iPhone 6 plus phone parameters. Information about the make, model, and alternative names of the specific device, if available.

iPhone, one of the most iconic products Apple, has changed a lot this year. The one and only, special, original suddenly ceased to be so. Now there are two of them and you will have to choose which one to buy. The task, I will say right away, is not an easy one, and if you think that you will pick up both new products and immediately understand everything, I have to disappoint you - it’s difficult to decide. On the one hand, an iPhone with ideal proportions, on the other, an iPhone for ideal content consumption. Let's try to choose?

Before the full review, watch our short video of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus - short and most important. Enjoy watching:

Design: iPhone 2G is alive!

Appearance of two last generations The iPhone, to put it mildly, has become boring. Yes, the iPhone 5s looks like a jewel with polished edges, but I’ve been wanting something new for a long time. And we know that the new is the well-forgotten old, which is why the iPhone 6 in your hands is so reminiscent of Apple’s first smartphone.

Rounded edges, a solid piece of aluminum and a comfortable fit in the hand. I’m talking now about both models - iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, since they are identical in design, the only differences are in size and in some hardware.

The new iPhone could be a real revelation for me, because I've always wanted a true smartphone of the future - a stylish, but no-frills slab of aluminum and glass. This is what the new product would have turned out like if someone in Apple's design department had pulled back Jony Ive when he came up with the design of the antenna module in the iPhone 6. The lines you see on back cover, look mediocre. And using the example of thin and neat stripes on the back cover of the Taiwanese flagship HTC One The M8 is even a bit sloppy and it’s strange. Nevertheless, you can get used to this feature (controversial, by the way, this is a matter of taste).

After two days of use, the iPhone 6 already seems familiar. Eyes are already refusing to look at the 4-inch display, hands are reaching for the thin body and fingers want to run across the glass of the new smartphone again. Its edges are slightly rounded, so the gadget looks and feels like a monolithic piece made of correct materials.

The only caveat is that it is slippery, so I recommend that you think about buying a cover in advance. It seems that Apple accessories are just the thing.

Other noticeable external changes include separate volume control buttons, which are now recessed into the body and can be pressed incredibly clearly. Same shape Power button moved from the top edge to the right side. The thumb of the right hand or the index finger of the left hand rests directly on it. For the first few hours, of course, you continue to fumble around the top edge in search of a button, but over time everything falls into place - this is the only place where you can comfortably reach with your finger and lock/unlock the device.

Regarding the protruding camera module. He didn't bother me at all. Yes, it's noticeable, but the iPhone lies flat on the table and doesn't wobble when you press it on one side. Maybe there is still a minimal, almost imperceptible movement, but in normal use you don’t notice it. I tried to pry at the module with my fingernail, but nothing came of it.

Screens: Steve was wrong

iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6 and iPhone 5s

Immediately after the release of the iPhone 4 (3.5-inch screen), Steve Jobs commented at a press conference on the situation with smartphones equipped with large screens:

It is impossible to control them with your hands, no one will buy them. They're just like Hummer SUVs.

Four years later, his successor Tim Cook introduces two new SUVs. One - with a large screen, the second - with a huge one.

The screens of the new iPhones have been greatly increased in size compared to previous models. This is striking when you pick up the iPhone 6, and probably shocking when the iPhone 6 Plus falls like a shovel on your fingers. The awkward “hmmm-hmm” quickly changes into surprise - the quality of the display and pictures on them are head and shoulders above those of the iPhone 5s.

The display displays colors perfectly, they are natural - not dull or violently burnt, as in Super Amoled screens, which Samsung is actively promoting in Galaxy smartphones. Viewing angles, I think, are the maximum possible. Just imagine that you turn your iPhone towards you, and the text on the screen remains perfectly readable. Yes, thanks to the new polarizer film in the iPhone 6/6 Plus, the display behaves much better in the sun than the iPhone 5s.

With the screen of the iPhone 6 Plus, the situation is exactly the same as with the iPhone 6. If you do not take into account that its dimensions will seem extremely large for the user of the “five”. The iPhone seems very unusual with such a screen and, it seems to me, that’s what Apple intended. This is practically a new device that can “eat” some users iPad mini and launch the process, predicted by many, of turning iPad tablets into full-fledged computers with touch screens.

  • iPhone 6: 4.7 inches, 1334×750 pixels
  • iPhone 6 Plus: 5.5 inches, 1920x1080 pixels

Is a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels enough for a 5.5-inch screen? With your head. And don’t believe those who recommend urgently switching to QuadHD displays, which are already available in some Android smartphones - LG G3 and Samsung Galaxy Note 4. The human eye can only distinguish pixels at up to 300 ppi, while in the iPhone 6 Plus it is as much as 401 pixels per inch. The performance race has never led to anything good. The iPhone against the backdrop of top Android gadgets is a striking example of this.

Iron: simply better

Talk about technical specifications not accepted in the world of Apple mobile devices. Where have you heard users of different generations of iPhones talk about processors? random access memory and, excuse me, overclocking? But you want this, right? Then here is a comparison of two smartphones in the Geekbench iOS application to calculate processor speed:

Yes, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are currently the most powerful smartphones Apple companies that it has ever created. They run on the same new processor Apple generation A8 with a clock speed of only (as for modern world smartphones) 1.4 GHz. Feel free to add the M8 coprocessor here, which helps you clearly count the number of steps taken and calories burned. RAM - 1 GB, same as in iPhone 5s. But was it ever not enough? This isn't a Mac.

