Real ways to make money on Twitter without investment. How to make money on Twitter: real money without investment! How to make real money on Twitter

Any social network can be used to make money online. The Twitter microblogging system is no exception.

You can earn money consistently from your profiles different ways, from completing light tasks to placing advertising background images.

Making money on Twitter is now used by many users, but in order for this method to bring good profits, you need to understand all the intricacies. Beginners need to understand, learn about registration and use Twitter analytics services to track results.

How to make money on Twitter?

There are many ways to do this, but you need to start with its promotion. The popularity of microblog is one of the main factors influencing income level. and will help you with promotion and fast.

To attract subscribers, many people use mutual following. The option is good, but you need to figure it out.

Promoting a profile on Twitter is a labor-intensive process, but it doesn’t have to be. Even accounts without followers can generate income, if you use services with simple tasks.

Earning money from tasks on Twitter

The easiest way to make money on Twitter is to use services with tasks. Many people want followers and other boosts, and you can help them with this.

By subscribing to microblogs, publishing tweets, retweeting and adding to favorites, you can receive money using the following services:
  1. VkTarget is a fairly popular service through which you make money on different profiles from social networks, including from Twitter. Just add your account and different orders will be displayed in your order feed.
  2. Prospero – through this service you earn money using different accounts, and after adding a microblog, you will be periodically given different tasks. Payments are ordered via Webmoney, there is always a lot of work.
  3. Forumok is one of the few projects where the size of the reward depends on the popularity of the profile. The more subscribers you have, the higher rating will receive an account after adding. You will receive 18 rubles per tweet from a microblog that has over 2000 users, with a PR of 3 and created before 1 year.
  4. Advego – despite the fact that this is a copywriting exchange, you can also perform easy tasks here. Enter the name of the Twitter site in the search form and get a list of easy tasks for adding tweets, subscribing, and so on.
  5. Vprka – register on the site and then log in via your Twitter account to access tasks. Paid 35 kopecks, all tasks are related to retweets and subscriptions to microblogs.
  6. Socialtools – after logging in, you will also need to add a profile here and then check the available tasks. They do not appear so often, but because large quantity performers, you need to execute them quickly.
  7. Twite – when you open this site, go to the Blogger panel and log in through your Twitter. After this, you will immediately be taken to the task page. They pay money via Webmoney, the minimum amount is 300 rubles.
  8. Plibber is an exchange for promotion through social networks, which is actively used by webmasters. Here you can add different pages from popular social networks. networks to receive tasks. The pay is high, but you will have to apply for the work first.
  9. Smo-pult - to use this service, register, then provide a link to your account in your profile and do not forget to provide the details for receiving payments; Webmoney and QIWI are offered to choose from.
  10. Cashbox is a high-quality project for making money on profiles from the most popular social networks. Retweets sometimes cost a few rubles. Payments are made only to Webmoney wallets.

Whichever of these services you choose, making money will be easy. To avoid being left without work, register in several systems at once. In addition to the fact that you will be able to complete more tasks, you will be able to choose the most profitable assignments.

An example of making money on Twitter with SMMOK

You can earn money through axleboxes without Twitter, for example, by completing tasks for registering on sites or writing comments.

Earning money from a Twitter profile grid.

In order to get maximum income from this social network, some users create a whole network of accounts. Twitter doesn't require phone verification, so it's the site most often used to create a network of profiles. You can monetize them in different ways, but managing the account base is not so easy.

If you decide to use this method, be sure to download special software Twidium Keeper and Twidium Inviter. These programs allow you to conveniently manage a network of profiles, as well as automatically use mass following.

Performing tasks through all these profiles is too long and difficult. You need to make money on such a basis in other ways. For example, you can use it by placing various advertisements on microblogs. Another profitable way to monetize a network of Twitter accounts is by selling links.

Earning money by selling links from Twitter

There is also an exchange RotaPost, which also accepts microblogs for selling links. How to arrange this?

1. After registering in the system, open Personal Area and in the webmaster section, select adding a site:

2. In the first step, you will need to provide a link to your profile:

Many regulars on social networks say that while in virtual space, you can not only play various games and chat with friends, but also earn good money. Well, of course, they should know better! But, for example, how to make money on Twitter? What can you possibly get out of short messages in 140 characters (exactly these short posts accepted by this social network)? Read this article further and find out!

