Calculating md5. What is MD5. Brief instructions for working with the MD5 File Checker program

More than once I have come across a situation where ISO disc recorded with errors and brand new linux I just didn't want to install properly. To prevent this from happening, after burning a disc, you should always check its MD5 hash. How can I check the MD5 hash?

In order for you to check the integrity of the ISO files, the MD5 hash values ​​are given for each image. They are unique strings that will be completely different if just one single byte in the ISO file changes from the original file. Each image has its own unique MD5 hash, which can be compared to fingerprints, which are individual for each person. If the MD5 hash does not match the model, the disc must be rewritten.

1. How to check MD5 hash in Linux?

In general, I have noticed that it is better to burn discs at low speed, especially discs with ISO images of Linux, since in this case even small errors can be catastrophic during installation. In general, any normal disc burning program should just have a utility for checking the MD5 hash.

The Brasero program, which is in Ubuntu for burning discs, has such a utility. After burning the disc, she offers to check the disc for integrity. You should not turn off this feature, although it takes time.

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2. How to find out MD5 hash in Windows?

To check files on Windows, you can download a utility such as . After installing it, you will be able to compare the file hash values ​​with the string value of the original ISO image. If the values ​​are the same, you can be sure that the file is an exact copy of the original disk image.

3. How to find out MD5 hash in Mac OS X?

For Mac OS X, you can use the Disk Utility program ( disk utility) from the Utilities folder by dragging ISO file to the Disk Utility icon on Dock. Then select the ISO file and go to the menu Images (Images), in which you should select the sequence Checksum | MD5 (Checksum | MD5).

A checksum is a digit or string that is calculated by summing all the digits of the desired data. It can be used later to detect errors in the data being checked during storage or transmission. Then the checksum is recalculated again and the resulting value is compared with the previous one.

In this short article, we will look at what a Linux checksum is, as well as how to perform file integrity checks using md5 checksums.

Linux checksums calculated using the MD5 (Message Digest 5) algorithm can be used to check the integrity of strings or files. MD5 sum is a 128 bit string that consists of letters and numbers. The essence of the MD5 algorithm is that a 128-bit hash will be generated for a particular file or line, and it will be the same on all machines if the files are identical. It's hard to find two different files, which would produce the same hashes.

On Linux, the md5sum utility is used to calculate checksums using the md5 algorithm. You can use it to check the integrity of downloaded files from the Internet. iso images or other files.

This utility allows you to not only calculate linux checksums, but also check for compliance. It comes as standard utility from the GNU suite, so you don't need to install anything.

Verifying checksums in Linux

The syntax for the md5sum command is very simple:

$ md5sum options file

There are only a few options and, given the tasks of the utility, they are quite enough:

  • -c- perform a check against the checksum file;
  • -b- work in binary format;
  • -t- work in text format;
  • -w- display warnings about incorrectly formatted amounts file;
  • --quiet- do not display messages about successful checks.

First copy the /etc/group file to home folder to experiment with it a bit:

cp /etc/group groups

For example, let's checksum the /etc/group file:

md5 sum groups > groups.md5

Then modify this file in some way, for example, remove the first line and calculate the checksums again:

As you can see, now the value is different, which means that the content of the file has also changed. Then change back the first line of root:x:0: and copy this file to groups_list and

cp groups groups_list

Then the check should be done again. checksum linux:

md5sum groups_list

The sum corresponds to the first option, even though the file has been renamed. Note that md5sum only works on the contents of files, it doesn't care about its name or its attributes. You can make sure both files have the same amounts:

md5sum groups groups_list

You can redirect the output of this command to a file so you can check the checksums later:

md5sum groups groups_list > groups.md5

To check if the files have not been modified since the checksum was created, use the option -c or --check. If all is well, then a word will appear next to each file name OK or PURPOSE:

md5sum -c groups.md5

But now you can't rename files, because when checking the utility will try to open them by name and, of course, you will get an error. In the same way, everything works for strings:

echo -n "Loss" | md5sum-
$ echo -n "Loss Q&A" | md5sum-


In this article, you learned how to get and check the linux checksum for files and strings. Although vulnerabilities have been discovered in the MD5 algorithm, it is still useful, especially if you trust the tool that will create the hashes.

