General social networks. Characteristics of social networks. Methods of promotion and promotion on Facebook

Social networks covered in the article, in order
1. VK
2. fb

5. Twitter
6. periscope
7. telegram
8. ask


  • goals, mission, who and where the owners are from, how and when they were born, dynamics and prospects;
  • audience: geography, languages, age, interests, number of users, social status;
  • features: pages, communities, groups, messages, video, audio, applications...;
  • opportunities for people to earn money: how, what people earn from, HOW MUCH they earn per month, how much time it takes;
  • promotion opportunities and promotion opportunities;
  • business opportunities, company advertising;
  • summary, the main distinguishing features of this network from others, what is unique.

Social network In contact with was founded in 2006 by programmer Pavel Durov. Initially, the goal of the project was to provide an opportunity for university students and graduates to communicate in a single network, and registration on it was possible only by special invitation and exclusively under their real name and surname. Immediately after registration became possible for everyone, the social network began to gain momentum. By 2007, VKontakte’s audience was already 3 million people, and the site itself ranked second in popularity on the Runet.

During its existence, VKontakte has undergone great changes and changed owners several times. Initially, together with Pavel Durov, the company’s shares belonged to father and son Mikhail and Vyacheslav Mirilashvili, as well as programmer and entrepreneur Lev Liev. In 2011, Mail .Ru Group acquired 39.99% of VKontakte shares, and in 2014 it became the sole owner, purchasing 100%.

Now VKontakte continues to grow and develop, still surpassing the most popular Russian social networks Odnoklassniki and Moi Mir in the number of users. There is an ongoing trend of chasing Facebook.

VKontakte audience

By 2017, the number of VKontakte users reached 410 million. About 80 million people visit the site every day. The geography of users is quite extensive and covers countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other members of the CIS. There are not many users from European countries, but they exist. The same goes for Americans.

Due to the large geographical dispersion of VKontakte users, there is a function for selecting the interface language. The service runs on this moment with 85 languages, including the languages ​​of almost all nationalities living in Russia.

Total: the VK audience is mostly young, Russian-speaking, the topics of the pages correspond to the interests of such an audience - music, entertainment, games...

VKontakte features

If initially VKontakte offered its users only the functions of exchanging personal messages, searching for people, profile settings, choosing a place of study and adding photos, now the possibilities have expanded significantly. Now, in addition to those listed, the social network offers such functions as:

  • – creation and management of groups and public pages;
  • – use various applications and games;
  • – saving your favorite photos to a separate album on your page;
  • – forwarding personal messages from one user to another;
  • – creating group chats;
  • – listening and adding music;
  • – viewing and adding videos.

How to make money on VKontakte

  1. Groups and public pages. Which can be used in different ways. The best thing is to advertise in your community. But there is a condition here - the community must be well-promoted and have many subscribers, otherwise no one will simply want to place their advertisements with you. Therefore, if you like this option, you should start promoting the group.
    Another way to make money through the community is to create an online store. If you manage to attract at least a small circle of clients, you can start earning good money. The VKontakte online store is a profitable business, since you don’t have to pay for the content of the site and the social network’s audience is huge, which increases the chances of getting a large number of customers.
    The third option for earning money through groups is affiliate program, that is, posting a link to a product or service in your community. If you use this link to go to the site and order a product, you will be awarded a certain percentage of the proceeds each time.
With the help of VKontakte communities you can earn up to several tens of thousands of rubles

With the help of VKontakte communities, you can earn up to several tens of thousands of rubles, depending on the specifics of the advertised product and the number of community subscribers.

  1. Work as a moderator or community admin. Creators of groups and public pages with large audiences are often looking for people who would manage these same communities. If you are well versed in VKontakte and have certain skills in working with text and photo editors, there is an opportunity to become a moderator or admin of the community and earn money. As a rule, everyone has different rates. If you want and are diligent, you can earn up to 15-20 thousand rubles a month.
  2. Working as a web designer. If you have design skills and good taste, community design will become a source of income. Here, too, the condition for getting a job is promotion, but in this case, oneself. Typically, the work of a web designer specifically for the VKontakte group is estimated at 5-10 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity of the design.
  3. Application development. This is perhaps the most difficult way to make money on VKontakte, because only experienced programmers can develop an application that would be popular among users. But, if, nevertheless, you succeeded, it is quite possible that your earnings will reach tens of thousands per month.

How to make friends and subscribers on VKontakte

VKontakte users often have a need or simply a desire to make more friends. This is necessary, for example, for online trading or for advertising. You also always want to get as many likes as possible for your posts and photos, but not everyone is able to quickly gain as many people as friends as they want, or a large number of likes. This is where special services for promotion come to the rescue, which subsequently become an excellent promotion tool.

The most popular and inexpensive service today, which allows you to make friends, reposts, subscribers to a group, likes, comments, gifts for a low fee, or earn likes in the system itself, and then exchange them for any service.

You can also get likes, friends or subscribers on:

  • – a well-promoted combine harvester;
  • – very simple, for some reason people working via a smartphone/tablet like it;
  • – service exchange, andhas slightly different interfaces for ordinary users and for advertisers.

In addition to using special services, page promotion can be achieved for a fee by contacting people whose activity is specifically assistance in promotion. The disadvantage of this method is its high cost.

In addition to services, there are programs that work from a computer:

  • – business combine for VK. Eat free version. The author is a fan of his work.
  • – sending out advertisements, VKontakte messages, conducting dialogues.
  • – promotion of VKontakte groups and accounts.
  • – parser to find your target audience In contact with.
  • – the best analogue of VkBot (VK bot), in many ways superior to it. Lots of functions, software support toll free line 8-800.

You can try to promote the page yourself. On VKontakte this is not so easy, but you can, for example, join groups where users add each other as friends. This is a kind of mutual PR.

Business opportunities on VKontakte

As mentioned earlier, VKontakte can be used for various purposes, including making a profit, both a social one for a ready-made business, and for starting one. In both cases, VKontakte communities will come to the rescue.