What's the result? My overall impression is that iOS 8 runs slightly faster on the iPhone 6/6 Plus than on the iPhone 5s. The difference is very small, literally minimal, but it is there. This is traditional Apple magic when you pick it up new iPhone, after which you no longer want to use the “old” one.

Yes, games load a moment faster, the multitasking menu with thumbnails appears in a second, but this is far from main feature new iPhones. Oh yeah, if you're confused iOS work on a 5.5-inch display with Full resolution HD, I will say that there are no problems. Both smartphones work almost identically, if you do not take into account minor slowdowns in literally a few games (Real Racing, this one is the most). This is an optimization question that developers need to ask. I played Asphalt 8, updated to work with direct access technology to GPU Metal, Modern Combat 5 and the graphics, I admit, were impressive.

Battery: powerful, but lacking in innovation

I’ll be honest, it’s not easy to understand in two days how the batteries behave in new Apple smartphones. No, it's not even possible. I can say one thing for sure - my iPhone 5s, which I have been using for about 8 months, has held its charge several times worse during this time than both new items that were lying next to each other. Yes, the battery in the iPhone 5s could get “tired” during this period of operation, but the fact remains that in the evening my smartphone lay down to rest with 0% charge, while the iPhone 6 had 30% left, and Plus, it seems, was ready to work even before lunch the next day. It had about 55% charge left. Worthy.

The numbers, which can be found on Apple.com, speak for themselves. The iPhone 6 can last 250 hours in standby mode, while the iPhone 6 Plus can last 384 hours in a locked state. The younger model will be able to show you about five films of medium length, the older one - all seven. The indicators are not bad, but not revolutionary. And I would like innovations in mobile batteries, but not this year, unfortunately. Nowadays mobile photography is in fashion and you will definitely like everything here.

Cameras: Where are my megapixels?

There is none of them. More precisely, there are as many of them as in last year’s model. And in the year before last, and even in the iPhone 4S. You were deceived, set up and pushed with outdated hardware at an exorbitant price. You are wrong.

iPhone 6

iPhone 6 Plus

Indeed, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus have an 8-megapixel camera with an ƒ/2.2 aperture, but with new lenses. One of the most impressive technologies in these cameras is Focus Pixels. This is a phase focusing system that seriously reduces focusing time when the camera moves. The principle of its operation is as follows: you take your iPhone out of your pocket, open the Camera application and begin frantically photographing several objects around you at once, abruptly changing the position of the smartphone. There is no additional focusing, it seems that the camera is reading the image around you immediately after you take out the phone. Forget tap-to-focus—iPhone now does it for you.

iPhone 6

iPhone 6 Plus

The quality of the images is at a high level, with a minimum of soapy scenes when photographing indoors, this is truly impressive. This is especially true for the iPhone 6 Plus with its optical system stabilization that can take stunning photos. If you have direct hands, you can create real masterpieces, print them and hang them on the wall.

iPhone 6

iPhone 6 Plus

Apple also worked on video quality. The cameras in the two new products can shoot FUllHD video at 60 frames per second, while slow-mo videos can now be made in two formats - 120 and 240 frames per second. Together with cinematic stabilization during video shooting, we get the most desired mobile video camera for a real video maniac.

iPhone 6 Plus Features: mini iPad mini

It’s not for nothing that I said above that the iPhone 6 Plus does not seem like just a new smartphone or the second model of this year. This is something new that may soon affect other Apple devices. For example, on the iPad mini. I sincerely don’t understand why a user needs a small tablet with a 7.9-inch screen when there is an iOS smartphone with a 5.5-inch display that is always in their pocket. It is simply created for consuming content in huge quantities - you want to watch movies, play action games and arcade games, surf the Internet through Safari or, for example, do video editing through the iMovie application. This is the ultimate gadget for active user, which is “on the brink”. That is, it is really huge for a phone, but at the same time it is so convenient during use. In addition, Apple took care of the pioneers and made some changes to iOS 8 that are only available on the iPhone 6 Plus.

First, it's landscape mode, like on the iPad. The desktop, icons, content - everything is in a horizontal position. This feature is activated in Settings -> Display and brightness -> View. Here we select the normal mode, where work in a horizontal position is available by default.

If you select the “Zoom” mode, all icons and text will become slightly larger. It’s promising, but it requires support from developers who optimize their software to work in this mode.

Another point is changes in the location of some interface elements in standard applications. For example, Mail and Messages have dual-screen mode enabled, just like on the iPad. This also includes the supposedly improved keyboard, to which the buttons have been moved quick access to the “Copy, Cut, Paste” functions, but they take some serious getting used to. It feels like the system is not perfected. Either the iPhone 6 Plus was released ahead of schedule, or it was simply overlooked.

Unlike other manufacturers of large smartphones, Apple has done a good job of making them more convenient. While competitors are introducing complex control schemes for large screens into interfaces, Cupertino is simply adding one, but useful function. Double tapping (not pressing) the Home button lowers the entire interface of any application so that you can reach the status bar with one finger. Simple and convenient.

There is also a problem with the display of some applications. No, I didn’t notice any pixels, but the software that looked normal on the iPhone 5s screen now looks strange on the 5.5-inch Godzilla. There is a lot of space on the screen, but the interface elements are stretched and look somehow awkward or even clumsy. I think developers are already aware of this nuance and are already reviewing the interfaces of their programs.

