Rating of newspapers on job search. Modern methods of search and selection of personnel. Online Recruitment Resources

Whichever path you choose, our selection will be useful in any case.

Best websites to look for jobs abroad


One of the largest job search engines in the world. Statistics: over 1 million resumes and about 63 million applicants monthly.

One of the most popular bulletin boards in the world. Here you can search not only for vacancies, but also for housing, things, acquaintances, etc.

One of the largest search engines for vacancies (in 2010 bypassed Monster.com in popularity in the US), it is represented in 50 countries and is available in 28 languages.


One of the main job search portals in the UK.

Vacancies are published here both for those who have a work permit in the EU, and for candidates for the future.

Smart Abroad: grants, vacancies, business

Actually, from the name of the public it is already clear what the resource is about. Here you can find not only work, but also opportunities to receive study grants or information about various awards for young entrepreneurs and scientists.

"BBBB is vacancies in the most exotic and interesting corners of the planet. BBBB are responsible projects with meaning, where work means caring for nature and caring for the world," the creators of the project write.

The possibilities of the resource, originally created to find a place to sleep on a trip, are actually much wider. There are separate groups here where vacancies abroad are published and where you can find both permanent and temporary, both highly paid and seasonal work. You should look for vacancies in groups by country or, for example,.

"It is difficult to find a job in Germany without knowledge of German, but in Berlin it is possible. It all depends on the field and profile of the candidate: if we are talking about a startup, then it is possible without German, in some more conservative areas without knowledge of the language it is more difficult to get a job. In Munich and Hamburg, you can also meet a lot of guys who speak German to you," say local IT specialists.

The two main job search sites in Germany are Stepstone and Experteer.

Startup resources.

Hello dear readers and guests.

For those who have not yet worked with exchanges and do not know where to start, I advise you to read my previous article, in which I talk in more detail about .

Exchanges and freelance sites by category

The best freelance exchanges

Here are the most popular sites among freelancers and customers, where you can find tasks in all possible ways:

  • fl.ru is the No. 1 freelance exchange in Russia and the CIS. More suitable for professionals with a good portfolio and experience, it is difficult for beginners to break through there. For full-fledged work, you need to pay your account monthly.
  • weblancer.net - in my opinion, the second most popular site for freelancers and offers their services. At the moment, it has more than 3 thousand open orders.
  • work-zilla.com is an exchange for beginners, you can find thousands of different simple tasks and try your hand at freelancing. Read.
  • freelancejob.ru - remote work for professional freelancers with a good portfolio.
  • kwork.ru - the site allows you to offer and sell your services at a single price of 500 rubles.

Exchanges for copywriters and rewriters

If you can write and know how to type on the keyboard, then on these exchanges you can easily find tasks for writing texts, selling articles, translations, etc.

  • etxt.ru is a popular remote work exchange for copywriters, rewriters and translators. Order and sale of articles on any topic. See detailed.
  • text.ru is a large service for copywriters and rewriters. There is also an article store and various scripts to check texts. Read.
  • textsale.ru - a site for selling texts, there is a rating of popular topics on which you can write articles and sell them at competitive prices.
  • advego.ru is the No. 1 content exchange. There are many different tasks for the authors of texts, there is a store for buying and selling articles.
  • copylancer.ru is a rewriting and copywriting exchange with low prices for articles.
  • turbotext.ru is a relatively young project, orders for copywriting, rewriting, naming and other microtasks. See.
  • qcomment.ru is a service with microtasks, you can earn money by writing comments.
  • textbroker.ru is a bureau of professional copywriters, here you can sell texts from 100 rubles per 1000 characters.
  • contentmonster.ru is a very popular exchange, a lot of orders. To become a performer, you need to pass a test in Russian. Also on the site you can study several copywriting courses for free. See.
  • smart-copywriting.com - this exchange has 16 types of specialization, orders for articles, poems, naming, resumes, etc.
  • miratext.ru is a simple and very convenient copywriting exchange. The main types of orders are copywriting, rewriting of texts, articles in a foreign language.
  • snipercontent.ru is a site that brings together webmasters and copywriters.
  • fll.ru is a service for posting assignments and searching for remote work in the field of writing texts.
  • neotext.ru - content exchange and article store.