An existing business can be expanded and promoted by creating a public page where you can sell goods or simply introduce a potential client to the range, if we are talking about trading, or offer your services. An excellent addition to this would be to order advertising in other large communities or on pages of users with a large number of friends and subscribers.

You can also start your own small business within VKontakte by opening the same group, but you should definitely think about promoting it from the beginning.

Thanks to ample opportunities not only for communication, but also for having a good time, and, if desired, making a profit, VKontakte has remained popular among users for many years. It is in the thoughtful organization of the service that the secret of its long-term success lies.


Facebook- the very first, and, to date, the most popular social network in the world, founded by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg on February 4, 2004.
Initially, there was no talk of any social network, because at that time they didn’t even know what it was. The fact is that in the school where Zuckerberg studied, there was a special book called The Photo Address Book, where photographs and contacts of all students were stored, and which, due to the long name, the students themselves renamed The Facebook. Upon entering Harvard, Zuckerberg discovered that there was no such reference book at the university, which caused him bewilderment.

The future billionaire approached the university management with a request to create something similar, but was refused. And then Zuckerberg decided to take matters into his own hands and founded Facebook, a site where Harvard students could communicate. Already in the first month, half of all students registered on Facebook, then students from other universities joined them. In 2005, Facebook ceased to be a social network only for students - now anyone could register here.

After the number of accounts on the social network exceeded 50 million, Mark Zuckerberg began to receive offers to sell it, but everyone was refused. Only Bill Gates managed to buy a 1.6% stake in the project, paying $260 million. After this, the billionaire registered on the social network, and then entered into an agreement with Zuckerberg, according to which Microsoft advertisements were placed on Facebook.

But let's not forget that, perhaps, most of the success is due to the attention in 2005 to the then startup of venture entrepreneurs, billionaires Peter Thiel (PayPal, XSpace, Palantir) and his partner, who noticed the project among hundreds of others and invested heavily in it . According to Peter Thiel, they studied the market and related information on the topic for a year social networks, and at the time of the meeting with Zuckerberg they had already made a decision.

Facebook audience

By 2017, the number of Facebook accounts reached 1.71 billion. Of these, a little more than a billion use the mobile version of the social network. Even taking into account that some users have multiple accounts, the number of people registered on Facebook is almost 25% of the world's population.

Moreover, the accounts belong to people of all ages and social statuses, but this is where most of the accounts of world film and music stars, deputies and politicians are concentrated.

Due to the large geographical dispersion, the interface language can be used in almost any language.

The number of people registered on Facebook is almost 25% of the world's population.

Facebook Features

Today, Facebook is not just a site where you can exchange messages. The possibilities of the social network are wide. Here you can:

  • – create and participate in interest groups;
  • – search for acquaintances and add them as friends;
  • - play games;
  • - communicate in live;
  • – communicate using audio messages;
  • – send photos, videos, music and documents to any user;
  • – upload photos and videos to your page.

How to run a business and make money on Facebook

Since Facebook is the site with the largest concentration of people, it is clear that it has long been used not only for communication and entertainment. A social network, like nothing else, will help you earn money and promote your own business.

The most popular options for earning money on Facebook:

  1. Place links to affiliate programs on your page. You can find them yourself, but if you have a lot of people as friends, some online sellers or those who want more sales for their product can offer similar things for money.
  2. Place paid advertising on your page.
  3. Become a contributor on Facebook Posts Market(“Recording Market”). Or Facebook Fanpages Market.

These methods will allow you to earn from 5 thousand rubles and more per month.

Options to make money on Facebook with your own business:

  1. Create a public page for selling any goods or services, that is, a kind of online store.
  2. Create a public page to advertise your business, which operates outside the network.

Facebook in 2016/2017 introduced a huge number of innovations and revolutionary tools for fine-grained audience segmentation, providing users with unprecedented marketing opportunities. The dynamics of change are amazing, improvements appear every week.

Methods of promotion and promotion on Facebook

Promoting a page on Facebook is possible either independently or with the help of third party programs. To gain a large number of friends, you need to either send as many applications yourself as possible, or make your page so interesting that users will add themselves to you. The more friends you have, the more likes you will get on your photos.

If you don’t want to waste time, but have the opportunity to spend money, you can use special services to gain friends and likes. There are quite a lot of them now and some offer their services at very reasonable prices and with high results.

These are, for example, the ones mentioned above, plus.


Facebook in the Russian-language segment today is ahead of VKontakte in terms of audience growth, and in terms of business and earnings opportunities it is even more ahead. VK is already saturated with advertising, and FB is an unplowed field, plus a rapid increase in new participants.

An important point is that the most solvent audience - people 30-45 years old, entrepreneurs, politicians, experts, IT specialists - “live” on Facebook.

Since its inception, Facebook has been at the top of the list of social networks for a reason. It was he who became the beginning for all other similar projects and this is precisely his main difference from them. Well, we wish our native VK not to lag behind, but to catch up and surpass its competitor.


Now about Instagram Perhaps, only those people to whom civilization has never reached, that is, the aborigines, do not know :) But few people can imagine that this project was created in just a few weeks by American student Kevin Systrom. He was simply delirious with the idea of ​​​​creating his own application that would “blow up” the Network, and even began working on the Burbn project, which combines some of the functions of social networks. At the same time, another programmer, Michael Krieger, was working on creating his application, and Kevin, being his acquaintance, suggested that Krieger start working together. They began work on Burbn, but soon realized that the project was doomed to fail.

The idea of ​​Instagram came to Kevin Simstrom unexpectedly. He realized that he needed a service that could transform even the most unattractive photographs and make them beautiful. On the same day, he created the first Instagram filter, and he and Krieger worked on others again.

The first version of Instagram appeared in the App Store on October 6, 2010, and massive downloads began immediately. Already in the first days, the number of downloads reached 25 thousand, and the creators realized that Instagram was accepted by users, and, therefore, more people were needed to ensure its life. Thus, the Instagram team expanded to 5 people.