Checking the integrity of Linux files is a very important aspect of using the system. Check sum linux file is used not only manually when checking downloaded files, but also in many system programs, for example, in the package manager. If you have any questions, ask in the comments!

At the end of a short video

When exchanging information via computer networks or through portable media, the question arises of how to check the integrity of the transmitted information. After all, if a few bits are incorrectly stored in the resulting multi-megabyte file, this can lead to problems when using this file. Especially if this file is an application. Therefore, when spreading various installation files, and other information, it is customary to indicate the checksum (hash) - so that users, having downloaded the data, can independently check the checksums of the files for a match with the hash of the downloaded information.

Principles of using checksums

For the conscious use of technology, it is useful to understand what a hash is. In the general case, a hash is a set of bits obtained as a result of calculations on information using a certain algorithm. A distinctive feature of this algorithm is that when at least one bit in the original information changes, the hash sum also changes. And at the same time, it is extremely unlikely that a random change in a few bits of incoming information will leave the hash unchanged. Thus, it turns out that the checksum is like a data passport, after consulting which it can be concluded that the data is genuine.

Therefore, the principle of using hashes is quite simple, and consists of two stages:

1. Calculation, storage and publication of the checksum of the original data.

2. Calculation of its value for a copy of the data and verification with the value for the originals.

There are many different hashing algorithms. And accordingly there are many varieties of hash sums. The most popular among them are CRC32, MD5, SHA-1 etc.

Where are hashes used?

Even those users who do not know what hash sums are still quite often enjoy the benefits of using them - for example, when opening packed files. The fact is that modern archivers add their hashes to the packed files. You can see them by opening the archive with an archiver program.

And accordingly, when unzipping, these hashes are automatically verified. If the archive is corrupted, the archiving program will generate an error with the message that the checksums of the files do not match. Therefore, the easiest way to ensure the correct transfer of files is to pack them into an archive.

Another use for checksums is to use them instead of passwords. When a visitor registers on a site by entering a secret password, the server does not store the password itself, but its hash. Accordingly, if attackers gain access to the server, they will not be able to find out the saved passwords - they are simply not there.

Also, hash sums are an integral part of the work of torrent trackers. Thanks to this, when downloading files via torrents, 100% integrity of information transfer is guaranteed. In this case, the user does not need to somehow control this process. All necessary operations during downloading are carried out by the program (). Of course, if the files have been downloaded for a long time, and you need to make sure that they have not been damaged over time, then you can run a manual re-scan. For example, in the uTorrent program, there is a special item for this in the context menu (appears when you click right click mouse on the selected torrent).

When using archives and torrents, hashing is carried out without user intervention. But since it is far from convenient to archive all files, let alone use torrents when sending information, there is a widespread practice of calculating checksums for an arbitrary set of files. Most often, a hash in MD5 format is used for this, for which many different programs have been created.

How to generate MD5 hash of files using MD5Checker?

Despite the fact that the MD5 algorithm is available in many file managers and utilities, not all of them are convenient to use. Some programs cannot check hashes for a group of files. The other part of the programs, although it does this, does not display a report on the results of the scan in a convenient form - you have to manually scroll through the entire list of files to identify error messages.

The only maximum handy program to work with MD5, this is the MD5Checker application. You can download the program from official site. Despite the fact that the program has an English-language interface, it is quite easy to use.

The program is set to hash by default program files, archives and ISO images. Therefore, if you want to use this application for music and video, you must first change one single setting - specify a mask for the files with which the program will work. To do this, go to the "Tools / Options" menu item and in the "Include" field specify the * symbol (which means "all files").

After that, you can use the program as usual - now every single file in all subfolders will be scanned.

To create an MD5 hash, you need to drag the selected files from the folder to the program window, and the program will automatically start calculating MD5 sums for all selected files and all files in subfolders (that match the mask we specified). The calculated amounts will be displayed in the "Current MD5" column. Now it remains only to save the obtained values ​​​​to a file by clicking the "S To" button ("Save to").