How do you make money on Twitter?

Actually, there is no secret here. Twitter is a microblogging service. How do bloggers usually make money on the Internet? Of course, on the advertising links that they place in their posts. The Twitter social network, where earnings are based on exactly the same principle, can bring the owner of a Twi account a very noticeable permanent income. You probably know what kind of competition there is on the Internet for first places in search results? Today it is impossible to bring your resource to the top without using special promotion methods. The Google and Yandex search engines rank well those sites that have many other web pages linking to them.

Therefore, owners of various thematic Internet resources are willing to pay a lot of money to have links posted on their pages on social networks, forums, blogs and websites. If you are the owner of an authoritative microblog, then you can very well act as an advertiser, and your Twi account will earn money. But don't think that everything is so easy and simple. Want to know how to make money on Twitter? Learn to create a good, lively and truly popular microblog.

List of exchanges for earning money

There are proven and well-established resources on the Internet that will allow you to monetize Twitter. Here is a list of the most popular advertising exchanges: “Rotapost”, “Blogun”, “Prospero”, “Forumok”, Twite. You can try to register your account on all of these resources and start making money.

But keep in mind that each exchange has its own account requirements. If your blog is still very young, it has few readers and tweets, then you may be temporarily denied registration or assigned the most low price. Which, in principle, is unacceptable. Therefore, to begin with, it is recommended to start developing your microblog, and we will tell you in detail how to do this.

How much can you earn on Twitter?

Working on Twitter is more simple than complex. But don't expect it to make you a lot of money right away. In order to receive truly tangible amounts, you will have to spend a lot of time and work. The amount of your earnings on this social network will directly depend on how many people read you, whether your microblog is indexed by Yandex, what its age and pg range are, as well as on a number of other factors. Top bloggers value links in posts very highly, but you still need to be able to get to the top. If you are determined to succeed in social Twitter networks, then you will have to be patient and immerse yourself in work.

What should a Twi account be like to make money?

Have you heard the saying that it’s hard to catch a fish out of a pond? If you want to make money on Twitter, you will first have to work tirelessly to promote your account.

Here are a few basic requirements that must be met if you want the social network to start bringing you a stable income:

1. Your Twi account should look as human as possible (unfortunately, there are many bots in the Twitter space). To do this, you need to carefully fill out your profile: write where you live, what your hobbies are, education, etc.

2. For an avatar, it is best to use your real photo. People who know how to make money on Twitter advise not to use images of different animals or cartoon characters - this is a frivolous approach to business. Movie heroes and pop stars are also not the best option. Remember: you create and for this there is nothing better than your own image.

3. You must have many subscribers or, as they are commonly called on Twitter, followers. The more there are, the better! The resource does not limit their number in any way. We will talk about the methods by which you can acquire subscribers a little later.

4. And finally, about the most important thing - about your tweets. You need to write messages on your account regularly and a lot. Only in this case will it be well indexed by search engines and will be of interest to advertisers.

Where to get a lot of followers?

Beginners who have just created a Twi account and are looking for an answer to the question of how to make money on Twitter understand that they need to get as many followers as possible, but do not know where to get them. First, just start following people you are interested in. If you are not too lazy to fill out your profile in detail and indicate your hobbies in it, then Twitter itself will offer accounts that match your passions. The next day you will be delighted that many Twitter users have responded by following you back.

Great, a start has been made - keep it up! Only if your microblog is very young, then you don’t need to immediately engage in masfollowing. You can get a ban for this. Increase the pace of your subscriptions gradually. There are other ways to get subscribers. For example, if you have some extra money, then you can start buying such “clients”. There are even exchanges that provide similar services. But remember that real real followers are expensive, and you can only get bot subscribers for cheap. Whether you need it or not, decide for yourself. I would like to warn against the temptation to take advantage special programs, which automatically subscribe readers. This could cost you a ban!

What to write about?

“Well!” you say, “they wanted to know how to make money on Twitter, but they start telling us about anything but this.” But the fact of the matter is that all subsequent dividends will directly depend on the quality of your account. Do you want to have a popular microblog? First, learn how to conduct it according to all the rules of Internet blogging.

