What is a dead pixel? What are dead pixels and how to deal with them. Dead pixels: what are they, how to check the screen for dead pixels and how to fix the defect

When purchasing a laptop, monitor or tablet, we try to inspect the device as thoroughly as possible to make sure that it has no signs of defects. Alas, not all flaws can be identified by external examination. Some of them may remain invisible even if you look at them directly. These are just dead pixels - permanent black or one-color dots on the display. They can only be noticed against a plain background, so most often this defect is discovered by the user when money has already been paid for the product.

It is not always possible to exchange a defective device, which may be due to several reasons. For example, in devices of the second class according to the ISO13406-2 specification, up to 9 dead pixels per million, which means that according to the current law, you will not be able to exchange the purchased device, even if you want to. It is also possible that a defect will appear after the warranty period has expired. Fortunately, in some cases, dead pixels can be fixed on your own. But before we move on to considering acceptable methods, let's find out what dead pixels are, what they are, and what leads to their formation.

Unlike outdated cathode ray tube monitors, in which the picture was formed by constantly bombarding the inside of a phosphor-coated screen with electrons, in modern liquid crystal displays the image is formed thanks to liquid crystals that can change their position in space and thereby influence the properties of what is transmitted through them of a light beam. Liquid crystals in displays form what everyone is used to calling a pixel matrix.

Such a matrix consists of a set individual elements traditionally called pixels or dots. Each matrix element is controlled by its own transistor - Thin Film Transistor or TFT for short . Pixels, in turn, are formed by three subpixels, each of which corresponds to one of the three primary colors - red, blue and green. Mixing in a given order, they give the variety of colors that we can see on the digital image of modern monitors.

However, as it happens, at some point one of the pixels or the transistor that controls it begins to work incorrectly. As a result, a dot appears on the display, glowing in the same color. This is a dead pixel. The reasons for the appearance of dead pixels lie in the design itself. LCD screen. The lower the quality of the materials used to make the display, the greater the likelihood that dead pixels will appear on it. Their appearance can also be caused by too low or high temperature, as well as pressure on areas of the screen surface.

Thus, success in “treating” dead pixels largely depends on the nature of the defect. Some dead pixels can be fixed at home, while others require a completely special approach.

Defective pixels There are three main types and appear as:

  • Black dot on a white or colored background
  • Constantly lit white dot on a darker background
  • Colored dot on white, black or colored background

First type most often indicates physical damage to the control transistor. This is the most difficult case. Such a defect can be eliminated only in special laboratory conditions by replacing a non-working transistor. Also, the reason for the appearance of a black pixel can be the crystal stopping in the closed position. It is hardly possible to revive such a crystal. The same can be said about the white dead pixels that appear when the crystal is stopped in the open position.

Third type defect - colored pixels in most cases can be quite successfully eliminated at home. These are the so-called stuck pixels. They appear when, for some reason, a subpixel freezes in one position. So, to launch such a pixel, sometimes it’s enough just to “boost” it. This can be done using special programs or using the method of gentle mechanical impact on the area with the problem pixel, which will be discussed a little below.

The safest way is, of course, software. The most well-known utilities for restoring broken pixels are Bad Crystal, Pixel Repair, JScreenFix, ScreenFix Deluxe. All these utilities work on the same principle. A large amount of energy is supplied to the subpixels, causing them to “swing” and come to life. Externally, the work of programs manifests itself as a rapid change of colors. No additional actions are required from the user, you just need to run the program and wait a while.

In some cases, it is possible to restore normal pixel operation in 20 minutes, in others it may take up to 10 hours.

If you cannot fix frozen pixels using the software method, you can try acupressure on the screen. This procedure is performed as follows: turn off the monitor, take a cotton swab and gently rub the problem area in different directions. You don't need to press hard, just enough to create faint streaks. Massage time is approximately 20 minutes. Next, turn on the device and look at the result. This method has certain disadvantages. Firstly, there is always a risk of accidentally damaging the fragile layers of the screen, and secondly, it is not suitable for touch capacitive displays.

