YouTube Yandex found 691 million results. How to make Yandex a start page in a browser for free: an overview of ways. Setting up the start page in the Opera browser

Today we will partially consider the Yandex search engine.

Its main page is the face of the entire system and literally a portal to the wonderful world of a search engine that occupies a leading position in Runet.

There is no point in talking about the reasons for leadership now, because the topic of our article is somewhat different, but, if in a couple of words, then Yandex:

  • Helps the user
  • Friendly even for beginners
  • Easy to use
  • Uses a unique ranking system
  • It has its own way of development and tries to bring something new.

The system was launched back in the distant ninety-seventh year during a presentation at the Softool exhibition.

And already at that time, Yandex coped with the morphology of the Russian language without any problems, searched required by the user information based on distance.

It also had its own algorithm for the relevance of a particular page of each site that was indexed.

First acquaintance with the main page

In order to get to the main page of Yandex, it is enough to enter www Yandex or www Yandex ru or ru in the search bar of the browser.

Well, if you are generally too lazy or you are full of impatience to enjoy a hitherto unseen spectacle - just write "Yandex" and click on the first link that appears in the search.

So, we are on the main page. It must be said that since its inception, this search engine has changed the main page very often.

And all because the developers carefully monitor the current trends and desires of users.

Based on all this, as a constructor, a page is assembled that maximally corresponds to what we used to call the word “convenience” or “comfort”.

When you get to the page for the first time, the first thing you do is turn to the very top, where a bar pops up offering to download an adapted browser Yandex.Browser, equipped with special protection technology.

Advice! Despite the fact that Yandex.Browser is well developed and "sharpened" for all the desires of a simple user, someone will not want to download it, and the top bar will distract from important information. In this case, you can pay attention to the upper right corner of the page, where there is a "Close" button, made in the form of a cross. Click on it, and you will no longer see an annoying bar suggesting you to perform an action you do not need.

Of course, after a while it may appear again, but you will already know exactly what to do with it.

Well, or she will convince you and you still decide to download Yandex.Browser, at least for fun.

At the end of the review, by the way, we will provide you with a video with detailed setting this browser.

Make Yandex the main page in the browser

You may have a question: “How can I make sure that the Yandex home page is always in my browser and I don’t have to constantly look for it?”.

You can do it absolutely free!

Caring developers have taken care of this, so if you look at the very top left corner of the page, you can find the "Make Home" link.

Click, you will be prompted to install a special extension and you're done - the start page!

Advice! Pay attention to the picture above. The first arrow (on the left) indicates the main link that allows you to make Yandex start page any browser. However, if you are using a browser Google Chrome, you may get a handy ad (arrow on the left) that will help with the installation special extension, which will quickly make Yandex the main search engine in the browser. After that, every time you want to surf the Internet, your favorite Yandex main page will automatically load.

Specify your location if Yandex has not determined

After a little manipulation of the browser, we return to the page and see that the city in which you are currently located is indicated in the same upper left corner.

The system automatically determines it and gives you information that is most relevant to the place where you are now.

But it may also happen that Yandex makes a mistake and gives you the wrong city.

So if you're still interested search system Yandex, we will continue. We are transferred to the upper right corner of the page and we see several links there.

They allow:

  • on which the page will be

  • by customizing it

  • Start mailif you don't have one (there is a button "")

  • Log in using the "Login" button after registration or using a profile in one of the social networks

Advice! Registration in Yandex is fast and convenient. We advise you to use it, because it will allow you to use additional features system, as well as save any changes that you have made in the settings.

News in Yandex

Having dealt with the top of the page, we move closer to the middle. Before your eyes, as you will notice, a column will appear " News».

Initially, news that is relevant to the country in which you are located is shown there.

If your country is Russia, all the news that happened today will be shown. If in Ukraine, the relevant content will be shown.

However, if you are more interested in news related to the area in which you live, just click on the link next to the "News" link, which is named after your area.

In our case, this is the "Dnepropetrovsk region".

And to the right of the news, advertising banners from Yandex are constantly being broadcast, which either help in some small things, or talk about some new products of the company and its partners.