Sites for 1C-specialists and programmers

I found not so many specialized sites for IT-specialists and programmers. Further, when we consider these professions in more detail, I will give many more examples of various forums and portals where you can find a good remote job for programmers.

  • 1clancer.ru is an exchange for programmers and 1C specialists from all CIS countries.
  • devhuman.com is a service for IT professionals, programmers, startups and other professionals that allows you to quickly create a team for your project.
  • modber.ru is another site for 1C professionals.

We bring to your attention a list of the TOP 10 best job sites.

1 HeadHunter hh.ru. Jobs, vacancies

HeadHunter has been operating in the online recruitment market since 2000. At the moment hh.ru is one of the best online resources for job search and recruitment. More than 300 thousand visitors are looking for work and employees on the HeadHunter website every day. Candidates can search for vacancies by given parameters and by companies. There is also a special section for young professionals and a navigator for recruitment agencies. On the site you will always find the latest news, research, surveys.

How to find a job using hh.ru

Take our amazing free quiz "Are you a good manager?"

2 Job site Job.ru. Compiling a resume

Job.ru provides job seekers with a job search in the resume database and a catalog of vacancies in different cities of Russia, labor market news, reviews, information materials, a directory of recruitment agencies and employers, resume writing tips, etc.


How to look for a job on job.ru

3 Superjob.ru

Which site to find a job? SuperJob is one of the most popular and visited resources in the field of job search and recruitment. On the site, you can read the publications of vacancies of leading Russian and foreign companies, leave your resume or create a vacancy, find out the results of research in the field of work, and get up-to-date information on labor market trends. More than 70,000 resumes of specialists and more than 10,000 vacancies are added to the site database daily. In addition, the site contains a list of Russian recruiting agencies, training companies, personnel press, as well as announcements of personnel events.

4 Job search at Rabota.mail.ru

Rabota.mail.ru - the largest site for the search and selection of personnel. For job seekers, an advanced search for vacancies and a subscription to vacancies, the publication of resumes, and a search in the catalog of companies are provided. For young specialists and university graduates, a special section Work for students has been created.


Rabota.ru is a national site for employment. Designed for a wide range of job seekers, employers, recruiters, as well as employees planning their careers. The catalog contains over 100,000 vacancies and over 1,350,000 resumes. For applicants, a search by parameters and in the catalog of professions is presented: by industry or alphabetically. Every day, about 10,000 new job offers appear in the bank of vacancies for job search. A special project is provided for students and young professionals with no work experience, and there are also many useful tips and articles. Access to vacancies and resumes is free: registration on the site is not required.

6 100work.ru

100 WORKS is a site that is designed for all Internet users in Russia and for Russian-speaking users of the CIS countries. 100 WORKS is a simple and convenient search for all vacancies! Hundreds of job search sites post thousands of new jobs every day. A special job search engine finds new job offers and saves for 100 JOBS. For 100 WORKS, you can get reliable statistical information on the level of wages by region and specialty.

In addition to fresh vacancies, the 100 JOBS website regularly publishes news and articles about employment, career building, professional development, as well as the most popular specialties and labor law issues.

7 Joblist.com

Joblist.ru is one of the oldest job search and recruitment sites. The project was created in 1999 and consistently ranks among the top five most popular and visited Russian job sites according to various ratings and polls. Every day, the JobList database is updated with more than 1000 new resumes that have passed moderation. The site presents vacancies of the largest domestic and foreign companies. Advantages of JobList: simple and convenient registration; high-quality audience of applicants; wide coverage of regions; convenient search for resumes and vacancies; manual moderation of vacancies and resumes; search for vacancies by metro stations; daily news of the personnel market; convenient services for effective positioning of vacancies.