Please post responsibly and keep your tweets interesting. Many people have difficulty at first and don’t know what to tell their subscribers about. If you are one of those silent people, then first try writing comments on other people's tweets. This is also good because it makes it easier to find friends this way. Feel free to ask followers questions. This is a service for chatterboxes! Therefore, the more you tweet (tweet, by the way, translated means tweeting), the better.

The Importance of Lists and Hash Tags

It is very good for an account if as many followers as possible add it to their lists. And for this you need to communicate a lot and constantly. Be sure to reciprocate. The presence of lists in your microblog will signal search engines that you are not a bot, but an active live “Twitter”.

Working on Twitter requires knowledge of many local intricacies. For example, tweets can also - and should - be promoted. There are hash tags for this. Let's say your tweet is dedicated to an event, for example, the New Year. Put in front keyword# icon and you will see that the phrase is highlighted as a hash tag. Now your tweet has a legitimate topic tag and will be read by many more people.

Rules of conduct on Twitter, or what can get you banned

In order for your Twitter to live happily ever after, and not just live, but develop and generate income, you need to follow the rules of good manners accepted in this community. This will help you avoid a lifetime ban. Firstly, you need to behave politely, do not be rude to your interlocutors, and do not use obscene expressions. Otherwise, you will be blacklisted, and if this happens many times, the system will sooner or later reject you. And how to work on Twitter then?

Automatic masfollowing - another one common reason hitting persons with “non grata” status. The principle “less is more” applies here. Follow manually - this will help avoid trouble. Automatic posting in the feed is also not welcome. In this case, the network may confuse you with a robot and punish you by blocking your account. If you are banned for something, do not rush to panic, wait a couple of days, perhaps this is an error, and the system will soon restore your access to the resource. But if the ban is prolonged, write to technical support- for the first time you can be forgiven and unblocked.

One account is good, but several are even better!

There is one little piece of advice for those who are searching on Twitter. Get yourself not just one account, but several, and systematically give them all at least a little attention every day. After a while, you will be able to place them all on advertising exchanges, and they will all bring you profit. The main thing is not to be lazy and not abandon the work you started. We hope this article was useful to you and helped you understand the question: “How to make money on Twitter?”

Today we will tell you how to make money on Twitter in the material presented. Let us immediately note that there are plenty of opportunities for monetizing your own account. Some methods are more profitable, some less. But all of them will allow a schoolchild, a student or a novice moneymaker to definitely cover the costs of mobile communications or the Internet, and with due diligence it is possible to achieve higher profits.

How much can you earn

Twitter was created in 2006, around the same time as other popular social networks. On this moment this platform is a kind of “online newspaper” from which you can timely learn the latest news from the world of politics, sports, culture and show business.

Income famous people and entrepreneurs with the help of this service practically unlimited. And all because they have a huge audience in which advertisers are interested in promoting their own brand, products or services.

The earnings of a schoolchild or student at first are from 300 to 700 rubles per day. Further growth is possible if:

  • increase the time allocated for generating income;
  • grow an audience of regular subscribers;
  • independently search for direct advertisers.

Twitter is great for making money because:

  1. the majority of project participants are young, successful and, accordingly, solvent people;
  2. the site is optimized for use via mobile devices;
  3. promoting a microblog on Twitter does not require initial investment;
  4. quantity active users will soon exceed the 400 million mark.

Ways to earn money through Twitter

You can make money on this microblogging service in 2 main ways:

  1. on your own account by placing advertising or affiliate links;
  2. on sites that pay for performing certain actions (for example, retweets).

In any case, you will need a registered Account on Twitter. Registration is carried out as follows:

  • indication of name (no more than 50 characters) and number mobile phone(alternatively, you can use the address Email by clicking on the corresponding button);

  • account setup;

  • on specified number mobile phone or email address you will receive a verification code - you need to enter it in the field provided to complete the registration process;

  • Next, you need to come up with a password (at least 6 characters), it is advisable to choose a complex one, consisting of letters and numbers of different registers.

Ways to earn money by monetizing your own account

To make your Twitter account a truly highly profitable tool, it is recommended to promote your account a little, that is, gain at least 100 followers. See below for how to do this.

