Alternative browsers in Russian. Shiny things: a review of browsers based on the Chrome engine

Avant Browser – popular free browser. Implemented on the Trident engine, on which MS's Donkey also runs ;) Avant is distinguished by its simple interface and ease of use, combining ample capabilities, reliability and excellent performance. In the simple version it works on only one engine (guess which one), but There is an extended version on three engines (optional). Its features:
  • thanks to multiprocessing, the browser will not crash;
  • the browser uses a small amount of RAM;
  • When downloading files, the browser uses multithreading;
  • the ability to split the browser into two parts;
  • selecting a separate tab from the browser;
  • effect support Windows 7 Aero Glass;
  • there is “incognito mode”;
  • effective protection system;
  • autofill forms and store passwords in a protected form;
  • service Avant Online Bookmarks Service save your bookmarks;
  • browser control using mouse gestures;
  • blocking flash elements on the page;
  • and many others.
  • Surprisingly, this is far from full list its possibilities.
    Download from. site

    - a fast browser built using the free, portable Gecko engine, which is also used in the popular browser Firefox. CometBird is practically indistinguishable in interface from its more popular brother; it also has the ability to be expanded through plugins and modules, but has a number of characteristic features, such as the ability to download online audio and video, auto-synchronize bookmarks and have tools for checking new versions of what is installed on your computer. computer software and its fast loading.Its features:

  • auto-synchronization of bookmarks;
  • built-in tool for downloading online audio and video;
  • high page loading speed;
  • quickly open and close tabs with a double click;
  • the ability to open accidentally closed tabs (like in Opera);
  • download manager;
  • presence of an error console;
  • plugin support;
  • and much more.
  • Download from. site

    is a very fast, lightweight and truly customizable browser engine Gecko, developed Mozilla> and also used in Firefox. K-Meleon is Free software, open source, released under license GNU General Public License. It is designed specifically for operating systems families Microsoft Windows(Win32). What I liked:

  • the ability to customize the opening/closing of tabs, similar to how it was implemented in the old Opera;
  • tabs will open in background(finally!) and in order, and not randomly as in Chrome and regular Fox
  • works quickly;
  • built-in blocker of flash elements;
  • simple menu for setting;
  • existence of a regime private browsing web pages;
  • convenient viewing of the source code of web pages;
  • and much more (the browser really surprised me).
  • Download from. site free, no SMS or registration required.

    - unique Japanese a browser that can use any of the 3 render engines, namely Trident(based on Internet Explorer ), Gecko (Firefox) And WebKit (Chrome). The user can choose which engine to use (and the browser itself can suggest which engine to use on a particular page, or you can specify which engine to use for a particular page, which is very convenient for developers to check the compatibility of the code being typed with browser engine). Besides, in Support for RSS and podcasts is implemented, and there is also recognition of mouse gestures, the use of plugins and add-ons, and much, much more.Features of Lunascape:

  • quick switching between 3 motors;
  • recommendation of the best engine;
  • assigning the engine to sites;
  • protection against freezes when loading fails;
  • mouse gesture support;
  • support for plugins and add-ons;
  • the ability to change skins;
  • autosave passwords and texts;
  • import settings from other browsers;
  • utility for reading RSS news;
  • ability to block pop-up windows;
  • support for working with proxies;
  • and much more.
  • Download from. site free, no SMS or registration required.
    English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Korean or Japanese version is also free and without registration.

    - the coolest Chinese multi-window browser built on the Trident and Webkit engines. And this is not another clone from the Chromium family, but an absolutely independent browser! It has a huge number of convenient options and additional functions(from viewing all web pages in one window to auto-closing pop-ups advertising windows with help Ad-Hunter), designed to make your online journey really fast, safe and as comfortable as possible. There is support for custom skins and plug-ins, the ability to work with external applications etc. It is also worth mentioning a unique feature in this browser - a resource sniffer: with it you will not need any external add-ons to download music and/or videos from YouTube, Contact and other resources from which special add-ons for other browsers usually cannot be downloaded. It has its own page screenshot, as well as support for mouse gestures. Tab synchronization built into the browser works incomparably and is 100 times cooler than in Chrome and even Opera. It is possible to install third-party add-ons, for example, for Contact and Facebook, and/or listen to online radio in the browser (despite the fact that they are all produced by Chinese craftsmen (even for Contact!), they work stably). In general, don’t be lazy, set it up the way it’s convenient for you - and you’ll forget what it is "always peeking and freezing (when installing large number add-ons) Chrome" :)

    Download from. site free, no SMS or registration required.