There are several reasons why a dead pixel appears on the monitor. This includes leaving the LCD monitor outside the typical rooms for such devices for a long time, for example, in the kitchen, where in addition to constant temperature fluctuations, there is high humidity.

We are no longer talking about the content of fatty vapors in the air, which penetrate into the devices and negatively affect their operation.

Mechanical impact on the monitor is a common occurrence when a finger is pressed on the matrix with excessive force. And many other reasons.

But you need to understand that a dead pixel may be present on a new monitor or laptop matrix, and for many models of such devices this is considered normal.

What are dead pixels?

You can see various types of dead pixels on the monitor, this is:

  1. On a black background, white dots are the first type;
  2. On a white background, black dots are the second type;
  3. Multi-colored pixels, green, red, purple and blue are the third type.

If we talk in simple language, then a dead pixel is a constantly glowing white or colored, as well as black dots that do not react in any way to changes in the color rendition of the monitor screen.

All of the above types are legalized by the international standard ISO-13406, which also regulates the permissible number of dead pixels in different classes of monitors.

Here, a lot depends on the model of the matrix used, so when buying an LCD monitor or laptop, be sure to turn it on and check for such problems.

This is easy to do by inspecting the matrix visually or using special utility, taking it with you on a flash drive to the store. We will talk about such programs below.

  1. First-class monitors are considered the best and a priori should not have dead pixels on them.
  2. The second class allows the presence of no more than 5 problem pixels of type III, no more than two failed pixels of the first and second types.
  3. The third class assumes the presence of no more than 50 defective squeaks of the third type, up to 15 of the second type and up to 5 of the first type.
  4. The fourth class allows the presence of 500 defective pixels of type III, 150 of the second and, accordingly, 50 of the third type.

Each pixel is based on a thin-film transistor, which controls the entire color rendering process at a specific point on the screen.

If this transistor fails, then we can observe a black dot on the screen and change something on program level we won't be able to anymore.

You can notice such a pixel only on light screens or where the picture is transmitted in white.

Therefore, as a rule, despite the fact that the black pixel cannot be repaired at home, it is rarely paid attention to, since it is the least noticeable and does not irritate the eyes.

Other types of dead pixels are called “stuck pixels”. They glow in different colors and are very annoying to the PC user, as they are clearly visible on the screen.

As a rule, it is these dead pixels that users of laptops, LCD monitors and other devices that use similar screen technology struggle with.

How to remove dead pixels?

Remove a dead pixel on the monitor, meaning “ stuck pixels", at home, there are three main methods:

  1. Software;
  2. Mechanical;
  3. Software-mechanical.

There are situations when defective pixels, during long-term use of the monitor, disappear on their own, but this is a very rare phenomenon and you should not count on it. Moreover, if the problem has arisen in the most visible place and interferes with work.

Software method

The method that is the most popular in solving our problem, as it helps in 80% of cases.

The principle of its use is that during operation special program The colors of the pixels located next to the broken one change at a rapid frequency.

As a result, a larger amount of current is supplied to the problem area, as a result, the defective pixel is gradually reanimated.

In each case, the recovery time for a dead pixel may be different, it all depends on the complexity of the situation and the program settings.

In the utility settings you can change the frequency of color changes and the period of its operation. In some cases, it will take from 20 minutes to 5 – 6 hours to solve the problem.

Programs for searching for dead pixels.

If you want to test your monitor for dead pixels, you can use a simple free utility IsMyLcdOK.

There are versions for both 32 and 64 bit systems.

No program installation required.

When you launch the utility, the following window will appear.

By following the instructions, you can quickly check any monitor, including the one you want to buy, for broken squeaks. The program size is about 200 KB.

Multifunctional utility for checking and testing monitors. It has many features, including checking for dead pixels.

It is very easy to use, so there is no point in describing its operation.

Programs for restoring dead pixels.

The most famous and one of the most effective programs is Bad Crystal. It is developed in three versions: Ultimate, Mobile and Primary, and accordingly has different functionality. It is considered one of the best software in this category.

At the moment, version 6.1.9 of BUILD 4061 is current, the official website of the program is z-drex.com. Here you can also read how to use the program.