Income from advertising

After gaining a sufficient audience, you can start earning money by placing advertisements on your page. You can find advertisers willing to pay for such services on special intermediary sites, such as:


On initial stage You should not clutter your feed with too many advertisements - this can scare away new subscribers. And old people are unlikely to be interested in a blog if it consists entirely of advertising offers. Therefore, 1 advertising post per day is quite enough.

Income from affiliate links

And, again, to make a profit using this method, you need to have at least 100 (or better yet, 1000 or more followers).

The idea is simple - a partner (an organization, a store selling things, etc.) provides a link that a potential client or buyer needs to follow and perform a certain action, for example:

  • register on the promoted site;
  • make a purchase;
  • bring a friend, etc.

For each such action performed, the owner of the Twitter account will be paid. For example, a certain percentage of the price of a product purchased on the website.

Commercial microblogging

The owner of a Twitter account can sell his own items, goods or services. Actually, the account can be turned into some kind of analogue of an online store.

For example, offer programming services, website promotion by creating unique content, legal consulting services, etc.

And a Twitter account, if it is sufficiently popular, can be sold on eBay or specialized forums. The specific price will depend on the number of followers, topic and other factors.

Monetization of the account header

Any user can upload their own image and use it as a header.

If the account has many followers, then monetization of the background is possible. To do this, you need to find direct advertisers who are willing to pay for placing a picture in the header advertising a service or product.

They can pay quite well for such advertising. And all because the banner is large and it is almost impossible not to see it. In addition, the banner design can be anything. If it is colorful, it will certainly attract attention. Here is an example of what the header looks like on one of the popular accounts.

Creating unique backgrounds and plugins

You can also earn money by creating unique “hats” yourself. Some popular Twitter users are willing to pay a lot of money to make their account look as colorful and eye-catching as possible.

You can also generate income by creating plugins that extend basic functionality Twitter.

Sites that pay for retweets and other actions performed using a Twitter account

By registering on one of these resources, you can get real money without investing! Our editors have selected the TOP 3 such sites.

1. Vktarget

Here they pay for:

  • following any Twitter account;
  • retweet any post;
  • putting a like;
  • publishing a post of any content.

To earn money, you need to synchronize your Twitter and Vktarget accounts, after which you will have access to a lot of paid tasks. The minimum amount for withdrawal is only 15 rubles. There is also an affiliate program - you can attract advertisers or task performers. 15% of the money they earn or spend will be credited to the referral.

2. Forumok (

Here you can also earn money by tweeting, retweeting and following.

The minimum amount for withdrawal is 200 rubles. To earn income, you must first promote your Twitter account, namely, have at least:

  1. 30 tweets;
  2. 100 subscribers.

3. Rotapost (

Both social media account owners and webmasters make money here.

Registration will only take 2 minutes. After this you need to specify minimum price performing a certain action. Next, requests will be received from advertisers - they can be rejected or satisfied.

The process of promoting a Twitter account

First, you need to engage in “active activity” - that is, publish posts, notes, photos and videos, and also subscribe to other participants in the service.

It wouldn’t hurt to create a beautiful “header” and add a mini profile photo.

As a rule, if the posts are interesting, the number of followers will gradually increase. The optimal ratio of readers to followers at the initial stage of promotion is 3 to 1. For popular people, this ratio is approximately 1 to 1.

After some time, you can engage in more “aggressive” promotion. For example, gain subscribers using the Twidium Twitter Edition program (free for the first week, then you need to purchase a license).

You can also use the service. For example, getting 125 subscribers costs 50 rubles, and 550 – 200 rubles.

(10 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

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How to make money on Twitter without investment? In recent years, Twitter has begun to actively gain popularity in the CIS. In this regard, many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to earn income from this.

Ways to make money on Twitter

Below I will list the main ways to make money on Twitter:

