What is the multiplication formula in excel called? Multiplication in Microsoft Excel. Multiply column by column

A formula tells Excel what to do with numbers or values ​​in a cell or group of cells.

How to multiply a column by a number in Excel

Without formulas, spreadsheets are not needed in principle.

Formulas in Excel for dummies

In our example:

  • $B2 – column does not change.

SUMPRODUCT function in Excel with examples of its use

SUMPRODUCT in Excel is a favorite function of accountants because... it is most often used for payroll purposes.

Multiplication formula in excel

Although it happens, it is useful in many other areas.

From the name you can guess that the team is responsible for summing products. The products are considered either ranges or entire arrays.


The arguments of the SUMPRODUCT function are arrays, i.e. specified ranges. There can be as many of them as you like. By listing them separated by a semicolon, we set the number of arrays that must first be multiplied and then summed. The only condition: the arrays must be equal in length and of the same type (i.e., either all horizontal or all vertical).

The simplest example of using the function

To make it clear how and what the team thinks, let’s look at a simple example. We have a table with the indicated lengths and widths of rectangles. We need to calculate the sum of the areas of all rectangles. If you do not use this function, you will have to perform intermediate steps and calculate the area of ​​each rectangle, and only then the sum. That's what we did.

Note that we didn't need an array with interim results. In the function arguments we used only arrays with length and width, and the function automatically multiplied and summed them, producing the same result = 70.

SUMPRODUCT with condition

The SUMPRODUCT function in its natural form is almost never used, because calculating the sum of products can rarely be useful in production. One popular use of the SUMPRODUCT formula is to display values ​​that satisfy specified conditions.

Let's look at an example. We have a table of costs for a small company for one billing month. It is necessary to calculate the total amount of funds spent for January and February for all expense items.

To calculate office expenses in the month of January, we use our function and indicate 2 conditions at the beginning. We put each of them in brackets, and between them we put an asterisk, implying the conjunction “and”. We get the following command syntax:

  • (A:A="January") – the first condition;
  • (E:E="office") – the second condition;
  • D:D – array from which the total is derived.

As a result, it turned out that in January 3,700 rubles were spent on office supplies. Let's extend the formula to the remaining lines and replace the conditions in each of them (replacing the month or expense item).

Comparison in SUMPRODUCT

One of the conditions when using the SUMPRODUCT command can be a comparison. Let's take a quick look at an example. Let’s assume that we need to count not just all office expenses for January, but only those that were less than 1,000 rubles (let’s call them “small expenses”). We write a function with the same arguments, but additionally add a comparison operator. In this case it looks like D:D

And indeed, this is the same thousand that was spent on pencils in January. We additionally set a comparison condition, and when the sum value was automatically returned, the function gave us the following answer.

Download examples of using the SUMPRODUCT function in Excel

Let's extend the formula to the remaining cells, partially replacing the data. We see how much money was spent in January and February on small expenses for each cost item.

Formula construction includes: constants, operators, links, functions, range names, parentheses containing arguments and other formulas. Using an example, we will analyze the practical application of formulas for novice users.

Formulas in Excel for dummies

To set a formula for a cell, you need to activate it (place the cursor) and enter equals (=).

Multiplying numbers in cells

You can also enter an equal sign in the formula bar. After entering the formula, press Enter. The result of the calculation will appear in the cell.

Excel uses standard mathematical operators:

The “*” symbol is required when multiplying. It is unacceptable to omit it, as is customary during written arithmetic calculations. That is, Excel will not understand the entry (2+3)5.

Excel can be used as a calculator. That is, enter numbers and mathematical calculation operators into the formula and immediately get the result.

But more often cell addresses are entered. That is, the user enters a link to the cell whose value the formula will operate on.

When values ​​in cells change, the formula automatically recalculates the result.

The operator multiplied the value of cell B2 by 0.5. To enter a cell reference into a formula, just click on that cell.

In our example:

  1. Place the cursor in cell B3 and enter =.
  2. We clicked on cell B2 - Excel “labeled” it (the cell name appeared in the formula, a “flickering” rectangle formed around the cell).
  3. Enter the sign *, the value 0.5 from the keyboard and press ENTER.

If several operators are used in one formula, the program will process them in the following sequence:

You can change the sequence using parentheses: Excel first calculates the value of the expression in parentheses.

How to designate a constant cell in an Excel formula

There are two types of cell references: relative and absolute. When copying a formula, these links behave differently: relative ones change, absolute ones remain constant.

