Burn Windows to a USB flash drive using ultraiso. Burn the image to a flash drive using UltraISO. What is a disk image?

Creating a bootable USB flash drive in UltraISO is the easiest way to burn Windows installation. And, perhaps, the fastest. Just a couple of minutes and you’re done (provided, of course, that you have a normal PC).

Before you start, you need to install the program. You can download it from the official website (link).

How can I create a bootable USB flash drive using UltraISO?

You just need to follow the following instructions:

  1. Launch the program (you need to run it as an administrator).
  2. Next, you need to open the image of the Windows installation file that you want to burn. To do this, select File – Open (or you can press Ctrl + O).
  3. Specify the folder in which the Windows image is located, select it and click the “Open” button.
  4. If you did everything correctly, it should look like this:
  5. Now let's start recording. For this purpose in top menu you need to select the following items: Boot – Burn image hard drive.
  6. Next, select your flash drive, leave the recording method the same – USB-HDD+ and press the “Record” button. IMPORTANT! This will delete all your data on the USB flash drive. Therefore, before performing step 6, it is recommended to save all files (for example, to a computer).
  7. Actually, the program will warn you about this. If you have saved all the data (or you do not need it), agree and click the “Yes” button.
  8. The recording can last from a couple of minutes to an hour (or even more). It depends on the power of your PC or laptop.
  9. After the recording is completed, the program will inform you that the process has been successfully completed.

If you do not have a Windows image, but have a licensed installation DVD, then you can make a bootable USB flash drive using it

To do this, in the 3rd step you need to indicate the path to the drive where the DVD is located by selecting the items: File - Open DVD.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive from a folder with files

Finally, there is another way you can create bootable USB flash drive in UltraISO. It is suitable if a licensed digital copy is already saved in a folder on your computer.

To write installation files to a USB flash drive, you must do the following:

  1. Launch UltraISO and select the following items: File – New – Bootable DVD image.
  2. A new window will appear in which you need to specify the path to the Windows distribution (this is the bootfix.bin file, which is located in the boot folder).
  3. After that, at the bottom of the program, select the folder where the Windows files and move all the files to the top.
    If the indicator at the top right turns red, just click on it and select 4.7 (4.37 Gb).
  4. And then follow the instructions, starting from the 5th point.

After some time, the bootable USB flash drive will be ready.

P.S. If for some reason creating this bootable USB flash drive in UltraISO did not work (an error appeared or something else), try repeating the procedure, carefully following the instructions. As a last resort, you can always write it with another program - fortunately there are plenty of them.

These days, many laptops and netbooks do not come with CD-ROM drives. Why? There are many reasons for this. The absence of CD and DVD-ROM makes the device lighter, thinner and more compact. In addition, most users prefer a USB interface to a disk drive. Therefore, during the operation of the laptop, you have to write various software to flash drives. Including installation images of operating systems (OS).

This is not difficult to do. Especially if you use the very useful multifunctional program Ultraiso.

First of all, download and install the application. There shouldn't be any problems with this. The Internet is full of trusted resources from which you can easily download the Ultraiso installer. The installation process of the program is also simple and straightforward.

Next, to write the image to the media, we will need a flash drive. The minimum storage capacity is 4-8 GB. This is enough for an “average” iso image with some game, Windows OS (XP, Vista, 7, 8, etc.) or Linux. In this case, it is best to first delete or move all the information from the flash drive. We also recommend that you format the media.

Finally, download the OS image to the hard drive of your laptop or PC. For example, from the official website. Some people download distributions from torrent trackers. There are many options. The main thing is to get licensed, clean software and under no circumstances download a poorly upgraded version with malicious software.

Let's start work

All preparations are left behind. So, we can start initial stage image entries:

For reference! Ultraiso is free to use for a limited time only. On this moment The test period is 30 days.

We connect the flash drive and start recording the image

We are waiting for the end of the process of writing the image to the flash drive.

