Helicopter in ingress for windows. Ingress. Faking location. Is it worth being a helicopter pilot? (Cheater). Cell tower signals

We're talking about location spoofing. This gives enormous advantages to the player - you sit at home, your ass is warm, your mobile phone is charging; you capture portals.

Location Data Sources

Android OS can obtain device coordinates in the following ways:

  1. GPS receiver
  2. By cell towers.
  3. By IP address.

Substitution of GPS coordinates

There are programs (Location Spoofer) that replace the coordinates with the necessary ones. WITH root rights Such a program does not need the Mock Locations checkbox, which Ingress checks. In other words, having root rights on the phone, we can replace the coordinates and Ingress will not be able to calculate this through standard API Android SDK. I don't know about loopholes yet :)

Cell tower signals

Here everything is more complicated and interesting. Location by cell towers can be disabled in the phone settings and Ingress does not complain about this. But! There is a local cache that is not cleared so easily. We use Location Cache to clear the cache. The same goes for the Ingress application itself - you need to clear its data.

IP address

An Internet connection is required for the game to work. You can’t go anywhere without this... And Google, represented by Ingress, knows exactly where your IP comes from. If you're sitting across home WiFi, then most likely your IP is already tied to your home in Google geolocation. Believe me.

Solution options - proxy server or change provider (nonsense? :)). If you use Mobile Internet, then on the one hand you take your IP from the OpSoS pool and thus for Google you are “somewhere in the country from a mobile phone”. Not a bad option.

During the study, Niantic Labs specialists identified a leak of an unusual substance. This strange matter forms peculiar portals that cannot be seen by an ordinary person. After numerous studies, scientists have not come to a common opinion on how and what this matter affects. In 2012, scientists learned that an unknown substance was helping alien creatures, Scypers, penetrate our planet.

But it is still unknown for what purposes aliens come to Earth. One can only guess what changes await humanity in connection with the visit of an alien race.
All those involved in the Ingress project are divided into two factions. Some, the Enlightened Ones, trust the alien guests and try to assist them in every possible way, hoping that this will only bring benefit to humanity.

Also, with the help of extraordinary matter, the Enlightened Ones want to seize power throughout the world. And others, from the Resistance faction, use any means to prevent the penetration of representatives of an unearthly civilization, trying to keep the world as it was. Each participant decides for himself who is right and who is wrong. He can win over to his side his acquaintances, people from the opposing faction.

In the application, a person feels as if in additional reality. He can capture portals, monitor the movement of enemies, and engage in battle with them.
In any case, you and your friends will like the Ingress application. Now, walking down the street, you can meet both a faction ally and an enemy.

Show respect to the player community

We hope that Ingress game its participants will enjoy it and will be safe both for the players themselves and for others. Following the simple rules outlined below will allow you and other players to have fun, while at the same time not violating anyone's interests. Remember that actions that seem innocent and funny to you may be perceived completely differently by other players or outside observers.

Treat other players and bystanders with respect. Follow the rules of conduct when playing Ingress.In particular, consider the following dos and don'ts:

    Harassment. Never do anything that could be perceived as harassing, stalking, intimidating, or inciting such behavior (see Terms of Use). Violations may result in account blocking.

    Breach of confidentiality. Players use names that they choose themselves. Maintain your privacy (for example, your nickname may or may not be associated with your real name). Do not publish, transmit or disclose information about the identity of other users (their names, phone numbers, addresses Email and home addresses), even if the user himself posted this information first. In addition, do not disclose personal information to third parties or others. Violations may result in account blocking.

    Trespassing. Do not trespass on someone else's property when playing Ingress. Just accept this rule without arguing with it. Do not enter places where you may be prohibited from entering. Use common sense and remember to take personal responsibility for all your actions.

    Communication with users and outside observers. Some observers may be interested in your actions while playing Ingress. Players may or may not wish to communicate as well. Don't forget about common sense and adequate assessment of events - do not impose on participants or outside observers if they are not inclined to communicate with you. Do not make physical contact with other players unless they want you to. Do not photograph or film the actions of other players or observers without their consent. Do not insult other players or observers. These are generally accepted rules of behavior. Follow them. If anyone is aggressive, bullies, insults others or does not allow them to enter the portal, or simply gets on your nerves, ignore such players. Wait a while without getting involved in arguments and/or block the unpleasant person.

    Spam. Nobody likes spam.