You can also use previously released working versions, which are easy to download from torrents if you don't mind paying $14.99 for the rarely used Bad Crystal program.

Let's look at how the program works using version 3.0 Ultimate as an example.

After installing and launching the program, a window will appear with the ability to select operating modes.

If you have a trial version, then in this case only the CCM mode will be available. The efficiency of this mode will not exceed 55%.

The more efficient SMF and CFV modes work only in the paid version and ensure pixel recovery in 80% of cases.

The PPM mode is used for preventive work, which should be carried out after restoration procedures, at least once a month.

Having selected the desired mode, click “Launch”.

A window will appear that needs to be placed on the dead pixel.

By default, the program will run for 10 minutes. If the dead pixel does not disappear after this period of time, click Speed ​​Up and change the settings. It is necessary to increase the speed and running time of the program.

It is essentially a free Java application. To use it, you need to go to the official website jscreenfix.com and click on the “Launch JScreenFix” button.

You will be taken to a page like this with a square with moving pixels.

Move this square to the problem area of ​​the screen. By default the program will run for 10 minutes.

If the problem is not resolved, you can increase the running time of the Java application.

The program is free and quite functional. After installing and launching it, the following window will appear.

For example, 5 dead pixels were detected. Set the appropriate settings and click start.

Five flashing dots will appear in the upper left part of the screen, each of which must be placed under a dead pixel.

After 10 minutes, check the result. If necessary, increase the operating time and repeat again.

The UDPixel program also has other useful functionality.

Mechanical method

The mechanical method of restoring dead pixels can be used either separately or together with the programs described above.

The essence this method lies in the following:

  1. The location of the dead pixel on the screen is marked with any in a safe way, the monitor or laptop turns off;
  2. Take a toothpick and wrap cotton wool around it. Or you can use an ear stick or other object;
  3. Use this device to gently press the pressed pixel, scrolling it slightly. Don't overdo it with force.

After a while, turn on the device and check the result, repeat these steps several times if necessary. Please be patient, this may take up to 30 minutes.

If everything works, run one of the programs described above and enhance the effect.

Some people use the same method, but with the monitor on and in parallel they also use the program. But this method cannot be called safe, so we do not recommend it.

There is another way, using a stylus from a PDA.

To do this, you will need to very accurately position the stylus opposite the dead pixel, fix it in this position and turn off the monitor.

Do not press the stylus too hard against the screen and, without reducing the pressure, turn on the monitor again. When the screen completely switches to operating mode, remove the stylus, thereby removing the force on the dead pixel.

If the first time does not give an effect, repeat everything again by manipulating the force per pixel and the positioning of the stylus.

In this way we are trying to move the “stuck” pixel from its place and make it work correctly. In 80% of cases this can be done.

Another way.

This method can help in 20% of cases and this is a good chance to correct the situation in our favor.

Disconnect the monitor from all power sources - network, video card, etc. Remove the battery from the laptop, completely disconnecting it from power. Don't forget about the Internet cable.

Leave the device in this state for several days, for example, you went to the country for the weekend.

During this time, all monitor capacitors will be discharged 100%, and the residual current will leave the thin-film transistors.

When you turn on the device, there is a chance that the stuck pixel will work.

This also applies to objects with a large contact area.

Bottom line

As we see, a dead pixel in a monitor in most cases, with the exception of black, can be repaired at home.

Actions do not require much knowledge, the main thing is to learn how to use them correctly necessary software and do not overdo it with force during the mechanical procedure for correcting the problem.

But do not forget that the presence of dead pixels is also possible in new devices, so carefully check them for such a malfunction when purchasing.

The user consumes information through a monitor or laptop screen, so the presence of defects on it is unacceptable. The monitor itself is a fairly simple device, but at the same time quite fragile. The main trouble that a user may encounter when purchasing a monitor is the presence of dead pixels, that is, screen elements that are not capable of correctly transmitting colors. To avoid such a problem, you need to carefully check it when purchasing a monitor, and in this article we will look at how to do this.

Table of contents:

What is a pixel, what are dead pixels?

First we need to tell you a little theory. A pixel is the smallest part of the display that displays a picture. Depending on the display resolution and its diagonal, a pixel may be larger or smaller in terms of physical size.