Find the autofill marker in the lower right corner of the first cell of the column. Click on this point with the left mouse button, hold it and “drag” it down the column.

Release the mouse button - the formula will be copied to the selected cells with relative links. That is, each cell will have its own formula with its own arguments.

Let's create another column where we calculate the share of each product in the total cost. To do this you need:

The following absolute reference formats are used when creating formulas:

  • $B$2 – when copying, the column and row remain constant;
  • B$2 – the string remains unchanged when copied;
  • $B2 – column does not change.

How to create a table in Excel with formulas

To save time when entering similar formulas into table cells, autocomplete markers are used. If you need to pin a link, make it absolute. To change values ​​when copying a relative link.

The simplest formulas for filling out tables in Excel:

To check that the pasted formula is correct, double-click the cell containing the result.

Multiplication and division, addition and subtraction, exponentiation and root extraction, all these actions can be performed with ranges of numeric values ​​in Excel tables. You can perform mathematical operations between a range of numerical values ​​and a given number different ways, this will be discussed further.

For example, let's take the classic problem of multiplying or dividing a column of values ​​by the same number, but we will keep in mind that instead of a column, we can consider a range of cells of any arbitrary size, and instead of multiplying and dividing, we can perform other mathematical operations. This problem arises during various transformations of numerical values, for example, when converting kilometers into meters, thousands of rubles into rubles, rubles into dollars, and so on.

How to multiply a column of cells by a number using formulas?

The most common way to multiply numeric values ​​of a range, in our case a column, is to use a function (formula). Options are also possible here; you can use a formula with relative links,

Or you can use absolute ones, when the cell address is fixed using special $ signs and remains unchanged when the formula is copied.

The end result is the same regardless of the number of values ​​on the worksheet.

How to multiply in Excel

This method is advisable to use when it is necessary that the entire range be recalculated when the multiplier changes. If recalculation is not required, it is faster and more convenient to use a method in which cell values ​​are replaced by the results of multiplication.

Multiplying a range of cells by a number using paste special

A column with values ​​calculated using formulas is not always needed. Often there is a need to simply replace column values ​​with new values, which are obtained by multiplying the old values ​​by a given number. In this case, you can do without any functions and formulas, just copy the multiplier number, select the desired range of values, select from context menu(which appears after clicking the right mouse button) item " Special insert", in the "Operation" section, select the "Multiply" option and click "OK".

The original range of values ​​is replaced by the values ​​obtained by multiplying the original numbers by the copied number. Using this method allows you to not only multiply a column or range by a number, but also perform other mathematical operations such as division, addition and subtraction.

How to multiply a column by a number using an add-in?

The above methods, as a rule, cover the needs of most users, but are not always convenient to use, for example, when performing multiple operations when a column of values ​​is multiplied by a number, then a condition is checked and, based on the results of this check, the action is repeated. When solving such problems convenient tool An Excel add-in can be used that allows you to replace cell values ​​with calculation results.

Using the add-in, you can not only multiply, divide, add and subtract, but also raise numbers to powers and extract roots by selecting the desired mathematical operation from the drop-down list in the dialog box.

Using the add-on allows you to:

1) Select a range of cells, or work with the range used (from the first filled cell of the worksheet to the last filled cell);

2) set the number in the add-in dialog box;

3) choose one of six mathematical operations that will be performed between all numerical values ​​of the selected range and a given number;

4) automatically replace the numerical values ​​of the range with the results of calculations.

video on working with the add-on

add-on for performing mathematical operations between a given number and a range of values

Did you know that you can similarly round the numerical values ​​of the selected range?

Other materials on the topic:

Working in Excel with formulas and tables for dummies

A formula tells Excel what to do with numbers or values ​​in a cell or group of cells. Without formulas, spreadsheets are not needed in principle.

Formula construction includes: constants, operators, links, functions, range names, parentheses containing arguments and other formulas. Using an example, we will analyze the practical application of formulas for novice users.

Formulas in Excel for dummies

To set a formula for a cell, you need to activate it (place the cursor) and enter equals (=). You can also enter an equal sign in the formula bar. After entering the formula, press Enter. The result of the calculation will appear in the cell.

Excel uses standard mathematical operators:

The “*” symbol is required when multiplying. It is unacceptable to omit it, as is customary during written arithmetic calculations. That is, Excel will not understand the entry (2+3)5.

Excel can be used as a calculator. That is, enter numbers and mathematical calculation operators into the formula and immediately get the result.

But more often cell addresses are entered. That is, the user enters a link to the cell whose value the formula will operate on.

