What is Video Monetization on Youtube. What is monetization on YouTube What is monetization on YouTube

Do you love making videos and want to turn your hobby into a source of income? YouTube monetization will help you with this.

How and how much can you earn from channel monetization?

Every user who is thinking about monetization for the first time is primarily interested in: how much do they pay for watching videos?

But this is an incorrect way to pose the question, since the service does not pay money directly for views. Profitability depends on impressions of advertising inserts and the number of clicks on advertising. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

The main thing you must understand is that your income directly depends on the popularity of your channel

We hasten to note that to receive a decent income from a YouTube channel, you will not need a large number of views. The service does not provide detailed information about how much money certain advertisements bring in, so income can only be calculated approximately. The final profit depends on what types of advertising were used and on the price set by YouTube for 1000 views.

The cost can range from $1 to $20-30 per thousand views. For example, a blogger whose video received 100,000 views (which is not that much by YouTube standards) can earn 5-7 thousand rubles from this. In addition to the number of video views, the number of subscribers is of great importance - the rating of your YouTube channel depends on this indicator.

There is another way to make money on YouTube: owners of popular channels can negotiate with advertisers on their own and receive money from them for inserting their logo, presentation into their video, and talking about their products/services in the video. Some popular bloggers charge decent money to like someone or write a comment. In this case, income does not depend on YouTube - the advertiser transfers money directly to the channel owner.

As for the top YouTubers with over 10 million subscribers, they earn hundreds of thousands of dollars, and for some, their channel brings in more than $1 million per month. These numbers are something you can and should strive for, but keep in mind that At the beginning of your career as a video blogger, the amount of earnings you can earn can be quite modest.

Monetization of YouTube channel: conditions

It is possible to monetize a channel if it has existed for at least 10 days and has at least five videos uploaded on it.

Before you enable monetization on YouTube, make sure that:

  • your videos are filmed by you or you have received permission from the copyright holder for their commercial use;
  • the video does not contradict the rules of the service;
  • the content will not cause rejection among advertisers;
  • you have in your hands all the receipts and documents necessary to confirm ownership of video and audio material.

Here are examples of videos permitted for commercial use:

  • You filmed your pet, but there is no music in the video.
  • The clip includes freely distributed audio materials, and you can prove this by providing the required link.
  • Your friend has filmed video material for you and is ready to confirm that he allows you to make money from his content.
  • You are the creator of the audio composition and have not signed an agreement with any label.

Now let's move on to examples of videos prohibited for use for commercial purposes:

  • The video includes a song you purchased on iTunes or an on-air recording.
  • When creating the video, you used materials that did not belong to you.
  • The video contains scenes of violence or nudity.

    How to enable monetization?

Many pitfalls await you along this path, but the benefits of monetization on YouTube are clearly greater than the difficulties.

  1. To get started, you will need a Google account. To do this, you need to register your mail on gmail.com You can connect no more than three channels from one mail.
  2. Even before you connect monetization, design your channel beautifully - this will help avoid quibbles.
  3. Go to the menu “Creative studio”, Choose a section "Channel" and enable monetization in the column “Status and functions” by pressing the button "Turn on"

  1. The system will prompt you to create an account in Google Adsence - it will be linked to your YouTube channel. This must be done in order to subsequently withdraw funds.
  2. Follow the link, follow the instructions, fill out all the information about yourself and accept the terms of the license agreement.
  3. The application must be reviewed within 7 days. You will receive a notification by email.

YouTube makes it possible to connect monetization not to the entire channel, but to individual videos. But more often bloggers prefer to monetize their entire channel. To do this, in the Creative Studio you need to go to the “Channel” section, select “Monetization” and click on “Video Monetization”.

Underwater rocks

Many of those who have enabled the monetization option on YouTube have at least once received an e-mail asking for additional information. How to solve this problem and not lose money?

Not everyone knows that on YouTube all videos are checked for uniqueness, that is, for the content of someone else’s video and audio materials. Thus, the service allows you to earn money only from original content and does not encourage plagiarism. And the unauthorized insertion of other people's materials is nothing more than theft! That’s why in video editing it’s worth using audio tracks from YouTube’s own library.