  • More detailed news

Yandex search bar

Centered home page Yandex is the main thing - the logo of the search engine and the search line in which users enter their queries.

And the truth is, no matter what you enter in the search bar, you will definitely have dozens, if not hundreds of options for sites where you will definitely find what you are looking for.

On the left is a map of the city, train schedules and a TV program that allows you to find out what movies you can watch right now and whether you should even be distracted by TV.

At the very bottom of the page there is practically nothing useful for a simple user, however, experienced users will find the links indicated there important and necessary.

Among them is a link to Yandex.Direct (by the way, it is this system that brings the lion's share of profit to the search engine), a link to the metric and to the page with ordering advertising.

And that's just on the left side.

On the right side, you can find a button in the form of a question mark, which will take you to a page with a FAQ on the system and its services.


This is how the main page of the Yandex search engine appears before us.

We hope that our short review will allow you to at least get to know it a little, get used to working with search and other "goodies" that this page offers.

Use Yandex and always be up to date!

Promised at the beginning of the video with Yandex.Browser settings:

Yandex browser settings

I will show you how to set up Yandex browser and show its features and functions. I especially like the ability to translate words in the browser.

Yandex.Browser is a free and modern browser for a computer with the function of Turbo-loading "heavy" web pages at the fastest possible speed.

Download Yandex Browser for Windows 7, 8 and 10

The application was created on the famous "engine" Blink, which was developed and first implemented in Chrome by Google. The success of the program among the Russian-speaking audience came thanks to a minimalistic and pleasant design, as well as built-in and useful widgets of various Yandex services of its own design.

Distinctive features:

  • integrated module for viewing and PDF editing, DOC, XLS, TXT and other documents;
  • built-in antivirus from Kaspersky Lab, capable of checking downloaded content and separately downloaded files;
  • the panel has quick access to the weather, e-mail, view traffic, log in cloud storage(disk), as well as "smart" search;
  • Built-in Adguard extension with a lifetime license (enabled in Settings — Add-ons, Ad blocking section).

You can download Yandex browser from the official website for free in Russian for Windows 7, 8 and 10 OS of any bit depth using the links below. The installation is standard and default.

The mobile browser of Yandex Corporation has become popular and has won a leading position in Runet. Provides users of Android mobile devices with instant opening of even very busy web pages of sites on smartphones and tablets using Turbo 2.0 mode. The free web browser Yandex.Browser for the convenience of users easily and imperceptibly adapts the site page to the size of the phone screen.

Especially on mobile devices, attention to security has been increased, and the Protect technology will warn the user in the event of a dangerous site, as well as block the transfer of personal data through an open Wi-Fi network.

The free mobile browser has additional synchronization with other user devices with the ability to restore data even after re-installation through the APK file or the Market. All built-in and additional official extensions can be downloaded without registration and in Russian.

Download Yandex browser for iPhone and iPad

The latest version of the application on the iOS system makes opening and browsing sites as comfortable as possible, loading even large pages much faster. iPad users and iPhone offers "smart line" functionality for entering queries using the keyboard or voice, powerful system interest recommendations and protector from any malicious data. The modern and simple interface style makes the free Yandex.Browser fast and convenient.

The developers have introduced into the program the so-called configurations for simultaneous use on several mobile devices. Yandex browser is frequently updated and therefore it is important to follow and always install a new current version.

About Turbo mode

With a slow Internet, this mode is turned on. Allows you to speed up the loading of pages of sites as quickly as possible, as well as save on traffic.

About security

Active technology Protect is unique in Yandex.Browser. Quickly checks downloaded files for possible viruses, secures passwords and encrypts data transmission over public insecure networks.

About Smart Line

The line will help the user to find out the exchange rate of the ruble, report traffic jams in the city and much more. And opening sites is as easy as shelling pears, just enter part of the address and the line will offer possible options.

About synchronization

Synchronization allows the user to open and customize tabs on multiple devices at once, save passwords, favorite places, data and access them from one account.