When values ​​in cells change, the formula automatically recalculates the result.

The operator multiplied the value of cell B2 by 0.5. To enter a cell reference into a formula, just click on that cell.

In our example:

  1. Place the cursor in cell B3 and enter =.
  2. We clicked on cell B2 - Excel “labeled” it (the cell name appeared in the formula, a “flickering” rectangle formed around the cell).
  3. Enter the sign *, the value 0.5 from the keyboard and press ENTER.

If several operators are used in one formula, the program will process them in the following sequence:

You can change the sequence using parentheses: Excel first calculates the value of the expression in parentheses.

How to designate a constant cell in an Excel formula

There are two types of cell references: relative and absolute. When copying a formula, these links behave differently: relative ones change, absolute ones remain constant.

Find the autofill marker in the lower right corner of the first cell of the column. Click on this point with the left mouse button, hold it and “drag” it down the column.

Release the mouse button - the formula will be copied to the selected cells with relative links. That is, each cell will have its own formula with its own arguments.

Let's create another column where we calculate the share of each product in the total cost. To do this you need:

  1. Divide the cost of one product by the cost of all products and multiply the result by 100. The reference to the cell with the total cost value must be absolute so that it remains unchanged when copied.
  2. To get percentages in Excel, it is not necessary to multiply the quotient by 100. Select the cell with the result and click “Percentage Format”. Or press the hotkey combination: CTRL+SHIFT+5
  3. We copy the formula to the entire column: only the first value in the formula (relative reference) changes. The second (absolute reference) remains the same. Let's check the correctness of the calculations and find the result. 100%. Everything is correct.
  4. The following absolute reference formats are used when creating formulas:

  • $B$2 – when copying, the column and row remain constant;
  • B$2 – the string remains unchanged when copied;
  • $B2 – column does not change.

How to create a table in Excel with formulas

To save time when entering similar formulas into table cells, autocomplete markers are used. If you need to pin a link, make it absolute. To change values ​​when copying a relative link.

The simplest formulas for filling out tables in Excel:

To check that the pasted formula is correct, double-click the cell containing the result.

The multiplication operation is one of several most used in any field of activity, and spreadsheet editor Excel is one of the most commonly used spreadsheet calculation tools. To understand the whole process, it is enough to consider the sequence of actions when multiplying two or more values ​​in the Excel editor.

You will need

  • Excel 2007 spreadsheet editor


If you need a one-time action to multiply two numbers, then the sequence of actions should be as follows: - go to an empty cell Excel tables(you can use the navigation arrow keys, or you can click the desired cell with the mouse); - press the "=" key. Excel interprets this action as the beginning of entering a formula; - now type the mathematical operation you need, using an asterisk (*) as a multiplication sign. Signs of mathematical operations are usually called “operators”. For example, if you need to multiply 2 by 3, then in the cell you need to print “=2*3″ here the equal sign remains from the previous step, you don’t need to print it again. If you need to multiply not two, but more numbers, nothing changes in the rules, type more. For example, =2*3*4*7*12; - when you finish typing, Excel will calculate the result and display it in the same cell. Instead of writing a mathematical operation using the multiplication operator (*), you can use the function. with the name PRODUCT. In this case, the contents of the table cell that multiplies five numbers will look like this: =PRODUCT(2,3,4,7,12).

If you need to organize a constant form from several cells in order to print the multiplicand in one of them, the multiplier in another, and see the result of the multiplication in the third: - in the first free cell, type the number (multiplicand) and press Enter; - in the second free cell, type the second number (multiplicand) and press Enter; - in the third cell, press the "=" key and use the navigation keys (arrows) to move to the first cell (containing the multiplicand). Instead of using keys, you can simply click the cell with the mouse cursor. Once done, press the asterisk (multiplication operator).

How to write a formula in Excel

In this case, the cursor will return back to the third cell, and you need to use the same navigation keys or the mouse cursor to move to the second cell containing the multiplier. After this, the contents of the cell with the formula should look, for example, like this: =A1*A2. Having done all this, press Enter to complete entering the formula and in the third cell you will see the result of the multiplication. You have built a mini-calculator, now you can change the numbers of the multiplicand and the multiplier, and Excel will show their product in the third cell. And here the numbers being multiplied do not necessarily have to be only two, acting in exactly the same way, you can organize the number of multiplied cells with numbers you need. But in this case, it will be more convenient to use not the * operator, but the PRODUCT function. Then you will not need to specify each cell with a number separately, but you can specify a whole range of cells. For example, if you put the numbers to be multiplied in cells starting from A1 and ending with A8, then the contents of the cell showing the result of multiplying them all should be: =PRODUCT(A1:A8). A range of cells can be entered into the function “manually”, or you can select it with the mouse and Excel will enter the required values ​​itself.