The catch is that the site's verification is imperfect, and sometimes prohibits monetization of all videos with music.

Let's say you uploaded a video clip, youtube monetization is enabled, but after a couple of days you receive an e-mail asking you to provide additional information. It’s too early to be scared, because this is not an accusation, but for now only a request for confirmation that all materials used are unique or approved for use.

We consider it necessary to repeat that these instructions are intended for those whose site has “cut down” a 100% original video with a legal audio track.

How to confirm rights to published content

To do this, you need to click on the link contained in the letter, or go to the YouTube video settings page. There you need to check the box next to the phrase that you can confirm your own rights, and just below in the text field write that the video was filmed yourself, and the audio track was borrowed from the YouTube music library or purchased externally. In the latter case, you must provide evidence of the purchase (scans of receipts, etc.).

Let's say you made a video instruction on how to use some software. Then you should note the point that your video has never been shown on American TV, and below write again that the video material is yours.

To avoid prohibitions and delays, you should:

  • always introduce yourself personally in your videos;
  • in a letter, ask the software developer in advance to allow you to make training videos on his software products.

There will be no problems with the last point, since usually developers are only happy with free promotion and can even offer participation in an affiliate program with an appropriate reward. But most often a simple written confirmation is sufficient.

What you need to do to turn your channel into a source of income

If you are serious about turning your channel into a source of income, be prepared for the following:

  1. You will have to work on an ongoing basis, in compliance with a certain work schedule. Such work will not always require a lot of time, but you will have to invest effort systematically.
  2. You will have to wait a long time for the first results, at least a quarter, maximum a year, but on average, a stable income will be formed in six months.
  3. Try to work with topics that are interesting to you personally, and not to a wider audience.
  4. Don't try to copy someone else's style: remember that individuality and originality are more often rewarded. Although there are exceptions to this rule (for example, successful clones of the famous Ukrainian blogger Ivangay), they only confirm the rule.

What if I don’t understand video shooting and editing?

Then first you should practice and get better at working with other people’s videos. You can also earn income from such material, but we must not forget that for this you will have to obtain permission from the authors of the original clips. Otherwise, you will be liable for copyright infringement and your channel may be blocked. Of course, many channels manage to slip through the filters and make money on other people’s content, but is it worth the risk?

There is only one alternative - to learn all the intricacies of working with a camera and video editing. This is not at all as difficult as it might seem to a beginner. This is the only way you can create truly interesting video material and attract subscribers to your channel.

Watch a short Lifehack from Andrey Merkulov on how to record 25 videos in 2 hours:

You must have your own flavor: something that will distinguish you from others. Many channels and videos on YouTube, at first glance, are absolutely meaningless and empty, but viewers are delighted with them, and therefore such clips gain a ton of views. So you need to get into the target audience, and to do this, decide who you want to attract - thinking people or those who are simply looking for entertainment.

But as practice shows, the most popular on YouTube are entertainment channels aimed at young people. Watch videos of top YouTubers, evaluate the quality of their videos and the number of subscribers - this will help you develop your promotion strategy.

Monetizing a YouTube channel is not such a difficult process, but in order to get a more or less decent income, you need to achieve popularity and get many subscribers who will regularly watch, like and comment on your videos.

For some countries, including the CIS countries, Turkey and others, manual moderation has been introduced on the site when monetization is enabled. The better your channel is designed, the lower the likelihood of nitpicking from the site administration.

Some bloggers are cunning and indicate their country of residence in the settings - the USA or the UK, since users from these countries have the opportunity to enable monetization automatically.

Do you want to know more about making money on YouTube and other types of making money online? That way 50 ways to make money online

Nowadays, YouTube is not only a popular video hosting or social network, but also a place where many people make good money. For some, this is just additional income, while for others, it is their main and fairly stable income. You've probably thought about this at least once, and you also want to make a profit, like others do. That is why you are interested in how to monetize a YouTube channel. If you don’t yet know how the system works, I will be happy to help you figure it out.