    Orca Browser - very fast, lightweight browser on the Gecho engine from FF with instant synchronization. There are many advantages - there are almost no disadvantages, one of them has ceased to exist relatively recently (the developers stopped supporting it in favor of the Avant browser, but Avant, in my opinion, is not so good).

    Download from [email protected] free, no SMS or registration required.

    Concerning "Sea Monkey", then it seemed to me that she was no faster , it's just that the interface is not so minimalistic. I think fans of Gecko browsers will 100% like one of these reviewers.

    Official Pale Moon website .
    Official SeaMonkey website .

    - a lightweight multi-platform Czech browser.uses the native control style of the Linux environment. And if, suddenly, you get tired of this view, or you have any problems, you can always change the current theme to another.combines bookmarks, stories and RSS feeds into one well-organized window.Thanks to the built-in RSS Reader, you can stay up to date with the latest news from your favorite sites. You can also import bookmarks from other browsers.If someone is tired of intrusive advertising on the Internet - already available with subscriptions against advertising built-in AdBlock with the ability to add your own filters.You can also now get fast access to your favorite website pages. Plus in built-in function of dragging bookmarks (as in Opera) and links (just drag a link and it will open in a new tab), as well as the ability to view the contents of tabs from the next one (done in a similar way at the Opera on Presto). Perhaps it could become a full-fledged replacement for those who used the browser Opera Presto, if it were more stable. But still - a very decent browser.

    Download from. site free, no SMS or registration required.

    SlimBoat Slimjet - a fast, multifunctional and stylish browser based on the WebKit engine. And what is equally important is not another Chrome clone, but an independent browser! As the developers claim, it is the use of WebKit that allows this browser to spend less time starting (and this is true), and also provides faster page browsing (also true). At the same time, the functionality and internal capabilities SlimBoat will delight the user with their diversity, allowing you to customize the browser to your liking without using additional plugins and extensions. At the same time, incl. in the settings, everything is very convenient, it won’t raise any big questions. The program is simple and intuitive to use; we can say that all the options are laid out on shelves, the layout of which is carefully thought out. Together with that reliability and security of using confidential data(logins, passwords) remains at a fairly high level. The version for Linux works especially well (on personal experience). Possibilities updated web browser :

  • built-in web form autofiller;
  • high-quality download manager;
  • full integration with the Muzzle-book network (Facebook);
  • ad blocker with memory retention;
  • grouping sites into groups with opening them all with one click;
  • literate automatic translation web pages and text;
  • displaying current weather in the main browser window;
  • built-in quick search and the ability to add your own;
  • Pop-up blocker;
  • kit various types design - for Windows, Linux and Mac;
  • and much more.
  • Download from. site free, no SMS or registration required.
    Because Slimboat, Apparently, it is no longer supported, the description remained the same, because the developers transferred the main features to the new product, and the link to download the web browser updated.

    Tor Browser is a completely free browser that provides absolute anonymity on the Internet through the use of a distributed network of servers, which is organized by volunteers from all over the world. You will be completely protected from outside surveillance of your Internet connection. Its capabilities:

  • no one will know what sites you visited;
  • complete protection from the provider, analysis services and spyware;
  • Your real location will not be revealed;
  • full access to blocked sites.
  • Download from. site free, no SMS or registration required.
    Of. Russian community website .

    Yandex browser - proprietary browser from the company Yandex, built on Chromium. Despite the apparent simplicity and similarity to its main brother, when studied in detail, the program is very different from Chrome browsers (the most modified one, in my opinion, is a browser from the Chromium family) and has a number of useful functions, such as, for example, faster loading of pages on a slow connection (based on Opera Turbo technology - I don’t know, maybe the Norwegians shared it?), the ability to quickly access the most frequently visited pages, the presence of a smart search string, reliable protection against viruses (thanks to built-in Yandex SafeBrowsing technology and the Kaspersky Lab system), integrated translator (nine languages ​​are currently supported, but are constantly being updated), easy transfer of settings and bookmarks from other browsers, etc. On the plus side: quite a lot for the Chrome browser. Among the disadvantages: if you have less than 2 GB of RAM, it’s better not to even install it, because it will gobble up all 2-3 GB of RAM and will not choke. Better put Opera or Slimboat.

