Radio components and electronic components in the Radio-Sale online store. Radio components and electronic components in the Radio-Sale online store Precious metals in transistors

Absolutely everywhere there are ads “buying up radio components”, “I will buy expensive radio components”, “I will buy Soviet transistors, microcircuits, capacitors and blah blah blah ...”. But why, who needs these obsolete microcircuits, large-sized transistors, lamps, capacitors?

I think most of you are already aware that precious metals are gold, silver, platinum, palladium. Yes, yes, that is why people who are far from radio engineering and electronics buy them in kilograms. Let's start with the most expensive items. I present to you the capacitors.

Attention, the article was written back in 2013. Now the prices are much more expensive!


The price for 1 kg of such capacitors reaches up to 70,000 rubles! Think about this amount 0_0 . If you collect 2 kilograms of such conders in a year, then you can not work for a whole year :-). And I'll tell you a secret that some people do. Some grandmother or grandfather has an old Soviet receiver, an antediluvian TV or radiogram gathering dust. Buyers go from house to house and buy this equipment for a penny, and sometimes even for nothing, and, of course, bite off and solder expensive radio elements. But why are these capacitors the most expensive? They contain the most expensive precious metal - platinum and gold.

Prices at the end of 2012 for precious metals: gold - 1620 rubles per gram, silver - 30 rubles per gram, platinum - 1500 rubles per gram, palladium - 700 rubles per gram. Prices have been slightly rounded for ease of reference. In such capacitors, the most platinum, according to the Internet, is up to 20 grams per 1000 pieces. Now they are quite hard to find.

Also from this series capacitors KM-5D. Their prices can reach up to 40,000 rubles per kilogram.

Of great interest are also red condensers KM-N30. Their price reaches up to 35,000 rubles per kilo.

And these are to write H902M2. Their price up to 30,000 rubles per kilo.

As you can see, the price range of capacitors is highly dependent on how many milligrams of precious metals are contained in each of them. They also accept a lot of other types of capacitors, but I think that you should not bother with them, since their price is a penny.

To summarize, buying up radio components consisting of green and red capacitors is a profitable business.

Precious metals in microcircuits

Here, the expanse is so expanse. 99% of any chips are bought. They can be in round, ceramic, planar, metal cases. But, I think it would be more expedient here to dwell on the most highly profitable microcircuits. There is only one rule here, if it smells of gold, then such a microcircuit is accepted without any problems. It can be gold-plated contacts or a case. So, I present to your attention the highest paid microcircuits:

133LA1 - up to 12 rubles apiece

133LA8 - up to 26 rubles apiece

542ND1 - up to 28 rubles apiece

K5ZhL014 - up to 55 rubles apiece

K5TK011 - up to 55 rubles per piece

Keep in mind - these are just some of their names. Microcircuits can be completely different in name, but if it is similar to the microcircuits that I put in the photo, then they will also be accepted for the same price. As you can see, their leads and cases are gold-plated. In short, if you see any of this, then immediately take care and save up ;-). This also includes processors from computers.

In the photo below, the microcircuits that are taken for good price regardless of what is written on them. The golden color makes itself felt.

The rest of the microcircuits are not worthy of attention as a sale for precious metals, as they cost a penny, so let's move on to the next group of radio components.

Precious metals in transistors

Consider also the most expensive of them.

KT909A-B - up to 30 rubles per piece

KT904,907,914 “sharpened” for a yellow bolt - up to 40 rubles apiece

KT970A - up to 30 rubles apiece.

KT602-604 and the like with yellow legs. The price per piece is up to 30 rubles.

As you noticed, all presented transistors are gold-plated.

Other radio components

Variable resistors are in great demand. Their price varies from 5 to 10 rubles apiece.

Some types of relays. For example RES-7. Its price is up to 500 rubles per piece.

Only certain types of relays of certain years and series are accepted. Whoever wants to take relays all the same, I advise you to comb the Internet, and know exactly which relays of which year they accept.

