who do not often use the search by hard drives, can free up space using the following method, which will not only reduce the file size, but also be able to keep track of its size.

You need to enable "services.msc" and set "Window Search" to disabled. After that, you should start again. In the "Indexing Options" you need to click "Change" and select the appropriate mode, and then confirm all actions.

Working with File Size

How to clean up C drive (Windows 7) and free up space on it? This can be done if you reduce the volume and also rebase it to another disk. The optimal dimensions depend on the features of your device.

Cleaning up the installation

Most updates that are installed on the computer tend to leave the installation programs in a separate folder. This leads to the fact that its size increases significantly. It is not worth deleting these files completely, such a measure may entail incorrect work devices. But if free space is needed urgently, then deleting them will be the way out of the situation. In the future, you should use software distributions or remove applications.

Antivirus software

It is better to clearly explain using the example of the popular antivirus "ESET NOD32". When it finds infected files, it sends them to the "Quarantine" folder. Its location may vary, so you need to look at a specific computer.

If there are a huge number of such files, then the folder size will increase. You can solve this situation by clearing the "Quarantine" folder.

Disabling sleep mode

There is a file "hiberfil.sys" on the system drive, which always takes up space. Depending on the configuration of your computer, it can reach various sizes. If you don't need hibernation, you can always turn it off. But you need to do this in sleep mode.

To do this, you must log on to the computer using administrator rights. On the control panel, select "Sleep Mode". You must click to create a shortcut. In the field that opens, enter "powercfg -h off". Then confirm your actions. Next, you should run the shortcut as an administrator and give consent to the actions in the "UAC" prompt.

Another useful tip is how to clear the C drive (Windows 7) to free up space on the system partition. In order to get rid of possible problems in the future, it is necessary to control the availability of free space. This applies to user folders.

For this method to work, you need to have several hard drives or partitions on them that will be on the same computer. This procedure is best done immediately after reinstalling windows. This is due to the fact that there must always remain free place, which is necessary for defragmentation. It can be carried out both automatically and if necessary. Defragmentation not only reduces the wear and tear of the hard drive, but also improves the performance of the computer as a whole.

After installing (which requires drive C) Windows 7, you need to create several system folders. They must be placed in the root directory. Some of them may not be displayed. But the necessary one, "Users", is always visible.

After entering this folder, you can see all the names. The number of users may vary depending on the circumstances. You need to select the folder that is named after the user you need. It is in it that all user data will be located.

Almost every one of these folders will grow in size as photos and other files are added. If you pay attention to the picture, you can see which one is overflowing and needs to be cleaned.

The folder that fills up as a result of various downloads should be removed from hard drive and move to another location. To do this, it must be cut and transferred to the next disk, which has more free space. On this disk, you need to create a folder with the username and paste all the data there.

If there are many users, this procedure must be done for each. This will allow you to control the system partition, as well as improve the performance of the entire system.