It is important to note that if we save the MD5 file in a folder that contains all the files and subfolders we have selected, then the relative paths to them will be saved. This will allow you to check the checksum in the future even if you move the files to another location. Therefore, before saving the file, it makes sense to go to the root of the folder by clicking the appropriate button.

If you open the resulting file in notepad, you can see that the information is stored in it in plain text.

In this case, you can make sure that the paths to the files are saved relative, i.e. do not contain the drive letter on which they are located. Such an MD5 file can be stored in a folder along with the files, and in the future, on any computer, the integrity of the files in this folder can be checked.

How to check checksums of files?

To check the checksums of files, you need to restart the program or click the "Clear" button to clear the list of files.

After that, drag the MD5 file into the program window and make sure that a green checkmark appears next to each file. This means that the files are kept safe and sound. If there are quite a lot of files, then it is more convenient to control by the counters "Failed" and "Passed" ("Did not match" and "Coincided") in the table header.

You can conduct an experiment: rename one of the files, and edit another one by making a couple of minor changes. After starting the re-scan, the program found that one of the files became inaccessible under the original name (marked with a yellow icon), and the checksum of the second file did not match (marked with a red icon). A checksum mismatch indicates that the file has either been modified or corrupted.

It is worth noting that if you have several folders, each of which contains one or more MD5 files (including subfolders), then by dragging all these folders into the program window, you can check all files for integrity in one fell swoop. MD5Checker automatically extracts hash values ​​from files with the md5 extension that come across during scanning. This can be extremely convenient if you are copying or transferring large amounts of information over the Internet.

Also, if you have renamed or moved some files to another location, you can edit the MD5 file in notepad, specifying new values ​​​​for their paths there - and then you can use it further to check files.


The hashing technology unique opportunity information security control. Nowadays, when the number of user files is in the thousands and tens of thousands, convenience in processing hash sums for large amounts of data is necessary. The MD5Checker program successfully copes with this task, with the help of which you can both check checksums and create them for many files, regardless of the depth of their nesting in the folder tree.

Checking the correct download file from the archive using Total Commander

The program "Total Commander" is a multifunctional analogue of "Explorer" in Windows; checking md5 sums is just built into it as additional function. Of course, there is no point in installing such a large program especially for checking md5 sums. But if you already have it, you can take the opportunity to use it to check the correct download of the file.

1. Open the directory with the file to be checked and the reference md5 sum to it in the Total Commander window and left-click the desired md5 file (in this case it is the only one):

2. From the Files menu, select "Verify CRC Checksums":

3. Wait for the verification process to finish:

4. Now, if in the report window you see "OK" to the left of your file name

This means that everything is in order and the file downloaded correctly. If the report looks something like this:

This means that the file is corrupted and you will have to download it again.

Attention! Total Commander generates checksums in its own format, they can only be verified by itself. Therefore, try not to use this program to create checksums if you are not sure that those who will check the correct download have Total Commander installed.

1. Open the directory with the required file/files in the Total Commander window:

2. Select the required files:

Sometimes, when downloading files from the Internet, there are cases when files are downloaded "broken", that is, corrupted. Why this happens, we will not consider now, there can be a lot of reasons.

To verify the integrity of the downloaded file, you need to check the MD5 sum.

Every self-respecting author or resource that offers large files for download, should publish along with the file size its MD5 sum so that the user was able to check the downloaded file and find out if it is broken or not.
You have probably seen similar designations on some sites - "MD5 checksum:".

How to check files for integrity

When should this check be done? Then when you download large files (DVDs), programs, video tutorials, OS And so on.

Checking the MD5 sum you will be sure that the file is intact and not damaged. The program itself is so easy to use that there is nothing to describe.

MD5 FileChecker does not require installation on a PC, but is launched by a regular .exe file.

After unpacking from the archive. Run the shortcut Md5Checker.exe

How to use MD5 FileChecker? choose required file using the "Browse" button, using the "Calculate" button, calculate the MD5 amount of the downloaded file, and insert the declared MD5 amount into the third line and click "Check".

If the program says " that the amounts are the same - it means the file is safe and sound. Feel free to download and use it.

That's why download free program MD5 FileChecker on your PC and enjoy.