Visual c training. Fundamentals of programming in Visual Studio. After training, you will be able to

Development software, today, has become a much simpler and faster process than 25-30 years ago. Modern users have open access to powerful development environments and convenient programming languages ​​that make it much easier to create software. Today, to write your own program, you just need to have the right tool and know how to use it, and we are happy to share both with you.

Visual Studio Lessons

We present to your attention a mini-course on software development in the Microsoft Visual Studio environment. The presented video tutorials will introduce you to the basics of programming and teach you how to create programs in C ++. The course consists of 16 lessons, with a total duration of 5 hours 55 minutes. During this time, you will understand the very essence of the structure of programs and forever eliminate your computer illiteracy.

First look at Visual Studio. Analysis of the interface and environment settings.
Download free version Visual Studio can be found on our website - ....

In this lesson, you will learn what integrated development environments are, understand the general principle of the structure of programs, learn to distinguish dialects of the language and create your first program.

Familiarity with the C++ language and its structure. Basic knowledge about data, functions and variables.

What is Hungarian notation. Rules for entering variables and syntaxes. Blocks of digital information and manipulators signed / unsigned.

We continue to study the signed / unsigned manipulators and parse floating point types.

In this video, you will learn what the char and typedef types are, as well as get acquainted with literals, enumerations, and non-printing characters.

Fundamentals of unary and binary operators. Learn about function type detection, static casting, and bitwise operations.

The lesson will cover several important little things. You'll learn about operator precedence, namespaces, and storage durations, as well as logical constructs and symbolic constants.

We learn to use comparison operators, nested and logical constructs, unconditional jumps and switches.

How and where are for and while loops used. Watch and repeat.

An overview of arrays (one-dimensional and multi-dimensional) and an introduction to C-style strings.

In this lesson, you will get acquainted with John Conway's cellular automaton, and learn how to apply it in practice.

Learning the basics and subtleties of the C++ programming language. Tutorial with practical tasks and tests. Do you want to learn how to program? Then you are at the right place - here free education programming. Whether you have experience or not, these programming lessons will help you get started creating, compiling, and debugging C++ programs in different development environments: Visual Studio, Code::Blocks, Xcode, or Eclipse.

Lots of examples and detailed explanations. Perfect for both beginners (dummies) and more advanced. Everything is explained from scratch to the smallest detail. These lessons (200+) will give you a good base / foundation in understanding programming not only in C ++, but also in other programming languages. And it's absolutely free!

It also covers step-by-step creation of a game in C ++, the SFML graphics library and more than 50 tasks to test your skills and knowledge in C ++. An added bonus is .

For repost +20 to karma and my gratitude!

Chapter number 0. Introduction. Beginning of work

Chapter number 1. Basics of C++

Chapter number 2. Variables and Basic Data Types in C++

Chapter number 3. Operators in C++

Chapter number 4. Scope and Other Types of Variables in C++

Chapter number 5. The order in which code is executed in a program. Loops, branches in C++

Last update: 09/05/2019

So, let's create the first application in C#. What will be required for this? First, we need text editor, in which we could print the code of the program. Secondly, we need a compiler that would compile the code typed in a text editor into an exe application. Third, we need the .NET framework, which is required to compile and run the program.

To facilitate writing, as well as testing and debugging of program code, special development environments are usually used, in particular, Visual Studio.

To create applications in C #, we will use the free and full-featured development environment - Visual Studio Community 2019, which can be downloaded at the following address: Microsoft Visual Studio 2019. You can also use Visual Studio 2017.

After downloading, run the installer program. In the window that opens, we will be asked to select the components that we want to install along with Visual Studio. It is worth noting that Visual Studio is a very functional development environment and allows you to develop applications using many languages ​​and platforms. In our case, we will be primarily interested in C# and .NET Core. Therefore, in the workload set, you can only select the item Cross-Platform .NET Core Development. You can select more options or all options in general, however, you should take into account the free size on the hard disk - the more options will be selected, respectively, the more disk space will be occupied.

And when you install Visual Studio, all the necessary tools for developing programs will be installed on your computer, including the .NET Core framework.

After the installation is complete, let's create the first program. She will be simple. Let's open Visual Studio first. On the start screen, select Create a new project (Create a new project)

On the next window, we will select Console App (.NET Core) as the project type, that is, we will create a console application in C #

Here in the center we will select Console App (.NET Framework) .

After that, Visual Studio will create and open the project for us:

The large box in the center, which is essentially a text editor, contains the default generated C# code. Later we will change it to our own.

On the right is the Solution Explorer window, in which you can see the structure of our project. In this case, we have a structure generated by default: the Properties or Properties node (it stores the application properties files and is not needed for now); the Dependencies node - this node contains the dll assemblies that are added to the project by default. These assemblies contain the .NET library classes that C# will use. However, not all assemblies are always needed. Unnecessary ones can then be deleted, at the same time, if you need to add some necessary library, then it will be added to this node.