Please note: Modern monitors can use several million pixels.

If one pixel or group of pixels is not working, the image on that part of the screen will not match the one sent to the monitor from system unit. There are several types of dead pixels:

  • Non-working. These pixels do not convey the image, and they are always black;
  • Stuck pixels. Most often these are pixels that are stuck in blue, red or green. They are not capable of working with RGB colors;
  • Constantly glowing pixels. These are pixels that are constantly lit in white.

Please note: Sometimes not just one pixel fails, but a group of pixels in a horizontal or vertical stripe, or “squares” of pixels, for example, 5 by 5 or 10 by 10 elements, are damaged.

Why is it important to check your monitor for dead pixels when purchasing?

When purchasing a new monitor or laptop, be sure to immediately check for dead pixels in the store. This is due to the fact that if you discover such a defect after purchase, it is far from certain that you can return the monitor under warranty. The fact is that there is a standard ISO13406-2, which determines the permissible number of defective pixels for monitors various classes.

This standard provides for the release to the market of monitors in 4 quality classes. Most best class– the first, the worst – the fourth.

Please note: Almost all mass-produced monitors are produced according to the second quality class, respectively, according to the standardISO13406-2 implies the presence of dead pixels.

According to standard ISO13406-2, the following number of non-functioning or malfunctioning pixels in monitors of various classes per one million pixels in the panel is allowed:

  • 1st quality class. There should be no defective pixels at all;
  • Quality class 2. No more than 2 permanently lit white pixels, 2 permanently off black pixels, 5 pixels with other defects are allowed;
  • Quality class 3. No more than 5 permanently lit white pixels, 15 permanently non-lit black pixels, 50 pixels with other defects are allowed;
  • Quality class 4. No more than 50 permanently lit white pixels, 150 permanently non-lit black pixels, and 500 pixels with other defects are allowed.

It is worth noting that the acceptable value of defective pixels does not mean that they are necessarily present on a monitor of one class or another. The quality class of a monitor according to accepted standards is determined by the device manufacturer itself. Depending on what class it determines, additional warranty obligations are imposed on it.

How to check your monitor for dead pixels

When purchasing equipment in a store, you always have the opportunity to check it right on the spot, and in a situation with a monitor, this definitely needs to be done. There are special applications that allow you to check your monitor for defective pixels. Programs are available, both standalone and presented on various sites.

The principle of operation of all programs for checking the screen for dead pixels is identical. The entire working area of ​​the display is filled with a single color, a group of colors or a gradient, which allows you to see dead pixels if they are present on the monitor. Let's look at the main programs and sites that can be used for such a check.

Programs for checking your monitor for dead pixels

If you buy a monitor in a store, it is better to first record one of the programs described above on a flash drive in order to perform an on-site test.

Dead Pixel Tester

One of the most famous free applications to check your monitor for dead pixels. To take advantage Dead program Pixel Tester required:

Among the program’s capabilities, it should be noted that the function of changing modes can be set to a timer; to do this, you need to check the “Auto Color Cycle” box and set the time in milliseconds. After this, the modes will change automatically.

Another feature of the program is the creation of a limited area on the screen with constantly changing colors. To create it, you need to click on the “Exerciser” button, after which the corresponding square area will be created. It can be dragged with the left mouse button. If there is any doubt that there is a dead pixel in some part of the monitor, this tool helps to verify this.


IsMyLcdOk is another application that does a good job of diagnosing dead monitor pixels. The program also does not require installation and can be easily downloaded for free on the Internet. The application weighs very little and works extremely simply.

When you first launch the IsMyLcdOk program, information will appear that describes what you should click to perform the test. To return to the instructions after starting the diagnostics, you will need to press F1.

To test, select the mode using the buttonsF2-F5. Among the monitor test modes available in the IsMyLcdOk program:

  • Check BitBlt MB/sec;
  • Painted rectangles;
  • Painted stripes;
  • Durability testing;
  • Vertical lines;
  • Horizontal lines.

Besides special regimes, it is also possible to simply switch colors or gradients.