Now we have reached the final stage of recording the image onto the media. In fact, everything has already been done. All that remains is to wait. The Ultraiso program itself works quickly. But the system can slow down. Depending on the power of the computer and its characteristics, it takes on average from 5 to 20 minutes to write an image to a flash drive.

As soon as the “Recording Complete” message appears, you can close Ultraiso. Then you should check for the presence of the image on the USB drive. Depending on the selected OS, the amount of memory occupied on the flash drive will differ. The least is required for the Windows XP distribution, the most for the “ten”. It is also worth noting that if you followed everything strictly according to the instructions, then the media name should change (usually to the name of the image).

By the way, you can now use the created bootable USB flash drive to install the operating system. Just do this through the BIOS menu.

It should be noted that using the method described above, you can write two images (and even more) to the media, if necessary. But only if you plan to use a flash drive to store data. If a USB drive is needed to install the OS, then it is better not to do this.

For reference! Some users complain that sometimes the Ultra ISO program does not record images weighing more than 4 GB. This is no coincidence. The utility simply automatically formats the flash drive in FAT32, where there is a limitation on the size of the files that can be written. You need to independently change the media format to NTFS, and then, when working in Ultraiso, skip the formatting step and immediately click on “Burn”.

What's the end result?

As you can see, burning an image to a flash drive using Ultraiso is not difficult. It also takes a little time. Just a few minutes. If you have any questions, you can always contact us for help or take another look at this article. What else is important? At a minimum, what is easy to create using this utility Bootable USB drives with OS of various families, generations and versions, including not only Windows, but also DOS, Linux, MacOS, etc. You can also record an image of a game or some useful software using Ultraiso. For example, the same antivirus program.

Thus, this program will be useful to every user. Therefore, be sure to download it to your computer and try it out.

An operating system is a very complex set of programs that continuously influence each other as they work. As a result of system failures, unexpected power outages, viruses and other harmful circumstances, Windows can break down and become unusable. In this case, it must be reinstalled. This article describes most useful program Ultraiso, and provides a guide on how to .

Also, creating bootable media may be useful for users who decide to replace HDD, or get another personal computer.


First, the utility must be installed. The installation file can be downloaded from the program's fan site http://ultraiso-club.ru/. In the menu at the top, select your OS version and click on the “Download” button. Next you will need to enter the captcha and the download will begin.

The downloaded file must be unzipped using WinRar or SevenZip. Now you can start the installation. It is no different from the installation regular programs– just follow the instructions of the wizard.

Ultraiso is a paid product, but the developer provides a month trial period, during which you can use all the functions of the software. Each time you start the system will prompt you to purchase a license with full version or continue reading.

Burning an image

An image is a copy of the DVD on which Windows is distributed. You can remove it from the DVD itself or download the exact version you need online. Next, using the Ultraiso utility, you can create a bootable USB flash drive:

Recording time depends on the speed of your system, generation USB port and device, as well as the volume of the downloaded copy of Windows.

The first and most important step when starting to work with a new computer, without which further steps will be impossible, is, of course, installing the operating system. We will work with operating system from Microsoft - Windows. Previously, everything was simple - you bought or made a disk with Windows yourself, inserted it into the drive, and it went away. However, over time, disks, due to their inconvenience, size and volume, began to fade into the background and by 2018 they had almost completely disappeared from people’s lives. Also, the disk drives gradually began to disappear from computers; stationary stations were less affected; the main blow fell on laptops. Nowadays there are a minimum of models in which a disk drive can be found, and most often these are budget solutions. Inconvenient and bulky disks have been replaced by flash drives or simply flash drives. They are smaller, they have more volume, they are more convenient in everything.