About the not so important: boxes and kit

Please note the changes in appearance boxes from the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Now they are completely white without any pictures, except for the model name on the side. The silhouette of a smartphone is embossed on the lid of the box. It looks unusual and unusual. With the kit, everything is much simpler - inside the box everything is the same as what came with the iPhone 5s: EarPods, Lightning cable, Charger and a bunch of paper materials with a “clip” to open the SIM slot inside.

What to choose?: instead of conclusions

iPhone 6

The iPhone 6 has changed a lot compared to previous models and is undeniably better. The most popular (and therefore the best, right?) smartphone on the planet has become even better, it is already flying off store shelves, it is being bought, recommended, and taken to countries where there is no Apple Store. This is a definite hit for the next 12 months. The screen is finally larger, but the smartphone is still easy to use, an improved camera, an NFC receiver with service support Apple Pay(doesn't work for us) and new design. I don't have a single word against you iPhone purchases 6. Except iPhone 6 Plus.

iPhone 6 Plus

For the first time in the history of the iPhone, we have to choose between two iPhones - a powerful one and a second powerful new product, but with a larger screen. The latter has its own charisma, it attracts with its unusualness and magnificent screen, which in any case will always be with you. It is indeed very difficult to choose, but I can recommend something to you. Don’t even hope to come to the store and make a choice right away - it’s impossible!

iPhone 6 Plus has become the most big smartphone Apple at the time of its appearance on the market. Among its main competitors, the company was almost the last to develop its own phablet model (from the English phone “telephone” and tablet “tablet”). It was assumed that these devices will expand the scope of use of the phone, since their functionality is close to that of tablets. To achieve this goal, the phone needed powerful internal hardware and a wide display. The creators of the iPhone 6 Plus mainly worked on these areas.

iPhone 6 Plus Specifications

This model has the following parameters:

    • Apple A8 SoC @1.4 GHz (2 cores, 64-bit ARMv8-A architecture)
    • Apple M8 motion coprocessor (includes accelerometer, gyroscope and compass)
    • GPU PowerVR GX6650 or GX6450
    • RAM 1 GB
    • Flash memory 16/64/128 GB
    • Map support microSD memory absent
    • Operating system iOS 8.0
    • Touch display IPS, 5.5″, 1920×1080 (401 ppi), capacitive, multi-touch
    • Cameras 8 megapixels with a pixel size of 1.5 microns, optical stabilization and aperture ƒ/2.2 (shooting Full HD video 30 or 60 fps) and 1.2 megapixels with aperture ƒ/2.2 (video shooting - 720p)
  • Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n/ac (2.4 and 5 GHz)
  • Communication: GSM, CDMA, 3G, EVDO, HSPA+, LTE
  • Bluetooth 4.0
  • 3.5 mm headphone and microphone jack, Lightning
  • Li-polymer battery 2915 mAh (estimated)
  • GPS, A-GPS, Glonass, iBeacon positioning technology support
  • Compass
  • Dimensions 158×78×7.1 mm
  • Weight 172 g

It is not very different from the previous model, which is easy to see from the table below.

Apple iPhone 6 Plus Apple iPhone 6


4.7″, IPS, 1334×750, 326 ppi

SoC (processor)

Apple A8 @1.4 GHz (2 cores, 64-bit ARMv8-A architecture)


PowerVR GX6650 or GX6450* PowerVR GX6650 or GX6450*

Flash memory

16/64/128 GB 16/64/128 GB


Lightning dock connector, 3.5mm headphone jack

Memory card support

No No


1 GB 1 GB


rear (8 MP; 1080p video recording) and front (1.2 MP; 720p video recording and transmission)

LTE support

There is There is

Battery capacity (mAh)

2915* 1810*

operating system

Apple iOS 8 Apple iOS 8

Dimensions (mm)**

158×78×7.1 138×67×6.9

Weight (g)

172 129

Contents of delivery

The standard set supplied with the purchase of this device includes:

  • Telephone
  • Charger with USB cable (5V, 1A)
  • Instructions
  • SIM Card Clip
  • Wired stereo headset

iPhone 6 Plus performance

When the new model hit the market, it became Apple's flagship in the phablet segment. But many competitors already had their own examples of similar devices. The main rival of the iPhone 6 Plus on the market has become samsung smartphone Galaxy Note 4, with which they compared new Apple product in numerous articles and video reviews. At that time, in many technical characteristics, functionality and performance, the newly released smartphone was inferior to the Galaxy Note 4. True, loyal fans of the company are more inclined to compare Apple products with each other than with the products of its competitors. From this point of view, the phablet was an undoubted achievement and was enthusiastically received by users.

The performance increase was achieved in the new smartphone using different technical means, namely:

  • A system that controls the temperature and frequency of the processor, which ensures high performance even if the phone gets hot;
  • Increased chip speed;
  • Higher process technology in the new Apple A8 processor.

Otherwise, the processor characteristics remained virtually unchanged, which might seem strange if the device was positioned as a “small tablet.” The A8 processor remained dual-core; a simple coprocessor was added to it to perform not very important tasks, which reduced energy costs. When using standard applications and simple programs, the phone works quite quickly, nothing freezes. But games on this smartphone model and heavy programs can slow down.