    Inappropriate Content. We may review user content (photos, texts, etc.) It is not allowed to upload pornography, obscene content or publish discriminatory statements. Discriminatory speech incites hatred against a particular group. For example, these could be racist or sexist comments. Don't forget that the game involves communicating with real people, show respect to each other and behave as you would at work or with your family.

    Deception unacceptable. Play fair. Use only the official application from Niantic Labs. Remember that Ingress must be played using a mobile device on real terrain. Alas, the methods of deception are so diverse that it is impossible to foresee everything. For example, users may use modified or unofficial applications, play on multiple accounts (don't do this!), switch accounts, trade data, fraudulently change your location, and sell or trade accounts. If you suspect someone of foul play, do not challenge them through the COMM screen and demand an answer. Just submit a complaint via Help Center and continue with your task.

We insist on compliance with these rules

We will review reported player accounts and related user content. For violations of our Community Guidelines, we may issue a warning, deny you access to the game, or (for severe or repeated violations) disable your account.

Ingress 1.131.0:

— Ingress Scanner has been updated to version 1.131.0.

Ingress 1.130.0:

— Ingress Scanner has been updated to version 1.130.0.
- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.129.2:

— Ingress Scanner has been updated to version 1.129.2.
- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.128.0:

— Ingress Scanner has been updated to version 1.128.0.
- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.127.0:

— Ingress Scanner has been updated to version 1.127.0.
- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.126.0:

- Ingress Scanner has been updated to version 1.126.0.
- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.125.0:

- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.124.0:

- Ingress Scanner has been updated to version 1.124.0.
- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.123.0:

— Ingress Scanner has been updated to version 1.123.0.
- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.122.0:

— Updates to the Magnus Reawakens anomaly series.
- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.121.0:

- Additional classified changes to the scanner codebase.

Ingress 1.120.2:

- Bugs fixed.

Ingress 1.119.0:

- Bugs fixed.

Ingress 1.118.0:

- Bugs fixed.

Ingress 1.117.0:

- Bugs fixed.

Ingress 1.116.0:

- Bugs fixed.

Ingress 1.115.0:

- Bugs fixed.

Ingress 1.114.0:

- Bugs fixed.

Ingress 1.113.0:

- Bugs fixed.

Ingress 1.112.0:

- Bugs fixed.

Ingress 1.111.0:

- Bugs fixed.

Many smartphone users are faced with the problem of content being blocked for certain regions. If you still want to access it, you can do so by “changing” your location.

Ingress: the game for which people fly to Chukotka

Below we will tell you how to do this on Android.

To do this, you will need an application, for example Fake GPS Location Spoofer Free, which will provide the required GPS coordinates upon your request.

Immediately after installation, the utility will ask you to activate GPS if it is turned off, and turn off Wi-Fi, since Android gadgets can use wireless network to determine location. You should also disable tracking GPS coordinates cellular network in the device settings.

After this, you will need to obtain developer status. To do this, click on the “Build number” item seven times. It's in settings operating system. The “For Developer” menu will appear, in which check “Allow fictitious location.

In Fake GPS Location Spoofer Free, set the desired coordinates by double-tapping on the map.

Be aware that after using FakeGPS you may find your . Has Tasker support and can be started/stopped from command line (See FAQ for details) +++IMPORTANT+++. Teleport your phone to any place in the world with two clicks. This app sets up fake GPS location so every other app in your phone believes you are there.

1, Android SDK – a universal shell for modeling and development. Android SDK – download Android SDK 24.

In this post I want to tell you, without unnecessary technical details, how you can increase your mileage. Let me make a reservation right away: we will not break instruments, jam the signal or drain fuel through the return line.

Society: Android app(4. 4 ★, 100+ downloads) → The application will calculate whether you are being charged correctly.

Help - Ingress

1 GPS Satellite 3G Interno Dual SIM TV FM 1GB RAM (similar to P300. Tablet JXD Android 4. Cheating with GPS on the P1000 tablet (copy, China).

Since in
In many cases, several programs can perform similar ones at once. GPS sensor in mobile devices can be used not only
direct purpose (for navigation or determining coordinates), but also for
a number of other, often not obvious at first glance, tasks.

Android phone tracker Tse. Not a spy Deception squad h.

With this program you can change the location of your device.

Be aware that after using FakeGPS you may find
your. This app sets up
fake GPS location so every other app in your phone believes you are there. Has
Tasker support and can be started/stopped from command line (See FAQ for
details) +++IMPORTANT+++. Teleport your phone to any place in the world with two clicks.