The fact that in April 2012 the project was bought by Facebook for a billion dollars proves how popular it had already gained at that time. Today, Instagram is a service that allows you not only to upload photos and videos, but also to conduct live broadcasts, like on Periscope, to run your business and earn money.

Instagram audience

Probably only the laziest are not registered on Instagram. If we say that his audience is the whole world, this will probably not be an exaggeration. The application today is adapted to all existing OS and is popular in almost every country. The number of registered accounts exceeded 500 million by 2017. For the convenience of users, Instagram offers the ability to use the service in several dozen languages.

Instagram features

During its existence, Instagram has changed a lot. Today it offers its users such features as:

  • – uploading videos up to 60 seconds long;
  • – processing photos and videos with filters;
  • – conducting live broadcasts;
  • – restricting access to your page;
  • - conducting personal correspondence.
  • How to run a business and make money on Instagram

    Thanks to its popularity and the large number of people on its expanses, Instagram has become a service. Options for earning money in the service:

    1. Creating a trading page.
    2. Placing advertisements on your page.
    3. Placing links to products on your page, when clicking on them and purchasing this product, the user receives a percentage of the sale.
    4. Promotion of your business, which is conducted outside of Instagram, by notifying its users. To do this, create a page for the organization where information is given. full information about her and her services.

    Promotion and promotion on Instagram

    Every Instagram user strives to have as many followers as possible, or to ensure that their photos receive a lot of likes. If you stick to a few simple tips, then this is quite realistic:

    1. Fill out your profile with interesting information about yourself.
    2. Add photos and videos to your page more often.
    3. Choose an attractive avatar.
    4. Put hashtags under photos and videos.

    If you do business on Instagram, then best ways for people to know about you:

    1. Follow as many people as possible.
    2. Give likes.
    3. Indicate information about yourself in the header.

    There are also paid ways to boost and promote on Instagram. This:

    - usage special programs and services that also provide promotion services for money.

    The first method is more suitable for business accounts, and the second - for ordinary users.

    When using promotion services for serious income, they do not use mass services, but those specializing exclusively in Instagram promotion, fortunately, the prices are comparable:

    • - the service specializes in promotion on Instagram. Emphasizes real work- live subscribers, promotion and not cheating and everything that brings results in hard cash, and not just beautiful numbers of likes and subscribers to satisfy our EGO.
    • - an analogue of Instaplus, only almost half the price and more modern. Based on our statistics, services with such functionality maintain such low prices at the stage of gaining the initial mass of users and breaking away from competitors. Then they raise prices. So take advantage of the moment.
    • DOINSTA is a proven and polished service for automated (with a minimum of manual labor) work with subscriptions, unsubscribes, and likes. Recently the service has been unstable, we recommend others: , .


    The uniqueness of Instagram is its versatility and constantly updated updates to the system. The owners of the service do everything to ensure that interest in it does not subside, and they are doing a great job.

    The service is developing very dynamically; it is seriously considered as a source of attracting customers in many niches.


    Classmates is the second most popular social network in Russia. It was founded back in 2006 by programmer Albert Popkov and designer Dmitry Utkin, and was not at all perceived by the creators as some kind of major project, but in a short time the social network gained great popularity. Having found investors and developed Odnoklassniki, the creators of the social network were able to ensure that within six months the number of registered accounts reached 4 million. But still, the owners’ investments were not enough to maintain the project and in 2010 they decided to sell Odnoklassniki to Mail .Ru Group. By that time, over 45 million users were registered on the network.

    Odnoklassniki audience

    By 2017, about 300 million accounts from more than 100 countries were already registered on Odnoklassniki. The social network is viewed in 13 languages. Almost the entire Russian-speaking population of Europe, America and Australia is registered on Odnoklassniki and visits the site regularly.

    Odnoklassniki features

    In addition to messaging, Odnoklassniki allows you to:

    • – create and communicate in groups;
    • – play games and spend time in exciting applications;
    • – give each other virtual gifts;
    • - listen to music;
    • - watch the video;
    • – add photos;
    • – restrict access to your page.

    How to run a business and make money on Odnoklassniki

    Today Odnoklassniki is actively used to make money online. The opportunities for running your own business and making money here are quite extensive. People who have their own business offline, but want to attract more clients, can do this using a social network. To do this you can:

    1. Create a group dedicated to your business where potential clients can learn about you and your services or products.
    2. Notify about your services or products on your page.
    3. Order advertising from popular groups.

    You can earn money on Odnoklassniki:

    1. Becoming an administrator or moderator of a large group.
    2. By creating your own online store group.
    3. By posting advertisements in your group or on your page.
    4. By posting links to affiliate programs.

    Earnings are very different, depending on the specifics of the activity - from several thousand to several tens of thousands of rubles.

    Promotion and promotion in Odnoklassniki

    Promoting your page or group on Odnoklassniki is necessary primarily for those who do business online and who need a large audience.

    You can easily gain subscribers to a group or friends - simply by inviting them to the community or sending friend requests. If they are interested in you, they will definitely reciprocate, and in order to attract attention, you need to work on your page or group, constantly updating and posting interesting content.

    Despite the constant confrontation with VKontakte, Odnoklassniki remains a unique project that is interesting to users. This is largely possible due to providing its users with a wide range of options for leisure and income.

    The Facebook audience is more likely to be active people who are looking for something, achieving, fighting, proving, changing the world,

    VKontakte’s audience is largely young people and teenagers who are passionate about music, parties and the search for the meaning of life,

    Odnoklassniki’s audience is calm homebodies who love to look through photo albums, kill hours with sapper cards, stroking a well-fed cat :)

    And there are many such people!

    Facebook is a Silicon Valley startup. Widely used among colleges and universities in most English-speaking countries. It is the second most popular network after MySpace in the United States. This network is not yet available in many countries, but is developing and growing steadily. Recommended for: College and university students.

    MySpace is one of the largest social networks in the world. It conquered the United States with tremendous speed; MySpace now has about 80 million users. In 2005, it was bought by Newscorp for $580 million. MySpace continues to develop rapidly and at the moment it is she who determines the development of social networks. Recommended for: teenagers, young adults.