Such problems, to some extent, in the first months of the smartphone’s existence could be associated with the imperfection of the iOS 8 operating system. In newer ones iOS versions There are fewer freezes. Unfortunately, application developers are not very actively interacting with this yet. operating system. Not all programs can be run on Apple products, since the creators of many of them do not adapt them to the company's operating system.

RAM also has not increased compared to the previous model (its volume is 1 GB; most competitors at the time of the device’s release started at 3 GB). As a result, 6th generation Apple smartphones turned out to be not always ready for implementation complex functions, although for use as a regular iPhone, as its predecessors were, it has become more convenient. In addition, this is the first generation of smartphones that support the contactless payment system Apple Pay.

iPhone 6 Plus Screen Specifications

Most of the innovations in the new iPhone concerned the display. Screen size is one of the main characteristics of the iPhone 6 Plus that attracted the attention of buyers. Sales in the first days were record high.

Externally, the iPhone 6 Plus, compared to the latest iPhone 5S model at that time, looks almost the same, with the exception of the size and more rounded corners. The design differences between both smartphones are minimal. The phone still looked very restrained, strict and at the same time stylish.

The thickness parameter has increased slightly (during the presentation of the device they tried to smooth it out with the help of lighting, which caused a small scandal). The diagonal of the iPhone 6 Plus was 5.5 inches, which became a record for Apple (the screen size of the iPhone 6 released along with it was also increased compared to the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5 to 4.7 inches).

The size of the device, in addition to its positive aspects, also had disadvantages: for example, using a smartphone with one hand due to the smooth surface and big size display became not very convenient. This problem was partly solved by the fact that when you press it twice quickly, the display seemed to slide down so that you could reach the functions and applications located at the top. In addition to the display diagonal, we can highlight the following screen characteristics that distinguish the iPhone 6 Plus:

  • RetinaHD display resolution is 1920 x 1080. This parameter has not undergone any significant changes, and some of Apple's competitors have phablets with a higher screen resolution.
  • Display brightness – up to 500 cd/m2.
  • Viewing angles – at any angle and lighting, the image is clearly readable, remains bright and clear.

In general, there are practically no complaints about the display characteristics of the new smartphone. To use the phone for any purpose, this screen resolution should be enough so that the user does not feel discomfort when reading, watching videos and images.

Other characteristics

Among the advantages of the phablet one can also note good battery, which is enough for a whole day of active use. If you use your phone moderately, it may be enough to fully charge the battery once every two days.

The smartphone's camera has also become the cause of some dissatisfaction among users, since despite the already rather large dimensions of the device, it protrudes slightly above the body. In everyday use this is not too noticeable. There are no fundamental differences from previous generations in its technical characteristics. New is the optical image stabilization function.

It made it possible to compensate for the effect of hand tremors when taking photographs. With the help of optical stabilization, the picture is clear. The camera module supports the ability to shoot 1080p video at 30 and 60 frames per second. There are several shooting modes, including slow motion. When photographing in normal mode, auto-tuning works quite well.

If you're wondering if the iPhone 6 Plus is worth buying, given that there are later ones iPhone models 6S Plus and iPhone 6S, first decide on the purpose of using the device. We can say that if there are no increased requirements for the performance and power of a smartphone, then if desired, you can take advantage of the relatively low price. Subsequent versions differ favorably in that they practically do not slow down when working with complex applications and programs and are much more functional.
✅ Buy iPhone 6 Plus original
You can find many on the Internet detailed reviews and comparisons of these devices demonstrating them in action. You can familiarize yourself with them before making a choice.

Comparison with competitors

The main competitors of this device are the creations of Samsung (Galaxy Note 4) and Huawei (Ascend Mate 7). So that you have an idea of ​​the strengths and weaknesses of each device.

Apple iPhone 6 Plus Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Huawei Ascend Mate 7


5.5″, IPS, 1920×1080, 401 ppi 5.7″, Super AMOLED, 2560×1440, 515 ppi 6″, IPS, 1920×1080, 367 ppi

SoC (processor)

Apple A8 @1.4 GHz (2 cores, 64-bit ARMv8-A architecture) Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 @2.7 GHz (4 cores, Krait 450) or
Samsung Exynos 5433 (4 cores 1.9 GHz Cortex-A57 and 4 cores 1.3 GHz Cortex-A53)
HiSilicon Kirin 925 (4x Cortex-A15 @1.7 GHz + 4x Cortex-A7 + i3)


PowerVR GX6650 or GX6450* Adreno 420 / Mali-T760 Mali-T628 MP4

Flash memory

16/64/128 GB 32 GB 16 GB


Lightning dock connector, 3.5mm headphone jack Micro-USB (with OTG and MHL 3.0 support), 3.5 mm headphone jack

Memory card support

No microSD (up to 128 GB) microSD (up to 128 GB)


1 GB 3 GB 2 GB


rear with optical stabilization (8 megapixel; 1080p video shooting) and front (1.2 megapixel; 720p video shooting and transmission) rear with optical stabilization (16 megapixels; 4K video shooting) and front (3.7 megapixels; 1080p video shooting and transmission) rear (13 MP; 1080p video recording), front (5 MP; 1080p video recording and transmission)

LTE support

There is There is There is

Battery capacity (mAh)

2915* 3220 4100

operating system

Apple iOS 8 Google Android 4.4 KitKat Google Android 4.4 KitKat

Dimensions (mm)**

158×78×7.1 154×79×8.5 157×81×7.9

Weight (g)

172 176 185

iPhone Review 6 Plus – specifications, photos

Having used the iPhone 6 since its release last year, I recently traveled to the British Isles. He took with him the iPhone 6 Plus, which he had previously neglected, and discovered a lot of new things. His experience is interesting for those who are disappointed in the regular “six” and are thinking about replacing it, as well as for those who still have an iPhone 5/5s and have not decided which model to upgrade to.