    What's new in Yandex Browser from version 14:

    Download from. site free, no SMS or registration required.

    Download from. site You can do it for free, without SMS or registration.

    Buona fortuna! Download from official sources :)


    Hello, dear friends! Many Internet users, both advanced and not very deeply versed in the wilds of the World Wide Web, prefer to work with popular browsers such as Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari. This fact is a little puzzling, because... Alternative, no less high-quality and effective alternative browsers have long been presented on the global market for Internet products. How this happens and why the choice of users is so narrow will be discussed in the article.

    The essence of browsers

    The operating principle of browsers is based on an engine, which, in turn, modifies the content (digital images, documents) of web pages into an interactive picture on the screen. There are two types of engines: open source and closed source. In the first case, the code can be used by other programmers to develop their browsers; a good example is the engines Trident - Internet Explorer, Webkit - Google Chrome, Gecko - Mozilla Firefox. In the case of Trident, before using it for your own purposes, it is necessary to resolve this issue with the developers. As practice shows, many “relatives” of the above-mentioned observers have already proven their effectiveness and power.

    "Little Brothers"Google Chrome-a at the baseWebkit

    Google and Safari browsers are built on Webkit. It should be noted that Chrome has switched to the Blink base (an independent branch of Webkit) since 2013, and the developers of Opera 14 also used the same base. Nevertheless, the engine will maintain the traditions of open source.

    Comodo Dragon

    A browser that cares about user privacy. It can be safely considered one of the most secure browsers today, because... when operating, it interacts with a special SecureDNS server, which eliminates malicious resources and provides the ability to anonymously use the network.


    Almost the “twin brother” of Chrome, having a similar design, one engine, and a common development company. However, it still differs from it in the lack of automatic updating, does not interact with Flash player and some formats, and does not support the PDF format. And yet, the development of the browser does not stand still; the authors offer the latest “gadgets” and functions of Chromium, which are not yet presented in the mega-popular Chrome.

    Yandex browser

    A fairly conscientious browser with a whole range of offers from Yandex: mail, money, translator, and in addition to this, it can “boast” of built-in protection from Kaspersky, interaction with Flash and PDF, as well as the function of transferring settings from other browsers.


    Recommended for particularly active users of social networks, because... It is quite closely related to them: it has built-in social service buttons on the panels, and, which is significant, the user profile is stored on the Facebook server. However, due to rather weak development, unlike Chromium, further development of RockMeIt was stopped in 2013.


    A columnist with a serious past, at one time he left Trident for the Webkit base. It features the ability to change the design using skins, control mouse gestures, and block advertising resources. The functionality also includes: RSS feed, notepad, auto-update. Among other things, Maxthon stands out for its individuality, high speed and performance.


    It is an improved version of Chrome with a bunch of new “utilities”, originally from China. It has enviable functionality: built-in blocking of annoying ads, mouse gesture recognition, a convenient download manager, and an increased degree of security.


    A creation by Group developers, focused on social networks: Odnoklassniki, Moi Mir, VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook. It features a special interface, in order to avoid having to visit certain services again; useful information and all sorts of updates are displayed on the side panel. Amigo also integrates a wide range of offers from Rambler: mail, a search engine, and also has an anonymity mode and high data protection rates.

    Web browsers basedTrident

    Having a good Trident base, the developers still managed to create a slightly functional Internet Explorer, with a bunch of shortcomings. Other authors tried to correct this oversight, and in the end, what happened?

    Avant Browser

    Perhaps the best “brother” of Internet Explorer. It features regular updates, enhanced security features, has a block for pop-up banners and similar sites, puts little pressure on computer resources, supports an RSS reader, and a download manager.

    In addition, it works on one of three installed engines: Trident, Webkit, Gecko. Depending on the user's discretion, one of them is selected by default, the other two can be connected as needed, which ensures fast and accurate operation of the browser.


    It is similar in its properties to the “older” Explorer, however, it has a wide range of capabilities, including: the presence of the so-called. hotkeys for accessing certain resources, as well as a URL alias - the ability to replace the official page address with any selective word. In addition to these advantages, there is a convenient download manager and instant log cleaning.

    It is worth highlighting an interesting detail - the floating “G” icon, which can be installed anywhere on the PC desktop if desired. The advantages of this button are a lot of useful options and its constant working state, regardless of the activity of the browser itself.