  • Retweets, likes, comments, following and other tasks on microservice exchanges.
    You take a task on microservice exchanges and after completion you receive money. Orders are very simple - for example, like, leave a comment or retweet a post. In this case, microservice exchanges act as intermediaries, ensuring fair settlements between customers and performers and resolving any disputes that arise.
  • Posting promotional tweets on your page.
    It happens that other microbloggers want to gain popularity by posting tweets on other people's pages. And for this they are willing to pay from 10 rubles to 2000-10000 rubles, depending on the promotion of the account and the number of followers.
  • Placement of referral links.
    You are required to register in various referral programs and post affiliate links on your blog. Money will be received for each transition or completion of certain actions (registration, payment for a purchase, etc.).
  • Sale external links from your account. The principle of action is approximately the same as in the previous paragraph. Only links lead to external resources.
  • Partnership programs. On the Internet you will find many different affiliate programs - from online stores to services for webmasters. It is recommended to choose a topic that matches the interests of your target audience. This way the efficiency will increase significantly and will look organic on your page. It is important to understand that partners do not pay for posting information on the page, but for user actions - placing an order, paying, leaving contacts.
  • Placement of direct advertising from advertisers.
    In order for any advertisers to be interested in your page, it must have at least a hundred readers. The principle of this scheme is simple - they order advertising from you, you place it on your page and receive money for it. True, it is important to know that the number advertising posts limited by the system. It is recommended to write one promotional tweet at a time and dilute it with a regular post. To interact directly with customers, you can place an advertisement for advertising on your microblog.
  • Advertising through the official Twitter platform. If you can’t find advertisers, you can use the official Twitter advertising platform.

How much can you earn on Twitter?

After we have figured out whether it is possible to make money on Twitter, we should find out how much money you can make in general. Prices today are approximately as follows:

How to make money on Twitter from advertising?

Related video:

Twitter is one of the most underrated social networks on the RuNet. While users of VKontakte and Facebook have long learned to make money on these social networks, ordinary users know very little about the advertising capabilities of Twitter. This is exactly what we intend to fix.

In this article we will talk about how to make money on Twitter, describe in detail the most popular and effective methods making money on microblogs. First of all, this material will be useful to those who want to make money online, but are still little familiar with the monetization of Twitter accounts.

So how can you earn your main or additional income using Twitter, what services to use for this, and do you need an initial investment? So, first things first.

Why is Twitter so good?​

We will not dwell for long on the advantages of Twitter over other social networks; we will focus only on the most important of them:

  1. There are no lengthy posts on Twitter that users often skim or don’t read to the end. All information here is packaged as compactly as possible - in 140 characters. Therefore, account owners are simply forced to exclude any “water” in the text and publish only the essence.
  2. Tweets have high conversion compared to standard posts on other social networks, even the most popular ones.
  3. On Twitter people use search (including hashtags) much more often than on other social networks.
  4. Every month Twitter is visited by more than 400 million active users who not only scroll through the feed as in VK, but also add new contacts.
  5. Twitter looks very convenient and compact on mobile devices.
  6. To start making money on Twitter, no investment is needed, and the number of readers can be minimal.

As you can see, the microblogging service can be used not only as an addition to the main communities and offline websites, but also as a main tool for attracting target audiences and sales.

Commercial microblog

You can make money on Twitter by selling your own products, even without having an online store, or by offering your services. A promoted account on a microblogging service will help you find potential clients more often, without resorting to searching through specialized services.

If popular microblogs overseas can be sold for tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars, then in RuNet these amounts are much more modest: for a well-promoted Twitter account with a live audience (at least a couple of thousand people), you can earn 10,000 rubles or more.

To make your Twitter account as selling as possible, indicate in your profile header your advantages, awards, and presence in thematic tops. Show that you really are an expert in your niche, because as you know, people are greeted by their clothes, and the header helps the guests of your page make a first impression about you. Some craftsmen even manage to create selling avatars.​

Rice. 1. The most popular foreign SEO specialist Brian Dean, known under the nickname backlinko, in his Twitter header with just a few logos of cool publications that wrote about him, confirms his expertise and immediately wins over new users.

Upgraded microblogs are very popular among buyers on eBay, thematic forums. The more “live” subscribers your microblog has on Twitter, the more expensive the topic, the higher its cost.

In general, briefly talk about what you are proud of and what can increase audience loyalty. In commercial subjects such as construction, design, dentistry, cars, the cap can become effective tool sales and this opportunity is definitely not worth neglecting.

And here we smoothly move on to the next way to make money on Twitter - the creation and promotion of commercial microblogs for their subsequent sale.

Selling promoted microblogs

Everything here is very clear. You create several microblogs on popular topics (preferably commercial), promote them, building up a loyal subscriber base, and then profitably sell accounts to those who already have their own online business, but need additional platforms to promote their products and services.