Arment used an iPhone 6, but when traveling he needed a phone without a carrier to use with a local SIM card, so he had to choose between old iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 Plus, purchased for testing applications. He didn't want to be left with an inferior camera and a smaller battery, so he chose the iPhone 6 Plus. The following is a story from Marco's perspective.

What the iPhone 6 Plus is good at

  • Autonomy. In my use case I got an increase in time battery life by about 50-75%, compared to the iPhone 6, which had to be charged around noon, after which the charge lasted until the end of the day even with heavy use.
  • Camera. Optical stabilization effect iPhone images The 6 Plus is almost invisible when shooting outdoors, but makes its presence felt indoors, allowing you to lower ISO and, as a result, reduce noise.
  • Entering text. The keyboard's portrait size allows you to type faster and with far fewer errors than on the iPhone 6.
  • Screen size. Larger screen for reading books, browsing the web and photos. Not such a big benefit for me, given the current poor optimization of applications for such screens.

All of these factors combine to make the iPhone 6 Plus a surprisingly good travel smartphone. A capacious battery allows you to use GPS and mobile Internet as much as you want. Active use also promotes good camera, motivating you to take more pictures and send them to your friends.

During the entire trip, I never once regretted that I did not take my iPad with me, despite the fact that this did not affect my productivity in any way - I successfully solved all the problems that arose with using iPhone 6 Plus.

How the iPhone 6 Plus is neutral

After using the regular “six”, the iPhone 6 Plus no longer seems as huge as it did immediately after switching from the 4-inch iPhone 5/5s. After just a few hours he no longer seemed big to me.


As soon as you start using iPhone 6s Plus, you'll immediately feel how much things have changed. 3D Touch technology opens up exciting new possibilities - just one click away. And the Live Photos feature literally brings your memories to life. And this is just the beginning. Take a closer look at iPhone 6s Plus and you'll see innovation on every level.


Innovation isn't always obvious, but if you take a closer look at iPhone 6s Plus, you'll see fundamental changes. The body is made from a new alloy based on 7000 series aluminum, which is used in the aerospace industry. Glass iPhone display The 6s Plus is stronger than any other smartphone glass. And now a new color option is available: silver, gold and " gray space"hull added" pink gold".


IPhone 6s Plus offers fundamentally new way interaction with your phone - for the first time in its history, iPhone can distinguish how hard you press the display. In addition to the familiar Multi-Touch gestures of tapping, swiping, pinching and pinching, 3D Touch technology allows you to use Peek and Pop functions. For example, if you lightly click on an email, the Peek function will show a preview. And if you press harder, the Pop function will open it. And this is a completely new dimension in working with iPhone. Moreover, when using 3D Touch iPhone Provides tactile feedback so you not only see the results of your actions, but also feel the intensity of each press.


Everyone loves taking photos with their iPhone. In fact, it is the most popular camera in the world. Therefore, its capabilities have now been expanded. The 12 MP iSight main camera captures clear, detailed images and captures stunning 4K video at nearly four times the resolution of 1080p HD video. A 5 MP front-camera allows you to take great selfies. Plus, you now have the ability to take Live Photos that literally bring your most cherished memories to life. This feature records several moments before and after taking a photo, allowing you to view it in motion with one click.


This is a completely new word in photography. The Live Photos feature is not limited to one static frame, but captures a moment in motion. Click on a Live Photo and you'll see a loved one smiling, a wave crashing onto the shore, or a dog wagging its tail. Set a Live Photo on your lock screen and tap it to make the image come to life. You can choose any of your Live Photos as your wallpaper, or use a dynamic wallpaper.


The HD Retina display is more than just your iPhone's screen. This is also a flash for the front FaceTime HD camera. When taking a selfie, the pre-flash detects the light level and then fires the True Tone Flash on the display to optimally complement the ambient light. As a result, you get a beautiful photo with realistic color reproduction and natural skin tone. Retina Flash is based on innovative technology: Special processor increases screen brightness three times compared to normal state. So you can smile with confidence. iPhone 6s Plus is always ready to shoot.



IPhone 6s Plus is equipped with a custom-designed A9 processor with 64-bit architecture. Its performance now reaches levels previously only demonstrated by desktop computers. Speed iPhone processor 6s Plus is up to 70% faster than previous generation models, and the GPU is 90% faster, delivering instant response in demanding apps and games.


The M9 motion coprocessor is built directly into the A9 processor. Get more done and work longer with incredible performance and battery power. The M9 interfaces with an accelerometer, compass, gyroscope and barometer to enhance fitness data collection capabilities. With iPhone 6s Plus, you can measure not only your steps and distance traveled, but also your running, walking and climbing speeds. The M9 processor is exceptionally sharp and efficient - which is why, in particular, Siri is always on and ready to receive voice commands. To activate it, just say: “Hey Siri.”


Touch ID uses the latest fingerprint sensor to easily lock and unlock your phone. The Touch ID sensor remains as reliable as before, but is now even faster. It can be used to sign in and confirm purchases in apps that support this technology.