Just like disks before, flash drives are now used as a storage device when installing an operating system, by creating a “Bootable flash drive”. To create it you need to use one of several programs. One of them, and probably the most popular, is UltraIso.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive from an image

So, let's consider the first option for creating a bootable USB flash drive via

UltraIso and operating system image. For this, we need:

  1. Operating system image.
  2. Flash drive.

Requirements for a flash drive: capacity from eight gigabytes, four gigabytes may be enough, but not in all cases, so once again it’s better to play it safe and simplify your life in the future. The flash drive must be empty, since when UltraIso is running, all data will be erased in any case. The flash drive must have the NTFC file system; UltraIso will not work with others.
Having in free access all of the above, you need to run UltraIso, select “File” in the menu that opens and then “Open” in the window that appears. Then you need to specify the location of the OS image file on the disk and click “Open” again. The screen will show the files located inside the operating system image, but for the average user they still mean nothing, so you can close the window with peace of mind.
The next step is to go to the main menu of the program and select the “Boot” option, after which the user will be able to select the “Record” function image of a tough disk." There may be differences in translation for Russian localization, but the general meaning of the phrase and action must be the same. Next, you will need to select a drive that will be turned into a boot drive, in our case it is a flash drive. In the same window, it (the flash drive) can be formatted in advance. The default recording method is USB-HDD+, and you should leave it as it is optimal.

Click on the “Record” button...

When you select these functions, a warning will appear on the screen about full formatting (deleting all data) from the specified drive, in our case it is a flash drive, even if you have already formatted it in advance. It is for this reason that the flash drive should be empty and not contain important data. After the user agrees to create a bootable USB flash drive, you will have to wait a few more minutes, usually up to ten. And now, after the program has finished running, you will receive a completely ready flash drive for use and installation of the operating system on another device.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive using a DVD disc

It often happens that the user may have a disk with Windows in his hands that needs to be installed on a laptop that does not have a disk drive. However, there is a desktop PC that already has a disk drive. And again UltraIso comes to the rescue, because using it you can create a bootable USB flash drive directly from the disk. And so to create it using a DVD you need almost the same as for previous method. Namely:

  1. DVD with operating system.
  2. UltraIso installed on your computer.
  3. A flash drive with requirements similar to those for a flash drive in the first option.

First of all, launch the program and select “File” again. But this time we next select the function not just “Open”, but “Open CD/DVD”, after which the user is only required to provide the path to the drive with the disc containing the operating system inserted into it.

After which the actions are repeated with the first method one to one. We will again need to select the “Boot” function, after which we will need to select “Burn hard disk image.” Then we agree again full formatting flash drive and click “Burn”. After a short time, we receive a flash drive ready for use.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive without images

The last method, although very rarely used, due to its non-typical nature, also has a place. Sometimes it happens that the user has neither a DVD with the operating system nor the usual ISO image, but there is a distribution kit that has everything necessary files to install Windows. In this situation, you need to use UltraIso again. After all, with the help of it it is possible to make a bootable USB flash drive from regular files. And again you will need an empty flash drive of eight gigabytes.

Launch UltraIso, as always, select “File” and click on “New”. Then we click on “Bootable CD/DVD image” and the user will be prompted to select a download file. This is the "bootfix.bin" file, which is located in the "boot" folder (for Windows 7 and above). After this, you need to transfer the data from the folder with the operating system distribution to an empty field. Sometimes it happens that at this stage the red “New image is full” indicator lights up. In this case, you need to click on it and select the size of 4.7 gigabytes (the volume is equal to a DVD disc). Further actions completely repeat the actions in the first two cases. Having done them, you will need to wait a few minutes, and the bootable flash drive is ready.

At this point, the main methods of creating a bootable flash drive via UltraIso have exhausted themselves. There are also other ways, but usually these should be enough.


Every year, regular CDs or DVDs are becoming less popular, they have long been replaced by external hard disks, USB drives and memory cards. In connection with this, manufacturers of laptops and computers have begun to equip their devices with built-in drives less and less.

This in turn causes a number of problems, such as when Windows needs to be installed. In this regard, many programs have been developed that can write an image of Windows 7, 10 to a USB flash drive.

These include UltraISO, distributed in two versions: free and paid. Let's look at it in more detail and create our first bootable USB flash drive.