    An interesting browser from Japan. Not only does this unique browser combine three engines, it is also able to offer special functions from well-known browsers in one design and the ability to display a specific site in one of the selected browsers. As for the interface, you can customize it to suit your tastes and needs, diversify it and decorate it with interesting themes, thanks to many special settings.

    It is worth noting that Lunascape only works on Windows OS, and is a rather difficult product for beginners.


    The design is fantastically reminiscent of its relative Explorer 8. However, like its previous “brothers”, it surpasses it in the quality of functions: it effectively blocks ads, has a translator, interacts with Facebook, has a convenient download manager, and auto-fills account forms. According to many developers, it is considered a worthy browser for Windows, however, in reality it is rather a pleasant addition.

    Browsers basedGecko

    This engine is an open product that supports cross-platform, leaving the possibility of improving various programs.

    Pale Moon

    According to many users, it is the best in the family Gecko, captivates users with its efficiency when working with the device, has a similar, but still special interface to Mozilla Firefox, as well as the presence of advanced functions. It is important to consider that it is installed only on Windows Vista, XP, 2000, 7, 8x32, 8x64.


    designed for high performance and acceleration of 64-bit systems, focused on speed, the latest versions of the browser use the Ecosia search engine.


    one of the improved branches of Mozilla. It has integrated BitTorrent, has the best download manager, supports all Firefox extensions, and works on Windows and MacOS operating systems.


    rather heavyweight brother of Mozilla. Its functionality contains all the features, most of which were removed from Mozilla Firefox, to make the latter more lightweight. With such a range of interesting and specific functions, the browser is slightly “limping” in terms of operation speed and processor load.

    This concludes the review. We have tried to collect the most relevant and fresh data about web products for you, all you have to do is make the right choice. Read us and subscribe to the blog.

    When it comes to choosing a browser, users tend to only go around the most popular programs: Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer. At the same time, most people somehow forget that both Firefox and Chrome are created on the basis of open source projects, which means that these programs can be modified. Dozens of programmers are successfully doing this, and the results of their work are often worthy of attention.

    Alternative browsers can attract users due to the presence of some built-in functions that are available in more famous products only after installing add-ons (or even not available at all), increased attention to security and speed. And sometimes, on the basis of a common base, completely unique products grow, which one cannot dare to call just another assembly based on a well-known browser. We will talk about four interesting browsers created on the Chrome engine in this article.

    ⇡ Torch Browser 23

    • Developer: Torch Media
    • Operating system: Windows
    • Distribution: free
    • Russian interface: no

    Torch is a fairly poppy browser that has three main differences from Google Chrome: button for quick posting on Twitter and Facebook, online video downloader and built-in torrent client. All three functions are accessible from the panel next to the address bar.

    There are many add-ons for Google Chrome designed to download online videos to disk. But the module integrated into Torch is one of the best. It not only makes it possible to save videos from YouTube, Vimeo and other video hosting sites, but also copes with downloading media content from Facebook and Vkontakte. In addition, using the Torch downloader, you can easily download videos from almost any web page that has an integrated flash player. As soon as the loader detects the presence of a video on the page, the Media icon becomes active. Just click on it and the video will download immediately, no questions asked.

    The torrent client integrated into Torch runs in a separate tab. Its interface is standard and its functionality is basic. In the client window, you can separately view active, completed and paused downloads, and monitor the speed. You can set a speed limit for downloading and uploading and quickly manage how to turn limits on/off from the client tab, without going to settings.

    The third feature that distinguishes Torch from the standard build of Chrome is the fast sending of links to social media. Once the page has loaded, the Share button becomes active. Click on it and you can see a message already generated to send to Twitter or Facebook. It will contain a link to the current site and information taken from its metadata.

    Torch supports Chrome extensions, so you can continue to modify it to your liking. Data synchronization using a Google account is also supported. True, users may be confused, since the settings say that logging in with an account will make it possible to synchronize data between Torch browsers. In fact, synchronization works great between Torch and Chrome.

    Compared to Google's browser, Torch is a bit behind the times - its latest build is based on Chromium 23 (the latest Chrome is based on Chromium 24). Another small drawback of the browser is the lack of support for the Russian language.