If you need to multiply the value of each cell in a column (or row) of the table once by some coefficient: - in an empty cell, type this number-coefficient; - then select this cell, on the “Home” tab in the very first group (“Clipboard” ) click the “Copy” button; - now select the range of cells that you want to multiply by the coefficient. This can be done either with the mouse or using the arrows while holding down the CTRL key; - in the same “Clipboard” group, below the “Paste” command, there is an arrow that opens additional paste options, click it and select “Paste Special” from the list "; - in the "Operation" radio button group, select "Multiply"; - click the "OK" button and Excel will multiply each selected cell by the value of the coefficient you copied to the clipboard.

Table editor Microsoft Excel has a very wide range of capabilities for solving problems of varying complexity in various fields of activity. This is why Excel has become so popular among users around the world. One of the basic skills of working with the program is to carry out simple calculations and mathematical operations. In this article, we will look in detail at how to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in Excel. Let's get started! Go!

Mathematical operations are performed without using a calculator

All calculations in Excel are based on the construction of simple formulas with which the program will perform calculations. First you need to create a table with the values. Please note that each table cell has its own address, which is determined by a letter and a number. Each letter corresponds to a column, and each number corresponds to a row.

Let's start with the simplest operations - addition and subtraction. To add numbers, you can use the so-called “AutoSum” function. It is convenient to use in cases where you need to calculate the sum of numbers that are in a row in one row, column, or in the area you have selected. To use this tool, go to the "Formulas" tab. There you will find the “AutoSum” button. Having selected the section of the table with the values ​​that need to be added, click on the “AutoSum” button. After this, a separate cell will appear containing the result of the calculation. This was the first approach.

The second approach is that the calculation formula is entered manually. Let's say you are faced with the task of calculating the sum of numbers scattered across a table. To do this, make active (click on it with the left mouse button) the cell in which you want to place the calculation result. Then put the “=” sign and, in turn, enter the address of each cell whose contents need to be summed, not forgetting to put the “+” sign between them. For example, you should get: “=A1+B7+C2+B3+E5”. After the address of the last cell is entered, press “Enter” on the keyboard and you will receive the sum of all marked numbers. It is not necessary to enter each address manually. Just click on a specific cell and its address will immediately be displayed in the formula field, put “+” after it and move on to the next one.

There is another approach - using the Paste Special function. This method is convenient because it allows you to summarize data from several separate tables, provided that all their columns are the same. First, create a pivot table into which you will paste the copied data. Select the numbers in one table and paste them into the summary table, then do the same with the values ​​in the second table, only this time right-click on the cell and select “Paste Special.” In the window that opens, in the “Insert” section, check “Values”, and in the “Operation” section, select add. As a result, all data will be summed up.

Subtraction in Excel is performed in the same way as addition. You will need to enter a formula, indicating the required cells, only instead of the “+” sign, “-” is placed between the addresses.

To multiply numbers in Excel, write a formula, marking the required data and placing an “*” between them. The formula will look like this: “=A3*A7*B2”.

Division is done in the same way, only the “/” sign is used. You can also perform several arithmetic operations at once. Formulas are built according to mathematical rules. For example: "=(B2-B4)*E8/(A1+D1)*D4". The formula you construct can be of any complexity; the main thing is not to forget the basic mathematical rules so that the calculation is performed correctly.

Possessing the skills of simple arithmetic calculations in Microsoft program Excel, you can already simplify the process of solving some problems and save time. Excel allows you to solve complex equations, perform engineering and statistical analysis. Gradually mastering the basic functions and tools of the program, you will learn to perform more and more operations in the Excel editor. Write in the comments whether the article helped you deal with your questions and share your experience with other users.

Also articles about formulas in Excel:

Multiplication in Excel is performed in the same way as any other operation, mainly through a formula. But besides formulas, there are other options, and we will look at how to multiply in Excel in various ways in this article.

To multiply numbers in Excel, after entering the equal sign in the cell, you need to list the values ​​​​to be multiplied, between which you need to set the asterisk symbol «*» . It must be remembered that the priority of performing operations is the same as in mathematics and to correctly perform operations with numbers, it is better to use parentheses.

Multiplying cell by cell in Excel is done by placing an asterisk symbol between the cells being multiplied. «*» .