In this case, any experience in Internet marketing and sales skills will be useful to you. Although you can do without these skills if you know how to package information in an interesting and concise manner.

Here's a small example. You run an interesting microblog about extreme sports, giving useful recommendations for beginners in choosing quality accessories, talking about the difference between models and brands of roller skates, skateboards, bikes, etc.

Rice. 2. An example of a post on the microblog of an extreme sports enthusiast who is preparing for the new season, showing readers his “combat” ammunition.

You increase the number of subscribers who are also into extreme sports. Thanks to your expertise, you increase the level of trust in you among readers. At the right time, sell your blog to a warm audience ready to buy based on your recommendations.

Who should you sell this microblog to? Owners of online sports stores, direct manufacturers of sports paraphernalia, or organizations wishing to unite extreme sports enthusiasts on social networks. You can sell such microblogs directly or through special forums and exchanges, including through webmaster forums.

For example, you can do this in a special section for the sale of digital goods on Search, the most popular forum for webmasters and optimizers. Here you can sell not only a well-promoted Twitter account, but also a page on any social network. And the demand for high-quality microblogs and public pages is very high here.​

Monetization of the profile header

A very convenient and, most importantly, effective method for those who do not want to clog up their subscribers’ feed with advertising tweets. Draw the header yourself, based on the wishes of the advertiser, or order inexpensively from trusted artists if you do not have the skills to work with graphic editors. ​

Rice. 3. There are plenty of artists on Quorka who are ready to draw a header for your Twitter account for just 500 rubles.

A high-quality hat will cost you only 500 rubles. This is beneficial if the advertiser pays you at least a few thousand rubles for advertising. You can also create a hat with your own hands in a simple, but intuitive and functional designer. The recommended header size is 1500x500 pixels.

In fact, this is passive income. You simply conduct a microblog for your own pleasure and receive money from advertisers for advertising placed on a monthly or weekly basis.

Use the recommendations that we described just above in the “Commercial microblog” subsection. They will help you enhance your advertising effect and clearly demonstrate to your advertisers the effectiveness of such advertising campaigns. This means that they will continue to advertise on your Twitter profile in the future.​

Monetization of a block of personal data

However, don't focus only on the header. After all, the block of personal data that is located under your avatar can sell just as well.

Rice. 4. On Tinkoff Bank’s Twitter account, in the personal data block, there is a link leading directly to a page with the company’s current services. And in the header and pinned tweet there is information about the competition dedicated to the holidays of February 23 and March 8.

Here, of course, you won’t get much speed in terms of creativity, but using selling phrases in the biography field and active links to your products will definitely increase conversion.

Use emoji to draw attention to a block of personal data, but do not overdo it so as not to scare off loyal readers or newbies. Tell us in a few words about your company's mission and the services you offer.

Advertising in the background of your account

Recently, this method of monetizing a Twitter account has become very popular. Advertisers order unique designer backgrounds on thematic or related microblogs.

For example, a traveler can place an advertisement for last-minute tours or a service with hostel ratings in the background. Author of a construction microblog - advertising of various building materials. Film critic - upcoming screenings of new films in the cinema.

The only disadvantage of this method is that on mobile devices and small monitors the user simply will not see background advertising. And as you know, the share mobile traffic in some niches it has long surpassed the stationary one.

Promotional Tweets

The easiest way to monetize Twitter. You can make money by publishing advertising messages or successfully disguise them as your personal recommendations.

Of course, the number of such tweets should be limited as much as possible, since readers unsubscribe from “advertising” dumps very quickly. In what format can promotional tweets be published? In the form of a short text message, images, website links, surveys, gifs or geolocations. These formats can be combined with each other.

For example, write about new purchase and first impressions of it, indicate the place where you purchased this product, show in the photo what it looks like. Add a survey for subscribers who are already using it or just want to try it. Your followers will not regard such tweets as advertising. The audience will actively interact with you and this will significantly increase loyalty to both your microblog and the advertised product.

This way, you can not only earn money by posting promotional tweets, but also receive a percentage of the transactions carried out. Here we move on to the next way to monetize a Twitter account - making money on affiliate programs.

Earnings from affiliate links

Today in RuNet there are countless affiliate programs of any topic. We recommend choosing those affiliate programs whose topics are close and familiar to you. This will increase the chances of creating better sales tweets.