8 Zarplata.ru

Zarplata.ru is a job site that has been working in this area for 10 years. One of the largest databases of vacancies and resumes in RuNet - over 150 thousand ads! An exclusive advantage - the site publishes all the announcements of the popular magazine "Job & Salary"! The site provides a master resume, subscriptions to hot vacancies, free posting of vacancies and access to the resume database, the possibility of online placement of vacancies in the Job & Salary magazine, personnel market news, surveys, materials from the Job & Salary magazine

9 Avito.ru/moskva/worka

Avito / Work is a project of the Avito team actively promoted on TV. There are many job opportunities here.

All services for employers (viewing resumes, posting vacancies) and job seekers (posting resumes, viewing vacancies) are free of charge.

10 Jobinmoscow.ru

Jobinmoscow.ru is a site specializing in job search in Moscow. The site has a convenient search for vacancies and resumes, including by metro stations, the ability to subscribe to resumes and vacancies, a catalog of recruitment agencies and employers, more than 170,000 vacancies, as well as always fresh news and useful articles.

On the last page You can download the book "100 Ways to Find a Job" for free and a video master class on the phenomenally fast job search.

100 ways to find a job

You can download an informative book on our website on how to quickly find a well-paid job, as well as how to behave in an interview. File size - 141 kb, format - FB2.

The shortage of staff is forcing HR managers to be resourceful in finding employees. Traditional ways of finding employees are no longer enough, because there is a real “war” for personnel. Consider modern personnel search channels with which you can expand your arsenal.

Announcements, flyers, billboards.

Posting ads with a list of open vacancies in the organization is an effective and low-budget tool. The maximum return can be obtained by constantly posting ads and periodically updating the list of vacancies. To avoid trouble, use specially designated places for this. Recently, a lot of companies have appeared that provide services for posting information on glazed stands located next to residential buildings, in entrances and in elevators.

Distribution of leaflets-ads on the streets and mailboxes residential buildings now more often leads to a negative effect. Residents of cities are already tired of paper trash on the street and in the porches. And the efficiency of hitting target audience extremely small.

For mass recruitment of employees, it is possible to apply the placement of ads on reverse side rent receipts. To do this, you should contact the housing and communal services of the city.

Billboards installed at important transport arteries of the city, road intersections, roadsides, sidewalks, public transport stops are good because they provide a constant return at a one-time cost. If you have a constant need for employees of certain categories, it is advisable to make an appropriate billboard and place it on the side of the road next to the enterprise.

Advantages: effective for closing mass positions in as soon as possible(search for sellers in connection with the opening of a new store or laborers in connection with the expansion of production).
Flaws: narrow territorial coverage, suitable mainly for the search for lower-level personnel. Careful selection among candidates is required to eliminate the risk of hiring applicants with “problems”.

Printed media and newspapers free classified ads of regional importance.

Placement of vacancy announcements in news newspapers or in specialized printed editions on job search (newspapers "Job for you", "Vacancies", the magazine "Job and Salary", etc., which are distributed in your region).

As a rule, placement in newspapers from organizations is paid, discuss the most convenient conditions for you ( tariff plan). If you do not have the financial means to pay for the placement of ads, then use newspapers for free ads.

ads print media more suitable for the selection of low-skilled personnel and candidates of the older age category. they do not have access to the Internet.

Advantages: effective for closing mass positions in the shortest possible time from groups without access to the Internet, as well as almost the only way select specialists from the older age group.
Flaws: Many of this category still do not know how to write a resume and are afraid to undergo interviews. Here the emphasis is on telephone interviews, and then an invitation to a face-to-face meeting.

Advertising on television and radio.

Placing advertisements on radio and television in big cities is a rather expensive way to find personnel, but in the provinces, placing such information on local radio and television broadcasting studios does not cost so much, where this method has already established itself as one of the fastest and most effective.