How it works

YouTube monetization is a type of earnings that is based on income from displaying advertisements while watching videos on your channel. It happens something like this: While watching your video, the user is shown an advertisement. YouTube pays you money per impression or per click on an ad. That is, the advertiser pays the hosting, and the hosting, in turn, shares this profit with you. Almost half of the total cost of advertising is spent on this.

You can familiarize yourself with the work and administration of the channel in my article, but now we will take a closer look at how to monetize on YouTube.

What does it look like

I think you know what it looks like, you just didn’t know that it’s called monetization. So, these could be display ads that appear to the right of the main video. Advertising before your video, with the option to skip ads after a few seconds. Or overlays - a small clickable advertising image that is displayed while the video is shown. It is also possible to insert advertisements directly while the video is shown. Here you decide on the exact insertion time and number of ad breaks. Please note - display advertising is only available on a computer.

How to connect

Connecting YouTube monetization is not difficult. Just go to the Video Manager, then to the “Video” section. Now click on “Channel”, then “Status and functions”, and opposite the “Monetization” function, select enable.

Next, a window will open with additional information, which I strongly recommend that you read. Only after this click on “Enable monetization in my account” and you can safely choose options for advertising on your channel.

If you suddenly have problems or problems with signs, useful tips and solutions from this article will help you. You can learn about additional opportunities from the video course “ YouTube Monetization».

Convenience of cooperation with YouTube

It should be noted that working with YouTube is a guarantee of your peace of mind! The benefits of monetizing a YouTube channel are obvious. The main thing is that it does not require any financial investment from you. Registration, creating a channel and uploading videos is very simple and quick, and this procedure is absolutely free. An additional advantage is that you can choose whether to become a hosting partner or not, and you yourself determine the appropriate option for how to monetize your YouTube channel.

All technical issues do not affect you in any way. Video hosting takes care of providing high-quality service, security and powerful traffic. You can count on stability of payments. It should also be noted that YouTube itself also helps in promoting the channel, based on the principle of showing similar videos.

Over time, you will become familiar with the system. Learn all the intricacies of promoting your channel, from creating potentially interesting videos to making optimal money from them, and I will try to help you with this! Therefore, I advise you to attend my webinars, follow all the news on the blog and you will definitely become a pro!

So go ahead! Connect monetization right now!

Because content is automatically checked for violations, errors may occur. If you believe that the monetization of your video was unreasonably restricted, you can appeal this decision. In this case, our specialists will review the video.

Please remember that any content uploaded to YouTube must adhere to our Community Guidelines. If we find inappropriate material, we may remove it. If you encounter a violation, please report it.

Rude and obscene language

Content with frequent use of vulgar and obscene language throughout the video may not be suitable for advertising. Occasional use of swear words will not necessarily prevent monetization, but the decision will be made taking into account the context.

Examples (partial list)

Cruelty and violence

Content that focuses on gore, violence or injury is not suitable for advertising. If violent images appear in the context of news, educational, fiction or documentary materials, this will be taken into account. Scenes of violence in videos demonstrating regular gameplay usually do not interfere with monetization, however, videos assembled from numerous scenes of cruelty and violence are not suitable for advertising.

Examples (partial list)

Frightening, overly naturalistic or off-putting stories and images
  • Photographs and other images of bloody scenes, internal organs, bodily fluids, as well as waste products of the human or animal body; photographs and other images of crime scenes and accidents.
Scenes of cruelty and violence
  • Images of shelling, explosions and bombings or stories about them; videos with execution scenes; scenes of cruelty and violence against animals.
  • Depictions of cruelty or gratuitous violence against animals, such as cockfighting, dogfighting or bullfighting.
  • Scenes of violence or unpleasant images in the context of physical violence, demonstrations or police brutality.
  • Raw footage of war casualties showing injuries or death.
  • Unjustified violence against children, including in artistic and production contexts.
  • Hunting scenes that focus on the depiction of cruelty, death or suffering of animals.