Before you start

Before you start working with the utility, you need to download it in Russian or any other language convenient for you from official website by clicking on the green “Download” button. In most cases, the free option is sufficient.

I do not recommend downloading the utility from torrents, file hosting sites and other dubious services. Since there is a possibility of catching a virus that can not only destroy your current system, but will also be installed by default with the new one ISO image ohm

Once the download is complete, run the downloaded “EXE” file and complete the installation.

Also, first download the required ISO distribution of the operating system.

Create a bootable USB flash drive using UltraISO

Now, after you have installed the program, run it as an administrator by right-clicking on it. This will help get rid of further possible problems.

Then follow following instructions for working with UltraISO:

  1. In the top menu, click on the “File” button and select “Open”. You can also use the hotkeys “Ctrl+O”.
  2. Select the Windows image that you want to burn to the USB flash drive and click “Open”. Make sure that it is located on one of the hard drive partitions, and not on a USB drive.
  3. A structure with all the files will be displayed, but by and large it is not important to us, so we move on.
  4. In the top menu, move to the “Bootboot” section and click “Burn ...”. Each version of the application may have its own translation, and therefore the names of the items may differ slightly. Be sure to take this point into account and, if necessary, look for similar item names.
  5. In the “Disk Drive” column, select the USB drive and click the “Format” button.
  6. In a new window as file system set “FAT32”, leave all other options intact and click “Start”. Please understand that the formatting process will delete all data located on the USB drive, so first save all important information in the other place.
  7. After formatting is completed, close this window.
  8. In the main window, set the recording method to “USB-HDD+”, without changing all other parameters, click “Record”.
  9. Confirm the action by clicking the “Yes” button.
  10. After this, UltraISO will begin creating a bootable USB flash drive, wait until the process completes. Usually it lasts 5-30 minutes, it all depends on the speed of the drive and the USB port to which it is connected.

After UltraISO has successfully completed burning Windows image, you can close the application and proceed to installation.

By the way, some users simply extract all the files from the ISO image using an archiver and transfer them to a flash drive. I would like to point out right away that this method does not work and you will not be able to boot from such a drive.

The method discussed above is universal and suitable for all versions of operating systems. Therefore, with its help, you can also write a Windows 10 system image to a USB flash drive through the same UltraISO program.

Second method: when there is only a folder with installation files

If for some reason you don't have it ready boot image or CD with the operating system, but there is a folder with installation files Windows, then you can create a bootable USB flash drive using them as a basis.

How to do this using UltraISO:

After the process is successfully completed, you can restart your computer and begin installing the system.

Third method: when there is only a boot disk

And the last third option will be useful when you have an installation CD with Windows system. In this case, you can make a bootable USB flash drive using UltraISO using it as a basis. In this case, you will not need to create a separate ISO image of this disk, which will significantly save time.

Detailed instructions:

Upon completion of the process, you will receive a drive completely ready for use.

What problems might you encounter?

Usually the process of working with the UltraISO utility goes smoothly, but in some cases problems and additional questions may arise. Let's look at the main ones.

  1. Can't create bootable USB flash drive Windows distribution XP. The solution would be to use the WinSetupFromUSB utility or rollback current date in BIOS 10 years ago. After installation, you can return the current date.
  2. Volume decreased USB media or it is recognized as a CD-ROM. In this case, formatting using the “ImageUSB” utility, which I discussed at the very end of the article about.
  3. Some users try to record several distributions at once, unfortunately, this is impossible to do.
  4. The program freezes or the recording process freezes. Most likely the problem is on the side USB storage, check its functionality.
  5. Sometimes there is a need to create a multiboot USB flash drive with a large set of utilities. In UltraISO, there is only one way to make such a drive - to burn a ready-made multiboot image. But you won’t be able to create it yourself. The WinSetupFromUSB utility can help here.

I tried to write the most detailed article possible, I hope that I succeeded and that you now know how to use the Ultra ISO program and can independently apply it in different situations.

If you have additional questions, ask them, I will help as best I can.

Detailed video instructions