An error occurred while signing Sberbank ast. Reasons for incorrect operation of electronic signatures and ways to resolve problems. The procedure for updating the digital signature

The most common mistake when working with a trading system. To resolve this error, the user needs to install the CryptoPro Browser plug-in and make the correct settings.

How to install the CryptoPro plugin.

  • Download the plugin from the manufacturer's website Download
  • Install the program by clicking on the downloaded file (you can find it in the “Downloads” section).
  • At the beginning of installation, answer “Yes” in the window with the question “Install CryptoPro EDS Browser-plugin".
  • The program will begin installation, and upon completion you will receive a notification that the plugin has been installed successfully.
  • For correct operation plugin, the browser must be restarted.
  • In the future, when switching to the electronic signature verification form (section “Registration - Receipt and verification electronic signature") and when entering Personal Area user, the browser will request access to the certificate store. When such a request appears, you must click “OK”

IMPORTANT! For the CryptPro Browser plug-in to work correctly, you must have the root certificate of the Certification Authority installed on your PC. If, when working with USP, the system displays the following message:

“Error signing data. Happened Internal error in the certificate chain."

It is necessary to install the root certificate of the Certification Authority.

The plugin is not available in Internet Explorer

To eliminate the error, the same manipulations are required as in the previous error. In addition, you must disable all non-standard add-ons:

  • launch IE.
  • enter “Tools”, then “Configure add-ons”, “On”. and off superstructures."
  • Select add-ons related to Skype, QIP, Mail, Yandex, Rambler, Google, Yahoo, etc. and turn them off.
  • restart IE.

Error when opening the vault: error Sberbank-AST

This error occurs when the personal certificate storage system fails. This happens if the browser in the Sberbank-AST system is configured incorrectly. First, you need to check the ES website using Activex, then update this component. But the main reason for the failure is the inaccurate operation of the Capicom library. To install it you need to do the following:

  • download and unpack the archive with the software;
  • go to the folder and run the file from the “Administrator” function;
  • The installation wizard window will open, click Next;
  • agree to the Microsoft licensing rules, then Next;
  • click Browse to install the application,
    choose system folder System 32, click OK, then Next;
  • to start the installation process you need to click Install;
  • When the process is completed, you need to click Finish.

If an application is duplicated because it may have been installed earlier, an error message will appear. Then it is possible to download a file with the msi extension from the official Microsoft website according to the previously described scheme. After this, Capicom needs to be registered. For this purpose in command line the following is entered:

c:\windows\system32\regsvr32.exe capicom.dll

and press the “ENTER” key on your keyboard.

The registration process is complete.

Cryptoprovider error in Sberbank-AST ETP

This error occurs if the user has not been accredited for this ETP. You need to fill in your details and copies in a special form. necessary documents and send this information. A response will be received within 1-5 days.

To successfully pass accreditation you must:

  • Install CryptoPro (see section “Sberbank-AST: plugin not available”);
  • Set up CryptoPro. Run the utility as administrator. In the “Equipment” tab, open “Configure readers”, then “Add”, select the one you need from the list;
  • Here, click “Configure media types”, then “Add”, select Jakarta or Etoken.

Install a personal certificate.

  • Go to CryptoPro;
  • In the “Service” option, click “View certificates in the container”, then “Browse”;
  • Select the appropriate certificate, option “Certificate to view”, “Properties”, “Install certificate”

If he doesn’t see the certificate

If, when logging in using an electronic digital signature certificate, the system displays the message: “This certificate is not associated with the system user. To associate this certificate,

  • On this page, enter your login and enter the user’s personal account on the site.
  • If, when you re-enter your personal account, the system no longer displays the message shown in the figure above, it means that the certificate association was successful.
  • If when entering your personal account using an electronic digital signature certificate through the “Single Login Page” or re-entering through “ Previous page login" the system still displays a message stating that "the certificate is not associated with the user", therefore, the certificate association did not occur automatically and it is necessary to fill out an application to register a new user.

Registration procedure:

  • on the Sberbank-AST website, enter “Participants”, then “Registration”, click “Submit an application” in the field “Registration of a participant user (new electronic signature certificate)”;
  • In the selected certificate, some fields will be filled in automatically, the rest must be filled in manually.