    Bebo - unlike the Americanized MySpace, Bebo is designed for other English-speaking countries such as England, Australia and New Zealand. Bebo is very similar in functionality to MySpace. Initially, Bebo was created in order to communicate between friends, but subsequently the network has grown and currently has about 40 million users. Recommended for: teenagers, young adults.

    Friendster, one of the first networks launched as a “social experiment”, recently acquired a “social networking” patent. The network grew very quickly, but today has completely dropped and currently occupies less than 1% of the social networking market. Very popular in Asia. Recommended for: teenagers.

    Tagworld - founded in the fall of 2005. Direct competitor to MySpace. It stands out for its excellent implementation of Web 2.0 (tagging, AJAX). Tagworld also has a search engine for music and an IM client with video chat capabilities. Recommended for: teenagers, young adults.

    Orkut is a product created by a Google programmer in his free time(each Google programmer has the right to spend 20% of his working time on his own projects). Orkut began its development in the USA, but subsequently became widespread in Brazil (about 65% of users). Recommended for: Brazilian youth.

    AIM pages - The youngest social network among the most popular. This is AOL's attempt to supplant MySpace in the social networking market. It was believed that AIM Pages would be a real breakthrough, but it still has a long way to go. Recommended for: teenagers, young adults.

    Hi5 has about 40 million users. You have to pay to participate in this social network. One of distinctive features system is that you can download music from iTunes for money and add it to your profile. With a free account you can upload a whole gigabyte of photos. Hi5 has profiles for Kelly Clarkson, Jessica Simpson, and Tyra Banks. Recommended for: teenagers, young adults.

    Cyworld appeared in Korea and grew to phenomenal proportions. The daily income of this network is about $300,000. Cyworld is now gradually expanding to the US. The network has its own currency (acorns), and each user has his own “minihompy” (profile). Users can decorate their “minihompy” and keep in touch with each other. Recommended for: teenagers, young adults.

    Tagged - intended mainly for teenagers. The main idea is to be tagged, create tagging teams and earn points in order to become the coolest tagging team. Tagging is slowly gaining popularity among teenagers in the United States, but is secondary compared to MySpace. Recommended for: teenagers.

    Popist is very similar to MySpace, both in interface and focus. Offers users a large number of open functions, such as the ability to integrate with other social networks. Recommended for: teenagers.

    Tribe - NBC recently acquired this network. The main task of Tribe is not so much in dating and communication, but in uniting users’ own social networks. It provides the opportunity to create so-called “clans”, and is also very well localized due to these same clans. Recommended for: teenagers.

    ConnectU is very similar to Facebook. Also designed for college and university students. ConnectU, unlike Facebook, covers a much smaller number of colleges and universities around the world. Recommended for: College and university students.

    Yahoo! 360 - launched in early 2005, a Yahoo product that provides the ability to combine blogs and photo albums. Only for those over 18 years old - this significantly reduces the list of potential users. Recommended for: adults.

    PeopleAggregator is Marc Canter's attempt to carve out his niche in the social media space. Based on open standards and functionality. One of the distinctive features is that this is just a demo version of the software, which can be purchased later. Recommended for: adults.

    MommyBuzz - Launched just a couple of months ago, MommyBuzz is designed to allow moms to connect online, share and exchange thoughts and ideas with other moms. A wonderful place for such a target group. Recommended: Moms.

    Flickr is the most popular photo service in the world. Millions of people store their photos on Flickr, tag them, create albums, and add them to discussion groups. Recommended for: amateur photographers.

    MuslimSpace - created by a former student of the faculty computer technology American University of Sharjah, MuslimSpace fully lives up to its name - MySpace for Muslims. Today the site has about 15,000 users, and its goal is to be a cleaner and more secure site than MySpace and, of course, only for Muslims. Recommended: Muslims.

    Stardoll - Would you like to dress up celebrities as paper dolls? Originally called Paperdoll Heaven, Stardoll does just that. With a strong social network at its core and almost a million users, Stardoll is gaining mega popularity in the world of children and teenagers in much the same way as Neopets did a few years ago. Recommended for: children/teenagers.

    Imbee - There are so many sites for teenagers, but what about children? Imbee's goal is to provide a safe and secure social network for children. So now if your big brother is bragging about his MySpace profile and teasing that you can't get one, go to Imbee! Recommended for: children.

    Dogster is a place where dogs (and their owners) can meet and socialize. On Dogster, each dog has its own web page. The subtitle reads: post dog photos, tell dog stories, make new dog friends! Recommended for: dogs and their owners.

    Catster is practically the twin brother of the Dogster site, developed by the same people, Catster is Dogster for cats. Post photos of cats, tell cat stories, make new friends (cats)! Does anything else need to be explained? Recommended for: cats and their owners

    Fuzzster - Being somewhat of a combination of Dogster and Catster, Fuzzster is the place for your cats, dogs and other furry pets. Launched in early 2004, it has grown to become a fairly large community of animal lovers. Recommended for: furry animals and their owners.

    BookCrossing - In the real world, bookcrossing works like this: someone leaves a book in a public place for others to pick up and read, and then do the same. The goal of the BookCrossing site is to launch the same process in the virtual world. Recommended for: book lovers.

    Boompa is a site for car enthusiasts, and there are certainly a lot of them on the Internet. The goal of the network is to become your online garage. Car enthusiasts can show off their cars here, find recommendations for improving them, meet other car enthusiasts, view videos and photos, and much more. Recommended for: car enthusiasts.

    Spout is a database of over 250,000 movie titles, Spout is a social network for movie fans. Here you can find reviews and recommendations, meet other film fans. Spout is a good place to visit before you rent a movie. Recommended: Film buffs.

    MOG is a startup from Silicon Valley, MOG's goal is to unite music lovers with the same interests. A very interesting way to meet new people, and here you can discover new musical trends that you didn’t know about before. Recommended: for music lovers.