You can install Yandex Browser on your computer for free official version at the link below. It is recommended to install by default on system disk C for the stable operation of the application.

Setting Yandex as the main page means loading a web resource every time the browser starts. In practice, this gives quick access to the popular search engine and its related products. You do not have to manually launch the page with a search engine, because the web browser will turn on automatically. Installation methods and possible problems with the replacement of the start page are discussed below.

If Yandex is the main search page in the browser, it opens every time the web browser is launched. The required tab will also appear when you click on the Home button, which can be called up with the Alt + Home or Ctrl + Space combination.

You can set absolutely any site as the initial page. Users often put:

  • popular social networks;
  • email services;
  • sites with lists of required pages;
  • news feeds;
  • search engines;
  • translators and more.

One of best solutions is to install Yandex instead of the current home page, since the user can immediately find any information through a search engine. There is also on the main domain of the company Quick links to the mail, the weather is displayed, current news with the possibility of personalizing the issue. It is difficult to find such a set of features on another service.

Automatic way

There is one method that allows you to install Yandex as the main page for free automatically. The user needs to install a suitable extension that will do everything without human intervention.

Action algorithm:

  1. Go to the "Home - Yandex" extension.
  2. Click on "Install" and confirm the start of the installation.
  3. After the installation is completed, wait 20 seconds and restart the browser.

By the way! A similar extension is available in the store Mozilla Firefox link .

How to manually make Yandex the start page in different browsers?

All web browsers have a homepage customization feature that only needs to be changed manually. The editing procedure will not take much longer than the automatic method. The principle is the same everywhere: turn on the display of the page at the time of launch (if past tabs are shown) and install Yandex.

An easy way to install the Yandex home page for free and without registration in Chrome:

  1. Click on the icon with a vertical ellipsis (on the right side of the browser) and go to "Settings".
  2. In the column " Appearance» activate the item «Show the Home button».
  3. Insert into the displayed line with the link.
  4. Go to the column " Launch Chrome" and check the box next to "Specified pages".
  5. Click on the "Add page" button and insert .

Important! All browsers do not require changes to be applied. All changes are applied in real time automatically.

Difficulties when replacing the start page do not arise in the Mozilla Firefox web browser. In it, the procedure is even easier to implement.


  1. Open the browser menu (it is symbolized by a button with three segments) and go to "Settings".
  2. In the column " Homepage and new windows" check the box next to "My URLs".
  3. Enter a link to .
  4. Make sure "Firefox Home" is active next to "New Tabs".

You can set Yandex ru as the main page in Safari like this:

  1. Launch web browser.
  2. Go to the "Settings" section in the "General" tab.
  3. Next to the "Home Page" item, enter


The principle of replacing the initial page differs little in the realities of Opera:

  1. Click on the red letter "O" in the upper left corner and select "Settings".
  2. In the "Basic" column, find an item called "At startup".
  3. Set a selection next to "Open a specific page ...".
  4. Click on the "Add a new page" link.
  5. Insert the address

In the new IE, pre-installed in Windows with the 8th version of the operating system, the principle of installation is similar to previous browsers. The instruction is applicable for IE 10 and 11.

What do we have to do:

  1. Click on the launch settings button (top right) and select "Internet Options".
  2. You can specify a suitable address of the start page, you can have several at once.
  3. Go to the "Startup" section and set it to the "Start from the home page" position.
  4. Click "OK".

To make Yandex the starting, main page, you need:

  1. Left-click on the ellipsis next to the cross to close the program and go to "Settings".
  2. Next to the element "Show in a new Microsoft Edge window" set the value to "Specific page or pages".
  3. Insert the link and click on the save item.

In the currently unsupported browser, the algorithm of actions is similar to Google Chrome, which is not surprising, given the same core in both - Chromium.

Replacement procedure:

  1. In the browser, click on the button labeled "Amigo" and open "Settings".
  2. Inside the "Select start page" column, select the "Make next pages" item.
  3. Enter the Yandex address and click on the plus sign.