When re-registering, you must come up with a new username and enter it in Latin letters.

If the selected certificate has an administrator function, the data will be transferred automatically. Otherwise, this is done through your personal account by another person in the company with administrator functions. If the company does not have such a person, then an application is submitted to confirm the updates. in electronic format: [email protected]


Capicom is a built-in utility for checking electronic signatures, viewing and decrypting certificate data, adding and deleting certificates. The procedure for installing this function is described in the “Sberbank-AST” section.

How to update the digital signature on Sberbank-AST?

An electronic signature or electronic digital signature is required to sign documents electronically. This is important to guarantee the authenticity of the information and the owner’s signature itself. If the digital signature is outdated, it needs to be updated.

The procedure for updating the digital signature:

  • re-accreditation is not required;
  • within 5 days, the organization sends all changed information and documents (if any), notifying them of the expiration of the old digital signature;
  • when replacing the digital signature is registered New user, with information about this being entered into the register. The authorized person of the company is informed through his personal account.

Here are the most common errors encountered by Sberbank-AST users. We hope that these recommendations will help you avoid them in your trading system.

Good day to all readers of our portal dedicated to the services of Sberbank of Russia. Today we would like to tell you how to fix the error when signing the signer’s data. So, let's get started and look at this problem in order.

This error occurs during user registration, when, after signing the data, a message appears notifying that “The signer’s certificate is not valid for signing.”

The message about incorrectness arises due to the fact that during the accreditation process errors were made related to the execution of a number of official documents.

It is better to immediately pack documents with more than a page of text into the recommended zip format, not rar.

The file size should be within 10 MB and therefore it is better to reduce the page resolution to fit within this volume. If this is not possible, then you will have to make several archives that have clear names so that the operator of the center where the electronic digital signature is issued cannot make a claim.

It is better to scan all documents, but instead of orders for the appointment or extension of powers, it is enough to submit a decision that has been approved and signed.

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Ways to fix the error when signing the signer’s data

First of all, you will have to contact the installation center that was responsible for issuing the electronic digital signature. This should help fix the situation faster.

If an error during signing leads to the interface simply no longer being supported, then you need to download the CryptoPro utility library and install it.

It is also important to avoid mistakes when signing data because a set of keys may be lost, without which it is impossible to work.

Most often this is due to the fact that the password was written down incorrectly or was simply not remembered. Therefore, using the same CryptoPro, you will have to delete all remembered passwords and only then enter new ones.

It is worth checking the key floppy disk, and if the copying was done correctly, you will have to do it again. In addition, you need to make sure that the utility has not expired.

We hope we were able to answer all your questions and help solve any problems that arose when working with Sberbank AST. If you have any other questions about the services of Sberbank of Russia, look for answers to them on the pages of our portal.

Some users using electronic digital signatures (EDS) may encounter the error “Unable to build a certificate chain for the trusted root authority (0x800b010a)”, in a Mozilla-based browser this error looks like “Error calling method on NPObject”. We will try to give practical advice to help correct this error.

Reasons for Error calling method on NPObject

This signing error occurs when trying to log in to government service portals (Rosestr,,, when using online banking (Sberbank Ast), or directly when signing files and documents of certain formats. As such, there can be many reasons - a cluttered browser, lack of necessary programs to create a digital signature, incorrect settings of issued certificates on the computer, the absence of some root certificates or their expiration date.

Error "Error calling method on NPObject"

How to fix this error

We have collected the most effective advice online, according to the majority of participants in thematic forums. All descriptions are made for informational purposes. Let's start with the most simple tips, gradually complicating the solution process.


There can be many subtleties in solving the error “Unable to build a certificate chain for the trusted root authority (0x800b010a).” I would personally advise not to experiment and immediately write to the CA support or OOS support. Qualified technicians, after analyzing the logs, will immediately find the problem and send you instructions for fixing it.

If, when trying to sign an electronic document with an electronic signature, the browser displays the message “The object cannot be created by the object programming server,”

This means that the CAPICOM library was not automatically registered on your computer.