IPhone 6s Plus supports the 4G LTE Advanced standard, which allows you to almost double the connection speed compared to previous generation models. It also supports 23 LTE bands, more than any other smartphone. So you can connect to even more high-speed 4G LTE networks in different parts of the world. And when connected to Wi-Fi networks iPhone 6s Plus allows you to surf the Internet and download apps almost twice as fast.



Many apps, like Mail, Calendar, and Messages, have been optimized to take full advantage of iPhone 6s Plus's large display. Simply switch from vertical to horizontal viewing mode and your favorite apps will appear in a new way.

Information about the make, model, and alternative names of the specific device, if available.


Information about the dimensions and weight of the device, presented in different units of measurement. Materials used, colors offered, certificates.


Width information - refers to the horizontal side of the device in its standard orientation during use.

77.8 mm (millimeters)
7.78 cm (centimeters)
0.26 ft (feet)
3.06 in (inches)

Height information - refers to the vertical side of the device in its standard orientation during use.

158.1 mm (millimeters)
15.81 cm (centimeters)
0.52 ft (feet)
6.22 in (inches)

Information about the thickness of the device in different units of measurement.

7.1 mm (millimeters)
0.71 cm (centimeters)
0.02 ft (feet)
0.28 in (inches)

Information about the weight of the device in different units of measurement.

172 g (grams)
0.38 lbs
6.07 oz (ounces)

The approximate volume of the device, calculated based on the dimensions provided by the manufacturer. Refers to devices with the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped.

87.33 cm³ (cubic centimeters)
5.3in³ (cubic inches)

Information about the colors in which this device is offered for sale.

Materials for making the case

Materials used to make the device body.

Aluminium alloy

SIM card

The SIM card is used in mobile devices to store data that certifies the authenticity of mobile service subscribers.

Mobile networks

A mobile network is a radio system that allows multiple mobile devices to communicate with each other.


GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) is designed to replace the analogue mobile network (1G). For this reason, GSM is often called a 2G mobile network. It is improved by the addition of GPRS (General Packet Radio Services), and later EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution) technologies.

GSM 850 MHz
GSM 900 MHz
GSM 1800 MHz
GSM 1900 MHz

CDMA (Code-Division Multiple Access) is a channel access method used in communications in mobile networks. Compared to other 2G and 2.5G standards like GSM and TDMA, it provides more high speeds data transfer and the ability to connect more consumers at the same time.

CDMA 800 MHz (A1522)
CDMA 1700/2100 MHz (A1522)
CDMA 1900 MHz (A1522)

CDMA2000 is a group of 3G mobile network standards based on CDMA. Their advantages include a more powerful signal, fewer interruptions and network breaks, support for an analog signal, wide spectral coverage, etc.

1xEV-DO Rev. A (A1522)
1xEV-DO Rev. B(A1522)

TD-SCDMA (Time Division Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access) is a 3G mobile network standard. It is also called UTRA/UMTS-TDD LCR. It was developed as an alternative to the W-CDMA standard in China by the Chinese Academy of Telecommunications Technology, Datang Telecom and Siemens. TD-SCDMA combines TDMA and CDMA.

TD-SCDMA 1900 MHz (A1524)
TD-SCDMA 2000 MHz (A1524)

UMTS is an abbreviation for Universal Mobile Telecommunications System. It is based on the GSM standard and belongs to 3G mobile networks. Developed by 3GPP and its biggest advantage is providing greater speed and spectral efficiency thanks to W-CDMA technology.

UMTS 850 MHz
UMTS 900 MHz
UMTS 1700/2100 MHz
UMTS 1900 MHz
UMTS 2100 MHz

LTE (Long Term Evolution) is defined as a fourth generation (4G) technology. It is developed by 3GPP based on GSM/EDGE and UMTS/HSPA to increase the capacity and speed of wireless mobile networks. The subsequent technology development is called LTE Advanced.

LTE 700 MHz Class 13
LTE 700 MHz Class 17
LTE 800 MHz
LTE 850 MHz
LTE 900 MHz
LTE 1800 MHz
LTE 1900 MHz
LTE 2100 MHz
LTE 2600 MHz
LTE 700 MHz (B28)
LTE-TDD 2600 MHz (B38) (A1524)
LTE-TDD 1900 MHz (B39) (A1524)
LTE-TDD 2300 MHz (B40) (A1524)
LTE-TDD 2500 MHz (B41) (A1524)

Mobile communication technologies and data transfer speeds

Communication between devices on mobile networks is carried out using technologies that provide different data transfer rates.

Operating system

An operating system is a system software that manages and coordinates the operation of hardware components in a device.

SoC (System on Chip)

A system on a chip (SoC) includes all the most important hardware components of a mobile device on one chip.

SoC (System on Chip)

A system on a chip (SoC) integrates various hardware components, such as a processor, graphics processor, memory, peripherals, interfaces, etc., as well as the software necessary for their operation.

Apple A8 APL1011
Technological process

Information about technological process, on which the chip is made. Nanometers measure half the distance between elements in the processor.

20 nm (nanometers)
Processor (CPU)

The primary function of a mobile device's processor (CPU) is to interpret and execute instructions contained in software applications.

Apple Cyclone
Processor size

The size (in bits) of a processor is determined by the size (in bits) of the registers, address buses, and data buses. 64-bit processors have higher performance compared to 32-bit processors, which in turn are more powerful than 16-bit processors.