You can install Yandex as the main page for free for a browser from Rambler as follows:

  1. In a web browser, click on the stack of bars indicating access to the menu, go to "Settings".
  2. Find the "Initial Group" section and put a selection next to the "Next Pages" item.
  3. Click on "Add".
  4. Enter the address of the search engine and click "OK".

Despite the conceptual difference in privacy, the TOR web browser is visually similar to other applications.


  1. Open the browser menu and click on an option from the "Options" list.
  2. Pay attention to the column "General" and find "Startup".
  3. Specify the value for "Home Page" -
  4. A browser restart is required for the change to take effect.

Home page in Yandex browser

Yandex is engaged in the parallel development of many products, among them there is a web browser, which is called Yandex.Browser. Programs and services from the same manufacturer work together the fastest and are best synchronized. If you like Yandex and what the company does, you should consider switching to modern browser their developments.

Important! This web browser is the only one that does not support setting the start page. You will have to use workarounds, analogues of the standard function for most browsers.

Registering or logging into a Yandex account

It’s worth starting with the fact that it is possible to customize the search engine page for yourself. But the changes apply only if you have your own account. If it is not there, then you can register, the form is standard and will not cause problems. On the right in Yandex there is a button "Enter mail" and "Start mail". You need to choose the appropriate method and log in.

After logging in, a gear is displayed in which are available: theme replacement, widget management, search engine settings, and other options.

Setting the display of the quick access page when opened

The method works with one caveat: the start page is displayed only if there are no previously opened tabs in the browser. If the program does not detect tabs that were not closed during the last session, then it starts the search engine. By default, the function does not work, it must be enabled.

How to do it:

  1. Open the menu and go to "Settings".
  2. Find the "Tabs" item, check the checkbox next to "When the browser starts, open ...".
  3. Activate the sub-item "Open ...".

Healthy! There is another way to install the Yandex home page on the desktop - this is to edit the browser shortcut. You just need to open "Properties" and add separated by a space to the "Object" line. The difference of the method is that the page is opened in addition to previously unclosed tabs.

Setting up the Yandex browser start page

An alternative option is to pin tabs. They are fixed in the web browser and do not disappear after the browser is restarted.


  1. Open the site
  2. click right click mouse and select "Pin Tab".

What to do if the start page does not change?

Sometimes make changes to start page browsers fail. Most likely, the reason is that extensions or programs interfere with what was intended.

What can be done:

  • Turn off add-ons. It is better to deactivate all extensions and try to make adjustments. It worked? The problem is definitely in the additional modules, it is worth starting to enable addons one at a time until the problem is displayed again. If you find a problematic extension, you should remove it.
  • Check the system for viruses. Some virus software controls browsers and can interfere with all web browsers. Helps eliminate infection antivirus program AdwCleaner.
  • Check if labels are written correctly. In the "Properties", namely in the "Object" line, after the exe extension, there should not be any links. If there are addresses of any pages that the user does not know about, it is better to cut them out.

What should I do if Webalta, etc., opens instead of Yandex?

Webalta is just one representative of bundling and shadow promotion, but similar software weight. It changes browser settings without asking and sets its own page as the start page. This is a kind of virus that is not easy to remove.

Actions to eliminate Webalta and others:

  1. Click the magnifying glass icon to the right of Start.
  2. Enter the word Webalta and delete all results.
  3. Press the right mouse button on the Start button, select "Run" and run the "regedit" command.
  4. Click on the "Edit" element and in the "Find" option enter Webalta.
  5. Remove all entries with the name of the malicious software.
  6. Go to your browser settings and change the start page.

The listed actions are in addition to scanning the system with antiviruses. These infections are best handled by Malwarebytes. for Windows and AdwCleaner.

Setting up the Yandex start page on Android

Not all mobile browsers support homepage replacement. Most work on the principle of opening previously unclosed tabs. However, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome allow you to set the start page.

Instructions for Mozilla Firefox on Android:

  1. Open the menu and go to "Settings", specifically - in the column "Basic".
  2. Click on the "Home" section.
  3. Tap the "Set Home Page" item.
  4. Select "Other" and specify

Something similar can be used in Chrome as well:

  1. From the menu go to "Settings".
  2. Continue to "Home Page".
  3. In the item "Open this page" set
  4. Check that the setting is in the "ON" state.


