There is not enough power supply to the hub port. About the lack of power supply for the USB hub. How to choose an active hub

04.10.2008, 01:13

There was a problem with the Intel 945GCLF board.
When connecting any USB device, XP complains: “Lack of power supply to the hub port...” This also happens when connecting a wheelbarrow or even a flash drive. If you plug in the flash drive before turning on the computer, it will complain, but work. If you plug it in after booting, the USB port is completely disabled. The same thing happens with the touchscreen, but two devices at the same time do not work at all. Question: is it possible to somehow add power to it or will I have to attach an active hub?

04.10.2008, 08:35

Have you installed all the drivers?

04.10.2008, 09:02

04.10.2008, 10:00

I have the same board and everything works ok for me, I occupied almost all the ports and everything works.
Everything works fine for me too. Vyacheslav, describe the computer config.

04.10.2008, 11:08

Maybe the power supply is not enough?
I have no problems either:dntknw:

04.10.2008, 22:38

PSU - E-10000, doesn’t even heat up. The first time I installed the drivers from the disk included with the board, then I changed the 2.5-inch screw, rearranged the system again, lost the original disk, downloaded the latest drivers from the Intel website, but just like the first time, it’s still the same crap. Windows installed XP SP2, and on top of SP3 (maybe the dog is buried here). The drivers were installed by Chipset, Audio, Video, Lan. Antivirus NOD32. Maybe I should look at some settings in the setup?

06.10.2008, 14:12

06.10.2008, 14:24

Well, no one can tell you where to dig?

Measure +5V of a powerful power supply is not an indicator of stability: yes4:

P.S. Was this initially or after some actions?

06.10.2008, 23:26

Ok, I'll measure it tomorrow. Appeared originally.

07.10.2008, 07:25

Try turning it on with the power supply from your home computer.

09.10.2008, 12:48

Measure +5V of a powerful power supply is not an indicator of stability: yes4:

Voltage 5.18V

10.10.2008, 12:01

In general, some crap is going on. Yesterday I connected my mother to a regular power supply. He stopped complaining about the lack of power supply, but more than one USB device still does not work, it says that it was not possible to connect the USB device and is not working correctly. Moreover, in the process of poking around the wheelbarrow, flash drive and bluetooth, Windows stopped loading when the wheelbarrow is connected, you pull it out - it loads, then you insert it - it works, but complains about incorrect operation. I removed the firewood of the wheelbarrow and reinstalled it again - it didn’t help. With a regular power supply, 5V=5.12 from the power supply output and 5.06 on the USB connector.

10.10.2008, 12:09

It seems to me that the mother is not working properly

14.10.2008, 23:07

I left the computer for a few days and turned it on again today. First, with a regular power supply: It started booting normally, doesn’t complain about a lack of power supply, but the flash drive and the touchscreen don’t want to work at the same time. When the computer boots with the touchpad connected, I insert a USB flash drive, the LED built into it lights up for a second and goes out (when everything is constantly on normally), and Windows writes that it could not detect the USB device. If I boot the computer with the touchscreen disabled, the flash drive works fine, I connect the touchscreen - the computer simply does not see it. And bluetooth works in all combinations. It turns out that there is some kind of incompatibility between the wheelbarrow and the flash drive. Then I connected the mother to the E10000, everything was the same, I still didn’t understand what the glitch was with the lack of power supply. I just uninstalled and reinstalled the same driver. Tomorrow I'll try another flash drive, maybe it will work.

14.10.2008, 23:47

Voltage 5.18V

At what point did you measure this? and most importantly where?