    ⇡ Maxthon Cloud Browser 4

    • Developer: Maxthon
    • Operating system: Windows, Android, Mac, iOS
    • Distribution: free
    • Russian interface: yes

    Maxthon is a browser with a long history. Ten years ago it was known as MyIE2 and was an add-on to Internet Explorer. But the modern version of the program uses the Webkit engine by default, which means it is also a relative of Google Chrome. However, it is a fairly distant relative - Maxthon does not use the Chromium interface shell, like many other web browsers. And in general, this browser tries to be independent in everything. For example, Maxthon has its own extensions, and to synchronize data it is suggested to use a Maxthon Passport account, and not Google at all.

    By the way, a Maxthon account is used not only to copy bookmarks, browser settings, passwords and other account data between devices. In the fourth version of the browser, which was released at the end of last year, several interesting features, related to storing data in the “cloud” (it’s not for nothing that Maxthon received the Cloud Browser prefix). So, having entered under your account, users can download files in the browser not to the computer, but to a remote server.

    You can then access them from any device on which Maxthon Cloud Browser is installed, be it an Android tablet or an iPhone. Between different devices You can also transfer text, images, links to websites, and in addition to this, the browser synchronizes open tabs.

    The interface of Maxthon Cloud Browser, although made in the style of Chrome, is much more sophisticated. And this is not surprising, because the default browser has a lot of different tools - from a tool for creating a snapshot of a web page to a sniffer with which you can quickly detect and download video, audio and graphics from sites. The sidebar displays icons for accessing extensions. By default, several are already installed, the rest can be found on a special website. Conveniently, with one click you can disable or enable all installed extensions.

    ⇡ Comodo Dragon

    • Developer: Comodo
    • Operating system: Windows
    • Distribution: free
    • Russian interface: yes

    This browser is developed by Comodo, which is well known for its security products. Although instead of the word “development” here, it would probably be worth writing “assembly”, because in terms of functionality Comodo Dragon completely replicates Chrome. There are very few differences from the original browser, and they all have to do with security.

    The most important feature of Comodo Dragon is the use of its own secure DNS servers to transmit traffic. Moreover, at the user’s request, traffic not only from Dragon, but also from all other applications can pass through them. Secure DNS servers automatically block access to sites that have been flagged as untrusted by Comodo's proprietary web threat detection network.

    Comodo Dragon also makes some changes that are not noticeable from the outside. For example, when working with the program, a unique user identifier that is generated in Google Chrome is not used. Using such an identifier, you can track a person on the Internet. By default, Dragon has auto-completion disabled. search queries and links that are entered into the address bar. Since using this feature sends a request to Google, it could also theoretically pose a privacy risk.

    Comodo Dragon also has an additional option to bypass the HTTP-REFERRER header, so that when you visit sites, information about where you came from is not sent. You can also enable it in your browser settings constant start V anonymous mode, as well as deleting cookies, browsing history and other data from sites each time you close the program. In short, thanks to these settings, incognito mode can be made the default.

    We also note the presence of two pre-installed extensions in Comodo Dragon. The first allows you to quickly post a link to your current web page on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, while the second gives you quick access to the Comodo Web Inspector service, where you can check whether the link is malicious - or not. Both extensions can be disabled or removed. All other Chrome extensions are also supported.

    ⇡ “Yandex.Browser” 1.5

    • Developer: Yandex
    • Operating system: Windows
    • Distribution: free
    • Russian interface: yes

    Not long ago, it released its own browser based on Chromium. Russian company"Yandex". In this product, developers not only added Yandex services to the panel quick links, A let's go a little further.

    In search of address bar All the latest developments of Yandex, implemented as part of the Intent Search program, have been implemented. Its goal is to create a search engine that not only answers a request, but helps solve a specific problem. So, for example, if you type “weather forecast” in the address bar, you will immediately see the latest information for your city. The same goes for exchange rates, information about traffic jams and other things. You can also get translations of words from English in the address bar (to do this, just type the word and add “translation” or “in English”).

    Yandex.Browser knows the popular names of many sites, so to get to them, you don’t even have to enter exact addresses in the address bar. There is also a function of so-called quick links in the browser. When you visit popular sites, links to their most popular pages are displayed in the address bar. For example, on the Aeroflot website these are pages from which you can buy a ticket and go through online registration; on the websites of online stores - a page with delivery conditions, a quick transition to the cart and payment.

    One of the signature features of Yandex.Browser is a button next to the address bar, designed to quickly go to home page search engine. True, with such a smart address bar, it is unlikely to be in great demand.