From all of the above, you can see that changing the home page is a simple task that anyone can do. The only exception is in Yandex browser, where this functionality is not available, but there are similar possibilities. All instructions apply to any operating systems and relatively current versions web browsers.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

Today we are embarking on another long journey of travel along the ornate paths of search engine development ( Yandex, Yandex). I think that the domestic giant of network search has long grown to such a level that it is not too lazy to dig all its corridors, to remember how the Yandex search engine developed, what was interesting for all the years of its existence.

Moreover, it receives a lot of visitors from the Yandex search engine. Many of them leave for contextual advertising, I recently took over the blog, so I think that this company is more than worthy of a big publication about it.

If we take into account the Russian Internet, then here Yandex is the undisputed leader. In Russia, this is the first most important search engine. There are regional search engines, a kind of branches in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. Yandex is very popular among residents of these countries. I can judge this at least by statistics, seeing that many visitors come from other regions.

Currently, Yandex is not only a search engine, it is also numerous services that absolutely all users of this search engine can access. Here you can also find necessary information, and navigate the choice of leisure, find pictures, goods, compare prices, watch the weather, communicate on a social network, watch TV schedules, transport. There are numerous enterprise solutions. You can even A convenient system has been implemented on Yandex, where functionality for working with your sites is implemented. Among the latest available innovations of the service is, which remained paid for quite a long time, but in December 2011 this service became available to absolutely everyone.

About wonderful technologies and useful services Yandex can continue for a very, very long time. Therefore, for the convenience of information perception, I will break our journey into components. I will describe the entire path of the search engine in chronological order by year - from creation to the present day.

History of Yandex development

1980s - 1990s

History of Yandex development takes root in the now distant 80s, the former USSR. It was then that the development of search software for the Arcadia company began for the first time. The work was carried out under the leadership of Arkady Borkovsky and Arkady Volozh. It is that first search technology was named "Yandex". And the Yandex site itself, the one that we can see today, appeared in 1996. The developments that were underway at that time were recognized as promising, as a result of which the management of CompTek (sale of computers and components) and the system developers decided on the feasibility further development technology and its introduction to the masses. In this regard, a concept for the development of the project, aimed at a wide audience, was prepared.

Yandex was officially announced only on September 23, 1997. And in fact, at first it was one of the divisions of CompTek International. That is, independence there was generally with gulkin's nose. And only in 2000, Yandex became the company that it can be seen today. In the sense that the company has already become completely independent. Independent Yandex.

By the way, long before the announcement of the Yandex search engine, the companies came up with a name. Yandex - means "Language index". If translated from English, it turns out "Yet Another indexer". True, later, as the search engine developed, other interpretations began to appear. For example, if in the English Index we translate the first letter (I - Z) from English into Russian, then we get "Yandex".

Ilya Segalovich (current CTO) and Arkady Volozh came up with the name "Yandex"

A year before the official release of the company, on October 18, 1996, the Netcom'96 exhibition took place, at which CompTek presented the first products of the developing search engine. These were Yandex.Site and Yandex.Dict. Then, half a year later, Yandex.CD appeared - searching for documents on CD ROM, and then the Yandex.Lib project was launched. It was a Yandex package library, which was intended to be embedded in all kinds of applications and databases.

At the time when was officially presented to the public, the following can be distinguished from the interesting:

    Evaluation of the relevance of documents. At that time, Yandex was pretty good at finding copies and excluding them. At the same time, documents were searched in various encodings.

    Search by exact word form. Yashka was able to search taking into account morphology

    Search based on distance. Yandex was able to search within a paragraph, for exact phrases

    The core of the page relevance assessment functioned. For each request, documents were selected taking into account compliance (relevance) with the request. In addition, when selecting documents for search results, the frequency (density) of the keyword on the page was taken into account. By the way, precisely because of the imperfection (at that time) of this algorithm, densely packed pages appeared in the top search results keywords actually makes no sense.