    Gusto. There are sites about cars, films, music, books, animals, but what about travel? Gusto is precisely a place that unites travelers based on their lifestyle (expressed in preferences). You can also find tons of travel information, recommendations, and reviews here. - combines a social network and shopping.'s goal is to provide a smart online shopping experience. A `cash back' system is used, where if one user helps another or vice versa, both users have the opportunity to receive CashBack. Interesting way do shopping. Recommended for: lovers of (online) shopping.

    Yelp (from the makers of PayPal) - This site is much like Yub, designed to help shoppers make decisions by showing them reviews from other users. However, unlike Yub, Yelp is more focused on commercial activities and services rather than consumer-facing products. Currently only available in the US. Recommended for: Any US resident (especially in big cities).

    LinkedIn - according to surveys, the most popular business network, the purpose of LinkedIn is to unite colleagues and business partners and help find new ones. With nearly 5 million users, LinkedIn remains popular among business audiences. Recommended for: mercenaries and businessmen

    biddingBuddies - Often on auction sites like eBay you have to deal with a lot of people. BiddingBuddies can help you with this. This is the only social network exclusively for eBay users. Now, if you are participating in an auction, why not make friends with your opponents. Recommended for: eBay users (buyers and sellers).

    Faqqly - There are so many things you'd like to know about your friends, so why not ask them through Faqqly? Faqqly creates an FAQ (frequently asked questions) page for each user and allows friends to ask each other anything.

    Runet networks

    In contact with. Search for fellow students and classmates, the most visited resource in Russia and Ukraine. Created in 2006 by Pavel Durov (registration requires an e-mail and mobile phone number).

    Odnoklassniki -- Year of foundation -- 2006. The largest social network, has 11 million (February 2008) users. will help you find old friends and find out what and how they live now. You can send messages to people you've lost contact with and perhaps arrange a meeting with them (registration has recently become free).

    My Circle is a social network for finding jobs and employees. The first social network on the Runet, created in 2005 by a group of recent graduates of MIPT, Moscow State University and the Russian School of Economics to search for classmates, fellow students, colleagues and employees (as of June 2006, it had 100 thousand registered users). On March 27, 2007, the service was purchased by Yandex; Now it is one of Yandex’s services and continues its development under his tutelage.

    LovePlanet is a dating and communication site.

    TooDoo - as the site's authors write: “This site is a social network of site fans, designed to unite the Runet and allow everyone to exchange opinions with their friends about their favorite (or least favorite) sites, find new interesting pages, get to know in person those who reads the same sites, makes new acquaintances with interesting people- for example, with the authors of your favorite sites.” is a site about people and interests. Communication, blogs, communities, videos... is a Russian network for mobile phones.

    The site will help you find new acquaintances, both for a serious relationship and just for the sake of friendship by correspondence.

    A typical PR campaign on social networks includes several sequential stages. Initially, it is necessary to develop a communication strategy based on the data obtained during monitoring. The communications strategy should include a list of work necessary to achieve the goal of the PR campaign, desired results, planned budget, rules for attracting and interacting with the audience.

    At the next stage, a so-called brand platform is created - a set of communities on social networks that ensure interaction of the brand with the target audience. If a brand works for several target audiences at once, you will need to create a separate community for each of them.

    After communities are created, you will have to take care of filling them with content. News, videos, photographs - all this is necessary to maintain the audience's interest in the group and maintain communication. At the same time, branded content should account for no more than a third of the total volume of community content, another third should be allocated to fun content and a third to useful content.

    The success of any social media strategy is ultimately determined by its ability to connect with people on an immediate, human level. In linguistics there is a phenomenon known as "code switching". That is, when a person switches from one language to another and back during one conversation. The significance of this phenomenon applied in social networks is large-scale. Social media is slowly but surely blurring the line between personal and professional. Linking this to "code switching" we get new approach in brand behavior on social networks.

    The fact is that SMM does not use an advertising format. The main mechanism of interaction is communication on topics that are relevant to the user and the distribution of content that is interesting to him. Naturally, both communication and content contain a mandatory promotional link, but unlike advertising, they are valuable to the user.

    Creating a community or group is available on most social networks, most often this function is free. You can invite friends and other people interested in the company’s products or products to the created groups. Next, you should take care of organizing communication between users in the group: create interesting topics, through the creation of artificial profiles, imitate a discussion between real users. Interested users can be brought in by searching for interests in similar groups of other services. Give as complete answers to user questions as possible.

    Creation of public pages (fan page). Promotion methods on such pages are reminiscent of promotion in communities and groups.

    Using media content (pictures, audio, video), where you can insert the brand name, website address, etc. The most popular network That's what YouTube is for.

    Targeted advertising - aimed at a specific category of users. The most common method of paid promotion on social networks. This can include advertising for a specific city, country, for people with a certain age and interests.

    Conducting competitions, promotions, discounts for the target audience with prizes for the winners.

    VKontakte (VK)

    VKontakte ( is a social network for fast and convenient communication between people around the world. The goal of VKontakte is to remain the most modern, fastest and most aesthetic way of communicating on the network at every single moment. The site has more than 290 million registered users. More than 69,000,000 visitors visit the site every day. More than 3,000,000,000 pages are opened daily. Approximately 65% ​​of visitors live in Russia. More than 56% of site users are over 25 years old.

    VKontakte evokes in its visitors positive emotions, because most often they use the resource for communication and entertainment. This creates high user loyalty.

    There are two main formats for working on VKontakte.

    The second option is to “transfer” users to an external Internet resource. This option is suitable for companies that carry out basic transactions (ordering goods or services) on their website, and not through social networks. If the site is informational (blog or thematic portal), visitors from social networks read materials about the company and products. And in this case, the community on the social network is an additional source of traffic for the main project.

    Which option to choose depends on the initial conditions. Both formats are valid and can produce results. The second option is especially relevant for those who make money on their websites by selling advertising, in particular for all kinds of media. Sometimes formats are mixed: for example, all information materials are posted in the community, but sales are carried out only on the website.

    Any project on VKontakte solves two main tasks: increasing profits and feedback from customers. One way or another, it all comes down to this. On the other hand, the task of increasing profits can be solved both directly - direct sales of goods or services, and indirectly - by increasing brand awareness, growing its reputation and, accordingly, overall loyalty to the company.