Adult Content

Adult Content
Sexually themed videos are not suitable for advertising, but exceptions are sometimes made for educational materials without naturalistic images. Simply stating that a video is humorous is not sufficient and may not be suitable for monetization.

Examples (partial list)

Category In what cases will advertising be limited or disabled?
Sexual content
  • Depictions of sexual intercourse, including staged images, intended to arouse sexual arousal in viewers.
  • Explicit text and audio materials, including conversations about sex.
  • Content that may be perceived as promoting sexual activity in exchange for reward.
  • Raw footage of explicit animal mating scenes.
  • People or images of them showing naked private parts of the body, such as genitals, nipples or buttocks.
  • Content that prominently displays nudity, even if it is blurred or otherwise hidden.
  • Images of body art that focus on the naked body or private parts.
Obscene materials
  • Footage from which one can understand that sexual intercourse is being performed.
  • Depiction of fetishes or discussion of them.
  • Materials about sex scandals or leaks of intimate photographs or videos.
  • Materials related to goods and services of a sexual nature.
  • Materials discussing sexual experiences such as masturbation, intercourse and other sexual activities.
  • Images of sex toys and other devices to enhance sexual performance.
  • Tips for increasing sexual performance or stories about sexual performance.

Causing harm or dangerous actions

Content that suggests harmful or dangerous activities that could result in serious physical, emotional or psychological harm is not suitable for advertising.

Examples (partial list)

Category In what cases will advertising be limited or disabled?
Inappropriate pranks, tasks, challenges and tricks
  • Pranks involving suicide or death, as well as pranks in which participants believe they are in danger - staged terrorist attacks and explosions or threats with weapons, including firearms.
  • Demonstration of forced acts of a sexual nature - kissing, touching or harassment.
  • Scenes of harm to health and physical suffering that are not the main content of the video. This rule applies to activities performed outside of a professional and supervised environment.
  • Materials that may cause lasting emotional distress in children.
Plastic surgery and other medical procedures
  • Demonstration of invasive medical procedures, including plastic surgery.
  • Scenes of removing ingrown toenails and clearing acne from the skin.
  • Scenes of skin implants being transplanted.
  • Demonstration of tongue cutting surgery.
Content containing threats or calls to cause harm to one’s own or others’ physical or mental health
  • Threats of harm to someone's health.
  • Calls to attack another person.
Harm to self and others and portrayal of victims
  • Content related to suicide, eating disorders, bullying, threats, domestic violence and other forms of abuse and self-harm.
  • Propaganda of causing harm to the health of others using weapons.
  • Materials related to cannibalism.
Dangerous actions that should not be repeated
  • Demonstration of the use of any substance in quantities leading to a toxic reaction.
  • Collections of videos about failures, the heroes of which are injured or cause other harm to their health.
  • Travel outside trains.
  • Walking on roofs (roofing).
  • Tasks that may result in personal injury, such as fire-related tasks, dancing on roadways, and performing activities while blindfolded.
Promoting or supporting harmful claims or practices in medicine or healthcare
  • Anti-vaccination and HIV dissidence.
  • Non-medical methods that claim to help cure an incurable disease.
  • Claims that serious illnesses do not exist or are elaborate lies.

Discrimination and insults

Materials that promote hatred, discrimination, disdain and humiliation towards a specific person or group of people on any of the following grounds are not suitable for advertising:

  • Race.
  • Ethnicity or ethnic background.
  • Nationality.
  • Religion.
  • Disability.
  • Age.
  • Veteran status.
  • Sexual orientation.
  • Gender identity.
  • Any other grounds on which systematic discrimination or marginalization is possible.

Exceptions may be made for satirical and comedic content, but simply stating that the video is humorous in nature is not enough and such content may not be suitable for advertising.