    Also, the search took into account the distance between words, and how the words are located in the document.

Website design Yandex

The very first design for the Yandex site was quite primitive and imperfect. It was developed by the well-known Artemy Lebedev. He looked like this

By the way, the Yandex forum was opened in the same year. It was intended for communication between users of the system and developers. The idea was good, and the forum functioned normally. True, it lasted until 2008. Then there was a slight rearrangement of priorities. As far as I can tell, socialization was preferred. Yandex also began to actively develop its own social network, on the basis of which the current blog appeared, where all Yandex announcements are published, and where, in fact, users communicate with developers. You can see for yourself, the old forum url ( today redirects to the well-known


The project, which was launched, showed good potential, they continued to work on it. In 1998, the search engine was improved, many other functionality for users. In particular, it became possible to search in the found, search for similar documents, and much more. Work is also underway on the design of the Yandex home page. Now she's changed a little

As you can see, outwardly nothing has changed. Most of the technical work


Over the year, the audience of the Russian share of the Internet has grown significantly. Together with it, the quality and technology of Yandex have grown, the developers have implemented many improvements. The Yandex search engine has introduced a new search bot, due to which the speed of crawling documents on the network has significantly increased.

The innovations that affected the user parts of the functionality were as follows:

    It became possible to search more precisely - by annotations, captions, pictures, headings

    Introduced a search limit on a group of sites

    Separately allocated documents in Russian

By the way, it was in 1999 that the well-known concept (thematic citation index) was first introduced to everyone today. True, then it was calculated quite primitively. The authority of the site (aka TIC) depended to a greater extent on the number of sites that referred to the domain of interest to us.

The design of the main, by the way, has also changed. Now it has become something more like the current

There was another significant event in 1999. It was then that a free website builder appeared, better known to all of us as (free hosting and file hosting). By the way, this project still exists. The motto of this project was this - in 60 seconds.

year 2000

Perhaps it was the introduction of new services that allowed Yandex to reach a fundamentally new level of development. Over time, the search engine firmly secured its status, which made it possible significantly. In fact, it was already new project, not the one that started under the auspices of CompTek.

In 1999, Arkady Volozh, having understood the prospects for the development of the project, began to engage only in the promotion of Yandex. But the difficulty was that it was necessary to find experienced partners who would have the skills of corporate building. The only difficulty was that it was necessary to find such partners who would invest in the development of the project, but at the same time would not require a complete transfer of management under their own control.

And such a partner was found. This was the company ru-Net Holdings. In the spring of 2000, an investment agreement was concluded with this company. Here, however, there were no casualties. A certain share of the search engine still had to be given away. According to the company's contract, 1/3 of the search engine departed. That is, from that moment Yandex ceased to be a structural division of CompTek, but became an independent company that had its own offices, its own management, its own budget, etc. CEO company became Arkady Volozh.

I think that Yandex was very lucky with its first head, because Volozh turned out to be not only a specialist in finding potential partners, but also a good innovator. After the start of independent “floating”, grandiose changes began in the company. The staff has significantly increased, and the resource itself has received a new kick from its leaders.

In total, ru-Net Holdings invested about $5 million. What can I say, the deal turned out to be very profitable, especially considering the fact that today the number one search engine in Runet will cost at least several hundred million dollars. This is at the most modest count.

The year 2000 was also significant for the reason that it was in this year that the multiportality of Yandex began to emerge more clearly, because many services began to appear that were not directly tied to search. Yandex.News, Yandex.Mail, Postcards, the search bar at became such services. In addition, there were many services that later merged, becoming what we now know as Yandex.Market. In addition, another significant innovation was the introduction of specialized software for integration into user browsers - Yandex Bar.

year 2001

This year was a turning point, because in 2001 Yandex became the leader of the RuNet in terms of attendance. In addition, the amount of information stored on the company's servers has also increased. Its size was 1 terabyte. By the way, Yandex.Pictures also appeared this year. In addition, there was an electronic payment system Yandex money