And, of course, in the case of connectors with gold-plated contacts. If you see a yellow glow on such connectors, you can safely hand them over. Prices here can also vary from 50 kopecks to 3 rubles per contact. Multiply the price by the number of pins - that's the price of the connector.

As well as Soviet lamellas, about 1000 rubles per kilo. Who does not understand what lamellas are, remember Dendy's cartridge :-)


Buying radio components is a profitable business. If there are obsolete parts and they are lying around idle, then of course it would be better to get rid of them and at the same time get some good money. But do not be a fanatic of this case. After all, we are electronic engineers with you - people are good, kind :-). Don't give in to greed. Maybe these radioelements will bring you more benefits than their smelting into precious metals. Don't turn around grandpa's working radio or grandma's last TV in pursuit of money. Explore the world of electronics, don't get rid of it. Not all that glitters is gold.

Internet- radio parts store and components the site offers you a wide range of products for repair household appliances or creating your own electronic and radio devices. In this category you will find subsections that present various radio components, electronic components, microcircuits domestic and foreign production, radio constructors and much more.

Modern radio electronics has changed, and it may seem to someone that there has been a radical revolution in radio components. But it is not so. The main features of modern radio electronics are miniaturization and energy efficiency. This caused an urgent need and widespread use of SMD components.

However, even in the most modern electrical appliances and electronic devices, one can see transistors, diodes, resistors, capacitors, zener diodes and much more.

What radio components are used in modern devices?

All electronic components usually divided into two broad categories:

  • passive
  • active

By the way, in the catalogs of some stores you can see sections of radio components created exactly according to this principle. For a beginner, this approach will probably seem incomprehensible, but a professional will immediately find out in which subsection you can find the part he needs. Passive radio components include components such as: resistors, capacitors, inductors. Active: transistors, diodes, microcircuits.

In the catalog of the online store site you can find everything you need for work or your hobby. Carefully study the subsections, select the desired product and order it from us. Delivery is carried out to various regions of Russia (the list of cities is indicated at the bottom of the site). You can also simplify the process of ordering our products: download price list And checkout according to the instructions in the document.

Many of us buy radio components in the market or in specialty radio component stores. Basically, I did the same. But time takes its toll, and more and more people are looking towards online stores. Moreover, the sellers on the market, and even more so the shops of radio components, raise prices so much that sometimes the desire to engage in radio electronics disappears. If you are engaged in repairs, you can still return the money spent at the expense of the client. And if radio electronics is a hobby, then this occupation is too painful for the pocket. For example, at the moment the microcontroller ATMega-8 on the market it costs 40 hryvnia, and on the Internet you can buy for 18. The difference is significant. In general, this article I want to do short review stores engaged in the trade of radioelements, to talk about their advantages and disadvantages. It's no secret that there are scammers who are just waiting for the money to be transferred to them - and ends up in the water. With all the stores listed below, I dealt personally, so everything said is true. So, let's start reviewing the market.

Internet shop of radio components. Good selection, basket and reasonable prices.

For sound lovers, I can advise the store. There you can buy speakers and ready-made amplifiers.

For those who like to search for treasures and those who need wire for winding transformers and sensors, I recommend the store. Here you can buy ready-made metal detectors, metal detector assembly kits, sensors and wire different diameter and other. They work promptly. In the morning they took the order, paid for it by lunchtime, and in the afternoon I was informed that the order was on its way.

For those who are engaged in the repair of industrial equipment, I think the store is suitable. Pretty good selection of parts. washing machines, bread makers, microwave ovens and many other appliances.

Who needs measuring instruments, I can recommend the store. Big choice measuring instruments. Delivery at their expense, each device comes with a manual in Russian, so you do not have to translate Chinese characters. It's true that everything has gone up in price lately. I ordered a digital oscilloscope from them. Everything came pretty quickly, very satisfied. There is a two year warranty.

Here is a brief overview of online radio electronics stores operating in Ukraine. Think this information will be useful to all radio amateurs. Perhaps there is more good shops You can share links on the forum. Prepared specifically for the site. was with you Sergey 78.