Advantages: effective for closing mass positions in the shortest possible time.
Flaws: high cost of advertising on television, low efficiency of the running line.

Internet resources for the selection of personnel.

Most often, vacancies are published in specialized job search portals (for example, avito.ru, hh.ru, superjob.ru, rabota.ru, etc.).

You register on the portal on behalf of the organization by following the instructions provided. Once your registration is confirmed, you can start posting vacancies. It is recommended to pre-compile the entire list of vacancies in a separate document. Indicate the title of the position, responsibilities, requirements for work experience and education of the applicant, write down the conditions under which you offer work (salary, schedule, place of work, etc.), as well as telephone numbers or addresses Email. And then copy it into the form on the site.

The second way is to analyze the resumes of applicants on employment sites. When using this method, the scheme for selecting applicants is as follows. First, the most suitable candidates are selected on formal grounds (does the qualification meet the stated requirements or not), an initial telephone interview is conducted, based on the results of which they are invited to a face-to-face interview.

Advantages: Notification of the vacancy of a large circle of applicants interested in the work. Complete structured information from applicants. Education, experience, achievements, personal qualities - simplifies the selection and narrows the number of candidates.

Flaws: Recently, job search portals and sites are introducing paid service for organizations. This is either a fee for registering an enterprise in the system, or a fee for removing the restriction on the number of posted vacancies, or paid access to the bank of applicants' resumes. You can find a specialist of any level, but the search time may be delayed.

Social networks.

To date social networks is an up-to-date tool used to establish valuable connections and search for employees of all categories. Nowadays, through social networks, HR managers check a potential candidate even before the interview. First of all, employers study the interests and hobbies of the candidate, look through his photos and professional contacts, check the accuracy of the information from the resume. Pay attention to materials that can compromise the applicant.

For this type of recruiting in social networks, the organization must have its own account (group). The account (group) must contain information about the organization, news, press releases, information about services or products. In general, to be alive and regularly filled.

If an HR manager searches for employees in social networks from his personal profile, then the information and photos on the page must strictly correspond to the goals (photos in the working environment, information about membership in professional associations, publications in the media, etc.), otherwise the employee profile can damage the reputation of your organization.
The most popular resources in Russia are Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, My Circle, etc.

The main options for finding candidates using social networks:

1. Post information in your group, and wait for feedback.
2. Make mass mailing about vacancies for subscribers of the group.
3. In social networks, there are a huge number of groups that unite users on different grounds. The recruiter only needs to choose the right group to search for potential candidates. Professional groups, interest groups, age groups, etc.
4. Professional social networks Professionaly.ru, LinkedIn, etc. Very suitable for searching for candidates for key and top positions. In these networks, users provide information about their education, work experience, professional achievements and qualities.

Advantages: The number of social network users is growing rapidly, and given that a large number of people are dissatisfied with their current job, the flow of those interested in vacancies will be steadily high. By offering better working conditions, it is possible to quickly fill vacancies from service personnel to high-level specialists. This method one of the cheapest and fastest.
Flaws: a large flow of "interested" in the vacancy, but do not meet the requirements set in the vacancy. To minimize it, you need to set clear requirements for job seekers, as well as describe your working conditions and bonuses.

Corporate website.

Your corporate website is the face of the company, and the staff is its content. Therefore, your site must have a section "Jobs" or "Careers in the company."

The section should contain a welcoming speech by the head of the personnel department, information on corporate values, success stories of employees and career growth, etc. And most importantly, a section on open vacancies and recruitment to the personnel reserve.

It is necessary to technically organize the possibility of sending a resume from the site for a vacancy you like or a general reserve. Here you are free to arrange everything according to your taste. Design a resume form for further automated processing, only the information you need and nothing more. And also through the corporate website, you can organize online professional testing, for the initial screening of candidates for filling a vacancy.

Advantages: the applicant who left the application from the site is interested in the vacancy and work in your company.
Flaws: as usual, low attendance of the corporate site. Jobs must be updated periodically.