In addition, the design of Yandex's main page has been more noticeably improved. Links to new services and news appeared here. We can say that, in general, the outlines of today's Yandex have already appeared


This year, developers have been actively working to improve the communication service - Yandex.Mail. A lot of work has been done on filtering correspondence. 2002 was the year of the merger of three services - Goods, Guru and Pick up into one - Yandex.Market. By the way, you can see for yourself that this service is very relevant even today. Perhaps for the first time in all the years of investing in 2002, a goal appeared - to reach self-sufficiency. It was necessary to develop a strategic system for monetizing the project. In addition, one that would bring stable and large profits in the future. It became such a model, and it was precisely the income that the company began to receive this advertising model that made it possible to reach self-sufficiency much earlier than expected. Therefore, we can say that 2002 was a turning point in terms of entering a business-oriented model, which, moreover, has already begun to bear fruit.


This year, active work on the Yandex.Mail service continued. Here, the next massive changes were introduced that affected all users of the system. Of course, Ya.Mail has become more functional and convenient. Looking ahead, I want to say that in the future the service also developed very actively, and its users have seen many new interesting features more than once. In particular, users received an unlimited size of the mailbox and a new Spam Defense spam filter. In 2003, the Yandex design was updated again.

By the way, each design corresponded to a certain version. The 2003 version of the design was the eighth in a row, and looked like this

Any rollout new version design initially goes through a period of beta testing. And if before that beta tests were conducted in a closed mode, then this time, during two weeks of trial testing of the new interface, anyone could get access to the new interface. True, a year later the main one was upgraded again, but more successfully. And it lasted in this form until 2007.

Even at that time, Yandex was already a fairly reputable company, because already in 2003 the Yandex search engine was successfully introduced into the presidential website. In the autumn of 2003, the developers rolled out the next product updates: Yandex.Publisher (Yandex.Publisher), Yandex.Server (Yandex.Server), which became the legacy of Yandex.Site.


The business model occupied by the number one search engine in Runet worked very well, as a result of which the profit received by the company in 2004 amounted to tens of millions of dollars. This gave impetus to the development of new services, for example, a map search service, blogs, and forums. 2004 is also notable for the fact that it was then that a serious competitor appeared on the Russian market in the face of Google. There was an urgent need to join the struggle for leadership, as a result of which the Yandex management decided to increase the staff tenfold. Initially there were 200, after the renewal of the staff there were 2,000 employees. But the main thing is that after the renewal of the staff, nothing has changed for the worse. Traditions remained, technologies were also on the level. And in general, we can say that Yasha has not turned into a dry corporation.

Technology battle: Yandex vs Google

2005 year

This year was held under the slogan of the geographical expansion of the company's representative office. Because the Ukrainian representative office of Yandex appeared - Yandex.Ukraine. By the way, the director of this representative office is Sergey Petrenko, the founder of the well-known search and the author of the interesting blog BloGnot

2005 was also significant because my favorite opened. This is a service based on the principle of "kolotibablo webmaster", and if in Russian, then this is a service that allows webmasters to place ads on their sites.

In the same year, Yandex.Dictionaries appeared. Changes have also taken place in the Yandex.Money service. Now all users have the opportunity to manage their account through an online wallet.


This year was remembered by the appearance of the now well-known service. This is a kind of marketing tool. Allowed to study public opinion, reviews in blogs, forums. Yandex.Maps introduced a tool for displaying traffic jams.

From 2006 to 2010, Yandex was located in the old office on Samokatnaya St. in Moscow

As you can see, earlier they were crowded. It's not now, a huge building for 2,000 employees.