Using System; // pluggable namespace namespace HelloApp // declaration of a new namespace ( class Program // declaration of a new class ( static void Main(string args) // declaration of a new method ( Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); // method actions ) // end of new method declaration ) // end of new class declaration ) // end of new namespace declaration

The file starts with a using directive followed by the name of the included namespace. Namespaces represent the organization of classes into common blocks. For example, on the first line using System; the System namespace is included, which contains the fundamental and base classes of the .NET platform.

And since C# has a C-like syntax, each line ends with a semicolon, and each block of code is enclosed in curly braces.

Next, our own namespace begins, which will create a separate assembly or executable program: first comes keyword namespace followed by the name of the namespace. By default, Visual Studio gives it the project name. Next, inside the curly braces, is the namespace block.

A namespace may include other spaces or classes. In this case, we have one class generated by default - Program. Classes are declared in a similar way - first comes the keyword class , and then the name of the class, and then the block of the class itself in curly braces.

A class can contain various variables, methods, properties, and other instructions. In this case, we have declared one Main method. In a C# program, the Main method is the entry point of the program, and all control begins with it. It must be included in the program.

The word static indicates that the Main method is static, and the word void indicates that it does not return any value. We'll go into more detail about what this all means later.

Next, in parentheses, we have method parameters - string args is an array of args that stores values ​​of type string , that is, strings. In this case, we do not need them yet, but in a real program, these are the parameters that are passed when the program is launched from the console.

Inside the method are the actions that this method performs. By default, it contains one action: Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); - it prints the string "Hello World!" to the console.

Now we can run for execution using the F5 key or from the toolbar by clicking on the green arrow. And if you did everything right, then when you start the application, we will be able to enter our name, and then it will be displayed on the console.

Now let's change all this code to the following:

Using System; namespace HelloApp ( class Program ( static void Main(string args) ( Console.Write("Enter your name: "); string name= Console.ReadLine(); // enter the name Console.WriteLine($"Hi (name)"); // print the name to the console Console.ReadKey(); ) ) )

Compared to the auto-generated code, I made a few changes. Now in the Main method, the first line is the input prompt.

Console.Write("Enter your name: ");

The Console class whose method is being called is in the System. This space is included at the beginning with the using directive. Without including the System namespace, I would not be able to use the Console class and print a string to the console. However, in principle, we do not need to include a namespace. We can even remove the first line, but in that case we would then have to provide the full path to the class being used. For example, in our case, we could write: System.Console.WriteLine("Enter your name:") .

The second line defines the string variable name, into which the user enters information from the console:

Stringname = Console.ReadLine();

That is, using the Console.ReadLine() method, we can read a line from the console.

The entered name is then printed to the console:

Console.WriteLine($"Hello (name)");

Curly braces () are used to enter the value of the name variable inside the string printed to the console. That is, when a string is output to the console, the expression (name) will be replaced by the value of the variable name - the entered name.

However, to allow variable values ​​to be entered inside a string in this way, the dollar sign $ is placed before the string.

Now let's test the project by running it for execution, also pressing F5 or the green arrow.

So, we have created the first application. You can find it on your hard drive in the project folder in the bin/Debug directory. It will be named after the project and have an .exe extension (for earlier versions of .NET Core, this is a file with a .dll extension). And then this file can be run without Visual Studio, and also transferred to other computers that have .NET Core.

The Microsoft Visual Studio development environment significantly speeds up and simplifies the process of developing web applications and applications under Windows OS. Visual Studio is almost the accepted standard for building .NET applications.

Visual courses Studio are aimed at studying the development environment itself and creating applications in it. However, courses may include the study of additional technologies or software that help in the development of applications. An example would be the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) software framework, the WebMatrix standalone web development tool, the " cloud services» Windows Azure and other services and products.

After training, you will be able to

Although the Microsoft Visual Studio training is aimed at studying the development of web applications, the training program differs in different training centers. By averaging the programs of all found courses, after training you will be able to:

  • Design application development and analyze customer requirements;
  • Design and develop user interfaces;
  • Create components using Visual Basic or Visual C#;
  • Implement web forms with the required level of functionality;
  • Use AJAX;
  • Create your own controls;
  • Use tools for working with data (ADO.NET, ASP.NET, XML format, etc.);
  • Ensure the security of web applications;
  • Debug applications (look for errors, handle exceptions);
  • Optimize and speed up applications.

If the courses study Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), then you will learn:

  • Architecture and organize hosting of WCF services;
  • Manage data, messages and message templates;
  • Diagnose (test, troubleshoot) WCF services and keep them running safely.

Courses that include learning about WebMatrix will teach you how to use WebMatrix, taking into account the characteristics of each phase of application development (from design to debugging and optimizing the application).

For whom

Most Microsoft Visual Studio courses are designed for experienced programmers familiar with .NET development. At the same time, the minimum requirements for participants are knowledge of HTML, DHTML and skills in creating applications or scripts.

Certificates of Completion

Diplomas and certificates are issued by all training centers. Some courses are authorized by Microsoft and prepare for exams for international certification.