Sites for checking your monitor for dead pixels

If you don’t want to download a program to your computer to check your monitor, you can use sites with similar functionality. Let's consider a couple of options.

Please note: Sites for checking the screen for dead pixels are convenient to use, for example, when testing tablets or smartphones.


A simple and functional service for testing your monitor for dead pixels.

To use the service you must:

To finish testing the monitor with the service, click on the house icon in the lower left corner of the screen.

Please note: ServiceMonteon, unlike the programs discussed above, has a mode in which looped video is shown. In this mode, you can check the pixel color refresh rate.

Vanity Monitor Test

Quite an old, but well-proven service that allows you to test your monitor. For this service to work, you will need to have it on your computer. Adobe Flash Player, which can be considered its disadvantage. To start testing, you need to click “HTML Windows”.

The choice of operating mode in the Vanity Monitor Test program is carried out through the drop-down menu at the top.

Treatment of dead monitor pixels

Dead pixels on the screen are not always a death sentence. In some cases, you can get rid of them and make them function normally again. There are several ways to do this:

If none of the above methods did not help restore the dead pixel, you will have to put up with it, or replace the monitor.

Dead pixels are one of the most pressing issues, often becoming the reason for heated showdowns with suppliers of LCD monitors, tablets and smartphones. Managers of fashionable stores often hasten to disown this problem, citing the regulations of official manufacturers. We will focus on what “broken” pixels are and how to deal with them one-on-one in this article.

Checking and treating dead pixels
Monitor, like Personal Computer, we buy for more than one year. But, unlike a PC, which can always be upgraded if desired, there is no way to improve the quality of the image using hardware. That is why, when assessing the functionality and picture quality of a potential candidate for the position of a home monitor, we approach the issue of choosing a model extremely responsibly, investing in the new product to the maximum and for a long time.

And now, all the accents have finally been set, a brand new monitor has been purchased and connected, it shows all the signs of life, it pleases the eye with image quality and color depth. You are, of course, happy with the purchase and everything would be fine, but something confuses you, distracts your attention and prevents you from perceiving the picture in all its fullness and entertainment. The gaze every now and then slides to a dark, light or colored point, which retains its color regardless of the image being broadcast. Well, introduce yourself, gentlemen, you are extremely lucky: before you is His Majesty “Broken Pixel”!

The image that we see and perceive on an LCD monitor as a single whole is actually formed from many clusters of dots called “pixels”. In turn, the entire color gamut can be achieved using only three subpixels - red, blue and green. In models of LCD monitors with an active matrix, each pixel is assigned an individual thin film transistor (TFT), damage to which will appear on the screen as a black inactive dot, which is called a “broken” pixel. And in this case, the problem can only be solved by replacing the transistor in the laboratory and, alas, there is no alternative here.

If you observe a light point on a dark background, do not rush to despair! Quite often, the reason for the appearance of broken subpixels is their “stuck” in some intermediate position, which outwardly manifests itself in the absence of their reaction to a changing picture. You can solve the problem at home, without fear of damaging the monitor, using software, or by performing some physical manipulations.

Why do it yourself if the monitor is under warranty?
An absolutely normal question that everyone asks themselves who has already become familiar with our problem, but is not yet familiar with the likely reaction of the store. It turns out that even despite the warranty obligations of the service, nuances and disagreements are very likely.

Defective pixels? - Complain to the Stockholm Arbitration Court!

The real reason for the dispute is the manufacturers themselves, who have officially established a tolerance for a certain number of “allowed” dead pixels on monitors of the relevant standards - ISO-13406 regulations.

In accordance with accepted tolerances, monitors are divided into 4 classes:
1st class - dead pixels are practically excluded, warranty repairs and replacement in case of detection are mandatory and carried out immediately;
Class 2 is the most common option, allowing for the presence of 2 defects of types I and II;
3rd class - budget models that allow the presence of 5 dead pixels of type I, 15 of type II, 50 of type III.
Class 4 - low quality monitors, allowing the presence of 50, 150 and up to 500 (!) defects of type I, II and III, respectively.

Type I - white pixel visible on a black background;
Type II - black pixel on a white background;
III type - red, blue, green pixels.