It is necessary to measure directly on the USB outputs under load, i.e. with devices plugged in

PS power supply to usb extreme terminals

15.10.2008, 11:12

I have the same mother works fine with all 6 USB ports
1. BT
2. Joystick
3. USB Radio
4. Flash drive
5. Mouse
6. Touch from Prologi 1/2 din monitor

The mother runs on an M3-ATX power supply, which at home is powered by a regular 350W computer unit

15.10.2008, 13:32

The same thing is happening to me with this mom! At the beginning everything was ok until I plugged in a 3D mouse and the lack of power supply started popping up! When I turned it off everything went back to normal! but yesterday I tried to plug it in through a usb hub, and not directly to the computer as before, and everything became fine.... for some time until I rebooted the computer... and again this inscription! I just want to know if it’s possible to disable it somehow, let it appear there inside Windows just so I don’t see it)))))))) :acute: I think there will be no consequences:pleasantry:

15.10.2008, 14:46

Is USB2.0 support disabled/enabled in the mother's BIOS? Winda, of course, would have yelled differently, but it’s worth checking.

24.10.2008, 13:08

Hurray it worked! She no longer complains about lack of nutrition. Updating the BIOS to version 103 helped, before that I had 038 - this is the original version, then there were a lot of fixes. By the way, support for 800x480 resolution appeared there, I tried it, but didn’t like it, so I switched back to 800x600.
True, my favorite flash drive still doesn’t want to work in any port. Writes unknown USB device, as if there are not enough drivers: sad2:

24.10.2008, 17:04

It's good that my mother earned money. But it feels like yours is a little buggy. Such urges occur when the USB controller on the mother itself is slightly burnt.
And mcf1 correctly noted that you need to check the voltage on the USB itself and under load. I guess, that USB installation a hub with separate power supply would help you.

25.10.2008, 00:55

I measured the power on the USB connector. With the E10000 unit it turns out 5.11v, although this is on the pin connector inside the mother and not with the full load. I'll try to measure it later with all devices connected on the connector on the back wall - I'm afraid to short-circuit the case there.
In general, today I played with the computer during the day and decided that the touchscreen was to blame for everything. The monitor I have is this CE-7400 (,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,196/category_id,42/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid, 43/vmcchk,1/), there the touchscreen is connected, as I understand it, through an additional built-in USB hub and for some reason there is an additional one USB output on the monitor itself. It’s this additional concentrator that seems to ruin your whole life. Bluetooth, flash drive and USB mouse live without a touchscreen and do not conflict with each other. If the download occurs when Bluetooth or a flash drive is connected, then the hub built into the monitor does not turn on, and the touchscreen accordingly does not work. If during booting I turn off everything except the touchscreen, the touchscreen works and bluetooth can then be connected, but the flash drive doesn’t work at all. The mouse works in all versions.
It seems to me that I need to cut off 5V at the wheelbarrow connector and run it separately. It’s interesting, but in the monitor itself, that 5V is not generated and why didn’t the designers then supply power to the touchscreen from the monitor itself?

25.10.2008, 03:54

This is definitely a problem of lack of power at 5 volts from the mother. The best thing is to install a USB hub (hub) with a separate power supply, which you can take from the power supply and turn on all your USB devices through it. And USB on the monitor is convenient - you can plug in flash drives or CDs here, if, of course, you have access to it.

27.10.2008, 23:53

So today I rang the cable from Monica up and down - it doesn’t take 5V from the computer’s USB. Both signal and ground are present, but there is no power, which means it is generated inside the monica. On the USB connector itself, with all my USB devices connected, the voltage is 5.12V. It's not all about the load.
I already got this touchscreen, it wants to turn on, it wants to not turn on, I haven’t found any strict logic. It happens that it is the only one that is turned on and does not work after a reboot, and once after dancing with deleting and connecting in the device manager, everything worked at the same time, but after a reboot the same song again. I'm already scratching my head about what to come up with. Maybe a driver for the wheelbarrow from some other Monica can be selected?

28.10.2008, 00:06

As I understand it, the problem remains only with the lost touchscreen?
I looked through the entire thread but still couldn’t find what kind of monique it was.