64 bit
Instruction Set Architecture

Instructions are commands with which the software sets/controls the operation of the processor. Information about the instruction set (ISA) that the processor can execute.

Level 1 cache (L1)

Cache memory is used by the processor to reduce access time to more frequently used data and instructions. L1 (level 1) cache is small in size and works much faster as system memory, and other levels of cache memory. If the processor does not find the requested data in L1, it continues to look for it in the L2 cache. On some processors, this search is performed simultaneously in L1 and L2.

64 kB + 64 kB (kilobytes)
Level 2 cache (L2)

L2 (level 2) cache is slower than L1 cache, but in return it has a higher capacity, allowing it to cache more data. It, like L1, is much faster than system memory (RAM). If the processor does not find the requested data in L2, it continues to look for it in the L3 cache (if available) or in RAM memory.

1024 kB (kilobytes)
1 MB (megabytes)
Level 3 cache (L3)

L3 (level 3) cache is slower than L2 cache, but in return it has a higher capacity, allowing it to cache more data. It, like L2, is much faster than system memory (RAM).

4096 kB (kilobytes)
4 MB (megabytes)
Number of processor cores

The processor core performs program instructions. There are processors with one, two or more cores. Having more cores increases performance by allowing multiple instructions to be executed in parallel.

CPU clock speed

The clock speed of a processor describes its speed in terms of cycles per second. It is measured in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz).

1400 MHz (megahertz)
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

Graphics processing unit (GPU) handles calculations for various 2D/3D graphic applications. In mobile devices, it is most often used by games, consumer interfaces, video applications, etc.

PowerVR GX6450
Number of GPU cores

Like a CPU, a GPU is made up of several working parts called cores. They handle graphics calculations for various applications.

Amount of random access memory (RAM)

Random access memory (RAM) is used by the operating system and all installed applications. Data stored in RAM is lost after the device is turned off or restarted.

1 GB (gigabytes)
Type of random access memory (RAM)

Information about the type of random access memory (RAM) used by the device.

M8 motion coprocessor

Built-in memory

Each mobile device has built-in (non-removable) memory with a fixed capacity.


The screen of a mobile device is characterized by its technology, resolution, pixel density, diagonal length, color depth, etc.


One of the main characteristics of the screen is the technology by which it is made and on which the quality of the information image directly depends.


For mobile devices, screen size is expressed by the length of its diagonal, measured in inches.

5.5 in (inches)
139.7 mm (millimeters)
13.97 cm (centimeters)

Approximate screen width

2.7 in (inches)
68.49 mm (millimeters)
6.85 cm (centimeters)

Approximate screen height

4.79 in (inches)
121.76 mm (millimeters)
12.18 cm (centimeters)
Aspect Ratio

The ratio of the dimensions of the long side of the screen to its short side


Screen resolution shows the number of pixels vertically and horizontally on the screen. More a high resolution means sharper detail in the image.

1080 x 1920 pixels
Pixel Density

Information about the number of pixels per centimeter or inch of the screen. Higher density allows information to be displayed on the screen with clearer detail.

401 ppi (pixels per inch)
157 ppcm (pixels per centimeter)
Color depth

Screen color depth reflects the total number of bits used for color components in one pixel. Information about the maximum number of colors that the screen can display.

24 bit
16777216 flowers
Screen area

Approximate percentage of screen area occupied by the screen on the front of the device.

68.02% (percent)
Other characteristics

Information about other screen features and characteristics.

Scratch resistance
Retina HD display
1300:1 contrast ratio
500 cd/m²
Oleophobic (lipophobic) coating


Different sensors perform different quantitative measurements and convert physical indicators into signals that a mobile device can recognize.

Main camera

The main camera of a mobile device is usually located on the back of the body and is used for taking photos and videos.

Sensor model

Information about the manufacturer and model of the photo sensor used in the device's camera.

Sony ISX014 Exmor RS
Sensor typeCMOS BSI (backside illumination)
Sensor size

Information about the dimensions of the photosensor used in the device. Typically cameras with larger sensors and lower pixel densities offer more high quality images despite the lower resolution.

4.8 x 3.6 mm (millimeters)
0.24 in (inches)
Pixel size

The smaller pixel size of the photosensor allows more pixels per unit area, thereby increasing resolution. On the other hand, a smaller pixel size can have a negative impact on image quality at high ISO levels.

1.471 µm (micrometers)
0.001471 mm (millimeters)
Crop factor

The crop factor is the ratio between the dimensions of the full-frame sensor (36 x 24 mm, equivalent to a frame of standard 35 mm film) and the dimensions of the device's photosensor. The indicated number represents the ratio of the diagonals of the full-frame sensor (43.3 mm) and the photosensor of a particular device.

ISO (light sensitivity)

ISO indicators determine the level of light sensitivity of the photosensor. A lower value means weaker light sensitivity and vice versa - higher values ​​mean higher light sensitivity, i.e. better ability of the sensor to work in low light conditions.

32 - 2000
Focal length

Focal length is the distance in millimeters from the photosensor to the optical center of the lens. The equivalent focal length is also indicated, providing the same field of view with a full frame camera.

4.15 mm (millimeters)
29.89 mm (millimeters) *(35 mm / full frame)
Flash type

The most common types of flashes in mobile device cameras are LED and xenon flashes. LED flashes produce softer light and, unlike brighter xenon flashes, are also used for video shooting.

Double LED
Image Resolution

One of the main characteristics of mobile device cameras is their resolution, which shows the number of horizontal and vertical pixels in the image.