It becomes clear that despite the warranty, the annoying single white pixel in the center of the screen of a class 2 monitor remains your problem, and The best way to prevent such a situation - connect and test the display before payment or within the period available for exchange in accordance with the consumer protection law.

Checking the monitor
A visual assessment of the picture quality in the interior often does not allow one to draw an unambiguous conclusion about the presence of broken subpixels, much less determine the presence of moire, assess the readability of moving text, the response speed of the matrix and other significant parameters. And why, if it is much more reliable, easier and more efficient to check the monitor using specialized utilities that will allow you to obtain all the data in full, and most importantly, on time. Good choice free programs, allowing us to achieve our goal without spending any money, today is off the charts.

IsMyLcdOK - portable universal utility with a simple, intuitive interface allows you to check your TFT LCD monitor or LCD monitor with LED backlight for dead pixels.

The program does not require installation and runs on any portable devices and computers running the OS Microsoft Windows: Servers 2000/2003/2005 Win 98/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 x64/x86 from removable media. This will allow you to avoid unnecessary disputes with the store manager, who is not always interested in the test results.

Work menu available immediately after a test run of the program. Switching between testing modes is carried out by selecting the number keys corresponding to the description.

Program window

The program allows you to evaluate the speed of image processing, the refresh rate of the screen and stripes colored in different colors - rectangles. By tracking the alternately changing color and monochrome images and following the simplest instructions, you can accurately and easily detect dead pixels on reference colors, determine their type and quantity.

Available colors make it easy to find dead pixels or verify their absence

One of the most popular utilities in this category, which has advanced capabilities for checking the quality of an LCD monitor, including a test for the problem of dead pixels that interests us, as well as templates that allow you to evaluate parameters such as: resolution, moire, contrast, focus, brightness, readability text, geometry accuracy, color rendering and much more.

Program window

Using Nokia Monitor Test, you can test not only the image quality of monitors, but also video cards latest generation. The advantages of the program are the power of functionality, simplicity of the interface, miniature size of the distribution, the ability to run from removable media. To obtain all the data necessary for analysis, you will only need to move the left mouse button over the active buttons of the main screen menu.

System requirements: Servers 2000/2003/2005 Win 98/XP/Vista Windows7 Windows8 x64/x86. No installation required. The distribution size is 1.15 MB. There is a Russian version.

PixPerAn 1.011e
The developers of this program cannot be denied originality. Unlike more or less ascetic or, on the contrary, colorful static interfaces, here the key parameters of the monitor’s performance are checked on a dynamically changing picture. The utility contains a series of unique tests that help identify problems associated with the inertia of the LCD matrix. Among them is such a common one as multi-colored trails that appear when viewing a dynamic picture.

Program window

PixPerAn tests allow you to adjust the color palette, size and speed of movement of objects, while monitoring the response of the matrix, drawing speed and the number of dropped frames, processor load and screen parameters. The “game” test will allow you to play a fun, simple game with cars and identify the shortcomings of the image in the rapidly changing dynamics.

An original gaming test that allows you to evaluate image quality in dynamic scenes

Thus, by installing this miniature (68kb) utility, you get the opportunity to simulate on the display the conditions under which hidden monitor problems will appear explicitly.
Platform: Windows. The interface is in English.

All of the programs listed are absolutely free and do not require registration in the registry.
The patient is probably alive...

So, software diagnostics allowed us to accurately determine the presence, location and type of dead pixels. Let's assume that we are lucky, and the pixels that we see on our screen are among the “stuck” ones, that is, light ones.
Paradoxically, it is often possible to carry out an operation to “reset” the pixel into its place by massaging the injured area with circular movements. This should be done not with your finger or with hard and sharp objects, but with a cotton-tipped swab, gently, slowly, with the monitor turned off. And in order not to “miss”, mark the dead pixels detected by the program before you turn off the monitor.

Manual therapy or how to get rid of frozen pixels surgically

Repeat the rotational movements for two to three minutes, then start the monitor and appreciate the fruits of your labors. If there are none, repeat everything again. The method does not provide a 100% guarantee, but it increases the chances of getting rid of the problem many times over.