Examples (partial list)

Category In what cases will advertising be limited or disabled?
Propaganda of hatred, discrimination, neglect and humiliation
  • Promoting, praising, or justifying abuse.
  • Statements intended to convey the idea that a person or group of people is inhuman, inferior, or deserving of hatred.
  • Promotion of aggressive groups or their paraphernalia.
Promoting terrorism and violent extremism
  • Content created by or in support of terrorist groups.
  • Promotion of terrorist acts, including recruitment.
  • Glorifying terrorist attacks.

Derogatory or provocative materials

Violent, derogatory, inflammatory or defamatory content may not be suitable for advertising.

Examples (partial list)

Category In what cases will advertising be limited or disabled?
Content containing provocations and humiliation
  • Content whose main purpose is to humiliate or insult an individual or group of people.
Materials created for the purpose of harassing, bullying or blackmailing an individual or group of individuals
  • Content that singles out a specific person for the purpose of insulting or harassing.
  • Claims that the tragic event was made up, or that the victims and their families are actors or are hiding the truth about what happened.
  • Malicious acts against an individual, as well as libel and defamation.

Recreational drugs and related content

  • Sale of illegal drugs, controlled drugs and substances or other dangerous products.
  • Use of illegal drugs, controlled drugs and substances, or other dangerous products.
  • Abuse of illegal drugs, controlled drugs and substances, or other dangerous products.

Educational, documentary and feature videos discussing drugs or dangerous substances are generally suitable for advertising only if drug use or abuse is not portrayed in a positive light or in naturalistic images.

Examples (partial list)

Category In what cases will advertising be limited or disabled?
Promotion of substances that alter mental state for recreational purposes or cause euphoria
  • Cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, marijuana, cocaine analogues and substitutes, mephedrone, “legal drugs” and bath salts.
Promotion of goods and services that are used for recreational drug use
  • Pipes, bongs, coffee shops with a license to sell cannabis.
Promoting educational content about making, buying or using recreational drugs
  • Advice or recommendations on drug use.

Tobacco-related content

Content promoting tobacco or tobacco-related products is not suitable for advertising.

Examples (partial list)

Firearms related content

Content about the sale, assembly, misuse or abuse of firearms is not suitable for advertising.

Examples (partial list)

Category In what cases will advertising be limited or disabled?
Promotion of firearms sales
  • Sale of firearms.
  • Sale of parts and components of firearms - basic or expanding its functionality, including:
    • weapon parts, 80% complete;
    • ammunition;
    • cartridge clips;
    • mufflers;
    • cartridge belts;
    • lodges;
    • weapon conversion kits;
    • handles;
    • sights;
    • optical sights.
  • Advertising content about gun stores.
  • Firearms manufacturers, promotional codes for gun stores.
Instructions for assembling any firearm, including its parts and components
  • Instructions, manuals and programs for making firearms, as well as equipment for 3D printing of firearms parts.
Misuse or abuse of firearms
  • Firing a weapon in an unsafe environment.

Controversial or sensitive topics

Videos that present or discuss sensitive topics in detail are generally not suitable for advertising. This rule applies even to videos with only comments or without graphics.

Examples (partial list)

Adult content in videos for family viewing

Content that appears suitable for any audience but nevertheless contains adult content is not suitable for advertising. This rule applies even if the content is created for humorous or satirical purposes.

Examples (partial list)

Please remember that all videos uploaded to YouTube must comply Terms of use And community principles YouTube. To monetize videos with ads, you must follow the YouTube Content Monetization Guidelines and AdSense Program Policies.

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! Today we will talk about how you can make money on your YouTube channel. We will present to your attention ten really working ways to make money on YouTube.

Many people dream of starting their own business using YouTube, but not everyone manages to catch the wave of hype and become a popular video blogger. There can be many reasons for this. For example, people film about something that is interesting only to a small audience of users. To achieve success, you need to put in a lot of effort.

Here, as with the site - you need to create a channel not for making money, but for people. You need to try to make useful and popular content, gain subscribers, and only then think about monetizing the channel. The primary goal is to become popular!

How to become a popular video blogger on YouTube?