Readers trust you as an expert and are happy to make purchases based on your preferences and recommendations.

This method of making money on Twitter implies that you will receive money not for advertising, but for actions performed by your subscribers that the advertiser considers useful (purchase, subscription, registration, leaving a review, etc.).

Try to use unused affiliate programs and ad formats. Users have learned to ignore advertisements that they frequently encounter, this is the so-called banner blindness.

In order to find out which of the affiliate programs is right for you and which of them users respond best to, visit our website and study the current ratings. Here we have collected the most popular partnership programs With detailed description And honest reviews about each of them.​

The foreign segment is full of specialized exchanges that are aimed at monetizing Twitter itself, and not all social networks. If you do not speak English well or your product has a limited geography, it is better to promote your account only in the Russian Federation and/or the former CIS countries.


If you have large audience on Twitter, you can organize various competitions, marathons, promotions, attracting outside sponsors. For example, you are a famous eSports player and hold your own tournament. Attract sponsors who are closest to your topic and can not only provide you with a prize fund, but also pay you additionally for hosting such an event.

Online electronics stores are ideal here, computer equipment and various devices for gamers, furniture stores, selling computer desks and comfortable chairs for those who spend a lot of time on computer games. Using this scheme, you can attract sponsors in any topic where there is supply and demand.

Business Twitter account

Using Twitter, you can sell your products without spending on advertising, although this microblogging service has a separate function for running advertising campaigns within the network (relevant for medium and large businesses).

Let's say you have a small offline business, but don't have your own online store. You can, of course, create a VKontakte or Facebook page and sell your products there, but Twitter, unlike other social networks, has a higher conversion rate, especially if your microblog is subscribed to the target audience and you know how to work with selling tweets.

Earning money by designing or improving a microblog

If you are good at drawing and are familiar with graphic editors, you can create design elements for microblogs for money, and your own account will act as a portfolio page.

Developers can create useful Twitter plugins and sell them on their microblog. It all depends on your skills and ingenuity. Users are willing to pay for add-ons that will increase the functionality and efficiency of their microblogs, simplify their work with the social network, or improve its visual component.

Earning money for a beginner using simple actions

This type of earnings on Twitter is the most common in RuNet, since any beginner can earn money without investments and a well-developed profile. All you have to do is register on special services earning and fulfilling simple steps, which the advertiser will ask you about in the task. Like, retweet, follow other accounts, leave comments.

People are willing to pay for your activity on their microblogs. Even if these amounts are small, any novice user will be able to pay for the Internet, mobile communications in this way and still have some left over for groceries. This method is especially suitable for schoolchildren, students and users without special skills.

Which services to choose for microblog monetization?

We tested a lot of different exchanges and compiled a small list of the most popular and effective ones.

  1. Qcomment. An exchange with a user-friendly interface, a large number of available tasks, and relatively high pay. The service specializes not only in comments for offline sites, social networks like VK or Facebook, but also in making money on Twitter.
  2. One of the most convenient exchanges for microblog monetization, it occupies a leading position in the market. No need to register, just link your Twitter account and start earning money. This platform is ideal for beginners, as you can earn income even with a minimum number of subscribers. The most common tasks: publishing images, retweeting, following, advertising tweets in the feed.
  3. SocialTools. With this service you can earn money from pages on any social network. The minimum amount for withdrawal is only 15 rubles. Easy registration and the most intuitive interface.​

Rice. 6. Easy money by completing tasks on the QComment exchange.

In one of these services, we recommend that you start making your first money on your Twitter profile. And if you want to upgrade your account, use services such as or, which automatic mode will find accounts close to you in spirit and follow them, receiving mutual subscriptions in reply.


Before you start making money on your Twitter account, take care of filling it, promoting it and increasing the number of subscribers. An advertiser will not be placed in an empty microblog. Try to make sure that you have more readers than blogs you read. Best Value readers and reads 3 to 1.

Always interact with your audience when tweeting. In this way, you will increase their level of loyalty to your brand and “warm” potential customers.

There are many ways to make money on Twitter. Some are more suitable for novice users, others for experienced users and specialists in their niches. In the English-speaking segment, making money on microblogs is very popular. Be that as it may, today you can make money on Twitter without any problems even in RuNet, the main thing is to correctly use the methods that we described in this article.​