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Ingress has reopened the ability to add new portals. Agents level 11 and above can now submit candidates for consideration. The limit on the simultaneous number of applications from one agent is 7 pieces. Admission of candidates to the portals has resumed within the framework. Let's hope that after a short test, Niantic will lower the agent level requirements.

Croatian coach Rdash123 confirmed this event (as did the developer on his Twitter). This is a very exciting time for all Pokemon GO players - new PokéStops, new Gyms, new Nests. Do you remember that the portals that appear in Ingress then “turn” into PokéStops and Gyms?

This is what the process of adding a new portal to Ingress looks like:

And here is confirmation from the developer:

Adding portals to Ingress for the appearance of new pokes/gyms in Pokemon GO

Instructions from Rdash123

Hello friends

If you're planning on starting in Ingress just to submit requests for new portals and PokéStops/Gyms to appear in Pokemon GO, keep in mind that the Ingress community takes such things extremely seriously. So don't lie about how you stopped playing Pokemon GO and decided to switch to Ingress if that's not the case.

Okay, now to the point. Be sure to follow the new portal criteria before submitting a request to add a new portal. In addition, it would be a good idea to watch this video.

Candidate: antique/rustic farm equipment

Can't send

Cannot be sent if it is a private property or farm. Yes, if the objects are on display in a public park or museum, are visually unique, or have historical significance

Candidate: sign/sign on the building

Can't send

Only if they are not historically valuable or have some significance

Candidate: stone monuments/sculptures

Can be sent

If they are significant in size, unique and meet other criteria for new portals in terms of secure and universal access.

Candidate: cemetery

Can't send

Possible if the cemetery is historically significant or has special significance in the community

Candidate: city/street sign

Can't send

Regular street signs/signposts settlement, which have no historical significance

Candidate: sports equipment

Can be sent

If there are several pieces of equipment, one presentation is given for the entire group (for example, bars + ladder + rings + horizontal bar)

Candidate: fire station

Can't send

Only if the candidate is not a monument/museum and the presence of the portal will not interfere with the passage of special equipment

Candidate: observation tower

Can be sent

If open to the public. Do not ship observation towers that are used for private residence.

Candidate: fountain

Can be sent

If there is pedestrian access to it. Do not submit if the fountain is in the middle of a lake.

Candidate: alcove

Can be sent

If the candidate is in a park or city garden; meets the criterion of a public space that encourages walking and exercise

Candidate: golf course

Can't send

Locations on the field are not accepted. Can send areas where agents/players can sit and chat (cafes and club areas)

Candidate: tombstone

Can't send

Only if the slab belongs to a famous/historical figure or a well-known member of the community, is over 50 years old and community norms allow the cemetery to be visited for historical and cultural visits.

Candidate: highway rest area

Can't send

Only if it is not a popular tourist destination, has historical significance

Candidate: a house that has historical significance

Can't send

Only if the house is not a private residence and is open to the public

Candidate: hospital

Can't send

Cannot be sent if the candidate is inside or on a hospital building, in a location that could prevent emergency services from gaining access to the building

Candidate: hotel/hotel

Can't send

If the hotel/hotel does not have historical significance, it does not have interesting story, is not a unique local business

Candidate: mass production

Can't send

Only if the candidate does not have some historical significance (was the first business of its kind, has an interesting history)

Candidate: memorial bench

Can't send

Unless installed in honor of a respected member of the community, do not stand in an area with low population density

Candidate: memorial/plaque

Can't send

Only if it is not installed in honor of a respected member of the community

Candidate: sign in the mountains

Can be sent

Candidate: playground

Can be sent

If the candidate is in a park or city garden; meets the criterion of a public space that encourages walking and exercise

Candidate: Postal office

Can be sent

Connects and unites people from all over the world

Candidate: ruin

Can be sent

If it showcases the local flavor and culture that makes your city/neighborhood unique (provided the location is open and accessible from a road or viewing point

Candidate: marker

Can be sent

If it is on the trail and helps you determine your location.

Candidate: water tower

Can be sent

If the candidate is accessible without entering a restricted area, is unique in appearance or is a monument/memorial site

I hope this article will help you in adding new PokeStops and Gyms to Pokemon GO. If you haven’t played Ingress before, you can ask a friend to help you add portals :) In addition, Ingress has a convenient chat and you can write to any player, including those active in your zone. This is something for you to think about.

The article will be updated as new information becomes available.

The article will be updated as necessary.

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