In order to do this manually, you must use a user with local administrator rights:

  1. Download archive
  2. Close all windows Internet Explorer"A
  3. Extract files from the archive to your computer
  4. Run register.bat from the folder into which the archive files were extracted (for the operating system Windows systems Vista must be launched as administrator)

If there are problems with this, you can install and register capicom.dll yourself. For this:

  1. Copy the capicom.dll file to the system directory operating system(usually this is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32), if there is already such a file there, replace it with the file from the archive
  2. In the Start/Run menu, enter the command: regsvr32 capicom.dll and click OK.

After successful installation, check for the presence of this library in Internet Explorer add-ons. To do this, go to the SERVICE menu - BROWSER PROPERTIES - PROGRAMS tab - ADD-ONS button. In the window that appears, find the capicom.dll library and enable it.

If all the previous steps have been completed, but an error continues to appear when trying to sign an electronic document with an electronic signature, this may mean that the work is blocked by system services " Windows Firewall" and "Security Center". In this case, you need to disable them.

To do this, to disable them, you need to go to "Control Panel - Administration - Services". A list of all services will appear in the window. Find these services. Double-click on each of them. In the window that appears, change the startup type to “Manual” or “Disabled” and click the “Stop” button.

When working with various services that use Electronic Digital Signature (EDS), the user may encounter the error “Error calling method on NPObject”. This dysfunction can occur when digitally signing electronic documents, generating electronic keys, when logging into your personal electronic banking account, when trying to log in to the resources of government service portals, and so on. In this article I will tell you what this error is and how to fix Error calling method on NPObject on your PC.

Error text "Error calling method on NPObject"

Translated from in English the text of this error sounds like "Called method error on NPObject" and usually denotes the situation when an error occurs in the code of programs written in Visual C++ or Javascript.

This problem is most common among users Mozilla browsers Firefox and Google Chrome working with various network resources(programs) that use an electronic digital signature (EDS) in their work.

Specific causes of the problem may be as follows:

How to fix Error calling method on NPObject

To solve the Error calling method on NPObject problem, I recommend doing the following:

  1. Restart your computer. Sometimes this can be effective;
  2. If you are not an IT specialist, then, first of all, I recommend writing a letter (or calling) technical support resource (or software product), when working with which a this error, and describe the problem;
  3. Check that the date and time are displayed correctly on your computer. If they are “off”, move the mouse cursor over the date and time display in the lower right corner of the screen, right-click, select “Date and time settings” in the menu that appears and change the date and time to the correct values;

  4. Temporarily disable (remove) external extensions (add-ons) for your browser;
  5. If the digital signature tool is implemented as a plugin for your browser, then completely remove the plugin from the browser, restart your PC, and then try installing the plugin again;
  6. Completely reinstall your existing desktop digital signature programs (if any);
  7. Clear your browser cache. For example, on Chrome this is done by going to settings, then clicking on “Show additional settings”, finding the “Clear history” button, selecting “All time” from the top. Check the option “Images and other files saved in the cache”, uncheck other options and click on “Clear history”;

  8. Clear the Java cache. Go to Control Panel - Programs, find "Java" there. Click on this icon, the control panel will open. Find the “Temporary Internet Files” section and click on “Settings” there. Find the “Delete Files” button, click on it and confirm the deletion of temporary files (“Delete Temporary Files Settings”) by clicking on “Ok”;

  9. Revoke old certificates and request new ones; after receiving new certificates, change your passwords. After changing the passwords, remove the old certificates by going to the “Security” tab in Java, then to “Manage Certificates”, select the old certificate and click on “Remove”.

In Windows OS, this is done by clicking on the “Start” button, entering certmgr.msc in the search bar and pressing enter. In the certificate window that opens, click on the “Personal” tab, find the old certificate and delete it.


If a signing error Error calling method on NPObject appears on your computer, I recommend that you first contact the technical support of a digital product (resource) that works with digital signatures, where they can quickly identify the source of the problem (using logs) and carry out a set of actions to eliminate it. Otherwise, I recommend following the set of tips listed above, they will help get rid of Error calling method on NPObject on your PC.

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