How to multiply column by column in Excel?

To multiply column by column in Excel, you need to write down the correct formula and stretch it over the entire range of multiplied values. To do this, enter a formula for multiplying the first two values ​​in a column, and apply the formula to all cells along the entire height of the multiplied values.

How to multiply a column in Excel by a number?

To multiply a column in Excel by a number, you can create a formula, indicating the multiplication coefficient in it, or you can, without any formulas, use the menu to multiply the entire selected range of values ​​by any number.

If the number by which the cells will be multiplied is in a table cell, then the reference to this cell in the formula will need to be made absolute so that it does not change when the formula is applied to other cells.

Also in Excel it is possible to multiply a range of values ​​by a number using a special paste with the replacement of the original values. To do this, we need to copy our number coefficient to the clipboard, select the range of cells for multiplication, and on the tab "Home" on the menu "Insert" choose "Special insert...". Or select the same item in the menu after right-clicking on the selected range.

In the window that appears in the column "Operation" choose "Multiply".

In the future, the coefficient number can no longer be changed and all values ​​will remain unchanged.

Excel has a function PRODUCT, which multiplies all the arguments specified in it. The only required parameter is the first one, in which you can specify a range of cells. You can also selectively list cells separated by semicolons.

How to multiply cells among themselves in Excel?

These days, one of the most popular tools for complex calculations is Microsoft Excel. Its wide functionality allows you to simplify the solution of many tasks that previously required you to spend a lot of time. Today we will look at how to multiply cells in large quantities among themselves in Excel.

Before you figure out how to multiply numbers in Excel, it is worth noting the wide functionality of the program, which allows you to work both with explicit assignment of numbers and with the use of cells containing both the numbers themselves and the formulas that define them. In order to multiply one or more cells by a number or other cells, you need to indicate these sheet elements in the formula bar after the equal sign or write the value yourself.

Next, it’s worth understanding the principle of how to multiply cell by cell in Excel and what problems you may encounter in the process. To multiply the values ​​of two cells, you need to enter the following construction in the formula bar: “=A*B”, where “A” and “B” are links to the corresponding elements of the Excel sheet, that is, cells.

Having received the result, you may need to create a copy of it, and often users, without thinking, simply copy the value of this cell, pasting it into another. However, with this approach, the corresponding links pointing to the multipliers will also change. In order to avoid such an error, you should either enter a link to the copied cell in the cell where you want to copy the result, or “fix” the address of its multipliers using the “$” sign. The dollar sign preserves the reference value of the parameter that follows it - that is, the reference $A4 will always refer to column A, A$4 to the fourth row, and $A$4 to cell A4 only. In other words, fixing a cell is creating an absolute reference to it.

Using the algorithm for fixing the cell address, you can go directly to how to multiply column by column or row by row in Excel. In order not to waste time writing a huge formula, you can simply use the property of changing the cell reference when transferring to new address pointer. That is, if you need to multiply the values ​​in two columns in pairs, it is enough to write the multiplication formula for the first pair of cells, then, holding the black plus sign that appears in the lower right corner, stretch the result down along all the values ​​of the multiplier columns.

In order to achieve a similar result for rows, you just need to stretch the result along the corresponding rows. It is worth noting: in order to avoid shifting when further copying results, you need to fix the specified column or row in the formula - then you will be able to avoid errors in the calculation.

Multiply a row or column by a cell

Having understood how to multiply a column by a column or a row by a row in Excel, it is worth focusing on one specific operation - multiplying a cell by a row or column. If, when multiplying, we use a similar algorithm of actions as in the case of multiplying columns, then as a result only the value of the first row of a given column will be multiplied, since the cell address will change with each descent of the cell by one position.

To avoid this, you need to fix either the row number of the cell being multiplied, or its entirety - in this case, it will be possible to use its value for several columns. In the case of multiplying a string by a certain cell, it is enough to fix the letter of the column in which it is located, or make both parameters of the cell address constant.

How to multiply all numbers in a row or column

Sometimes in Excel you need to perform an operation similar to the total amount, only by performing a multiplication action. However, there is no special automatic procedure for this, so many, not knowing how to multiply numbers in one column or row with each other in Excel, do it explicitly, writing down the action for each cell. In fact, there is an operation in the program that can help solve the question of how to multiply numbers among themselves several times faster in Excel.