Write what kind of monitor, what kind of driver (name, version)
sometimes replacing firewood helped
In extreme cases, you will have to buy a touchscreen controller separately, this will definitely help.

28.10.2008, 18:46

In post 21 he wrote:
The monitor I have is this CE-7400 (,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,196/category_id,42/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid, 43/vmcchk,1/), there the touchscreen is connected, as I understand it, through an additional built-in USB hub and for some reason there is an additional USB output on the monitor itself. It’s this additional concentrator that seems to ruin your whole life.

The drivers are the ones that came with the Monica. Some kind of universal TouchKit Today I found and installed more old version, but the same thing. Now I found the author of the driver, downloaded the latest version, I will try it.

28.10.2008, 21:31

then buying a separate touch controller will save

30.10.2008, 02:03

New firewood didn't help either. So I managed to buy the wrong Monique, I thought I saved money.
It looks like the problem is not so much with the wheelbarrow controller, but with the additional USB hub in front of it in the Monica. When the touch does not work, in the device manager Exclamation point It is located on the additional hub. Accordingly, everything that is connected to it, i.e. The wheelbarrow controller and the additional USB connector in the Monica also do not work.
The idea is this: I want to physically exclude the additional USB hub from operation, i.e. find the m/cx hub, cut off the inputs and outputs, and transfer the input of the m/cx wheelbarrow directly to the USB connector. But I don’t know on which microcircuits these things can be implemented. You probably can’t even dream about the Monica circuit, but from the datasheet on m/sx you can probably somehow decide. Maybe someone can tell me?

Consumers of data storage products often experience that their devices do not have enough power from the USB connector. Because of this, devices do not work as they should - they are constantly turned off, periodically disappear from the list of drives, or do not turn on at all. Moreover, this happens, as always, according to the law of meanness, at the most inopportune moment, when you urgently need to gain access to your data. The article will discuss how to provide good power to your portable hard drive.

I’ll make a reservation right away that this problem occurs with the USB 2.0 port, since the more modern version of USB 3.0, according to the specification, has a higher output power, which is quite sufficient for the start-up and operation of the drive.

So, what to do if there is a lack of nutrition.

There are two options. The first is simple: you need to find a very short USB cable - about 15-20 cm. From my experience, losses on such cables are minimal, so HDD It will work even from an old USB port.

Usually such a wire can be bought at one of the computer markets or shops, and in addition, a well-known manufacturer of portable products likes to put such wires in their product kits Western Digital. The chance that a short cable will fix the problem is quite high. In addition, such a “cord” is convenient to carry with you, it is lightweight and does not take up much space even in a tiny purse or small handbag.

Option two - you'll have to fork out a little. You need to buy a device that will feed your hard drive. There are also two ways here. You can take an internal solution or an external one. The first one will suit the owners desktop computers, second - to owners of laptops and other portable equipment.

An external solution includes purchasing a USB hub (hub) for 4-7 ports with an external power supply that has enough power to power devices in all ports at once.

The advantage of this solution is its versatility. It can be used with a laptop, a desktop, or any device in general. If necessary, such a hub can easily be thrown into a bag and taken to work / to a friend / to the country, etc. However, there are also disadvantages, although not significant. Firstly, there is an extra occupied outlet. It may seem that I am being picky, however, as practice shows, sockets become clogged with devices quite quickly, and soon there may not be enough of them. Secondly, this extra space on the table and a bunch of additional wires. For lovers of minimalism, and simply order on the table, this option will not seem the best.

The internal solution is much better in this regard. Purchase a three-inch internal USB splitter powered by a Molex connector. This device also has a card reader, so in addition to everything you get a memory card reader, which is a definite plus. Since no power supply is required (electricity comes from the computer's power supply), such devices are usually very cheap. Their price rarely exceeds 250-350 rubles.