“Civilized” way
Unlike the first method, which requires some caution on your part, the alternative is programmatic method completely safe. The simplest way is to use specialized program, which deals with stuck pixels in a few minutes. You can launch it directly from the site by following the link: www.jscreenfix.com/basic.php and clicking on the Launch ScreenFix button at the bottom of the page.

After starting the program, you will see a window with flickering pixels, which must be aligned with the problem area. During the “shaking” process, the colors of individual pixels change at an increased speed, which at some stage allows the stuck culprit to “unstick” and return to working condition.

Jscreenfix program at work

As practice shows, in 20 minutes of work the program deals with the vast majority of problem areas. If the result is not achieved, the developers recommend leaving the computer in this mode for 5-10 hours. Note that cured pixels do not acquire immunity and with the onset of summer heat they have every chance of sticking again. In this case, it is recommended to repeat the course of treatment.

Well, now you are armed with the knowledge, and if necessary, you can deal with stuck pixels without the help of computer gurus and intractable managers. Better yet, use the acquired knowledge when purchasing by testing the monitor of one of the programs at the store counter, then the problem of “stuck” and fatal black pixels can be avoided!

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Dear readers, we remind you that you are reading the iCover company blog, the place where you can get good advice or expertise in the world of gadgets. And, of course, don’t forget to subscribe to us and we promise you won’t be bored!

Until recently, your monitor was perfect and new, the computer transmitted pictures perfectly, and watching videos and playing games on it was a pleasure. But then you notice that one tiny dot in any place on the screen is somehow not right. You try to wipe it off, remove it from the monitor mechanically so that nothing interferes with enjoying the graphics or special effects, but you can’t.

In this case, you are faced with a dead pixel problem. It has been known to computer scientists for a long time, and dead pixels have been appearing on monitors almost ever since the first monitors began to appear. The problem, although not a big one, is annoying because it makes the picture less than ideal, and watching something on the computer immediately becomes less pleasant. Fortunately, you can try to fix this yourself.

What is a dead pixel?

Without going into complex technical terms and explanations, a dead pixel is a pixel that has stopped producing the desired image and remains the same color all the time.

A pixel is a part of a computer monitor or other digital screen. It can be any color. There are sometimes several million of these pixels on a monitor. How many pixels is indicated by the number that denotes the screen characteristic. For example, pixels can be 1024x768. That is, on your screen there are 700 thousand of these small dots, which, changing color every second, depending on the processor commands, create a good picture with all the shades and details that were shown in the video.

If a pixel is broken, it means that one of the huge number of points is out of order and is incorrectly executing commands or not executing them at all. For example, a dead pixel can be white or black. Or constantly produce only one of the colors. Such a defect can be barely noticeable and simply annoying, but it can also seriously interfere with working at the computer if there are several broken parts and they are located not in the very corner of the screen, but somewhere in the middle.

A dead pixel can be a factory fault or an acquired one. Therefore, in order to avoid problems, you need to check the device for such defects from the very beginning. It is not a fact that the device will be accepted under warranty if you discover such a problem some time after use.

The fact is that there are classes of displays in which at the level technical characteristics it is assumed that there may be a certain number of pixels with a defect.

Types and types of dead pixels

Depending on the color of the defective dot on the monitor, you can understand what type it is and understand whether it can be cured or whether this problem cannot be restored. Here are three types of defective monitor components:

  1. White dot. This problem is also called “hot pixel”.
  2. Black dot. this pixel is also known as a dead pixel or dead spot on the monitor.
  3. Colored dot. Such dead pixels are obtained due to the fact that one of the subpixels of the main point fails and produces only one color. This problem is also called stuck pixel.

In theory, with your own hands at home without special equipment and knowledge, you can only fix the last type of broken pixel, when the dot glows with one bright color. In other cases, a serious repair will be required at a service center, as well as a complete replacement of the monitor if the problem is very serious and interferes with work.

Checking for dead pixels

So check the screen for dead pixels. This is an important question for anyone who does not want to purchase a monitor with an initial factory defect and have to deal with the fact that they will have to observe it all the time.