In order to multiply a certain range of cells among themselves, just select the operation named “PRODUCT” in the “Insert Function” menu. As arguments to this function, you must specify the cells that should be multiplied by each other; these can be columns, rows, cells, or entire arrays. It is worth noting that if there is an empty cell in a given range, the result of the multiplication will not be equal to zero - in this case, the program will ignore this cell, that is, it will equate the empty value to one.

Having figured out how to multiply in Excel, you can implement quite complex documents, including economic reports and estimates. Most arithmetic operations can be performed using a similar scheme, but for some it is worth considering the specifics of their implementation, as well as the format of the cells. So, for example, when dividing a cell by cell, if there is no value in one of them, the result will be a division by zero error.

No matter how well you know your multiplication tables, let Excel Online become your calculator. Multiply numbers using a simple formula using the asterisk (*) symbol as the multiplication operator.

Select a blank cell and enter an equal sign ( = ). Remember that all formulas begin with an equal sign.

Enter the numbers, adding an asterisk ( * ).

Press ENTER to get the formula result.

For example, to multiply the number 54 by 89, your formula should look like this:

If you enter this formula in cell C1, it will show the result (4806). Same formula, but with cell references (for example, A1 and B1 in the formula =A1*B1) instead of numbers, will return the same result (4806).

The benefit of using cell references is that Excel Online automatically updates the formula result.

If you prefer to use a function to multiply, it might be the PRODUCT function.

Multiplying numbers using the PRODUCT function in a formula

The PRODUCT function also multiplies numbers and is most effective when multiplying large quantity numbers or ranges of numbers. If you try to multiply ranges of numbers using the asterisk sign, for example =A1:A3*C1:C3, the function will return the error #VALUE!. This is where the PRODUCT function really comes in handy: it multiplies ranges without using an asterisk.

In this table you need to multiply the numbers in columns A and C.

Type an equal sign, followed by PRODUCT, and then in parentheses, type the numbers, cells, or ranges you want to multiply. Separate numbers or cell references with semicolons, and to specify ranges, use colons, for example: A1:A3. In this example, the formula would look like this:

The result is 18,164,250. It will not change if you enter the formula in this form:

You can use numbers and cell references simultaneously in a single formula, and there is no limit to the number of arguments (data elements that the function processes). If we multiply the data from our example by 2, the result will be 36,328,500. The formula will look like this:

Excel is an indispensable program for working with digital data. It has a variety of capabilities. In this article we will take a closer look at how to multiply in Excel.

Multiplying numbers in Excel: options

  • Multiplying numbers in one cell. To do this, simply multiply the required numbers in the cell using the multiply icon (*). For example, =3*5, the cell will display the value 15.
  • Multiplying a range of numbers by a certain number. You may have a question about how to multiply a column in excel. For example, you need to enlarge each cell of a column by 3 times. To do this, you will need to multiply each cell by 3, how can you do this quickly? The answer is simple - copy the cell with the number 3 and perform the following operation: select the required column and call the menu by right-clicking. IN this menu select “Paste Special”, and in the window that appears, select insert formulas, operation - multiply.
  • Multiplying numbers in different cells. In this case, you can use the “PRODUCT” function, or simply use the multiplication sign. When using the multiplication sign, the writing of the formula differs from the first case only in the use of cell names instead of numbers, for example, =C6*D6. When using the function, multipliers must be written using:
    1. comma (if you are multiplying individual cells), example: =PRODUCT(B2,B4,B6,2)
    2. colon (if you are multiplying a range of numbers), example: =PRODUCT(A2:A4)

In this case, you don’t have to write the names of the cells, but simply select the cell using the cursor; in addition, the multiplier can be not only a cell, but also a number.

You learned about how to multiply in excel. Study the program and it will make your calculations easier.

We continue the topic of simple formulas and calculations. How to multiply one number by another in Excel?

  • enter numbers into cells
  • in the cell in which you want to get the result, place the cursor and the = sign
  • click on the first cell, put the * sign, click on the second cell
  • or - manually enter cell addresses and a * sign between them
  • press enter

It can consist of cell addresses, numbers and look like this:

How to multiply in Excel

How to multiply a column by a number in Excel

To multiply a column by a number in Excel, just multiply the first cell and use AutoFill to copy the formula for the entire column:

How to multiply a column by a number in Excel

A short video tutorial on how to do multiplication in Excel

If you have any questions, you can always ask them in the comments to the post :)

Multiplication in Microsoft Excel

Among the many arithmetic operations that Microsoft Excel can perform, multiplication is naturally present. But, unfortunately, not all users know how to correctly and fully use this opportunity. Let's figure out how to perform the multiplication procedure in Microsoft Excel.