Basic rules that are designed to make the channel, and its owner, popular:
  • Original and unique video content;
  • The subject of the channel should arouse the interest of the audience;
  • You need to have your own unique style and flair;
  • Shoot videos that are not too long (5 - 20 minutes);
  • Videos don't have to be boring;
  • Work on improving content (high-quality video and sound);
  • Use advanced programs at work (not free);
  • Post new videos regularly (at least once a week);
  • Conduct audience analytics to know their preferences;
  • Don't forget about keywords and hashtags;
  • Publish only authorized content;
  • Share videos on social media. networks;
  • Interact with viewers.
By following these rules, you can become a successful video blogger. And only after the “hype”, you should think about how to monetize your channel on YouTube.

The best ways to monetize a YouTube channel

Let's move away from the lyrics and consider 10 ways to make money on YouTube. All methods are divided into “Black” and “White”. Fortunately, there are more legal ways, which means that you don’t have to be too afraid and feel free to choose what suits you.

Method number 1. Video Advertising from AdSense

The most popular and accessible way to make money on a YouTube channel. AdSense is the largest advertising network on the Internet. And who do you think it belongs to? Of course, Google. To activate advertising in a video, you need:

1. Find monetization
➧ Go to the “My Channel” menu;

➧ Go to “Creative Studio”;

➧ Click on “Video Manager”, and then on “Video”;

➧ Click on “Channel”;

Method number 2. Cooperation with Media Networks

Media networks are another way to monetize your videos through advertising.
If you don’t want to work with AdSense, then you can use the services of companies that are willing to pay from 70% to 90% of income for impressions and clicks on advertising.

What is the difference between Google AdSense and media networks?

  • AdSense is a direct affiliate of YouTube;
  • Media network is an intermediary between the channel and YouTube;
  • Working with media networks, channel income can increase by 30-40% due to additional advertising formats and an individual approach to each channel;
  • AdSense can block access to monetization without litigation for the strike;
  • Media networks have a lower withdrawal minimum and it is easier to withdraw money.

Adsense, by the way, only pays to a bank account or via check when you reach $100.

Which media network to choose?

It all depends on your channel and the audience that watches you. Large companies select channels more carefully, which means it is more difficult to get there. There is also no point in meddling with unpopular m-networks, as they can deceive you.

Work on your channel and collaborate only with trusted media networks to avoid unnecessary problems. It’s quite easy to identify a good affiliate program if you know who has been working with it for a very long time.

Examples of cooperation between popular YouTube channels

  • WITH QuizGroup works as a letsplayer and video blogger Ivangai
  • Channel This is good cooperates with the media network FullScreen
  • Monetization telblog.net is engaged GTRussia
The following are also suitable for channels with traffic from CIS countries:
  1. VSP Group;
  2. Scalelab Russia;
  3. X-Media Digital.
To start collaborating with a media network, you need to go to the website and leave a request. Requirements are different everywhere, but usually you need at least 100 subscribers (subscribers) and somewhere around 10,000 views. Channels are also checked for copyright infringement. They look at how many videos have already been posted. They pay approximately $3-5 per 1000 video views.

Method No. 3. Selling advertising space in videos

The most profitable way to make money on YouTube, but it requires more effort than AdSense and media networks combined. First, you need to look for advertisers. And not every major advertiser will work with unpromoted channels. Therefore, this method is more suitable for YouTube channels that are heard by everyone.

Secondly, you need to be creative and present advertising unobtrusively. With humor or with some benefit for the viewer (depending on the audience). Some bloggers tailor the video to the advertisement, and not vice versa. This makes things a little easier.

How is everything going? Typically, managers themselves turn to popular video content creators to promote their product or service. Income from such advertising can reach several hundred thousand rubles (if the video is watched by 2-3 million people).

Method number 4. Donate from streams (donations from viewers)

To understand the essence of this method of making money on YouTube, you need to understand the terms. Donat, in this case, these are monetary donations from viewers. Stream— shooting video in real time (live broadcast). Most often, they stream games. Therefore, this method is very popular among young people and even schoolchildren.