    The functionality of the group is basically not great. Through the "Discussions" section, you can create a small forum on a given topic for community members/subscribers, and the group's "Wall" serves as an information platform where group administrators and moderators can post informational and entertaining content. Another possibility is sending out invitations to subscribers and other users of the social network to events that take place in real time and organized by the company that owns the group.

    In addition to the fact that VKontakte allows direct sales, any community has the opportunity to make repeat sales. To some extent, working with a group in modern conditions is reminiscent of e-mail marketing. Only in the case of the latter do people receive news on their email, and on social networks, contact with subscribers in the news feed is constant. But the essence is the same: a community (base of potential clients) is formed and constant interaction with them is maintained. Unlike the audience that comes with search engines and most often does not return, people on social networks are constantly in touch, as they become members of the community and receive news about all new publications on its wall.

    In addition, the community can perform the functions of " technical support" As practice shows, many users find it more convenient to ask a question through the community than to call a number that still needs to be found out, or to “reach out” to an online consultant on the site, if there is one. With the help of properly structured communication with customers, you can significantly reduce negativity and increase overall loyalty to the company.

    Thanks to the “community statistics” section, you can always find out about the community’s audience and its activity. This section has several tabs. In the “Attendance” tab you can see the number of unique visitors and views. There is data for a day and a month, plus a lot of additional factors: gender and age of visitors; geography (country and city); referral sources (where visitors came to your community from); the number of visitors who left or joined the group; what sections visitors viewed: videos, photo albums, discussions, audio recordings.

    The next “Reach” tab is for users who have viewed community posts on the “wall” or in the “My News” section. There is also additional data on gender, age and geography.

    And in the “Activity” tab the following data is presented: how many users “liked” the post, that is, clicked the “Like” button; how many users reposted, that is, clicked the “Tell Friends” button; how many users mentioned the group page; how many users hid the group from the news; total number of comments left; In addition, this tab contains information about the number of comments on specific sections: discussions, photos or videos. The feedback graph is also presented here. It takes into account not only user actions performed directly on the wall of a group or page, but also the entire further path of the message. If a user posts a link to a message on their page using the “tell friends” function, the reaction of other users to this copy is also taken into account.

    Any project can be present on VKontakte in three main formats: public page (public), group or profile. Each format has its own characteristics.

    The main differences between a public page and a group are their functionality. In publics, content comes first. Immediately below the community description there is a microblog. And unlike groups in publics, there is no block with photographs or a news block above the “wall”.

    On public pages, users can "suggest" their posts using the "Suggest News" feature. In some cases, this eliminates the need to run your own community, since users generate the content themselves.

    An extremely important nuance, the public page is in the block interesting pages on the user page. Essentially, these are five advertising banners in the most prominent place on your profile. If the account owner subscribes to a public page and regularly visits it or reposts public posts from the news feed, the public will be permanently in this block.

    Unlike public pages in groups, the main emphasis is on communication between users. This is facilitated by:

    1. The “Discussion” block, which can be pinned above the “wall” of the group, immediately after the news block. This is analogous to a forum.

    2. In a group, visitors can communicate directly on the “wall”. For example, ask your questions. This increases the communication effect, but also the amount of spam.

    3. In the group, in the “News” block, there is a wiki markup, which allows you to create a beautiful additional menu.

    SMM specialists cannot come to a single decision when choosing between a group or a public page. For example, Dmitry Rumyantsev in his work “Business Promotion on VKontakte” writes that the most effective for most niches as of July 2013 is promotion public page.ADamir Khalilov in his book “Marketing on Social Networks” claims that there is no fundamental difference in which format to use, since there are not many differences in functionality. But users are more accustomed to groups and are more willing to join them.

    Standard text and graphic block with payment for impressions or for transitions;

    Exclusive banner 90*160 for premium brands with payment for impressions;

    Offers with payment according to the CPA model;

    The average lifespan of one ad on a social network is 3 days.

    Also, since August 2014, VKontakte has allowed advertising through verified communities. main feature– mandatory pre-moderation for all advertising posts. According to, checking advertising posts from the exchange will help achieve uniformity in advertising publications. This, in turn, will help advertisers achieve a predictable effect from advertising, and administrators will publish advertisements in a format familiar to users.

    New advertisements cannot be added endlessly; there are some restrictions. Firstly, this is rule point No. 5:

    “Creating more than three ads aimed at the same audience and advertising the same object, or creating several absolutely identical ads, including within different advertising campaigns, is regarded as an attempt at spam."

    Odnoklassniki (OK)

    The prototype site was launched on March 4, 2006, and immediately became very popular. The emphasis was placed on the audience who have recently entered the university but do not want to lose touch with their school past. The secret of success was that parents of teenagers quickly became hooked on finding their classmates whom they had not seen for decades. This is the viral effect.

    Currently, 220 million people are registered on Odnoklassniki, and the monthly audience is approximately 41 million. On average, a user spends 17 minutes a day on the site. And the predominant audience by age criterion: women (55%) 25-54 years old (67%).

    The developers of the social network “” position their resource as a platform for finding classmates and friends in order to correspond with them, look at their photos and organize meetings with them. A not very wide range of functions, however, still allows people in our overly busy times to maintain relationships with friends and acquaintances, keep abreast of the events of their lives and see (from photographs) the current state of the person of interest.

    The most common types of activities on Odnoklassniki are publishing statuses and messages. Users also love audio and especially visual content: they post photos, comment on friends’ pictures, and give ratings. In addition, popular activities on Odnoklassniki include watching videos and, of course, social games.

    The advertising targeting capabilities of this social network are in many ways similar to any other network. Just like on VKontakte, media advertising on the Odnoklassniki website is placed on a paid basis. Before the advertisement appears in front of users, it is moderated by resource employees. The process takes about five business days.

    Promotion of a group takes much longer and requires more effort than on VKontakte. This is due to less functionality available in groups on the Odnoklassniki network.