In this case, the solution is very elegant - it does not take up space on the table, there are no unnecessary wires, everything is at hand. It will be especially convenient for those users who do not have front USB ports on the computer case (only on the rear panel). The downside is that such a device will only work with desktops, and also only if you have a free internal connector on the motherboard. It should be noted that in modern motherboards such internal connectors are a dime a dozen.

Why is there not enough power for USB devices?

What is the cause of food shortage? The USB 2.0 port at a voltage of 5 Volts is capable of delivering a current of only 0.5 Amperes. That is, the power of one port will be 2.5 Watts. Starting current hard drive also amounts to 0.5 (and sometimes a little more) Ampere. If the computer's power supply (like itself) is not new, then it may not output 5 volts, but, say, 4.6-4.8 volts. That is, the total power may decrease, limiting the power supply to the hard drive that is already working at the limit. A long wire has more resistance than a short one, which also reduces the power supply to the hard drive. Fortunately, manufacturers of portable hard drives take into account this problem and put hard disks with less consumption. True, this does not have the best effect on speed characteristics.

A more modern USB 3.0 connector according to the specification has a current of 0.9 Amperes (almost 2 times more previous version). Therefore, such devices do not have problems with power supply. In addition, this connector provides higher data transfer speeds. Since there is backward compatibility, then USB device 3.0 can be connected to USB port 2.0. In this case, it will work in compatibility mode at lower speeds. Therefore, I recommend buying hard drives with USB 3.0. Even if your computer does not have this modern connector, it will be a good foundation for the future. When it appears, you will see a significant increase (3-4 times) in speed.

If you have any questions, write them in the comments.

Even in modern system units Sometimes there are not enough USB outputs to connect all the necessary devices, not to mention older units and laptops. In such cases, they often resort to using USB hubs (aka USB hubs). But when using them, there is a problem of lack of power supply to the port USB hub. What to do and how to solve the problem is described below.

What is a USB hub

Initially USB standard was developed for exchanging computer data with telecommunication devices. But today the list of connected devices has grown significantly and includes speakers, modems, portable hard drives, cables for charging mobile gadgets, etc.

Of course, it is laptop users who most often encounter a lack of USB ports. And MacBook owners sometimes feel real discomfort. To solve this problem, USB hubs were invented. Their purpose is to be able to connect several USB devices to a computer due to a certain number of corresponding outputs that switch through one USB port of the hub itself.

There are such variations of these devices on the market:

  1. The USB hub is connected directly to system board. Not the most common method for inexperienced PC users, since the slightest carelessness or mistake can seriously damage other components of the computer.
  2. The hub is connected via a regular external USB output. A fairly common variation among a wide variety of users. The standard limit of provided ports reaches five. But connect it especially powerful devices Not recommended.
  3. The hub is similar to the previous one, but it must be connected to the network to function fully. This solves the problem of connecting energy-consuming devices.
  4. A specialized hub used exclusively for connecting to laptops.

Hub port power shortage problem

operating room Windows system may display a warning notification that there is a power problem with the USB hub.

Important! When such a notification appears, disconnect all devices from the hub or the hub itself from the computer.

Among the main reasons leading to this problem are:

Therefore, the main options for solving the problem of lack of power supply to the hub port are as follows:

  1. When using new motherboards V BIOS settings You can increase the amount of power supplied via USB. This decision Suitable for more experienced users.
  2. Using a special adapter to increase the voltage supply. In this case, you should definitely not choose the cheapest options, since it should actually make the devices work.
  3. Using a USB hub of the required type (depending on the connected devices), described at the beginning of the article. But even among them, it is worth choosing those that are slightly more expensive than the standard options. Well-known models include Hama, TP-Link and Greenconnect.

Advice! Monitor the condition of the power cable and its connection location. Most often, breakdowns occur there, due to which the device does not work correctly.


The lack of power supply to a USB hub port can be solved in several ways (depending on the cause), such as: increasing the power supply for the ports in the BIOS, using a special adapter or a USB hub of a suitable type from a well-known manufacturer.