Cooperation with educational institutions.

In search of staff, many companies choose to cooperate with educational institutions. Now universities are willing to cooperate with enterprises in view of the fact that the criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of a university is the percentage of employed graduates. On this issue, you can talk with the rector or vice-rector for educational work of the university.

The most common option is to post information about vacancies in the educational buildings of specialized universities, on the website of the university, the university newspaper.

More effective method attracting the attention of students and graduates - holding a presentation of the company within the walls of the educational institution.

Conclusion of agreements on sending students to study industrial practice In the organisation. You can talk with the leadership of the university to recommend the most gifted and responsible students.

A more promising option for the future– conclusion of contracts for targeted training of students in specialized specialties. What do you get as a result:
organizing a competition among applicants for targeted places;
more in-depth study of subjects by students in your profile;
attracting the best graduates of specialized educational institutions;
formation of sustainable professional interest of students to work at the enterprise;
formation and strengthening of a positive image of your organization as an employer among the student audience.
passing all types of practices at your enterprise, getting to know the enterprise.

Young employees turn out to be generators of various ideas for the organization, as well as a source of information about the latest scientific developments. At the same time, the cost of remuneration of interns is usually much less than the cost of salaries of specialists working at the enterprise permanently.

Advantages: relative cheapness and high loyalty of "grown" employees. Identification and involvement of creatively and professionally active youth. In addition, an important social task is solved in this way - assistance in finding employment for young people.

Flaws: the method is focused mainly on closing initial positions.

head hunting. Hunting for professionals.

Organizations that need key or rare specialists in the market cannot do without headhunting. All sorts of trainings, exhibitions, seminars, specialized sites and communities are quite effective for establishing professional contacts. A recruiter needs to be able to easily enter any professional “party”, this speeds up the process of reaching the right candidates.

You can also engage in "poaching" personnel from competitors - in war, all means are good. For example, send an invitation to a meeting through social networks. The main thing is confidentiality, because many are in no hurry to leave their place of work or position, and they are also afraid to compromise themselves.

At the meeting, it is necessary to state the benefits of a job change and special conditions for a specialist (large pay, employment without a probationary period, corporate events, etc.). If you refuse, ask to recommend your colleagues who have the appropriate professional characteristics and may be in search.

Advantages: direct access to candidates that meet the requirements of the company.
Flaws: high price, limited opportunity use for ethical reasons, lack of motivation on the part of candidates to change jobs.

Recruitment agencies.

One of the most modern recruitment methods, which has recently become more and more attractive for firms, is the technology of recruiting through recruiting agencies.
Such organizations take all the work on their shoulders, and the only thing left for the employer is how to dictate their own conditions and sort through the candidates found by the agency. The success of the selection in this case largely depends on the correctness of the profile of the candidate and on the accuracy in understanding the formulated requirements by the agency manager, and, of course, on his professionalism and conscientiousness.

Sometimes it is more effective to apply to agencies that specifically specialize in finding employees of a certain level (top management, managers and directors, or vice versa workers and junior staff) or in recruiting personnel for a profession certain direction(engineers, IT specialists). In any case, no matter which agency you contact, it is worth understanding here that their services are usually paid and they are not cheap.

Advantages: providing candidates that meet the requirements of the company.
Flaws: high price.

In the recruitment process, you should constantly analyze which sources of search are most effective. The necessary information can be obtained from the statistics of telephone calls and data from questionnaires and resumes filled out by applicants. Based on its results, a decision is made on the appropriateness of a particular method. For example, for applicants applying for low-paid and not requiring high professional qualifications vacancies, the most popular source of information is street ads, the second most effective source is advertising in newspapers. Candidates for more prestigious and highly paid ("top") vacancies receive the necessary information on the Internet or through professional contacts.

A modern person who has at his disposal a computer or any other gadget connected to the Internet is relieved of the need to delve into newspapers, look for offers at bus stops or poles, and also stand in long lines at labor exchanges.