    Odnoklassniki strictly follows a policy of deactivating unauthorized or illegal methods of promoting groups, so success can only be achieved through permitted content and purchasing advertising from donors

    There are two types of groups on Odnoklassniki: business groups and interest groups. In groups you can find useful information, find friends with similar interests, and make purchases. Brand groups can gain “official status”, which can protect them from clones.

    The main source of advertising on Odnoklassniki is the news feed. Unlike competitors, Odnoklassniki decided to limit the number of publications from one community per day so that the feed does not turn into a dense stream of content where it is impossible to concentrate attention at all. This practice made it possible to slow down “nimble” community administrators and consistently maintain a high share of user attention on an advertising post. Today, the feed algorithm is configured in such a way that each group has sixteen posts that will definitely appear in the feed of the members of this group. After the sixteenth post, a certain filter is turned on, which analyzes the feed of each specific user and, in the future, either allows or does not allow the post there. Both the seventeenth and eighteenth posts will also appear in the users’ feed, but not all 100% of the group members will see them.

    The number of user invitations to a particular group is also limited, but this indicator is “floating” and depends on many different factors. This was done to combat spam.

    The difference from other platforms is the nature of the brand’s interaction with the audience. Typically, followers are very active in all brand-related activities because they know the brand and use it in their real life. Odnoklassniki has a mass market audience, and the brand needs to adapt to its interests and preferences. To promote on Odnoklassniki, it is more effective to use interactive and game mechanics: games, surveys and competitions.

    Today, on the social network Odnoklassniki, there are more than 1,000 groups with over 1,000 participants. This is a very average value, because there are tens of groups that have more than 1 million followers. These are groups related to cooking, coffee brands and, for example, our official Odnoklassniki group (2.7 million users). At the same time, for several years the M&M’S brand group has remained the leader in the number of subscribers on the social network.

    Odnoklassniki also provides free statistics on groups with the ability to download data in the form of graphs. For example, you can see information about the number of users who visited the group, their involvement, demand for content, and you can also find out where they came from to the group, demographics and geography of users, analytics of content popularity in groups.

    There are many types of advertising tools in Odnoklassniki, the most accessible of which include the following: targeted advertising (text and graphic blocks), media advertising (banner, video advertising, non-standard projects for solving media problems) and advertising in groups.

    In addition, there are mobile advertising. Mobile advertising is native, that is, it is presented directly in the news feed. On the one hand, it does not take up static space on the screen, on the other hand, compared to the web version, it takes up a larger percentage of the screen area (this significantly increased the CTR advertisements). There are a huge number of users who access Odnoklassniki mainly from mobile phones. Now there is a day audience mobile version Odnoklassniki has 16.5 million visitors.

    Another option for promoting a brand/company is a branded application and posting it on the portal. The cost of placement is “conditionally free” - 140 thousand rubles per month, which is spent on media and/or targeted advertising, and the placement itself, it turns out, costs nothing.

    According to the study, the majority of My World users are Russians (58.7%), and every fifth is a resident of Kazakhstan (19%). The third largest number is occupied by Ukrainians (8.7%).

    Among My World users there are more women (64%) than men (36%). The core of the audience is young men and women aged 18–34: 43% of them on the social network.

    Users play more games, post content and comment in groups, and communicate less through chats and messages. At the same time, a user who starts buying something in games spends on average more on games than the same user on other social networks.

    The activity of the MM audience is 2.5 times higher than in similar groups on other social networks.

    According to Artem Ovechkin, development director of the online marketing agency Matik, there are several reasons for this:

    1. Company budgets

    3. Lack of PR on the part of MM

    4. Competition with social networks VK and Odnoklassniki that are similar in audience composition.

    Most medium and small companies do not allocate the largest budgets for SMM. Monthly expenses for this area range from 25 to 60 thousand rubles. Obviously, with such amounts it is impossible to qualitatively cover all social networks, so the matter does not go further than FaceBook and VKontakte.

    Of course, only large companies can spread their corporate “tentacles” widely, but even they are expanding their reach through Twitter, Odnoklassniki, Youtube and only lastly look towards “My World”. Among the social network buttons that hang on many sites: “My World” icons are rare.

    The second reason is the insufficient “promotion” of this social network, coupled with limited budgets and a generally test-like attitude towards SMM on the part of most companies. They reason like this: why spend money on “second-tier” social networks when not everything is clear with the first?

    Among the advantages, it can be noted that there are managers who work personally with each specific group. If a group has good content, then there is an opportunity to free promotion– other social networks don’t have this.

    My World also adheres to the policy that there should not be two identical groups, and therefore clones are deleted.

    My World hosts display advertising and also has a wide selection of Target options. In addition, you can place advertisements in video pre-rolls. Moreover, MM can give initial traffic for free, raise it in the catalog or in the “We recommend” block. Of course this applies good products with high retention. The same applies to groups with interesting, regularly updated content.

    The ability to create groups in MM appeared only in May 2013. Today, My World has hundreds of thousands of communities uniting users by interests. To make searching easier, there is a catalog that breaks down all communities into thematic groups.

    Audience: more than 800 million users. There are more than 9.3 million users in Russia. The monthly increase is 20 million people (worldwide). If Facebook were a country, it would be the 3rd most populous country after China and India.

    There are many Facebook users: businessmen, entrepreneurs, marketers; bloggers, geeks, webmasters; people who have friends abroad.

    Main activities: reading comments (68%); chat (62%); commenting (59%); viewing/reading recommended (38%); apps, videos (33%); visiting brand pages (12%).

    Many brands use Facebook groups for: employee team communication, customer feedback, idea exchange, word of mouth effect.

    On pages, the administrator, as a rule, communicates with subscribers on behalf of the company, hiding under the “page title,” while groups involve a more intimate conversation, where the user immediately sees who he is dealing with. In addition to publications, there is a built-in search, file sharing, and convenient moderation.

    A distinctive tool is the banner (cover) at the top, it can display the brand logo, or, if you do not load the banner, then profile photos of the group members will be displayed instead.