    Interestingly, Yandex.Browser also uses Opera Software technologies, namely the Turbo data compression mechanism, well known to users of Opera Mini and the desktop version of Opera. He works in automatic mode: If the speed drops below 512 Kbps, data compression is immediately activated. However, for security reasons, Turbo mode does not work on some types of sites, for example, webmail or online payment systems.

    ⇡ Conclusion

    Google has always managed to, as they say, unite people. Whatever project this Internet giant is involved in, it miraculously makes you believe in the success of the endeavor. We also believe in the future of Google Chrome. And although, as you know, there is no limit to perfection, as you can see, there are a lot of people who want to achieve it. And the more choice, the better for the user, since you can find exactly the web surfing tool that suits you in all respects.

    I love trying something new and interesting. The world is full of alternatives to popular and familiar things.

    Today we will talk about alternative browsers, with whom it is comfortable and pleasant to work. It turns out there are a lot of good and secure browsers, in addition to Chrome and the like.

    This article contains only my personal opinion, so the decision to choose falls solely on your shoulders. Not so long ago we already, now let's look at analogues of Google Chrome.

    Lyrical digression

    Have you ever thought about something far away? About something that is impossible to even imagine? About something that sits deep in your head and makes you tremble just thinking about it. Another crazy idea that I’m embarrassed to even tell anyone about.

    For example, could you ever imagine that there are other browsers besides Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer? Browsers unlike any other. Browsers are rogue. No one knows about them, no one likes them, but they exist.

    They live in their own wonderful world. A world of magic and enchantment in which everyone is equal. In a world where peace and tranquility are above base goals, become cross-platform. There is no envy or anger, and even the narrow-minded IE will feel comfortable and serene.

    I want to tell you about this magnificent world today.

    The wonderful world of unknown browsers

    Safe and comfortable. Has a blocker in its arsenal that will help protect you from spyware, viruses and other Internet threats. Besides the fact that he supports all modern web technologies, has more than 1,400 plugins to expand functionality and several filters to block unwanted resources - its interface is easily customizable and adapts to a specific user.

    In addition to everything else, it has: high-quality synchronization with Android devices, reading mode with font size adjustment and removal of distracting elements, cloud services for easy access to files, passwords, bookmarks from any device. It is perfect both for parents who want to protect their child from unnecessary information, and for professional developers who want to adapt the browser to their needs as much as possible. Works on Windows, Android and iOS platforms.

    It is no coincidence that the story about alternative browsers began with him. Within a week I plan to transfer all my laptops/tablets to it.

    Optimized browser analogue Mozilla Firefox for Linux. Support for most plugins developed for Firefox makes this browser easily extendable in functionality, but faster in performance than the original.

    Completely free and open source. This browser is suitable for all Firefox fans who suffer from its low speed.

    It is said to be a very popular item in Japan. But in Russia little is known about him. Probably due to the fact that in the list of countries you can choose anything, even Pakistan, but not Russia.

    Thanks to various plugins and settings, you can adapt Sleipnir to suit your needs, if, of course, it doesn’t scare you English language, or Pakistani. Although remotely, for some reason, the interface of this browser reminded me of IE8.

    It runs WebKit on both Mac and Windows, and if you believe the developers, it’s quite successful.

    At one time it was positioned as a weapon that arrived on earth from the future to destroy Google Chrome while he is still a child. But due to unforeseen circumstances, he turned down and drank himself to death. Now it's a piece of code kept alive by a handful of fanatics around the world.

    According to the same fanatics, it has some dubious advantages, parallel sessions feature, For example. This means that you can log into the same site under different accounts using different tabs. Great stuff for trolling. Works only on Mac.

    According to the developers, this browser has been downloaded more than 20 million times. They also say that this is a modern, fully customizable browser designed for comfortable work at home and at work.

    In this case, the developers are a little mistaken. Call this browser lightweight and simple language doesn't turn. Plus, for some reason, they refused it. Perhaps it was a temporary glitch, but still.

    The only obvious advantage, in my opinion, that this browser has is its engine. More precisely, engines. This browser combines as many as 3 engines: Gecko, Trident And WebKit. It is perfect for testing cross-browser layout and nothing more. It’s impossible to use it in principle, although people are different...

    In custody

    All alternative browsers described in this article have the right to life. I have already made my choice in favor of Maxthon and I hope it will become an excellent assistant for me. Subscribe to updates to receive fresh material from onjee on time.