Today's realities make it relatively quick and easy to find necessary work just by filling out a resume on some resource or looking there in the vacancies sections.

Let's try to figure it out and determine which site is best for finding a job, and which resources are preferred by most network users.


This resource rightfully occupies a leading position among many others. In the category "Best job search sites" HeadHunter was in the first place for a reason. The site offers more than 300 thousand vacancies and about 13 million resumes.

The resource has created the most convenient search scheme for both job seekers and employers. As accompanying materials, the site offers the latest talent market news, salary reviews in various areas of employment, online help for creating a competent resume or job vacancy, and there is also a research section for most qualifications. In short, in the list of "Best Job Search Sites" HeadHunter firmly holds the lead in many ways.


The resource provides job seekers with more than 230 thousand vacancies from small and large companies, and a large part is occupied by international offers. In the "Best Job Search Sites" category, SuperJob takes an honorable second place.

The main activity of the site is the provision of vacancies, the latest news about the labor market, current advice for job seekers, assistance in writing and also an overview of the salaries of almost all specialties and qualifications.

Also on the resource you can find announcements of personnel events, a list of various agencies and training companies. Feedback from users about SuperJob is mostly positive, and there are no critical comments.


The resource offers job seekers almost 200 thousand vacancies and more than 3 million resumes for employers. It is worth noting that the portal took first place in the ranking of "The Best Sites for Job Search in Moscow", covering not only the capital, but also the regions with the CIS countries.

A distinctive feature of the resource is the presence of additional and convenient applications for gadgets that track new ads, so you will always be up to date with the latest and most relevant employment news.

The portal around the clock offers a quick and qualified search for both work and personnel. Here you can find earnings for a specialist, manager, handyman and student. It is worth noting separately that the resource has established and follows fairly strict rules for submitting resumes and posting vacancies, significantly reducing ads of dubious content, any repetitions and other spam: there is a strict automatic filter, coupled with manual moderation.


One of the oldest and largest Runet portals in this area. In the category “Best job search sites in Russia”, the resource can be awarded a well-deserved bronze. Advertisements are posted here from all over the CIS and the Russian Federation, and the number of job offers has exceeded 100,000 vacancies.

In addition, the site has an auto assistant for compiling a competent resume. You can also find numerous helpful tips about the rules for passing an interview, a lot of interesting articles about career growth and labor law.

Just like in previous cases, all ads are subject to strict moderation in automatic and manual mode, so active spam and "false" vacancies are excluded. Users are very flattering about the resource, but sometimes complain about the complex and not entirely intuitive interface.


This portal is widely known to the Russian audience of applicants and employers. The database is updated daily with thousands of new offers for all regions of the Russian Federation. The ranking of the "Best Job Search Sites" (according to municipal exchanges) marked the portal in first place.

But, judging by the feedback from users, the resource still has a lot of work to do on itself. Most job seekers constantly complain about mail.ru-specific spam in the form of advertisements, installations third party applications to the browser and other "convenient" chips, which, by the way, are very difficult to get rid of. Otherwise, this is a rather mediocre resource for finding vacancies and employees.

The site is periodically updated with news about the labor market, all kinds of tests and tips for career growth. It is also worth noting that a separate part of the site is dedicated to students, where you can find something with a decent perspective, flexible schedule and no work experience.


The list of "Best job search sites" is replenished by a portal that works directly with the well-known magazine "Job and Salary" in this field. The resource offers more than 50 thousand vacancies, and the daily number of site visitors has exceeded 100 thousand people. The resource has been working for more than 12 years and, judging by user reviews, it does its job perfectly.

The site has a fairly convenient and relatively quick search for the right vacancies. The list of announcements is updated daily, as well as the news feed of employment, coupled with personnel analytics. All ads are subject to the strictest manual moderation, thanks to which the resource was included in the list of "Best Sites: Job Search".