3264 x 2448 pixels
7.99 MP (megapixels)
Video resolution

Information about the maximum supported resolution when shooting video with the device.

1920 x 1080 pixels
2.07 MP (megapixels)

Information about the maximum number of frames per second (fps) supported by the device when shooting video at the maximum resolution. Some of the main standard video shooting and playback speeds are 24p, 25p, 30p, 60p.

60 fps (frames per second)

Information about other software and hardware features related to the main camera and improving its functionality.

Tracking autofocus
Continuous shooting
Digital zoom
Optical image stabilization
Geographical tags
Panoramic photography
HDR shooting
Touch Focus
Face recognition
ISO Setting
Exposure compensation
Largan Precision Optics
Phase detection
5-element lens
IR filter
Sapphire crystal glass lens cover
720p @ 240 fps

Additional camera

Additional cameras are usually mounted above the device screen and are used mainly for video conversations, gesture recognition, etc.

Sensor type

Digital cameras use photo sensors to take photographs. The sensor, as well as optics, are one of the main factors in the quality of the camera in a mobile device.

CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor)

Aperture (f-number) is the size of the aperture opening that controls the amount of light reaching the photosensor. A lower f-number means the aperture opening is larger.

Image Resolution

Information about the maximum resolution of the additional camera when shooting. In most cases, the resolution of the secondary camera is lower than that of the main camera.

1280 x 960 pixels
1.23 MP (megapixels)
Video resolution

Information about the maximum supported video resolution additional camera.

1280 x 720 pixels
0.92 MP (megapixels)
Video - frame rate/frames per second.

Information about the maximum number of frames per second (fps) supported by the secondary camera when shooting video at the maximum resolution.

30fps (frames per second)
Continuous shooting
Exposure compensation
Face unlock


Information about the type of speakers and audio technologies supported by the device.


The radio of the mobile device is a built-in FM receiver.

Location determination

Information about the navigation and location technologies supported by your device.


Wi-Fi is a technology that provides wireless communication for transmitting data over close distances between various devices.


Bluetooth is a standard for secure wireless data transfer between various devices of different types over short distances.


USB (Universal Serial Bus) is an industry standard that allows different electronic devices to exchange data.

Headphone jack

This is an audio connector, also called an audio jack. The most widely used standard in mobile devices is the 3.5mm headphone jack.

Connecting devices

Information about other important connection technologies supported by your device.


A web browser is a software application for accessing and viewing information on the Internet.

Video file formats/codecs

Mobile devices support different video file formats and codecs, which respectively store and encode/decode digital video data.


Mobile device batteries differ from each other in their capacity and technology. They provide the electrical charge necessary for their functioning.


A battery's capacity indicates the maximum charge it can hold, measured in milliamp-hours.

2915 mAh (milliamp-hours)

The type of battery is determined by its structure and, more precisely, the chemicals used. There are different types of batteries, with lithium-ion and lithium-ion polymer batteries being the most commonly used batteries in mobile devices.

2G talk time

2G talk time is the period of time during which the battery charge is completely discharged during a continuous conversation on a 2G network.

24 h (hours)
1440 min (minutes)
1 days
2G latency

2G standby time is the period of time during which the battery charge is completely discharged when the device is in stand-by mode and connected to a 2G network.

384 h (hours)
23040 min (minutes)
16 days
3G talk time

3G talk time is the period of time during which the battery charge is completely discharged during a continuous conversation on a 3G network.

24 h (hours)
1440 min (minutes)
1 days
3G latency

3G standby time is the period of time during which the battery charge is completely discharged when the device is in stand-by mode and connected to a 3G network.

384 h (hours)
23040 min (minutes)
16 days

Information about some additional characteristics of the device's battery.


Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)

The SAR level refers to the amount of electromagnetic radiation absorbed by the human body while using a mobile device.

Head SAR level (EU)

The SAR level indicates the maximum amount electromagnetic radiation to which the human body is exposed when holding a mobile device next to the ear in a conversation position. In Europe, the maximum permissible SAR value for mobile devices is limited to 2 W/kg per 10 grams of human tissue. This standard established by the CENELEC Committee in accordance with IEC standards, subject to the ICNIRP guidelines of 1998.

0.91 W/kg (Watt per kilogram)
Body SAR level (EU)

The SAR level indicates the maximum amount of electromagnetic radiation to which the human body is exposed when holding a mobile device at hip level. The maximum permissible SAR value for mobile devices in Europe is 2 W/kg per 10 grams of human tissue. This standard has been established by the CENELEC Committee in compliance with the ICNIRP 1998 guidelines and IEC standards.

0.99 W/kg (Watt per kilogram)
Head SAR level (US)

The SAR level indicates the maximum amount of electromagnetic radiation that the human body is exposed to when holding a mobile device near the ear. Maximum value, used in the USA, is 1.6 W/kg per 1 gram of human tissue. Mobile devices in the US are regulated by the CTIA, and the FCC conducts tests and sets their SAR values.

1.14 W/kg (Watt per kilogram)
Body SAR level (US)

The SAR level indicates the maximum amount of electromagnetic radiation to which the human body is exposed when holding a mobile device at hip level. The highest permissible SAR value in the USA is 1.6 W/kg per 1 gram of human tissue. This value is set by the FCC, and the CTIA monitors mobile devices' compliance with this standard.

1.16 W/kg (Watt per kilogram)