The question of how to check the screen for such damage arose among people immediately after they realized that dead pixels exist and that this can greatly affect the convenience of using a computer.

The entire test is a very careful inspection of the monitor and troubleshooting yourself, taking a closer look. However, there are some details to check. detailed instructions how to check the monitor:

  • First, you should thoroughly wipe the monitor from dust and other contaminants so as not to mistake a dead pixel for a dirty spot on the screen.
  • After this, you need to set the native resolution on the screen. It is optimal for viewing and allows you to take a good look at everything.
  • Then you should carefully examine the screen, turning on different plain backgrounds one by one. It must be black and white, as well as green, yellow and red. However, other colors and shades can be included for additional testing. In order to do this, you can simply download or prepare pure color pictures. You can also help yourself with various utilities: Nokia Monitor Test, Monitor Test, Dead Pixel Tester. You can also use other utilities if desired.

Colors to check

This is the entire verification procedure. If there are factory or purchased problems with the monitor, you will understand this after a color check.

Treatment of dead pixels

Every person who encounters the problem of a dead pixel on their monitor asks a completely logical question about how fixable it is and what can be done with dead pixels. In theory, the color defect can be cured. However, due to the nature of the breakdown, this may not work. In addition, it is not a fact that it will be cured forever. However, it's worth a try, especially if this problem really annoys you.

There are 3 ways to deal with this problem. This method is software, mechanical, and also combined.

Note! Everyone treats pixels at their own peril and risk, because there is always the possibility that the number of faulty dots on the screen will increase. This is a lottery; at home you cannot carry out hardware diagnostics and try to influence the pixel pointwise. A particularly high risk is associated with mechanical and combined methods of treatment. Hardware will most likely not cause complications, so you can try it.

So, try to treat a dead pixel only if it is very annoying and annoying, and do not try to treat with a mechanical or combined method a case where there are 2 or more dead dots on the screen in close proximity.

In addition, remember that it is useless to treat a blackhead or whitehead - at best, you will fail.

Software method

In order to cure your computer of this defect, you should use special utility programs. Eat paid applications, there are free ones, but they all work in approximately the same way. A person starts the utility and a window appears on the monitor screen, in which different colors constantly flicker. In order to heal a pixel, you should drag this window to the place where there is a problem and leave this window there for half an hour.

The utility cures a broken color pixel by acting on it different teams, changing the task several times per second. She's trying to get the color out of the broken pixel and make it work. One of these utilities is ScreenFix, in addition there is Bad Crystal, and many other similar programs.

Mechanical method

The mechanical method of treating a dead pixel is also called pixel massage and you might already have guessed what it involves. You need to press on the place on the screen where the incorrect element is located. However, it is important to do this not with a sharp object, which can seriously injure the screen and lead to even more dead pixels, but with a very soft object. An ear stick works well for these purposes. You can screw it on it for reliability additional layer cotton wool, this will provide additional protection.

You don’t need to press too hard, but so that streaks appear on the monitor screen. To do this you need to try for about 15 minutes. If during this time nothing works, you should give up the idea, as further pressure can lead to even greater damage to the monitor.

Combined method

If the first and second methods separately do not help, you can try to cure the monitor screen by simultaneously using the mechanical and software methods. However, this should only be done if a dead pixel bothers you greatly and you do not intend to tolerate it at all, and are also willing to take risks.

There is good news. Dead pixels on the screen may disappear on their own some time after they appear. This happens if changing colors affected the malfunction on the screen as a utility that cures the problem using a software method.


Now you know what a dead pixel is, and you’ve also figured out how to detect it and try to cure it. However, if they don’t bother you too much, then you shouldn’t do anything.

In addition, pay attention to the importance of checking your monitor for dead pixels if you are buying a computer, phone or other equipment. This is especially true for purchasing devices that have already been used and may have serious defects.

Be careful, do not be upset about dead pixels and, if there are several of them on the screen, take the device for diagnostics to service center. Experts can help you get rid of the problem or simply tell you how to make sure that their number on the screen does not increase every day. In addition, you can hope that the dead pixels will disappear from the screen on their own - this happens quite often and you may be pleasantly surprised when it happens.