Before receiving money from viewers, you need, of course, to become a popular streamer. Next, on YouTube you need to activate “Live broadcasts” and download the program: Open Broadcaster Software. The next step is to select a service for receiving donations: DonationAlerts. These are just examples, you can look for something else.

Ask, why not just indicate the details (wallet numbers in the description of the stream)? It is important for sponsors, first of all, to show their donation not only to the streamer, but also to other viewers. Ratings are even created for this purpose. The authors willingly share translation statistics and integrate top donors directly into the stream. In addition, benefactors are often thanked for their contributions live, and receiving a “couple of affection” from your favorite streamer is always very nice.

Method No. 5. Affiliate (referral) programs

The easiest way to start making money on YouTube. It doesn’t matter how many subscribers you have or how long ago the channel was created. You can make a review of any site at any time. This can include various online stores, projects for making money on the Internet, service providers... anything where there is a referral or.

Additional ways to make money on YouTube

Well, now, let’s quickly go over five additional ways to generate income from YouTube video hosting:
  • PR manager— even without making a video, you can become someone’s assistant and advertise the channel in different ways, making money from it.
  • Advertising via like— famous bloggers get paid even for giving a like. Some fans watch their favorite videos of idols.
  • Selling goods and services— creating a channel to attract buyers or clients. We promote our brand with the help of videos.
  • Traffic Monetization— creating communities in social media. networks or website (blog) and accumulation of a subscriber base. In the future, their monetization and additional earnings.
  • Video creation and sale— it is not necessary to promote the channel and monetize it. Videos can be produced and sold (before publication).
I talked about 10 legal ways to make money on YouTube, that is, they are officially allowed. There are also so-called “Black” methods of monetization. This includes making money from other people's videos or prohibited types of advertising.

How much can you earn on YouTube?

Adsense video advertising can earn you $2-3 per 1000 views. Again, a lot depends on your audience and channel format. By choosing the right media network, you can earn a little more. On average: $3-5 per 1000 views.

The hype topic is the integration of advertising into videos. We work directly with advertisers. To find out the income from such advertising, you can recall the scandal that broke out between the Nemagiya and Borsch channels in 2018. So, just for one mention of the Borsch channel, the guys from Nemagia received 150 thousand rubles. The advertiser was unhappy with the PR, as the return was almost zero. Very few people subscribed to his channel.

In fact, we can only point our fingers at the sky when talking about YouTube revenue. There are many factors that affect the cost per impression or click. For example:
age, country and even device, seasonality and subject of the channel.


If this video gets trending on YouTube. Oh! What am I talking about? If this article is read and it benefits my readers, then next time I will talk about how to make money on YouTube without making a video. Of course, there is a lot of material on this topic on the Internet, but I will try to add something new and interesting in a future article. Bye everyone!

Most likely, people who post their videos to the public do not always know what YouTube monetization is. True, there are those who are actively gaining popularity and promoting their channel solely to earn money. Everyone has their own goal. But if you have interesting material that is in demand, why not make some money from it?

What is video monetization?

From the definition itself it should be clear that the concept of monetizing videos is directly related to receiving money and additional income. In other words, a network user can upload his unique content to the site and then receive money for viewing it.

There are several ways that allow you to receive money. But they all involve a feature that connects to your video - showing advertisements before you watch the video, while you watch it, and sometimes even after it. We think everyone is familiar with this situation: you found an interesting video, but you can’t watch it until the advertisement ends. The copyright holder of such a video receives money through monetization.

In this case, money is awarded not only for placing such advertising while watching a video, but also due to the user’s transition to the advertiser’s website.

Payment can vary for such services: from several rubles to several hundred rubles.

In order to start earning money, you need to set up the functionality of YouTube and your channel.

Who can start earning

And here readers may think that everyone can make money. I checked the box in the interface and that’s it. The money began to accumulate. But it is not so. In 2018, new rules for monetizing videos on YouTube were adopted, which strictly regulate who receives this right.