Like any other arithmetic operation in Excel, multiplication is performed using special formulas. Multiplication operations are written using the “*” sign.

Microsoft Excel can be used as a calculator and you can simply multiply different numbers in it.

In order to multiply one number by another, enter the equal sign (=) into any cell on the sheet, or into the formula bar. Next, indicate the first factor (number). Then, put the multiply sign (*). Then, write the second factor (number). So the general multiplication pattern would look like this: "=(number)*(number)".

The example shows the multiplication of 564 by 25. The action is written by the following formula: "=564*25".

To view the calculation result, you need to press the key ENTER.

During calculations, you need to remember that the priority of arithmetic operations in Excel is the same as in ordinary mathematics. But the multiplication sign must be added in any case. If, when writing an expression on paper, it is possible to omit the multiplication sign before the brackets, then in Excel, for correct calculation, it is required. For example, the expression 45+12(2+4) in Excel should be written as follows: "=45+12*(2+4)".

The procedure for multiplying a cell by a cell comes down to the same principle as the procedure for multiplying a number by a number. First of all, you need to decide in which cell the result will be displayed. We put an equal sign (=) in it. Next, click one by one on the cells whose contents need to be multiplied. After selecting each cell, put a multiplication sign (*).

In order to multiply column by column, you immediately need to multiply the topmost cells of these columns, as shown in the example above. Then, stand on the lower left corner of the filled cell. A fill marker appears. Drag it down with the left mouse button held down. Thus, the multiplication formula is copied to all cells in the column.

After this, the columns will be multiplied.

Similarly, you can multiply three or more columns.

In order to multiply a cell by a number, as in the examples described above, first of all, put an equal sign (=) in the cell in which you intend to display the answer of arithmetic operations. Next, you need to write down the numerical factor, put the multiplication sign (*), and click on the cell that you want to multiply.

To display the result on the screen, click on the button ENTER.

However, you can perform the actions in a different order: immediately after the equal sign, click on the cell that you want to multiply, and then, after the multiplication sign, write down the number. After all, as you know, the product does not change when the factors are rearranged.

In the same way, you can, if necessary, multiply several cells and several numbers at once.

In order to multiply a column by a specific number, you need to immediately multiply the cell by this number, as described above. Then, using the fill marker, copy the formula to the lower cells and get the result.

If in a certain cell there is a number by which the column should be multiplied, for example, there is a certain coefficient there, then the above method will not work. This is due to the fact that when copying, the range of both multipliers will shift, and we need one of the multipliers to be constant.

First, we multiply the first cell of the column in the usual way by the cell that contains the coefficient. Next, in the formula we put a dollar sign in front of the coordinates of the column and row of the cell reference with the coefficient. In this way, we turned the relative link into an absolute one, the coordinates of which will not change when copied.

Now all that remains is to copy the formula to other cells using the fill marker in the usual way. As you can see, the finished result appears immediately.

Except the usual way multiplication, in Excel it is possible to use a special function for these purposes PRODUCT. You can call it in the same ways as any other function.

  1. Using the Function Wizard, which can be launched by clicking on the button "Insert Function".

Then you need to find the function PRODUCT, in the function wizard window that opens, and click the button "OK".

  • Via tab "Formulas". While in it, you need to press the button "Mathematical", which is located on the ribbon in the toolbox "Function Library". Then, in the list that appears, select the item "PRODUCT".

  • Enter function name PRODUCT, and its arguments, manually, after the equal sign (=) in the desired cell, or in the formula bar.
  • The function template for manual input is as follows: "=PRODUCT(number (or cell reference); number (or cell reference);...)". That is, if, for example, we need to multiply 77 by 55, and multiply by 23, then we write the following formula: "=PRODUCT(77,55,23)". To display the result, click on the button ENTER.

    When using the first two options for using a function (using the Function Wizard or the "Formulas"), an argument window will open in which you need to enter arguments in the form of numbers or cell addresses. This can be done by simply clicking on the desired cells. After entering the arguments, click on the button "OK"

    As is known, Microsoft Office Excel is great program for analyzing information and creating databases. Due to its powerful mathematical apparatus, the editor allows you to solve complex problems in a short period of time. A library of engineering, statistical, financial and other functions expands the program's capabilities. Inexperienced users use only the simplest mathematical operators of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Today we will tell you how the multiplication formula works in Excel.

    To multiply numbers together, just put an asterisk * between two values.