    Other tools include: events, files, notifications (user activity in the group). In the group, any participant can upload files up to 25 MB.

    You can set up a group so that no member can invite other users without the administrator's knowledge. The main point of groups is precisely to establish closer connections between users united by the same interest.

    In addition, the group can serve as an information collector: for example, you can launch an event, publish it in the group and invite participants to register, leaving contact information (for example, an email to receive a reminder or additional information).

    And we will not consider functions at all. Let's think about what best characterizes a social network? Of course, these are people who are its regular users! It is the audience registered in one or another social network that we will consider. You can be sure it will be very interesting!

    And we will start with, perhaps, the most visited social network on the RuNet.

    In contact with

    A truly youth social network. Basically, young people under 35 are registered in it. Moreover, there are a lot of schoolchildren. There are not many people here who can openly, on their walls, express their own opinions on this or that matter. Basically, most people prefer to repost other people's thoughts and opinions.

    But on the VKontakte social network there is a lot of interesting content that young people are interested in. Funny videos, films of various genres, music, images. There is plenty of all this here and you will be able to enjoy this activity. Here you will find communities of similar interests. In which, however, there is very little unique content. All of it, basically, migrated to the social network from the Internet.


    It is worth saying that more serious and successful people are registered on this American social network than on the previous one. Here your own opinion and thoughts on this or that matter are highly valued. As you know, many world celebrities, politicians, businessmen and other successful people are registered on Facebook. So if you want to be like them, maybe you should choose the same social network as them? But, in fact, it's just a matter of taste.


    If you're not used to sharing your own opinions, then Twitter is not for you. Despite the fact that this is a microblog, we also included it in our review article. The characteristics of social networks would be incomplete without this dying resource. Yes, yes, you read that right! The site is really slowly dying. Alas, this is its main characteristic.

    There is no interesting content here. And the “trick” of this microblog is that you can post tweets on your wall - short entries on this or that occasion. Yes, this resource was popular before social networks appeared. And now, he’s like LiveJournal, who will remember him?


    This social network has an audience of 35+. Housewives, men languishing with boredom in the evenings, lonely ladies. You will see all this in Odnoklassniki. The name of this social network describes it perfectly. After all, people here are really looking for their former classmates, classmates, colleagues with whom they have not seen for a very long time and want to communicate.

    To be honest, when you log into Odnoklassniki, you sometimes feel like you’ve taken a time machine 10 years into the past. Posts asking for financial help, some tearful stories, strange photographs and pictures edited in Paint. In other words, progress has not yet come here. And what in other social networks can be considered bad manners or something backward, on Odnoklassniki he gets along well and likes him.

    These, in our opinion, are the characteristics of modern social networks. Which one to use is up to you.

    Infographics are always simple and beautiful. Even a person who doesn't know in English will be able to figure it out with ease. Today I want to tell you about a study from the company - Web Design Company, which they published on their blog. I will try to present its main theses in Russian.
    So, the infographic is built on the five most popular social networks today - Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn and Pinterest.
    This is the order in which these networks are located in accordance with number of registered users:
    1. Facebook - 901 million users,
    2. Twitter - 555 million users,
    3. Google - 170 million users,
    4. LinkedIn - 150 million users,
    5. Pinterest - 11.7 million users.

    Next comes the following indicator: number of unique visitors per month:
    1. Facebook - 7012.9 million,
    2. Twitter - 182.1 million,
    3. Pinterest - 104.4 million,
    4. LinkedIn - 85.7 million,
    5. Google - 61.0 million

    The next indicator by which these social networks were compared is male to female ratio in them (I am a man and therefore they are arranged in descending order of the percentage of men in them):
    1. Google - 63% men and 37% women,
    2. LinkedIn - 55% and 45% respectively,
    3. Twitter - 43% and 57%,
    4. Facebook - 40% and 60%,
    5. Pinterest - 31.8% and 68.2%.
    As you can see, the vast majority of men prefer Google and LinkedIn, while women use Pinterest most often. In general, I advise those who are not familiar with this social network to get acquainted. A very interesting and promising service in my opinion.

    Next comes such an important indicator as average amount of time spent on a social network per user(min. per month):
    1. Facebook - 405,
    2. Pinterest - 89,
    3. Twitter - 21,
    4. LinkedIn - 17,
    5. Google - 3.
    As you can see, users spend the most time on Facebook and Pinterest.

    Followed by age characteristics of social network users. It’s probably not worth listing all the categories, because everything is already clear on the Infographic, but it’s still worth pointing out the peak values:
    1. Facebook.
    29% of users of this social network are between the ages of 18 and 25, and 23% are between the ages of 26 and 34. Using simple mathematical calculations, we find that 62% of users of the social network Facebook are people aged 18 to 34 years.
    2. Twitter.
    30% Twitter users- these are people aged 26 to 34 years, 27% of users are from 35 to 44 years old. Here we already see a shift in the main user mass to a more age category - from 26 to 44 years old - 57% of users.
    3. Google.
    The social network's user age mix is ​​very similar to Facebook's, but the numbers are different: 23% are 18 to 25 years old and 35% are 26 to 34 years old. In total, these two categories combine 58% of this social network.
    4. LinkedIn.
    The percentage of the majority of users is very similar to Twitter: 31.2% of users aged 26 to 34 years old and 24.8% of users aged 35 to 44 years old. The total number of users in the combined age range from 26 to 44 years old will be 56%.
    5. Pinterest.
    And finally, the dark horse (for some, but I’m just starting to get acquainted with it) - Pinterest. In it, users are distributed almost evenly in three age categories - from 26 to 34 years (28%), from 35 to 44 years (28%) and from 45 to 54 years (25%). And here we already see that the majority of users (81% in total) are distributed based on their age in a much wider range (from 26 to 54 years).

    And finally, the last point that is offered to us as part of this study is estimated value of social network data users:
    1. Facebook - $118
    2. Twitter - $71.43
    3. LinkedIn - $71
    4. Pinterest - $28.09
    For some reason missing from this Google metric.

    Well, below is the infographic itself and a link to the company’s website.