In 2006, there was another interesting event - the first remote development office was opened in St. Petersburg. Then, of course, the scale was not the same. This is not like today Yandex has 11 offices in Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and even California. Offices differ by type of activity. There are development offices, sales offices, offices that work in the direction of product localization


This year there have been events that are more geared towards webmasters. In particular, the Yandex.Fotki service appeared. But for me, as a webmaster, a more interesting event is the appearance of the service Yandex.Metrica. True, at that time it was a completely crude service, and it was focused not on webmasters, but on Yandex.Direct advertisers. In the same year, a Ukrainian representative office was opened - Today, according to LiveInternet data, almost 14% of Russian-language traffic comes from

Also in 2007, a project known to all webmasters was launched, which is not used now, probably only by the lazy


We can say that this year the sphere of influence of Yandex has increased so much that it was decided to open a branch of the search engine in the US, California. At the same time, significant additions were made to the algorithms. In particular, the international standards Sitemap, MediaRSS, etc. began to be supported. That is, as you can see, the areas of interest have gone far beyond the Runet. The number one search engine of Runet has now become English-language sites. Before that, the problem was that the domestic search engine did not support international standards, and therefore there was a problem with indexing sites from the bourgeoisie, but after the 2008 upgrade, this problem was solved. And after that, the Yandex logo began to be written entirely in Russian.

year 2009

This year was significant in that before that there was no division of the search by region. That is, before the introduction this algorithm was built on the principles of uniformity. Enter, for example, search string query "" in Moscow and Novosibirsk, and you get the same results. Now everything has changed. And the search results are mixed with results built on the principle of geo-dependence. Simply put, if you search using Yandex in Moscow and Novosibirsk, the results will be different.

In 2009, work continued on the previously chosen western direction. In particular, a service was tested, with the help of which foreign sites were translated. Then this service evolved, and in 2011 it became known as Yandex.Translation.

An equally important event was the introduction of a new method machine learningMatrixnet. This technology uses various patterns as an assessment, and takes into account various ranking factors. But the main thing is that the technology is self-learning. When evaluating assessors, only real patterns are evaluated, the finding of non-existent ones is completely excluded.

The revolutionary nature of this technology lies in the fact that Matrixnet uses an incredibly complex ranking formula that takes into account a huge number of factors. This, on the one hand, allows you to achieve better search results, and on the other hand, it will not allow webmasters to understand this pattern, and, therefore, influence it in their own interests.

More about matrixnet technology:


The old office on Samokatnaya Street was left in the past, and the whole company moved to new mansions. Actually, this was the main event of 2010.

Now many users prefer the Yandex service - the main page, which you can make as a start page on your computer, will save you a lot of time to manual transition. You can work on installing the start page different ways. Let's consider them further.

In order for Yandex to open the main page on your computer - make it the start page, save it automatically in a few simple ways.

  1. Just download Yandex browser. You can do it for free, will help you. In the upper left corner there will be an icon Set as homepage.
  2. You can open and download an application to your computer from the site We launch and change the start page in all browsers that your computer has.
  3. In certain cases, it is currently not possible to make Yandex the start page automatically. At this time it should configure the browser.

How to make Yandex the start page in Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome?

To go to settings at the Opera, define a button "Instruments" and click on it.

From the dropdown list select "Settings" - "General settings". In this part of the algorithm, we find a window with a tab "Basic". Your required inscription - "At startup". And opposite it is a drop-down list from which we select "Start from the home page." We find the inscription "Home" and print to address bar Pressing the secret button "OK" and restart the browser.

When installing the Yandex start page in Mozilla Firefox you need to find the orange button in the upper left corner. Next, we go to "Settings". We're almost there. Finding a note "When Firefox starts" and choose "Show homepage". Opposite the inscription, which we need so much ( "Homepage"), we put the address we already know. And restart the browser. You can use.

And we can't wait to talk about Google Chrome:

  1. We look at the browser and find in the upper right corner button. Click to open a new tab.
  2. We have an option "Settings" and then our required command "Google Chrome Control".
  3. We just need to pay attention to the button "Options"- that's exactly what we need. More precisely, we need to choose the function " Main» and "Home Page".
  4. Put a tick in front of the item "Open this page". After all that has been done, according to tradition, we write our favorite address - and complete everything with a button "Close".

Video: make Yandex your home page

As you can see, through simple combinations, subject to a careful search for all the necessary options, installing the Yandex start page is a very exciting experience. Now you can quickly find the information you need or go to use programs and options.