Who can start monetizing videos:

  1. Those who have at least 1000 subscribers;
  2. Who has a total viewing time of at least 4,000 hours in the last 12 months.

As can be seen from the list presented, not everyone can achieve the last indicator. You need to promote your site well enough and find subscribers so that money starts to “drip” even for advertising placed.

Previously, there was a less stringent limit, and it was enough to have 10,000 subscribers. There were no restrictions on the total duration of viewing the videos.

The YouTube administration commented on its decision by saying that recently a lot of scammers have appeared who either pretended to be other authors, or appropriated someone else’s video, etc. To avoid such violations and spam, in order to protect the copyrights of users, it was decided to do just that.

Thus, if your content already meets these requirements, then you can enable video monetization and start making money on videos. If you do not meet the established criteria, then you need to either change the topic of the videos, or improve their quality by gaining more subscribers.

Monetization of videos: how to connect

We will provide the reader with detailed instructions on how to enable the monetization function on your channel. Please note that to enable this function, new site users must now be identified through the Google AdSens advertising network.

We would also like to note that many users could send letters and applications for monetization before June 1, 2018. At the moment, all applicants should have received some kind of email from the channel, which indicated whether the site had passed identification or not. Currently, YouTube checks its users very carefully and refuses many.

The administration also warns channel owners not to worry if they have not yet received such letters. Some channels are still being reviewed and a response will be provided shortly.

Monetization instructions:

  • The first thing you need to do is, of course, log in to your channel account under your nickname.
  • When a successful login is completed, you need to find “Creative Studio” and select the special “Channel” tab in it. The tab that opens will have several subfunctions. But to enable monetization, you need to select the “Status and Functions” function, and after opening it, check the “Enable” button.

In other words, the algorithm of actions is as follows: Creative Studio - Channel - Status and Functions - Monetization - Enable.

The action algorithm is shown in the figure. Visualization will help you do this correctly and without errors.

But please note that on some channels this function may be blocked. Sometimes this is due to the restriction of the service in relation to a certain country. But the situation is quite fixable; for this you just need to change the country.

So, if the function for connecting monetization is not available, then we change the user’s country: go to the “Settings” tab and change the country. Once the country has been changed, the monetization connection feature should become available.

The question as to which countries are prohibited from such a function and which are not remains open. You need to try different combinations. Until the power on icon appears.

  • After monetization is enabled, we accept the terms of the affiliate program. Without accepting the established conditions, you will not be able to make money on roller skates.

In order to accept these conditions, you must select the first item from the list “Accept the terms of the affiliate program” and then click “start”.

  • After connecting monetization on YouTube itself is successfully completed, you must necessarily link your YouTube account to your account Google AdSense. The last source is an advertising network, through which payment for earned funds will be made.
  • After both accounts are connected, you need to decide on the topic of advertising that will be placed inside your videos. Of course, there are some fundamental points that do not allow users to select certain advertisements, certain manufacturers, etc. But if you analyze the advice of people who actively earn money, then you always need to choose all types of advertising. You can sort through it even when you have a large number of users, your videos have a specific topic, etc. But this also has its own characteristics; it is necessary to analyze the user population.

For example, if you are a culinary specialist and post a video on baking desserts online, then, as a result, you can choose advertising of the following nature:

  1. Cosmetics. The channel will be watched by representatives of the fair sex, which means they will always be interested in information about new products in the field of beauty and fashion;
  2. Pet supplies. The videos will be viewed by people who are interested in home life, housekeeping, most likely, they will be in a relationship, etc. They will have animals to look after.

You can continue ad infinitum.

When all stages have been completed, you only need to wait for the number of subscribers that will be set to the stated limit. When the limit is reached, then the moderators will open a monetization function for your video.

Once the verification is passed, you can then set up monetization functions for other videos. Practitioners recommend immediately going to the video download settings settings tab and adjusting the settings as you wish.

Suppose, for some reason, you do not want individual videos to be connected to monetization, the question arises: is it possible to disable it for individual videos?