    In this case, excel works like a regular calculator. But in practice it is convenient to use table addressing. The formula for multiplying cells is as follows:

    Important! This recording principle is basic, and the presence of an asterisk is a prerequisite, since the editor does not recognize the multiplication operation and generates an error.

    Consider some examples of multiplying different elements.

    1. There is a column with employee salaries and the same bonus amount for everyone; you need to calculate the final payment.

    Here we multiply the column by the percentage and add the original salary to it. The formula will look like this:

    Please note that there is an absolute link inside that fixes the bonus percentage for calculation. To make such a link, you need to put a dollar sign or use the F4 button on your keyboard. Let's use the autocomplete handle to apply the formula to the entire column.

    On a note! To multiply by one cell, be sure to use absolute references.

    1. There is a column with the number of fruits and a column with their price. You need to know the lot price for each item.

    To solve this problem you need to multiply column by column. In the cell, write down the formula for ordinary cell multiplication.

    Then you drag the autocomplete marker down and get the result for each line.

    You can multiply three, four or more columns in the same way. First you do the calculation for one position, and then apply the function for the entire column.


    The editor has a special function for performing multiplication.

    PRODUCT – this is the name of the multiplication formula, which is built into the standard set mathematical functions excel. The tool's arguments are filled with either numbers or cell references.

    To insert a function, you can use several methods:

    1. Via the Fx button. At the first stage, select a formula, and then enter the required number of arguments. In this case, the final result is immediately displayed in the argument selection window. Confirm the action by pressing the OK button.

    The principle of operation of the function is exactly the same as with manual multiplication, but you do not need to put an asterisk.

    As you can see, multiplication is implemented in Excel in several ways. Must have general idea about this mathematical operation, and the solution for each specific problem will be individual.

    Excel is a spreadsheet program, so multiplication operations are the basic principles of working with it.

    is a spreadsheet processor that has quite powerful functionality for working with spreadsheets. Among the many functions in this program, it is worth noting the simplest - the ability to work with numbers. The table processor can perform both simple operations (addition, multiplication) and more complex ones: solving transport problems, selecting a parameter, searching for an optimal solution, etc. To familiarize yourself with the program, see entry level It will be enough to learn how to perform simple operations like multiplying numbers.

    How to multiply numbers in Excel?

    To begin with, you should remember that any calculations, and they all always begin with an equal sign. That is, you need to select any empty cell and enter the equal sign. Only after this can you enter any data. For example, you can write this: =5*5 (the asterisk symbol is a multiplication sign). The program will immediately understand what is required of it and give the result - 25.

    If you select the field where the result is displayed, you can see the formula itself, which is located in the formula field (it is located a little higher, above the working Excel sheet). You can also edit it here. For example, you can add this: =5*5*10 (after this the result will immediately change).

    But this method of multiplying numbers is very simple, and it is also irrational. Let's say that a user has 2 columns and is faced with the task of multiplying them. You can, of course, write everything manually, but it will take too much time. Also, the values ​​may change periodically, and you will have to constantly edit the formulas. In general, you don’t have to do all this, since Excel can perform operations with numbers in other ways. For example, multiplying values ​​in cells.

    Video on multiplication operations in Excel

    How to multiply cells in Excel?

    First you need to fill in any 2 fields with data. For example, in field A1 you can enter the number 10, and in field B1 - 5. After this, you need to perform the following steps:

    • select field C1 and enter an equal sign;
    • left-click on cell A1 and write an asterisk;
    • Click on cell B1 and press Enter.

    After this, the number 50 will be displayed in cell C1. If you click on cell C1 and look at the formula bar, you will see the following: =A1*B1. This means that Excel now multiplies not specific numbers, but the values ​​in these fields. If you change them, the result will also change. For example, in field A1 you can write the number 3, and in field C1 the result will immediately be displayed - 15. This method of multiplying numbers is classic. As a rule, no one writes numbers manually; they always multiply cells

    There is another little trick - copying formulas. As an example, you can take a small table (5 rows and 2 columns). The goal is to multiply the values ​​in each row (i.e. A1 times B1, A2 times B2, ..., A5 times B5). In order not to write the same formula every time, it is enough to write it only for the first line, and then select the cell with the result (C1) and pull down the small black square, which is located in the lower right corner. The formula will be pulled down and the result will be calculated for all rows.

    In this simple way you can multiply both numbers and cells in Excel. In addition, the same principle applies to other mathematical operators (addition, subtraction, division). In such situations, you just need to specify a different arithmetic sign, and all operations with numbers (or fields) are carried out in exactly the same way.